My Brother, your zeal for our Institution,

the progress you have made in our

mysteries, and your steady conformity

to our useful regulations, have pointed

you out as a proper object for this

peculiar mark of our favor.

Duty and honor, now alone, bind you to

be faithful to every trust, to support the

dignity of your character on all

occasions, and strenuously to enforce,

by precept and example, a steady

attachment to the tenets of Freemasonry.

Exemplary conduct on your part will

convince the world that merit is the just

title to our privileges, and that on you

our favors have not been undeservedly


As a Master Mason, you are authorized

to correct the irregularities of your less

informed Brethren; to fortify their minds

with resolutions against the snares of the

insidious, and to guard them against every

allurement to vicious practices. To preserve the

reputation of the Fraternity, unsullied, ought to be

your constant care, and therefore it becomes your

province to caution the inexperienced against a

breach of fidelity.

To your inferiors in rank or office, you are to

recommend obedience and submission; to your

equals, courtesy and affability; and to your

superiors, kindness and condescension.

Universal benevolence you are zealously to

inculcate, and by the regulation of your own

conduct, endeavor to remove every aspersion

against this venerable institution.

Our ancient landmarks you are carefully to

preserve, and never suffer them to be infringed,

nor are you to countenance any deviation from

our established customs.

If, in the circle of your acquaintance, you find a

person desirous of being initiated into the

Fraternity, be particularly careful not to

recommend him unless you are convinced that

he will conform to our rules, that the honor, glory

and reputation of the institution may be firmly

established, and the world at large convinced of

its good effects.

Finally, my Brother, congratulating you most

sincerely, let me enjoin upon you that your honor

and reputation are concerned in supporting with

dignity the respectable character you now bear.

Let no motive, therefore, tempt you to swerve

from your duties, violate your vows, or betray

your trust, but be true and faithful, and imitate

the example of that celebrated artist whom you

have this evening represented; thus rendering

yourself worthy of the honor we have conferred

and meriting the trust we have reposed in you.

My Brother, I congratulate you on becoming a

Master Mason, and as such commend you to the

kind care, love and protection of Master Masons

whithersoever dispersed around the globe. Be

good; be true; and satisfy the world that by

becoming a Master Mason you have become a

better man. Retain, I entreat you, that purity of

life and rectitude of conduct with which we hope

you are endowed, and of which that spotless

apron is the emblem, and the badge.

WM: My Brother, there is a lecture in connection with

this degree that it will be necessary for you to

commit to memory and on which you must pass

a suitable examination in open Lodge, or as

provided by our Nevada Code, within sixty days.

I have no doubt the Brother who has instructed

you thus far will be pleased to continue.

You will now step to the Secretary’s desk and

sign the by-laws, after which you will be entitled

to your share of our privileges, as well as

subjected to your share of our responsibilities.

Master Mason Degree - Closing the Lodge




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