Note:  This material was scanned into text files for the sole purpose of convenient electronic research. This material is NOT intended as a reproduction of the original volumes. However close the material is to becoming a reproduced work, it should ONLY be regarded as a textual reference.  Scanned at Phoenixmasonry by Ralph W. Omholt, PM in June 2007.














Librarian and Historian













Foreword by Luther A. Smith, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander ......................          1


Preface‑James D. Carter, 33° .................................................      3

CHAPTER I War, Destruction and Revival‑1861‑1869 ...................................   5

CHAPTER II Five Years of Creeping Stabilization‑1869‑1874 ..............................      35

CHAPTER III Six Years of Economic Depression‑1874‑1879 ................................ 83

CHAPTER IV Opportunity, Problems and Action‑1880‑1886 ................................ 183

CHAPTER V The Last Years of an Era‑1887‑1891 ....................................... 329

CHAPTER VI Some Observations ....................................................... 379

Bibliography ................. ............................................. 389

Appendices ................................................................. 405

Index ..................................................................... 465

ILLUSTRATIONS Page General Albert Pike, C. S. A.............................................. Frontispiece Home of Albert Pike in Little Rock, Arkansas ................................ Facing            1 Luther A. Smith, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander ................................     1 President Andrew Johnson .....................................................    16 Latin Thirty‑Second Degree Patent, 1866 .........................................     19 Civil War Emergency Certificate ................................................            34 Masonic Temple, Lyons, Iowa .................................................. 63 Pike's Jewels ................................................................       82 Badges‑Knight Commander of the Court of Honour; Grand Cross of the Court of Honour ...       86 Albert Pike in Scottish Rite Regalia .............................................            88 David Kalakaua, King of Hawaii, Wise Master, Nemanu Chapter of Rose Croix ............  104 Blank Stock Certificate ........................................................ 122 First House of the Temple ..................................................... 182 Announcement of Session of 1880 ............................................... 190 James A. Garfield, President, U.S.A. ............................................. 218 Title Page‑The Book of Infamy ................................................ 238 Furniture Designed by Pike at El Paso, Texas ...................................... 244 Albert Pike, 1889, wearing the Decoration of the King of Hawaii on his left breast ......... 284 Albert Pike about 1888 ....................................................... 328 The Vinnie Ream Bust of Albert Pike ............................................ 378 APPENDICES Page APPENDIX I ‑Tableaus of the Supreme Council 33° U.S.A. 1861‑1890 ............ 407 APPENDIX II ‑The Gouley Controversy ....................................... 421 APPENDIX III ‑Letters of Denunciation and Appeal .............................. 429 APPENDIX IV ‑Articles of Confederation ...................................... 435 APPENDIX V ‑Articles of Federation ......................................... 441 APPENDIX VI ‑Titles of Degrees, Bodies and Officers ............................ 449 APPENDIX VII‑Letter to the Supreme Councils of the World ....................... 459 LUTHER A. SMITH, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander






INTRODUCTION to a worthy book should be more than a formality. It should create in the reader a real desire to get thoroughly acquainted with the contents of the book. It is with that feeling that I approach the task of intro ducing our Scottish Rite and Masonic membership to the second volume of the History of the Supreme Council, 33°, S.J., U.S.A., written by Dr. James D. Carter, 33°, Librarian of the Supreme Council. It is a real history, produced out of the materials found in the Archives of the Supreme Council and from the discoveries found in many places by the Author as the result of his meticulous research for historical facts that would throw light upon the subject under study,‑the growth and development of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Southern Jurisdiction.


            The content of the volume is well organized into six chapters with descriptive names as follows: CHAPTER I ‑War, Destruction and Revival‑1861‑1869 CHAPTER II ‑Five Years of Creeping Stabilization‑1869‑1874 CHAPTER III‑Six Years of Economic Depression‑1874‑1879 CHAPTER IV‑Opportunity, Problems and Action‑1880‑1886 CHAPTER V ‑The Last Years of an Era‑1887‑1891 CHAPTER VI‑Some Observations HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33°


            The Author in these Chapters sets himself to the very difficult task of describing the desperate political, economic and social conditions existing in the Southern States which seceded from the Union at the beginning of the War and remained out until the Reconstruction Period worked its miserable way back to normal in the seventies. It was difficult to find any bright spots to write about. There was one fact that offered hope to the small number of Scottish Rite Masons who refused to give up in the face of apparent insurmountable obstacles,‑Albert Pike was there with his faith and courage to inspire the remnants who stood by, ready to follow his leadership. His presence meant everything to the forlorn hope for the future of the Rite.


            Watching the Author's skill in marshalling the fragments of facts and circumstances favorable to future growth of the Rite is a fascinating experience. Pike's practical judgment and unconquerable determination in the ultimate success of his faith and efforts easily established him as the hero of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry; its Seer, Philosopher and Savior.


            People love success stories and take great pleasure in keeping them vibrant in the folklore of the race. This volume in the history of the Supreme Council should be a treasure house of pride and glory for Scottish Rite Masons of all generations. I am sure all Masons will read it with pleasure and profit.


            Your attention is called to the 14 illustrations which are to be seen in this second volume of the History of the Supreme Council. They are well chosen and render a fine service in adorning the history. The Albert Pike portrait in Confederate Army Uniform is a real find. It is the only one that has been discovered. The picture of King Kalakaua of Hawaii is an item of special importance, and so is the picture of President Garfield and of considerable interest is the furniture designed by Albert Pike when he established the Lodge of Perfection in El Paso, Texas. The Author is to be congratulated upon his good judgment and good luck in finding and selecting these illustrations.


            Sovereign Grand Commander PREFACE THE HISTORY of the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, like ancient Gaul, is divided into three parts. The first is that period extending from its creation in 1801 until its almost annihilation by the outbreak of civil war in 1861. The second is the three decades of revival, restoration and maturation under the guidance of Albert Pike until his death in 1891. The third is the period since 1891 in which its organizational structure has been perfected, its numerical and financial strength multiplied and its service programs formulated and brought into reality.


            Organized Freemasonry in the United States of America antedates the birth of the Republic and both have experienced comparable growth in strength and health. The great events that transpired on the North America continent have influenced and been influenced by Masonic institutions. This is particularly true of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Southern Jurisdiction for there is an amazing parallelism between the major divisions of general United States history and those of the history of the Mother Council of the World.


            The above comments state the fundamental concepts that have governed the writing of this history of the Supreme Council in the Southern Jurisdiction. The first volume, principally the work of R. Baker Harris, 33', in this historical study was published in 1964, and was devoted to the period from 1801 to 1861. This volume is a continuation of the project instituted by Sovereign Grand Commander Luther A. Smith, 33°, in 1956.


            This History of the Supreme COUNCIL, 33░


(Mother Council of the World), Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, 1861 to 1891, is devoted entirely to the administration of Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike. The presentation is chronological, the better to correlate the actions of the Pike administration with the events and conditions occurring and prevailing in the period. This type of presentation is employed to depict the day to day problems of building an adequate administrative unit for the Rite, however, it demands closer attention from the reader in order to keep all threads of development in continuity. The general background is civil war and the slow and painful recovery from civil, economic and social chaos which followed. The principal sources of information include not only the printed Transactions and other published documents issued by the Supreme Council and the Grand Commander but confidential records and a large number of official and personal letters exchanged between the Grand HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Commander and his correspondents. Many of these letters have never before been made available, even to Scottish Rite officials, because of the time and effort required for their careful study. In fact, the collection of such materials in the possession of the Supreme Council has been materially increased during the time this study was in progress.


            The author is indebted to many people for assistance in the preparation of this work, so much so that it could not have been done without their efforts. These contributions extend over a period of time in excess of one hundred years and the volume is such that it would be impractical to undertake even a listing. However, special thanks are extended to Sovereign Grand Commander Luther A. Smith, 33', every Sovereign Grand Inspector General and Deputy of the Supreme Council, my associates in the House of the Temple and my family for making it possible for this work to be done under as near ideal circumstances as was in their power to provide.


            JAMES D. CARTER, 33' CHAPTER I WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL 1861‑1869 THE opening of the Civil War in 1861 brought the first phase of the history of the Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, to an end and marked the beginning of the second period. This latter span of Supreme Council history has two major characteristics. First, the almost total destruction of the Rite and its revival and subsequent development. Second, the period is dominated by Albert Pike, directly or indirectly, until the rise of another dominant personality after 1909, John Henry Cowles.


            During the war, there is little evidence of Scottish Rite activity except that of Albert Pike which was quite limited. However, Pike's activity did serve to preserve the spark of life in the Rite. After the adjournment of the Session of the Supreme Council on April 5, 1861, probably early in May, Grand Commander Pike accepted a commission from the Confederate Government to treat with the Indians along the Arkansas border and gain their support. He was engaged in this and other Confederate service until relieved of his duties in 1862. Early in 1863, Pike returned to Arkansas and established himself at Greasy Cove with a part of his library. Here he continued his revision of the rituals of the Scottish Rite and probably made plans for the resumption of other Scottish Rite work following the restoration of peace. Then Pike seems to have lived at Washington, Arkansas, until late in that year or early in 1865. He was living on Big Creek, six miles from Rondo, when the Confederate forces in the Trans‑Mississippi Department surrendered on May 26, 1865, ending the Civil War. He is believed to have compiled Morals and Dogma at this location.


            Pike's success in securing the allegiance of the Indians to the Confederacy, the belief in the North that he was responsible for greatly exaggerated accounts of atrocities in the West during the war, and possibly the hatred of all Masons and all things Masonic by some leaders of the Anti‑masonic movement still in the United States Congress caused his exclusion from the general amnesty granted to Confederate soldiers and officials on May 29, 1865. It was not until August 30, 1865, that HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


a Presidential order was signed by Andrew Johnson which permitted Pike, then in Canada, to return home, without fear of arrest by either civil or military authorities, after taking an oath of allegiance and giving a parole of honor to conduct himself as a loyal citizen.


            Pike then went to New York where he apparently remained for about two months supervising the printing of the ritual of the Lodge of Perfection that he had completely revised. On November 16, 1865, the Grand Commander had arrived in Charleston for the Session of the Supreme Council! The Scottish Rite had been preserved in the Southern Jurisdiction but it had been reduced for all practical purposes to one man. Revival and reconstruction were now in order.


            If the problems of advancing the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction during the sixty‑year period from the creation of the Supreme Council at Charleston to the opening of the Civil War are viewed as formidable, a review of the conditions that existed in the Jurisdiction following the war indicate that the situation had not improved.


            South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Florida and Tennessee had formed the Confederate States of America. The remaining states in the Southern Jurisdiction had retained their membership in the Union. Differences of opinion of no insignificant character had caused this separation and a military victory would not change opinions on these issues. Harmony could not be immediately achieved.


            The major theaters of military operations during the war were located within the Confederate States and the greater portion of war destruction lay within the Southern Jurisdiction.


            The collapse of the Confederacy made its currency and securities worthless. This and other losses produced a desperate economic bankruptcy in those states, both public and private. There was no surplus capital in these areas in any significant quantity.


            1 A detailed account of this period in Albert Pike's life is contained in Walter Lee Brown, "Albert Pike, 18091891," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, U.T., 1955, pp. 719‑759; Charles S. ‑Lobingier, The Supreme Council, 33', S.J., 215‑227.




            The emancipated slaves were wandering aimlessly about depending upon the Union army of occupation for sustenance. The idleness of this labor force retarded economic recovery in huge areas of the Jurisdiction.


            Transport and communication were almost completely destroyed in much of the Jurisdiction. Railroads and bridges were destroyed by military action and by four years of neglect and heavy service without adequate manpower, repair and replacement. Until postal service was restored, letter communication was nonexistent.


            (See illustration of emergency certificate on page 34.) Other than the United States army of occupation, there were no legal and effective agencies of law and order until civil government could be restored in the vacuum created by the defeat of the Confederacy. The President of the United States moved quickly into this area of reconstruction; however, there was a powerful element in the United States Congress bent on further vengeance upon the defeated Confederacy, and its efforts contributed to a prolongation of the prostrate condition of the territory.


            The casualties of the Civil War had cost the Southern Jurisdiction a high percentage of the men in the region. The surviving Confederate soldiers, many maimed or broken in health, were disfranchised, bankrupt and bearing the psychological as well as the physical burden of defeat. Their immediate problems were to rebuild their shattered lives and to provide a degree of security for their impoverished families. Their difficulties were compounded by the not overly sympathetic army of occupation, the host of scavengers that had gathered to prey on the land, and the well‑intentioned but impractical visionaries, the incompetent and the sometimes dishonest officials in the local governments that were established by their conquerors. The effects of the war and "Reconstruction" were to remain with the veterans of the Confederate army until the end of their lives and were to color the viewpoints of several generations that knew them.


            The states in the Southern Jurisdiction that had remained in the Union were more fortunate than those which had composed the Confederacy. Their economic condition was stable and relatively prosperous. Their political system was intact. Their social structure had not been overturned. However, they had not escaped some effects of the war. They also lost a high percentage of the flower of their young manhood and there were emotional and psychological attitudes that would make lasting alterations in the existing order.


            During the Civil War, Masonic bodies had practically ceased their labors while attention was given to the' conduct of the war; men had turned from the contempla‑







tion of morality and beauty to the study of war with its manifestations of savagery. Darkness had almost snuffed out the Light.


            In 1865, throughout the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, chaos was the rule rather than the exception in the physical life and in the political, economic and social institutions of the people. This disorder had extended itself until confusion was present in emotional, psychological and philosophical outlooks. This was the general situation when on July 15, 1865, Grand Commander Albert Pike summoned the Supreme Council to assemble at Charleston on November 15, 1865, for the resumption of Scottish Rite activity.) It may be observed that there had never been a period in American history when there had been a greater need for the active presence of an institution dedicated to bringing "Order out of Chaos" than at that very time.


            To fully understand the events and activity in the years between the formal Sessions of the Suprme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction during Albert Pike's administration, it is necessary to be familiar with the general history of the period, with the structure and jurisprudence of the Rite and to comprehend Albert Pike the Grand Commander. Pike was a man of many abilities, some of them highly developed. He was also a militant crusader for Scottish Rite Masonry as zealous in its cause as any missionary the world has seen; he could not conceive of a lesser degree of zeal in any member of the Rite. His profession as a lawyer was only a means to sustain life and secure means to further the interests of Scottish Rite Masonry. Discovering that "the law, to a rebel, having rebel and ruined clients, is a slow, slow way of realizing cash how much ever one may charge,"' Pike devoted more and more of his time to the affairs of Scottish Rite Masonry. His official documents and large volume of letters reflect the burning urgency that he felt for the propagation of the Rite; his impatience with restricted finances which curbed his activity on behalf of the Fraternity; an outraged anger at those who impeded the progress of Scottish Rite Masonry; and are filled with cajolery, eloquent appeals to obligation and to sense of duty and stinging denunciations of those members of the official family who faltered or seemed content with the status quo. It seems that the survival of the Mother Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in that age demanded such a determined and unrelenting leadership. Pike's words and deeds should be evaluated in that climate.


            2 Summons, July 15, 1865.


            3 Albert Pike to J. C. Batchelor, July 15, 1866.




            A quorum of the Supreme Council had not appeared for the Session on November 16, 1865, and no work was undertaken. On November 17, 1865, six members, Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander; Azariah T. C. Pierson, as Lieutenant Grand Commander; Albert G. Mackey, Secretary General; Henry Buist, Treasurer General; William S. Rockwell, as Grand Marshal and Benjamin R. Campbell, as Captain of the Guards, opened the Supreme Council for business.


            In his address to the Supreme Council during the afternoon, Pike summarized the effect of the war on the Rite in these words: During four terrible years our Temples have been for the most part deserted, the ashes of the fires upon our altars have been cold, and the Brethren have met each other as enemies, or ceased to commune with each other. Isolated, in most of our States, from the outer world, we have had no correspondence with Foreign Bodies. No attempt has been made to enlarge the borders of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Our Subordinate Bodies ceased to meet.


            We had, at the commencement of the war, Grand Consistories in Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas and Virginia. I have no information to communicate as to any of them.' Later in the address, he remarked: ... Except in New Orleans, there are, perhaps, no Bodies working subordinate to these (Grand Consistories). Those established in Arkansas have done nothing since the war began; and except a Chapter of Rose Croix and Lodge of Perfection in South Carolina, and Bodies of the same degrees and the 16th in Baltimore, I have no information of any Subordinate Bodies in the Jurisdiction. In the northern portion of it we have not one body of any degree.' The Grand Commander announced the completion of a revision of the rituals in the following words: Being relieved of all other labour during the last two years and a half of the war, I devoted nearly the whole of that time to the Ancient and Accepted Rite. I have completed the Rituals of all of the degrees, so that from the first to the thirty‑second inclusive, they are either printed or ready for the printer.


            . . . There are, then, fourteen degrees, besides the three Blue Degrees, to print, and ceremonies of Inauguration and Installation, Patents, Letters of Constitution 4 Transactions, Supreme Council, S.J., 1857‑1866, (Reprint), 257. 5Ibid., 261.



and other blanks, for all of which the money has to be earned. The labour is done; the money alone is wanting.' Regarding the extension of the Rite, Pike said: With peace, the opportunity for useful labour returns to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. We shall soon be prepared to extend it throughout our Jurisdiction....


            It will be absolutely necessary that some of us should take in hand the dissemination of the Rite, as soon as the Rituals are ready. If we would effect anything, we must be willing to give our time and labour to the Order. I hope to induce our Ill.'. Bro.'. Pierson to undertake the propagation of the Rite in Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas and Nevada; and that others may be willing to engage in the extension of the Rite in the Southern States, with at least the zeal which many Masons display in Symbolic Masonry. The field is wide enough for many husbandmen; and if there be in any State an Inspector General who neither attends our Sessions nor labours to extend our Rite in his State, the sooner we remove him and find a more faithful workman, the better.' In Pike's mind, the propagation of the Rite and the composition and organization of the Supreme Council were so closely related as to be inseparable; hence, the following statements on Supreme Council membership: We have not yet any Inspector‑General for Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Oregon, California or Kansas; and there are vacancies in South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. We ought, I think, to take steps to fill existing vacancies; and if the person elected for any State does not appear, in order to be qualified, we should at once put him aside and select another. We have no use for, and can expect little benefit from, anyone, however "distinguished" as a Mason, who does not think it worth his while to attend one meeting of our Body, at least, and receive the degree.


            I shall propose the election of an Inspector‑General for California, and one for Oregon. The Ill\ Bro\ whom I shall propose for California, already possessing the 32d Degree, will be present to receive the 33d, and on his return to the Pacific Coast will engage zealously in the work of propagating the Rite, and can convey the Rituals to the Inspector‑General for Oregon.


            By the deaths of Ill\ Brethren Mellon and Scott, we are enabled to give Oregon and Kansas each a member, under Article III. of the Constitutions of 1859. We have a 33d already in Oregon, who may, if you think fit, be selected to fill the place vacant for that State; and I recommend that the necessary steps be taken to qualify some proper person and make him the member from Kansas.


            6Ibid., 258‑261. 7 Ibid., 257, 261.




It is not at present practicable to assign a member to Nevada, without depriving either Alabama or Florida of one. And as the Rite has an exceedingly limited membership in those two States, and it is desirable, on many accounts, to increase the representatives in the Council from the northern portion of our Jurisdiction, and to provide for new States yet to enter the Union, I think it will be advisable to re‑apportion the representation, but without diminishing the number of members allowed to South Carolina and Louisiana.


            In this respect and in many others, our Statutes need amendments and additions; and, having had ample time to reflect upon them, I have thought it not improper to prepare a revision of the whole, which I lay before you, proposing that it be referred to a Committee, and that such action may be had upon it as may be deemed advisable.' [This revision was mislaid, never acted on, and found in 1877.] The remaining portion of the Grand Commander's address was devoted to summaries of what was known regarding other Supreme Councils. The schism which had developed in the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction was explored in great detail in the hope of finding some ground upon which the Mother Council might effect a reconciliation; it was recommended that the problem be given further study by a Committee.


            In other areas of business, the Supreme Council acted as follows: Henry W. Schroder for South Carolina, George B. Waterhouse for North Carolina and Ebenezer Hamilton Shaw for California were elected Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and Active Members of the Supreme Council.


            Nine brethren were elected to Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            Henry Buist was elected Treasurer General.


            Taliferro P. Shaffner was commissioned a Special Deputy of the Supreme Council "to establish Supreme Councils, Consistories and other Bodies, in any places or countries in Northern Europe, where no Supreme Councils already exist".


            The Supreme Council withdrew its recognition of the Supreme Council established in Cuba by De Castro and reaffirmed its recognition of the Supreme Council established in Cuba by Andres Cassard.


            8 Ibid., 262‑263.






"The Supreme Council was then adjourned to meet in Washington, D.C., on April 16, 1866."9 News of the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction in November, 1865, spread over the United States. Some not altogether to be unexpected reactions occurred which illustrate the extent of bitterness that the Civil War had engendered. Original letters of Grand Commander Pike to the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General are reproduced in order to present the atmosphere preceding the meeting that occurred on April 16, 1866.


            (See Reproductions on pages 13 and 14) Pursuant to adjournment, the Supreme Council reassembled at Washington, D. C., on April 16, 1866. General conditions had improved to the extent that thirteen Sovereign Grand Inspectors General appeared for the Session. Five Active Members sent excuses for their absence that were accepted by the Supreme Council. James Penn sent his resignation as an Active Member and as the Lieutenant Grand Commander.


            Items of business acted upon included the following: John J. Worsham was elected Active :Member for Tennessee.


            Honorary Memberships in the Supreme Council were increased to four per state. The fee for Honorary Membership was fixed at $150.


            Twelve brethren were elected to Honorary Membership.


            The report of the Committee studying the schism in the Northern Jurisdiction was adopted which recognized Robinson, Moore, Case, Young and Starkweather as the legitimate members of the Northern Supreme Council.


            The Lodge of Sorrow was postponed until the next Session.


            Several appropriations for charity were approved.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to appoint Deputies for the purpose of propagating the Rite. Where Inspectors General were resident in a State, these Deputies were "to act in aid" to such officials.


            Twenty‑five percent of fees were appropriated to defray the expense of propagating the Rite. This seemed to be in addition to the actual expense incurred.


            9 Ibid., 256, 353‑359.


            12 Vimy DF‑uc AND 1Li‑.% Blt~rrnEit:.


            The Supreme Councilò the Southern Jurisdiction of th     nite(j States has adjourned, to lueet again at the City of Washington, on the third Monday ot     ~, 1866, when a Lodge of Sorrow will be held in memory of the III. % Brethren Lip: PRINCE, Scarrr, MELLEN, RAMSAY and STtxuATT, Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General and active members of the Sup. % Council, who have departed this life.            Then, also, matters of the gravest importance will come ap,to be disposed of The questions concerning the two bodies claiming to be Supreme Councils for the Northern Jurisdiction, were refcrn;d to # CoiWittee consisting of III. % Bros.'. MACKEY, ROCKWELL, BUIST, Pumsox and N'xxNcu, wK will report at the adjourned Session; and the Sup.‑. Council must then decide.


            Setwit nding the Summons issued in due time, the members in attendance were so few, that those who did attend came near being unable to transact. any business.        Nor were exev sent by more than two or three of those who failed to attend.


            Of the members present, one came from, Minnesota and one from Arkansas, at much expenac and more inconvenience. No member was less able to lose the money and the time required, nor could have attended at a greater sacrifice, than the Grand Commander.


            It is my duty to remind you that no mere stress of busaam can excuse one of ns from attending a Session of the Supreme Council'; since there is no business to which we are more solemnly pledged.faithfully and punctually to attend, and there are no duties more obligatory on us, than the business and duties of our high office.


            It is earnestly hoped by your Brethren that you will be present at the Session of the third Monday of February next; and I do hereby pereiaptorily summon and require you to be there, apon your oath to obey all due signs and aummomes,and b3' your obligation w is liiadve+kmadiftOW Inspector‑General; and lest you should be put to shame as neglectful of sworn duty; and yen WN, make‑due return of this Summons to our Ill.‑. Secretary‑General, that we may know you I%" received the same.


            There may never again be so important a Session of the Supreme Council, and it. ought net to be expected that any ordinary excuse should be accepted as sufficient, in case of non‑attendance. You will also, at the same time, make due return of your action in conferring the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and of all funds received by you, and pay over the same, Your actual expenses alone being deducted, and you will be pleased personally to see to it that the Grand Consistory of your State, if there be one, and any other bodies therein which should do so, do make due report and returns and transmit all moneys due the Sup.. Council, lest they shou:M be suspended as in default, and you will please be prepared to report a complete list of all Bodies of the Rite in your district, showing the name and locality of each.


            MAY Tim GREAT SOURCE AND AUTHOR OF ALL THAT Id, HAVE‑ YOI‑ IN IIIS IIOLY KEEPING! Gives under our hand and the Seal of our Arms, at the Grand Orient aforesaid and countersigned by our III. % Secretary‑General of the Holy Buipire, and the Great Seal of the Supreme Council affixed, this       Z/ 4= day of the Hebrew.month A.% m.'. 562''‑irauswering noto the e.,        rz         ‑           day ot /a....,    a.‑‑7    1166, V... .: E'.




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            13 Rsus fAmmps Ans.


            ORIENT 01‑ _l1A'AIPHI8, 12TH MARCH. lfttiti DFAR Slit AND 1LLUSTRIOUK BROTHXR: The meeting of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, which was to have been held in Washington on the Third Monday of February last, was postponed to the Third Monday of April,. at the earnest solicitation of mur illustrious Secretary General.


            Equally as your Grand Commander; as your Brother in the bond, and as friend to friend, I earnestly entreat you to let nothing prevent your attendance, whether you receive a formal summons from the Secretary General or do not.


            Our Supreme Council is sedulously represented in the Northern Jurisdiction as dissolved, or destroyed by death and expatriation of its members. A plot exists there to prevent our meeting.      The object is two‑fold: 1st. To hinder us from deciding whether there is any Supreme Council in the Northern Jurisdiction; and if there be one, which is the legal Council;      2d. To plunder as (it all the States west of the Mississippi River, except Arkansas and Texas.


            It is to elect these purposes that4ve are loudly denounced by Masons, forgetful of their oaths, as a Rebel Council, and that your Grand Commander is singled out for vituperatigtt.


            .The conspirators in the North have tat least one accessory among ourselves a member of the Supreme Council ‑ who has already been so indiscreet, moved by I do not know what passion, as to assail in violent language, not only me, but the Supreme Council, of which he is a member, in the "Masonic" columns, edited by an expelled Mason, of an obscure Sunday paper in New York: to send to the same paper for publication the summons to attend our meeting, and to empower those who hate us there to boast. that he will assail the action of the Supreme Council and its Grand Commander in open Council in April.


            I do not think that he will find any helpers.   If he does, all will come to shame together.           But what I do know is, that there exists a settled and eager determination to destroy our Supreme Council, and that all the urgent motives for this determination are political, or ignobly personal.


            t Appealing to God to witness the unselfishness of all my Masonic labors, the hingle‑heartedness of all my official acts, courting the most scrupulous investigation, and‑knowing that I can abundantly justify all I have written or acted as to the Northern Jurisdiction, caring nothing for myself, but all for the Supreme Council, (for what am I compared with the Rite of which I have 'n for fifteen years the slave Y) I beg you, if you care for the Supreme Council, if you care for Truth and Justice, if you are not willing to' see you brethren laid, ready for the knife, on the political altar of burnt‑offering, Do nor FAIL. TO HE PaESNNT IN APRIL, All ANY COST.


            I lately received a letter t tom an Illustrious Brother, 33d.'. and Grand Master, which, enigmatically written. advised me, ie e .feet, that it was represented to the politicalpower in Washington, that there were disloyal purposes concealed in our intenfion to hold a lodge of Sorrow in honor of our dead brethren.            There is no depth of infamy to which humanity cannot descend. A"ever was a more infitmous libel conceived      The object was to induce the Government to prohibit our meeting; and I know from what quarter the attempt came. It wears the known ear‑marks. It is for you now to determine whether we shall permit. ourselves to Ire crushed like unresisting worms, or whether we shall assert the majesty of Truth, of Right, and of Reason. You are hereby formally and peremptorily summoned to meet the Grand Commander in session of the Supreme Council, at the City of Washington, ors Monday, the 16th day of April next, for the transaction of such business as may lawfully come before it and to defeat all attempts to destroy it.


            GOD SAVE THE SUYREUR COUNCIL.! ‑.............____........_...................._.........................._,            . ..,..::..   ..., : fu Sov.‑. GR.‑. COMMANDXR.


            I LLCBTRIous BROTHIRIt ~e+~~?J ._....................................................    .......     :......l~....( .+.'.l.....1...(flr.1...:...^..fLt ..~....~..t.c~2_r..




William S. Rockwell was elected Lieutenant Grand Commander.


            Albert G. Mackey was made the third ranking officer of the Supreme Council for life.


            The Statute on officers was amended so that officers' The Grand Commander The Lieutenant Grand Commander The Secretary General of the Holy Empire The Grand Prior The Grand Chancellor The Grand Minister of State The Treasurer General of the Holy Empire titles read as follows: A.T.C. Pierson was elected Grand Prior.


            B. B. French was elected Grand Chancellor.


            G. M. Hillyer was elected Grand Minister of State.


            The purchase of necessary office furniture and stationery for the Grand Commander and Secretary General was authorized.


            The Secretary General was directed to have the documents and books bound.


            An assistant was authorized for the Secretary General.


            A Statute was enacted directing the establishment of an accounting system.


            Contingent funds were set aside for the use of the Grand Commander and Secretary General.


            The "Chamber of Deputies" which had developed without authorization in Louisiana was abolished.


            The bills were ordered to be paid.


            A number of Deputies were appointed.


            Grand Commander Pike was awarded a jewel and was requested to prepare and print a Manual for the degrees. He was also requested to proceed with the printing of "Morals and Dogma".


            15 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL The Committee on Subordinate Bodies reported as follows: 12 resident members of the Grand Consistory of Arkansas which had not conferred any degrees during the past five years.


            13 members of the Grand Consistory of Kentucky, five of whom were new members.


            102 members of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, twenty‑two of whom were new members.


            11 members of the Grand Consistory of Mississippi, one of whom was a new member.


            35 candidates received the degrees from Albert G. Mackey. 7 candidates received the degrees from William S. Rockwell. 3 candidates received the degrees from Frederick Webber. 17 candidates received the degrees from Giles M. Hillyer.


            4 candidates received the degrees from John J. Worsham. 7 candidates received the degrees from A. T. C. Pierson.


            A resolution was adopted to apply to the Legislature of South Carolina for a charter for the Supreme Council that it might hold real estate.


            A series of resolutions relating to Foreign Supreme Councils, presently of little or no significance, were adopted.


            A precedent setting feature of the Session was a visit to the White House to pay respects to the President of the United States." At this time, President Andrew Johnson granted a pardon to Grand Commander Pike for his services to the Confederacy. (See picture of President Johnson on page 16.) It appears that the meetings of the Supreme Council in 1865 and 1866 may be the most momentous and dramatic in its history up to those dates. Certainly, its members could not have had greater physical difficulties and dangers in traveling to overcome. It is also certain that the temper of the times had never been less conducive to peaceful and harmonious activity in any convention or body national in its member to Ibid., 337‑471.




ship and representation. The record of work accomplished, decisions made and plans formulated were of major importance for the future of the Rite. But the psychological effect of calm and deliberate action of a constructive nature, under intense and vicious intimidation, was in sharp contrast to the example presented to the nation by the Congress of the United States. Great achievements had occurred in the past and others were to be attained by the Supreme Council in the future, but the prompt and efficient resumption of its humanitarian labors by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, almost before the echoes of civil war had subsided, is one of the signal victories of Freemasonry in all ages. To the discerning mind, it was the first ray of hope that the United States could and would again become reunited in the bonds of mutual trust and confidence; that the nation would resume the path of destiny to world leadership in the development of a culture and civilization dedicated to Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.


            (See Illustration on page 19.)


Following the conclusion of the 1866 meeting of the Supreme Council in Washington, D. C., Grand Commander Albert Pike returned to Memphis, Tennessee, to resume his law practice and to engage in extensive work for the Scottish Rite. The "Council of Deputies" in Louisiana had been abolished, and the members thereof were unhappy as a result. A large part of Pike's correspondence in this period was in relation to that action of the Supreme Council.


            The Grand Commander immediately undertook to exercise the authorization of the Supreme Council to appoint Deputies in portions of the Jurisdiction where no Active Members were resident for the propagation of the Rite. On July 22, 1866, Pike wrote to Philip C. Tucker, Jr., in Galveston, Texas, as follows: Our Supreme Council is very anxious to commence the extension of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite into Texas. Could you so engage in it? We have as yet no Active Member there, and cannot have one until our Sup. Council meets in 1868. If you receive the degrees to the 32d you can be appointed Deputy Inspector for the State, a place which I should be delighted to see you fill.


            Can you go to New Orleans and receive the degrees? Hoping that you can, I enclose an authorization and request, upon which you will be invested with them by our B. '. B.'. in New Orleans, without charge.


            I will then send you a Commission, and the ritual and secret work. You can make other 32ds to act as Deputies, and we can propagate the Rite in all the parts of your State. . . .11 ii C. A. Hotchkiss, History of Scottish Rite Masonry in Texas, 2.







On or about August 1, 1866, Tucker accepted the proposal of Pike, and the Grand Commander then wrote to J. C. Batchelor on August 18, 1866, at New Orleans, advising him of the arrangements and requesting the Louisiana Bodies to confer the degrees "for me, without charge". Tucker was delayed by illness in his family but on February 5, 1867, he received a certificate from Inspectors General James C. Batchelor and Sam'l M. Todd attesting to the fact that he had received the Scottish Rite Degrees. Tucker returned to Texas immediately because of the illness in his family. About three months later he wrote to Pike that he was ready to start work. 12 During May, 1867, Tucker communicated the Scottish Rite degrees to ten Galveston Masons and with two other Scottish Rite Masons living in the city, formed San Felipe de Austin Lodge of Perfection No. 1, and outlined plans for the same actions in Houston, Texas." Thus, Scottish Rite Masonry was introduced into another State of the Southern Jurisdiction.


            Grand Commander Pike expressed concern about the departure for France of Claude Samory, Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Louisiana, and the selection of his successor in May, 1866. In the meantime, Samuel M. Todd and Wm. M. Perkins were made Special Deputies for Louisiana, and Emmet D. Craig, Special Deputy for Western Louisiana to carry on the extension of the Rite in the state. In the same letter containing the information on Louisiana, Pike wrote I hope you [J. C. Batchelor] will be able to work in South Alabama this fall. Hillyer proposes to help; and Fizell of Tennessee (an Honorary Member) will take North Alabama. 14 On July 17, 1866, Pike moved to extend the Rite into Kansas and Nebraska with this request: Please select two worthy Master Masons of Kansas and two of Nebraska. Invite them to Saint Louis and give them the degrees as honoriam, without charge, if they will agree to act as our Deputies and extend the Rite. I will shortly send you blank Commissions for them." 12Ibid., 8‑9; Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, August 29, 1866; 7th Veador A.'.M.'. 5627; 22d Veador A.*.M.*. 5627; Albert Pike to J. C. Batchelor, August 18, 1866.


            13 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, June 4, 1867. 14 Albert Pike to J. C. Batchelor, May 20, 1866. 15 Albert Pike to A. O'Sullivan, July 17, 1866.


            20 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL Pike had lost confidence in the loyalty of‑Theodore S. Parvin of Iowa and in his letter to Anthony O'Sullivan on July 17, 1866, so stated. At the same time, he requested O'Sullivan to "find two true and good Iowa Brethren" and give them the degrees without charge on condition that they serve as Deputies in extending the Rite, "first asking Ill. Bro. Parvin's consent . . . . If Bro. Parvin does not give his consent, please inform me, and I will exercise my prerogative and specially commission you to confer the degrees on the selected Iowa Brethren"." O'Sullivan did not live to consummate this labor for the Rite.


            On May 17, 1867, a union of the contending Supreme Councils in the Northern Jurisdiction was effected." The new Grand Commander Josiah H. Drummond wrote a letter to Grand Commander Pike advising him of the fact and expressing a desire to establish fraternal relations." On the same day that he dispatched the official letter to Pike, he also wrote a personal letter which contained the following statement There have been many things said by members of our Council concerning you and your Council that were not exactly fraternal in their tone or spirit. When I closed the session of our Council, standing in my place as Grand Commander, I declared that from that time forward "any and all unnecessary allusions to the differences of the past would be High Treason to the Rite, and be visited with condign punishment".


            Shall not the same Rule be applied as between our respective Supreme Councils?" Pike's reply to these letters has not been found, but a later letter from Drummond reveals that Pike had nominated a Representative near the Northern Supreme Council. In this same letter Drummond raised the question of the boundary between the two jurisdictions indicating that an extension of the territory of the Northern Jurisdiction was his desire. Drummond closed his letter as follows: A new era has dawned for the Scottish Rite and a brilliant future awaits it; and this, instead of a lingering death, it will owe, My dear Brother, to your labors .21 16 Ibid.


            17 Samuel H. Baynard, Jr., History of the Supreme Council, 33', Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America and its Antecedents, 11, 17.


            18 Josiah H. Drummond to Albert Pike, July 4, 1867. is Ibid.


            10 Ibid., September 25, 1867.




Pike's reply to this letter is also miffing but in earlier views expressed by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction that the boundary was finally and unalterably fixed in 1827, it is a foregone conclusion that Pike declined to discuss that subject. In this connection it might be noted that the original division of the United States into two jurisdictions was probably deemed necessary because of the difficulty and expense of travel and communication. It is easy to understand that the ensuing developments in transportation and communication, railroads, steamships, telegraph and an efficient postal system, had made the actual need for two jurisdictions obsolete.


            Violations of the jurisdiction of the Southern Supreme Council appeared in the states bordering the territory of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction. It is unknown what other measures were adopted to combat this violation but a circular letter, a copy of which follows, was printed and distributed in the affected areas.


            (See Letter on page 23) Trouble arose in Missouri during these years. George Frank Gouley, Grand Commander of the Knights Templar in Missouri, received the Scottish Rite degrees and finding features in them that were objectionable to him, addressed a letter to Grand Commander Pike on August 6, 1867, to which Pike replied in detail. The two letters were printed and circulated late in 1867, copies of which are reproduced in Appendix II.


            Gouley was unconvinced that his position was untenable; he launched a bitter attack against the Scottish Rite in his Grand Commandery which forbid Missouri Knights Templar to be present at Scottish Rite degree conferrals, except when the candidate had already received the Orders of Knighthood in a regularly constituted Commandery of Knights Templar. Furthermore, the attacks on the Scottish Rite were continued in the periodical, Freemason to which Pike replied in The Morning Herald. Unable to effect a settlement, Pike placed the controversy on the agenda of the Supreme Council Session for 1868.


            Grand Commander Pike was also involved, especially in 1867, with the printing of diplomas, rituals, "Morals and Dogma", Liturgy and Ceremonies of Inauguration and Installation for Lodge of Perfection. The correspondence with Robert Macoy regarding this work continued from the middle of January to the middle of December, 1867. Closely allied with the labor of preparing copy and proofreading, Pike found it necessary to search for funds with which to defray the cost.


            22 ToUio, ftth dily at 4~.*. P.'. 5627.


            ‑1l teeing 2efiwenled to ces that eedain (ladies of tke lncient and ;kcef,led ~9`cottcA Aate Ln Mates a,1 the godhew lcnadZeaan of the 2lnited Mates. have eanle2ied and con&nue to camel, the dopees of that AZte, alle2 thei, ~mheVeet mannet and 4.y~ heab deleetizse 2dual ~ afton Xa4ons 2estdcnt in, ;dates z,yLtlain the 4aalhein yiLtt~dL'atcan of ttte 2lnL'ted Mates, and yaa),tcocdadyon Chase 2e4cdent in J'owa and dlujsou2i, in violation al masanic laws,' hetelaie we, celled uTihe, the ~a~u.‑. ~5% ~owmande ko fth eyufetem        e'ounei la/ 0av:. ~.‑. ~nOectaa ~enetal lot the said ~9acclhetn    faua dictaon, and .AZnthan y ~'~~ull wan, aetriue mem(6et of said .!7itlneme cG"ounelL Aarn the vr'late of Xasowi, do make hnowsn unto all Xason5. of the caunAv extending ltom the Xebsc45ilhlzi duet to the _llzlacelte ocean=== i . JhaaL the, yictasdielean of the YufL.'. goancLl laL the godl,ew jwisdiotian of the 26ntZed _'Alalcs (al such, a 66ad~o exists) Ls conlined (~y its chattel, and tie pant to at al ja2cadicLean, to the gem &rayland Males, Stews %oth, gew fiei4ey, _"Aenn,~Vtuania, .Telawate, Ohio, ,Orndcana, ~llL~,aas, XLeluyan and 61.(~ascanxn,' and that the whole count2y west of the ..flisi‑cbscl'12‑i tizset a 'within, tl,e exclu~ve ~CttL.sdtcl,o" a/ Ike _qul4e‑me Wouncil lab the _99bcdhe2n ,&t6dietLSn, whose ‑wee aL al rqhatle6too2, in the date al mouth, Two&wa, a.2L~Lyea((ey the tf,2eme VauneiL lo‑;. the 'whole of god1 arr,e2ica, and the olde.d ~9'ufaeme Wouned an the ‑?,wadd ,2. Jhaat it as anla'ulcdlab any 4ody al the 4.'. P sl.'. ai'le in the Sfoilhew ici 6de'alta" to canlet any of the duties of 6aid mile an, a Iftasoz, tes.c'dezat Ln Iowa, ~lcdsouti, at eliewhetc west of the ,/llasscosifilzi 2izset,; and anzy l2etso" who h,a6 60 2eceiued, at 6hall so 2eceiue, the depees, a2 any of them, has teccZued o2 will weive then, illegally, and hob /een, and wdl (Se, deliaudd of hit zneazz6, il he haveAzaid o2 shalllz.ay foe them..


            . .hat and y a : azf.'.    rand ~n6fiectoi:=genet‑al, cLCtiue m.em(ye2 0~ 6‑acd ccclL2eme Tounccl, of an kano2wy mezn66e2, delucty al the Game, duly eornmasianed can comet the deytee6 within Mzis y'utisdietian,' and that the undetsicyned, _4nlhany 6"gulliuan, 6 the c7ov.'. j_% Jn*ec$ct4enetallot ~lklsotna, and <Theodo2e 4.    ,tfLn the 9'az,.'.           i.'. ~nsf,eclot‑ metal l~ fo'aa.


            ,Vnd a&gl lemans Ln J%cssouu ‑ioho have lhce6 Xeyally ieceived the dey2ees ate adrnaneshe.d to take measates to (se healed, since then duties and l,alenGs ate wodhlaw,* and tl they 6hauld delay, they will not under any citeumstanee6 6e wcyulw~ed.


            and at as also h,ete6y made known, that Ll any .&asons, Aa/l sa al&,qally 2eeeiue the deemed to ‑have done sa an any account of at any tame de,q9ee6 allet the lnomalcyahan al this notice, they will le contemn of "anie laws and acethouty, and will not, on alte2watd, (Se healed.


            ALBERT PIKE, 33d, Sov.‑. Gr:ò. Commander..


            ANTHONY O'SULLIVAN, Sov.ò. Gr.ò. In.‑. Gen.‑. 33.‑. MARTIN COLLINS, D.‑. G.‑. In.‑. Gen. ‑. 33.‑. WILLIAM N. LOKER, D.ò. G.ò. In.‑. Gen.‑. 33.‑.




The years 1866 and 1867 had been a busy and trying period for Grand Commander Pike. He issued his summons on April 3, 1868, for the opening of the Biennial Session of the Supreme Council on May 4, 1868, at‑~Charleston and announced that "gravest interests of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite require the attendance of all the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General" and that nonattendance, if attendance was possible, would be "inexcusable". He also notified them that "members are to be elected for eleven States".21 A letter from Philip C. Tucker, the Deputy in Texas, acknowledging receipt of his summons and explaining why he could not attend, contained a hint, the only one that has been found, that the Grand Commander had attempted a personal contact between the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction and those in England and France during 1867. Tucker reported in his letter as follows: My journey to Europe was near being the last of earth for me, twice down with dangerous illness, I was brought back to die but by the blessing of God I slowly recovered. (At my Mother's in Vermont.) In England by appointment (by letter) I had an interview with Col Clerk [Secretary‑General of the Supreme Council] at Wollwich and not an agreeable one.... As to information he seemed possessed of very little outside of his profession: ‑ . . . Indeed I was much disappointed in him, for I expected to have met a gentleman. . . . In France I was very ill, and being there during the long vacation could not find the members of the order I desired to see. At the office of the Grand Orient, I found a porter in charge‑all absent. Not finding the address of Bro. Chas Laffon de Ladebat or Bro. Le blanc de Marcennay in any Paris directory I called at the office of the Secretary‑General of the Holy Empire where I had a pleasant interview with that officer who is a gentleman of the old school and two other members of the Supreme Council of France: The Secretary‑General gave me two copies of the register or Official Tableau of the Supreme Council of France one for you and one for myself‑and instructed me to assure you of his fraternal esteem ect. . . . as I came thro' Memphis in Dec. I left it for you. . . .22 Whatever Tucker's mission may have been, it does not seem to have been productive of anything other than a contact.


            Josiah H. Drummond, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction, was invited to attend the Session of the Supreme Council of the Southern 21 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, April 7, 1868. 22 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, April 20, 1868.


            24 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL Jurisdiction beginning on May 4, 1868. He acknowledged the invitation and expressed his regret that he could not attend the Session in a personal letter to Grand Commander Pike. He also took occasion to mention some ritualistic matter to Pike as follows There will be presented at the session of our Supreme Council a memorial requesting that all allusions to the York Rite in our Ritual be stricken out ...


            I think we are bound to treat with respect, or if that cannot be, with silence every other Rite which does not make war upon us....


            There has not, as yet, in this jurisdiction been any collision between our Rite and the York Rite; and we are determined there shall be none; and I have no doubt you have the same desire; and knowing that there are expressions in your ritual which are regarded by our members as offensive to the York Rite Masons, I have taken the liberty to address you freely upon the subject and to invoke your consideration of the matter, not doubting you will receive my suggestions in the same spirit in which they are made.


            If Pike replied to this letter, his communication has not survived. However, the Pike rituals had already been printed; the Grand Commander had on several previous occasions stated that his work on rituals was finished; and furthermore, Pike had already publicly replied to similar criticisms of his ritual by George Frank Gouley, Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Missouri. It also appears that Drummond's "suggestions" were timed to arrive when Pike was greatly irritated by Gouley's conduct and not inclined to receive "suggestions" on the ritual with favorable consideration.


            As scheduled, the regular Biennial Session of the Supreme Council opened in Charleston on May 4, 1868, and continued through May 9, 1868. Thirteen officers and Sovereign Grand Inspectors General were present for the Session.


            Business transactions began on May 5 with the Grand Commander's address as the first item on the agenda. In the introduction of his address, Grand Commander Pike made remarks about the generally improverished condition of much of the Southern Jurisdiction, expressed his observation that the "bitter feelings among Masons caused by the Civil War" had disappeared, and stated that "peace and harmony" prevailed within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council. He then moved from the general to the specific on various items as follows: 23 Josiah H. Drummond to Albert Pike, April 30, 1868.




Active Member Claude Samory of Louisiana had moved to France creating a vacancy in the membership of the Supreme Council that should be filled.


            A review of the activities of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and of the Deputy Inspectors General revealed that Parvin had established bodies in Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri; Shaw had created bodies in California and Nevada; "several" Consistories had been opened in Georgia; Batchelor and Todd had established bodies at Mobile, Alabama; Tucker had reported the first bodies in Texas; and Cunningham was reviving the bodies in Maryland.


            The Grand Commander then announced that his ten years of ritualistic labors had closed; that the ritual of the degrees from 14 to 32 were in the hands of the printer; that copies of Funeral, Lodge of Sorrow, Masonic Baptism, Louveteau, and Adoption ceremonies were completed; and that Morals and Dogma was ready for the printer. He then submitted a revision of the ritual of the 33 to the Supreme Council for adoption.


            It was then reported that Patents for 32 and 33 had been lithographed and that they had been sent to Giles M. Hillyer for his signature some five months previously but that no returns had been received from him.


            The protest of the Louisiana "Chamber of Deputies" against its abolishment was then presented to the Supreme Council, together with a refutation of each of the points contained therein.


            A detailed report of the activities of George Frank Gouley was laid before the Supreme Council with the recommendation that a Trial Tribunal be created to conduct a trial of Gouley on charges of misconduct as a Scottish Rite Mason.


            The propagation of the Rite of Memphis was noted. The Grand Commander observed that the Rite of Memphis was not a threat to the Scottish Rite and that no "war against the Rite of Memphis" was contemplated.


            The union of the rival Supreme Councils in the Northern Jurisdiction was officially announced; also, that the renewal of "relations of amity and correspondence" with the Nothern Jurisdiction had taken place. However, invasions of the jurisdiction of the Southern Supreme Council by overenthusiastic members of the Northern Jurisdiction in Kentucky and Missouri raised the question of the status of Masons receiving the 26 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL Scottish Rite degrees as a result. The Grand Commander then reviewed his correspondence with Grand Commander Drummond of the Northern Jurisdiction on a new delineation of the boundary line, denying Drummond's claims for more territory.


            The lack of adequate communication with Supreme Councils in foreign lands was pointed out, and it was recommended that it be the duty of the Grand Chancellor to establish such correspondence.


            A review of known information about foreign jurisdictions was presented. It was admitted that the circular letter against the Supreme Council of Belgium for its recognition of the James Foulhouze Supreme Council in Louisiana was an error since it was the Grand Orient of Belgium that had recognized that illegal body in New Orleans.


            The Grand Commander then reviewed policy matters in the establishment of Consistories. He expressed regret that particular Consistories had been established. He then stated that the 31' and 32 should be conferred sparingly and only after candidates had received the approval of the resident Sovereign Grand Inspector General and that of the Supreme Council in writing; and that these degrees should be conferred only in Grand Consistories which should not exceed one in each state. He also recommended that the Supreme Council should act on the rituals of the 31' and 32 which had not been approved up to that time.


            A review of the decisions of the Grand Commander since the last meeting of the Supreme Council was then presented.


            It was pointed out that no Lodge of Sorrow had been opened since 1861, and it was recommended that the dead, which were listed, should be honored with this ceremony.


            The Grand Commander closed his address with an appeal to keep political and religious considerations and convictions out of decisions on Masonic matters.


            After the Grand Commander's addresss was received, the Supreme Council proceeded with its business and an outline of its accomplishments is as follows An illegal cipher book, reported to have been the work of Inspector General A. T. C. Pierson, was considered and laid over until the next session.




Several elections to Sovereign Grand Inspector General and Active Member took place: Philip C. Tucker for Texas Samuel M. Todd for Louisiana Martin Collins for Missouri Erasmus Theodore Carr for Kansas Robert C. Jordan for Nebraska Edward R. Ives for Flordia Clinton A. Cilley was elected an Honorary Inspector General and Special Deputy for North Carolina to represent the Supreme Council in that State, Inspector General George B. Waterhouse having resigned his membership.


            Richard J. Nunn was continued as Special Deputy for Georgia.


            Eight Inspectors General were excused for their absence from the Session.


            Seventeen brethren were elected to receive the Honorary 33'.


            Charges were preferred against George Frank Gouley. A Committee on Charges having reported "guilty" on all counts, the Tribunal pronounced a sentence of "Deprivation of all rights and privileges of the Masonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite".


            The Grand Chancellor was made responsible for all correspondence with foreign Supreme Councils.


            The rituals of the 31 and 32 were adopted.


            The Lavradio Supreme Council of Brazil was recognized.


            Recognition of the Supreme Council of Mexico was withdrawn.


            All Inspectors General and Special Deputies were required to file complete reports before the next Session of the Supreme Council.


            The Committee on Subordinate Bodies made an extended report on bodies in sixteen states and the District of Columbia, but there were no membership statistics developed. It did reflect that growth was taking place in the Jurisdiction.


            28 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL A resolution was passed prohibiting the conferral of the 31' and 32 until after the approval of candidates in writing had been obtained from the resident Inspector General, Special Deputy, or Grand Consistory in a state.


            A resolution was adopted requiring the filing of complete rosters of all bodies by all Inspectors General for a register to be published with the Transactions of 1868.


            A resolution was adopted that all Inspectors General should keep an accurate record of all copies of the Secret Work issued by them.


            A loan of $150 was extended to G. A. Schwarzman.


            The date for a Lodge of Sorrow at St. Louis was set, "3rd Tuesday in September".


            A committee reported that no further action was necessary regarding the "Chamber of Deputies" in Louisiana.


            Delta Lodge of Perfection was ordered to pay its dues and fees to the Supreme Council before its next Session.


            Several new statutes were adopted and other items were held over for further study.


            The next Biennial Session was set for the first Monday in May, 1870, at Baltimore, Maryland.


            All appointments of Deputies for Louisiana, except those then living who received their appointments under the Concordat of 1854, were revoked.


            A committee was formed to prepare a statute on jurisdictional violations in degree work for introduction at the next Session.


            The statute on time intervals between degrees was amended, only to be dispensed with by Inspectors General or Deputies when establishing new bodies or adding new members to bodies to enable them to have a quorum for work.


            A statute was adopted whereby changes of jurisdiction over candidates within the Southern Jurisdiction must have the approval of the resident Inspector General or Deputy.




The changes in the statutes recommended by the Grand Commander were adopted.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to settle the jurisdictional problems at St. Joseph, Missouri.


            The Session was then closed. 2' No records or correspondence in the period between May 9, 1868, and September 17, 1868, survive to indicate activity by the members of the Supreme Council, except that which received consideration at St. Louis in September.


            In accordance with the resolution of that effect, the Supreme Council reassembled at St. Louis on September 17, 1868, eight Sovereign Grand Inspectors General being present. The principal purpose of the meeting was to open a Lodge of Sorrow, but there were several items of business to which attention was given.


            Correspondence was presented which absolved the Supreme Council of Belgium for the reported recognition of the spurious Foulhouze bodies in New Orleans. An apology was tendered to the Supreme Council of Belgium and a request for the restoration of correspondence was made together with 'one to "appoint a Grand Representative near this Supreme Council".


            A committee of five members of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction was present at the meeting and a like committee was formed of members of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction to discuss the jurisdictional boundary.


            Thomas Hubbard Caswell was elected Sovereign Grand Inspector General,for California.


            All appointments and commissions as Deputy Inspectors General, except the three in Louisiana resulting from the Concordat of 1854, were recalled.


            Eleven brethren were elected to receive the 33' Honorary and eighteen candidates appeared for the conferral of the degree.


            The charter of the Grand Consistory of the District of Columbia was recalled because of inactivity.


            24 Transactions, Supreme Council, S.1., 1868, pp. 3‑100.


            30 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL Committees were formed to study changes in the organization of the Grand Consistories and the fiscal system of the Supreme Council.


            Following the closing of the Lodge of Sorrow, the Session closed on September 19, 1868.


            With the Transactions of 1868, the Statutes and Institutes of the Supreme Council, brought up to date, were published. The evolution of the jurisprudence of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction is a complete study within itself, so detailed and technical as to be unsuited for inclusion in this history. However, some comments on the trends of its evolution are not only desirable but necessary to an understanding of the general history of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction.


            The primary source of Scottish Rite law is found in the Grand Constitutions of 1786. This document sets forth a framework of general principles of government and organization rather than details of administration.


            The Supreme Council is established as the administrative head of the jurisdiction. It possesses, generally speaking, all executive, legislative and judicial powers. It holds all of the attributes of sovereignty over the Rite.


            To understand the employment of this system of government, it must be remembered that the Scottish Rite Degrees had their origin in Europe, and that they could exist in Prussia only if the King was the sole and absolute head. In 1786, it was obvious to Frederick the Great that his life was drawing to a close. Evidently, if he died without making. provision for a succession and continuation of his Masonic powers, the Ancient and Accepted Rite would also die. Hence, on May 1, 1786, Frederick, in consultation with other Masonic leaders, promulgated the Grand Constitutions of that date. Regardless of his precautions, the death of Frederick and the wars that followed brought an end to the Degrees in Europe. However, an Inspector General brought the Rite to America, and John Mitchell formed a Supreme Council by authority of the Grand Constitutions at Charleston in 1801.


            In the early years of the Rite in Charleston, it had few members and their problems of government were comparatively few and simple. With the expansion of the membership and the establishment of bodies remote from the Supreme Council, it became necessary to develop a body of law in greater detail. The first published code by the Supreme Council was the Revised Statutes of 1855. Albert Pike recognized the need 31 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


for another revision of the law when he became Grand Commander, and the Supreme Council, by appropriate action, adopted and authorized the publication of such a code in 1859. This work appears to have been prepared by Pike and served until 1866 when a new compilation, bearing the title Grand Constitutions, was adopted. The legislation of 1868 and the creation of a trial tribunal served to highlight the incompleteness of the jurispurdence for the government of the expanding Scottish Rite. This period in Scottish Rite law is characterized by rapid evolution and much experimentation. The allocutions of Grand Commander Pike indicate, and his nature and his profession of lawyer further confirm, that most of the additions and refinements sprang from his fertile brain.


            There does not appear to be a period of greater crisis in the history of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction than the first decade of Albert Pike's administration as Grand Commander. The Rite was severely handicapped by the outbreak of the Civil War and the manifold problems, already reviewed, that appeared in its wake. Reconstruction of the Rite began immediately after the close of the war in 1865, in very adverse circumstances, under the aggressive leadership of Albert Pike. Reconstruction was accompanied by a renewal of construction on the unfinished edifice of the Rite. Specific accomplishments from 1865 to 1869 may be listed as follows: The Supreme Council was reorganized, and working unity was restored.


            The rituals of the Rite were virtually completed, printed and prepared for distribution to Subordinate Bodies.


            Ceremonial transcripts for Funeral, Lodge of Sorrow, Masonic Baptism, Louveteau and Adoption were completed.


            Morals and Dogma was ready for the printer.


            Propagation of the Rite was reinstituted.


            Attacks from within and from without the Rite were repelled.


            The pressure against spurious and clandestine bodies was renewed.


            The jurisprudence of the Supreme Council was refined, strengthened and expanded.


            32 WAR, DESTRUCTION AND REVIVAL The organizational structure received minor alterations to accommodate the expansion of the Rite.


            The fiscal and accounting systems were reorganized. Work needed in the future appears to have been as follows: Continued propagation of the Rite.


            Continued evolution of the organizational structure. Continued opposition to spurious and clandestine bodies. Further protection of the territorial jurisdiction. Development of an efficient fiscal system.


            Development of membership accounting system. Further evolution of the system of jurisprudence. Development of an educational program. Recruitment of additional competent leadership. Erection of an administrative headquarters building. Creation of an adequate charity fund.


            CHAPTER 11 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION 1869‑1874 THE end of the first major period in the administration of Albert Pike as Sovereign Grand Commander and the opening of the second is marked only by a date. The general situation had improved only to the extent that there was no war. Radical reconstruction governments supported by the bayonets of an army of occupation ruled the states that had composed the Confederacy. Turmoil, corruption and viciousness characterized the government of the United States. Revolution and reconstruction was also taking place in the North as well as in the South and there was much bitterness and violence throughout the nation. The southern states, almost totally agricultural in economy, had not been permitted to reorganize that industry and restore production much above a subsistence level. The northern and eastern states were undergoing an industrial revolution in which there were areas of depression almost equal to that of the South, although on the surface the appearance of prosperity prevailed. In the West, the final phases of the conquest of the frontier were beginning. A new flood of immigration had begun, the principal sources of which were from lower economic and social classes and were non‑protestant in religious background. In Scottish Rite Masonry, major unsolved problems present in the first years of Pike's administration continued to absorb the Grand Commander's time. The process of bringing "Order out of Chaos" was certainly under the head of unfinished business in every phase of life in the territory composing the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council.


            The reorganization of the spurious Foulhouze Supreme Council in New Orleans by Chassaignac and its recognition by the Grand Orient of France had caused Pike to discuss this problem at considerable length in his "Allocution" to the Supreme Council in 1868. In January, 1869, Pike wrote to James C. Batchelor regarding the controversy and suggested that the Grand Lodge of Louisiana "stir‑up all the Grand Lodges".' At the same time the Grand Commander wrote a letter to Samuel M. Todd and stated that the Grand Orient of France "is always committing some folly since a few years ago it recognized the spurious Hays body in New York". He also told Todd 1 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, January 26, 1869.




that he had prepared a letter, which he expected Grand Commander Drummond of the Northern Supreme Council to endorse, to all Masonic powers asking them to denounce the action of the Grand Orient of France.' On February 15, 1869, the Grand Lodge of Louisiana published an announcement of its withdrawal of fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France' which met the approval of Pike.' Later, he informed Batchelor that if the reply of the Grand Orient of France was not satisfactory "we shall denounce the Grand Orient of France‑to all other Supreme Councils in the world".' Subsequently information in its bulletin, dated July, 1869, indicates that the Grand Orient rejected the objection of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana to the invasion of its jurisdiction by the Chassaignac organization. Drummond of the Northern Jurisdiction wrote to Pike as follows: I have recently written to Brother G to keep their and his attention to the sole question of jurisdiction, where you left it in our Balustre [no copy available]. The action of the Grand Orient was upon Goodall's report rather than in answer to us, and I look for action specifically upon that Balustre. It seems to me the date you name will give them time enough.


            I shall write at once to Goodall to learn if any answer is to be returned: for if they are to make one, though late, we should prefer, it seems to me, to wait till we receive it even though it may be longer than we think we ought to give them.


            If the proceedings given in the Bulletin are to be our answer also, we do indeed have them on the hip.


            They must do one of three things 1. Take the back track fully and completely; 2. Repudiate in all cases the law of exclusive jurisdiction; 3. Admit that law as a general rule, but adopt an exception to it when lodges practically refuse admittance to candidates on account of race or color and determine that in this country such is the fact.


            From the tenor of their Proceedings, I now incline to think the third will be their conclusion. In that event they will array all Bodies in this country and South America against them.' 2 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, January 26, 1869.


            3 James C. Batchelor to All Whom these Presents may come, Frebruary 15, 1869. 4 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, "21 Sebat, A.'.M.'. 5629." 5 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, June 5, 1869.


            s Josiah H. Drummond to Albert Pike, October 5, 1869.


            36 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Before the close of the year Drummond wrote: ... I will endeavor to meet you or Brother French ... and agree upon a conclusion.... The united decision of the two Councils would be decisive and I reciprocate fully your sentiment that the closer relations between our Councils and the more they act in unison, the better I shall be pleased.' The expulsion of George Frank Gouley from the Scottish Rite during the Session of the Supreme Council in 1868 did not bring the disagreeable episode which brought it about to an end. At the urging of Gouley, the Grand Commandery of Missouri had enacted laws and resolutions that made what had been personal disagreement a controversy between rites. A copy of a proposed mandate, endorsed on its reverse side "10 March 1869", prepared by Grand Commander Pike, was distributed to all Active Members of the Supreme Council and afterwards this mandate was revised and addressed to all Scottish Rite Masons in the Southern Jurisdiction on June 30, 1869. This long document is reprinted in Appendix II for reference. It was a definitive statement of the points in controversy and a refutation of Gouley's position. As such, it stripped Gouley of support in the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar, in the Grand Commandery of Missouri, and among the ranks of Knights Templar in other States. Minor revision of the ritual followed which pacified others. Within five years, Gouley was petitioning_ for reinstatement in the Scottish Rite. The Supreme Council acted with magnanimity and he was restored. In 1876, he was elected to and invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, and he did not create any further controversy before his death in a hotel fire in the following April.


            The abolition of the "Chamber of Deputies" in Louisiana and the adoption of the Pike revision of the Scottish Rite rituals continued, in 1869, to create some problems between Grand Commander Pike and some Louisiana Scottish Rite Masons. John Quincy Adams Fellows of New Orleans contended that the 33' conferred upon him was not an honorary degree but was that of a Sovereign Grand Inspector General. This was reported to Pike who wrote several letters on the subject. His first was to James C. Batchelor, received by Batchelor on August 16, 1869, in which Pike stated that the 33 received by Fellows was that of the Foulhouze ritual, not approved by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, and that it was "not used outside of New Orleans". He then pointed out that the Pike ritual of the 33 was approved by the Supreme Council in 1868. Pike then emphasized again that the copy of the 33 ritual held by Fellows was not approved by the Supreme Council. Fellows' other 7 Ibid., December 25, 1869.




objections were with regard to the obligation to country and against the recognition of any degree higher than the 33 which Pike refuted.' This letter did not terminate the misunderstanding, and Pike wrote directly to Fellows. The pertinent portions of the letter are as follows: ... I do no think that, when we properly understand each other, there is any disagreement between us, on the points suggested by you.


            The word "State" is the most comprehensive one that could be used.... in the Ritual the only purpose was to frame the obligation as not to seem to decide anything in regard to the doctrine of allegiance in the United States. . . the conscience of every one [is] free in regard to his political principles.


            You are mistaken in regard to the Rites of Misraim and Memphis. Each claims to have in its scale and administer all the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. . . the clause in the obligation in relation to any higher degrees etc. refers to these Rites and to any others, that may pretend to have degrees above the 33d....


            Of course we do not pretend to have any control over the Capitular, Cryptic or Templar degrees or orders. We do claim that the Symbolic degrees are lawfully a part of our scale. Here [the United States] we claim no control over them, and only say we might have to do it, in a certain contingency not at all likely to happen There are no new points in the 33 obligation.


            You are not wholly correct in regard . . . [to] your title. We had termed you and other Louisiana brethren Deputy Inspectors General. You claimed to have paid for the title of Sovereign, and I advised the Supreme Council that you were right, and it was resolved to entitle you Honorary Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. Not being active ones, not Active Members of the Supreme Council, how else could we designate you? I too received the degree and paid $100 for it, and I am sure I never imagined that I was becoming invested with any powers, or that the title would be any more than an honorary one....


            I am sorry you speak of personal attacks on yourself.... I feel very sure that no personal attack ever was made on you in connection with any suggestion you made to the Supreme Council itself.


            ... nothing, I know, would give all of us [the Supreme Council] greater pleasure than to see many of our Louisiana Brethren with us, and to receive from them counsel and advice. We might not consent to change the fundamental laws as to the organization of our Council; but we should surely not ignore our Brethren, nor treat them otherwise than with the highest respect.


            8 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, undated.


            38 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION For myself, I assure you that if the work which I undertook twelve years ago ... were printed, I should at once resign my office. There is nothing in it to make me care to retain it; but all my interest is in the success of the Rite and of its great principles.' It appears that this letter brought the matter to an end as no further documents have been found in relation to it.


            Scottish Rite Masonry had been introduced into Maryland prior to the Civil War and during that conflict had become dormant. Strong opposition to the Rite had developed in Baltimore during and following the War, possibly because Pike and others of the Supreme Council had been prominent in the Confederate military forces, and with the added possibility that the Gouley episode had repercussions in Baltimore. The Northern Jurisdiction had been seeking to expand into Maryland also. There is no doubt that the meeting of the Supreme Council of 1870 was scheduled for Baltimore with the hope that the Session in that city would contribute to a lessening of opposition to the Rite and a restoration of harmony among the members there. Thomas A. Cunningham was reported by Pike in May, 1868, as attempting to revive the Rite in Maryland, and it appears that William S. Rockwell had worked in the state to that end. A letter written by Pike in September indicates that he had received an appeal from John M. Miller for assistance. Pike answered him in these words: On Friday or Saturday next I will be in Baltimore, will see you, and will then arrange to re‑open the Grand Consistory of Maryland this fall. Your charter is in force, because it has never been revoked. You may rely upon it that I shall take the matter in hand. I have not heard from Ill.'. Bro.'. Cunningham since April, on Masonic subjects.


            I know no reason why the surviving Members of the Consistory may not meet at any time, and go to work." A record of Pike's visit, to Baltimore has not survived but the following document indicates what he found the situation to be and outlines the proceedings that should be undertaken to reactivate the Maryland Grand Consistory.


            In response to inquires made in your behalf by Ill.'. Bro.'. John M. Miller, you are by these presents advised that the Grand Consistory of the State of Maryland has never ceased to exist, the number of members always having been sufficient to fill vacancies in the number, and the Letters Patent of Constitution never 9 Albert Pike to John Q. A. Fellows, September 23, 1869. 1 Albert Pike to John M. Miller, September 20, 1869.




having been recalled. If, as has been represented to me, the B B.'. John M. Miller, W. J. Wroth and Emanuel Corbit were selected by consent of the surviving members, to become members of the Grand Consistory, and increase its members of nine to twelve, they will not need to be reelected.           . . . .


            The Ill.'. Bro.'. Thomas A. Cunningham, 33, having become an Active Member of the Supreme Council, can only be ex‑officio a member of the Grand Consistory, over whose doings he has supervision as an Inspector General, but with power to interfere, only when they are irregular, and then subject to an appeal of the Grand Consistory to the Supreme Council, or, in its vacation, to the Sovereign Grand Commander.


            The Sovereign Grand Commander by these presents advises the members, original and added, of the Grand Consistory, that they have the authority to convene, upon the call of any member, and upon notice, and to resume the labors of the body. They may convene by general consent, and when they have done so, may receive additional members, taking them in the order in which they received the 32 Degree, unless there be objection to them. There not being Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in the State of Maryland, more than sufficient for Active Members, it will not be necessary to report in the mode prescribed by the Statutes of 1866.       . . . .


            Each new member must be unanimously elected, the election being viva voce: and it may be without other form except that of ascertaining that there is no objection to the party proposed.


            It is not necessary that the Lieut.*. Gr.'. Commander, Ill.'. Bro.'. Rockwell, or Ill.'. Bro.'. Cunningham should be present nor is it indespensable that they should be notified, but as each has a right to be present, it will be more regular and more proper, to give them information that the meeting will be held, and invite them to be present.


            If one of the Lieut. Commanders of the Grand Consistory is present, he should preside. If neither, one of the Princes may be selected to do so.


            When the new members have been elected, they should be notified to attend, and thereupon all the officers be elected. They can be installed by me in December, acting in the meantime after taking a simple oath of allegiance to the Supreme Council, of obedience to and observance of the Grand Constitutions of 1786, and the Statutes and Edicts of the Supreme Council, and faithfully to demean themselves in office.


            These proceedings must all be made of record and the Grand Consistory, thus resuming labor will proceed to exercise all its powers.


            The Sovereign Grand Commander is satisfied that the time has come when it should do so, and assume the government and direction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Maryland‑and therefore, as it needs no authorization 40 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION from him, nor would it be in his power to prevent the resumption of labor in the manner indicated if he desired to do so, this letter will be regarded as one only of advise. If it had been necessary, it would have assumed the form of a mandate ‑and if the members of the Grand Consistory prefere to consider it as an authorization, they will be entitled to do so, if any objection should be made to their action.


            It appears that Inspector General Thomas A. Cunningham did not favor the reactivation of the Grand Consistory of Maryland and that he may have written to the Grand Commander in protest, for early in December, Pike wrote a letter to Cunningham which reads as follows: After I had been several times applied to for advice, by some of the Sub.'. Princes of the Royal Secret of Maryland, and informed by them that Ill.'. Bro.'. Rockwell had created the requisite number of Princes long since, to increase the number of members of the Grand Consistory of Maryland to nine, I could not longer delay informing them that the charter of the Grand Consistory had never been revoked, and that the members had a full right to meet whenever they saw fit, and resume their labors.


            You had long ago informed me that you thought it best not to put the Grand Consistory again at labor, until an additional number of members should have been obtained; and so long as the Ill.'. Brethren of the Grand Consistory made no complaint to me, but acquiesed silently in your delay, I considered it by no means within my power to interfere. But all that was changed when they demanded to know of me what were their lawful rights. For then I had no option but to inform them, as I did that the Grand Consistory was not dead, and that if by the action of Ill.'. Bro.'. Rockwell, with the consent of the survivors, the number of members had been increased to nine, they could convene, elect officers if necessary, and proceed to work. Of course, under Sec. 4 of Art. XXII of the Constitutions that number is indispensable.


            If there are more than twenty‑one Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret in Maryland, you, with Ill.'. Bros.% Rockwell and Schwarzman, who is by law a member of the Grand Consistory, can, tomorrow or at any other day, select twenty‑one out of the number to be the active members. If as I understand, there are not twenty‑one in all, I do not see how you can have any selection to make.


            When the statute in question was enacted there were in Louisiana some twenty Honorary 33ds and fifty or sixty 32ds. It was necessary, there, and in Virginia and Kentucky, to select the 21 active members out of the whole number of Sublime Princes, and that some body should make the selection. The Honorary 33 d" being all without exception, members of each Grand Consistory, and the active 33ds having always the right to be present and even to preside, and therefore exofficio members, the duty of making the selection was entrusted to them jointly.




They being members without selection, were to select the others, and in preforming that duty an Active 33d had no greater power or authority than an Honorary one. You have just the same power as Ill.'. Bro.'. Schwarzman, and no more, nor any power of supervision or control as the Superior of the Grand Consistory. In making the selection you would act as a member of the Grand Consistory, and not as a member of the Supreme Council....


            The Honorary Inspector General, Ill.'. Bro.'. Schwarzman, and the survivors still resident in the State, with the three added by Ill.'. Bro.'. Rockwell with their consent (as they have certified to me) constitute the Grand Consistory of Maryland. When nine of them assemble there will be a quorum, and they can do any act, work or business within the power of a Grand Consistory to do....


            I learn that at the recent meeting of members of the Grand Consistory, only eight were present. This was not a quorum; and if such was the case, what they did was null and void.


            But the Grand Consistory exists nevertheless, as fully as it ever did. You are no longer the Ill.'. Grand Commander in Chief, because you hold a higher Office, and the acceptance of the higher vacated the lower. The Brethren must therefore elect your successor, and whenever nine of them meet (of whom III.'. Bro.'. Schwarzman may be one) they can do this, fill all other vacancies and proceed to work. All this is their lawful right, of which neither you nor I, nor the Supreme Council itself can deprive them.


            The Grand Consistory of Mississippi has not yet even been reorganized; but no one doubts that it is still in lawful existence and can work. It was nearly a year after the Statute of reorganization was enacted before the Grand Consistory of Louisiana was reorganized, during all which time it was at work, and its works were regular.


            . . . My letter to 111.'. Bro.'. Miller contained no mandate, but my opinion and decision in regard to the legal standing of the Grand Consistory, and its rights to work....


            I earnestly hope, my dear Brother, that you and the Princes of the Royal Secret of the Grand Consistory will act harmoniously together in the matter. . . . Dissension between you and them must be fatal to the Ancient and Accepted Rite in Maryland and it would be the first instance of such dissension in all our jurisdiction. If we must lose the revenue which we should derive from the State if there were no Grand Consistory so be it. That mischief, if it be one was done when we created the Grand Consistory.


            If the Princes of the Grand Consistory assemble, I propose to be present, and hope that you will unite with them, and let us work together in harmony. We can lead them I am sure, but we cannot drive them. If I had attempted that in Louisiana the Rite would have gone to pieces in that State. Even when the superior is entirely in the right, it is often wise to yield.


            42 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Above all, I hope no unkindness will grow up between you and me. I am sure you have no other desire than to do what you believe to be your duty, and for the interest of the Rite in Maryland. Do me the justice to think the same of me." The Scottish Rite in Maryland in 1869 was experiencing enough difficulty without any friction among the members. At no time nor place had Grand Commander Pike spoken more plainly, yet diplomatically, than he had to Inspector Cunningham on December 8, 1869.


            It seems that Inspector Cunningham read Pike's letter carefully and then proceeded to call the members of the Grand Consistory of Maryland together and complete the number of members without notifying the three 32 Masons created by Rockwell. This was not an oversight, and Cunningham was legally correct for Rockwell had neglected to file the necessary official records of his acts. When John M. Miller and his two companions protested Cunningham's action, Pike sustained the legality of the reorganization of the Grand Consistory of Maryland in a letter to Miller which he closed with an appeal for harmony among members of the Rite in Baltimore." The reorganization of the Grand Consistory of Maryland had been accomplished but an undercurrent of dissatisfaction remained.


            Pike's efforts to restore harmony in the Grand Consistory of Maryland at Baltimore had not been entirely successful and in mid‑January those difficulties again demanded his attention. It was necessary for him to repeat much of the information sent out on January 1, 1871, to remind the Grand Consistory that the powers of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General were advisory and supervisory and that he could on any occasion preside over the deliberations of the Grand Consistory or refuse to sanction action of the Body which he considered invalid, require it to be undone or recalled, and, if his order was refused, might refer the matter to the Supreme Council, suspending the labors of the Grand Consistory until a final decision could be reached. Pike then stated that it would be improper for him to answer the questions propounded without a hearing of both sides of the controversy. The letter was closed with an appeal "to bear and forbear with each other" and a reminder that it was not the action of a good Mason to withdraw from the order since the Supreme Council would "never sanction injustice or the exercise of arbitrary and illegal power"." 12 Albert Pike to Thomas A. Cunningham, December 8, 1869.


            13 Albert Pike to the Ill.'. Grand Commander ... of the Grand Consistory ... of Maryland, February 1, 1870; Albert Pike to John M. Miller, 26 A.'.M.'. 5620.


            14 Official Bulletin, I, 158‑161.




the Once again, firm and unbiased words from Pike calmed the ruffled feelings of members of that Grand Consistory but he had no assurance that calm would be a permanent characteristic. The letter was published in the Official Bulletin no doubt for the effect that it would have in other Grand Consistories as well as in that of Maryland.


            Previous to this point in this study there have been repeated references to inadequate fiscal and membership accounting and to laxness and carelessness in the preservation of Supreme Council documents of administration. On more than one occasion during the first decade of his administration, Pike had made recommendations to the Supreme Council, which were adopted, seeking to remedy these weaknesses. However, the Secretary General, Dr. Albert G. Mackey, either could not or would not cooperate sufficiently to enable the Supreme Council to have an adequate record of the administration of the Rite in the Jurisdiction. The accelerating growth of the Rite convinced Pike, by 1869, that this situation could no longer be tolerated. He put his thoughts on this matter into a letter to James C. Batchelor in which he stated that it was his intention to demand a "full account of all receipts and expenditures, from the beginning" from all Sovereign Grand Inspectors General; that he intended to move the Secretary General's office to Washington; to employ a full time secretary for the Secretary General's office; to leave "Mackey the Secy.Gen., however"; and to reduce the number of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General in South Carolina." Possibly in answer to a letter of complaint, Pike wrote later in the year that he was "more provoked at Mackey's omissions" in the recently printed transactions of the Supreme Council with regard to Louisiana than Todd; that he would "demand a report from Mackey including omitted materials which will be published as a supplement"; that he must "move the Sec. to Washington" and get a secretary that will "attend to something"; and closed his letter with a threat to "resign in disgust"." In the following February, Pike wrote: I urged Mackey, early in December, to send me the Report. Have not heard a word from him. He has let all holds go, and quit: and we shall be compelled to have some one to do the work of the secretariet, or abandon the whole thing ‑I don't mean to do so, out of regard to one who does not regard anybody but himself. There is a limit to the human endurance." 15 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, August 2, 1869. is Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, December 17, 1869. 17Ibid., February 15, 1870.


            44 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Then, some two months later he wrote: I am sorry to learn from Ill.'. Bro.'. Worsham that you think you will not be at Baltimore. The Sessions will be the most important one we have ever had, for some things that will be unpleasant must be done, or it will be very unfortunate for the Rite; and our pure and determined members ought not to be away. Pierson is in arrears six or seven thousand dollars, Collins had done nothing in Missouri, and Mackey is useless as Secretary‑General, owing to his unconquerable indolence and Spirit of delay. If it is possible for you to be present you must. Do not desert us now, of all times in the world." The preceding pages, covering the period since the 1868 meeting of the Supreme Council, have indicated the critical climate in which the Session of May 2 through 7, 1876, in Baltimore must operate. The Session, as scheduled, opened with twelve of the twenty‑seven Sovereign Grand Inspectors General present, and one more arrived on. the second day. The excuses of four Active Members were acceptable to the Supreme Council and one was rejected; one had moved from the Jurisdiction to France; and three had died since 1868‑twenty‑two accounted for and five being unaccounted for.


            The business accomplished during the Session included the following actions: Election of Active Members John C. Ainsworth for Oregon Achille Regulus Morel for Louisiana William Tracy Gould for Georgia who was immediately placed on the list of Emeriti Members William Letcher Mitchell for Georgia John Quincy Adams Fellows for Louisiana Seats vacated John C. Breckenridge for Kentucky Henry W. Schroder for South Carolina Resignation A. T. C. Pierson for Minnesota 11 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, April 13, 1870.


            45 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 Election of Officers B. B. French, Lieutenant Grand Commander Henry Buist, Grand Chancellor John Jennings Worsham, Treasurer General Ebenezer H. Shaw, Grand Prior Thomas Cripps, Grand Organist Appointment of Officers Samuel M. Todd, Grand Mareschel of Ceremonies John C. Ainsworth, First Grand Equerry Elections of Honorary 33' Nine Brethren so honored The Grand Commander's Address Reported death of Active Members of the Supreme Council: Edward Rutledge Ives for Florida William S. Rockwell for Georgia Reported on State of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction No organized bodies in the District of Columbia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Minnesota or any of the Territories Bodies were established in Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, California, Nevada and Oregon. Ranked the Rite as prosperous in only two states: Louisiana and California.


            Recommended the publication of an official bulletin Reviewed conditions in Foreign Jurisdictions Commented on official decisions Reviewed the action of the Grand Orient of France regarding the Chassaignac organization in New Orleans.


            Defended his Grand Constitutions of 1786 against the attacks of Enoch T. Carson. Commented on "Liturgy and Dogma, Monitor, Dogma and Morals".


            46 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Contrasted conferral and communication of degrees and observed that "delays should not be disturbed", that the higher degrees should be conferred "sparingly", and that degree work should not be the "chief work" of a lodge.


            Announced that a Lodge of Sorrow would be convened.


            Proposed the creation of a Court of Honour Resolutions One Honorary 33' dropped from roll of Honorary Members.


            Five elections to Honorary 33 cancelled.


            Two Deputy commissions revoked.


            Next Biennial Session to be in San Francisco.


            Date of Lodge of Sorrow set for May 5, 1870, 7 p.m.


            Secretary General directed to prepare a roll of all Active and Honorary Members of the Supreme Council from its organization with pertinent data included.


            All decisions of the Grand Commander were approved.


            Treasurer General's accounts were approved.


            All previous elections to 33, not conferred, were cancelled.


            A limitation of one year until conferral was placed on all future elections to 33 except in cases where satisfactory reasons were given for a delay.


            The 33 should not be conferred until the fee had been paid.


            $300 was appropriated for the transcription of records in a "Book of Gold".


            The thanks of the Supreme Council were extended to the Commanderies and Masons in Baltimore for their assistance and courtesies.


            The bills of the Supreme Council were approved and payment ordered.


            $100 was appropriated for "contingent expense" of the Secretary General.


            On condition that the office of the Secretary General be moved to Washington, D.C., a salary was fixed at $1,000 per annum plus 10% of money collected from the sale of publications in addition to the fees already established by law.




The Secretary General, Treasurer General, Grand Chancellor and Grand Minister of State were directed to secure seals of office.


            All Sovereign Grand Inspectors General not filing "full and complete" reports within 90 days to be suspended from office until the next meeting of the Supreme Council.


            All organized bodies in Alabama and the Lodges of Perfection in Memphis were required to report in full within 90 days.


            The Secretary General was requested to revise the Statutes and Institutes to include the actions of the present Session.


            The Supreme Council relinquished all control over the Degrees of Royal and Select Masters, remitted all dues of such bodies owed to the Supreme Council, and all Statutes relating to said degrees were repealed.


            The "Letter of Denunciation and Appeal", relating to the action of the Grand Orient of France, prepared by Grand Commander Pike, with a request to the Northern Jurisdiction to concur in sending the joint communication to all Supreme Councils of the world was approved.


            A substitute for Article VII was adopted to provide for the election of Sovereign Grand Commander, Lieutenant Grand Commander, Grand Prior, Grand Chancellor, Grand Minister of State, Secretary General and Treasurer General by majority vote of the Supreme Council, in case of vacancy, and the appointment of all other officers by the Sovereign Grand Commander.


            Committee Reports Adopted By the Committee on Jurispurdence that the 33 can be conferred upon anyone Masonically qualfied by the Supreme Council but only those who have attained the age of 35 or over may be elected to Active Membership.


            By the Committee on Finance, as amended, reorganizing the fiscal structure and prescribing a form for reports.


            The Session was closed to meet in San Francisco on "1st Monday in May, 1872".19 is Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1870, pp. 3‑296.


            48 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION The adjournment of the Supreme Council left Grand Commander Pike with a mass of routine work to do in making its actions and resolutions effective in the Southern Jurisdiction. Two items seem to have engaged his attention immediately: the publication of the first number of the Official Bulletin and the formation of the Court of Honour. By June 8, 1870, these items were well out of his way. The "Prefatory To No. 1" of the Official Bulletin reads as follows: The Bulletin of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, is intended to be published at intervals of not more than four months, and as much oftener as may be found necessary, to furnish official information of the acts of that Body, of the Council of Administration, and of the Grand Commander.


            It will be strictly official and historical, containing information of the actions of the Supreme Council at its sessions, the important reports made to it, the statutes adopted, the resolution, edicts, and decisions of the body, the acts and decisions of the Council of Administration, and the mandates and rulings of the Grand Commander.


            Each number will contain also the latest information in regard to the doings of Foreign Supreme Councils and Grand Orients.


            It will not be a vehicle for essays, discussions or disputations; but in regard to domestic matters, will furnish under the head of "Unofficial", the current information in regard to Consistories and Subordinate Bodies of the Obedience, and such extracts from Foreign Bulletins, and other documents, Official and Historical, as may be interesting and valuable.


            The Bulletin will be published at the expense of the Supreme Council." Immediately following the close of the Session of 1870, the following communication was sent to each Active Member of the Supreme Council: A STATUTE TO ESTABLISH A COURT OF HONOUR.


            Section 1. There is hereby established a Court of Honour, of those who have deserved well of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, to be composed of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret.


            Sec. 2. The Knights of the Court of Honour shall be of two ranks,‑Knight Commanders and Grand Crosses of Honour.


            2 Official Bulletin, 1, 3.




Sec. 3. All Knights Commanders and Grand Crosses shall be elected by the Supreme Council, by affirmative vote of three‑fourths of the members present.


            Sec. 4. Each member present at the next regular Session of the Supreme Council may nominate two Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret of his State, to receive the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour; each taking care to nominate no one who has not by zeal; devotion and active service, deserved well of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.


            Sec. 5. At every session of the Supreme Council, thereafter, each member present may nominate one Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret of his State, and no more, to receive the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Sec. 6. The rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour shall never be asked or applied for by any person; and if asked or applied for, shall be refused. And no fee or charge shall ever be made for the said rank and decoration, or those of the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour.


            Sec. 7. The Supreme Council at the next and every subsequent session, select from among the Knights Commanders, three Grand Crosses of the Court of Hohour, and no more.


            Sec. 8.            Each Grand Consistory may, at each meeting of the Supreme Council, nominate one Prince of the Royal Secret, to receive the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Sec. 9. No Prince of the Royal Secret shall be hereafter elevated to the rank of Honorary Sovereign Grand Inspector General, unless he be a Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Sec. 10. Each active member of the Supreme Council will be, virtute officii sui, an Honorary Grand Cross of the Court of Honour, entitled to wear the decoration of that rank; and such Honorary Sovereign Grand Inspectors General also as may, for distinguished services, be elected thereto by vote of three‑fourths of the members present in Supreme Council.


            Sec. 11. The Sovereign Grand Commander will be Praefect of the Court of Honour, and the Lieutenant Grand Commander will be Pro‑praefect. The first Grand Cross selected from each State will be the Praetor for such State; and the Grand Commander in Chief of each Grand Consistory, if a Grand Cross, will be, during his term of office, Praetor Honorary for the State.


            Sec. 12. The Court of Honour may assemble at the same time and place with the Supreme Council, shall be presided over by a Legate Grand Cross designated by the Sovereign Grand Commander, adopt Rules of Order and Statutes for its 50 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION government, and propose to the Supreme Council measures of Legislation for the benefit of the Order of Scottish Freemasonry, and be heard in the Supreme Council by its Grand Crosses, to urge, explain and discuss the same.


            Sec. 13. Each Knight Commander and Grand Cross of the Court of Honour, shall receive from the Supreme Council, without charge, a Diploma or Letters Commendatory, in the Latin language, and on vellum, as evidence of his rank.


            Sec. 14. Every Grand Cross shall have the privilege of membership in all bodies of the Rite in his State, and be free of all dues, taxes and assessments, everywhere.


            Sec. 15. The Supreme Council will give without charge to every Grand Cross of the Court of Honour, the jewel of his rank.


            Sec. 16. The Jewel of a Knight Commander, and that of a Grand Cross, shall be such as may be defined and established by the M.'. P.'. Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander, and the Lieut.% Gr.'. Commander, to whom this subject is referred.


            At the late Session of the Supreme Council, the consideration of the foregoing Statute was postponed until the next regular Session. A reconsideration of that vote was intended to have been had‑on the last day of the Session; but the pressure of business on that day caused it to be forgotten.


            At the request of several of the Brethren of the Supreme Council, who earnestly wish it speedy adoption, as an incitement to labour and faithful service during the two years now begun, I submit for your consideration this question: "Shall the Statute to establish a Court of Honour, as its text is given above, be passed and become a law?" Please forward your vote, Aye or No, hereunder written to the Secretary General, at 1418 F Street, Washington City.


            On June 8, 1870, Grand Commander Pike published a notice that the Statute had been adopted." The last sentence in the communication on the Statute to create a Court of Honour provides the information that the office of the Secretary General had been moved to Washington, D. C., and was located at 1418 F Street. This was a move long desired by Pike as has been previously recorded.


            21 Ibid., 56.




In May also, the Grand Commander sent a circular letter to all Inspectors General and Deputies containing the resolutions of the Supreme Council providing for the suspension of said officers if they failed to send in their reports within the limits provided." Shortly thereafter, Pike wrote to Frederick Webber regarding Webber's report to him and in regard to other routine administrative details." This letter was followed within a few days by one that announced that he (Pike) was leaving for Minneapolis on June 18, 1870, and that he expected to visit Topeka and Santa Fe before returning to Washington in July." No previously dated letters or documents have survived to indicate the intention to make this trip, nor the reason for it, and there are none to establish that the trip was made. However, the following circular letter issued late in 1870 indicates a situation that may have come to Pike's attention in mid‑June.


            Very Dear Brethren: Having heard that Ill.'. Bro.'.‑ A. T. C. Pierson, 33d, late Grand Prior of the Supreme Council, still confers the degrees of the said Rite, and those of Royal and Select Master, in the State of Minnesota, and receives the fees therefor, we do deem it necessary to make it known unto you that the said Ill.'. Bra.'. resigned his membership in our Supreme Council, at the session held in Baltimore on the 2d day of May last, and has since then been only an Honorary Member thereof; and that he has since then had and now has, no power or authority whatever to confer degrees or create bodies, of said Rite, or to confer the degrees of Royal and Select Master, or to receive moneys for degrees, in the State of Minnesota or elsewhere; and that all his acts so done since said session of our Supreme Council are null and void, and without the knowledge or authority of our Supreme Council.


            And we do further give you to know that at the same session our Supreme Council formally relinquished all control over the degrees of Royal and Select Master, and that since that time none of our Inspectors General could lawfully invest any one with those degrees.


            And as the said Ill.'. Bro.'. has never reported to us any of his doings as Inspector General, in Minnesota or elsewhere, we do advise those who have received from him any of the degrees of the said Rite, to furnish us with the evidence thereof, that they may, if invested with them before our last session, receive the proper credentials whereby to prove lawful possession of the said degrees.


            zz Albert Pike to Erasmus T. Carr, May 25, 1870. 2a Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, June 1, 1870. 24 Albert Pike to Erasmus T. Carr, June 17, 1870.


            52 of A~~t4i'n , i, ~lzesvan, 63 FORP,ESPONDING TO ~OV. 1ST, 18 0, y.‑.f ,ò, A,    Mile name f Mile, cefupreme pauncil of ~lze 33c1 ‑geyree f elne      %zcz'en~ and accelzWed JcoUiSA RiZZe, for Mile Joualzerrz, Wurzsa?ic~ion f Mze '&ni~ecl AVazes .' To all Freemasons of the 3Qd Degree of the said Rite, hi good staizding, in the State of Georgia HEALTH, STABILITY, AND POWER! and Very ‑Tear VroM er   .


            ‑''v~ clirec~ion and antler aullzorily f Me, Sov.'.Sranp? 0om?na)zcler and Mme Oouneil f            clmz~'nis~ra~zorr, .   all AmOme princes o' 14e molal Jecrd 3zcl ‑Teyree        .'.         .'.oS .  iZe, in yoocl 8 ano?irnq, wi~lzin oznr Jizso71 eion /‑wlzicln coM~Prises MJe CS~lale of Seoryia l, are cliredeW M assemble in ~Tze My f          uyusla, upon ~Tze 7sZTz clad el ~lne ;oresern~ mon~lz, for ~7~e ~urIvose of oryanizirny and ins~i&u~iny a v~ran~ p~onsis~ory for the           (7, ~e f '1~4eoryia.


            c7Je ~ov.'.era‑ncl p~omman~er, ill .fro.'.~ l~er~ ~~Vie, 33c1, 2.oeZl~res2'cle. you are re,~ues~ecT, ~o yes~ec~ ~lzis, our ~rnaiZC~?afe, a)u/ yover>n yourse accorclinyly.


            qArater1l ally yours, TKIf, ‑L. JI_,ZTUTTKLL~ 3,13d. Sov.‑.G)and Inspector General.


            Ta Ma NELSON, 3d.


            Honorary Inspector General and Special Deputy.


            53 AMT xl esvan~ 6"63 FORPESPONDING TO NOV. 1ST, 18 0, Y‑‑.~,‑, Jn Me name of ilze ‑&Ivreme Oomncil l zlze 33667 ‑eyree f elze eneie~‑a and accelv~eo? UGDZZid'1, Mi~e, for ~Aze AoldlllerYb e~f?,( ris667ic~ion f Mle Vni~e667 To all Freemasons of the 32d Degree of the said Rite, At good stariding, ia the State of Georgia HEALTH, STABILITY, AND POWER! and 'Perk ‑Tear Rrozlzer        _          ..          __ ...


            cZirec~ion an(? un6ler au~hori~y f ~Te SJov.'.~ran6Z ~omman6ler and Mm oouneiz f a(lmI')nislrazion .. a1Z AmMime princes of Mze NoyaI Jecree 32667 ‑Tel ree .'. . . J. ‑. Mile, in good 8ZaYn667inq, wiM in oaGr Lion, / wAicA coml)rises Ml e JWe of Seoryia/, are o?zrede(l ~o assemMe zn elze &y f           uyus~a~ upon    ze 7sZlz claJ' cl Mze 1oresen~ mor~Zlz, ,for ~lzc purIvose f oryaniziny ano? zndiladirny a Sran667 Oonsistory for llze Afa~e of Seoryia.


            ,7lze &v.'.'5~‑and 0ommander, , o Zl'.         ro.'.~; l67er~ ~zke~ ~361, wa'Zl~res2'cle.


            you a~e re meVecl ~o        Miss our inaizWafe, and yover)z yours6, ~I, accor667inylzy.


            ~ralcrll ally yours JTT~`' v11‑1‑E1L'L, 33d.


            Sov.‑. Grand Inspector General.


            ld s ff. NUSOX, 3.


            Honorary Inspector General and Special Deputy.


            53 ORDO AB CHAO.




            t* an ~156alwp~ of t4f, 1kfr'&T+nad ~oggee of air "e1finae in ol, Italy of           ,eaej e G R EET I N G Ill.‑.       and      Very    Dear   Bro............... .............. _         ..          _.............................


            This is to inform you that the most Puissant Grand Consistory of the Stxtc of Georgia, was duly organized, instituted and consecrated, and its Officers installed. in the City of Augusta, the Seat and ace of the, same, on the l8dl and 19th clays of November, 1870. You are, by virtue of your dignity, as x S.'.S.'., an Active Member of the Grand Consistory, and entitled to attend its Sedeòunts,       and Vote upon all questions submitted to it for decision.        Whun not able to attend its Annual Meetings, which are required t,y its Constitution to he held on the Thursday after the last Wednesday in April of each year. you Will please address your excuse in writin,; t~) the Grind Registrar of the Grand Consistory at Augusta, the suflicioncy Of which will be determined by the body.


            You are requested to notify the ILL.‑. GRAND REGISTRAR ;is soon as convenient, whether Or not you desire your name to bu enrolled with the Active Members of the Grand Consistory.


            A list of the Ollicers of the Grand Consistory is hereunto annexed for your information and guidance. Yours, Fraternally, WM. L. MITCHELL, 33, T. H. NELSON, 33, bptciral Deputy.


            Sor. . Grhwl Iaspeclor Generftl of the State of Georgia.


            OFFICT‑‑ R 0f, "Toll', ‑97wo C01Vsisl,"'o~RY .


            CHARLi.s G. GOODRICH, Grand Commander in Chief. CALVIN FAY, First Lieutenant Grand Cononander. .J. E.%I~IE,rT BLACKSHEAR, Second Lieutenant Grand Commander. WILLIAM CRAIG, Grand Constable.


            ARCHIBALD MCLELLAN, Grand Adwiral. JOHN KING, Grand Minister of Sttde. THOMAS II. NELSON, Grand‑Chancellor. DANIEL J. RYAN, Grand Hospitaller and Ahnontr. EDWARD 11. PUGHE, Grand Registrar.


            RoRERT L. MOILWAINE, Grand Keeper of the Seals. WILLIAM J. GOODRICH, Grand Treasurer.


            REV. DAVID WILLS, Gwtnd Primate.


            CHARLES S. BRADFORD, Grand Provost or Muster of Ceremonies WILLIAM J. POLLAIID, Graced Expert. JOSIAH MOSHER, Assistant Grand Expert. JOHN D. BUTT, Grand Beamenijer. ALEXANDER PHILIP, Grand Bearer of the Vexillwn Belli. JOHN OSLEY, Grand Master of the Guards.


            RICHARD S. AGNEW, Grarad Chaniberlain. WILLIAM H. HANCOCK, Grand Aid‑de‑ Camip of the Commander‑in‑Chief JOHN E. NAVY, Grand Steward.


            FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION And the bodies of the Rite organized in Minnesota never having reported to our Supreme Council, nor being on our Register, are hereby warned to make due return by the first day of March next, or their works will be suspended.


            Given under our hands and seals of office at the Orient aforesaid, the day and year aforesaid, under the Great Seal of the Supreme Council.


            Notice of the death of Lieutenant Grand Commander Benjamin B. French was published on August 12, 1870,2 5 and immediately thereafter Pike caused a ballot to be circulated by mail for an election to fill the vacancy. John Robin McDaniel was elected to the office of Lieutenant Grand Commander and the announcement was published on September 30, 1870.2 In reply to an invitation to attend the Lodge of Sorrow conducted by the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, Pike expressed doubt that he could be present. In the same letter the Grand Commander took occasion to advise Sovereign Grand Inspector Todd of several other matters. He stated that he had received the Bulletins of the Grand Orient of France and that he would reply by Balustre in December; he acknowledged receipt of special music prepared by Thomas Cripps and took the opportunity to ask Todd to "render" Cripps "out of his discontent" at not having received the 33'. He promised to write a "general eulogy and specially remembering the Latin Brethren" for the Lodge of Sorrow21. Pike later found it possible to be in New Orleans for the Lodge of Sorrow and delivered his "general eulogy" in person.


            In November, Wm. L. Mitchell officially advised the Grand Commander that a Grand Consistory for Georgia had been organized." Subsequent correspondence with the presiding officer of that body requested much detailed advice about the duties and responsibilities of a Grand Consistory and its officers. It is unfortunate that the replies of Pike have not survived.


            On some now unknown date in 1870, Pike sent out a circular letter relating to the communication of degrees. Since the same problem is, to some extent, still prevalent, Pike's letter is reproduced in full for what it may be worth on this subject.


            25 Star, August 12, 1870. 2s Official Bulletin, I, 163. 27 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, October 2, 1870. 28 Official Bulletin, I, 51.


            29 Wm. L. Mitchell to Albert Pike, November 29, 1870.


            55 rient o~      ~~I~iit~toiY,    i~irict o First day of the ,Month Ir.r..ò. Bxo.ò.


            .~1.~. ‑M.'. 5630.


            I leave lately been informed by a. Brother who received from the Deputy of a Sov.'. Gr.ò. Inspector Ueneral the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, from 4 to 32, by commnnir~a~.ron, that the whole was done in the sloace of two hours or a little ruore.


            It is quite evidelrt that one so receiving the degrees can be neither a 1{ose Croix, a 1Zadosh nor ar Prince of the I~ogal Secret in anything more than name. IIe can know nothing, or comparatively nothing, of their teachings, nor understand the ceremonies, nor have received any value at all or vn,y berleiit at. all, in return for that which he paid Hurt lro rui~rllt become a 32 indeed.


            When the degrees arc communicated the candidate must take the vows of every orre degrees in regalar succession. )FIe must cornpl,y‑ with the rwelirniuaries of tire 5th and 18th degrees. Ffe must. alrswer the preliminary questions, make the preliminary promises and give the preliminary pledges, in evel;S‑ degree, wherever these are found.


            The Icast time in whi<~h the decrees can be prolaerly communicated is sixteen hour a clay on four al1eC0FSlce clays. On the first clay ere m.ry advance to the 14th degree and on the second, to the 18th <rr:cl no farther: on the third, to the 30th <rncl rlo farther; and on he will conclude.


            That he pray obtain some ideas of the nature, puryose slue meaning of the degrees, a acrd separat.cl3‑, parts of the olvening anc~ closing ceremonies of each must be read to him, tl of initiation be briefly gone over, curd the mast. striking portiolrs of the instruction be read.


            That all this nlay be yroperly dor,o,.:nd the ca;ndiclatc be enabled to a>>preeiate the degrees and not to despise them as v'orthless or con:~ider himself' deluded, deceived and defrauded by large promises followed by scant performance, eac+h Ill.ò. l~ro.ò. orr whom it may devolve to communicate degrees, must. be thorozylal~ familiar with tire whole, and witL every hart of each.


            For, to pretevc] to communicate the degrees irr two hours is to but them upon the level those of a Iiite whose ninety degrees have bean ~ communicated" while crossing a river in a fe boat, and even by ~ potent sent by mail to a candidate not seed.         1=Iowever pure and good the int tion, the effect cannot but be most mischievous and most deplorable. tire do not zccrzrt Initiates who c be satisfied with such com.mzcnicat orr of degrees drat are worthy to lie the study of a lifetime, and i which there is nothing that is not of value for' the heart or for the head.


            All our Sovereign Grand Inspectors General are therefore urgently entreated to conform their action and course of initiation to these saggestioua ; which are, for all Grand Consistoriea and of the s, font boors no farther the fourth s a ~~hole e course with rryen ~.n n 56 other bodies‑, and all Special and other Deputies, peremptory instructions, to be at all points observed and obeyed, until order of our Supreme Council to the contrary: nor is any dispensation or any pretence of exigency or emergency to be permitted to excuse any non‑observance thereof, in any case or under any circumstances whatever.


            And you are further admonished that in no case hereafter can the delays required by Statute be dispensed with, unless it be in cases where the degrees are to be conferred on BB.‑. for the purpose of enabling there to oe constituted a new body of the Rite, or for the purpose of filling up the numbers of an existing body, until it becomes perfect and efficient, and no further.       It is to violate the spirit of the law to add members in that manner, to any body of the Rite, after its numbers are complete, and a quorum for work at all times is secured.


            It is not the purpose of the Ancient and Accepted Rite to run a race of competition for numbers with any other Rite or Order whatsoever. Loyalty to it cannot consist with the cheapenig of its degrees, nor is its strength to be found in mere numbers; in which, indeed, all other Orders in compete with it and may profit thereby, while it must fail to make true progress and advancement. Receive, very dear Brethren, these admonitions in the spirit in which they are given.  Recall to your minds the teachings of our beloved Rite, and aid us in enforcing its laws.


            Sov.‑. Gr. ‑. Commander.




During 1870, Pike and Grand Commander Drummond, of the Northern Jurisdiction, carried on a correspondence that produced the long discussed "Letter of Denunciation and Appeal" approved by both the Southern and Northern Supreme Councils and issued by them jointly late in the year, possibly in December, as indicated in Pike's letters previously reported. This "Letter of Denunciation and Appeal" is historical and judicial in nature and is quoted in full in Appendix III. At this point it is sufficient to say that it withdrew recognition of and fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France and any and all bodies that might support the position of the Grand Orient with regard to the situation in Louisiana until the objectional action had been recalled.


            The year of 1871 opened with the publication of two circular letters: the first was a statement of the powers of a Sovereign Grand Inspector General relating to a Grand Consistory and is the first known analysis of this relationship: the second was another effort to collect the money due the Supreme Council for degree work done by Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council. Both letters are dated January 1, 1871, and read in part as follows The Supreme Council not having as yet acted ... in regard to the powers of Inspectors General ... in States where there are Grand Consistories, I have been constrained ... to consider the question and decide it, subject to the future determination of the Supreme Council.


            The following provisions of the Constitutions and Statutes are all that bear upon the question: "In no case", says the Declaration prefixed to the Grand Constitutions of 1786, "can any other person enjoy those rights, prerogatives, privileges and powers wherewith we do invest those Inspectors".


            By Art. xvi, 1 1, of the Statutes, the Supreme Council reserved to itself the power of conferring any of the Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, upon any such persons as it might deem worth to receive them. And it was provided that it might delegate that power to Deputy Grand Inspectors General, in States wherin there was no resident active Member of the Supreme Council or Grand Consistory.


            Art. xxv gives each active Member of the Supreme Council the power to confer all the degrees, to and including the 32d, by way of honorarium, and without fee; no exception being made in regard to States in which there are Grand Consistories.


            Art. xxxii, 1 4‑"Every Sovereign Grand Inspector General, active Member of the Supreme Council, possesses, and may exercise in the State in wihch he resides, during the recess of the Supreme Council; all the prerogatives of Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges, so far as relates to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite." 58 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Art. xxii, 1 4‑Declares each Grand Consistory, "a deputy of this Supreme Council, and the governing Power of the Ancient and Accepted Rite in the State wherein it is organized", and that all charters for bodies of the degrees below the 31st, must emanate from it, and all Potents, Briefs and Diplomas be issued by it".


            Art. xxii, 1 5‑"The privilege of conferring the 31st and 32d degrees has been delegated by the Supreme Council to the Grand Consistories." Art. xxvi, 1 2‑"The degrees may be communicated in order to establish new bodies." Art. xxvii, 1 2‑"For the puropse of propagating the Rite, this provisions as to delays may be dispensed with by any Sovereign Grand Inspector General, active Member of the Supreme Council, . . . for the purpose of establishing bodies, or adding members to bodies already existing, so as to enable them to work." Upon reflection and careful consideration, I have arrived at the following conclusions That the Grand Commander‑in‑Chief of a Grand Consistory is but the presiding officer of that body, except so far as it may invest him with power to act for it during its recesses, and that he does not possess, nor can it confer upon him, the power to confer any of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, that power being confined to Inspectors General, active Members of the Supreme Council, Deputies of these or of the Supreme Council, and organized bodies of the Rite.


            That the Grand Consistory may empower the Grand Commander‑in‑Chief to congregate the requisite number of brethren already in possession of the necessary degrees, into any body of the Rite, of the 14th, 16th, 18th, or 30th degrees, and to grant to such body a warrant, to be afterwards submitted to the Grand Consistory for confirmation and continuance.


            That an Inspector General, active member of the Supreme Council, or a Deputy of the Supreme Council, in a State where there is a Grand Consistory, retains undiminished his power to confer any and all of the degrees of the Rite, from the 4th to the 32d on such persons as he may select, and to establish any of the said subordinate bodies, granting Letters Patent, which must be submitted to the Grand Consistory for confirmation,‑the fees for the degrees belonging to the Supreme Council, and those for Letters Patent to the Grand Consistory; from which, also, those receiving degrees from an Inspector General or Deputy, must, upon his certificate, obtain their Diplomas, Briefs or Patents, and to it pay the fees therefor. And that a Grand Consistory can confer no degrees except the 31st and 32d; all below these being conferable only by the proper Body, or by an Inspector General, or Deputy Inspector General as aforesaid; so that councils of Knights of Kadosh are indispensable bodies in this jurisdiction.




If there be in any place but one person who desires the degrees, and no body established there, they may certainly be given him, for the purpose of establishing the bodies . . . thereafter....


            Wherever a body . . . is established, the degree may be given . . . until finally the requisite number for a new body is obtained....


            I am clearly of opinion that the only efficient mode of extending the Rite is ... to extend it among individuals, one by one....


            The Grand Commander then took the opportunity to point out that the Supreme Council needed money to pay its printing bills and to finance the publication of "Morals and Dogma" then in the printer's hands. He also reminded the Inspectors General We have paid since the war about seven thousand dollars for printing, in addition to all other expenses, and of this sum about five thousand came from California; and we owed it to the zeal and energy of our Ill. Brother Shaw. Even from the great jurisdiction of Louisiana we have received but three or four hundred dollars, and from most of the States much less; from many nothing at all.


            He closed the letter with an appeal to propagate the Rite, to make the quarterly returns by the Statutes and to require Subordinate Bodies to make due and prompt returns "without delay" that the Supreme Council would be enabled "to do its work"." The second letter reads as follows I am directed by the M.'. P.'. Grand Commander to inform you that there are demands against the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, for moneys due for printing Rituals and Transactions, and other work, which cannot be met unless the money due to itself are paid.


            The Sovereign Grand Commander desires me fraternally but earnestly to urge you to remit to the Treasurer General, Ill.'. Bro.'. John J. Worsham, 33d, at Memphis, in the State of Tennessee, the sum of $‑, due by you to the Supreme Council, since day of  , 18‑, for It is hoped that as the sum thus due belongs in fact to those whom the Supreme Councils owes, you will, if not actually impossible, make due answer to this sign and summons, that the Order may not suffer reproach." " Albert Pike to John Robin McDaniel, January 1, 1871. 31 Blank form letter, January 1, 1871.


            60 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Within three months of Pike's appeal to the Inspectors General and the Deputies of the Supreme Council to increase the tempo of the propagation of the Rite, he received a letter from Inspector John C. Ainsworth that he had established Albert Pike Lodge, No. 2, at Salem, Oregon, and reported "Under direction of your Circular of January 1st, '71, I have taken individuals from different localities to form a nucleus of a `new body . . .' ". Probably of as good news to the Grand Commander was his statement that he was sending $1,800 to the Treasurer General." The good news from Oregon was followed by sad tidings on April 2, 1871, when Inspector General Giles M. Hillyer, Grand Minister of State, of Mississippi died. However, the living must carry on and after writing a tribute to the "Illustrious Dead", Pike turned back to administrative duties of the Supreme Council.


            Treasurer General John J. Worsham reported receipt of $1,836.04 remitted by Ainsworth on April 12, 1871, and in the same letter raised objection to the Session set for San Francisco because of the cost of travel. Two days later he wrote that he had received Pike's instructions to pay William T. Anderson $1500 and explained that a protested draft had never reached him. A few days later, Worsham advised Pike against a proposed appointment in Memphis until he had made an investigation in that city." This was the last known letter Pike received from Worsham, for Worsham died on July 31, 1871. The office of Treasurer General was a very active office and the Grand Commander immediately appointed Inspector General Frederick Webber of Kentucky to fill the office" until the next meeting of the Supreme Council, not quite one year away.


            One of the major problems in the propagation of the Rite has always been the finding of the right man in a given territory to do the work. Pike was constantly looking for such men. On April 24, 1871, John S. Driggs accepted an appointment as Deputy Inspector General for Florida, and about the same time William M. Ireland was appointed to the same position in the District of Columbia. However, E. H. Caldwell and "Brother" Willoughby both declined such an appointment in Alabama." Charles G. Goodrich, Grand Commander of the Grand Consistory of Georgia, was most active in his state in 1871. He reported to Pike that he was corresponding with Masons in Albany, Fort Valley, Atlanta and Macon with regard to Lodges of Per 32 J. C. Ainsworth to Albert Pike, March 25, 1871.


            33 John J. Worsham to Albert Pike, April 12, 14, May 25, 1871. 34 Official Bulletin, 1, 366.


            35 John S. Briggs to Albert Pike, April 24, 1871; Official Bulletin, 1, 229; E. H. Caldwell to Albert Pike, May 1, 1871.




fection and had established such a Lodge at Milledgeville." Inspector General Mitchell of Georgia informed Pike later that he had issued Letters of Constitution for a Lodge of Perfection at Atlanta and that a Lodge could be formed at Rome before the year ended." R. M. Smith, a Deputy of Mitchell, expressed the opinion that two more Lodges of Perfection would be established before the spring of 1872.38 The Grand Commander contributed materially to the efforts in Georgia, Minnesota, Iowa and South Carolina during mid‑1871. In May, he was in Charleston to form a Chapter of Rose Croix" and also in Georgia to lend inspiration to the workers there. In July, Pike was in Minnesota and Iowa to assist in forming bodies at St. Paul and Lyons. At Lyons, Pike spent five days, and when he left, the Knights of Kadosh totaled ninety. The Bodies at Lyons had expanded $15,000 for regalia and had started the construction of a temple which was finished in 1872.' In so far as (See Illustration on page 63) is presently known, this building was the first in the Southern Jurisdiction to be erected and owned exclusively by Subordinate Bodies of the Scottish Rite. Early in September, Pike planned a trip into the West to visit Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and Alabama" but there is no record that he actually made the trip.


            As had been a part of his labors for the entire period of his administration, Grand Commander Pike carried on an extensive correspondence with Robert Macoy regarding the printing authorized by the Supreme Council. Revision of the Rituals and Ceremonies were the principal projects in 1870. A continuation of the correspondence with Macoy began early in 1871. Macoy's letter of February 4, 1871, acknowledged receipt of $1,258.75 in money sent in by Shaw for work at Salt Lake City." The letter also contained information on the progress of typesetting on the "Ceremonies of Baptism and Adoption", "Morals and Dogma", "Bulletin" and "Charters". This letter indicates the extent of printing committments for 1871‑1872. In August the printer wrote Pike that he needed a payment on the printing bill of the Supreme Council and two days later that he was sending some proof sheets of "Morals and Dogma". In the first week of October, Macoy requested a payment of $1,000 as Chas. G. Goodrich to Albert Pike, Swan 26, 5331; May 22, 1871. 3 " Wm. L. Mitchell to Albert Pike, November 4, 1871.


            38 R. M. Smith to Albert Pike, January 2, 1872. 39 Henry Rush to The Supreme Council, undated. 40 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1874, p. 15. 41 Albert Pike to Marshall W. Wood, September 4, 1871. 42 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, February 5, 1871.




on the printing bill and before the end of the month the Grand Commander sent out another circular letter regarding the payment of accounts owed to the Supreme Council. Pike was unable to meet the request for $1,000 but did send $600. A request for more copy and the delivery of more proof sheets took place in November and December. All of the type for "Morals and Dogma" was set by mid‑December, 1871.43 It appears that Pike had been unsuccessful in collecting sufficient funds to defray the printing bill and had sought a loan, for Wm. L. Mitchell wrote that such a loan might be secured from Robert Toombs.44 This letter was followed in a few days by one from Toombs who stated that he could let the Grand Commander have $3,000. Of this amount, $2,000 was paid to Pike in two installments of $1,000 each." The first twenty‑four copies of Morals and Dogma were sent to Pike on March 2, 1872.46 On August 24, 1871, Grand Commander Pike saw fit to issue a circular letter regarding the situation of Scottish Rite Masonry in Colombia which he closed by stating that it was his intention to submit a document entitled "Articles of Agreement and Contract" for adoption to the Supreme Councils of the world. The four articles read as follows ARTICLE I The Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States will not recognize more than one Supreme Council of the 33d Degree in any North or South American Republic; and agrees that the creation of more than one is forbidden except in the United States of America, by the Fundamental law of the Rite.


            ARTICLE II The said Supreme Council will maintain as an inviolable law and landmark of Free Masonry, that an illegal, irregular, and spurious body, claiming Supremacy, cannot be legitimized by a Treaty made between it and a regular body of the same rank and degree, but continues, after such a treaty, as spurious and irregular as before.


            43 Robert Macoy to Albert Pike, August 15; 16; October 6; 27; 28; November 4; 14; December 13, 1871; Circular Letter, October 25, 1871.


            44 arm. L. Mitchell to Albert Pike, December 27, 1871.


            45 R. Toombs to Albert Pike, January 3; April 14, 1871; C. H. Phinizy to Albert Pike, January 4, 1871; Robert Macoy to Albert Pike, January 10; 30; February 1, 1871.


            46 Robert Macoy to Albert Pike, March 2, 1872.


            64 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION ARTICLE III The Supreme Council will maintain as the law of Free Masonry, that a regular body of any degree, so treating with and recognizing as its peer an irregular and illegitimate body, becomes itself infected with irregularity, and is no longer entitled to recognition; and it will maintain no relations of amity or correspondence with a body that so commits felo de se.


            ARTICLE IV The said Supreme Council agrees that it will not hereafter create or authorize the creation of, a Supreme Council in any Empire, Kingdom, Republic or State, anywhere in the world, without first obtaining the unanimous consent of all the Supreme Council that shall accede to this agreement; and that it will not recognize any one created by any other power or authority, without such unanimous consent. Nor will it revive any dormant Supreme Councils, without obtaining such consent thereto, nor recognize any dormant Council that may hereafter be revived without such consent." Pike submitted the proposed "Articles of Agreement and Compact" to the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction in his Allocution delivered on May 6, 1872, but there is no record that the same was adopted as an official statement of minimum principles upon which recognition could be based. This would not indicate a disagreement with the considerations that were expressed, rather it does indicate that the document did not adequately cover all of the points of regularity by which a Supreme Council should be measured before fraternal relations should be established with it. It might be pointed out in this connection that the creation of an adequate formula for recognition between Masonic Grand Bodies resolving all of the questions of jurisprudence, custom, practice, wisdom and propriety is probably the most difficult undertaking in the whole category of Masonic policy making. It has successfully defied all efforts at final solution from the establishment of the first Grand Lodge at London in 1717 until the present writing.


            United States Grand Lodges were concerned about the regularity of Lodges established in Mexico under the Supreme Council of Mexico which became dormant in 1871. On August 23, 1871, Pike issued a circular letter in which the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction vouched for the regularity of the Mexican Supreme Council and the Lodges that it had established and also assumed responsibility for the Mexican Lodges so created until the Supreme Council of Mexico could 47 Albert Pike to M.'.P.'. Sovereign and P.'. Lieutenant Grand Commanders etc., August 24, 1871.




be reactivated. A second circular letter was mailed out on March 6, 1872, in which Pike announced the recognition of the reactivated Mexican Supreme Council." Other surviving correspondence before the Session of the Supreme Council in May, 1872, informed Pike that his rituals were being used in Canada;" that the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction would not tolerate invasions of the Southern Jurisdiction by its representatives;" that Pike's Book of the Words was ready for distribution;" and notified the Inspectors General that the meeting place for the Session of the Supreme Council in 1872 had been changed from San Francisco to Louisville." The Grand Commander also indicated that the persecution of ex‑Confederates had not yet died out in the nation's capital when he wrote: "It is a hard world for a rebel to live in."" The final letter of preparation for the 1872 Session of the Supreme Council was a circular sent out on April 2, 1872, regarding nominations for Knight Commander of the Court of Honour. Since this was the first of its kind, it is quoted in full.


            Dear and Ill.'. Bro.'.


            By the terms of the statute creating the Court of Honour, each InpsectorGeneral, active member of the Supreme Council, will have the right, at the coming session of the first Monday of May next, to nominate two Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, and each Grand Consistory to nominate one, to receive the rank and honour of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Each Bro.'. so nominating Princes to be decorated with the said rank and honour is required by the statute "to take care to nominate no one who has not by zeal, devotion and active service, deserved well of the Ancient and Accepted Rite." It will, therefore, in each case, be necessary to make known to the Supreme Council what services have been rendered, and' what zeal and devotion have been displayed. For, without the said rank and dignity, no one can become a 33d; and unless that degree is hereafter given for real, actual and distinguished zeal, energy and devotion, and for actual and valuable services, as well as in consideration of high personal character, of intelligence, and of cultivation of the intellect by study, it will soon become as common and as cheap as the commonest and cheapest of Masonic degrees.


            4s Circular Letter, August 23, 1871; March 6, 1872. 4s J. W. Murton to Albert Pike, December 14, 1871. 50 Josiah Drummond to Albert Pike, March 10, 1872. 51 Circular Letter, March 10, 1872.


            52 Ibid., March 11, 1872; April 2, 1872.


            53 Albert Pike to John H. Howe, February 28, 1872.


            66 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Any honorary Sov.'. Gr.'. Insp.'. General, possessing like claims, may be invested with the same rank and dignity. I have to request you to be prepared to give your brethren of the Supreme Council information as to the services and claims of these and the Princes of your State.


            We have too many of both, who, having early attained their high rank, have since been utterly useless, through indolence, apathy or indifference, steadily deserving ill and not well of the Order. So far as my single vote will go, no such Prince or Hon.'. Insp.'. General shall ever receive the rank and dignity of Knight Commander; for when it comes to be given to those who have not deserved it, it will cease to be any value to those who have deserved it well.


            If you should not be able to attend the session, I beg you to furnish me with information in regard to the services and zeal of such Princes of the R.'. S.'. and Hon.'. 33ds in your State, as may, in your opinion, deserve‑having by faithful devotion earned it,‑the rank and honour of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            At Louisville, Kentucky, on May 6, 1872, the Supreme Council opened its regular Biennial Session with fifteen Sovereign Grand Inspectors General present. Three Active Members of the Supreme Council had died since the meeting in 1870: B. B. French, Giles M. Hillyer and John J. Worsham; three sent excuses for non‑attendance that were accepted; one sent in a resignation from Active Membership; and two were unaccounted for: John C. Ainsworth for Oregon and Achille R. Morel for Louisiana.


            Grand Commander Pike opened his Allocution with a review of world condtions and the status of Freemasonry therein; his general conclusion was that the situation appeared to be encouraging. He next gave his attention to the ravages by death in the past two years expressing his deep regret at these losses. The official thanks of the Grand Commander were then expressed to the Knights Templar of Louisville for their assistance, and he paid a tribute to York Rite Masonry. Pike then launched into a report of activities and his recommendations as follows: The enactment of a statute to govern the mode of filling vacancies in offices during the recess of the Supreme Council.


            A report of his trips to Iowa, Maryland, Georgia and South Carolina.


            A report on dispensations granted which he closed by stating that he wished he had no such power.




He observed that it was his opinion that the creation of particular Consistories was a mistake and that those in existence should be converted into Councils of Kadosh.


            Reported that neither Deputy Schwarzman or the Secretary General had been able to establish the Rite in North Carolina, and recommended that the Deputy Commission to Schwarzman should be recalled.


            Reported the appointment of John S. Driggs as Deputy for Florida, that he had accomplished nothing and that the commission should be recalled.


            Recommended that the charter of the dormant Consistory at Natchez, Mississippi, should be recalled, and also those of the Bodies in Memphis except that of the recently formed Lodge of Perfection.


            Announced the appointment of Deputies as follows: Abraham E. Frankland for West Tennessee George S. Blackie for East and Middle Tennessee Sterling Y. MacMasters for Minnesota Odell Squier Long for Western Virginia Edwin A. Sherman for Territories Outlined the decisions he had made during the past two years.


            Expressed a desire to have the Rituals translated into French, Spanish and German.


            Offered some comments on the newly authorized Court of Honour.


            Recommended that the fey for the 33' be abolished.


            Stated that all printing bills would soon be paid and recommended that the Supreme Council undertake: to build a "Sanctuary" in Washington, D. C. to establish an interest bearing "Charity Fund" Reviewed relations with Foreign Supreme Councils with the general observation that such relations were satisfactory.


            68 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION For the remainder of the Session the Supreme Council proceeded with the usual and routine business. Accomplishments included the following items: Assumption of payment of the $2,000 advanced to Pike for printing expenses by Robert Toombs.


            Letters of Constitution granted to Buist Council, Princes of Jerusalem, Charleston, South Carolina.


            Election of forty‑two nominees to receive the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Robert Toombs elected 33' and Active Member for Georgia.


            Wm. Edward Leffingwell elected to receive the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour.


            T. S. Parvin elected Grand Minister of State.


            Frederick Webber elected Treasurer General.


            Office of Grand Auditor created and Samuel M. Todd elected to that office.


            Salary of the Secretary General was raised to $1,500 annually.


            A. T. C. Pierson dropped from the roll of Honorary Inspectors General.


            Five brethren were nominated to receive the 33 Honorary, election to be held in 1874.


            Two Brethren were nominated for Active Membership to be acted upon in 1874.


            Deputies appointed: Isaac Bateman for Nevada; Robert W. Furnas for Nebraska.


            Resignation of Inspector General Robert C. Jordan accepted.


            Grand Commander Pike authorized to visit Europe as Legate of Supreme Council.


            Approved the acts of the Sovereign Grand Commander while Supreme Council was in recess.




Authorized construction of "Sanctuary" when all debts were paid and $20,000 had been accumulated and appointed a committee to plan same.


            Authorized the creation of a "Charity Fund" when "Sanctuary" was completed.


            Statutes adopted On powers of Sovereign Grand Commander during recess of Supreme Council Vacancies in offices to be filled by appointment of Grand Commander ad interim until next Session of Supreme Council Requiring visiting Scottish Rite Masons to show Patent before admission etc.


            Grand Commander's decisions made a part of the General Regulations Hereafter, no statute to be adopted at the meeting it was proposed and making a two‑thirds majority vote necessary for passage.


            Grand Commander given authority to nominate for Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of Court of Honour, regulating other nominations, and specifying that vote on the nominations should take place on the second day of the Biennial Session.


            Reports of officers, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, and Deputies of the Supreme Council were received.


            $150 appropriated for steel engraving of Grand Commander Pike to be inserted in next issue of Transactions.


            No investiture of Knight Commander of Court of Honour until all fees due the Supreme Council were paid.


            Lodge of Sorrow was convened.


            Action of Grand Consistory of Louisiana in dropping three Honorary 33 members from roll approved and the same were dropped from the Supreme Council roll.


            $500 additional salary for Secretary General for years 1871 and 1872 appropriated.


            Secretary General authorized to buy office furniture not to exceed $350.


            Dues remitted Minnesota Council, Princes of Jerusalem and Chapter, Rose Croix; Mobile Bodies 70 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Rulings approved that of Grand Commander that Honorary 33 members have all rights and prerogatives of Active Members in Sessions of the Supreme Council except those expressly denied to them by Statutes that of Committee on Jurisprudence that the Grand Consistory can confer only the 31 and 32; issue Patents of Constitution to Bodies 4 to 30 inclusive; that Grand Commander‑in‑Chief has these same powers during recess of the Grand Consistory; and that neither has power to communicate or confer 4 to 30 inclusive that of Special Committee that Honorary Inspectors General retain all prerogative and privileges when moving from one state to another in the Jurisdiction Charters withdrawn of Bodies at Memphis except that of recently created Lodge of Perfection; of all Bodies that do not pay delinquent dues within 60 days Special report on situation in Missouri adopted Resolutions adopted Council of Administration to designate meeting place in 1874 giving O. S. Long more time to receive 33 withdrawing Deputy Commission of Edwin A. Sherman referring some proposed Statutes to Council of Administration accepting resignation of Andres Cassard as Honorary 33 refusing to recognize Andres Cassard as representative of the Supreme Council of Uruguay withdrawing exequatur to Andres Cassard electing five distinguished members of other Supreme Councils as Honorary Members of the Supreme Council thanking Matthew Cook of London for music thanking Thomas Cripps of New Orleans for music thanking Professor Winkler for providing music at Memphis Lodge of Sorrow 71 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


authorizing Grand Commander Pike to publish music selected by him thanking Grand Consistory of Kentucky, Union Lodge of Perfection No. 3, Knights Templar of Louisville for assistance, Falls City Lodge, Directors of Masonic Home for Widows and Orphans, Masonic Temple Association, Louisville, Broadway Methodist Church for music during Lodge of Sorrow, and railroad companies for granting half‑fare rates to members of Supreme Council The Supreme Council was closed on May 11, 1872, with the usual ceremonies." In striking contrast to the two years between the meeting of the Supreme Council in 1870 and 1872, the period between the Sessions of 1872 and 1874 was relatively inactive.


            The first letter to emanate from the Supreme Council after the Session of 1872 was that of Secretary General Mackey on June 1, 1872, quoting the new statute that required a Scottish Rite Mason, after May 1, 1873, to present his Patent before gaining admission as a visitor into a body of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction. The letter also outlined the procedure for acquiring a Patent, gave the rate of charges for the various patents, and listed the data that must be provided for its preparation." Although today such procedure has become routine, in 1872, this legislation represented a policy matter of major importance in the organizational structure of the Rite and its membership accounting system.


            On June 15, 1872, Grand Commander Pike and his committee on the building of a "Sanctuary" released a letter from which the following is selected: The Supreme Council ... deemed that the time had come when it could engage in . . . the acumulation of a fund for the erection of a Home and Sanctuary ... and for the relief of the widows and the support and education of the orphans of deceased Brethren.... and therefore has adopted the following Statute....


            1. Resolved, That the Supreme Council ought to build . . . a Sanctuary in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, . . . upon the cash principle, and after all its debts are fully ... discharged.


            2. Resolved, That the proceeds of the sales of the Books . . . be devoted, after the debts are paid, to the purchase of a suitable site and erection of a suitable building for the purposes aforesaid.....


            54 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. I., 1872, pp. 3‑163. 55 Official Bulletin, 11, 16‑17.


            72 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION 3. Resolved, That in order to raise funds ... the Committee hereinafter named be authorized, . . . to issue stock, . . . receivable for all dues to the Supreme Council, and also to invite donations ... from the Brethren and others....


            4. Resolved, That as soon as the sum of $20,000 shall have accumulated ... or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be devoted to the purchase of a suitable site in the city of Washington for said Sanctuary.


            5. Resolved, That while the Supreme Council would not encourage extravagance . . . a proper regard to the best architectural taste should be paid by said Committee, and a building erected worthy of the Mother‑Council of the World....


            6. Resolved, That . . . the Committee shall . . . before committing the Supreme Council to a contract, the plan of the building and its cost shall be reported to the Supreme Council for its approval.


            7. Resolved, That said Committee, after accumulating a sufficient fund for the Sanctuary . . . shall, from the same sources, . . . husband a Charity fund till the same shall amount to $100,000, when the annual interest may be appropriated to aid the widows and orphans of members of our Rite; and . . . an overplus of interest.... shall be added to the principal....


            8. Resolved, That ... the Committee hereinafter appointed should look carefully into our right under the Charter of Incorporation from the State of South Carolina, to hold real estate in the District, and if there be any doubt upon the subject, said Committee is hereby instructed to apply to Congress for an Act incorporating Trustees to hold the same for the Supreme Council, and also to manage the Charity fund aforesaid.


            9. Resolved, That Ill.'. Bro.'. Albert Pike, Ill.'. Bro.'. Thomas A. Cummingham, and Ill.'. Bro.'. John R. McDaniel, be a permanent Committee to carry into effect the two schemes of a Sanctuary and a Charity fund as herein provided.


            The Supreme Council is the proprietor of the following books.... Rituals of the Degrees, from the 1st to 32d. 6 vols.


            Ceremonies of Constitution of Bodies and Installation of Officers, from the Lodge of Perfection to the Consistory. 5 vols.


            Ceremonies of Baptism, Reception of Louveteau and Adoption. 1 vol. Funeral Ceremony and Offices of Lodge of Sorrow. 1 vol.


            Grand Constitutions, old edition, and new edition, greatly enlarged. 1 vol. Morals and Dogma of the Rite. 1 vol.


            And Parts I., III., IV. and V of the Liturgy, which will be published during the present summer and coming fall. 4 vols.


            In addition to 200 copies Transactions of 1868, 500 copies Transactions of 1870, and 200 copies of the Bulletin of the Supreme Council, Vol. 1 It has paid for all the printing hitherto done, and ... the fund to arise from the sales of books will soon begin to accumulate.




An admirable site for the Sanctuary, having 75 feet front, with ample depth, is offered to the Committee, in the City of Washington, within half a square of the building of the Department of the Interior, and of that of the Post Office Department, upon a quite and pleasant street, of residences only.


            It is not the purpose of the Supreme Council to erect a building ... to be wholly devoted to the uses of the ... Supreme Council, and, at moderate rent, the bodies of our Rite at the City of Washington.     . . . .


            The cost of the site and the building will probably be not far from $70,000.....


            The shares of stock are fixed at $10 each ....        ... and these will be receivable in payment for books purchased, for charters, and patents, and for any dues to the Supreme Council.


            No debt will be created, . . . . No stock will be issued except to those who subscribe moneys ... or to be received in part payment of the cost of the ground, or of work done, or materials furnished for the building; ....


            The value of the ground and building will, unquestionably, increase with the growth and increase of the city, and the shares of stock will, of course, increase in the same proportion; ... profit being an increase in the value of the stock.


            All the surplus funds of the Supreme Council, . . . will be received by the Committee, and put at interest, to accumulate. Donations in aid of this fund are also earnestly solicited. The Committee hope to live long enough to see it so accumulate, as that the interest will be available . . . and with it the widows of the Brotherhood be saved from distress and humiliation and its orphans rescued from want, ignorance and vice.


            With this please receive a subscription paper for stock, and exert yourself to have as many shares subscribed for as possible. ....


            Please find also a subscription paper for the Charity fund, to which it is hoped that the Bodies of the Rite as well as individual Brethren will contribute, . . . it will be impartially dispensed throughout the whole Jurisdiction. All contributions and donations will be suitably acknowledged and registered, . . . those who are benefited ... may know ... their benefactors." Nothing survives to indicate that any response was made to this appeal. Grand Commander Pike reported to the Supreme Council on May 4, 1874, as follows: "I regret to have to say that so little has been effected towards the objects of building a Sanctuary and creating a permanent fund for Charity, that it is little amiss to call it nothing."" 56Ibid., 17‑20.


            57 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. I., 1874, Appendix A, 24.


            74 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION During the Session of the Supreme Council in May, 1872, some Statutes and resolutions were referred to the Council of Administration for "determination". The Council of Administration, on July 30, 1872, completed the work left to it and published its action shortly thereafter. The new Statutes, Article XXIX, sections 7, 8 and 9, had the effect of abolishing Councils of Princes of Jerusalem as independent bodies and making the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Degrees a part of the Chapter of Rose Croix. Article XVIII, section 15, made it possible for Grand Consistories to "excuse its subordinates from the payment of dues to itself, from Brethren who have attained the Thirty‑second Degree".


            The five resolutions adopted by the Council of Administration provided: 1. James Bennett Gibbs to receive the Degrees of the Rite as an Honorarium; 2. the Grand Commander authorized to present recognized Supreme Councils with copies of Morals and Dogma and Grand Constitutions of the Rite and to loan a copy of the Rituals "to Ill. ' . Bro. ' . Robert Marshall, 33d, Deputy of the Supreme Council of England and Wales for new Brunswick; 3. the Grand‑Commander authorized to procure and present Grand Representative Jewels to those officers near the Grand and Supreme Bodies of Hungary, Sweden and Norway, and Denmark; 4. that $5.00 he added to the fee for the degrees and that a copy of Morals and Dogma be "handed" to each candidate thereafter (it was advised that the next edition of Morals and Dogma be divided into four parts, one for each body of the Rite, and that candidates be advanced only after becoming familiar with the part bearing upon the prerequisite body) ; and 5. a recommendation that no body of the Rite afterwards created be permitted to begin labor until it had acquired three copies of the Ritual of its Degrees, with the Secret Work and three copies of the published Liturgy of the same, one copy of Morals and Dogma, and three copies of the Funeral Ceremony and Offices of the Lodge of Sorrow, that Grand Consistories provide themselves with the same number of copies of complete Rituals, Secret Work and Liturgy." One of Grand Commander Pike's letters dated March 24, 1872, reveals his thinking about progression in the Scottish Rite Degrees. The pertinent portions read as follows: The manufacturing of great numbers of 32ds in haste is an unmitigated evil, without any corresponding benefit at all. There is not one among twenty who have gone at a bound, as it were, from Secret Master to Prince of the Royal Secret, in all the jurisdiction, who takes the least interest in the work of the various bodies. I find this universal every where.....


            ss Official Bulletin, II, 21‑22.




We have too many 32ds now. We make that degree too cheap, and the others worthless, when we rush through them.... It is not as great an evil to multiply 32ds as to multiply 33ds but it is pretty near it. We have stopped one; and I am for stopping another.


            ... The fact that you have twice too many 32ds in Iowa is the very reason for barring more....


            Next, I am opposed to local Consistories, and can no more help to fill one up, than I could consent to the making of a new one. It will not do to have them every where, making 32ds. If one is likely to die out, I am glad of it. I wish they all would: and I thought the Grand Consistory of Iowa had killed them all.


            I have solemnly and firmly resolved that I will never consent again, in any case, to giving the 32d degree until the expiration of one year from the receipt of the 30th and then only upon B B.'. who have worked, faithfully in the Subordinate bodies. The only exception I will make, which is establishing the Rite in a new jurisdiction, when I will limit the number of those to receive the 32 to two or three. I am sure that it is the only wise course to pursue.


            The Councils of Kadosh are the Commanderies of the Knights of the Holy House of the Temple. The 31 & 32 are the judicial and governing degrees and ought to be given in Grand Consistories alone. 'I The effect of this letter in Iowa is not left entirely to conjecture. Late in 1872, Pike wrote as follows: What is the matter with all of you in Iowa?          ....


            If you or they are in any way miffed at anything I have done or said, tell me the cause, and I will make prompt amends." It may be that the criticism in the Grand Commander's letter was responsible for the "resignation of nearly all the officers" of the Lyons Bodies early in 1873. There was also a sharp decline in the number of candidates that received the degree of Master of the Royal Secret. From 1869 to 1873, 111 candidates had received the 32 in DeMolay Consistory at Lyons; during the next four years, 1873‑1877, only twenty‑six candidates received the 32 in that Consistory." Parvin's letters to Pike have not survived but a Pike letter reveals Parvin's thoughts in these words: I note what you write as to the prospects in Iowa, and the impossibility of maintaining the Rite there on any other System than that of dispensing with delays 59 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, March 24, 1872. 60 Ibid., November 20, 1872.


            si DeMolay Consistory, 7‑8.


            76 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION and making 32ds in a week out of Master Masons. I am convinced that it is this very System that has ruined our Rite in Iowa, as it has wherever else it has been tried. And if the bodies in Iowa can only sustain themselves by manufacturing 32ds "in short on the record", I think it might as well die out. You have now more 32ds than any State in the jurisdiction, and can hardly get a quorum of the Grand Consistory. There is virtually only one body at Lyons, working the degrees from 4 to 32, and having given the 32d until they owe the Grand Consistory $1,500, and put all they have received in their Temple, they want to make more, and more, and more, to enable them to thrive: and all the time they virtually charge, I believe, less than half the regular and legal fee.


            If we cannot begin at the bottom, build up Lodges of Perfection and have work done in them, and by slow degrees build on them the new bodies, we cannot make the Rite of any value. Make the degrees hard to get, and men will go any reasonable distance to get them. Let it be understood that all can be had together, and none are valued. You have already more 32ds in Iowa than there are in England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium and (I believe) France, together.


            Look at Ohio, under the Iowa System. All the work is done at Cincinnati, and there are no bodies, or hardly any, elsewhere in the great State. I would plant a Lodge of Perfection in every town where nine good Master Masons would organize and work, and so have a Masonic people in the Rite, and not all Princes." The conclusion seems inescapable that a conflict of opposing views had developed regarding eligibility for the Scottish Rite degrees and progression from one group of degrees to the next. The outcome of this philosophic conflict might determine whether the Scottish Rite would survive or perish; certainly, whether it would be small in number, weak financially, aristocratic in character and consequently of little influence in the social structure or become numerous, affluent, democratic and a major force in Americcn national life. It is doubtful that these alternatives were recognized at this period in the history of the Rite.


            On April 13, 1872, Anto. De S. Ferreira, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Peru, addressed a letter to Grand Commander Albert Pike urging him, as the head of "the oldest [Supreme Council] in the Masonic world", to issue an invitation to all recognized Supreme Councils to convene in a Congress for the interchange of ideas on problems of general interest. Pike had long felt the need for such a Congress and on December 16, 1872, proposed that the Congress meet in sa Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, February 8, 1874.




Washington, D. C'., on the second Monday in May, 1874. His letter indicated that the following topics should be discussed Recognition of bodies claiming to be supreme Measures to counteract indiscreet publications Multiplication of Supreme Councils in limited jurisdictions Lavish conferral of the 33' Low figures set for degree fees Differences of Work Relations of Supreme Councils to other Bodies Relations of Supreme Councils with Grand Bodies of other Degrees Improvement of exchange, of proceedings Unity of action in resisting aggressions Examination of "existing controversies and questions as to supremacy of jurisdiction"." 3 It may be assumed that the response to the call for the Congress was unfavorable, because it did not take place. It can be said, however, that the letter served a useful purpose in that it identified the major problems of concern to Supreme Councils and probably caused more caution to be generally exercised in the fields of possible conflict between them.


            By the year 1873, the development of the Rite had reached the point where suspension for non‑payment of dues and restoration must be given serious consideration. Grand Commander Pike was requested to rule upon the legality of the provision in the By‑Laws of Yerba Buena Lodge of Perfection governing restoration after suspension for non‑payment of dues, and in doing so, wrote a brief essay reflecting a a phase of the transition in thought as follows: Suspension is temporary deprivation of rights and privileges.


            It is of two kinds, because Masons have rights, in two characters, of two kinds.


            lst. Rights as Masdns, possessed by Masons at large, who have either never been members of a Lodge or other body, or who have ceased to belong to any.


            2d. Rights dependent on membership in a body, and growing out of that membership.


            Also there are correlative duties of two kinds: those arising out of the simple character of Mason, and the obligations assumed as such; and those arising out of membership in a particular body.


            sa Official Bulletin, II. 10‑14.


            78 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION And also there are offences of two kinds: one of violations of obligations assumed in receiving the degrees, and of neglect or omission of performance of simply Masonic duties; and one of like faults or omissions or neglect of duty as member of a body.


            It might be difficult to enumerate the duties that devolve upon a Mason before any constituted Lodges existed. And it is not doubted that other and higher duties are assumed by Masons, as Masons, now, than were assumed a century and a half ago. Nor is it to be doubted that there are other duties created by the relations of the members of Lodges, as such, than those which are enumerated in the obligations.


            Neither is it to be doubted that Masonic duties, other than those assumed by a Mason before he becomes a member of a body, may be and are created by becoming such a member; because the non‑performance of them may constitute Masonic unworthiness. At least in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, where men are obligated to performance of all the duties of life, neglect to perform any of those duties makes the offender masonically unworthy.


            It is not to be doubted, therefore, that neglect, when one is unable, to pay the dues required by the Statutes of a Lodge of Perfection, in the absence of any sufficient excuse, and when one is put in default by proper steps taken, is Masonic unworthiness, and may, upon charges preferred, be punished as such, even by deprivation of all the rights and privileges of Masonry.


            If so tried, and upon conviction suspended, i. e., temporarily deprived of such rights and benefits, he can only be restored by reversal or annulment of the judgement, by such vote, taken at such time, and after such preliminaries, as the Statutes of the Lodge shall have prescribed.


            Therefore, in case of such a suspension, the latter clause question is valid.


            of the Statute in Suspension from the rights growing out of membership (Whatever they may be), if a punishment for an offence or neglect of duty, must be effected in the same way, and the judgement and conviction woud be avoidable only in the same manner: for the offence, if one at all, constitutes Masonic unworthiness.


            But the Statutes of a Lodge are the unanimous agreement of the members: lst, because in law every Statute is as much the act and resolution of those who voted against it as of those who voted for it; for they have agreed beforehand that it shall be so, if adopted by the requisite majority, at the proper time, after the proper preliminaries and in the proper manner; 2d, because every one who unites himself to a Lodge binds himself to obey and abide by its Statutes.


            And there is nothing in the nature of the Association, or in the principles of Masonry, or in the Constitution, Regulations, Statutes, or Edicts of the Supreme Council, or of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, that forbids an agreement 79 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


among the Brethren forming a Lodge, embodied in a Statute, that any member, in default of regular and prompt payment of dues, shall stand suspended, ipso facto, from the privileges of membership.


            There is no more reason why a member cannot be deprived temporarily of these, without trial, and ipso facto upon default, than there is in the case of any other association or body of men, because the rights are in their nature secular and not Masonic. . . . .


            I am not called on to decide of what other rights a person so suspended is temporarily deprived; and need only say that such a suspension, without charges, trial, and conviction of unworthiness, can deprive the party of no right possessed by a Mason who has never been a member of a Lodge. His individual claims on individual Masons remain unaffected, and his suspension, not proving unworthiness, does not effect his standing elsewhere.


            In the absence of a disposition to the contrary effect, such a suspension would ipso facto cease, when the default ceased, by payment of all arrearages. But it was perfectly competent for the Brethren to agree that it should, in any case, be submitted to the Lodge to say whether the rights of membership should be restored. For the neglect of Brethren to pay dues with regularity is calculated to embarrass the Lodge, to discredit it, to interfere with its usefulness, to diminish its charities, and to create dissension; and mere payment of arrearages, without excuse or apology offered and accepted for the default, and without assurance of future punctuality, does not atone for the incivility shown the Lodge, and the lack of interest in its well being.


            The dues up to the date of suspension are a debt due the Lodge. Even if he should not be restored, the Brother owes these, and if he continues contumaciously to refuse to pay them, he may be dealt with for unworthiness. But from the day of suspension no dues accrue against him unless he is restored. If not restored, there is no claim against him, on that score. If he pays them, and is not restored, they should be returned to him. If he tenders them, and is not restored, they should not be received; and if the Lodge does receive them and retain them, this will of itself operate a restoration, as otherwise the Lodge would have taken them from him wrongfully, and it cannot be heard to deny that he has been restored, in that case. It would be to plead its own wrong, and it is estopped.'I In this decision, Grand Commander Pike is in the position of looking backward over his shoulder at the old concept that "once a Mason, always a Mason", in or out of a Lodge, while at the same time embracing the principle that there can be no Masonic identity except within the bounds of an organized Masonic body.


            64 Ibid., 7‑9.


            80 FIVE YEARS OF CREEPING STABILIZATION Other documents of this period reveal that Pike visited in St. Louis for ten days and while there, established "a splendid Lodge of Perfection" and in a three hour conference with Frank Gouley, resolved all the questions of controversy about the Scottish Rite ritual with him. They show also that Pike disclaimed that Scottish Rite Masonry detracted from the York Rite; that the first edition of Morals and Dogma was nearly exhausted; that the remaining Liturgies could not be printed for lack of funds; that Pike had refused to permit the sale of books in quantities at reduced prices; and that the question of removing Inspector General E. H. Shaw, who had moved out of the Jurisdiction, had been raised." This period in the history of the Supreme Council has been characterized as one of "Creeping Stabilization" because little growth or new developments took place and because fixed policy on old and sometimes chronic problems emerged but slowly. This latter statement applies to fraternal relations with Grand Masonic Bodies, ritualistic controversy, inefficiency in the office of Secretary General, the collection of fees and dues owed to the Supreme Council, the defining of the powers of an Inspector General and the propagation of the Rite. The term also implies the difficulty of reaching a stabilized administrative level, either because of the nature of the problems or because of the external conditions surrounding the Supreme Council and its activities. It also indicates that progress was being made toward the formulation of a satisfactory administrative system for the Rite from the abstract principles contained in its philosophy.


            65 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, November 20, 1872; Official Bulletin, 11, 14; Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, March 1, 1873; June 27, 1873; Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, February 8, 1874.


            CHAPTER III SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION 1874‑1879 A general review of the years 1872, 1873 and the early part of 1874 does not reveal any great internal problems in Scottish Rite Masonry. However, there was an undercurrent of discontent, and there were social, economic and political problems, national in scope, that were somber in hue and certainly were adversely affecting the Rite in this period. At no previous time in American history were the problems of proverty, disease, crime, immorality and class struggle more universal and more acute than in these years. Ruthless exploitation of labor, the farmer, the consumer and the public generally characterized the economic system. Industrial magnates operated above and outside the law, corrupted government officials, high and low, and practiced cannibalism on a scale probably never equaled before in human experience. In government and politics, republican forms survived but effective democracy did not exist‑the corruption of the Radical governments in the South was equaled only by that which existed in the remaining states of the Union. A combination of these factors produced the Panic of 1873 that began with the failure of Jay Cooke and Company on September 18, 1873, and inaugurated a major economic depression of six years duration.


            The general atmosphere was one of profound discouragement when the Supreme Council opened its Session in Washington, D. C., on May 4, 1874. Attendance on the Session was very poor, only seven of the twenty Active Members and only four Honorary Members were present. The first item of business was the presentation of Grand Commander Pike's Allocution which opened with the declaration that the titles and offices in the Scottish Rite were accepted with "solemn pledges ... for faithful service," and asserting that, "We have in our Rituals and Lectures the means by which ... to make men wiser and better, and to bless society and the land in which we live." Pike expressed the belief that the Rite "could only grow slowly"; that it would never be "popular"; that to confer the degrees cheaply and the "high degrees" commonly would make them "worthless". A tribute was then paid to the distinguished dead of the Scottish Rite.


            Obviously conscious of the rising tide of criticism of established policies, from within and without the membership of the Rite, much time was devoted to a discussion 83 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


of the "Condition of the Rite". The Grand Commander endeavored to sustain the position he had assumed on the establishment of new bodies, on acceptable candidates and on progression in the degrees after the acceptance of petitions and offered his rebuttal, in advance, of some criticism of these positions which he knew would appear in the reports of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General upon the following day. He began his discussion as follows: Looking only upon the surface, and judging only by the increase or decrease of initiates and bodies, one would without hesitation pronounce the condition of the Rite unprosperous in this jurisdiction, and if profoundly interested in it, be disheartened. The number of initiates has only here and there increased, and nowhere largely; few new bodies have been formed, and many have become dormant or died, and our revenues have been far less than in some former years.


            In some parts of the jurisdiction the Rite has made progress during the last two years. In some, it has retrograded. In more, it is stationary. But if its former prosperity was only apparent, in great measure, and its increase mere inflation and intumescence, diseased and not natural and healthy, its shrinkage is the evidence of returning health and real and hearty vigor.


            Its condition has not been sound or healthy, but I think it is becoming so. It grew too rapidly, where it is now contracting its dimensions, and the dead limbs are dropping off: and this is but the natural consequence of the old and vicious system of propagating it by hurried communication of all the degrees in a few days, and the creation‑of the several bodies at once, in the same place. Wherever this has been done, the result has been loss of interest in the work, and the bodies have for the most part become dormant. Such was the result in Savannah and Columbus, Georgia, and Richmond, Virginia, . . . all over Iowa, ... to a great extent, throughout California.... in Baltimore and Mobile, and in Arkansas and Tennessee and Nebraska.


            What excuse can there be for us, if we commit the folly and wrong of teaching aspirants to believe that these inestimable degrees are not worth the trouble of reading or hearing even once? I suppose that of the 32ds in our jurisdiction there is not one in every ten . . . who really knows anything about the Rite.... I am sorry to say it, but it is certainly true that in parts of our jurisdiction the Princes of the Royal Secret are the most utterly useless of all the Brethren of the Rite . . .


            It was time to give a different system fair trial, and we have done so. The Rite can have no stability or solidity or true prosperity, unless the higher bodies are created upon the firm' and broad foundation of flourishing Lodges of Perfection ... [Here followed explanations of experiments along these lines conducted in Washington, D. C., Minneapolis and Montgomery.] 84 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION I am thoroughly convinced that there is no real and true prosperity for the Rite in any other system than that of the multiplication of Lodges of Perfection, and the creation by that means of a Masonic people of the Rite....


            .... The degrees of the Lodge of Perfection are a series of moral lessons, all inculcating duty in all the relations of life. In this jurisdiction they do not rely for their impressiveness upon machinery and scenic pomp and costly disguises, which make it impossible to maintain Lodges elsewhere than in here and there a city, but upon quite another means which involve the necessity for little expense; on simple and yet impressive ceremonies, wise lessons and serious vows; and may be conferred in any ordinary Lodgeroom.


            It is my counsel to you, therefore, and to those who after us shall control the Rite, to build it up everywhere upon Lodges of Perfection.


            Continuing his analysis of the situation in the jurisdiction, Pike pointed to the sound strength in Oregon where Ainsworth had followed the pattern which he was advocating and contrasted it with the "impoverished and sickly" condition in Washington Territory. Then bluntly, almost brutally, the Grand Commander reviewed the situation and the leadership of the Rite in the remaining states and territories advising freely the recall of Deputy Commissions and the pruning away of Honorary Inspectors General and Princes of the Royal Secret who were inactive. The lashing of Active Members of the Supreme Council for sluggishness and lack of wisdom was tempered only mildly.


            It was then announced that jewels of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, Grand Cross, Prince of the Royal Secret and Grand Representative had been designed and manufactured and that those authorized to be presented by the Supreme Council had been delivered to the recipients. Authorization was requested to send Grand Representative jewels to those officers near the Supreme Councils of Belgium, Scotland, Italy, Greece and "to some" South American Councils.


            (See Illustrations on page 86) Further reports included the settlement of the controversy with Frank Gouley and the revision of the Rituals to conform to the Supreme Council resolution passed in 1872; the completion of the Secret Work started by Hillyer before his death; the payment of funds appropriated for bringing the "Book of Gold" up to date; the necessity of an aecounting with the Secretary General for books delivered to Inspectors and Deputies; the failure to adequately enforce the regulation requiring visitors to show their Patents before permitting visitations to Bodies; the lack of funds for completion of the printing of the Liturgies of the "Blue degrees and those from 15th 85 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION to the 32nd;" the printing of over 6,500 pages of materials since 1865; and that printing bills should be paid. The Supreme Council was informed that all of their Rituals except that of the 18' had been adopted for use by the Rite in Canada, and that the Ritual and Secret Work of the Lodge of Perfection had been translated into German which should be published as soon as funds were available. Pike expressed his desire to continue the publication of the Bulletin and commented that it might be necessary to discontinue the historical portions unless subscriptions could be increased. He also mentioned that he had prepared a monograph on Masonic symbolism and compiled a history of Freemasonry in Europe that he would like to publish if money were available. This section of the Allocution was brought to a close with the regretful announcement that practically nothing had been accomplished toward raising money for a Sanctuary and Charity fund.


            The Grand Commander then began a discussion of "Foreign Relations". It opened with a report on the proposed Congress of representatives of Supreme Councils. He stated that no agreement could be reached as to location of the site for the Congress nor could a firm commitment of attendance be secured from more than half the total number of Supreme Councils. The proposal had been, for the time, withdrawn.


            Pike summarized the topic of "Foreign Relations" in these words Our relations with Foreign Powers, excepting only the Grand Orient of France, are entirely satisfactory. The ties existing two years ago have been strengthened and new ones have been formed, and with many of the Powers we are upon terms of cordial and intimate friendship.


            Although relations with Foreign Powers were termed "satisfactory", the Grand Commander, in the reports on various Supreme Councils, took occasion to be indirectly critical of some of their actions. His summary of the growth of the Rite in the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States coupled with comments on this same subject in Scotland and England and Wales leave no doubt existing that the rapid expansion of the membership of the Rite in the Northern Jurisdiction was displeasing to the Grand Commander. Other practices in the Northern Jurisdiction did not meet with Pike's approval and he offered some suggestions which he stated "are worthy of dispassionate consideration by our Northern Brethren". It was "unwise" for the Supreme Council of England and Wales to retain jurisdiction over any Chapters of Rose Croix in the Dominion of Canada after the formation of a Supreme Council for Canada, Pike commented. The Grand Orient of France was declared never to have been "a legitimate Power of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite". The Supreme Councils 87 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION of England and Wales and Switzerland, the Grand Orient of Nueva Granada, and the Grand Lodge of Sweden and Norway were indirectly upbraided for having replied, even in the negative, to an invitation to attend the centennial anniversary celebration of the Grand Orient of France. An outline of the Masonic situation in Brazil was brought to a close with criticism of the Northern Supreme Council and its Grand Commander for not extending recognition to the legitimate body in Brazil.


            A brief review of decisions rendered during the two preceding years and a restatement of the evil resulting from the omission of the lessons and moral teachings of the degree work as unimportant closed the Allocution! The second day of the Session of the Supreme Council in 1874 opened with the announcement of the membership of the Standing Committees. Reports from the Grand Chancellor, Secretary General, Treasurer General and Inspectors General were then received.


            The report of the Grand Chancellor outlined efforts made to bring about the meeting of the Congress that Grand Commander Pike has proposed, and the correspondence with the Supreme Council of England, Wales, and the Dependencies of Great Britain regarding the formation of a Supreme Council in the Dominion of Canada. This latter correspondence raised the question of recognition of the Canadian Supreme Council, if it should be formed, by the Mother Council of the World. The Grand Chancellor did not recommend any action but left the impression that he favored the formation and recognition of the Canadian Supreme Council.


            The Secretary General's report itemized receipts totaling $3,218.25 from all sources during the two years, disbursements of $2,910.10, and showed an amount due the Supreme Council of $307.45.


            The Treasurer General's report showed a balance in the treasury on May 1, 1872, of $1,591.28, monies received to January 13, 1873, totaling $5,880.83 and disbursements to December 23, 1872, totaling $6,761.86. A balance of $710.25 remained in the treasury as 1873 opened. Money paid into the treasury in 1873 amounted to $2,461.73; money paid out totaled $2,034.48. The balance of funds in the treasury on April 30, 1874, was reported to be $,137.50.


            The Inspectors General for South Carolina, Henry Buist and Benjamin R. Campbell, reported that they had established no new Bodies of the Rite; that they did not 1 Transaction, Supreme Council, S. .I., 1874, Appendix A, 1‑69. 89 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


regard the extension of the Rite as the sole object to be kept in view; that they would not assent to the enlargement of the membership in South Carolina except to those "who possess character, intelligence and zeal"; and that the Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix in Charleston were "in a most flourishing condition".


            Inspector General Frederick Webber of Kentucky reported that regular meetings of the existing Bodies in Kentucky had been held but that "little work" had been done. He also reported that no new Bodies had been formed, although efforts in this direction had been made. The remainder of his report was devoted to his analysis of the general situation of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction. In part, he wrote: ". . . I have been forcibly impressed with the conviction that there is 'something wanting' to make our Rite what it ought to be and what it is in the Northern Jurisdiction." This conclusion was followed by a number of observations that may be listed as follows "Money is scarce and men won't indulge in the Masonic luxury of our Rite." Opposition to the Rite is strong among prominent Masons.


            There is apathy in the Scottish Rite not present in the York Rite.


            Delays between the degrees of the Scottish Rite "often keep out good men" while in the York Rite they "are put through as they desire without any apparent detriment to the Order." Some Scottish Rite leaders are inactive.


            Operation expenses of Scottish Rite Bodies are higher than York Rite Bodies.


            "The great expense of furnishing rooms deters the small towns from undertaking the formation of Bodies." The 33' should be conferred more liberally to stimulate interest in the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction, because the York Rite has the advantage in rewarding "labors faithfully performed." "It is claimed as an impossibility to commit the work to memory, there is so much of it." Webber closed his report by stating that he must devote more of his time in the future to private affairs and expressing the hope that he could resign in favor of someone with more time and means than he could bestow on what had been a "hobby" with him since he started the Rite in Kentucky in 1851.


            The report of Inspector General J. C. Ainsworth of Oregon revealed that no new Bodies had been formed in the State but pointed out that the Bodies already formed 90 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION were "reasonably healthy and prosperous". A tabulation of funds remitted to the Treasurer General totaled $1,668.75 and a similar tabulation showed that $510.00 had been remitted to the Secretary General since the Session of 1872. Ainsworth submitted his resignation as Sovereign Grand Inspector General because of "the responsibilities and care of a large business, that prevents the possibility of devoting the time and attention necessary to give due weight and influence to an Active Member". He nominated John McCraken to be his successor. The report was closed with two recommendations: 1. The consoldiation of the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions; 2. The abolition of commisssions to Active Members for communication of degrees.


            Ainsworth transmitted the reports of James S. Lawson, Special Deputy for Washington Territory, to the Supreme Council. It consisted chiefly of an account of degrees communicated in Washington Territory under a dispensation from Ainsworth estimated to total twenty‑five. Lawson also reported that he had insisted upon "the utmost circumspection in the selection of material" for the degrees. Lawson's report does not indicate the causes of the castigation of Scottish Rite Masonry in Washington Territory contained in Grand Commander Pike's address to the Supreme Council.


            The Inspectors General of Louisiana, James C. Batchelor, Samuel M. Todd and J. Q. A. Fellows, were not present at the ‑meeting of the Supreme Council. They did file a report supporting the accuracy of the report of James B. Scot, Grand Commander in Chief of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, which was attached, and suggested that the meeting date of the Supreme Council be changed from May to the latter part of June, a time more convenient for Louisiana's representatives.


            Scot's report pointed out that "little or no work" had been done in Louisiana; the organization of the Bodies had been maintained but that many of the subordinates were several years in arrears for dues; eight charters of Subordinate Bodies had been forfeited, one of which had been restored; and remarked "Peace reigns in the jurisdiction, but it is the peace of the desert". He then attributed the situation in Louisiana to the following causes Prostration of business The unsettled political condition The new degree rituals (Pike's) were not popular Degree fees were too high The interval between degrees was too long The "eighteenth and thirtieth" degrees alone ought to be conferred and the others communicated as "under the Laffon Rituals." 91 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


The report of Inspector General Wm. L. Mitchell of Georgia was brief. It contained a statement of funds collected and paid to the Supreme Council, $202.50, and the announcement of the formation of a Lodge of Perfection at Albany, Georgia, with fourteen members.


            The Rite in Missouri was reported to be "moving, slowly it may be, yet still moving" by Inspector General Martin Collins who attributed this improvement to Grand Commander Pike's activity while visiting in Missouri. He then pointed out that one of the strongest desires of Masons who join the Scottish Rite "is to reach its summit". However, he asserted that members should attain "a fair degree of proficiency" before advancement should be permitted, otherwise it would be impossible "to maintain any working Bodies below the highest".


            John Robin McDaniel, Inspector General in Virginia, rendered an account of funds collected and paid to the Supreme Council. He also stated: "It is a matter of much regret that the Rite makes such slow progress in our State." The "want of means with those who wish to Unite," the lack of means to fit up halls and obtain proper paraphenalia, and the "unfortunate" manner in which the Rite was introduced in Richmond were suggested as the reasons for the lagging of the Rite in Virginia.


            The Inspector General for Iowa, T. S. Parvin, was absent from the Session but his report was submitted to the Supreme Council. The revival of the Bodies at Davenport was announced, and it was stated that activity had continued at Des Moines and Lyons but at a reduced pace in the latter city since the resignation of Wm. E. Leffingwell. Parvin then analyzed the lack of progress in Iowa by the Scottish Rite attributing the same to sparseness of population, to the great expense incurred in securing the degrees and to the inability of Bodies to reach sufficient size to be able to "secure the necessary outfit". At the conclusion of this part of his report, Parvin wrote I have no suggestive remedies to make, knowing full well that the obstacles are constitutional and permanent. Hence, I have lost, somewhat, the fervent hope I once entertained of seeing the Rite spread and cover the Masonic field of Iowa.


            The financial difficulties of the Grand Consistory of Iowa, resulting from the inability of the Lyons Bodies to pay their dues after overextending themselves in building a Temple, were reported to the Supreme Council. Parvin then pointed out that the "dispensatory power as to time being withheld" the Lyons Bodies had been unable to secure "material at a distance ... upon which to work" whereby funds could be secured to discharge their obligations.


            92 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Erasmus T. Carr, the Inspector General for Kansas, reported that his hopes for the formation of new Bodies in Kansas had not materialized and that he had not communicated any degrees since his last report. In discussing the situation in his Jurisdiction, he remarked that the once "strong feeling of opposition to the Rite" had "nearly disappeared". He also stated that he could have done a small amount of work had he been supplied with "the proper work". Carr pointed out that some prospects had "expressed great surprise" that the degree fees were so high and then quoted these prospects as saying "we can get them in Illinois or Ohio [states in the Northern Jurisdiction] for one half". Some Masons in Kansas had applied to Carr for permission to secure the Scottish Rite degrees in states of the Northern Jurisdiction, and he reported that he had refused all such requests. Efforts to found Bodies in "the Capitol of the State" had come to nought because of "hard times".


            California's Inspector General, Thomas H. Caswell, made an optimistic report of the condition of the Rite in that state, especially in San Francisco. He also included a statement of degree fees collected by him, which totaled $1390, and the disposition that he had made of these funds.


            In connection with California, it seems appropriate to observe that the state had been the chief financial support of the Supreme Council since the termination of the Civil War. California had been far from the major scenes of destruction that accompanied the War. Further, the exploitation of rich gold deposits had poured a steady stream of wealth into the economy of the state, some of which could be expended for the Scottish Rite degrees. However, gold attracts a daring breed of men ready to venture into a twilight zone of morality, culture and civilization which Freemasony seeks to destroy. Pike's ritual of the Fifteenth Degree proves beyond any question of doubt that he was aware of the possible degrading power of gold. Hence, his criticism of the rapid expansion of the Rite, for that period of time, in California which he had expressed in his Allocution at the Session 1874.


            Inspector General T. A. Cunningham of Maryland expressed the opinion in his report that "there has been a marked improvement in the condition of the Rite in this State since the last session of our Council at Louisville". However, he reported that the only Lodge of Perfection in the State had been suspended but that a new Lodge of Perfection had been established for some months. He concluded his report by stating that he had received no money since his last report.


            The report for Nevada was made by Deputy Isaac C. Bateman. He observed that his labors may not have been "as extensive as they should have been," and then sub 93 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


mitted a financial statement showing the conferral of degrees upon twenty candidates for a total of $1280 all of which had been remitted to the proper persons.


            Special Deputy Wm. Cothran made a report of his activities in Mississippi. No new Bodies had been established and no old Bodies had been revived. He reported fees of $100 collected for degrees communicated to four candidates through the Lodge of Perfection and that he had remitted the same to the Treasurer General, less $25 commission. "Pecuniary embarrassments" in the state were said to have prevented further advancement of the Rite in Mississippi.


            The reports of the Inspectors General and Deputies were referred to the Committee on Doings of Inspectors General and Special Deputies and the remainder of the second day was devoted to other matters as follows: Excuses for non‑attendance were received and accepted from eight Inspectors General.


            The resignation of Inspector General Luke E. Barber of Arkansas was not accepted.


            Six nominees were elected ‑to receive the 33' and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            William Morton Ireland and Abraham Ephraim Frankland were elected to receive the Grand Cross.


            Eight nominees were elected to the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            The resignation of Inspector General John C. Ainsworth of Oregon was accepted.


            Six nominees were elected to Active Membership in the Supreme Council as follows John McCraken of Oregon William R. Bowen of Nebraska Alfred Elisha Ames of Minnesota John E. Reardon of Arkansas Abraham Ephraim Frankland of Tennessee Isaac C. Bateman of Nevada 94 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION The Grand Commander withdrew the nomination, made in 1872, of Wm. E. Leffingwell of Iowa to receive the 3 3 Honorary.


            The Honorary 33' was then conferred upon the nominees just elected and afterwards Ames, McCraken and Frankland were crowned as Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. No further business being on the agenda, the Supreme Council was called off until the next day.


            On the third day of the Session, May 6, 1874, eleven Inspectors General, three of whom had been crowned the day before, were in attendance. The first order of business was the report of the committee appointed to assign the several divisions of the Grand Commander's Allocution to the various committees for study. Immediately thereafter the Committee on the State of the Order consisting of Inspectors General John R. McDaniel and Alfred E. Ames and Honorary Member Nathaniel Levin made their report which was adopted. This report and its adoption was a complete victory for the policies of the Grand Commander over the criticisms that had been offered on the preceding day. This report was as follows Your Committee to whom was referred so much of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Com's.'. Allocution as relates to the "State of the Order," have carefully considered the same, and most heartily commend it, and cannot too earnestly recommend a rigid enforcement of the "Statutes," so that the suggestion of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Com.'. may be carried out, . . . and to that end they recommend the adoption of the following resolutions: 1. That it is expected of each Sov.'. Gr.'. Inspector‑General, Active Member of the Supreme Council, and he is advised to communicate the degrees of the Scottish Rite, (except under extraordinary condition,) only on applicants for subordinate Bodies, deemed by him necessary and proper for the propagation of the Rite, confining himself to such a number of applicants and to them communicating such degrees only as may be necessary for the establishment of said Body or Bodies.


            2. That it is required of all subordinate Bodies, including Consistories (Grand and Particular,) to confer the several degrees of their respective Bodies only on such as may have given satisfactory evidence of their proficiency in all preceeding degrees, except by special authority from the Supreme Council or one of its deputies.


            3. That all Scottish Rite Masons (not legally exempted) shall be required to retain their membership and pay dues to the several Bodies up to, and including that one, in which he may have received his highest degree.


            4. That the Sov.'. Gr.'. Com.'. be, and he is hereby authorized to attach any one or more of the Territories within this Jurisdiction; and all or any of the States 95 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


thereof, in which there is not a Resident Active Member of the Supreme Council to the jurisdiction of any one or more of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Insp's.'. Gen.*. which in his opinion may be most expedient.


            5. That it is desireable that the publication of the Bulletin be continued; and in order to increase its usefulness the History of Masonry, prepared by the Sov.'. Gr.". Com.'. be published therein in continued series, with a view of the publication of that valuable History in book form, at such time as the Supreme Council may deem expedient.


            6. That the Sov.'. Gr.'. Com.'. is authorized to present to the Supreme Council of Canada, and any other foreign Supreme Council, such of the Rituals and ceremonies of this jurisdiction as he may deem expedient.


            7. That the Sec.'. Gen.*. procure a suitable "Book of Record," in which he shall record all the transactions or proceedings of all previous meetings, practicable to be obtained; as also, the transactions of this at all future sessions of the Supreme Council that are prudent for publication, shall be therein recorded; and such confidential Allocutions of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Com.'. and acts growing out of the same, shall be recorded as heretofore in the "Book of Gold." In conclusion your committee would most fraternally urge upon one and all, a greater devotion and life in the teaching and the practice of our Rite, in communicating or conferring its degrees, so that manly minds may be clothed with its hallowed truths and graces, and a purer morality, a greater love and veneration for its sacred teachings.


            After the adoption of the report just quoted, a Senatorial Chamber of the Thirtythird Degree was opened at which the following items of business were transacted: Five distinguished members of other Supreme Councils were elected to Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction.


            Twenty‑one Princes of the Royal Secret were elected to receive the decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Three brethren were elected to receive the Thirty‑third Degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council and one was nominated for action at the next Session of the Supreme Council.


            Grand Commander Pike announced that he had annexed Washington Territory to the jurisdiction of Oregon and "Dacotah" Territory to the jurisdiction of Minnesota.


            A committee was appointed to investigate the condition of the several Grand Consistories.


            96 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION An Assistant Auditor was provided for in Washington.


            By resolution, it was provided that the next Session of the Supreme Council would meet in Washington, D. C.


            An amendment to Article XI was proposed and referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.


            The Supreme Council then resumed labor in its Consistorial Chamber, the Grand Commander announced the appointment of subordinate officers, and the meeting was called off until the following day.


            Labor of the Supreme Council on May 7, 1874, began in the Senatorial Chamber. The transactions included the following items: One additional brother was elected to receive the decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            One additional member was elected to receive the Thirty‑third Degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            Charges were preferred against a brother whose name was not published and were referred to a committee of three.


            The Honorary Members were then admitted and the Thirty‑third Degree was conferred upon four designates. The Honorary Members retired and Robert Toombs and William R. Bowen were crowned as Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Supreme Council for the states of Georgia and Nebraska respectively.


            John M. C. Graham, Representative of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction to that of the Northern Jurisdiction was invested with the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour by Grand Commander Pike.


            Some changes in committee assignments, at the request of the members affected, were then made.


            Consideration of recognition of the proposed Supreme Council of Canada was referred to a special committee with instructions to report at the next Session of the Supreme Council.




Grand Commander Pike then presented a draft of "Articles of Confederation between the several Supreme Councils . . ." for consideration. "The articles were referred to the Committee on the State of the Order." At this point the Supreme Council was "called off" until the next day.


            The final day of the Session, May 8, 1874, of the Supreme Council opened with a report from the Committee on Finance. The Committee expressed the belief that all accounts were correct but pointed out that it could not verify all items because of the absence of some papers in the hands of the Auditor General and the large volume of papers which it did not have time to examine. They then proposed some accounting changes which were adopted. They took note that money to pay the salary of the Secretary General had not always been available, and that he had been compelled to borrow money at an interest rate of twenty per cent per annum to support himself and family. It was recommended that the Secretary General be reimbursed for this expense.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation then made a series of reports which were adopted.


            An amendment of Article X regarding meeting places was proposed with a recommendation that final action be taken at the next Session of the Supreme Council.


            It was suggested that a special committee be named to consider the situation in Brazil.


            It was recommended that the provisions of Statute No. 23 be positively enforced.


            The Committee on Subordinate Bodies made its report which was adopted. The report was made up of brief comments regarding the returns or lack of returns from the Bodies in each state in the Southern Jurisdiction for the years 1873 and 1874. No attempt was made to consolidate the returns and thereby show the total membership of the Rite, the number of candidates received, the total amount of fees or the total amount of dues collected per annum. The need for this information was recognized and at the conclusion of the report a resolution was adopted that the Secretary General "shall present a tabular abstract of the returns received by him." The Committee on the Doings of Inspectors General and Special Deputies reported that they had examined reports from fifteen states and territories, which they named, and drew these conclusions 98 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION The Rite "is steadily progressing in the jurisdiction".


            The "utmost care had been exercised" in the selection of material to receive the degrees.


            Care has been exercised to establish Bodies only in locations "to warrant a future, both healthful and prosperous".


            Complaints regarding the number of degrees "required to be worked" and that time intervals between degrees should be abolished in some reports "have been fully met in the admirable Allocution of the M. ' . P. ' . Sov. ' . Grand Commander, and may properly be disregarded here".


            A supplemental report of the Committee on Finance regarding Inspector General Bateman's report from Nevada was approved.


            Two resolutions regarding Grand Consistories were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation.


            Five Inspectors General Honorary were dropped from the list of Honorary Members of the Supreme Council for inactivity.


            It was ordered that the Secretary General prepare a "Register of the Active and Honorary Members of the Supreme Council, and of all subordinate Bodies in the Jurisdiction to be published. . ." It was ordered that the claim of Special Deputy Edwin A. Sherman be corrected and "liquidated".


            It was resolved that Joseph Daniels be notified to pay $110 due the Supreme Council by July, 1874, or be tried for the offense of "violation of promise".


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation was required to revise the "Statutes and Institutes" and report at the next Session of the Supreme Council.


            A report of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation that an Inspector General could not appoint a deputy to act for him in his absence from his state if another Inspector General was resident in that state was adopted.


            The Assistant Auditor was authorized to settle the account of Masonic Publishing Company.


            99 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 A proposal to make the Grand Almoner a member of the Council of Deliberation was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.


            The Special Committee on the charge preferred against the unnamed brother reported and further investigation was ordered.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to furnish a copy of the Grand Constitutions to each Active Member of the Supreme Council.


            A Senatorial Chamber was opened and three additional nominees were elected to receive the decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            John W. Cook, 33, was elected to receive the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour.


            Achille R. Morel was dropped from the list of Active Members of the Supreme Council.


            It was ordered that the expenses of the Session be paid and that the thanks of the Supreme Council be extended to the Washington Bodies of the Rite for courtesies tendered.


            The Committee on the State of the Order recommended that the Articles of Confederation be referred to the Council of Deliberation which was adopted.


            The Supreme Council was then closed to meet again in Biennial Session on May 1, 1876, at Washington, D. C: During the following evening a Lodge of Sorrow was opened and appropriate commemorative ceremonies were observed.' Each year of the early years in the history of the Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, seems to have claim to being a year of crisis. However, the intensity of crisis is more pronounced in some years than in others; the year 1874, in some respects, was one of these. The problems of the Supreme Council 2 Ibid., 3‑89.


            100 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION in 1874 stemmed from sources outside of the Rite as well as from within it. The principle external factors were: Economic depression.


            Political chaos and corruption.


            The breakdown of character in American society.


            Internal factors contributing to the situation were: Lack of adequate leadership in portions of the Jurisdiction.


            Absence of an efficient membership accounting system.


            An inadequate fiscal administration.


            Lack of a fully developed system and code of jurisprudence.


            Real differences of opinion among Supreme Council members on basic policy and procedure matters.


            Obviously, the Supreme Council could not successfully avoid or remedy economic depression. As a result, the "Sanctuary" and Charity Fund programs came to a complete halt, no new projects requiring funds were adopted and initiations almost ceased. The other external factors seem only to have been discouraging and distracting influences on the Rite, for there is no noticeable increase in disciplinary action by the Supreme Council, nor were there distrubing reports of such actions from subordinate Bodies. If 1874 is considered a year for decision in internal matters, the Supreme Council seems to have been equal to the demands made of it. Leadership in the Jurisdiction was strengthened with replacements and with new additions. Measures were proposed and adopted for better fiscal "housekeeping". Changes, refinements and additions in the field of jurisprudence were made. Differences of opinion were introduced, considered and decisions were reached which resulted in a new unity. It is significant that this new unity was a major victory for the thinking of Grand Commander Pike. The Supreme Council took actions that confirmed his positions in all matters except in the field of Fraternal Relationsnothing was done to encourage a Congress of Supreme Councils or to further a Confederation of Supreme Councils, both of which had been proposed by the Grand   HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Commander. The only area of need which did not receive the attention of the Supreme Council was that of membership accounting, and it may be said that this area was the least critical of those listed. It seems fitting to conclude remarks on the Session of 1874 by observing that it could have terminated with the Rite in serious disorder, under an inexperienced leadership at a critical time, or oriented along a drastic new course opposed by the Grand Commander.


            The known surviving correspondence relating to the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction from the closing of the Session, on May 8, to the opening of the next Session in May, 1876, begins with a letter to Grand Commander Pike from Inspector General L. E. Barber. In this letter Barber wrote as follows: When I wrote [my resignation], the means of living another year, in any comfort, were not apparent. Now, I hope to be restored to my old position, and though I cannot realize from it a large income, as I suppose has been done, I hope I shall be able to live comfortably, and that I may have time and means to do something for the order.' This letter to Pike from an old friend and Masonic associate in his home state was good news to the Grand Commander, but it was followed by others that reflected the desperate situation in Arkansas under the Radical Reconstruction regime set up by the Congress of the United States in the former Confederate States. The first was from the recently elected 33 and Active Member, John E. Reardon, who stated that "at present, I would be entirely unable to pay" the expense of the degree and the travel to receive it. He continued by stating that business was "prostrate", that he saw no hope except in "repudiation" of debts "even if we obtain entire political control of the state".' Some weeks later another letter characterized the regime as "political harpies" and "a crew of bandits" and observed "I do not see any final ending of their lust and rapacity".' With conditions as described, there was little hope for Scottish Rite progress in Arkansas for some time to come.


            However, Grand Commander Pike had little time to mourn over the plight of Arkansas during the summer of 1874, for on May 29, 1874, the Supreme Council of France issued a call for a meeting of representatives of all recognized Supreme 3 L. E. Barber to Albert Pike, May 24, 1874.


            4 John E. Reardon to Albert Pike, July 25, 1874.


            5 Geo. A. Gallagher to Albert Pike, August 9, 1874.


            102 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Councils in a Congress at Lausanne, Switzerland, on the "first Monday of September, 1875" and indicated that the formation of a Confederation was contemplated.' The Confederation idea had originated with Pike. Pike presented a draft of "Articles of Confederation between the several Supreme Councils" which at the end of the Session in 1874 was referred to the Council of Deliberation. Since action on the "Articles" could not be had in a Session before May, 1876, Pike ordered the Secretary General, Albert G. Mackey, to send copies by mail to the Active Members and request their vote on each article and upon the question of sending Delegates to the Congress. The date on the printed circular was December 15, 1874, and replies were requested by March 1, 1875.' Appendix III contains the text of the proposed "Articles of Confederation." The file of ballots on the proposition has not survived nor has any contemporary report of the ballot or the actions which followed. However, the Allocution of Grand Commander Pike to the Supreme Council at its Session in May, 1876, reveals that the ballot was favorable, that Delegates were appointed to attend the Congress, and that the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction was not represented in the Congress because of the illness of Inspector General Ebenezer S. Shaw.


            In June, 1874, Pike announced the forthcoming publication of his lectures on Masonic symbolism in a very limited edition of seventy‑five copies, distribution in America limited to sixty‑five Masons of the 33 or 32 with the remaining ten copies to "be sent to eminent Masons abroad". Pike announced that "the work makes known the real origin and meanings, heretofore wholly unknown, of the principal Symbols of Freemasonry". The book was priced at ten dollars per copy.' Shipment of the books began late in the year." During June and July, 1874, Pike received several letters from Alabama regarding Scottish Rite matters. The first requested instructions about the books of the Supreme Council held by Richard F. Knott, deceased." On June 29, Henry E. Day reported that he was "chagrined" at not being able to make rapid progress in establishing Bodies in Alabama and that a general lack of money was the cause. The remainder s Official Bulletin, 11, 53‑55.


            ' Albert G. Mackey to Samuel M. Todd, December 15, 1874. $ Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1876, p. 13.


            9 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, June, 1874. to Circular Letter, December 12, 1874.


            " F. R. Jarvis to Albert Pike, June 9, 1874.


            103 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION of the letter was a report of the progress of the Lodge of Perfection recently established in Montgomery. It had just conferred "the 4th degree upon three candidates, without having a Ritual opened"." A few days later a similar letter reported lack of Scottish Rite progress because of a scarcity of money," and about the same time Montgomery Lodge of Perfection was said to be "doing pretty good"." On June 19, 1874, Special Deputy Pitkin C. Wright arrived in Hawaii and on July 16, 1874, constituted Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection No. 1 in Honolulu. This act was followed by the constitution of Nemanu Chapter of Rose Croix No. 1 on September 12, 1874. It is of special interest that David Kalakaua, Wise Master of the newly formed chapter, was Kalakaua I, King of Hawaii.'' Within six months the news of these events in Hawaii (Sandwich Islands) spread over the Masonic world and brought forth a letter to Pike from G. Guiffrey, "Gr.'. Sec. ' . Chancellor of the Rite," of the Supreme Council of France expressing surprise and asking for further information." This letter initiated a long correspondence, for Freemasonry, bitter in tone. Briefly, the Supreme Council of France claimed jurisdiction over Hawaii because it had created a Symbolic Lodge in the Kingdom during 1843, and charged the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction with an invasion of its territory with the creation of the Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix. Both contentions were categorically denied by Grand Commander Pike, and because of the "arrogant" tone of the letters to him, he withdrew fraternal relations with the Supreme Council of France. A Council of Kadosh was chartered on July 12, 1875. Meanwhile, the Congress of Lausanne had assembled, without representatives from the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, under the influence of the Supreme Council of France. The question of jurisdiction in Hawaii was brought before the Congress and a decision favorable to France was rendered. Pike refused to recognize the decision, and for this and other reasons determined "not to accede to the Confederation". It was at this point that correspondence ceased on May 13, 1876.1' Death struck the membership of the Supreme Council twice in the latter part of 1874 and once more early in 1876. Alfred E. Ames, Inspector General in Minnesota, died on September 22, 1874; Benjamin Rush Campbell, Inspector General in 1= Henry E. Day to Albert Pike, June 29, 1874.


            is Stephen H. Beasley to Albert Pike, July 24, 1874. la Henry E. Day to Albert Pike, July 27, 1874.


            i s Official Bulletin, 111, 83‑86. is Ibid., 24‑25.


            17 Ibid., 26‑55.




South Carolina, died on October 27, 1874; and Ebenezer H. Shaw, Inspector General in California, died on February 2, 1876. As usual in such instances, official notices were published." Present day Masons who are concerned with Masonic education and editors of Masonic journals who decry their small circulation will find the following circular letter of particular interest: The Supreme Council has published, since May, 1870, its "Official Bulletin," at a subscription price of three dollars for 600 pages. During the first two years five Nos. were issued, making a volume of 660 pp., 60 more than it agreed to furnish. It then had, in the whole jurisdiction, about one hundred subscribers, and the cost of printing 500 copies was nearly $1,500. It has since published Nos. 1 and 2 of Vol. 11, at like cost, and has about sixty subscribers, in twentytwo States and all the Territories. Such seems the measure of the thirst for information of the BB.'. of the rite.


            The Bulletin contains five sections in each number: 1st. Official. 2d. Domestic Unofficial. 3d. Foreign. 4th. Historical. 5th. Miscellaneous. Everything official contained in it is promulgated by publication therein, and thereby every Bro.'. has legal notice of all so published. The foreign section gives information as to the Rite all over the world, not elsewhere to be found: and the last two Sections contain matter of universal and permanent interest to BB.'. of all the degrees and rites of Free Masonry. It may safely be said that the Bulletin is of greater intrinsic value than any other Masonic publication in the world, to Masons of the A.'. and A.*. S.'. Rite.


            The Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander edits it, writes for it, translates for it, without compensation, so that its whole cost is that of printing. Is it creditable to the order that it should be read by less than one hundred Masons? Is its limited usefulness any fit reward for the labour bestowed on it by the Gr.'. Commander, and the expense incurred by the. Supreme Council? My Bro.'., it is simply a shame to the Order, discouraging and disheartening in the extreme. The Bulletin is beyond comparison more valued abroad than at home. It contains matter of historical interest to all Masons; but to those of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, it is simply indispensable. The work which it requires in its compilation, is done for their benefit, on their account, and they ought to be willing jointly to bear the mere actual expense of printing, if they have the gift of that labor.


            Upon receipt by me of three dollars, Nos. 1 and 2 of Vol. II will be forwarded to the Bro.'. remitting, and the other Nos. of the volume, as they are published.


            "Ibid., II, No. 3, p. 23‑24; 43‑45; III, 9‑10.


            106 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION We hope that you will feel it to be both a duty and a pleasure to take an active interest in impressing the BB.'. of the Rite with the value of the work, and the duty of every one who is not content with utter ignorance of the most essential things in regard to the Rite at home and abroad, to subscribe for and read the Nos. regularly.


            Lately, also, the Gr.'. Commander has prepared, and the Sup.'. Council has published a new and enlarged edition of the Law of the Rite, including the Constitution of 1762 and 1786, and all subsequent Institutes and Regulations, and its own Statutes, with the old so‑called secret Constitutions, and a Historical inquiry into the authenticity of those of 1786. The work contains 467 pages, is the only collection of the Law of the Rite ever made in the world, is sold at $5 a copy, less than cost of publication, and some forty Brethren have purchased it. Ought not every Bro.'. of the Rite to know the laws that govern him? and how can he, without having them in possession? These also may be ordered of the SecretaryGeneral, by remitting a post‑office order for the price. Do the Brethren really want light? At the Session of 1874, there was official notice of a proposal to create a Supreme Council in Canada; however, no official action took place. The archives of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction contain no further data on this subject until the following general letter, omitting the usual heading, dated October 30, 1874, was published in the Official Bulletin: We do hereby make known unto you that on the 16th day of October, instant, the SUPREME COUNCIL FOR THE DOMINION OF CANADA was duly established and organized, at the city of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, by virtue of a Warrant from the Supreme Council of England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown, duly granted by it after consultation with the Supreme Councils of its correspondence.


            That the Sov.'. Grand Commander of our Supreme Council, Honorary Member of the Supreme Councils of England and Wales and of Scotland and Ireland, being present, did administer the oath of office to the Ill.'. Bro. % THOMAS DOUGLAS HARINGTON, 33d, Sov.'. Grand Inspector‑General of the Supreme Council of England and Wales, named and appointed to be Sov.'. Grand Commander ad perpetuitatem vitae of the Supreme Council of the Dominion of Canada; who did thereupon select the Ill.'. Bro.'. Robert Marshall, 33d, of St. John, New Brunswick, to be Lieut.'. Grand Commander, and the other Dignitaries and Members of the Supreme Council were thereupon selected, in due order and succession, in strict accordance with the dispositions of the Grand Constitutions of 1786, and the oath of office was administered to each.




Whereupon our Sov.'. Grand Commander, sitting in the East, opened the said Supreme Council in due form, and declared the same to have been lawfully established and its labors in full vigor.


            And the said Supreme Council for the Dominion of Canada being a lawful, regular, and duly constituted Supreme Council of the 33d Degree, and governed by the Grand Constitutions, in Latin, of the year 1786, the Sov.'. Grand Commander thereof, with its consent, did appoint our Ill.'. Bro.'. Albert G. Mackey to be its Grand Representative near our Supreme Council, and elect our Sov.'. Grand Commander and the Ill.'. Bro.'. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, Sov.'. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, to be Honorary Members of itself.


            And we have appointed the Ill.'. Bro.'. John W. Murton, 33d, of Hamilton, Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada, Member of said Supreme Council for the said Dominion, and Secretary‑General, H.'. E.'., to be our Grand Representative near it.


            Wherefore we unite in the request that will be made by the said new Supreme Council and by that for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown, that you will recognize it as a regular and lawful Supreme Council, and offer to enter into relations of amity and correspondence with it, as we have done in other cases, when satisfied of the legitimacy of a new Council.


            And may our Father who is in Heaven protect you and cause you in all things to prosper.


            The problem of the survival of the Scottish Rite in Iowa again received the attention of the Grand Commander Pike in the latter half of 1874. He, apparently, had received resolutions from the Grand Consistory surrendering its charter and he wrote to Inspector General Theodore S. Parvin that "I think it [a] matter of congratulation" because "the system of conferring all the degrees in a week, on all comers, at one place in a State is a fatal one...... Pike then repeated the arguments he had stated at the Session in the previous May against the practices in Iowa and called upon Parvin to "begin now to build from the bottom, by creating Lodges of Perfection only, and having the work of these Lodges well done". He also wrote, "You can do it, I know, for I know your zeal, energy and influence," and closed his letter by stating "I do not believe that it will come to nought, if we who are its chiefs do half our duty."" The archives of the Supreme Council do not contain an acknowledgement of, or reply to, this letter.


            19 Albert Pike to Theodore S. Parvin, November 18, 1874.


            108 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Early in 1875, Pike undertook to bring "Order out of Choas" in the finances of the Supreme Council. His study and decisions produced the following general letter to those officers of the Rite that were affected: The almost entire want of regularity in regard to the finances of the Supreme Council, and consequent continual embarrassment and confusion, make it necessary that for the information of the Inspectors‑General, Deputies and Officers of Bodies, some rules deduced from or giving effect to the Statutes should be prescribed and observed.


            The following rules have therefore been carefully considered and prepared, and, subject to approval or revision by the Supreme Council, will be hereafter observed: THE STATUTES Provide, among other things, as follows: 1st. That all Bodies under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Council shall annually, on the first day of March, remit the taxes due by them. Art. xviii, 1 13.


            2d. That ALL moneys due to the Supreme Council shall be remitted to the Treasurer‑General, who SHALL give duplicate receipts therefor. Art. xix, 1 1. 3d. That no money shall be paid,‑ except by the Treasurer‑General, upon warrants properly drawn. Art. xix, 1 2.


            4th. That the Secretary‑General and Treasurer‑General shall each keep regular books of accounts; and, on the first day of March in each year, report to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance.


            5th. That all Rituals, Ceremonies, Books of Statutes and Institutes, Patents of Diplomas and Charters, shall only be issued on an order of a Sov.'. Gr.'. Inspector‑General, accompanied with the price, except such books as are issued to Inspectors‑General or Deputies for use. Art. xix, 1 5.


            6th. That every Inspector‑General shall report as to all moneys received by him, semi‑annually in duplicate, on the first day of September and March, forwarding one copy to the Secretary‑General and one to the Chairman of the Committee on Finance. Art xix, 1 6: to enforce which penalties are prescribed.


            7th. Deputies report to the Sov.'. Gr.'. Ins.'. Gen.'. of their State, and Gr.'. Consistories and Subordinate Bodies to the Supreme Council, through the Sov.'. Gr.'. Insp.'. Gen.'. of their State. Art. xix, 1 7.


            8th. The Auditor‑General is Ex‑officio Chairman of the Committee on Finance.


            The Assistant Auditor‑General, Ill.'. Bro.'. William Morton Ireland, 33d, of the Post Office Department at Washington, performs the active duties of the office.






            1st. All the moneys received for the Supreme Council, by Sov.'. Gr.'. InspectorsGeneral or their Deputies, and by Deputies of the Supreme Council, and which belong to the Supreme Council, are hereafter, in all cases, to be transmitted to the Treasurer‑General, Ill.'.Bro.'. Frederick Webber, at Louisville, Kentucky. They must, under the statutes, be at the risk of the party, if transmitted to any other person or elsewhere.


            2d. Only such moneys belong to the Supreme Council, as remain after commissions and expenses are deducted, as allowed by Statutes; and when such commissions and expenses have been retained, an account thereof, showing amounts received, amount of expenses and commissions, and balance transmitted, certified on honor, will, at the time of remitting, be forwarded by mail to the Assistant Auditor‑General.


            3d. All moneys due the Supreme Council from Grand Consistories and Subordinate Bodies on the first of March in each year will be in like manner transmitted to the Treasurer‑General only; and at the same time each such body will, in addition to its regular returns transmitted to the Secretary‑General, transmit a financial report, showing in detail the moneys due by it to the Supreme Council, made out in duplicate, one copy to the Secretary‑General and one to the Assistant Auditor‑General.


            4th. No Books, Diplomas, Briefs, Patents or Charters will hereafter, under any circumstances, be issued and delivered, or sent, in the way of sale, to any body or officer, by the Secretary‑General, without an order from a Sov.'. Gr.'. Inspector‑General, or a Deputy of a Supreme Council, accompanied with the money.


            5th. The Secretary‑General will receive no other moneys than those specified in the preceeding Section, and for subscriptions to the Bulletin; and he will deposit all moneys received by him, weekly, in the Bank selected by the TreasurerGeneral, and to his credit, and receive his fees and commissions out of such moneys, by warrants from time to time on the Treasurer‑General, issued upon his account for such fees and commissions, filed with the Assistant AuditorGeneral, and on that officer's certificate of the amount due.


            6th. All accounts of and for moneys received and paid out, of all InspectorsGeneral, Deputies of the Supreme Council, Officers and Dignitaries of Supreme Council, Grand Consistories and Subordinate Bodies, will be audited by the Assistant Auditor‑General, and the result certified by him to the SecretaryGeneral; and no warrant for moneys payable to any such officers, members of Bodies, will be paid after the first day of March next, except on the certificate of audit of the Assistant Auditor‑General.


            7th. The Assistant Auditor‑General will forthwith open in a regular and proper book a ledger account with each Sovereign Grand Inspector‑General, the Sovereign Grand Commander, the Secretary‑General and Treasurer‑General, SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION and with each Deputy of the Supreme Council, and each Grand Consistory, and each Subordinate Body under the immediate jurisdiction of the Supreme Council, of all moneys received by each for the Supreme Council, or otherwise due by each to it and of all paid out for it and paid over to the Treasurer‑General or Secretary‑General; transcribing first into such Ledger the accounts for Books, Secret Work, &c., heretofore charged against each, as shown by the book made out by the Sovereign Grand Commander; and will make out and furnish to each such member, officer and body a copy of such Ledger account against him or it, and require immediate settlement and payment; or, if it is claimed that there are errors or improper charges in any such account, that they be at once shown, to the end that they may be corrected.


            8th. Hereafter such regular Ledger account will be kept by the Assistant Auditor‑General with each such member, officer and body, and the balances be reported to the Supreme Council at each session, as existing on the first of March of the year of the session.


            9th. The Treasurer‑General will transmit duplicate receipts for all moneys paid him, to the party paying or remitting, who must, as soon as possible after receipt of the same, transmit one of such duplicates to the Assistant AuditorGeneral.


            10th. All accounts of expenses and contingencies, in any office, or incurred by any Member or Deputy, must be kept in minute detail, and so furnished to the Auditor‑General, certified on honour; which will be sufficient evidence of the expenditures.


            11th. The Secretary‑General is entitled to receive, upon warrants therefor, such sums in advance, from time to time, for contingent expenses of his office, as he may, by proper requisition, estimate for and certify to the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander to be necessary; and the Treasurer‑General is entitled to retain, of money, coming to his hands, such sums, from time to time, for like expenses, as he may estimate for and certify to the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander to be necessary, having the same covered, when estimated for, by warrants in his favor. Each estimate should be for a given time, and at the end of such time account of expenditures of the same should be furnished to the Assistant Auditor‑General, for audit; to whom the estimate will go from the Grand Commander, with the number and amount of the warrant endorsed thereon." 0 A bright spot in the generally dismal economic situation in 1875 seems to have been the far western portion of the Jurisdiction. Deputy Henry S. Hopkins of Nevada made remittances totaling $855 (gold)." There seems to be no doubt that the mines of Nevada were responsible for this inflow of "hard monyv".


            2 Official Bulletin, III, No. 1, pp. 14‑17.


            2i Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, March 22, 1874; October 29, 1874.




A letter written by Pike reveals that he had been ill about mid‑1875 and that he expected to be in the "Indian Country" about two or three weeks in September and October on legal business in connection with the Choctaw claims. He was living in Alexandria, Virginia, and considered himself old, "going nowhere except to my office".‑ It seems very likely that Pike's illness and the trip with its labors and resulting fatigue is responsible for the dearth of surviving Scottish Rite correspondence for the remainder of 1875. On November 10, 1875, Pike wrote a circular letter announcing to the Fraternity the death of Reverend Sterling Y. McMasters, 33', Deputy of the Supreme Council in Minnesota, and on December 25, 1875, he authorized Frederick Webber to confer the Thirty‑third Degree upon "Ill. '. Bros. ' . Jordan and Furnas,. . . Ill.'. Bros.'. Jordan to be the Active Member, Ill.*. Bros. * . Furnas the Honorary".` No record has been found to indicate that the commission was executed.


            During 1875, Pike had received a number of letters from Ebenezer H. Shaw written from London and the Isle of Wright reporting declining health due to cancer of the stomach. These reports were continued early in 1876 by Shaw's daughter, Arlie. After Shaw's death on February 2, 1876, the widow, daughter and son were left destitute and were supported by the Supreme Council in England and their "friends". They also informed Pike that the family expected to arrive in New York "about March l," 1876, and implored him to assist them to return to California from New York. Pike sent $170 to the family in New York, contacted New York Masons on their behalf, and money was provided from all sources to buy tickets to San Francisco. They had arrived at their destination on April 28, 1876. The last letter in the file reveals that Arlie had the promise of a position in "the mint" about July 1, 1876.2' Heretofore in this history, little has been included regarding Grand Commander Albert Pike's private affairs. It has been indicated that Pike was a man of considerable means before the Civil War; that his losses during the War were large; and that he had encountered much difficulty in reestablishing his law practice after the War. By the opening of 1875, Pike's financial situation was desperate. He wrote "For a 22 Albert Pike to "Dear Friend", September 13, 1875.


            23 Albert Pike to "Very Dear Brethren", November 10, 1875; Albert Pike to 25, 1875.


            24 Arlie Shaw to Albert Pike, Junuary 28, 1876; February 8, 1876; April 14, 1876; April 30, 1876; May 14, 1876; R. March 22, 1876; A. G. Goodall to Albert Pike, March March 16, 1876.


            1876; March 4, 1876; March 7, 1876; March 19, M. C. Graham to Albert Pike, March 7, 1876; 9, 1876; Mrs. Josiah Carpenter to Albert Pike, Frederick Webber, December SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION year I have had all kinds. of worriment in regard to means of living, and pretty hard work to get through at all".25 A few days later, he wrote as follows: ". . . if I had not been so cursedly poor since the war, I could and should have done more for it [the Scottish Rite]".‑'' Pike had been an attorney for the Choctaw Nation for about twenty years seeking to collect their claims against the United States. The fee, if he should be successful, would be large, and Pike was filled with hope early in 1876 that the case would be won within two or three weeks.‑? Pike did not collect anything in 1876, or later, from his labor in this case." Temporarily relieved from labor in the Choctaw Claims case and stimulated by the hope of an early settlement, Pike turned again with vigor to work for the Scottish Rite. He planned a trip to Florida and Georgia in March, 1876, and wrote as follows I do not think that to do away with the delay would cause our Rite to prosper. The trouble is deeper seated than that. It is that there is, for Masons in general, too much of the Ancient and Accepted Rite; to many Degrees, to much to study; too little parade; that it is not fitted to be popular, or to be gone through with in an evening or two ‑ and, perhaps, that we who govern are not elected by the body of the Craft.


            It is quite certain that the Rite does not command itself to the popular taste. Nothing of a very high order would do so. It might be wisest, perhaps, to reduce the number of working degrees and to devote ourselves to making Masons of the Rite until they should become numerous enough to naturally desire to form themselves into bodies. In May, we must hear all opinions and do what may seem wisest.


            I am quite content to see the Rite advance slowly, if I can see advance surely. It was nothing, in 1859. It is something, now, at anyrate. Nothing can excell our bodies in Washington. They work, regularly, like other Masonic bodies, and prove that the Rite can be made a success. By and by it will revive in Georgia." On the same day that Pike wrote the letter from which above extract was quoted, he composed the following letter to Robert F. Bower which indicates his concern about the Rite in Iowa.


            25 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, January 22, 1876. 2", Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, February 6, 1876.


            27 Ibid.; Albert Pike to William L. Mitchell, February 15, 1876.


            28 Walter Lee Brown, "Life of Albert Pike", unpublished Ph.D. 2'' Albert Pike to William L. Mitchell, February 15, 1876.


            dissertation, U. T., 1955, pp. 845; 862.




If you were to be made an Active Member of the Supreme Council, would you be willing to engage zealously in the work of re‑building the Rite in Iowa? or would your other offices and engagements, Templar and the rest, claim your time and services in preference? Ill.'. Bro.'. Parvin is too completely engrossed with other duties; and we shall have to find a colleague for him: one who will consider the status the highest honor he has, and will work accordingly.


            You are the proper person to have the place: and 1 should vote for you in preference to any one, knowing how fully, in all respects, social, moral, intellectual, you are worthy of it.


            But it is so common a thing to find those who are high in office elsewhere, utterly neglect our Rite, that I speak frankly to you, knowing that you will as frankly reply.


            If you would feel it an honour to be an Active Member, and, not neglecting your duty elsewhere, consider that the propagation of the Rite is as fully worthy of your devoted attention, as the well‑being of any other branch of the Order, I will put you in nomination." The Congress of Supreme Councils was held at Lausanne, Switzerland, as announced, from September 6 through 22, 1875. It has already been stated that the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, U. S. A., was not represented in the Congress and that Pike was not in agreement with some proceedings of the Congress. By March, 1876, Pike had determined upon his course of action and dispatched the following letter on March 20, 1876, to the Grand Commanders of every recognized Supreme Council in the world together with a copy of the proposed "Articles of Federation" which are reproduced in Appendix V.


            The propositions herewith enclosed have been transmitted to the Supreme Councils not members of the Confederation created at Lausanne, at the instance of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander of the Sup.'. Council of Scotland. It is proper that we should send them to the Councils of the Confederation also, not in the way of invitation to another Union, but that our action may be known to all. Where there are no sinister purposes, there need be no concealment; and we should be ashamed to resort to any, in any matter whatever effecting our relations with other Supreme Councils.


            Even now we are reluctant to do more than advise our Sup.'. Council to simply decline acceding to the Confederation created at Lausanne, and to enter upon no discussion and engage in no correspondence concerning it. We have no right to 30 Albert Pike to Robert F. Bower, February 15, 1876.


            SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION ask or expect that any thing done there shall be undone, as the price of our accession. That would place us in a position that we cannot consent to occupy; for if, on our demand, concessions were made, resentments would undoubtedly be born with the concessions, and evil rather than good result. Too much was done at Lausanne that cannot be undone; and so much of what was done is objectionable to us (more in the Revision of the Grand Constitutions than in the Articles of Confederation), that it would be useless even to recite our objections, with a view to having them removed. We must accept the inevitable, and do what seems wisest and best under the circumstances.


            There is no reason why those Supreme Councils which find insuperable objections to exist to their accession to the Confederation established at Lausanne, should not form another Union, to exist by its side, upon bases not liable to the same objections. The powers conceded to the Congresses by Article III of the Articles of Alliance of that Confederation are entirely too broad and in fact unlimited. Article XII creates a new law, which must apply to the largest Empire as well as to the pettiest State, and when so applied is immeasurably absurd. The changes attempted to be made in the Grand Constitutions revolutionize the Rite; and the substitution of a "Principe‑Createur" for the God in whom Freemasons put their trust, alarms the whole body of the Craft everywhere in the world, and, if sanctioned by the Supreme Councils, will destory the Ancient and Accepted Rite, as it ought to do. The Masons of the United States hold that no man can be a Mason who does not cherish a firm belief in the existence of a God; and they cannot but see a sinister purpose in the substitution for "God our Father, Who is in Heaven," a Somewhat, vague and indefinite, a shapeless Impersonality, accepted to conciliate men for whose opinions they have no respect. For us to accept the "Principe‑Createur," though with permission to call It "The Grand Architect of the Universe," would be to annihilate our Ritual. No Englishspeaking Masons have desired to proclaim their disbelief in the God of their forefathers, and their belief in a Creator‑Principle, a phrase without meaning, which annuls the God of Justice, Wisdom and Beneficence, the Protecting Providence of our daily lives, and with the same blow destroys Religion and prostrates all the altars of all Faiths and of Masonry.


            Nor do we believe, that the Supreme Councils and Masons that speak other tongues will sanction this unfortunate depravation, demanded only by an insignificant number of Masons in a single country, who mistake the vertigo and delirium of the intellect for the inspiration of Truth, and the perplexed vagaries of speculation and superficial Pyrrhonism for the scholia of a profound philosophy. To conciliate only these, it is demanded that Masonry shall dethrone God and set in His place a "Principle," of which no affection known to us, nor even intelligence, can be predicated; a Force, an Impersonal Potency, between which and men there can be no sympathies; which cannot be for us a Providence; to which we and all our sorrows and sufferings and hopes and aspirations are no more than the dead sands of the sea‑shores are.




It will not do for us to permit the Masonic world to suppose that we are not energetically opposed to the acceptance, in lieu of "One Living God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth," of a "Principle," perhaps inherent in matter, to which no idea of personality attaches. "To know God, as God," it has been truly said, "the Living God, we must assume His personality; otherwise, what were it but an ether, a gravitation?" This "Principe‑Createur" is no new phrase. It is but an old term revived. Our adversaries, numerous and formidable, will say, and will have the right to say, that our Principe‑Createur is identical with the Principe‑Generateur of the Indians and Egyptians, and may fitly be symbolized, as it was symbolized anciently, by the Linga, the Phallus and Priapus. "Phtha‑Thore," says Matter, in his Histoire du Gnosticisme, "n'est qu'une autro modification de Phtha. Sous cette forme il est PRINCIPE‑CRtATEUR, ou plutot PRINCIPE‑GENERATEUR." This Phtha, the Phallic God, holding the priapus in one hand and brandishing the flagellum in the other, was in effect, "the Father of the Beginnings," "the God who creates with truth," the Principe‑Createur of the ancient Egyptians.


            To accept this, in lieu of a personal God, is to abandon Christianity and the worship of Jehovah, and to return to wallow in the styes of Paganism. So it seems to us; and we can account for the assent of our English Brethren to the change, only upon the ground of inadvertence, Adopt it, and the Phallus will be a legitimate symbol of it in our Lodges and on our altars. The Linga is the symbol of it now in the Temples of Hindustan. Nor does it help us, that it is "known as the Grand Architect of the Universe." For Chaeremon tells us that the "ancient Egyptians ascribed to the Sun that potent force which organizes all beings, and which force they regard as the Grand Architect of the World:" and Phtha, the Generator‑Creator, was the Demiourgos or Architect of the Universe.


            Where, if we substitute this Creative‑Principle for God, are we going to find a definition of it? The Sankhya philosophy, Ritter says, "usually paints the CreativePrinciple as a blind force, and even appears at times to equate its notion to that of the corporeal.


            . . . The Creative‑Principle, as being the basis of the corporeal, is also conceived to be a body." Even the Pagan Emperor Julian admitted an Esprit‑Createur; a SPIRIT‑Creator, of which Atys, he held (self‑multilated), was a symbol. We are asked to accept a "Principle," which each may define for himself; to call which Father, and pray to it would be absurd; to accept which would be to abandon the idea of a personal Deity, that idea, root of all religions, upon which Free‑Masonry is builded, to which all its ancient symbols relate, and deprived of which it falls into utter ruin.


            Those Supreme Councils which with us hold these opinions, and are opposed to sweeping innovations, Constitutional and Ritualistic, preferring to stand upon the old ways and maintain the old law, can, singly, only elect whether to unite SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION with the Confederation already formed, or to remain isolated. Uniting, their fraternal protest will be entitled to higher consideration; and they may, with brotherly affection for those who constitute the Confederation, and doing nothing in a spirit of antagonism, propose or accept such bases, as will in the end lead to a union of all." No known records of any kind survive to reveal when it became necessary to postpone the Session of the Supreme Council nor is there an indication of the cause of ffie~ change in date. The announcement of the new meeting date on April 18, 1876, was a summons from Grand Commander Pike to the members of the Supreme Council to the Session on May 29, 1876, in Washington, D. C., "in the Sanctuary of the Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Corner of D and 7th Streets, over the Bank of the Republic, at mid‑day". The remainder of the document is filled with gloom. Pike speaks of death, discouragement, dissatisfaction and that he "wearies of the work". The final line of the summons reveals that the "Headquarters of the Sup. ' . Council" was located in the Metropolitan Hotel." The remaining items of correspondence in the archives of the Supreme Council for the biennium before May 29, 1876, are chiefly concerned with matters of minor routine. However, there is evidence that a petition for a Consistory in Hawaii might be prepared "soon"," that the Bodies in Montgomery, Alabama, had died," and that Pike had discouraged the Grand Master of Georgia from recommending the adoption in Georgia of the Pike Ritual for the first three degrees." It may be observed that on the eve of the opening of the Session of the Supreme Council on May 29, 1876, general social, economic and political conditions in the United States had improved little, if any, from those of the preceding two years. The evils that had become a national disgrace had been many years in the making; they were not to be overcome easily or quickly. There were only very obscure indications, in 1876, that pointed to an era of a more equitable and democratic political structure, a higher level of morality, integrity and social justice, and a degree of economic prosperity never before known by Americans. Scottish Rite Masonry was to share in this upbuilding and to profit by it just as other moral institutions contributed and received. At this point it is appropriate to point out that Masons were not the creators of or participants in the scandals that rocked the Nation. On the contrary, they were leaders in the effort to heal the wounds of Civil War and to reestablish 31 Official Bulletin, III, No. 1, pp. 52‑55.


            31 Albert Pike to Wm. L. Mitchell, April 18, 1876.


            33 John Owen Dominis to Albert Pike, April 7, 1876. 34 Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, May 1, 1876. 35Ibid., May 7, 1876.




high ideals in all human undertakings. In this work, it is observed that Scottish Rite Masons in the Southern Jurisdiction were active.


            Twelve of the twenty‑three Active Members of the Supreme Council in May, 1874, were present for the opening of the Session on May 29, 1876; three were dead, seven submitted excuses for their absence which were accepted and there was no account of one.


            The first item of business to come before the Session was a letter from A. R. Morel explaining his repeated absence from the Sessions of the Supreme Council, "on account of which he had been dropped from the roll," and requesting reinstatement. His request was granted and he "was unanimously reinstated as an Active Member of the Supreme Council for the State of Texas". Morel had formerly been an Active Member from Louisiana.


            The Grand Commander then read his Allocution. After a brief and somewhat gloomy allusion to the shortness of life, Pike announced the death of Inspectors General Ames, Campbell and Shaw and a number of Honorary Members of the Supreme Council. He then stated that a Lodge of Sorrow would be held "on the evening of the Friday next" (June 2, 1876).


            The next portion of the Allocution was devoted to the "Progress of the Rite." Pike expressed his disapproval of the practices at Baltimore, Maryland, of admitting "Templars" only to membership but stated that the Bodies there were "prosperous". In Virginia the only active Bodies were said to be at Norfolk. A Lodge of Perfection and a Chapter of Rose Croix were active in West Virginia. "In North Carolina and Florida the Rite does not exist." In Georgia no progress was evident and in Alabama there was no sign of vitality in the Bodies at Montgomery and Mobile. He noted that in Mississippi there was little sign of life and that at Vicksburg only. Louisiana was said to be in "general depression" but there was "promise of revival". The Bodies at Charleston, South Carolina, were "reported to be doing well" and the Inspector General for Texas assured "future prosperity" of the Rite in that state. No report of progress had been received from Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska during the preceding two years. Prosperous Bodies were working in Louisville, Kentucky, and in Iowa the Bodies at Lyons and Davenport were active and the formation of a Lodge of Perfection expected at De Witt. There was difficulty in Nevada but activity nevertheless. Portions of the jurisdiction needed a resident Inspector General and a visit from the Grand Commander which had been often promised. Many of the Bodies in California had become dormant and Pike stated SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION that the state should have "two additional [Active] members". It was stated that Washington needed an Active Member to revive the dormant Bodies in the Territory. Oregon was reported to be in "a most healthy and prosperous condtion," but that no communication of any kind had been received from Utah. The establishment of Bodies in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) was reported as was the "preposterous claim to exclusive jurisdiction by the Supreme Council of France" supported by the action of the Congress at Lausanne. Pike then reported at length upon the Bodies in the District of Columbia where he had directed development in accordance with his views of "building from below". His praise was glowing and the conviction wad expressed that "the same success can be achieved in any town where there are many Masons, if the Inspector General ... will devote himself with sufficent energy. . . ." In concluding this portion of his Allocution Pike stated: While there is not much to boast of in the increase of bodies and initiates during the last two years, there is nothing to discourage us, or to be ashamed of. We have done a good work in establishing the only system that can insure us permanent prosperity, and in demonstrating by actual results that by steadily adhering to it, we can create and maintain bodies doing genuine Masonic work, and make the Rite become a real living organization, and not a mere collection of side degrees, dispensed by imperfect communication, and for all practical purposes worthless.


            He then restated his thesis that it was "neither practical nor desirable for us rapidly to multiply our bodies or our initiates"; that the Scottish Rite degrees have nothing to offer "to those who cannot appreciate or value philosophical truth and the sublimest morality"; and that "they [the Scottish Rite degrees] must always be confined to a few" because they are not "fit to be lavished on all the world". In contrast to these observations Pike then stated that "it would be a mistake to suppose that scholars only, and men of genius, are capable of appreciating the teachings of our Rite"; that "in our best Lodges of Perfection" the "majority ... is composed of plain men, sensible and practically wise" who "appreciate the truths we teach, eager to learn and capable of understanding them".


            Another portion of Pike's concluding statements on the "Progress of the Rite" is significant. He wrote as follows Masonry, in a country where it has no great purpose to enable it, is always in danger of degenerating into vain ceremonies and idle pomp and show. In the countries where it is the champion and apostle of freedom, of conscience, speech, and action, where it must be ever on the alert, is ever in the presence of danger, by the sword of the mercenary and the dagger of the fanatic, it is real and earnest, heroic and grandly enthusiastic.


            HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 The next section of the Allocution was devoted to "Foreign Relations". The first portion of this discussion was a review of the events leading up to the Congress of Lausanne, the acts that took place in that body, Pike's criticisms of the results of the Congress, and the proposal to form a "Confederation" of those Supreme Councils not adhering to the Lausanne Confederation. Pike then took up a "Resolve" adopted by the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction renewing a claim to jurisdiction over States and Territories of the United States reserved to the Southern Jurisdiction in an agreement in 1828. He recommended that no change in jurisdictional territory be made. Also in relation to the Northern Jurisdiction, Pike indulged in comments on the "Christianization" of the 18th degree in that Jurisdiction and th~e legal rights of non‑Christians to seek the degree elsewhere. The formation of the Supreme Council in Canada and Pike's participation in that event was then discussed. Pike announced that he had recognized the Canadian Supreme Council but that, since his authority to appoint and recall Representatives had been challenged by the Supreme Council of France, these powers should be determined and defined by the Supreme Council. The final portion of this section began with a report of relations between the Supreme Council and Grand Orient in Belgium then moved into the general realm of such relations, the powers of sovereignty and the question of determining when a Supreme Council had committed "suicide". Opinions were expressed but no recommendations for action by the Supreme Council were made.


            In the realm of jurisprudence, Pike discussed at length the problem of non‑payment of dues in Symbolic Lodges. He expressed his belief that it was a Lodge matter in which Grand Lodges should not "intermeddle". Scottish Rite interest in the problem was aroused because expulsion from Lodge membership for non‑payment of dues also terminated membership in Scottish Rite Bodies of such members so disciplined. He closed his comments as follows And it is certainly not a very dignified position for us to occupy, to be compelled to close our doors against or open them to Masons of our high degrees, as they may alternately be suspended for failure to pay their dues in a Lodge, and restored upon paying up; especially when a Lodge would not suspend a Bro.'. for unworthiness if he refused to pay dues to one of our Bodies for half a century. Yet is not the unworthiness the same? and why should we help a Lodge collect its dues, by punishing the delinquent, if it would not help us collect ours? The Grand Commander then announced to the Supreme Council that the Grand Master of Masons in Georgia favored the adoption of the Pike ritual, for the first three Masonic degrees, in Georgia, and that he had advised against it, suggesting 120 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION rather that Lodges be chartered to work the ritual, if they requested it, as was done in Louisiana. In further comments, Pike made some interesting observations as follows Our American Masons generally have heretofore seemed to imagine that there is no Masonry entitled to the name, in the world, outside of the United States; and that there is but one legitimate Rite of Masonry, the "York" Rite. There neither is nor ever was a York Rite. The very name asserts a falsehood. There never was any Grand Lodge at York. Our American Blue Masonry is not like any other in the world, not because it is purer, but because it was adulterated early in the present century, by men of little capacity or knowledge on this side the Atlantic. In solemnity and impressiveness the work does not approach that of the Scottish and French Rites; nor does it give the means of recognition and of obtaining aid in danger, as these are known even in England.


            When we were almost isolated from the rest of the Masonic world, our provincial notions and absurd self‑conceit were natural enough. But now, when thousands annually visit Europe, as formerly a man went from Boston to Baltimore, they are merely ridiculous. Other Rites or systems are at least as good as ours, and the Scottish and French Rites are vastly more cosmopolitan. If the requisite number of Master Masons of either of these Rites desire to form a Lodge, and work it, it is simply absurd for a Grand Lodge superciliously to say to them, "You shall not work at all unless you work our work. We will not charter you as a Scottish or French Rite Lodge; and we will not permit any other Masonic Power to give you Letters of Constitution." To my mind there is nothing that is of much less importance than uniformity of work, and yet there is nothing about which American Masonry has its soul so continually vexed. Nothing so much adds to the interest of Masons in Masonry as the existence in the same city of Lodges working in different Rites, and yet all of one obedience. One visit by an American Lodge in New Orleans, to a French, Spanish, or Italian Lodge working in the French or Scottish Rite, is worth a whole year of ordinary dull Masonic routine.


            It will by‑and‑by begin to be comprehended in the United States that our American Masonry became provincialized by that isolation which made the innovations of Webb and Cross possible in all its branches; and that as the rest of the Masonic world will never come to us, abandoning the better for the worse, we must remain isolated or abjure our errors and go to them. Meanwhile if the Grand Lodge of Georgia should see fit to adopt the Scottish Rite, no other power can object, and it will gain largely by the exchange ritualistically.


            It is gratifying to know that the influence of the teachings of our Rituals is gradually extending over the world. Now, as it was of old, it is again become necessary to teach the truths, on which religion and philosophy must be builded, in the chambers of initiation. The world thinks it has outgrown its ancient faiths; and science, with which religion should be in perfect harmony, investigates SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION nature and explores the mysteries of the universe, and asserts that all religions are born of ignorance, of the scant knowledge and limited and petty notions which men anciently had of nature.


            Our Scottish Free Masonry stands between the two disputants, teaching as they were taught of old, the cardinal truths which reason teaches, and of which the settled convictions of mankind in all ages are sufficient proof. In the midst of a world of sceptics, in a day when all the foundations of faith are being broken up, because it is demanded that men shall believe too much, and the alternative is to believe nothing, we adhere to and teach the doctrines of the existence of a personal God, and a Divine Providence, and of the indestructibility of the human intellect; which our Rituals develope and illustrate.


            Undoubtedly our Rituals are very far from perfect. The task of revision was too great for the powers of a single man. I am not content with part of the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection; and the 32d is far from being what it should be. It remains yet to discover and disclose in it the Royal Secret. That I propose to attempt doing, during the next two years; and if I can succeed I shall be content.


            Pike commented that Southern Jurisdiction rituals were being used in the Northern Jurisdiction, Belgium and Canada and that German translations of the Ineffable Degrees had been completed so that German‑speaking Lodges of Perfection might be formed. With brief mention of recent publications and manuscripts that were available for publication, Pike passed on to consideration of a "Sanctuary and Charity Fund".


            He mentioned that stock certificates had been printed (see reproduction on facing page) and distributed in an attempt to raise sufficient money to buy a site for the Sanctuary. However, "the depressed condition of many States of our jurisdiction made the effort futile. The amount subscribed is insignificant". He then suggested that "an account should be opened by the Auditor" for the Sanctuary fund to which the sales of books should be credited.


            The Grand Commander closed his Allocution by announcing that the Seventy‑fifth Anniversary of the Supreme Council would occur on Wednesday, May 31, 1876. He outlined the formation of the Supreme Council, listed its first members, deplored the lack of information and suggested that the Active Members from South Carolina should compile a history that might be "worthy of publication"." 36 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1876, pp. 4‑42.




The next items of business were transacted in the Senatorial Chamber and were as follows: The nomination and election of Wilmot Gibbes DeSaussure to Active Membership for South Carolina.


            The nomination of nineteen Princes of the Royal Secret to the rank of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            The nomination and election of twelve distinguished members of other Supreme Councils to Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction.


            The nomination for Active Membership of the following: Giles W. Merrill of Minnesota Horace Halsey Hubbard of California Odell Squire Long of West Virginia Dewitt Clinton Dawkins of Florida Robert Farmer Bower of Iowa James Smyth Lawson of Washington Territory Michel Eloi Girard of Louisiana The nomination of fifteen Brethren to receive the "Thirty‑third degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council".


            A report of a Committee of Investigation for Inspector General Ebenezer H. Shaw was received and adopted.


            A letter of appreciation from Inspector General A. E. Frankland was read and ordered to be printed.


            A resolution was adopted granting Secretary General Albert G. Mackey a leave of absence for one year "to recover his health" was adopted on condition that he appoint a "Washington Brother" to discharge the duties of his office during his absence.


            On the following day, May 30, 1876, the Supreme Council resumed its labors in the Senatorial Chamber and attended to items of business as follows Received Representatives of six Foreign Bodies.


            Received the report of the Committee on the Allocution of the Grand Commander for distribution for detailed reports.


            124 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Received communication from four Foreign Supreme Councils.


            Received the financial reports of the Grand Commander, Secretary General, Treasurer General and Inspector General Caswell and referred them to the Committee on Finance.


            The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made its report on the correspondence relating to the Congress of Lausanne and to relations with the Supreme Council of France and recommended that the actions of Grand Commander Pike be "fully approved and confirmed, and that his recommendations relative thereto be adopted" which was adopted.


            Received and adopted a report calling for a "social meeting ... at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, May 31," for the purpose of celebrating the Seventy‑fifth Anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Council.


            Some confidential letters were received and referred to special committees.


            One thousand dollars was appropriated to pay the traveling expenses of the Grand Commander to such points in the Jurisdiction "for the interests of the Rite" as he might deem advisable.


            The Grand Commander read a confidential Allocution.


            Twenty members were elected to the rank of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour.


            Twenty‑one members were elected to receive the Decoration of Grand Cross the Court of Honour as follows: of Ben. Perley Poore Clement Wells Bennett Robert M. Smith William Cothran Robert W. Furnas Thos. Elwood Garrett William Leffingwell William Napoleon Loker Angel Martin Isaac Sutvene Titus Nathaniel Levine Stephen Fowler Chadwick Richard J. Nunn Ezekiel Salomon William Lewis Page Harvey Allen Olney Robert Farmer Bower Thomas Cripps John Lawson Lewis John Somers Buist George C. Betts 125 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 Fifteen nominees were elected to receive the Thirty‑third Degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            The Supreme Council authorized the "healing" of John H. B. Latrobe who had received the Thirty‑third Degree illegally through no fault of his own.


            The seven nominees for Active Membership were elected.


            Three nominations for the Thirty‑third Degree and Honorary Membership were submitted, "to lie over until the next session." The Supreme Council was then called off until 7 o'clock at which time six designates received the Thirty‑third Degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council. This ceremony was followed by the crowning, as Active Members of the Supreme Council, of the following: Wilmot G. DeSaussure of South Carolina Robert F. Bower of Iowa Horace H. Hubbard of California James S. Lawson of Washington Territory Odell S. Long of West Virginia At twelve o'clock, noon, on May 31, 1876, labor was resumed in the Senatorial Chamber. Business transacted included the following items A report form the Committee on the State of the Order on a portion of the Grand Commander's Allocution was received and adopted. The report took note that the Rite was "healthy and prosperous"; stated that the Bodies established in the Hawaiian Kingdom "should be sustained and encouraged", repudiated the claims of the Supreme Council of France to jurisdiction in Hawaii as "without foundation in law or right" and "is unwarranted, in contravention of established usage, and in violation of the landmarks and Constitution of the Rite"; and recommended that Pike's suggestion to elect "one or more" Honorary Members from Hawaii "at the present session" be "acquiesced in".


            A report of a Special Committee condemned the conferral of degrees "upon credit" but in the particular case before it recommended that the request for the remission of the fee "for degrees 19‑30" be granted. The report was adopted.


            A Special Committee reported on the "confidential Allocution" of the Grand Commander stating that many of the matters had been referred to committees which 126 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION would report during the Session; that it approved the recommendations on finance and the re‑organization of the Secretary General's office; and that more time was needed for the consideration of legislation to make the recommendations effective and to that end a committee should take these matters under consideration during recess of the Supreme Council and report at the next Session. The report was tabled until a "Secret Session" was convened.


            The report of the Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies was received and "ordered to be filed".


            Several letters of "excuse" were read and accepted.


            Inspector Collin's report was referred to the Committee on Doings of Inspectors General.


            The Supreme Council then "resolved into Secret Session" and the following actions took place: Three additional nominations of Knights Commander of the Court of Honour were made and elected.


            William L. Mitchell was elected and installed as Grand Prior.


            Two nominations from Hawaii of Knights Commander of the Court of Honour were made and elected and the same two were nominated and elected to receive the Thirty‑third Degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            The Committee on Finance made a report, which was adopted, stating that the condition of the records was such that they could not determine "past balances" and recommended that the "Asst. Auditor‑General make a full and correct investigation" and report to the Grand Commander in time for the report to be printed as a part of "the transactions of this session".


            The Committee on Doings of Inspectors General reported that reports had been received from eighteen Active Members and Deputies of the Supreme Council; that the Rite "continues steadily to progress ... (considering the financial condition of the country) ... as great as should be expected ... ;" that printed forms for semiannual reports in duplicate should be sent out by the Secretary General at the proper time in order that the Supreme Council may "be advised as to the state of the Rite officially;" and that these reports "be published in the Appendix of the Transactions". The report was adopted.




The Secretary General was ordered to correct the charter of Alexander Liholiho Council at Honolulu.


            Two Inspectors General were excused for their absence.


            A report of the Committee on Correspondence, offering resolutions of "emphatic rejection of the heresy ... made a part of the proceedings of the Lausanne Congress by the Supreme Council of France" and authorizing Grand Commander Pike "to officially sign and seal the articles of alliance" with the Supreme Councils of Ireland and Scotland was received and adopted.


            A further report of the Committee on Correspondence was adopted authorizing "the formal reception" of the Representative of the Supreme Council of Canada.


            The advances made to Inspector General Shaw and his family were made known to the Supreme Council and the matter was referred to a Special Committee.


            The Grand Commander ruled that the appointment of an Assistant Auditor General was authorized "without restriction, as to rank or degree".


            On Wednesday evening, May 31, 1876, the Supreme Council celebrated the Seventy‑fifth Anniversary of the founding of the "Supreme Council by a social gathering and banquet".


            Labor was resumed in its Senatorial Chamber by the Supreme Council on June 1, 1876, actions were as follows: A letter from the Grand Master of Georgia was read.


            New charters were authorized for the Bodies at Virginia City, Nevada, in lieu of those destroyed.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to deputize Inspectors General to confer the Thirty‑third Degree "upon such elected Honorary Inspectors as ... have not been present at this session".


            The payment of a number of bills was authorized.


            "The Supreme Council then resolved itself into Secret Session" and business was acted upon as follows: 128 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION A Confidential Allocution of Grand Commander Pike regarding the Grand Consistory of Maryland was referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.


            A petition of the Grand Consistory of Kentucky for remission of dues was referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation made a report, which was unanimously adopted, refusing to consider an extension of the territorial jurisdiction of the Northern Supreme Council at the expense of jurisdiction of the Southern Supreme Council.


            A Special Committee recommended that a letter from the Grand Tiler be referred to the Council of Deliberation for action. The recommendation was adopted.


            John L. Roper of Virginia was nominated and elected to receive the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour.


            The Treasurer General was authorized to pay the expenses ($130) of Inspector Morel incurred "in coming to this Session".


            The decision, whether or not, to revoke the charter of the Grand Consistory of Georgia was referred to Inspector General Mitchell.


            Three Inspectors General were excused for absence from the Session.


            A resolution to drop inactive "Honorary Thirty‑thirds" was referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.


            A report from Inspector General Mitchell recommending that the charter of the Grand Consistory of Georgia be recalled and that Inspector General Toombs be appointed to settle the affairs of the Body "at his discretion" was adopted.


            The "Secret Session" was closed and the Senatorial Chamber was then reopened.


            Three Inspectors General were excused for the remainder of the Session, and the Supreme Council "called off" until the following day.


            The work of June 2, 1876, began in the morning with the conferral of the Thirtythird Degree and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council upon three designates. In the afternoon, labor was again resumed in the Senatorial Chamber on the following business: 129 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 A committee report on a portion of the Allocution referring to the dead was received and adopted which set aside a page in the Book of Gold for each deceased Active Member.


            A report of the Committee on Jurisprudence was received, tabled, and its publication forbidden.


            A report from the Committee on the State of the Order recommending that each Inspector General be required to report all inactive Honorary Members at the next Session, "to the end that there may be appropriate legislation. . . ," was adopted.


            The Committee on the State of the Order proposed that a commission be created, composed of the Assistant Auditor General and two Active Members, one nominated by the Grand Consistory of Maryland and one by the Active Member in Maryland, to examine the accounts of the Grand Consistory and Active Member in Maryland "and determine as to the same, their said determination to be absolute, final, and conclusive". The report was adopted.


            The Special Committee appointed on the advances made to Inspector General Shaw and his family made an unpublished report which was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence made a report on the Congress of Lausanne and recommended that the Supreme Council "refuse to accede to the Articles of Confederation of the recent Congress of Lausanne". This report was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence presented a copy of the "Revised Statutes" and recommended that no action be presently taken except to order the printing of two hundred copies for distribution six months before the next session. This procedure was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence requested a discharge from consideration of the Congress of Lausanne which was granted.


            The Finance Committee reported that the financial statement of Inspector General Caswell was correct.


            The conferral of the Thirty‑third Degree before payment of the fee was forbidden, except in cases where it is given as an Honorarium.


            130 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION The degree fees of three designates to receive the Thirty‑third Degree were remitted.


            Thanks of the Supreme Council were extended for several gifts and services extended during the Session.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to present copies of books published by the Supreme Council to the King of Sweden.


            The Grand Commander was authorized and requested to attend the proposed Congress at Edinburgh in 1877.


            The Grand Commander was reimbursed for expenses of the publication of lectures prepared by him.


            The Treasurer General was awarded $200 for services rendered during the past two years.


            The preparation of the early history of the Rite was referred to the Active and Honorary Members from South Carolina.


            A committee to publish Pike's "History of Free Masonry in France and on the Continent of Europe" was authorized, but given no authority "to involve the Supreme Council in any expense".


            Inspector General Toombs and Grand Commander Pike were requested to furnish copies of certain addresses "to be published with the transactions. . . ." The Session of the Supreme Council was then closed with the usual ceremonies.


            During the evening of June 2, 1876, following the Session of the Supreme Council, a Lodge of Sorrow was opened to pay tribute to those members of the Rite who had died during the preceding two years. The feature of the meeting was the address by Grand Commander Pike.'" The Session of 1876, as is the case in every Session of the Supreme Council, was concerned with many matters of well‑settled routine. It faced some unresolved prob 37 Ibid., 56‑94.




lems of long standing and there were new problems that had arisen since the Session of 1874.


            The significant actions of the Supreme Council in 1876 may be listed as follows: Refusal to become a member of the confederation formed at Lausanne.


            Rejection of the contentions of the Supreme Council of France with regard to jurisdiction in Hawaii.


            Continued support of Bodies formed in Hawaii.


            Approval of the creation of and membership in a new confederation of Supreme Councils.


            Institution of reforms in the fiscal system and in the work of the Secretary General's office.


            Establishment of fraternal relations with the Supreme Council of Canada.


            Refusal to grant the demand of the Northern Supreme Council for more territorial jurisdiction in the United States.


            Broadened the geographical representation in the Supreme Council.


            Problems of major importance unsolved at the close of the Session included the following: Fiscal accounting Membership accounting Building of a "Sanctuary" Creation of a charity fund Adequate propagation of the Rite Administrative cooperation and coordination In generalization, it may be said that the Session of 1876 was completely harmonious; not a dissenting voice was raised on any issue. The policies and actions of Grand Commander Pike were accepted without any apparent reservations. In fact, 132 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION it appears that no other member of the Supreme Council had any ideas or thoughts to present at the Session. It also appears that the Supreme Council acted with vigor on all problems where action was possible. It is significant that these actions did not require expenditures of any considerable amount of funds, obviously, because little money was available.


            For a better understanding of the situation of the Rite and its prospects of growth in the immediate years to come, it must be remembered that serious problems were absorbing the attention and energy of the American people. Among the more important of these problems in 1876 were the following: Economic depression A vast body of unassimilated immigrants Agrarian unrest Dislocations incident to the Industrial Revolution Problems resulting from urbanization Labor unrest Exploitation of the public by "big business" Politicians of the period were "second‑rate men" Widespread lack of morality South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida still under "Radical Reconstruction" by "Carpetbaggers" The frontier still unconquered Transportation and communication not fully developed Virulent sectionalism still present An increasing demand for social reform Prevalence of rampant materialism The Negro problem still unsolved Inadequate educational opportunity and facilities The "Land of Opportunity" had certainly become also a land of problems, each imperiously demanding attention, consequently, the development of Scottish Rite Bodies was handicapped in proportion to the intensity of a combination of these and other problems in any given locality.


            Actions of the Supreme Council in May, 1876, permitted the immediate beginning of two important events between the Supreme Council Sessions of 1876 and 1878.




These were trips into the far western portion of the Southern Jurisdiction by Grand Commander Pike and as far west as Colorado by Secretary General Mackey.


            The Session of 1876 had not ended when Pike was issued a warrant on June 1, 1876, for $500, posted as "visitation" expense, and on June 11, for the same purpose, another warrant for $200. Both of these warrants were charged in the Grand Com mander's account as "expense of Visitation to Pacific Coast"." When Pike left Washington, D. C., and when he arrived in Nevada is unknown; however, he was to be in Virginia City, Nevada, on July 10 and on July 17, 1876." Silver Lodge of Perfection had been established in Virginia City prior to the Session of the Supreme Council in 1876 at which time Pike reported its destruction by a disastrous fire that had burned almost all of the city. He also stated that the members of the Lodge had "contributed the means necessary" to resume labor, under duplicate Letters of Constitution, at great expense." No doubt the visit of the Grand Commander was a great stimulation to their efforts, but no detailed record of his work there is known except the entry in his accounts that he had received for the Supreme Council in July, "cash, gold, from Henry St. George Hopkins, Dep. $500.00,"41 and this line from a surviving letter,) "it will be impossible to forward any of these documents to the Brethren in Virginia City until I can receive further orders from you".42 A Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix were in nearby Carson City, and it is very probable that Pike visited these Bodies; however, no surviving Supreme Council records verify this supposition.


            Several sources establish that Grand Commander Pike was in San Francisco, California, before the end of July, 1876. A notice, published in San Francisco, states that Pike would be present at a meeting of Yerba Buena Lodge of Perfection in the Masonic Temple on Friday evening, July 21, 1876.'3 In a letter, dated July 31, 1876, written by Edwin B. MacGrotty to Albert Pike, MacGrotty mentions receipt of a newspaper from San Francisco addressed in the handwriting of Pike. Pike's accounts, already referred to, list the names of five men from whom he received fees for the Thirty‑third Degree. The membership card file of the Supreme Council and a news report establishes that four were residents of San Francisco and that they 38 Ibid., 1878, p. 134.


            38 Edwin B. MacGrotty to Albert Pike, July 31, 1876; Virginia Evening Chronicle, July 8, 1876. 4 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1876, p. 7.


            41 Ibid., 1878, p. 134.


            42 Edwin B. MacGrotty to Albert Pike, August 17, 1876. 43 Daily Alta, July 21, 1876.


            134 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION had received the Thirty‑third Degree on July 26, 1876.4' It seems certain that the Grand Commander, on his first trip to the Pacific Coast, spent at least one week in San Francisco.


            The whereabouts of the Grand Commander next established is on August 9, 1876, when he passed through Eugene City, Oregon, on his way to Portland." He arrived in Portland "overland from San Francisco" on the evening of August 9," and was fraternally welcomed to the city by the Scottish Rite Masons "in their Lodge room" on the evening of Friday, August 11, 1876.4' On the following day, it was announced that "Gen. Albert Pike will deliver a lecture Monday evening at Masonic Hall on the subject of Freemasonry" to which "all Master Masons in good standing" were invited." In addition to the visit on August 11, the minutes of Oregon Lodge of Perfection reveal that Pike again visited that Body on August 15, and the minutes of Ainsworth Chapter of Rose Croix record that he visited the Chapter on August 22, 1876. It is also found that Pike's daughter, unnamed, was with him on the trip. The minutes of Salem Lodge of Perfection show that a committee was appointed in August, 1876, to receive Grand Commander Pike, but there is no record of his visit to the Lodge." Grand Commander Pike arrived back ‑in Washington, D. C., about October 23, 1876,5 completing the first visit of a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33, of the Southern Jurisdiction, on official business, to the Pacific Coast area of the United States. His accounts reveal that the trip cost $875 in gold and $325 in currency, a total of $1,200, and that he had received for work done for the Supreme Council during the trip $1,250 in gold. These entries also indicate that the journey had extended from June 30 to October 23, 1876.51 Secretary General Albert G. Mackey began a much longer sojourn in the West than that of the Grand Commander about the middle of July, 1876. He had, it will be recalled, been granted a leave of absence from his office for one year "to recover his health"; however, the health problem seems to have been that of a daughter." 44 Membership Card File, Supreme Council, 33; George J. Hobe; Charles Mills Browne; Daily Alta, July 28, 1876.


            45 The Oregon State Journal, August 12, 1876. 4e Daily Morning Oregonian, August 10, 1876. 47 Ibid., August 11, 1876.


            48Ibid., August 12, 1876.


            49 Leslie M. Scott to James D. Carter, April 20, 1964; December 19, 1966. 10 Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, November 1, 1876.


            51 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1878, p. 134‑135. 52 Henry C. F. Jensen to Albert Pike, October 26, 1876.


            F. Brown; Wm. T. Reynolds; John 135 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Mackey's report to the Supreme Council covered the period from July 13, 1876, to April 11, 1878, and the entries in it place him in Kansas and Colorado from July 15, 1876, to February 18, 1878. He communicated the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection to eight candidates in Leavenworth, Kansas, on July 15, 1876, and on six at Salina, Kansas, on September l, 1876. Sometime between September 1 and 9 when Mackey was back in Salina to communicate the degrees from 4 through 32 on three candidates, he visited Denver, Colorado, and communicated work on eight candidates." About October 20, 1876, Mackey was in Central City, Colorado, trying to organize a Lodge of Perfection but it was a "generally dull time" there and nothing seems to have immediately developed from his efforts. In the week before October 26, 1876, he was in Denver attempting to form a Lodge of Perfection among those to whom he had communicated the required degrees." The next known date of his activity was on April 10, 1877, at Denver, and one month later he communicated the work at Golden City, Colorado. He did some work at Central City on July 27 and 31 and returned to Denver where he worked on November 21, 1877. His last recorded labor was at Denver on February 18, 1878.55 His leave of absence from the Secretary General's office had expired about June 1, 1877, and Mackey's prolonged absence from his duties provoked the following comments from the Grand Commander Bro.'. Mackey has written to me but once in six mos., and then to complain that I had said in a printed letter that the income of the Sup.'. Council had heretofore been no more than sufficient to pay his salary and current expenses. I had said nothing of the kind, but spoke of the present only. I told him so in my reply with surprise that he could have so misrepresented what was too plain to be misunderstood: and I have no answer. I urged him to make his returns, telling him that I had nothing to do with the money he had received, but that I was bound by the Statutes to see that returns were made regularly by all members, of work done. He has made no report nor returns of any sort since he went away, nor said anything about the business of the Secretary's office.


            Therefore I do not feel like writing to him any further. He knows that I am doing his work, as I always have been, and as he expects me always to do; and he seems to take it for granted that I will not let it go undone. The Register was his work to do, and not mine; and it was not my work to sort and arrange the chaos of papers in his office. All he has ever said since he left, about the office, was to express his belief that Ham would be good enough to do the work 63 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1878, p. 122. 54 Henry C. F. Jensen to Albert Pike, October 26, 1876. 55 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1878, p. 122.


            136 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION for him: but he cannot afford to work without pay. He does not care for Dr. Mackey, as you and I do.


            So I return your letter, that you may send it yourself. I should think he would reply to your letter, if he would to any one's. I am getting tired of the selfishness that expects all the world to work for it without even the pay of thanks.


            If he will employ you as assistant, the $500 paid you would benefit the Sup.'. Co.'. largely because its revenues are continually falling off in consequence of neglect in the office of the Secretary General. Bodies fail to pay, Brothers getting no answers to letters, cease to write, and everything falls into confusion and decay. It is simply impossible to let matters go on in this way long: and he ought to know it. The idea of his taking $3,000 for two years salary, without doing anything as Secretary is simply monstrous. Look at our Transactions. Your report is omitted: so is his: so is mine. 1 cannot find yours and mine, for 1874 or 1876, in the office.


            Nobody is more his friend than I am, but I owe duties to the Order and Sup.'. Co. '. too. Did you ever hear of a case of a Gr.'. Secretary going off and leaving his office for two years, and receiving his full salary, while others did his work? He could and should have left his wife and daughter, and come home, when his year's leave was out. There was no need of his staying there.


            He never will attend as he should to the duties of the office. With you as as assistant, all would go well.'" The Doctor writes that he will come home in February. Your arrangement will be for service as asst. after his return, even if you begin a little before: and after his return Ham would not wish to act. In fact he cannot attend to it. To avoid any feeling of unkindness, the best way will be for you to let Ham act until February, and then take charge.


            There is no money in the general fund: not a dollar. Nothing has been done to make the bodies pay up.


            After you take charge, we will turn over a new leaf.'? Here the matter rested.


            Grand Commander Pike's law firm had never prospered in Washington, D. C., because of the prejudice against him as a "rebel,"" and the general economic distress.


            58 Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, November 25, 1877. 57 Ibid., December 21, 1877.


            58 Albert Pike to Richard Thurston, February 23, 1874.




By his return from the Pacific Coast in 1876, this financial distress caused him to move his living quarters into the building occupied by the Supreme Council at 602 D Street, N. E., Washington, D. C., in the fall of 1876. From this time until his death, the Grand Commander lived in the quarters of the Supreme Council, wherever they might be.


            Disaster was striking elsewhere also. In Arkansas, Masonry had "come to a dead halt;" " the situation was not improved early in 1877; " and to add to the distress, the hall, regalia, furniture and records of the Scottish Rite Bodies were destroyed by fire." It was reported to Pike that the Bodies at Atlanta and Albany in Georgia were "dead". `'2 A letter from Corpus Christi, Texas, reports "the times are very hard," that there is "prejudice" against the Scottish Rite, that the Rite is hampered by some "turbulent material" and that civil government is corrupts? In a long letter the Inspector General in Texas repeats these observations and adds "ignorance," "intrigue," and "too lazy" to the indictment of a large portion of the possible candidates for the Rite. He also pointed out that distances were so great in the state that the commissions received from the communication of degrees to start a Lodge of Perfection would not pay the travel expenses." Other letters report death, removals from the state, sickness and continued financial distress which draw a most discouraging picture of the immediate prospects of the Rite in Texas.' The few communications from Officers and Bodies of the Rite during 1876 and 1877 in the files of the Supreme Council seem to indicate that an advanced stage of paralysis was present in portions of the Jurisdiction. Reflecting upon the condition of the Rite and its causes, Grand Commander Pike wrote as follows: The whole trouble is that Templarism takes all of every Templar's time and money; and that where our own members are not so engrossed by that and Blue Masonry, they are so engrossed by heavens as not to have any time to attend to the Rite. Take even Mackey. He went to Florida and took charge of North Carolina, created a body in each, and let it die out‑We never heard once from either of them. . . . What has he written for the Rite? Nothing. He has not even been in the bodies here, once in two years; but he is always on hand at Chapter 5s J. A. Henry to Albert Pike, November 30, 1876. '1 Luke E. Barber to Albert Pike, March 15, 1877. 61 Ibid., April 13, 1877.


            62 R. M. Smith to Albert Pike, December 11, 1876. 63 Aaron Ancell to Albert Pike, February 6, 1877. 64 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, March 9, 1877.


            fi 5 Aaron Ancell to Albert Pike, July 20; September August 12, 1877.


            l; September 27, 1877; Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, 138 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION meetings and Templar meetings. Did he ever write a Lecture or anything connected with the Rite? Not one.


            The truth is that he known that. He is too That's the trouble‑and interest for him.


            does not care for the Rite, as a Rite. I have always much wedded to Blue Masonry and Chapter Masonry. the work and teachings of the Rite have never had much And that is, at bottom, the trouble with most of our members. They don't value the Rite enough to feel compelled to labor to extend it and disseminate its principles. They like it, they think it a good thing, pretty nearly as good as Templarism, quite as good as the Fellow Craft's degree: but not something that a man should devote himself to, as better than all the rest. The Rite is not a Religion for them.


            Well it cannot be expected that all should look upon it in that light, or set as high a value upon it as we do, and so we must be patient and work on: and be content with what they can and will do. Thank God! We have got a few whose whole heart is in the Rite." Just a few days later Pike expressed himself on the same general theme as follows: There are reasons for the slow progress of our Rite. It costs money, it requires thought and study, it is above the comprehension of the mass of Masons. It does not display itself in fuss and feathers, receptions and pilgrimages and other fooleries, which captivate the mass of men. It has not many offices to which ignorance can elect the ambitious: and every one who comes into it is already engaged in other bodies that take up enough of his time.


            As to our own members, what can we expect? Most of them are busily engaged earning a living. Some think that Heaven is a place specially made for Templars to drill and parade in. Nearly all are merchants or lawyers; and many of them only like, without living, the Rite.


            I do not see how we can cut off any members from existing Grand Consistories. And as to the future, I shall never vote to make another Grand Consistory. It would be better if we had none. If we should ever make another, I shall desire to make it a representative body. Grand Consistories with no bodies under them, or only two or three, or whose members for the most part belong to no bodies, are useless bodies, existing in controvention of the very nature of things.


            But I think the wiser course will be to let what is alone: and to make no addition to the mischief.


            ss Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, January 17, 1878.




How would it do to have one or two adjunct members of the Supreme Council (with all rights but that of voting) in each state, with power to confer degrees and establish bodies. We might in that way make use of some of our Honoraries, who are now expected to do something, when they have no power to do anything.


            And how would it do to establish in each state where there is no Grand Consistory, an Executive Council, of, say, nine 33ds and 32ds, including the Active Member or Members, who should propagate and administer the Rite there? What we want is to interest more BB. '. in the extension of the Rite.         These two features would do that. In Iowa, for example, we have nobody who sets any value in his dignity of 33': and it is the same way in Missouri. It has no real value for them, like a Templar dignity. That it gives them the power to extend the Rite and to build up bodies, is of no moment to them. Most of our folks prefere a useless Masonry, that gives cheap honors, and requires little or nothing in return.


            To tell you the truth, Bro.'. Webber, I do not think that any except a very few Masons want or can value any better Masonry than they get in the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery. And we are not reasonable when we complain that having made our Masonry fit for only a few, the many do not flock into it.


            It will get itself built up by and by. It has had a great deal to struggle against, and not very many to work hard for it, preferring it to all other Masonry. There will be such men by and by, men who will devote themselves to it, and not look upon it as a mere ornamental appendage to other more important Masonry. I hope that, someday, somebody will work for it besides me, and not be afraid to do it for fear of losing caste among Blue Masons and Templars." These Pike letters are also important in the history of the Supreme Council for what they do not say, significant because of the emphasis placed upon certain points by Pike. A reasonable conclusion seems to be that the Grand Commander had a great ambition for Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction but was uncertain as to how to attain it.


            There were some sparks of life in the Jurisdiction, however. The year of 1877 was not far advanced when a new Scottish Rite Temple of the Grand Consistory of Kentucky was dedicated on February 25, 1877, at Louisville in impressive ceremonies during which it was remarked that the Rite in that city was in more "prosperous condition"." Two days later, February 27, 1877, Albert G. Mackey Lodge of Per '17 Ibid., January 15, 1878.


            ss Official Bulletin, 111, 401‑411.


            140 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION fection was formed at Deep Creek, Norfolk County, Virginia." A letter from Hawaii reports growth of the Rite there and that "extensive additions" were planned for the building in use; this information is confirmed by another surviving letter." Beginning in October and extending through November, 1877, Grand Commander Pike received a number of letters from Alabama pertaining to the revival of the Rite in that state which seems to have been inspired by a visit to Montgomery by Inspector General Frederick Webber. Six Scottish Rite Masons recommended to Pike that Stephen H. Beasley be appointed Deputy of the Supreme Council in Alabama,' 1 and he complied with their wish. Beasley agreed to accept the appointment and immediately outlined plans for work in several Alabama towns which matured somewhat in 1878.72 Before 1877 closed, the Grand Commander apparently received a request for a dispensation from Lyons, Iowa, to permit the conferral of the degrees from four to thirty‑two on twenty candidates. His letter to Inspector General Parvin on the subject reveals considerable information and is as follows: The request of 111.'. Bro.'. Sherman for a dispensation to confer the degrees from 4 to 32 on twenty candidates does not come to me in such shape that it can be granted, under the Statutes, as Ill.'. Bro.'. Sherman must be well aware....


            But if it complied with all these requirements, I should not think that I could grant a dispensation, because the Bodies at Lyons have never made one return to the Supreme Council, though expressly required to do by the law and by letter, though blanks have been furnished them to make such returns for three years.


            They have paid no dues to the Supreme Council; the only money remitted having been what was sent as the amount due the Sup.'. Council on the score of fees received for degrees and a previous dispensation: and we do not know, for want of returns or even an informal statement (also asked for) whether this sum was correct or not.


            All the Bodies there are liable to suspension and loss of their charters. In fact we do not know what bodies there are in existence there, except the Consistory (which can confer only the 31st and 32 degrees), having no returns of officers and members of other bodies. Officially, I cannot say that we have any evidence of the actual being of any of them.


            And, much as I wish to help them I cannot and will not do it, while they utterly disregard the laws and pay no sort of attention to official orders.


            ss Ibid., 413.


            7 Ibid., 411‑413; John Owen Dominis to Albert Pike, July 16, 1877. 71 John N. Browder and others to Albert Pike, October 16, 1877.


            7'= Stephen H. Beasley to Albert Pike, October 17; 18; 26, 1877; November 7, 1877; February 15, 1878; April 5, 1878; April 17, 1878; April 22, 1878; April 29, 1878.


            4, 1878; March HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 I have sent them blanks for returns for three years, 1874‑5, 1875‑6 and 1876‑, to March 1877. Each Body owes the Supreme Council one dollar per annum for each of its members: and there should have been paid, for every 14th made, $2; for every 16th $2; for every 18th, $5; for every 30th, $5; for every 32 $10.


            . . . . It would no doubt deal leniently with the bodies, as to arrearages but I shall not vote to release them from full payment of at least all dues for the year ending March 1877 and the year ending March 1878.


            I hope that you and Ill.'. Bro.'. Bower will, as you should do, at once give this business your prompt and energetic attention, and see to it that the returns are forthwith made, and in due form.


            . . . . And, moreover, if the returns are not made, the charters of all the Bodies will be likely to be withdrawn in May. To refuse to make them will be to set the law at defiance, and a violation of their oaths or allegiance and office.


            You will please communicate to Ill.'. Bro.'. Sherman, . . . the contents of this letter: and will, I hope add your own imperative mandate, requiring the Bodies at Lyons to obey the law.' 3 In the latter part of May, 1877, Grand Commander Pike and W. M. Ireland made a trip to New York to settle the account of the Supreme Council for printing with the Masonic Publishing Company." It seems certain, after the payment of this account, that no money was left in the Treasury for additional printing.


            The following letter outlines the procedure of the Grand Commander to remedy this situation and the results accomplished by January 1, 1878: On the 25th of June, 1877, 1 addressed to the Active Members and Deputies of the Supreme Council a letter, in which I said: To complete the work which I undertook nearly twenty years ago, it is of necessity to reprint the `Liturgy of the Degrees' 4 to 14; and to print that of the `Symbolic Degrees,' and those of 15 to 18, 19 to 30, and 31‑32: all of which have been for many years ready for the printer.


            Also, it is necessary at once to print 250 copies of the `Morals and Dogma,' the Supreme Council having no copies at all, not even or_‑‑ in its library.


            Also, to reprint the `Transactions,' 1860 to 1868, which are entirely exhausted.


            73 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, January 1, 1878.


            74 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. l., 1878, p. 112.


            142 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Also, to print the `Book of the Words,' being the explanations of the Words of all the Degrees, the fruits of long and patient investigation, and which I have twice written, and now believe to be correct.


            Also, the `Excerpts for a History of Free‑Masonry in France and on the Continent,' from its origin to 1860, prepared by me before 1861.


            Also, the `Rituals' of the principal Degrees in German, French, and Spanish; some already translated, others in process of translation.


            If these works were in the hands of the Brethren of this and foreign lands, my only ambition would be satisfied, for I should think I had done enough. The remaining years of my life cannot be very many, and if my work is to be finished while I live, it will not do to wait much longer.


            The cost of what remains to be done cannot be less than six or seven thousand dollars; and our current revenues will do little more than pay the Secretary General his salary and expenses and allowances, and our current printing.


            I propose for your consideration the immediate creation of a `Printing Fund,' to be devoted exclusively to printing the above‑mentioned works.


            It will be advantageous, where a class cannot be formed for the establishment of bodies, to invest a few energetic and intelligent Masons with our degrees, with short delays, but ample communication‑, and to interest them to establish bodies in due time. In some States, and in many towns in every State, we shall never plant the Rite in any other way.


            I propose to raise a fund of $10,000. The amount received for investing a Master Mason with the degrees from 4 to 32, less commissions, may be stated at $100. We have in our jurisdiction 23 States; the District of Columbia and Washington Territory, which may be counted with them, making 25, besides 7 other Territories.


            If $400 were furnished by each of the twenty‑five, the aggregate amount would be $10,000. Can you not find in your State four worthy and intelligent Master Masons, to invest whom with the degrees would be of benefit to the Rite? As in several of the States the number of four in each will probably not be found, you had better increase the number to five, six, or seven.


            If you can do this, the work will be speedily done. I think I have a right to ask you thus to help enable me to complete it; for I have labored long and diligently to prepare the works, and only ask you to take a little trouble to enable the Supreme Council to print them. I rely upon you with the utmost confidence, and hope not long to continue disquieted with the thought that my life must end before my work for the Rite can be completed.


            143 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 The responses to this letter have been as follows: From 111.'.    Bro.'.   John Robin McDaniel, for Virginia ........... $ 935   00        From Ill.'.         Bro.'.   Thos. H. Caswell, for California, (in gold,) ..... 1,365            75 From Ill.'.   Bro.'.   Frederick Webber, for Alabama .............. 86     00        From Ill.'.         Bro.'.   O. S. Long, for West Virginia ............... 125           00        From Ill.'.            Bro.'.   Giles W. Merrill, for Minnesota .............. 50            00        From Ill.'.         Bro.'.   James S. Lawson, for Washington Territory .... 600   00 No response has come from elsewhere, in money; but Oregon promises $1,000 and will keep the promise.


            The "Register of Membership" and 250 copies of the "Morals and Dogma," and the "Liturgy of the Chapter" have been printed. Commissions of Foreign Representative, Patents of Foreign Honorary Membership, and Patents of the 33d Degree have been handsomely engraved and electro‑printed. The "Liturgy," 4 to 14, is being reprinted; that of 19 to 30 is about to be; and that of 1, 2, and 3 is in the printer's hands. Draughts of Patents of the 32d and 30th, of Briefs of 18th, and Diplomas of 14th are being prepared for electro‑printing. The "Book of the Words" is being copied, and No. 2 of Vol. 3 of the "Bulletin" will go to the printer as soon as I can prepare the matter for it. The magnificent "Book of Music of the Rite," presented to it by Bro.'. Matthew Cooke, of London, will go to press as soon as the Printing Fund is so increased as to warrant it.


            If even half our States will each do half as well as the Territory of Washington, and half our members half as well as our venerable Lieut.*. Gr.'. Commander has done in the impoverished State of Virginia, where a powerful influence had planted deep prejudice against the Rite, our work can be completed.


            Will you let the Pacific Coast again have all the honor? But for California and Oregon our Rituals would never have been printed. Shall even the Territory of Washington shame our Atlantic States, save only Virginia; and Bro.'. McDaniel, over seventy years of age, put to blush all the young, active, energetic members of our Body? If you wish to serve the Rite well, to win renown for the Supreme Council, and power and influence in all lands, if you wish to deserve well of the Order, you have the opportunity now.


            We can now furnish the "Morals and Dogma" in parts, distinct and separate for each Body; for Lodge of Perfection, at $1.50; for Chapter, 50 cents; for Council of k ‑h, $3.00; and for Consistory at 25 cents. Every body should have them on hand.


            I hope for your zealous and active co‑operation. Shall I not have it?" According to Article XIX of the Constitutions and Regulations of the Supreme Council, each Inspector General was directed to file reports of work done and prop 75 Official Bulletin, III, 382‑384.


            144 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION erty on hand and remit funds due the Supreme Council on March 1 and September 1 of each year. On June 25, 1877, Grand Commander Pike wrote as follows: Nearly all of the reports that should have been made in March remain not made: although Bodies have been established and many persons invested with the degrees. And no one has furnished list or inventory of property and effects (which includes books), as required.


            No one is above the law; and I do most fraternally entreat each Bro.'. who is in default, to delay no longer to obey the law by which he expects others to be governed." At the same time that he made this appeal, Pike also took occasion to remind the Inspectors General of the Statute enacted on May 31, 1876, which required them to furnish a special report of their activities and their recommendations to the Grand Commander on March 1 before each Biennial Session of the Supreme Council.


            Late in July, 1877, a disturbing letter written by J. M. P. Montagu, 33', Grand Chancellor of the Supreme Council of England, Wales and the Dependencies of Great Britain reached Grand Commander Pike through the Representative of the Southern Jurisdiction in England. The body of this letter reads as follows: I am directed by the Supreme Council for England, Wales, and the Dependencies of the British Crown, to bring to your notice the action of the Supreme Council for Scotland, that you may consider whether her name should not be erased from among the number of friendly Sister councils, and the exequator withdrawn from her Representative near your Grand East, as also your powers from your Representative near her Grand East.


            2. The Supreme Council for Scotland, shortly after the meeting of the Congress of Lausanne, declared its intention not to form a part of that Union of Supreme Councils, for reasons which the Supreme Council for Switzerland, acting in its official capacity, has long since disposed of; she has now issued invitations for the assembling a "First Congress of the United Supreme Councils of the A.'. and A.'. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," to be held at Edinburgh on the 10th September, 1877.


            3. This proposed Congress is diametrically opposed to our Congress at Lausanne, and it need hardly be added that if it be carried out, the result of the meeting of the Supreme Councils for Greece, Central America, the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, and Ireland will be in direct opposition to the best interests of the whole of the Supreme Councils forming the Lausanne Confederation.


            76Ibid., 381.


            145 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 4. 1 am further directed to urge upon you the necessity of taking immediate action in this important matter, as this so‑called "First" Congress may inform the Masonic world that the presence of your Representative at the meeting has bound your Supreme Council to an adherence to the Resolutions therein passed.


            5. In justification to the step you are asked to take, I am directed to refere you to pages 191 and suite, and page 208 of the Annual Reporter of the Supreme Council of Scotland, May, 1877, Edinburgh; and to add that this Supreme Council has done everything in its power to bring the Supreme Council for Scotland to a sense of the great error she is committing in endeavoring to create this Masonic schism, which had its origin alone in the ambitions and encroaching views of its members.' 7 Grand Commander Pike, on August 2, 1877, addressed a letter to Nathaniel George Phillips, 33', Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of England, Wales, and the Dependencies of Great Britain, which explains the involvement of the Southern Jurisdiction and the position of its Grand Commander in regard to the subject matter of the letter. The pertinent portion of this letter reads as follows: I have the honor to be in receipt, this morning, of your private note of date July 21, with the printed letter of the Ill.'. Bro.'. the Gr.'. Chancellor of your Sup.'. Council, in regard to the proposed assembling of Delegates of our Council and others, at Edinburgh, in September.


            This proposed Congress, to be held in pursuance of the articles of alliance between the Supreme Councils of Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Central America and ours, is stigmatized by the printed letter of your Supreme Council, as "diametrically opposed" to the Congress at Lausanne, and as a "Masonic schism," whose results "will be in direct opposition to the best interests of the whole of the Supreme Councils forming the Lausanne Confederation".


            It is quite true that our League and Alliance was first proposed by the Supreme Council for Scotland, and upon the sole ground of the substitution by the Congress at Lausanne of the phrases "Force Superieure" and "Principe Createur" for the word "God," in the Manifesto of Principles adopted by that Body.


            The Supreme Council for Scotland has sent the invitation to attend the Congress, at our instance, to such Councils as have not united with the Confederation formed at Lausanne. If sent to others, it has been only by way of information, and not as an invitation to be represented in the Congress. No effort has been made to detach any Council from your Confederation; but there were reasons of 77 Ibid., 443‑444.


            146 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION propriety and courtesy which justified a notice that any of the BB. '. of Councils of your Confederation would be welcome as spectators. The phrase "First Congress of the United Supreme Councils" means (as the word "United" shows) the Councils of our League. Yours style themselves the "Confederated" Councils. There is certainly no cause of offense in that. It will be the purpose of the Congress to discuss only such matters as may interest the Councils represented, it having no legislative or judicial power: and it will not, I am quite sure, make any issue with the Lausanne Confederation, or discuss anew questions already sufficiently discussed.


            Whatever may have been the motives of the Supreme Council of Scotland in proposing an alliance between those Councils that could not accede to the Lausanne Confederation, it is no more responsible for the formation of our League or for the Congress that is to be held, than we are, and we are constrained to accept the letter as an arraignment of ourselves, as directly as it is an arraignment of the Supreme Council of Scotland.


            It was our firm resolution not to be drawn into any rediscussion or controversy in regard to any action taken at Lausanne, and to prevent, if possible, the giving occasion for any hostility between the two Confederations. We were excluded from the Lausanne Confederation, by the decision made in the case of the Sandwich Islands, but we have not made that decision cause of complaint, by a word against any Sup.'. Council except that of France.


            We could not agree to the change in the manner of recognition of a Deity. We never said, because we never thought, that the Delegates of your Council intended, by agreeing to the change unfortunately made, "to convey a belief in any Creative Principle except in the Personal God," etc.: but the fact remains that it is so understood, by other Councils of the Lausanne Confederation and by the enemies of Freemasonry.....


            That open and avowed atheism is no objection, in France, to a candidate for initiation into Freemasonry, is a melancholy fact, whose absolute verity is established by the debates not long ago had in the Grand Orient....


            No one has suspected your distinguished Delegates of intentional treason to Freemasonry. God forbid! But the change which they were persuaded to assent to, was proposed as a concession to French Atheism; was accepted as a concession to French Atheism; and Jesuitism and Ultramontanism have a right to consider it, as we do, as a direct and explicit concession to French Atheism. The Supreme Council of Switzerland pleaded ingeniously; but the maxim "Qui s'excuse, s'accuse," is not yet obsolete.


            I am sorry to have had to say thus much upon that point: but the vigorous assault upon us, by the letter of your Council‑smiting us over the shoulders of Scotland‑made silence impossible.


            147 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 330 If that question were entriely out of the way, we could not accede to your Confederation. We will never invest a Congress with such powers, in our view so unwisely bestowed, and so dangerous, so destructive of the sovereignty and independence of the individual Councils, as your Delegates have helped invest your Congress withal. We would not, if every other Council in the world should.


            Nor will we ever consent to replace the Ancient Constitutions by a new revision; nor accept a ritual from a Congress, nor change the tenure of office of our Dignitaries.


            I have said that your Supreme Council has made a grave and unfortunate mistake. It assumes a prerogative to deny our right to form another League and to meet the other Councils of our League in Congress: and it demands to know whether, for proposing this League and giving notice of the assembling of the Congress, all relations of amity and correspondence between the Confederated Councils and the Supreme Council of Scotland shall not be sundered. . . .


            And should you take such course as to the Sup.'. Council of Scotland, could we in honor accept immunity and merciful indulgence? We very reluctantly take the letter of the Supreme Council of England and Wales, etc., as a menace; but it is so unmistakably a denial of our right to send Delegates to Edinburgh‑so unmistakably the assertion of a right on the part of your Supreme Council to forbid it, and to demand a dissolution of our League‑so unmistakably a threat that if we do not obey, you will sever amicable relations with Scotland, and thus make the severance of such relations between your Council and ours inevitable, that we cannot wink so hard as not to see in it that meaning.


            Especially for this reason, it is a very grave and unfortunate mistake. For if the prerogatives of your Sup.'. Council, as set forth in that letter, were well founded, it could, by an equally well‑founded supplement, demand, under the same pain and penalty, that we shall accede to~ the Confederation formed at Lausanne.


            Our League, in no sense hostile to your Confederation, is formed; and for us the act is irrevocable....


            We shall not withdraw from the League, unless for cause given by the other Councils of the League; and if it were to be dissolved, the undoing of all that was done at Lausanne would not induce us even to entertain a proposition to accede to your Confederation. We have very grave doubts, and so our Grand Lodges have, whether those are "Sanctuaries" and "Temples" of Freemasonry, dedicated to the Most High God, whose doors open wide to receive for initiation avowed atheists, and from whose Easts the letter G. must, not to offend these, disappear, to give place to some symbol, however "explained" and appologized for, of a 148 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION FORCE SUPERIEURE and a PRINCIPE CREATEUR, mistranslated "Supreme Being." We American Masons have all sworn, and so, I take it, have you, and all English, Scottish, and Irish Masons, never to be present at, or countenance, the initiation of an atheist: and for us, at least, it is hideous that Freemasonry and Atheism should go hand‑in‑hand and have a common Altar and common Sanctuary.' 8 Grand Commander Pike, in his capacity as a Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, attended the Twenty‑third Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the United States in Buffalo, New York, from August 21 through 25, 1877.7 While in Buffalo, Pike convened the Supreme Council ad hoc and crowned DeWitt Clinton Dawkins, 33, Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Florida, on August 24, 1877. On his return to Washington, D. C., from Buffalo, Pike received a letter addressed to him on August 4, 1877, from J. T. Loth, 33, of the Grand Orient of France in which Loth charged that the Supreme Council of Scotland was a spurious body on six charges and that the Supreme Council of Greece, formed under the sponsorship of the Supreme Council of Scotland, was also spurious." In a long reply, Pike not only refused to consider the charges but warned that "such an inquiry, might open the way to other unpleasant inquiries" and indicated some of the possibilities. The letter was closed with the assertion that "The peace and wellbeing of Masonry requires that long and undisturbed possession shall be universally accepted as equivalent to original title, in due form, and as conclusive proof of such title"." The controversies over jurisdictions, over the organization of the two leagues of Supreme Councils and over other questions produced a large volume of correspondence in the realm of "Foreign Relations" which has little or no direct bearing on the history of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction, other than that already reviewed. However, it should be noted in connection with this correspondence that the writing of Grand Commander Pike was, on the whole, conciliatory and directed 78Ibid., 445‑449.


            79 Proceedings, Twenty‑third Triennial Convocation the United States of America, 1877, p. 7.


            8 Official Bulletin, III, 372‑373. 81 Ibid., 375‑376.


            82 Ibid., 377‑379.


            of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of 149 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 330 toward the abatement of ill‑feeling. Pike's participation in the exchange of communications seems to have contributed materially to the evolution of the body of principles, practices and methods of diplomatic relations between Supreme Councils. Actually, this was a period of "growing pains"; a period of adjustment as the interests of Supreme Councils broadened to the extent that frictions were generated. Viewed dispassionately and objectively, the experiences of the years from 1876 through 1878 appear to have contributed importantly to the maturity of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction as well as to that of other Supreme Councils.


            The foregoing discussion of the conditions, events, and activities summarizes the situation of Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction as the Supreme Council assembled for the Biennial Session on May 6, 1878. Ten officers and Active Members and six Honorary Members answered "present" for the Session, and there were eight officers and Active Members of the Northern Supreme Council attending as visitors. With the conclusion of the opening ceremonies, the Supreme Council was recessed until one o'clock to be opened as a Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection for the purpose of receiving the Grand Commander's Allocution.


            The Allocution began with a tribute to those who had died since the preceding Session, none of whom had been Active Members, and it was announced that no Lodge of Sorrow would be opened for further commemoration. The next section was devoted to "Domestic Affairs" which opened with the statement that "Little has occurred in our jurisdiction since the session of 1876 to require action on your part". This was followed by a review of events since May, 1876; those of importance having been discussed as they occurred on preceding pages. The general conclusion expressed by the Grand Commander was that "The Rite grows, not largely, nor everywhere, but with a healthy growth and in many places, in despite of many hindrances and adverse circumstances". "The creation of a Printing Fund has been successful" Pike said and then listed the receipts by states as of May 3, 1878, as follows: Virginia, $1,410; California, $2,225.75; Alabama, $534.35; West Virginia, $112.50; Minnesota, $425; Mississippi, $82.50; Washington Territory, $1,000; Hawaiian Kingdom, $100; Oregon, $650; Tennessee, $300‑a total of $6,840.10. In concluding his remarks on this subject, Pike expressed the belief that economic distress in the other states had prevented any receipts from them. The Grand Commander deplored the small circulation of the Official Bulletin, made a strong appeal to encourage subscriptions from the membership and closed his comments on this activity by stating that it was a "necessity" and would be continued. Pike then pointed to the large stock of books still on hand and announced that Wm. M. Ireland, Assistant Auditor General, had been 150 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION placed in charge of book sales. Attention was then directed to the primary records of the Supreme Council. The comments were as follows: I have also placed in the hands of a printer here, to be reprinted, our Transactions of 1857 to 1866, of two parts of which we have no copy to furnish to any one, and of the other only some half‑dozen. These will be preceded by copies of such papers as I have found among what we call our "Archieves," connected with the previous history of the Rite in this jurisdiction ... (I am often asked why we do not publish our old Transactions, to which I am compelled to reply that we have none to publish. We have no record of the transactions at Charleston from 1801 to 1860. What minutes we had were destroyed, with many papers, pamphlets, and books of the Secretary‑General during the war. I never saw any of them, and do not know full or how meagre they were. There is not in the Secretariat, so far as I can find, any minute of any session from May, 1801, to the session of 1860, except that called a session, at New Orleans, in 1857, not even of that of 1859 at Charleston, when our membership was enlarged, and several new members were added. . . . ) I do not know when I was elected a member, or when Grand Commander. The memory of the Secretary‑General is the only means if proof of the election of any dignitary or member, from 1802 to 1859.


            It is certain that no regular record book of transactions was ever kept. In fact, none ever has been, up to this day. Under a resolution adopted in 1874, the Secretary‑General has had Ill.'. Bro.'‑. Webber to copy into a record book all our printed transactions. But this is, of course, no better or higher evidence of what it contains, than the printed transactions are. It is a mere waste of labor, money, and time.


            By the same resolution the Secretary‑General was directed to record all confidential communications of the Grand Commander, and the action taken thereon, as had theretofore been done, in the Book of Gold. But nothing of the sort had theretofore been recorded; and nothing of the sort has been recorded therein since.


            The Book of Gold contains only copies of old documents, many of them older than the Supreme Council, and a large part of them in print and published long before they were copied into the Book. The contents are, historically, of very little value.


            The Supreme Council existed all the time, but it was not always awake. It dozed and was dormant at least once, for quite a number of years. When I first heard of it, in 1854, I think, its members were, Bros.'.Honour, Furman, Mackey, and Le Prince, at Charleston, Bro.'. McDaniel, at Lynchburg, Bro.'. Rockwell, at Savannah, and Bro.'. Quitman, in Mississippi. The three last, I think, never went to Charleston. Consequently there were never more than three or four at a meeting; as in the Northern Jurisdiction Bros.'. Gourgas and Yates used to meet and transact business as a Supreme Council. But they did preserve a record or minutes of what they did.




The truth is that the Rite was nothing, and the Rituals almost nought, for the most part a lot of worthless trash, until 1855. Some Consistories were created, and there were a very few other bodies, and a consistory without subordinates in Louisiana. In 1859 the Rite had little life any where, except in that State. Things have changed somewhat, since then.


            I hope that you will sustain me in ruling that, as in other deliberative and legislative bodies, the record of our proceedings must be daily made up, read, and signed by the Sovereign Grand Commander: we may some time need to have authentic evidence of what we do, and this the record must show every day; that what is secret and confidential must be daily recorded in the Book of Gold; that all papers must be properly endorsed, filed, and preserved in properly labelled packages; that all reports not confidential must be printed with the Transactions; and that no original report or other paper shall ever be taken from the files and sent to the printer, to be returned in a condition of uncleanness. All this is not found difficult to be done in other bodies, with twenty times our business; and if it can be done for them, it can be done for us.


            The Grand Commander then remarked that he had recently begun the formation of a library for the Supreme Council "without purchasing books," earnestly invited additional book donations and suggested that a small annual appropriation should be made for purchases of additional materials. Brief comments on the revision of the Statutes were followed by a recommendation that the revision be acted upon on "Wednesday" (May 8, 1878). Pike then stated that he had prepared and published a "Register" but that it was imperfect. The discussion of "Domestic Affairs" was closed with the recommendation that one or two adjunct members of the Supreme Council be created, where needed, from among the Honorary Inspectors General, to assist the Inspectors General.


            Under the general heading, "Foreign Relations," Pike reviewed relations with the alliance formed at Lausanne, the attitudes of the Supreme Council of France, the controversy between the Supreme Council of Scotland and that of England, Wales and the Dependencies of Great Britain, and the activities of other Supreme Councils that had come to his attention. He recommended that the Supreme Council of Egypt be acknowledged as legitimate but that fraternal relations be withheld until the Egyptian Supreme Council ceased to invade the jurisdiction "of one or all of the British Councils". This portion of the Allocution closed with some remarks regarding differences in Masonic organization, practices in recognition among Masonic Powers and approaches to ritual development, much of it critical of general American viewpoints. Some comments upon his own writings and other work were followed by an observation that he had grown old and that his labors of authorship had come to a close.


            152 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION During the remainder of the Session, the following acts took place: An excuse for absence from Michel E. Girard, elected to Active Membership in 1876, was received, and the Active Members from Louisiana were empowered to crown him.


            Excuses from nine Active Members for absence were received as satisfactory by the Supreme Council.


            Excuses from two Inspectors General were not accepted.


            No excuses for absence were received from four Inspectors General.


            Fifty‑four nominees for Knight Commander of the Court of Honour were elected.


            Three nominees for the 33 , as an honorarium, were elected.


            Six nominees for Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council were elected and one was rejected.


            The Committee on the distribution of the Allocution made its report.


            Grand Commander Pike announced the composition of the standing committees.


            The Grand Chancellor made his report in which he listed twenty Supreme Councils with which the Southern Jurisdiction had corresponded.


            The Secretary General made his report and called attention to the fact that his assistant would make further report of secretarial activities.


            The Treasurer General made his report and it, with the financial matters in the Secretary General's report, was referred to the Finance Committee.


            A motion to provide, free of charge, copies of all books, except the Rituals, to the Active Members was adopted.


            By resolution, May 8, 1878, 11 a.m., was adopted as the time for the consideration of a revision of the Statutes.


            Eleven nominees for the Honorary Thirty‑third Degree were elected.


            153 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 "John L. Lewis, 33, . . , was approved of to be ex‑officio Grand Cross of the Court of Honour." John McCraken was elected to Emeritus Membership.


            The Honorary Thirty‑third Degree was conferred upon eight of those previously elected.


            The Grand Chancellor appointed the membership of three special committees: On the Dead, On Revision of the 31st and 32nd Rituals, On the Office Books of the Supreme Council.


            A special committee on charity made its report which was adopted.


            A representative of those receiving the Honorary Thirty‑third Degree on the evening of May 7 returned the thanks of the class to the Supreme Council.


            A brief committee report was received that the Rite was "making solid progress in the jurisdiction" and then consideration of the revision of the Statutes began. At the conclusion of the work of revision, publication and distribution was ordered.


            A report of the Committee on Correspondence was adopted together with its resolution to acknowledge the Grand Orient of Egypt as a legitimate Masonic Power but not to enter into fraternal relations with the same "until its position relative to the establishment of a Supreme Council within the British Possessions be more satisfactorily explained".


            The Committee on the Dead made its report and appropriate resolutions of sympathy were adopted.


            Inspector General T. A. Cunningham of Maryland submitted his resignation which was accepted.


            Gilmor Meredith of Maryland was nominated, elected and crowned as the Active Member for Maryland.


            Minor bills were referred to the Auditor.


            Charity donations made by the Grand Commander were approved. 154 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION The Assistant Secretary General made his report which was referred to the finance committee.


            The Committee on Finance returned a report approving that portion of the Allocution relating to finance and introduced resolutions, which were adopted, relating to books and Rituals as outlined by the Grand Commander.


            The Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies submitted a report on returns received. Initiates reported for 1876, 1877, and 1878 totaled 204; members reported for 1876, 192; 1877, 218; and 1878, 724; dues collected totaled $3,020; and degree fees collected totaled $1,093.


            The Committee on Doings of Inspectors General recommended that the reports of Inspectors General be published with the transactions. The recommendation was adopted.


            The Committee on the Office Books of the Supreme Council made its report which was adopted. The report reads as follows: Your Special Committee ... respectfully report: That ... the several books of record and finance should be promptly and regularly written up. The financial transactions should be carefully and promptly entered to their proper accounts, each transaction entered plainly, and with the correct date, and stated balances made. If this be done . . . confidence and satisfaction will result as to our financial affairs. All accounts, receipts, letters and business papers of all kinds should be promptly briefed and filed.


            Your Committee are of opinion that the following books should be used in the office of the Secretary‑General, viz: a rough‑minute book, a book of records, the Book of Gold, a register of Inspectors‑General and Deputies, a register of membership of the Rite, a register of 32d Patents, a cash‑book, blotter or daybook, journal, ledger, receipt‑book, warrant‑or order‑book, property‑book and letter‑books. The Rough‑Minute Book should be exclusively used for the immediate entry of the transactions of the S. '. C. '. during its sessions. No loose paper should be used for this purpose.


            The Record‑Book or Minutes should contain the official record made up from the Rough‑Minute Book, and contain a clear and concise statement of all transactions, except, perhaps, some of those to be entered in the Book of Gold.


            The Book of Gold should contain those transactions not intended for publication, and such other matters and data as may be ordered by the Supreme Council, all of which should be entered as soon as practicable after the close of the session; and those previously ordered but not entered should be completed at once, and the book brought up to date.


            155 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 The Register of the Inspectors‑General should contain a complete list of all that may be created by the Supreme Council, and also of the Deputies. It should be alphabetically arranged, showing the full name, place of birth, residence, age, date of Crowning, death, &c.


            The Register of Membership should contain a full list of all members returned to the Supreme Council, from 14 to 32, and be arranged in a similar manner, from data, as that above mentioned, or, perhaps better, vowel‑indexed. The Register of 32 Patents issued should show the date of each and to whom issued, and the body to which he belonged; those in each language should be consecutively numbered as issued.


            The Cash‑Book, Blotter, Journal, Ledger, Receipt‑Book, &c., should be kept according to the ordinary rules of book‑keeping; the posting should be done monthly, and balances be made at least semi‑annually.


            The Warrant‑ or Order‑Book should exhibit all moneys paid for account of the Supreme Council.


            All moneys should be paid by warrant on the Treasurer‑General signed by the Gr.'. Commander.


            In the Property‑ or Stock‑Book should be entered (properly arranged) all property hitherto purchased or acquired and in charge of the Sec.'. Gen.'., and the same should be balanced and verified at least semi‑annually.


            The Letter‑Book should contain copies of all official letters of the Sec.'. Gen.'. and Grand Auditor.


            Your Committee are of opinion that all original papers designed for publication should be copied for the printer, and the originals briefed and filed in the office; and those of a confidential character, not intended for publication, should be immediately entered in the Book of Gold and also briefed and filed.


            The Committee recommend that of all transactions connected with the office of the Sec.'. Gen.'., whether during a session or in the daily current business thereof, the entries should be immediately made and carried forward to the appropriate books.


            The account books should be posted regularly at the end of each month and balanced semi‑annually.


            All the publications and Rituals of the Supreme Council having been placed in the hands of the Assistant Grand Auditor for sale, he should make a semiannual return to the Sec.'. Gen.'. of amount of sales and the balances on hand, and no moneys received by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary‑General or the Assistant Grand Auditor should be used or expended to even the smallest amount, but sums of twenty dollars or over should be deposited immediately to the credit of the Treasurer‑General, and smaller sums on before the last day of each month; and moneys necessary for expenses or outlay should be estimated for and drawn upon warrant.


            156 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION That no Inspector‑General, Officer or Deputy should retain in his hands any moneys received for a longer time than thirty days before remitting the same to the Treasurer‑General or depositing them to his credit.


            All of which, with the appended resolutions, is respectively submitted, and the resolutions recommended for adoption.




            Resolved, That the above recommendations relative to the books, accounts, or properties of the Supreme Council be, and the hereby, referred to a Committee composed of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander, the Sec.'. Gen.% and the Assistant Grand Auditor, with power to act.


            Resolved, That the Secretary‑General is hereby directed, within thirty days after the close of this session, to notify all Brethren who have received the 33d degree and failed to pay for the same, either in whole or in part, to pay the same on or before the first day of October, 1878.


            Those failing to do so shall be deemed to have forfeited all their rights and honours as 33ds, and shall be so reported to all bodies of this Rite in the United States, and shall not be received or acknowledged by their Brethren as more than Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret.


            The Committee on the 31st and 32nd Degrees reported that the Ritual of the 32nd was completed and that of the 31 st "can be very soon completed". The report was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence was instructed to define the duties of the Assistant Secretary General and the Grand Auditor.


            Vacancies on committees were filled.


            The commission of Pitkin C. Wright, Special Deputy, was revoked.


            The report of the Assistant Auditor on printed books was referred to the Finance Committee.


            The charter of the Grand Consistory of Arkansas was recalled.


            Compensation for the Assistant Grand Auditor was referred to Grand Commander Pike and Wm. M. Ireland.


            One‑half the dues of the Grand Consistory of Iowa were remitted, and the Grand Commander was authorized to make any further concession deemed advisable.




The Revised Statutes were ordered to become effective on August 1, 1878.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to issue Letters Patent of Constitution for Consistories in "the Sandwich Islands and at St. Paul, Minnesota," at his discretion.


            Stephen F. Chadwick was nominated and elected Active Member of the Supreme Council for Oregon.


            The report of the Committee on Jurisprudence approving the decisions of the Grand Commander was adopted.


            A report of the settlement of the accounts of the Inspector General and Grand Consistory of Maryland was received and adopted.


            The balance due from the Grand Consistory of Maryland was remitted.


            The Secretary General was instructed to secure blanks for the returns of Subordinate Bodies to the Supreme Council.


            The Assistant Grand Auditor was requested to prepare a list of delinquent bodies for publication with the transactions.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to pay the expenses of the Session of 1878 when audited.


            The following resolution, establishing the Library of the Supreme Council was adopted: Resolved, That for the increase of the library of the Supreme Council an annual appropriation of one hundred dollars is hereby made for the purchase of books, papers, pamphlets, documents, &c., and bindings. This is to be under the control of the Sov.'. Grand Commander, and the disbursement is to be made on his recommendation only.


            The books of the library shall be placed in the Rooms of the Supreme Council and kept insured and be well taken care of.


            The library is to be used for reference mainly. Some books are not to be taken from the room and are to be designated.


            Any book can be read in the room, but no book can be taken from the room without the written order of the Sov.'. Grand Commander.


            A suitable book‑plate containing the rules of the library shall be placed in each book, and the Seal of the Supreme Council shall be stamped on a leaf of the same.


            158 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION A resolution of thanks, with an appropriate Communication thereof, to Matthew Cook, Honorary Organist, for a compilation of music for the degrees was adopted.


            A resolution of thanks was extended to the local Scottish Rite Bodies for their assistance during the Session.


            All Sovereign Grand Inspectors General were authorized to confer the Honorary Thirty‑third Degree "on any person duly elected to receive the same".


            Provision was made for the crowning of Stephen F. Chadwick as Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Oregon.


            All elections at former Sessions, for Active and Honorary Membership, not followed by the conferral of the 33, were declared to have lapsed by failure to receive the degree.


            Six reports of Inspectors General were printed as an appendix to the Transactions, 1878. Little "work" is reported, except that by Albert G. Mackey in Kansas and Colorado and Frederick Webber in Kentucky and Alabama. Without exception the reports speak of "hard times," "financial embarrassment" and the "improverished condition" of the states. Only one suggestion of something that might aid the Rite in this period of difficulty was made. Frederick Speed, Deputy for Mississippi, proposed that "annual reunions," being used successfully elsewhere, should be introduced." It will be recalled that Pike stated in his Allocution to the Session of the Supreme Council in 1878 that he had prepared and published an imperfect "Register". This "Register" appears to have been the first real effort by anyone in the Southern Jurisdiction to compile a complete record of the Bodies and their membership for any given year. It may be "imperfect," but it will give a fairly accurate summary of the extension of Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction. In nineteen states, the District of Columbia and Hawaii, there were listed the following Scottish Rite Bodies 40 Lodges of Perfection with a membership of ..................... 1,104 2 Councils of Princes of Jerusalem with a membership of ...........         15 22 Chapters of Rose Croix with a membership of ..................           530 15 Councils of Kadosh with a membership of .....................           372 3 Consistories with a membership of ............................            173 6 Grand Consistories with a membership of ......................  319 1 Supreme Council with an Active Membership of .................    27 34 83 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1878, pp. 3‑109.


            84 Tableau of the Supreme Council ... and the Bodies of its Obedience, 1877, pp. 5‑96.




It is believed that there were enough unaffiliated Scottish Rite Masons and unreported Lodges of Perfection to make a total of some 1,500 members of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction in 1877.


            The "Register" also contained a list of sixty‑nine living Honorary Thirty‑thirds, seven Grand Crosses, and seventy‑five Knights Commander of the Court of Honour." There is no indication of Scottish Rite Bodies in fifteen states that lay within the Southern Jurisdiction.


            The Supreme Council had been in existence since 1801 and was, therefore, over seventy‑five year of age.


            The most significant results of the Session of the Supreme Council in 1878 appear to have been as follows: A revision of the Statutes was completed.


            The system of record keeping was improved.


            The Library of the Supreme Council was established.


            The way was cleared for the solution of some problems in the jurisdictions of Maryland and Iowa.


            The system of book sales was improved.


            The Session of 1878 was hardly closed when death again struck the membership of the Supreme Council. On May 14, 1878, John Robin McDaniel, Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Virginia and Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, died. The usual announcement, with a biographical sketch and brief tribute, was prepared and distributed by Grand Commander Pike on May 15, 1878.8 Shortly after the death of McDaniel, Grand Commander Pike received notice that the health of Inspector General Toombs had deteriorated to the extent that he wished to be released from Active Membership in the Supreme Council." 85Ibid., 13‑19.


            F6 Circular Letter, May 15, 1878.


            s' Wm. L. Mitchell to Albert Pike, May 18, 1878.


            160 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Before the end of May, 1878, Grand Commander Pike published some changes as follows: The Deputy Commission of Henry St. George Hopkins for the Territories was recalled because of his removal to California.


            North Carolina was annexed to the Jurisdiction of Virginia and John L. Roper was appointed Deputy for the two states.


            Wyoming Territory was annexed to the Jurisdiction of Nebraska. Utah Territory was annexed to the Jurisdiction of Nevada. Arizona Territory was annexed to the Jurisdiction of California. Idaho Territory was annexed to the Jurisdiction of Oregon. "Dakotah" Territory was annexed to the Jurisdiction of Minnesota. New Mexico and Montana Territories were annexed to the Jurisdiction of Colo rado.


            Indian Territory (Oklahoma) was annexed to the Jurisdiction of Arkansas." The completion of the printing planned by the Grand Commander required more money than had been raised for the Printing Fund. Therefore, on June 20, 1878, Pike sent out the following appeal: Ill.'. and Dear Bro.'.: I hope you will not think me unduly importunate in again appealing to you for aid, by somewhat of labour and exertion and expenditure of time, only, in completing the printing of the books belonging to the Supreme Council, which it is worth while to do, if it is worth while for us to be 33ds, and to have a Supreme Council and a Rite of Masonry, at all.


            I have been lately, in the most emphatic and impressive manner possible admonished, that there may not remain for me much time in which to complete my work for the Order. I would fain not die, and leave it unfinished. I have a right to ask you to help me complete what was undertaken more than twenty years ago, and to which I have given a large part of those twenty years of my life.


            In this work I have expended thousands of dollars, and withdrawn at greater loss my attention from professional business. From a man's 48th to his 69th year is a hugh time to devote to one work and to the duties of one office. I have given as Official Bulletin, IV, 49.




full 30,000 hours to it and them, and to preparatory and collateral work: and you will not, I am sure, think it unreasonable that I should ask of you a few hours' labour and exertion, for a few days, to help give the Order the works prepared for it and which belong to it.


            By the generous exertions of a few Brethren, we have been enabled to print our Liturgies, Bulletin and Register, to reprint the Morals and Dogma, to procure for the BB. '. Patents, Commissions and Diplomas; and to commence the printing of the Book of Words, the reprint of the old Transactions, with part of the Secret Work and certain old Rituals of interest and historical value.


            The States, Territory and Brethren to which and whom it is owing that so much has been done, with the amounts received from each to this date are:       Virginia: Bros. % John Robin McDaniel and John L. Roper ........    $1,410            00        California: Bro.'. Thomas H. Caswell .........................        2,225  75             Washington (Territory) : Bro.'. Lawson .......................       1,000  00        Oregon: Bros.'. McCracken, Pratt and Morrice .................            650     00        Alabama: Bro.'. Webber and Beasley ........................       534            35        West Virginia: Bro.'. Long .................................      112     50 Minnesota: Bros. % Merrill and Ireland ........................            425     00        Tennessee: Bro.'. George S. Blackie .........................       300     00             Mississippi: Bro.'. Speed ....................................    82        50        The Hawaiian Kingdom: Bro. % Dominis .......................          100     00 The States of Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, Flordia, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Nevada and the District of Columbia have contributed nothing.


            Maryland, for special reasons now no longer existing, was not called upon. In North Carolina the Ancient and Accepted Rite does not exist. To Colorado and the District no appeal was made.


            In these States there are nineteen Active Members of the Supreme Council and two Deputies. From the States of Florida, Arkansas, Missouri and Nebraska, and from ten of the Inspectors no reply to the letters addressed them has ever been received.


            The fund is nearly exhausted. Unless it is added to, the works now in process of printing cannot be paid for. It will remain, after that is done, to provide means for printing the music presented to us by Bro.'. Matthew Cooke, and some of our Rituals in French and German; after which I shall not need to vex you further with these solicitations, and shall be less unwilling to follow the dear friends who wait for me beyond the river.


            I beg you, dear Brother, to gird up your loins and work. Do it, for the honour of your State, and for your own credit's sake; that it may not be said, wherever 162 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION our works are read hereafter, that neither it nor you put forth a hand to help give them to the Order and the world.


            I have proposed to the Brethren of the Pacific Coast that they raise the fund necessary for printing the music, promising that if they do, their names and those of the Brethren to whom it may be owing shall be inscribed upon a page of the work, in perpetual memory of the debt that the Order will owe them. They will not be unwilling that other names should appear there in company with theirs." Also on June 20, 1878, the ballots for the election of a Lieutenant Grand Commander by mail were sent out to the Inspectors General by Secretary General Mackey. In due time, the ballots were returned and the Grand Commander announced on July 22, 1878, that James C. Batchelor had been elected to the office and that Thomas H. Caswell had been appointed "Grand Constable or Mareschal of the Ceremonies of the Supreme Council"." With the foregoing items of business attended to, Pike drew $70 from the funds of the Supreme Council, on June 22, 1878, for a visitation in Virginia." On this trip, the Grand Commander visited Norfolk, Petersburg and Richmond," but no report of business transacted has survived.


            About mid‑July, 1878, the printing of the Pike Rituals for the first three degrees was completed. The edition contained 201 copies." This work completed the publication of the Rituals of the Scottish Rite Degrees from the First through the Thirtysecond as prepared by Albert Pike during the preceding years.


            Some indication of a part of the plans of Grand Commander Pike for his activities following the Session in 1878 is revealed by his statement as follows: "I will go to Missouri in September."" Beginning on June 26, 1878, Pike was addressed a number of letters by R. C. Jordan, formerly an Active Member of the Supreme Council but at this time an Emeritus Member, regarding the revival of Scottish Rite Masonry in Nebraska. In the last of this series of letters Jordan wrote: ". . . the only way any thing can be done is by your presence here. I received your letter last night [August 4, 1878] and will go to work and see what can be secured in the way of work."" Before the end of the month of August the Grand Commander had made arrangements to meet Inspector General John B. Maude in St. Louis," and on September 89 Ibid., 58‑60. so Ibid., 87‑88. 91 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1880, Appendix, 62. 92Ibid., Appendix, 23.


            93 Certification of L. G. Stephens, July 16, 1878. 94 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, May 14, 1878. 95 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, June 26; 27; July 9; 20; 20; 24; 29; August 5, 1878. 96 John B. Maude to Albert Pike, August 26, 1878.


            163 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 9, 1878, Inspector General William R. Bowen acknowledged a letter from Pike informing him of the visit of the Grand Commander to Nebraska." Grand Commander Pike drew $150 from the funds of the Supreme Council on September 3, 1878, for the trip to "Nebraska"," and on September 11, 1878, William M. Ireland wrote: "I expect to leave the City on Saturday next [September 14, 1878] to join Ill. Bro. Pike on a Western tour.... We do not expect to return before November."" The "Western tour" was later outlined by Pike as follows: DISTANCES TRAVELLED BY THE GRAND COMMANDER IN 1878    MILES.


                        Washington to Baltimore .......................................  41        Baltimore to Pittsburgh ........................................        334     Pittsburgh to Chicago ..........................................    468     Chicago to Milwaukee .........................................            85        Milwaukee to Davenport .......................................  199             Davenport to Omaha ..........................................     316     Omaha to Grand Island ........................................        154     Grand Island to Omaha ........................................   154     Omaha to Cheyenne ...........................................           516     Cheyenne to Denver ...........................................     138             Denver to Central and Georgetown ...............................    82        Georgetown to Denver .........................................       70        Denver to Pueblo .............................................        120     Pueblo to Kansas City .........................................           634     Kansas City to Leavenworth ....................................           27             Leavenworth to Atchison ......................................   19        Atchison to Leavenworth ......................................          19        Leavenworth to Kansas City ....................................           27        Kansas City to Muscogee ......................................   263     Muscogee to Fort Smith .......................................   75        Fort Smith to Little Rock ......................................            165     Little Rock to St. Louis .......................................     345             St. Louis to Chicago ..........................................      283     Chicago to Pittsburgh .........................................       468     Pittsburgh to Baltimore ........................................    334     Baltimore to Washington .......................................            41 5,3771 ' 97 William R. Bowen to Albert Pike, September 9, 1878.


            `'8 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1880, Appendix 67. 99 Letter Press Book of Wm. M. Ireland, 11.


            100 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1880, Appendix 23.


            164 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION On Tuesday, September 17, 1878, Grand Commander Pike, Inspectors General Martin Collins and Erasmus T. Carr and Wm. M. Ireland were visiting the session of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction being held in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During this session, the Committee on Jurisprudence submitted a report to the effect that the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction held concurrent jurisdiction with the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction in all territory acquired by the United States since 1827. Three resolutions were submitted with the report, first, claiming the concurrent jurisdiction already indicated; second, resolving to "protect Masons of its allegiance" living in the territory; and third, repudiating the term "Mother Council" that was being used in relation to the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction. The report and the resolutions were adopted on September 19, 1878.101 The threat implied in this action by the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction seems to have added stimulus to Pike's actions thereafter.


            No detailed report of activities on Pike's long journey has survived. However, other sources reveal that he established or invigorated three Lodges of Perfection. At Grand Island, Nebraska, the degrees were communicated to six candidates and these plus six Scottish Rite Masons in the city on September 28, 1878, were constituted and inaugurated Kilwinning Lodge of Perfection No. 1.12 On October 7, 1878, twelve Scottish Rite Masons in Denver were formed into Delta Lodge of Perfection No. 1 by Grand Commander Pike."' Eleusis Lodge of Perfection No. 1 at Leavenworth, Kansas, was reorganized by Pike on October 13, 1878.1' The accounts of this work also report the presence of Wm. M. Ireland. All of these Bodies were issued charters in the latter part of November, 1878.15 Regarding the Lodge of Perfection (Eleusis) re‑formed at Leavenworth, Kansas, Pike wrote as follows: The charter for your Lodge goes to you tomorrow. I hope to hear a good account of its works, and that it is growing and flourishing. Much will depend upon yourself, as is always the case that at the beginning, if one or two men do not do all, nothing is effected. The Lodge of Leavenworth must be carefully and constantly nursed for awhile, and by and by it will be able to go alone. You can do 101 Transactions, Supreme Council, N. J., 1878, pp. 6; 83‑92. 102 Official Bulletin, IV, 96.


            103 Ibid., 97. 104 Ibid.


            105 Returns of Bodies File, Secretary General's Office.


            165 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 much toward furnishing it "material," and the more the BB. '. work the degrees, the more they will like them. If the Lodge goes to sleep again, I shall feel like denying I ever was in Leavenworth."' It appears that Grand Commander Pike made two Deputy appointments while on this visit to the western portion of the Jurisdiction. Emeritus Member R. C. Jordan was reactivated as Deputy for Wyoming Territory,"' and L. N. Greenleaf was commissioned for Colorado. These commissions are dated October 7, 1878,18 and were probably issued at Denver.


            A series of letters from Denver, Colorado, during August and early September, 1878, indicate that Grand Commander Pike had not received requisite information about the Chapter of Rose Croix formed by Mackey in that city during April, 1878, for his approval of a charter for the Body. Pike's visit to Denver must have satisfied him that Mackey Chapter of Rose Croix was entitled to a charter, for a letter of acknowledgment of the receipt of the charter on December 10, 1878, survives in the archives of the Supreme Council."' No further facts are known at present regarding the "western tour" of more than two months' duration, except that Pike arrived back in Washington on Wednesday, November 13, 1878.11 However, it may be assumed that he did sufficient degree work along the route to pay expenses over and above the $150 drawn from the treasury of the Supreme Council on September 3, 1878, for there is no record that he received any additional funds from that source for the trip, and it is a wellestablished fact that Pike did not have personal funds for the purpose.


            The year 1878 closed with the formation of two other Lodges of Perfection. The first was on December 7, 1878, at Key West, Florida, with sixteen members,"' and the second was at Richmond, Virginia, on December 20, 1878, with twenty members.' 12 The twentieth year of the administration of Albert Pike as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction began with a letter addressed to the Inspectors General requesting their vote on some proposed changes and simplifications in titles and names. Portions of this letter of transmittal and the tabulation of 100 Albert Pike to E. T. Carr, December 1, 1878. 107 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, December 5, 1878. 10' Official Bulletin, IV, 89.


            100 L. N. Greenleaf to Albert Pike, December 10, 1878.


            110 Albert Pike to E. T. Carr, December 1, 1878; Albert Pike to Gilmor Meredith, November 22, 1878. 111 DeWitt C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, December 20, 1878; Official Bulletin, IV, 99.


            112 Official Bulletin, IV, 98.


            166 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION the vote on the various items may reflect to some extent the effect of rational thought on customs and practices inherited from the "Ancient Regime".


            I invite your attention to, and action upon, the following Letter, published with our last Transactions: "Thoughtful and wise Masons in other countries ... lament the retention in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of extravagant, bombastic, inflated titles, which are laughed at by the men of sense, who are not Masons, and serve only to bring the wearers of them into contempt.


            "It is time that a reform should be somewhere proposed and begun, and that our Order should leave the field of bombastic absurdity ... in the magnificence of titles. We have . . . genuine claims to the respect of men, and can . . . leave to others ... titles that are no longer even respectable.


            "Simplicity and freedom from ostentation should characterize an Order, conscious of its own dignity. Pompous titles, equally with gaudy decorations, are not in good taste and command no respect." The propostion thus offered, with some slight modifications which reflection has suggested, is enclosed herewith. Since its publication, many Brethren ... have expressed to me their approval of the general idea of simplifying our titles, and no word of dissent ... has come from any quarter.


            I now propose to take the votes of all‑ the members of the Supreme Council upon the changes proposed in each Degree separately; praying each Brother to say whether he approves or disapproves, and if the latter as to any change proposed, that he state what title or expression he prefers in lieu of that proposed, for which purpose sufficient space is left between the several clauses. In this manner it will be made easy for me to ascertain and declare what is the sense of the majority of the members as to each title.


            I hope that each Brother will weigh well every change proposed, and suggest amendments and improvements. I offer the proposed titles in the way of suggestion only, having no special preference for any one proposed, and hoping that there may be found better ones; as, no doubt, there will be found many, when the suggestions of all the Brethren are compared together.


            The chief purpose of this Letter is to solicit the prompt action of yourself and our other Brethren. Life is too short, for some of us, to make unnecessary delays desirable.) l' The summary of the results of this letter are contained in Appendix V.


            Considerable correspondence for the first half of 1879 to and from Grand Commander Pike has survived, either in the original or in published form. Much of this 113 Grand Commander to 111. Bro.         , January 1, 1879. 167 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 correspondence is, individually, of no great historical significance in the history of the Supreme Council, but as a whole it reflects the continued efforts of Pike and others to bring "Order out of Chaos" in the Scottish Rite by devoting time and attention to minute details as well as to the larger aspects of development and evolution. The correspondence can be divided into such categories as rulings and decisions of the Grand Commander, reports of conditions and progress of bodies, publications activities of the Grand Commander, other officers and the Inspectors General and Deputies, foreign or fraternal relations, etc.


            The rulings and decisions of the Grand Commander began early in the year. On January 4, 1879, Pike advised Parvin that Lodges of Sorrow had their origin in France, were not exclusively Scottish Rite, and required no permission from him to be called by any Masonic Body. He also pointed out that certain local conditions might require consultation with the Grand Master of the state."' The changes in titles already reviewed were actually decisions of the Grand Commander confirmed by mail vote of the Supreme Council. These changes encountered opposition from Inspectors General Todd and Fellows, and on February 4, 1879, Pike wrote a letter pointing out that Councils of Kadosh were Commanderies and that the changes in the titles of officers were correct."' By decree, a Scottish Rite Mason in Oregon, having been restored to "good standing" by action of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, was also restored to "good standing" in the Scottish Rite Bodies of which he had been a member."' It was ruled that "Hon.'. 33ds" were not exempt from the payment of dues; "32ds, not belonging to an organized Body of the Rite, are not members of the Grand Consistory;" Scottish Rite authorities must accept the definition of "good standing" of the Grand Lodge under whose jurisdiction they resided; and Inspectors General were not authorized to charge less fees for degrees than those charged by the nearest organized Bodies."' All new Bodies were ordered to buy a prescribed list of Rituals and other printed materials before Temporary or Perpetual Letters of Constitution would be signed by the Grand Commander."' Scottish Rite Masons tried in Symbolic Lodges should not be tried in Scottish Rite Bodies on the same charges; adjudications of Symbolic Lodge trials were made binding in Scottish Rite Bodies; all Scottish Rite Masons tried and convicted of "crime or fraud" in Criminal Court were to be dropped from Scottish Rite membership without further 114 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, January 4, 1879.


            115 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, February 4, 1879. 118 Official Bulletin, IV, 81‑84.


            117Ibid., 84‑87. 118 Ibid., 94‑95.


            168 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION trial; Scottish Rite Masons accused of "crime or fraud" must be tried in "Criminal or Civil Courts" before action is instituted by Scottish Rite Bodies."' Early in January, 1879, a report of controversy in the Denver Lodge of Perfection was received, but in February, a settlement was achieved."' A report from Florida stated that "we are all so poor" that little help for the printing fund could be expected."' It was written in Louisiana that "There is no doubt about the fact that the Rite is sleeping very soundly the question is whether it can be awakened.""' A report was received that the Northern Jurisdiction was preparing "to work in the Western States"."' Long letters from Alabama spoke of competition from other secret societies having insurance benefits, of difficult economic conditions, the high price of Scottish Rite membership and the lack of active interest in Scottish Rite work, because of other business, professional and fraternal commitments, of influential Alabama Masons."" However, all of the reports received were not discouraging. A Lodge of Perfection was formed at Topeka, Kansas, on January 21, 1879, and another at Jackson, Tennessee, on January 25, 1879.125 Inspector General Bower wrote that he was sending some materials for the library and that conditions were improving in Iowa."' This letter was followed shortly by a notice that the Bodies at Davenport, Iowa, had been reactivated on March 25, 1879, and in June, a Chapter of Rose Croix was formed at Norfolk, Virginia."' Grand Commander Pike had the sad duty of officially announcing the death of Inspector General John B. Maude on May 8, 1879. This was accomplished by the usual special letter circulated to the official mailing list."' Other duties of the Grand Commander included the appointment of R. P. Earhart as Deputy in Oregon, on March 10, 1879; C. W. Bennett, on May 27, 1879, as Special Deputy ad hoc to confer the Eighteenth Degree on specific candidates in Washington, D. C.; and H. A. Olney as Deputy "for the Mountain region of Virginia"."' A new Active Member was added to the Supreme Council on June 12, 1879, when Michel Eloi Girard was crowned at New Orleans, under authority and direction of the Supreme Council, by the Active Members living in Louisiana."' 119 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1880, Appendix 34‑35.


            120 L. N. Greenleaf to Albert Pike, January 5, 1879; February 14, 1879. 121 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, January 16, 1879.


            122 Samuel M. Todd to Albert Pike, January 22, 1879. 123 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, February 7, 1879.


            124 Stephen H. Beasley to Albert Pike, July 5, 1879; 125 Official Bulletin, IV, 99‑100.


            126 R. F. Bower to Albert Pike, March 21, 1879. 121 Official Bulletin, IV, 100.


            128Ibid., 50. 129 Ibid., 89. 130 Ibid.


            James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, July 6, 1879.


            169 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 A large volume of correspondence took place between the Supreme Councils of the world and Grand Commander Pike during 1879. Some of these letters were sent out as information only, many were concerned with fraternal recognition, but none of them in this period have any important bearing on the history of the Supreme Council nor indicate any policy changes on the part of the Southern Jurisdiction.


            A new book by Grand Commander Pike was published in the first half of 1879 and was announced by the following letter: During the year 1872 our Ven.'. Grand Commander, Bro.'. Albert Pike, completed the Manuscript of a work explaining the true meaning of the Words of the various Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, from the Ist to the 32d inclusive‑the Ineffable Word, and the many Names of the Deity known and used in Masonry, occupying a great portion of his time for several years previous. This Manuscript, of profound interest to all intelligent and true lovers of the Rite, was presented by its author to the Supreme Council, and has recently been published.


            But one hundred and fifty copies of this great and valuable work have been printed for issue, and are in my hands for sale at a trifling advance above the actual cost, to members of the 32d and 33d degrees in this Jurisdiction only.


            If you desire a copy please remit to my address $7.50. The books are sent only by express.


            In mid‑1879, Pike wrote as follows: I am so near three‑score and ten now as to have no good reason to hope for more than five or six more working years of life; and in these, so far as I can, I wish to labor in propagating the Rite whose servant I have been for a quarter of a century. There are no more books to be prepared: and as we now have the means for teaching the great truths that we proclaim, I must "take the field" and be the apostle of our Masonic faith while there is strength in me to do it."' Pike revealed a part of his plans for "taking the field" in the following letter: I shall set out for Minnesota so as to reach St. Paul by the 20th of this month, be at Keokuk by the 30th, at Grand Island afterward, and "in your midst" about the middle of October, any how by the 20th. Will see you at Leavenw. [orth] and go to Atchison and Topeka. We owe our printer $2,000, and I am "going forth" to earn it, and hope that you will be able to find half a dozen or more candidates for the 32, in the region round about you.


            131 Albert Pike to J. W. Pratt, May 27, 1879.


            170 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Can you not get up a desire for the degrees at Fort Scott? If you can, I will go there. I do not know that I will ever be able to make another long visitation, and cannot afford, for my bare expenses, to do it often.


            From Kansas I shall go into Texas as far down as Galveston and Corpus Christi.


            Please, Bro.'. Carr, stir round in advance, and get up all the work you can for Bro.'. Ireland and myself to do."' Grand Commander Pike, accompanied by Wm. M. Ireland, left Washington, D. C., on the first portion of his "going forth" about September 12, 1879,133 in time to arrive in Philadelphia to open the Provincial Grand Lodge for the United States of America of the Royal Order of Scotland on September 15, 1879.13' They remained in Philadelphia for the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction, September 16‑18, 1879,135 and before leaving the city, Pike wrote the following letter: No accident preventing, I will be at the meeting of your Gr. Lodge and then go to Topeka.


            I hope you may find that something can be done at Fort Scott. I leave this morning for Minnesota.


            Bro.'. Ireland will be with me: and will do any work that is to be done. Secure us rooms at the Planter's."' Pike arrived in Minneapolis on Sunday, September 21, 1879, and on the following day went to St. Paul to speak, afterwards returning to Minneapolis for a speaking engagement on Tuesday evening, September 23, 1879.13' Bodies had been formed in the "Twin Cities" as early as 1869 but had become dormant, if not completely dead. The presence of the Grand Commander‑ materially strengthened the efforts, which correspondence indicates were being made, to revive interest in Scottish Rite Masonry in those cities. A letter from St. Paul in December, 1879, reports degree work and elections of candidates in the Lodge of Perfection, Chapter of Rose Croix and Council of Kadosh. The letter also contained an appeal for authority to form a Consistory."6 A similar letter in the following January from Minneapolis expressed the hope that a Council of Kadosh and a Consistory could be formed there within a short time."' 132 Albert Pike to E. T. Carr, September 7, 1879.


            133 Wm. M. Ireland to Alfredo Chavero, September 10, 1879; Wm. M. Ireland to H. St. Geo. Hopkins, December 19, 1879; Albert Pike to John F. Damon, December 5, 1879.


            134 Records and Minutes, Provincial Grand Lodge for U.S.A., Royal Order of Scotland, 1879, p. 24.


            135 Transactions, Supreme Council, N. 1., 1879, p. 5; Wm. M. Ireland to R. F. Bower, August 15, 1879. 136 Albert Pike to E. T. Carr, September 19, 1879.


            137 G. W. Merrill to Albert Pike, September 11, 1879. 136 Orville G. Miller to Albert Pike, December 21, 1879. 139 J. W. Henion to Albert Pike, January 15, 1880.




Pike's tabulation of towns visited and distances traveled on this trip includes Owatonna, Mankato, Ramsey and Austin in Minnesota also."' Letters indicate that he and Ireland also visited Red Wing."' They were unable to organize a Lodge of Perfection at either of these places while there, but Lodges were formed at Mankato and Red Wing upon the foundation laid by the visits within months afterwards."' Unfortunately, no record of degrees conferred, if any, by Pike and Ireland at any of the stops in Minnesota in 1879 has survived.


            From Minnesota, Pike and Ireland went to Iowa, Mason City being the first stop. Apparently, nothing was accomplished there and they went on to Keokuk, arriving there possibly as early as September 30, 1879, and certainly being in the city on October 5, 1879.1'3 The next city on the route was Des Moines and then they traveled to Omaha and Grand Island, Nebraska. At this latter place there was some work done by Pike and Ireland"" on October 12, 1879.1'5 The file of Nebraska correspondence in the Archives of the Supreme Council for the years 1879 and 1880 indicate that there were six or more candidates who received the degrees from Fifteen through Thirty‑two at this time. By way of Troy Junction and Atchison, Pike traveled to Leavenworth, Kansas, for the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Kansas and delivered an address, entitled "Symbolism of Freemasonry," to that Body on October 15, 1879.1'6 Pike was in Kansas about one month and, in addition to the towns already mentioned, visited Kansas City, Topeka, Emporia and Parsons. No report of his accomplishments during this time is available.


            After leaving Parsons, Pike went to "Muscoge" (Muskogee), Indian Territory (Oklahoma), and from there entered Texas at Dennison. Other towns in Texas which he visited included Dallas, Bremond, Waco, Hearne, Palestine, Houston and Galveston, according to his tabulation of miles traveled submitted to the Supreme Council in 1880 already referred to several times. A letter written by Pike from Galveston to Wm. M. Ireland indicates that Ireland did not accompany Pike into Texas. The letter reads as follows: I have stopped at Dallas, Waco and Palestine.


            Masonry is dead in Dallas. In Waco did a little work, and hope the Lodge of Perf. will wake up. At Palestine there are live B B and a live Lodge of Perf.


            146 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1880, Appendix 24.


            141 Wm. M. Ireland to E. A. Hotchkiss, December 15, 1879; G. W. Merrill to Albert Pike, October 25, 1879. 142 Ibid.


            143 A. T. C. Pierson to Albert Pike, October 5, 1879. 144 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, January 8, 1880.


            145 Membership Card File, Supreme Council (Frank E. Bullard). 146 Proceedings, Grand Lodge of Kansas, 1879, p. 39‑40.


            172 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION I have added $450 to the receipts; and Tucker and Richardson have sent Webber about $1200. If he can keep or has kept from giving it all to Mackey, and has paid the rent, and most of the debt due Pearson, we are in luck.


            Will go to N. Orleans on Wednesday [November 19, 1879]. Shall not go to Corpus Christi, and, I think, shall not go to San Antonio.


            Will be home by 1st Dec.


            On the back of the page, Pike added the following information: Sent Little & Co., yesterday [November 15, 1879], $900. Shall have $200 more, perhaps $300, for them. I hope that Fred has made a good payment to Jo Pearson; for in that case I can print the Bulletin or can prepare to print 19 to 30. If he has used any considerable part of the money ($1,100 to $1,200) sent by Tucker to him, in paying Mackey's salary, that salary will not last beyond the next Session and I somehow feel sure that he has done it, and that he neither has received nor will receive, any thing from Kentucky.


            Sherman sent $400 from Iowa, this with the notes taken in Neb. will make the printing all right."' Other sources place Pike in Waco on November 5, 1879, where he created at least one Thirty‑second."' On November 14, 1879, Pike was in Palestine where he conferred degrees through Thirty‑two on at least five candidates."" Grand Commander Pike left Galveston on November 19, 1879, and arrived in New Orleans by November 22, 1879, where he remained, according to a bill from John's Restaurant, until November 29, 1879.


            (See Illustration on page 174) A summons meeting of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana was convened on the evening of November 26, 1879, and Pike delivered an address on "duties etc. to the rite" to twenty‑two members and visitors."' There is no record that Pike conferred or communicated any Scottish Rite degrees in New Orleans during his visit.


            On December 1, 1879, the Grand Commander arrived back in Washington, D. 0,151 His journey had spanned "nearly 3 months","' eighty days, and he had 147 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, November 16, 1879.


            118 Membership Card File, Supreme Council (Richard Ellis Burnham). 149 Philip C. Tucker "Register", 28‑31.


            150 Minutes, Grand Consistory of Louisiana, November 26, 1879. 151 Albert Pike to John F. Damon, December 5, 1879.


            152 Wm. M. Ireland to E. A. Hotchkiss, December 15, 1879.


            173 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION traveled, according to his figures, a total of 5,377 miles. The records of the Supreme Council for 1879 do not reveal that any money was drawn from the treasury for this trip; the expenses of Pike and Ireland were paid from receipts for degree work along the route."' On the basis of data supplied by the Association of American Railroads, it is estimated that the cost of actual travel by Pike and Ireland was about $250. If the bill at John's Restaurant in New Orleans is a fair representation of Pike's living expenses per day on the trip, it is estimated that these expenses totaled about $1,586. The grand total of expense was about $1,836. Pike's letter of December 5, 1879, states that $1,000 had been paid on the printing account and that "we ... have the certainty of moneys being soon in hand to complete payment". He also wrote in this letter as follows Beginning in 1865 with but half a dozen dormant bodies, outside of Louisiana, (where the Grand Consistory consumed all the revenue), we have printed 23 or 24 volumes, at an expense of over $30,000, a work done chiefly on my own credit."' The following facsimile reprints of pages from a folder published for general distribution in 1879 summarizes the publications to which Pike referred in the preceding quotation.


            (See Reproductions on pages 176‑177) While Grand Commander Pike and Wm. M. Ireland were making their circuit through the mid‑west, Secretary General Mackey was on a "trip" which was scheduled to end with his return to Washington, D. C., on "Saturday" [December 20, 1879].155 Mackey made his report of the trip on January 10, 1880. He began with the statement that he had proceeded under authority of an ad hoc commission to Missouri from the Grand Commander and with the knowledge, consent and cooperation of Inspector General Martin Collins at St. Louis in September, 1879, where he "communicated the Thirty‑second Degree" to five candidates; at Hannibal he did likewise with nine candidates. At Sedalia, St. Joseph and Jefferson‑ City he created four Thirty‑seconds. He also "affiliated" three members from the Northern Jurisdiction and then on November 26, 1879, organized Alpha Lodge of Perfection at Hannibal. He was unable to organize any other Lodge in Missouri during his stay in the state."' Mackey's remittances to the Supreme Council for this work totaled $1,038.50.15* 153 Albert Pike to John F. Damon, December 5, 1879. 154 Ibid.


            155 Wm. M. Ireland to E. T. Carr, December 17, 1879. 156 Albert G. Mackey to Albert Pike, January 10, 1880. 157 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1880, Appendix, 60.


            175 A.


            Books of the Ancient, and Accepted Scottish Rite, FOR SALE BY WILLIAM M. IRELAND, 33, Assist.. Gr.‑. Auditor of the Supreme Council, 602 D Street N. W., Washington, D. C.


            GRAND CONSTITUTIONS, with Historical Inquiry, quarto edition, on fine paper, with wide margin, and splendidly printed and full‑bound in violet morocco..........................................................................$15.00 SW Sent by Express only, and only when so bound.


            LITURGY (Monitor) of the 1st, 2d, and 3d Degrees, beautifully printed, with chromo‑lithograph plates of clothing and jewel of each degree, in colors: 223 pp..................... .............................................$5.00: postage 13 censer. SAME of Degrees 4 to 14: 243 pp....................................................................................................... 5.00:   "           14        2 SAM It of    Degrees 15 to           18:       187     pp.......... ...................................... ......... .................. .........        ........ .........      5.00:   ò       12        2 SAMP: of Degrees 19 to 30: 293 pp............................................................................................. ......... 7.50:   "           17        2 $&' The four volumes together..................... .......................................... ..............................20.00 and postage. These books have cast, per copy, without expense of authorship, very nearly the prices charged; and only a limited number has been printed of each.


            Fac‑simile reprint of REGISTER OF GRAND LODGE OF PERFECTION OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1802, containing Tableau of the Supreme Council: ',23 pp.        (only a few copies for sale)........... ............... ............... 1.00:           "           2          " THE SECOND LECTURE ON MASONIC SYMBOLISM, 4to.            Electrotyped: 100 copies only printed, and plates melted down.            Last researches of Bro.‑. the Ven.‑. Gr.‑. Commander: 34 copies unsold, of which 20 only are for sale.        Price (which will increase from year to year) ......... ................. ......... ...... ......... 25.00 SW‑ Sent by Express only, and only to 33ds or 32ds.


            THE BOOK OF THE WORDS: containing the explanations of the meanings of all the words of the Degrees, 1. to 32.     Only 150 copies have been printed, and will be sold only to 33ds and 32ds of the Southern .Jurisdiction.          This is the last work of the Grand Commander to be given to the Brethren of the Order; the crowning and completion of his labors.            Sent by Express only.................... ......... ......... 7.50 REPRINTS OF RITUALS OF OLD DEGREES.


            Degree of MASTER MARK MASON, being the work of the GRAND COUNCIL of Princes of Jerusalem of South Carolina, and the oldest work extant anywhere.......................... ........................... .................. 2.50: postage 2 cents.


                        The WIGAN RITUAL. Of the EARLY GRAND ENCAMPMENT.................................................................. 2.50:    '`          2 "       GRADE, MARK MASON, PASSED MASTER, and ROYAL ARCH, RITE ANCIEN MAGONNERIE DYORK. Were                             originally translated from English into French and used in the French West Indies in 1795.] 2.50:     "            3 "       K~IGHTs TEMPLAR, former English Ritual............................................ ............................................ 2.50:               2 "       GLAND MAITRE ECOSSAIS Or SCOTTISH ELDER MASTER and KNIGHT OF ST. ANDREw, being the Fourth                        Degree of Ramsay.......... ................. .......................................... .......................................... 2.50:        "           2 2     OldCcremony of ROYAL. ARCH E%ALTATION...................................................................................... 2.50:           't          2 2     READINGS, XXXIId. Degree............................................................................................................ 1.00:           u          7 11             ENDA, XXXIId. Degree ......... ......... ......... .......................................... .................. ..................... .50       64            3 No book will in any case be sent to any one, unless price and postage accompany the order. This law is absolute.


            All these books, except the Rituals of Old Degrees, have been prepared by the Ven. . Gr.'. Commander for the Supreme Council, being in part compiled, in p&rt written by him. In compiling, free use has been made of the best passages in the works of many ,uthors, ancient and modern:'but not a line is borrowed from any book written by a Masonic writer, or from the Rituals or other 3oks of any other Jurisdiction.   Wherever in any Ritual or Monitor or "Book of the Rite" of any other Jurisdiction, a sentence occurs ‑t is in these books, it is borrowed from them.


            No expense has been spared in producing these books; and this and their limited sale cause the Liturgies and Offices to be nigh‑priced.     Books that are sent as presents to Kings and Foreign Masonic Powers, and which excite admiration in other countries, ^‑unot be cheap.        The printing‑bills of the Supreme Council since the war exceed in amount $27,000: authorship, nothing.


            176 B.


            Books of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, FOR SAVE BY WILLIAM M. IRELAND, 33, Assist.. Gr.‑. Auditor of the Supreme Council, 602 D Street N. W., Washington, D. C.


            MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE, being the Lectures of the Degrees from 1 to 32, inclusive: 1 vol. 8vo., 861 pp....................................................................ò.....ò..òò.....$5.00: postage 25 cents.


                        Also, in parts: Part 1, Degrees 1 to 14: 236 pp..............................................................................            1.50:               7          :~         Part 2 Degrees 15 to 18: 74            75:       "           3          "           Part 3, Degrees 19 to 30: 512 pp.............................................................................          3.00:   "           13        ~:             Part 4 Degrees 31 to 32: 36            .50:      "           2          " GRAND CONSTITUTIONS, &c., new edition, with large additions, among which are a Historical Inquiry into the genuineness of the Grand Constitutions of 1786, and apocryphal Secret Constitutions: 1 vol. 8vo., 467 pp......................................................................................................................................$5.00: postage 18 cents.




                        FUNERAL CEREMONY AND OFFICES OF LODGE OF SORROW: 95 pp......................................................  $2.50: postage 5 cents.


                        OFFICES OF MASONIC BAPTISM, RECEPTION LOUVETEAU, AND ADOPTION: 214 pp.......... .................. ......        3.00:   "                       S i1     CEREMONIAL OF CONSTITUTION AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, for Lodges of Perfection: 92 pp ............         2.50:   a                      3             SAME for Councils of Princes of Jerusalem: 86 pp.................... ........ ................................. ..................            2.50:   5          SAME for Chapters of Rose Croix : 60 pp...................................................... ......... ......... ......... ............  2.50:   u                      4 u       SAME for Councils of Kadosh : 87 pp........... ........................... ......... ............ ......... ..............................       2.50:   5          SAME for Grand and Particular Consistories: 83 pp............................................................................... 5.00:   "                       4 TRANSACTIONS SUPREME COUNCIL.


            1857 to 1866, reprint, bound, 1 vol.............................. .......................................................................$5.00: postage 17 cents.


                        :: ,:       4.50:   "           15        .~         unbound ............................................................ .............................................                                                  This volume contains a large number of historical documents of rare interest, and now for the first time published.                                                           1868 and 1870, bound, 1 vol.................................... ...................................................... .....................           2.50:   "           21            ::          1970‑1872 and 1874, bound, 1 vol................ ............... ...................................................... ..................      3.50:   "           22        ::          t 878, in pamphlet......................... ......... ................................................... ......... .................. ...... ......  1.00:   "           20        ~: BULLETIN OF SUPREME COUNCIL, Containing all Official Orders and Notices of the Supreme Council, and the Official Correspondence with Bodies of the Rite all over the world.


            Vol. 1‑1870 to 1872‑bound.......... ........................ ......... ......... ........................ ........................ ......... $3.50:            postage 21 cents.


            2‑1873 and 1874‑ u  ............................................................................................................ 3.50:  "           21            " ::        3‑‑1875 to 1878‑       ..          ............................................ ........................ ........................ ............... 3.50:   "           21        :: The three volumes together...................................... ......................................................10.00 and postage. Subscription to Vol. 4, in advance...................................................................................................... 3.00 No book will in any case be sent to any one, unless price and postage accompany the order. This law is absolute.


            All these books, except the Transactions, have been prepared by the Ven.,. Gr.‑. Commander of the Supreme Council, being in part compiled, in part written by him. In compiling, free use has been made of the best passages in the works of many authors, ancient and modern: but not a line is borrowed from any book written by a Masonic writer, or from the Rituals or other books of any other Jurisdiction.        Wherever in any Ritual or Monitor or "Book of the Rite" of any other Jurisdiction, a sentence occurs that is in these books, it is borrowed from them.


            No expense has been spared in producing these books; and this and their limited sale cause the Liturgies and Offices to be high‑priced.     Books that are sent as presents to Kings and Foreign Masonic Powers, and which excite admiration in other countries, cannot be cheap.       The printing‑bills of the Supreme Council since the war exceed in amount $27,000: authorship, nothing.




Secretary General Mackey was the most logical member of the Supreme Council to work for the Rite in Missouri for several reasons. First, the conflict between Pike and Gouley had materially weakened the influence of Pike in the state. Second, because of the Gouley affair, York Rite Masons in Missouri were very prejudiced against the Scottish Rite. Third, Mackey was highly respected in the York Rite, more so, possibly, than any other member of the Supreme Council in 1879, because of his long and distinguished service to York Rite Masonry. Mackey's work in Missouri was a major contribution to Scottish Rite Masonry and at the same time, did much to dispel unwarranted conflict between the rites in Missouri.


            The modest success of Pike and Mackey in 1879 reveals that economic conditions were improved in the Southern Jurisdiction, even though the middle‑west from Iowa to Texas was suffering from a general drought. Their labor also proves that working Scottish Rite Masons could propagate the Rite under conditions not considered ideal ‑the value of energetic leadership was again demonstrated. It also is obvious that the Rite could not be propagated without effort.


            The year 1879 closed with a new development in the Grand Commander's mind. In his letter to John F. Damon on December 5, 1879, Pike again stated that he expected to spend the remainder of his life helping to "propagate the Rite by visits to the various parts of the jurisdiction," pointed out that he would be seventy years of age "in December next," and then wrote as follows: I am more especially anxious to find some one, fit to succeed me, and able to devote his time to the duties of the office. He must have means and leisure. I have had to get along without either, since our Civil War.


            Thus closed this period of Albert Pike's administration as Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. It was a period of extreme difficulty. It was, possibly, second in this respect only to Pike's first decade which embraced the four years of civil war and the consequent suspension of activity by the Supreme Council for the duration of that struggle. The difficulties in this period can generally be traced to one or more of three major sources: 1. the personal problems of the Grand Commander; 2. the social, economic and political problems of the nation in a period of reconstruction, continued development and adjustment to the revolution in Western Civilization then in progress; and 3. the immaturity of the Rite.


            The personal problems of the Grand Commander are important because they bear upon his movements and his policy and decision making considerations and because 178 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION the Grand Commander is, in the nature of Scottish Rite organization, the Supreme Council during the recess of the Body between its Biennial Sessions. Grand Commander Albert Pike appears to have had more than a fair share of serious personal problems. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he was a man of considerable wealth, estimated to have been about $300,000. Confiscations and other losses during the war reduced his possessions to about $20,000 valuation. Pike's eldest son was killed during the war, not in battle but murdered. This loss and the later death of a daughter affected Pike and his wife deeply. As a result of his service as a General in the Confederate army, commanding forces including Indians, Pike became the principal target of vicious and venomous propaganda in Union newspapers. Pike had opposed secession; as a result, he was never completely trusted by some of his superiors in the Confederacy, and he complicated his situation by strenuous opposition to Confederate Indian policy. He also had a bitter personal feud with a superior, General Thomas C. Hindman. He was ultimately removed from command and narrowly escaped court martial. When the war ended, Pike was exempted from the general amnesty and pardon proclamation issued by the President of the United States and probably escaped trial on a charge of treason only through executive clemency of President Andrew Johnson. Although emancipated from the threat of criminal prosecution, Pike was not freed from the harassment of his enemies, socially, professionally or, to a degree, fraternally. His writings indicate, both positively and negatively, that he had, as a result, acquired a recognizable persecution complex. The losses, griefs and trials of the war and its aftermath seem to have brought about the derangement of the mind of Pike's wife to such an extent that Pike and his remaining children could not live with her. Pike provided for her with his last possessions and reentered the practice of law from which he was never again to earn more than a bare subsistence. Physically, Pike was a lusty and robust man and cultivated his natural appetite for rich and exotic food and drink. A serious health problem developed in the form of "rheumatic gout", during 1868, which was to incapacitate and torture him periodically for the remainder of his life.


            Born somewhat of a mystic and plagued with frustration in other areas of his life, Pike turned more and more, as the years progressed, to Scottish Rite Masonry as an outlet and a fulfillment for his energy and ability. By the end of 1878, it is evident that he had ended all pretense of major activity in any other endeavor‑he had become the apostle of Scottish Rite Masonry without equal, a wholly and completely dedicated zealot, and unable to comprehend a lesser degree of consecration than his own in his associates in the Supreme Council.




The personal problems of Grand Commander Albert Pike, at first appraisal, would seem to be major handicaps of success as the chief executive of the Supreme Council. However, reflection leads to the conclusion that these problems motivated the development of the type of leadership essential to the survival and success of the Supreme Council during this era.


            Periodic cataclysms characterize human experience, sometimes one within another. A slow moving but nonetheless inexorable revolution began with the Age of Enlightenment in Western Civilization. In the United States, civil war, between 1861 and 1865, intensified aspects of the larger revolution, created new problems without providing solutions, and in general, further complicated the already complicated process of building institutions. The American Civil War was a tornado within the cyclonic storm generated by forces unleashed in the Age of Enlightenment. From time to time, specific social, economic and political problems have been mentioned that define to some extent the confusion and chaos affecting the history of the Supreme Council, either directly or indirectly. These will not be repeated, but the reader should hold them in mind as the history of the Supreme Council in this period is summarized.


            Pike is the author of the first known commentary on the immaturity of the Scottish Rite in its first hundred years. His findings in this respect have been confirmed by every Scottish Rite historian of note since Pike's day. The account of events in this present chapter is largely one of trial and error without precedent for guidance. The principal areas of immaturity of the Supreme Council may be listed as follows: ritual, law, organization, fiscal accounting, membership accounting, education, recruitment of membership, and leadership development.


            The accomplishments of the Supreme Council are as follows: Rituals completed, printed and distributed Basic educational materials completed, printed and available A library established Publication of Official Bulletin undertaken Territorial jurisdiction successfully defended Fiscal accounting improved Membership accounting undertaken Jurisprudence improved Participated in formation of international confederation Maturation of fraternal relations policies and procedures Successful creation of a "Printing Fund" Modest membership growth 180 SIX YEARS OF ECONOMIC DEPRESSION Under the heading of "Unfinished Business," the following list of area or subject categories indicate the major activities previously projected, other than well settled routine, to be continued.


            The acquisition of a "Sanctuary" The creation of a Charity Fund Development of a library Perfection of fiscal accounting Perfection of membership accounting Perfection of a Scottish Rite educational system Membership and recruitment ("propagation of the Rite") Recruitment and training of effective leadership An effective subscription campaign for the Official Bulletin Further development of the system of jurisprudence Clarification in some areas of fraternal relations Perfection of administrative co‑ordination and co‑operation










THE third decade of the administration of Albert Pike as Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33', Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., opened in 1880 under far more favorable circumstances, within and without the Rite, than had been true of any previous period in the history of the Southern Jurisdiction. However, it is not intended to imply that conditions were ideal for the growth of the Rite. There had been marked improvement in the economic situation of most of the states and territories of the Jurisdiction; railroad and telegraph mileage had expanded tremendously; "Reconstruction" of the former Confederate States was ended; corruption and inefficiency in civil government had passed its peak; sectional fanaticism was on the decline; and progress was being made in social and economic reforms necessary to general tranquility. Numerically, the Rite was at least three times as strong as it had been about 1861; organizational, procedural and other forms and policies were more highly developed; and probably more important was the fact that Grand‑ Commander Pike was in a position to devote more time and effort to the propagation of the Rite and to supervision of administration.


            Another way of observing the situation in 1880 is by assembling the available pertinent statistics. These data, tabulated by states, are as follows:






            GRAND          YORK RITE    SCOTTISH RITE       STATE           POPULATION           LODGE            R.A.M.            K. T.    14     18     30     32     Alabama        1,262,505      8,677  821     212     20                                               Arizona           40,440                        102                                                                 Arkansas        802,525          8,293  1,254  143                                                    California       864,694            12,214            2,904  965                                         58        Colorado        194,327          1,641  462     127            29        10                               Dakota (N. & S.)        135,177          404     171                                                                D. of Columbia          177,624 T      2,712  1,085  823     06 1    67 l      45        50 183 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


MASONIC MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS‑Continued FOR AREA COMPRISING THE SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, A.&A.S.R., 1880               GRAND          YORK RITE                SCOTTISH     RITE                STATE           POPULATION           LODGE          R.A.M.            K. T.    14     18     30     32             Florida            269,498          2,151  233     30                                                       Georgia          1,542,180            12,174            1,176  314                                                    Idaho   32,610            225                                                                            Indian Ter.                  337                                                                            Iowa            1,624,615      18,491            4,533  1,715  1"53    148     148     148     Kansas           996,096            7,443  1,287  508     42                                           Kentucky        1,648,690      16,613            2,676            1,231                                      159     Louisiana       939,946          6,187  996     346                                         57        Maryland        934,943          5,082  1,176  768                                         53        Minnesota            780,773          8,647  1,744  764     116     42        34                   Mississippi    1,131,597      9,240            1,425  411                                                    Missouri         2,168,380      23,697            3,750  1,285                                                 Montana         39,159            705                 90                                                        Nebraska       452, 402         3,257  841     385     31                                           Nevada           62,266            1,475  411     1                                                         New Mexico   119,565          174     76        33                                                       North Carolina           1,399,750      11,482            527     58                                                       Oregon           174,768          2,580  520     70        80        49        49                   South Carolina            995,577          6,165  654     72        28                                           Tennessee     1,542,359      16,531            2,975  750     12                                           Texas  1,591,749      17,177            3,176  620     29                                           Utah    143,963          377     58                                                                   Virginia            1,512,565      9,777              808     15                                           Washington    75,116            953     52                        100     69        43                   West Virginia 618,457          3,386              235     20        9                                 Wyoming        20,7891          3392   3          564                                         1 Historical Statistics of the United States to 1957, p. 12. 2 Proceedings, Grand Lodge of Texas, 1880, Appendix, 5.


            3 Proceedings, General Grand Chapter, R.A.M., U.S., 1883, p. 45; 143. 4 Proceedings, Grand Encampment, K.T., 1880, p. 127; 128.


            5 Transactions, Supreme Council, S.J., 1880, pp. 72‑73.


            184 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION This tabulation reveals the status of Masonry in the United States within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction in 1880. It shows what had been accomplished, membershipwise, where and by what Bodies. Conversely, it shows what had not been accomplished and where work should be undertaken. The reasons for the various situations reflected by the figures must be found elsewhere.


            Grand Commander Pike opened 1880 with some intensive study and writing; for five weeks, he had not left his rooms.` Later events in the year indicate that portions of this work were devoted to the preparation of materials for No. 1 Volume IV of the Official Bulletin, to an analysis of what he had learned during his western tours of 1878 and 1879, and to preparations for a third tour in the Jurisdiction prior to the Session of the Supreme Council scheduled to open on the "third Monday in October," 1880. In addition, there was the usual correspondence and routine work of the Grand Commander's office that must be conducted.


            The accompanying letter, dated January 3, 1880, demonstrates in another way the new spirit of progress and efficiency in Supreme Council activity. It is written in the handwriting of Wm. M. Ireland and signed by Pike, which is not unusual; but it is unique in that it is the earliest surviving example of the use of an office duplicating device (gelatin) in the preparation of form letters. In a way, this is a small and insignificant matter; but it is indicative of an evolution that is as significant for the future of the Rite as was the broadening of the membership of the Supreme Council from strictly South Carolina to representation of the entire Jurisdiction.


            (See letter on page 186) Early in 1880, correspondence took place which brought about the introduction of the Scottish Rite into western Canada through Inspector General J. S. Lawson and Grand Commander Pike. The efforts began with a letter from Lawson to Pike requesting that authority for the move be secured from the Supreme Council of Canada,' and shortly thereafter Pike received a request from Grand Commander T. D. Harington of the Supreme Council of Canada that Lawson proceed with the project.' On March 13, 1880, Lawson acknowledged receipt of his authority to work in British Columbia' and on April 12, 1880, reported that he had formed a Lodge of s Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, January 28, 1880. ' J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, January 4, 1880.


            8 T. D. Harington to Albert Pike, February 7, 1880. e J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, March 13, 1880.


            185 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix at Victoria." He was assisted in the work by James R. Hayden and Rev. John F. Damon." In a letter, dated January 5, 1880, H. L. Ticknor made inquiry about the status of the Chapter of Rose Croix in Carson City, Nevada, the disposition of funds received by a Deputy for the communication of degrees and the membership status of those receiving degrees by communication." Shortly thereafter, other letters reported the Bodies at Carson City as foundering and indicated that there was conflict between them and the Deputy over fees collected." Pike's replies to these letters have not been found.


            A series of January letters from R. C. Jordan reports some degree work done at Rawlins, Wyoming, that William Tonn wished to introduce the Rite into Montana, and that he believed factional strife was preventing the revival of the Rite in Omaha." Pike reacted to the second letter by commissioning Tonn as Deputy for Montana, Utah and East Idaho; Tonn acknowledged receipt of the Commission on February 12, 1880. 15 Apparently in response to an inquiry, Grand Commander Pike advised that a Consistory could be formed only by "express order of the Supreme Council," that a Council of Kadosh must be formed first under certain listed requirements, and pledged to do everything in his power to bring about the creation of such Bodies in Minneapolis." This was the first of several letters on organizational problems of Bodies in Minnesota: E. E. McDermott made inquiry about the formation of Consistories at St. Paul and Minneapolis;" G. W. Merrill endorsed a petition for a Council of Kadosh at Minneapolis on January 30, 1880;18 McDermott forwarded the petition for the Council of Kadosh to Pike;" G. W. Merrill reported the formation of a Lodge of Perfection at Red Wing and requested information about the formation of a Consistory at St. Paul;" and twelve other letters were written to Pike regarding Consistories at St. Paul and Minneapolis before he received a report that Consistories to Official Bulletin, IV, 467; J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, April 27, 1880. 11 Proceedings, Supreme Council of Canada, 1880, p. 8.


            12 H. L. Ticknor to Albert Pike, January 5, 1880.


            13 R. W. Bollen to Albert Pike, January 16, 1880; March 8, 1880. 14 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, January 8, 12, 26, 1880.


            15 William Tonn to Albert Pike, February 12, 1880. 1s Albert Pike to John W. Henion, January 28, 1880. 17 E. E. McDermott to Albert Pike, January 29, 1880. 18 Official Bulletin, IV, 467.


            is E. E. McDermott to Albert Pike, February 4, 1880. 2 G. W. Merrill to Albert Pike, February 5, 1880.




had been "regularly constituted" at St. Paul and Minneapolis, only eleven miles apart, dated May 4, 1880.21 Meanwhile, the Grand Commander had received letters which conveyed the following information: the Rite had lost ground in Washington Territory because of economic depression ;21 trouble had developed in the Washington, D. C., Bodies over the rejection of an application for affiliation ;23 the Grand Consistory of Virginia was condemned for its failure to give leadership to the Rite in that state ;24 it was reported that "times are hard in Nevada" as an excuse for lack of activity in the Bodies;" and the Inspector General reported that is was "very dull in Masonry" in Arkansas." Other letters indicate that Pike had, during March and April, sent out letters of inquiry in preparation for another western tour. Unfortunately, only two replies have survived and these provide no information of historical value .27 A letter from North Platte, Nebraska, indicated interest in the formation of a Lodge of Perfection at that place," one from Alabama reported the revival of the Lodge of Perfection at Montgomery," and one from Jordan reported the erection of a Lodge at Rawlings, Wyoming, on April 10, 1880.3 Pike also received letters from Roper of Virginia and Lawson of Washington Territory recommending that the quorum for the transaction of business in Bodies be reduced and that officers be elected annually." On March 27, 1880, a communication regarding renewed activity by the illegitimate Cerneau Council in New York was written to Pike by R. M. C. Graham, Deputy of the Northern Supreme Council for New York. Pike reacted to this letter by publishing a circular addressed to all Scottish Rite Masons in the Southern Jurisdiction stating that the Cerneau Council was not recognized by any legitimate Scottish Rite Power and that Masons receiving the degrees of the Cerneau Council should not be received as visitors in the Bodies subordinate to the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction. He also stated that such persons could not be "healed" except by receiving the Scottish Rite degrees "lawfully"." 21 Ibid., May 4, 1880.


            22 J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, February 10, 1880.


            23 B. D. Hyam to Albert Pike, February 12; 26, 1880. 24 John L. Roper to Albert Pike, February 18, 1880. 25 R. W. Bollen to Albert Pike, March 27, 1880.


            28 Luke E. Barber to Albert Pike, May 5, 1880.


            2 E. F. Dodge to Albert Pike, March 24, 1880; Thomas Bennett to Albert Pike, April 19, 1880. 28 F. E. Bullard to Albert Pike, March 5, 1880.


            29 S. H. Beasley to Albert Pike, April 2, 1880. 30 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, April 20, 1880. 31 John L. Roper to Albert Pike, Febraury 18, 1880; J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, April 27, 1880. 32 Official Bulletin, IV, 391‑392.


            188 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The next important activity of the Grand Commander in 1880, of which any record survives, is that of his tour through some of the middle western states of the Jurisdiction from mid‑June until the end of September. There are so few sources on the trip, dated during its duration, that they will be included with Pike's report to the Supreme Council at its Session in October, 1880.


            It seems very probable that Pike used the days between his return to Washington and the opening of the Session of the Supreme Council on October 18 in preparations for the meeting. There are no Pike letters in the archives of the Supreme Council dated in this period and the files contain only two letters of historical significance received by him: one inquiring about the possibility of forming a Consistory at Leadville, Colorado," and one from J. S. Lawson tendering his resignation as Sovereign Grand Inspector General." On the appointed day, October 18, 1880, eleven Sovereign Grand Inspectors General assembled in Washington, D. C., for the opening of a Session of the Supreme Council. There were eight Honorary Members of the Council and four visitors from the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction present for the opening but others were admitted for the Grand Commander's Allocution.


            The brief introduction to the Allocution was followed by an announcement that "our Rituals are being adopted by other Supreme Councils" and that translations were in progress in Belgium, Greece, Mexico and Brazil. Canada was using them as written in the English language.


            The roll of distinguished dead was then called, beginning with Inspectors General John R. McDaniel and John B. Maude, and it was announced that a Lodge of Sorrow would be opened. This was followed by a brief general tribute and the Grand Commander passed on to a review of "Domestic Affairs". His remarks on this subject were brief, more extensive comments being reserved for a Confidential Allocution later in the Session, and are as follows: Since our Session 1878, 1 have visited the State of Kansas three times, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado and the Territory of Wyoming twice, and Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas and the Territory of New Mexico once, being absent from home nine months and a half in all, and travelling in all 20,000 miles, as will 33 fir. Y. Cirode to Albert Pike, October 6, 1880. 3' J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, October 7, 1880.


            189 Dei Optimi Maximi Universitatis Rerum Fonfs ac Originis ad Gloriam.




            2anw a2cenG o~       ~a2~a~an, ~ e 'a~ ~a2~ o J ofem, 4, '880, q). '. 9 ..


            Very Dear Brother: Our Supreme Council is to hold its next Session at the Hall of the./incient and .Rccepted Scottish Rite in the City of Washington,, on the eighteenth day, being the third Monday, of October next, at 11 o'clock .fl. .112 The welfare of the Rite in our great, Jurisdiction in largest measure depends upon the wisdom of the legislation and other action of the Supreme Council, to secure which the counsel and advice of all the members is highly desirable.


            Much that is of interest, and importance is to be transacted at, our coming Session. It is pleasant for us to meet together and look into each other's faces, and it becomes more so as, one after another, those whom we have honoured and loved go out of this world into that life which is to be lived after death here.


            There will not be many more assemblings for some of us, one of. whom is the Grand Commander; and he hopes and earnestly entreats each of the Brethren,, .fictive Members of the Supreme Council, who can possibly do so, to gladden the hearts of his Brethren by being with them in October.


            The Rooms of the Supreme Council are at No. 60.2 D Street, JV`orthwest, where our Honorary as well as our Active Members will be welcome.


            May our Father who is in Heaven, have you always in His holy keeping ! Gr.‑. Commander.


            ANNOUNCEMENT OF SESSION OF 1880 190 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION appear by a table herewith presented. We now have at St. Paul and Minneapolis, all the bodies of the Rite, Lodges of Perfection at Red Wing, Mankato and St. Peter in the same State, and promise of Lodges at Lake City and Rochester.


            In Kansas, we have Lodges of Perfection at Topeka, Leavenworth and Clay Centre, and one at Salina which needs additional members to enable it to work, and certainty of a Lodge soon at Great Bend, with fair promise of two or three others. The bodies at Davenport, in Iowa, are at work, as well as those of Lyons, and there is hope of the revival of the Lodge of Perfection at Des Moines.


            Lodges of Perfection are now working at Hannibal in Missouri, Grand Island in Nebraska, Rawlins in Wyoming, Denver in Colorado, and Palestine and Galveston in Texas; and the early establishment of Lodges at Santa Fe in New Mexico, Fort Smith in Arkansas, and St. Louis in Missouri, is, I believe, reasonably certain. In the other States of the Jurisdiction the Rite is in much the same condition as it was when we assembled in 1878, new Lodges being at work at Deep Creek in Virginia, Jackson in Tennessee, and Key West in Florida, and that at Montgomery in Alabama having been revived. But there is nothing upon which to congratulate ourselves in North Carolina, Arkansas and Mississippi, in which States no bodies are at work. The bodies in the Sandwich Islands are in healthy condition; those in Louisiana and Georgia depressed.


            On the Pacific Coast progress has been made at Eureka in Nevada; the bodies at Carson are at work, and the Lodge at Virginia City is inactive. In California everything remains, I think, as it was in 1876. In Oregon the bodies at Portland are prosperous, but the Lodge at Salem is, I believe, inactive; and in Washington Territory six Lodges of Perfection are at work, but will need care and encouragement, now that our devoted Brother Lawson has been transferred to San Francisco by the government, becoming thereby an Inspector for California, and leaving a vacancy in Washington Territory.


            In a few years the time will have come when I shall no longer be able to travel and labour as the servant of the Supreme Council; and I must, until that time comes, do what I can to diffuse and propagate our Rite. This is the best service that I can now render to humanity. My labours of authorship for the Rite are completed, and all our books are printed. The music of our Rituals and Offices, presented to us by Bro.'. Matthew Cooke, is in the printer's hands, and I take it upon myself to raise such funds for that work as will be needed in addition to those in hand.


            It was then announced that the library had grown to "over a thousand volumes" and a comment indicated that a catalogue had been published and distributed. An HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


indirect appeal was made for more donations to the library and then the Grand Commander said: "I hope that we shall soon need more room for our books, and be able to purchase a building that shall be our Holy House of the Temple." He also remarked that the collection of photographs of "our predecessors" for the library had succeeded but "it is not possible to have the likeness of many. . . ." Under the heading of "Rituals", the revision and publication of "the 31st and 32d Degrees" was announced as was the revision of portions "of the Degrees 19 to 30" all of which could be acquired through the Assistant Grand Auditor by those qualified to receive them. Pike then asked for consent to prescribe more rigid rules and regulations of communications of "the 31st and 32d Degrees".


            The Grand Commander's review of his decisions included the ruling that Honorary Grand Crosses were not entitled to a free jewel nor exempt from the payment of dues; that decisions of civil courts were "conclusive in all Masonic Bodies"; that unfavorable committee reports on applicants should not "be spread upon the record"; that an Inspector General may create a Lodge of Perfection with nine members only and if "more than nine, the fees for the degrees ... may be paid ... to the Lodge"; and that a Lodge of Perfection does not retain perpetual jurisdiction over rejected candidates.


            The review of "Foreign Relations" contained nothing new that had a determinate influence on the development of the Supreme Council. However, two items deserve notation here: relations had been severed with the Supreme Council of Switzerland, and that Inspector General Lawson and the Grand Commander had, by commission from the Supreme Council of Canada, assisted in the propagation of the Rite in that Jurisdiction.


            The Allocution closed with an impassioned appeal for rededication to the Rite; that "we must not outlive our Rite;" and with an entreaty to "you all.... of all the degrees, to help me, to encourage me, to strengthen me, while any days remain in which I shall be able to work".


            The necessary committees were then appointed, and the Allocution and other documents submitted by the Grand Commander were referred to them. Other business transacted included The election of James Cunningham Batchelor to be Lieutenant Grand Commander 192 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Appointment of a Committee on Nominations and the submission of various nominations to the Committee The excuses of seven Inspectors General for nonattendance were accepted A petition for relief was submitted to a special committee which recommended that the petition be submitted to the appropriate Subordinate Body.


            A committee rejected an offer to sell several Frederick Dalcho certificates, dated in 1801, to the Supreme Council Five Honorary Inspectors General were stricken from the roll because of nonpayment of fees Accounts of the Secretary General and Treasurer General were received The Grand Commander submitted a Confidential Allocution" This Confidential Allocution has never before been published. A portion of it is a statement in 1880 of the situation of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction that is of historical value and is, therefore, included in this account.


            Prior to 1878, the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction had seen fit, using phrases at which we might justly have taken umbrage as indecorous, to prefere anew its claim to exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction over the Country acquired by the United States since 1827. The matter had been referred to a Committee which was to report in September, 1878; and its Report, to be written by its Chairman, a lawyer of large ability and learning, but ready, in such a case, to avail himself of all the unfair resources and audacious devices of the intellectural dishonesty of his Craft, would, I knew, maintain the claim of that Council to its fullest extent.


            I had learned, early in 1878, that in all that part of our jurisdiction between the Mississippi and the Pacific States, our Rite was in a paralytic and perishing condition. In Minnesota it had many years before been established at St. Paul, and at a later period in Minneapolis; but the Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix were dead at the latter place; and at St. Paul there was discontent 35 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1880, pp. 3‑8; Appendix, 4‑5.




fomented by Bro.'. Pierson, unkindness towards our Deputy and vague notions that a new Supreme Council of the North‑West would by and by be established, or Minnesota become a part of the Northern Jurisdiction. There was a Pierson party of malcontents, who represented him as a persecuted and wronged person, and had thereby to a great extent alienated the St. Paul Brethren, and made them indifferent, if not disaffected. At Minneapolis, the larger part of the Brethren were discontented with our Deputy there, on account of the conferring of the Degrees by him on one or two Brethren not approved of by the others.


            In Iowa, no Bodies were working, except those at Lyons, where the system of conferring all the degrees in four or five days was followed; they were given for less than the sums fixed by our Statutes, and three times too many 32ds were made with the accomplished result that the Grand Consistory of the State had surrendered its charter on account of inability to obtain a quorum of members to work withal, out of the large number of 32ds at large in the State. The Bodies established by Bro.'. Parvin at Duburque, Keokuk, Des Moines and Davenport were all dead.


            In Nebraska, the Bodies long before established at Omaha were dead beyond possibility of resurrection; and the only other Body in the State, the Lodge of Perfection established at Grand Island by Bro.'. Jordan when he was an Active Member, reduced to six members had been long dormant. The Inspector for the State deemed it impossible to revive or establish even a Lodge of Perfection at Omaha, and declared that it _was a folly for Bro.'. Jordan to think of reviving and maintaining the Lodge of Perfection.


            In Kansas, there had been a Lodge of Perfection at Leavenworth; but in 1876 it had long been defunct. The Secretary General in that year revived it under a new name, without new Letters of Constitution, and also established a new Lodge of Perfection at Salina, on the Kansas Pacific RailRoad. Immediately after his departure for Colorado, both these Lodges died, without doing any work.


            In Colorado, the Lodge of Perfection established by him at Denver in 1876 had become entirely inactive in 1878; and the Chapter established by him in 1877 had done nothing. I found both virtually dead in 1878, and the members disinterested and inclined to disaffection.


            In Missouri, the Lodge of Perfection some years ago established at St. Louis and which I once endeavored in vain to reanimate was as dead as Lazarus in 1878. The Bodies once existing at St. Joseph had, as you know, some ten years before surrendered their Letters of Constitution, in consequence of the hasty suspension of their labors by the Inspector for the State. There was, in 1878, no working Body of the Rite in the State. Our creation of a second Inspector General there had been productive of no good. There was no harmony among the Brethren in St. Louis; and no effort whatever had been made for years to extend the Rite; that being indeed, difficult to effect, in consequence of prejudice 194 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION engendered in 1876, and the narrowminded bigotry and ignorance of the Master Masons, desciples of men of the Past, who were equally ignorant and conceited. Our surviving Deputy in the State, moreover, is overwhelmed with his private business, and has no time to travel over the State and propagate the Rite. He was to have gone with me, by special agreement, in September last to several places in the State; but when I reached St. Louis, his business prevented him from going anywhere. Unless he can find efficient Deputies, he will never be able, I can say with certain knowledge, to establish the Rite in the State.


            In 1879 the Secretary General established a Lodge of Perfection at Hannibal, composed of twelve members, eleven of them 32nds, and one an 18th. After he installed its officers, a quorum of its members never met, some of the Brethren only coming together two or three times at the private office of one of the members. The Master, who was then made such, Master of the Blue Lodge, High Priest of the Chapter and Commander of the Commandery of Templars, as well as a Lawyer and Politition, had concluded that the Lodge of Perfection could not succeed and abandoned the idea of doing anything in it; and while I was instructing the Brethren during three days and nights, he, although in the city and promising to attend, never was present for a moment. The Lodge was still‑born.


            In Utah, the Lodge of Perfection established at Salt Lake City by our Bro.'. Shaw, soon after its creation died, and has so remained unto this day.


            In Arkansas, the Bodies established by me at Little Rock before the war, died when the war began, and have been dead ever since, and none ever established elsewhere in the State.


            In Texas, I found the Lodge of Perfection at Waco dead in 1879, and the Lodge and Chapter at Galveston inert. The Lodge at Corpus Christi, its first and second Masters having left the State, had given up the ghost. A new Lodge had been established at Palestine; and beyond this and the bodies at Galveston the Rite had no existence in the State.


            No body had, in 1878, been established in any Territory except Washington.


            Knowing in part this condition of things, I, unwillingly leaving home and suspending my studies, undertook to change it. Accompanied by Bro.'. William M. Ireland, whose assistance was indispensable, I went, in September, 1878, to the Country west of Mississippi, taking Milwaukee in my way. The Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction met there; the Committee on boundaries of jurisdiction made such a report as I expected, proceeding upon false premises and audacious propositions, by glaring fallacies of argumentation to a preposterous conclusion; and the Supreme Council unanimously adopted the Report, and by resolution asserted that it had right of concurrent jurisdiction in the Country acquired by the United States since 1827; setting up also a vague claim of like jurisdiction in all that was once the Province of Louisiana.




I did not believe that any steps would be at once taken to enforce these claims by active operations, by authority from the Grand Commander of that Body, though some of the Members desired it. I believed that the claims were set up and urged, in order to induce us to enter into a new arrangement, ceding to that body the most Northern of our States.


            But I did think it very possible that one John Sheville, of Chicago, who had some years ago undertaken the same thing in Nebraska, might again honor that State and others with a visit, and endeavour to hawk about and peddle the Degrees for any price that anybody would pay. And, as I had gone to the Pacific Coast in 1876, to prevent threatened invasion there, I determined not to rest until I had closed the Trans‑Mississippi Country against all interlopers.


            In 1878, I visited and remained some time in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Arkansas, and addressed the Grand Lodge of Kansas, in session at Atchison, (by invitation), and the Master Masons at Davenport, Omaha, Grand Island, Leavenworth, Fort Smith and Little Rock, speaking to them chiefly in regard to the Symbolism of the Blue Degrees, in aid of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. We added new members to the , Lodges at Grand Island and Leavenworth, induced the establishment of a Lodge at Topeka, and encouraged and set on its feet the Lodge at Denver. The formation of a Lodge at Fort Smith was only prevented by the absence of some of the Brethren who were to form it, but the seed sown there has taken root, and the establishment of a Lodge is only a question of time. The revival _of the bodies at Davenport was secured, and has since been effected; but at Omaha and Little Rock the inertia was too great to be overcome.


            In 1879 I addressed the Brethren at St. Paul, Minneapolis, Red Wing and Mankoto, and also at Keokuk, Dallas, Waco, Palestine and Galveston in Texas, and by invitation the Grand Lodge at Topeka. We revived the bodies at Minneapolis, secured the establishment of a Council of Kadosh at that place, and made certain the establishment of a Consistory there and at St. Paul. The establishment of a Lodge at Red Wing followed, with promise of one at Mankoto, which was effected in July of the present year. At Palestine in Texas, the Lodge then lately established there was encouragd and strengthened, and additional life infused, I think, into that at Galveston. At New Orleans I met a quorum of the Grand Consistory, which had not conferred a degree in seven years. But I could effect nothing at Keokuk in Iowa, or at Dallas or Waco in Texas, the Lodge at the latter place being lifeless.


            Leaving home on the 18th of June, and returning on the 30th of September, 1880, I addressed the Brethren at Santa Fe, Rawlins, in Wyoming Territory, Clay Center in Kansas, Sedalia, Lexington and St. Louis in Missouri; instructed the new Lodge at Clay Center, addressed the Master Masons and ensured the establishment of a Lodge at Great Bend in Kansas; established Lodges at Mankoto 196 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION and St. Peter in Minnesota, conferred the 31st and 32 Degrees on two Knights Kadosh for the Consistory at St. Paul and one for the Consistory at Minneapolis; made probable the creation of a Lodge at Santa Fe, instructed and encouraged the new Lodge at Rawlins, and added members to the Lodge at Hannibal, to enable it to work. At St. Louis I spoke of the explanations which we gave of the symbols of the Blue Degrees, to three hundred Master Masons, and have made it easy for the Inspector for that State to establish a strong and prosperous Lodge of Perfection in that City; to effect which I will, if necessary, go there again.


            I have not desired to elevate many Brethren to the 32 Degree. This year, especially, I have refrained from it, having heard of its being said, here and there, and in one State by a person to whom Bro.'. Mackey gave the degrees without charge, that the whole object of the Supreme Council was to make money; and also because I believe that to make many 32ds in a day or two in one place will always go far to annihilate all hope of prosperity there for the Rite.


            I was able, in the fall of 1879, to send to our printer in New York a thousand dollars, and in 1878 a smaller sum earned that year; but for the reasons given above, nothing was earned over and above expenses. No compensation beyond our expenses has been asked or expected by Bro.'. Ireland and myself. The commissions allowed by the Statutes having gone towards payment of his expenses. His assistance has been invaluable; for not my age alone, but the effects of rheumatic gout, have made it impossible for me, going from place to place alone, to endure the labour of the necessary work; and so most of it has been cheerfully done by him.


            On my return from Texas, in 1879, I visited New Orleans, and remained there over a week. I had the Grand Consistory convened, little more than a quorum of the members being present, heard it said that it was a larger meeting than had been held for years, and learned that the Body had not conferred a Degree for seven years, although some Brethren had been elected to receive the degrees there, nearly as many years before.


            In 1878 I went to Norfolk, and thence, with our Deputy for the State, to Richmond, where Bro.'. Ireland met us, and we established a Lodge of Perfection of forty members, apparently zealous and enthusiastic. I have teamed that it [has] since fallen asleep, for which I cannot account. As it is not our subordinate, but of the obedience of a paralytic and inert Grand Consistory, it has no direct accountability to us or correspondence with us. I hope that our Deputy for the State will be able to inform us as to its real condition, and what causes have deprived it of its vitality.




In April, 1879, I visited Lynchburg, accompanied by Brother Ireland, to see for myself the condition of the Bodies there, and to endeavor to incite them to activity, and then to increase in numbers. I addressed the Master Masons, and as much satisfaction was expressed, I hoped that I had effected somewhat; but since then I have heard nothing in regard to the Governing Body or its Subordinates. Our Deputy may be able, of his personal inspection and knowledge, to inform us in regard to the condition of their health, and whether they really live or are dead.


            I have not been able, for some years, to visit the Southern States of our jurisdiction, or this side of the Mississippi, except Maryland and Louisiana. I wish to make an effort to plant the Rite in North Carolina, where the Secretary General established a Lodge of Perfection at Raleigh, (in 1866 or 1867), of which I never heard until its establishment was mentioned in a letter to me from a Brother at Lenoir, who wanted to be repaid the price of the Rituals purchased by him for the Lodge. The Body, I suppose, drew a breath or two and died. Since then, North Carolina has lain fallow: but I do not believe it to be impossible to establish the Rite there.


            In South Carolina, the Bodies established at Columbia are dead, and long ago forgotten. The Lodge at Winnsboro must be dead, as I have not heard from it for three years. The Chapter at Charleston is inert, I think; and Delta Lodge of Perfection there, the only living Body in the State.


            In Georgia, the Bodies established without stability by our Bro.'. Rockwell, at Atlanta, Columbus and Savannah, all died too soon to be remembered. The Lodge of Perfection established by our Bro.'. Hillyer at Fort Valley was nipped by an untimely frost in its first season. The Consistory at Augusta was decapitated by us four years ago, and I have heard nothing of the other bodies there for so long that I have ceased to think of them.


            In Florida, a Lodge of Perfection has been three times established at Jacksonville,‑first by our Bro.'. Ives; second, by our Bro.'. Mackey; and third by our Bro.'. Dawkins. Whether it is a living body now, I do not know. A Lodge of Perfection was established by Bra.'. Dawkins, a year or two ago, at Key West, which I hope survives.


            In Alabama, the Bodies established about 1867 at Mobile have been dead for years. The Lodge of Perfection at Montgomery lately elected its dignitaries and officers, and is about, I hope, to enter upon a career of usefulness.


            In Mississippi, the Bodies at Natchez and Oxford are dead long ago, and those at Vicksburg do not work, and live only by the generosity of our Deputy, Bro.'. Speed.


            In West Virginia, there is no Body, except at Wheeling; and there is, I fear, little life there. In Maryland and Kentucky, there are no bodies outside of Balti 198 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION more and Louisville, where the Grand Consistories incubate. Only in California has a Grand Consistory ever had bodies beyond the city in which it sat; and there those not in San Francisco owed their being to Bro.'. Shaw. In Kentucky, Bro.'. Webber made a Lodge at Covington, for the Grand Consistory of Kentucky; but it exhaled forthwith, and left no trace behind.


            In Tennessee, the Bodies at Memphis are dead and forgotten I established them in 1866, on the old plan of making all at once, and in a little while, as was inevitable, they all died at once. Bro.'. Henry H. Neal, 33, of Kentucky, for Bra.'. Frankland, established a Lodge of Perfection in 1879 at Jackson, the condition of which I hope that Bro.'. Blackie, now in charge of Tennessee, will report. No body has ever been established at Nashville.


            In the Hawaiian Kingdom our Bodies prosper and are content: In Baltimore and Washington and Louisville the Bodies have grown strong, and have more to apprehend from the dangers of prosperity than from those of adversity.


            It will not be necessary, I think, for me to visit Minnesota or Kansas again. Any attempt of the Supreme Council to establish Bodies in either State will meet with no success: the bodies existing there will not be suffered to fall into decay; and others will be by degrees established.


            Whether any progress is to be made in Nebraska, depends upon our Brother the Inspector there. When one thinks that a thing cannot be done, it becomes impossible,‑for him. There are Brethren who cannot make an effort, because they have made up their minds that it will fail, where another, hopeful and confident, would succeed. And I cannot be made to believe that in a city as large as Omaha, an Active and an Honorary Member of this Body (we have Bro.'. Deuel there, and Bro.'. Fumas not far off) cannot establish a prosperous Lodge of Perfection.


            It will be necessary to adopt some effected measures for extending the Rite in Missouri: and I know of no more that is in our power, without the cooperation of the Inspector for the State. I am very willing to make another effort, but I will not traverse the State again, unless I have his company. I do not think that the Supreme Council ought patiently wait more than ten years, for some effort to be made in a great State like Missouri, to establish the Rite; and it is very certain that Lodges of Perfection will not establish themselves. If the Committee on the State of the Order will take the matter into consideration, some plan can be devised by which the Inspector in Missouri will be able, working through others, to propagate the Rite.


            The Supreme Council is responsible for conditions throughout the jurisdiction, and can certainly intervene and direct, whereever nothing is being done.


            The Grand Consistory of Virginia has made no return for two years, and paid nothing into the Treasury for five. Our dear Bro.'. McDaniel was desirous 199 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


to have it removed to Richmond. It is useless where it is; and any Body so long in default deserves to be dealt with as having forfeited its Letters of Constitution. It ought either to be abolished, or reduced to the status of a particular Consistory, or removed to Richmond.


            Its removal would not remedy the evil. The Brethren at Lynchburg would probably never attend its sessions, and moreover the real evil is, that there is a Grand Consistory at all. I think that we are all convinced that none of these bodies ought ever to have existed. They have every where proven worse than useless, doing nothing to build up Subordinates, unnecessary as Governing Powers, in some States of two or three Subordinates only, and rendering the Inspector of the State powerless to effect anything.


            Shall it be utterly abolished? It is the oldest Body we have; and I should not like to vote for ending its existence. It was originally only a particular Consistory, and it would [be] perhaps wiser, and would certainly seem less harsh, to reduce it to that original condition, and so emancipate the Bodies misgoverned by it, and enable the Inspector or Deputy for the State to be of some service.


            Some decisive action needs to be taken in regard to Louisiana, The Grand Consistory there is a useless body, and if it were active, the various bodies composed of Brethren of the Latin race would never feel as they should do, that affection and sentiment of loyalty towards it, which alone can maintain harmony and inspire zeal. It is an English‑Speaking body, the large majority of the members of our race. And, as is natural, the members of the French, Spanish and Italian Bodies, desirous of attaining the 32d degree are disgusted with a Body to which for seven years they have in vain applied for it. We have four Inspectors General in Louisiana, and they are powerless. Two of them are here; and will, I hope, be able to suggest some measure by which life and energy can be infused into the Bodies in New Orleans.


            I have expressed to our Bro.'. Batchelor the opinion that it would be a wise measure to recall the Letters of Constitution of the Grand Consistory, and create two Particular Consistories, one above and the other below Canal Street, so that the Brethren of the Latin race might have a Consistory of their own, and I believe that nothing short of this will be of any benefit. The evil consists in there being a Grand Consistory at all.


            It is much to be regretted that that of Maryland was ever revived. It will never establish a Body in Maryland, outside of Baltimore; and it is not needed, to govern three bodies there.


            There are many Bodies in the jurisdiction that still nominally exist, though long since dead. I append a tableau of them to this Communication, and advise the recall of the Letters of Constitution of each; and that the proper Inspector or Deputy be ordered forthwith to reclaim and forward to the Secretary General, all Rituals and Secret Work issued to each respectively, and all their records and 200 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION papers. There are others which may possibly be revived, and these I have not thought it unwise to retain for a time on the roll. I append a list of these, and some which, very recently established, have done no work, and advise the remittance of their past dues, and all that may accrue before they revive or are at work.


            I append to this Communication a comprehensive abstract of all our actually existing and working Subordinates; a list of irretrievably defunct bodies; and another of dormant ones that may possibly be revived, and of those which owing dues have done no work, and may, I think be, with advantage to the Rite, relieved from the payment of dues.


            These abstracts are the work of Bro.'. William M. Ireland, who thus again, as in a hundred other instances, make us his debtors." Some additional facts regarding Pike's 1880 tour in the West include his excursion into Canada. On June 11, 1880, the Masons of Winnipeg had received a communication from Pike that he would pay them a visit. A committee of seven was immediately formed which met on June 15, 1880; plans were formulated, for his reception, entertainment and to make preparations for his address, of which Pike was notified by letter dated June 16, 1880. The minutes of that committee meeting contain the following paragraph regarding the arrangements that were proposed: The Reception Committee to receive Illustrious Brother Pike and party, conduct them to the Rooms engaged for them, and, if agreeable to the party, hire the necessary conveyance and drive them around showing them whatever places they may consider interesting, in the forenoon of St. John's Day. In the afternoon, Illustrious Brother Pike to be invited to hold a reception in the Rooms of the A. & A. S. Rite, from 3 to 5 o'clock. At 8 p.m. o'clock, address to Master Masons under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba. Future arrangements to be made by the Reception Committee, on ascertaining what may be agreeable and convenient to Illustrious Brother Pike." The Grand Commander and William M. Ireland left Minneapolis on June 22, 1880, after visiting with the Masons at the town of Lake Calhoun on June 21,38 and arrived in Winnipeg where he carried out the program previously outlined. The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba reported Pike's visit as follows: On the 24th June I called the Craft in Winnipeg together to listen to an address on Masonry by the well known and most able Masonic writer and speaker, 38 Confidential Allocution, 1880.


            37 William Douglas to John B. Tomhave, February 4, 1958. 38 The Daily Pioneer Press, June 23, 1880.




Illustrious Brother General Albert Pike, of Washington, D.C. A large number of brethren were present. The address was a most eloquent exposition of Masonic symbolism, and displayed deep thought and most extensive research." They remained in Winnipeg until Tuesday, June 29, 1880, when they departed for the United States. During this period of time, they communicated the Scottish Rite Degrees "from 19' to 32' on six Winnipeg Masons" (June 25 and 26) and were "entertained at supper in the Manitoba Club" on the evening of June 28, 1880.' Pike and Ireland planned to remain in Minneapolis and its vicinity about two weeks after their return from Winnipeg" and it seems probable that it was during this time that they communicated the degrees above the Lodge of Perfection in Minneapolis and St. Paul.


            The Grand Commander formed a Lodge of Perfection at Mankato, Minnesota, with twelve members on July 16, 1880, and a Lodge of Perfection at St. Peter, Minnesota, with ten members on July 24, 1880." Pike departed from St. Peter on July 26, 1880.'3 He was in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on August 24, 1880," and had arrived in Clay Center, Kansas, by September 4, 1880.'5 The miles traveled in the Southern Jurisdiction were 7,221 and the trip into Canada and back added 1,344 miles to make the total 8,565.'5 The Grand Commander's Confidential Allocution was little less than a stark recital of practical failure, during a period of almost eighty years, in the propagation of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction. However, he did not delineate the causes of the collapse of the innumerable Bodies that had been hopefully formed nor did he offer any suggestions designed to prevent a reoccurrence of these failures in the future. Recalling Pike's numerous expressions to the effect that Scottish Rite Masonry was beyond the grasp of all but a few Masons of superior capability and scholarly inclination, the several times at previous Sessions that he had stated his satisfaction with the growth and progress of the Rite, and the castigations which he had poured out upon those who moved to speed up the growth of the Rite, it appears that the Grand Commander considered the record a regrettable but normal and expected characteristic of Scottish Rite Masonry which may have been deemed desirable.


            39 Proceedings, Grand Lodge of Manitoba, 1881, p. 26.


            40 William Douglas to John B. Tomhave, February 4, 1958. 41 The Daily Pioneer Press, June 23, 1880.


            42 Returns of Lodges of Perfection, Mankato and St. Peter, Secretary General's Office. 43 Tribune, July 28, 1880.


            44 G. W. Merrill to Albert Pike, September 23, 1880.


            45 Albert Pike to William M. Ireland, September 4, 1880.


            4s Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1. 1880, Appendix, 24‑25.


            202 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION One additional Inspector General, making a total of twelve, was present on the second day of the Session which opened with the reception of committee reports on distribution of the Allocution, on Jurisprudence and on Doings of Inspectors General all of which were adopted.


            The distribution of the Allocution was a routine matter of form for action on the address.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence approved the decisions reported in the Allocution of the Grand Commander and the adoption of the report made them a permanent part of the law of the Jurisdiction.


            The Committee on Doings of Inspectors General reported receipt of reports from only ten Inspectors General which were to be published with the Transactions. Some portions of the reports were referred to other committees for their recommendations to the Supreme Council. The Committee pointed out that Inspector General E. T. Carr made the only report which complied with the Statutes and urged "a more faithful compliance with ... the Revised Statutes".


            The resignation of A. E. Frankland as ‑Inspector General was read and accepted.


            A resolution to pay "ten dollars per month" to G. A. Schwarzman, late Grand Tiler, was adopted.


            Two confidential communications from the Grand Commander were referred to the Committee on Finance.


            One of the confidential communications of Grand Commander Pike to the Supreme Council, dated October 18, 1880, concerned personal financial matters and their bearing on his work as Grand Commander. The letter cannot now be found. However, a biographer has seen the communication and has written the following account: ... Four times‑in 1876, 1878, 1879, and 1880‑he [Pike] went on extensive western and southern visitations into the Southern Jurisdiction at the expense of the Supreme Council and three times on returning home he found himself without money to buy bread. On these occasions he had borrowed from the funds of the Supreme Council hoping that he would be able to repay it in a short time.


            Pride and the illusory hope that Congress might pay the Choctaw claim had prevented him, in 1878, from confessing his poverty to the Supreme Council and asking for a salary. But the hardship of the next two years broke down his re 203 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


sistance. On October 18, 1880, he wrote a confidential letter to the members of the Supreme Council, then in session at Washington. He had, he said, hoped for five years that a payment of the Choctaw claim or other success in his profession would enable me to escape from the painful and mortifying necessity of saying to you, that to be enabled to continue the duties of your Grand Commander, no alternative was left me but to consent to receive some pecuniary compensation.


            It had always been his pride and desire "to serve the order without fee or reward," and it had been his wish to be able shortly to return all that he had ever received of the Supreme Council for travel and living expenses. However, the war had impoverished him, his business since had not prospered, he had been brought in arrears to the Supreme Council and others, and what he "hoped were certainties" had repeatedly ended in disappointments. He was old and "sick and sore and weary" of the fruitless effort to obtain Justice for the Choctaws; he was also tired of practicing law.


            I wish to devote what remains of my life to the propagation of the Rite, by such personal exertions as I have used since our last session, and to my studies, which have already borne fruit embodied in our Degrees.


            Others must speak of the extent and value of his past labors for the order, but he would say that it has so‑extended that for the future it would require much of his time. He must "continue to conduct the correspondence, maintain our intercourse with foreign Powers, resist encroachments on our jurisdiction, and travel largely, to incite the Brethren and encourage them, and to gain new members".


            The Supreme Council treated Pike charitably, voting him an annuity of $1800 a year from October, 1879, for the remainder of his life. They made the salary retroactive for one year to enable him to pay all his indebtedness except that which he owed to the treasury of the Supreme Council." Some proposed amendments to the Statutes were submitted and referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence.


            Some nominations for the Honorary 33 and Knight Commander of the Court of Honour were referred to the Committee on Nominations.


            The resignations of Inspectors General William R. Bowen and Robert Toombs were read and accepted and that of James C. Lawson "was declined and he was declared to be an Active Member for California".


            "Walter Lee Brown, "Life of Albert Pike", Unpublished, Ph. D. Dissertation, U. T., 1955, pp. 853‑854.


            204 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Robert C. Jordan, Emeritus, was elected to Active Membership again for Nebraska.


            Nine distinguished Scottish Rite Masons of other Jurisdictions were elected to Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            Eleven Knights Commander of the Court of Honour were elected to receive the Honorary 33'.


            John F. Damon, 32, and John F. Townshend, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Ireland, were elected to receive the Grand Cross.


            Thirty‑three Princes of the Royal Secret were elected Knights Commander of the Court of Honour.


            The Committee on Nominations asked for a Statute requiring nominations to be accompanied by a brief of accomplishments, Masonic, social and otherwise. The request was adopted and the Committee on Jurisprudence given the duty of drafting the law.


            Two additional nominations were submitted to the Committee on Nominations.


            On the following day, October 20, 1880, the Grand Commander announced the selection of appointive officers for the ensuing biennium.


            Honorary Inspector R. J. Nunn was permitted to address the Supreme Council on foreign relations.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence submitted a favorable report on granting to the Grand Commander the prerogatives of Inspector General in all parts of the Southern Jurisdiction. The Committee rejected the Grand Commander's proposal to confer certain powers upon Honorary Inspectors General. The report was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence then reported the rejection of a request for legislation filed by the Grand Consistory of California, pointing out that ample powers resided in the Sovereign Grand Inspector General, resident in the state, for resolution of the problems encountered. This report was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence then reported on the decisions of the, Grand Commander as appended to his Allocution and sustained him in all but two: 5 and 7. This report was likewise adopted.




Resolutions calling for the purchase of a building for the Supreme Council in Washington and the appointment of a committee to effect the same were introduced and adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence proposed resolutions, which were tabled, amending the Statutes to provide for the annual election of officers in Subordinate Bodies, eliminating the election of officers in Councils of Jerusalem as such, and also the requirement that Grand Consistories publish their transactions.


            The report of the Committee on Finance was withdrawn for amendment.


            Some additional nominations were submitted to the Committee on Nominations.


            An appeal for aid to Masons in Anatolia and Turkey was read and contributions were directed to the Treasurer General for transfer to the sufferers.


            The Committee on Nominations reported favorably upon the nominations to Active Membership in the Supreme Council of John Mills Browne for the District of Columbia and John Lonsdale Roper for Virginia and both were elected.


            The Thirty‑third Degree Honorary was conferred upon three designates and Active Members Elect Browne and Roper were crowned Sovereign Grand Inspectors General.


            Business was resumed on October 21, 1880.


            The excuses of two Inspectors General for nonattendance on the Session were accepted.


            The Grand Commander announced the appointment of officers to open the Lodge of Sorrow to be held in the evening.


            A list of nominees to receive the Grand Cross Honorary were elected.


            A Finance Committee report regarding payment of Thirty‑third Degree fees was adopted.


            The resolution repealing the statutory requirement that Grand Consistories publish their transactions was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence recommended confirmation of four decisions of the Grand Commander and non‑confirmation of six of his decisions. The recommendations were adopted.


            206 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The report of the Committee on the State of the Order on the Grand Commander's Confidential Allocution on the subject was adopted. The Committee was "gratified" and "amazed" at the "immense labor" of the Grand Commander; noted that the territorial jurisdiction was intact; hoped to see improvement in the condition of the Rite "in the near future"; was pleased to learn that a "benignant influence" on other Supreme Councils was being exercised; recommended that the Grand Consistory of Virginia be reduced to "a Particular Consistory"; was "loth to believe" that the Grand Consistory of Louisiana "would permit itself to be a laggard in the good work" and recommended that it be given a chance to redeem itself and suggested that Louisiana Brethren of Latin extraction should form Particular Consistories; and recommended that Ireland's "Tables" be adopted and filed and that subsequent additions be made thereto as additional information became available.


            By resolution the Grand Consistory of Louisiana was empowered to elect its officers annually.


            The Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies made a report which was adopted. The Committee was pleased to note an improvement in annual returns; stated that dormant Bodies should be reorganized or discontinued; recommended the publication of tabulations made by the Assistant Auditor and Secretary General; discouraged applications for the remission of dues owed to the Supreme Council, except those prior to 1876; recommended a change in some Lodge numbers; and referred the requests of the Grand Consistory of Kentucky to the Committee on Jurisprudence.


            The Committee on Correspondence reported that foreign correspondence had been conducted to its satisfaction by the Grand Commander and recommended that his views on such matters be adopted. The report was adopted.


            The Committee on Finance made a report which was adopted. It chose the report of the Assistant Auditor General for special commendation; deplored the fact that some records had been so badly kept that the Grand Auditor was unable to complete his report; recommended that reports of Bodies, Inspectors General and Deputies be sent first to the Auditor's office for proper entry and then submitted to the Secretary General or Grand Commander and then returned to the Auditor for permanent filing; and listed reports as having been received from thirteen of the Inspectors General and Deputies as required by Statutes.


            By resolution, the office of Assistant Secretary General was abolished.


            207  HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


By resolution, the salary of Assistant Auditor General was established at one thousand dollars per annum, without receipt of additional fees, and that his duties "shall be imposed upon him by written directions from the Auditor General or the Grand Commander".


            A memorial to John Burton Maude was presented and ordered printed with the proceedings of the Lodge of Sorrow.


            The Committee on Finance made a report, which was adopted, confirming the confidential report of the Grand Commander on certain property.


            The salary of the Treasurer General for the next two years was fixed at five hundred dollars per annum, effective November 1, 1880.


            Expiring Letters Temporary were extended for two years.


            The Supreme Council was ordered to meet in Washington, D. C., at its next Biennial Session.


            The Box of Fraternal Assistance was passed, its contents placed with the ProGrand Almoner for distribution among the needy, and the Supreme Council was closed.' 8 The Session of the Supreme Council in 1880 was attended by twelve of the twentyfive living Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. Most of the actions in the Session may be classified as routine "housekeeping" work. Probably the most important action, from a historical point of view, was the decision to buy a building to house the executive offices. There is no record to indicate that any long‑range plans for the future were considered. On the whole, the members of the Supreme Council in attendance were pleased and satisfied with the actions of Grand Commander Pike and appeared to be entirely willing for him to continue his visitations and labors on behalf of the Rite.


            Although it is no part of the history of the Supreme Council, it is interesting to note that Albert Pike was notified on November 15, 1880, that he had been constituted "Supreme Magus of a Supreme and Independent College of the Rosicrucian Society in the United States of America"." 48 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1880, pp. 3‑31. 49 T. D. Harington to Albert Pike, November 15, 1880.


            208 =OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION It appears that the committee formed to secure a building for the "Home" of the Supreme Council functioned promptly and efficiently after the close of the Session on October 21, 1880. No records of its activities survive, but the following letter provides the essential information about the move to new quarters: The box containing the pipes came ... just as we were all moving, bag and baggage, out of our miserable quarters to a fine large house (4 stories and basement), at 218, 3,d Street, the whole of which we have rented from 1 Nov. We began moving on the 3d and I slept in my new room for the first time on the night of the 5''. But taking down all our book cases and shelves and moving all the books was a terrible job. My cases are not up yet; and the books are laying about the house in huge piles. I dread the immense labor of putting up and arranging them; but when it shall have been at last done, I shall be very comfortable, and we shall have decent rooms in which to welcome you when you come here." Other sources establish that the cost of moving was $21.8551 and that the monthly rental was $83.33, paid to Duval and Marr, the "owners"." The labors of moving and those of reorganizing the executive offices must have consumed much time in the remainder of 1880. This probably accounts for the fact that no correspondence or documents of historical significance survive for this period of time. Pike also had other problems during the winter of 1880‑1881. He wrote as follows: I have been kept indoors all winter and far into the Spring, by the heartlessness of the weather, and my disinclination to go about unnecessarily. And during the last two months [February and March] I have been worried by neuralgia in eye, ear and jaw, first on one side of the face, and then on the other, each for a full month. But it is gone now:. . .53 Grand Commander Pike may have remained "indoors" as the year 1881 opened, but it was not a period of idleness. The bulk of surviving correspondence for the biennium of 1881‑1882 is greater than for any like period of time in the previous years of Pike's administration. Internal evidence in this file indicates that only a relatively small portion of the actual correspondence has been preserved and accumulated in the Library of the Supreme Council.


            10 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, November 12, 1880. 51 Albert Pike's accounts, November 9, 1880.


            52 Warrant No. 145, November 30, 1880.


            53 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, April 24, 1881.




It seems very likely that Pike had written a considerable number of letters of inquiry as 1880 closed, for the January's incoming mail is characterized by reports and comments on Scottish Rite activity from all parts of the Jurisdiction. In Kansas, efforts were being made to organize a Chapter of Rose Croix at Topeka and a "class" was receiving the degrees at Lawrence in preparation for the organization of a Lodge of Perfection." The Bodies at St. Peters and Mankato, Minnesota, were not having any work to do;" Pike reacted to this letter by appointing E. A. Hotchkiss and O. Whitman Deputies for Minnesota." In Omaha, Nebraska, the Lodge of Perfection had been organized on January 5, 1881.5' However, before the end of the month a letter arrived reporting that the Lodge was encountering bitter opposition from the Knights Templar in Omaha who were determined to prevent it from using the Masonic Temple." From Washington, J. R. Hayden wrote that he had received his Deputy Commission for Washington and Idaho, later he outlined his plans for visitations, and a third letter reported the Bodies in Washington to be "dormant".59 A letter from Carson City, Nevada, made inquiry regarding the status of the Lodge of Perfection, the disposition of fees collected by the Deputy for communicating degrees, and the membership status of Masons receiving the degrees by communication within the jurisdiction of the Lodge," all of which indicated that peace and harmony did not prevail in Nevada. This letter, and possibly others that have not survived, caused Pike to write a very sharply worded letter, several months later, to Deputy Charles E. Laughton demanding that he file his long overdue report and make remittance of Supreme Council funds held by him." Laughton protested the injustice of this letter, filed his report, made the remittance, and explained that he had delayed these actions until he could collect the fees for the work done." Pike, in his reply, maintained that he had done Laughton no injustice and called the Deputy's attention to the Statutes establishing the due date for reports and forbidding degree work on credit." Laughton then explained that he had written an unanswered communication on the subject of credit and had assumed that he had the Grand Commander's sanction to proceed." This whole misunderstanding appears 54 C. Spaulding to Albert Pike, January 3, 1881.


            55 T. Montgomery to Albert Pike, January 8, 19, 188 1.


            5s E. A. Hotchkiss to Albert Pike, January 21, 1881; Albert Pike to O. Whitman, January 26, 1881. 57 G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, January 8; 11, 1881; R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, January 8, 1881. 58 G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, January 27, 1881.


            59 J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, January 13; 31, 1881; February 3, 188 1. s H. L. Tichnor to Albert Pike, January 15, 1881.


            si Albert Pike to Charles E. Laughton, August 18, 1881. sz Charles E. Laughton to Albert Pike, August 26, 1881. 63 Albert Pike to Charles E. Laughton, September 12, 1881. s' Charles E. Laughton to Albert Pike, September 20, 1881.


            210 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION to be attributable to inadequate communication, for which neither Laughton nor Pike was entirely responsible, nor were distance and condition of transportation the only contributors to the situation. The real culprit seems to have been the imperfection of administrative organization that was typical of this period in American business life.


            Lieutenant Grand Commander James C. Batchelor wrote a gloomy report on the Rite in New Orleans, attributing the situation to a lack of adequate leadership." The problem in Louisiana was one of long standing and seems to have been more deep‑seated than a shortage of leadership.


            A letter, dated January 29, 1881, indicates that a previous request had been made to the Grand Commander for a dispensation to confer the degrees on twenty candidates, 4‑32, at Lyons, Iowa. This letter repeated the request and offered arguments in favor of such a "convention" answering the objections that Pike had advanced." Pike's reply to this letter has not been found, but one relating to the Lyons Bodies has survived. Pike called upon Inspectors General Parvin and Bower to investigate the non‑payment of Supreme Council dues and fees by the Lyons Bodies, the violations of Supreme Council Statutes, and to exercise their powers to remedy these "evils". He also advised them that he had withdrawn his dispensation, previously granted, empowering the conferral of degrees without observing the statutory delays." Bower replied to Pike that the situation at Lyons was unfortunate but that efforts were being made, hampered by very heavy snow storms, to rectify the errors that had occurred." Apparently, an exchange of letters had been lost for the next available letter from Bower protested his respect and love for Pike although he found it necessary to disagree with him at times on policy. He also enclosed a list of candidates that he had approved to receive the degrees."" Ten days later, a letter from Lyons acknowledged receipt of a dispensation from Pike." Shortly thereafter, a request was made for power to "make substitutions" in the dispensation and another to add names to the list." This particular problem of administration came to a close with receipt of a report on the Lyons "convention" during which eleven candidates received the degrees" and one on the generally improved situation of the Bodies dated a few days 65 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, January 21, 1881. 66 B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, January 29, 1881.


            67 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin and R. F. Bower, Ferbuary 68 R. F. Bower to Albert Pike, March 5, 1881.


            69 Ibid., March 19, 1881.


            76 C. W. Warner to Albert Pike, March 29, 188 1. 71 B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, April 5; 8, 18 72 C. W. Warner to Albert Pike, April 22, 1881.


            14, 1881.


            OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION later." This whole exchange of correspondence further illustrates the difficulty of developing adequate and uniform Jurisdiction wide administration during this period and also reveals that it was a time consuming process.


            Grand Commander Pike, on January 17, 1881, received an unusual request‑the only one of its kind ever received by a Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction. John O. Dominis, Deputy of the Supreme Council for Hawaii, informed Pike that King David Kalakaua, a member of the Honolulu Bodies, was about to embark on a world tour and desired the Grand Commander to call upon the "Great Chiefs of Masonry" throughout the world to assist him as he came within their Jurisdictions." Pike must have complied promptly and effectively with this request for Dominis thanked him on behalf of the King in a later letter." Reports to Pike from Egypt and France also confirm that his efforts had been successful." King Kalakaua expected to call on his Grand Commander while in Washington but Pike was away from the city at that time." Another unusual letter resulted from the King's tour. Dated July 15, 1882, Pike saw fit to publish a letter to the Masonic world in which he reprimanded King David Kalakaua for reported Masonic discourtesy while on his tour and issued his apology for the same." On February 7, 1881, Grand Commander Pike again performed a sad duty, that of officially announcing the death of two Deputies of the Supreme Council: William Cothran, 33, of Mississippi and William Gustav Emile Tonn, 32, K. C. C. H., of the Territories of Wyoming, Montana, and Utah, and for Eastern Idaho." The appointment of a Deputy in Mississippi was not urgent as another Deputy was already in the state but Inspector General Jordan's report of spurious Scottish Rite activity in Montana on April 12, 1881,$ made the appointment of a successor for Deputy Torn of vital importance. In the interim, Jordan prepared to take over the work in Montana" and eight days later, was in Helena where he found sufficient candidates for the organization of a Lodge of Perfection." The work proceeded rapidly and on May 23, 1881, a letter was dispatched to Pike announcing that the proposed Lodge had been formed and also a Chapter of Rose Croix." It seems likely that Jordan 73 B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, April 29, 188 1.


            74 John O. Dominis to Albert Pike, January 17, 1881. 75Ibid., June 13, 188 1.


            76 Dr. Abbote to Albert Pike, July 4, 1881; Le F. Hubert to Albert Pike, August 17, 1881. 77 John O. Dominis to Albert Pike, December 20, 1881.


            78 Official Bulletin, V, 370‑371. " Ibid., IV, 697‑698.


            8 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, April 12, 1881. 8' Ibid., May 8, 1881.


            82Ibid., May 16, 1881.


            83 W. N. Baldwin to Albert Pike, May 23, 1881.




made recommendations to Pike for Deputy appointments in Montana and Wyoming, for on June 6, 1881, letters were written to the Grand Commander acknowledging receipt of Deputy commissions from Frank Foote for Wyoming and H. R. Comly for Montana." Jordan remitted $850 for degree work shortly thereafter and before the end of the year Comly installed the officers of the Chapter of Rose C'roix." The report, dated April 12, 18 81, of activity in Montana by the representatives of spurious Cerneau bodies was followed almost immediately by similar letters from widely separated localities. Sovereign Grand Commander T. Douglas Harington of the Supreme Council of Canada wrote that Cerneauism had appeared in Canada" and a letter dated one day later informed Pike that it was active in Kansas." A letter dated five days later brought the news of attempts to form Cerneau bodies at Pensacola, Florida." Renewed Cerneau activity in Maryland was reported some two weeks later." As early as February 23, 1881, Inspector General Philip C. Tucker of Texas had received a letter from James H. Cheatham, Clarksville, Texas, inquiring about a man named Smith who was in north Texas communicating what he claimed to be Scottish Rite degrees by authority of a patent "signed by Bro. Albert Pike of Washington, D. C."" Investigation convinced Pike and Tucker that Cheatham had been defrauded. He was advised of their decision which he acknowledged on March 3, 1881.91 Energetic measures to combat this illegitimate, illegal and clandestine activity were immediately undertaken. Spaulding sent a letter condemning Cerneauism to every Mason in Kansas. Pike prepared an anti‑Cerneau letter for general distribution," receipt of which was acknowledged by the Supreme Councils of Canada and England," and Inspector General Dawkins sent a special circular to the Cerneau body in Pensacola." The Grand Consistory of Louisiana acted by sending out a warning circular to all Scottish Rite Masons in the state, see facsimile reproduction on page 216. In Texas, Inspectors General Tucker and Morel jointly published a lengthy public letter of explanation, warning and condemnation of clandestine activity using the Scottish Rite name." These measures were generally very effective and some members of the Cerneau bodies in Pensacola applied to Inspector General Dawkins 84 Frank Foote to Albert Pike, June 6, 1881; H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, June 6, 188 1.


            85 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, June 12, 1881; H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, December 30, 1881. 116 T. D. Harington to Albert Pike, April 20, 18 st C. Spaulding to Albert Pike, April 21, 1881.


            se D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, April 26, 1881. 89 J. M. Miller to Albert Pike, May 14, 1881.


            99 James H. Cheatham to P. C. Tucker, February 23, 188 1. 91 Ibid., March 3, 1881.


            92 Official Bulletin, IV, 391.


            93 T. D. Harington to Albert Pike, May 9, 1881; S. H. Clerke to Albert Pike, May 18, 1881. 94 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, April 30, 1881; Circular Letter, April 27, 188 1.


            95 Circular Letter, June 1, 1881.


            214 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION to receive the Scottish Rite degrees legally." Nothing further appears regarding the Cerneau controversy in 1881 or 1882 except Pike's denunciation of the Cerneau Supreme Council formed in Canada about mid‑1882.97 From time to time previously, music for the Scottish Rite ceremonies has been mentioned. The following letter announced the publication of "Part I of the Music of the Ancient and Accepted Rite" that had been adopted by the Supreme Council; it is self‑explanatory of the significance of the publication.


            Part I. of the Music of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, containing that for the Rituals of the Degrees 1 to 30, is now printed and bound, and ready for delivery.


            It was hoped that we should be able to sell this volume for five dollars per copy; but it has cost the Supreme Council between six and seven, the edition being a limited one, in consequence of our knowledge that the number of copies disposed of would be small.


            The volume contains 168 pages, large quarto, of Music, with Dedication Preface, &c., and will be sent to any Body or Bro.'. by express, on receipt of $7.50. If the labours of the Author and Compiler had not been given without charge, the cost would be much greater. There is not, and will not be, in any other Jurisdiction, such a collection of Music of the Rite, as ours will be when entirely published; and no part of it is for sale to persons outside of the Jurisdiction. Nor will the work be for sale any where except at the House of the Temple here. 9 The next major activity of Grand Commander Pike, in chronological order, in 1881 had its roots in events and years past‑the formation of a Lodge of Perfection in St. Louis, Missouri. On February 10, 1881, a letter was written to Pike stating that ten or twelve candidates in St. Louis were anxious for the degrees and that it seemed certain that a Lodge of Perfection could be formed. The writer also expressed the opinion that the best time to bring about a consummation of this object would be in late May or early June." The next information on this subject which Pike seems to have received was another Mayo letter bearing the news that Inspector General Martin Collins had communicated the Lodge of Perfection degrees to a class of seven candidates in St. Louis on March 7, 1881.199 It appears that Pike then wrote to Collins informing him that it had been his intention to visit St. Louis, communicate the degrees and form a Lodge of Perfection in May. In his reply, Collins 9s D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, December 30, 1881. 97 Circular Letter, July 31, 1882.


            9s Ibid., March 7, 1881.


            99 fir. H. Mayo to Albert Pike, February 10, 1881. 100Ibid., March 9, 1881.


            215 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION stated that he misunderstood the intentions of Pike, that he thought he should proceed with the communication of degrees, and that the Grand Commander would form the Lodge of Perfection when he visited St. Louis as planned. Collins suggested May 15, 1881, as a date for Pike's visit."' An indication that Pike's trip was to be more extensive than to St. Louis was contained in a letter expressing pleasure that Pike and Wm. Ireland would "be in Omaha in May". 12 On April 24, 1881, Pike wrote in a letter that he would be in St. Louis by May 10, 1881, and visit Iowa and Nebraska thereafter."' However, May 15, 1881, was the date acknowledged by Collins for the visit and in the same letter he again stated that he had proceeded with the work at St. Louis due to a misunderstanding of the Grand Commander's plans and intentions."' The available correspondence seems to indicate that Pike was displeased that Collins, who had been inactive, had proceeded with the work at St. Louis. Why this should be a fact may be that Pike was relying upon the revenue derived from the communication of the degrees to pay the expense of the trip that he planned to make.


            The Grand Commander, accompanied by Wm. M. Ireland, did make the journey to St. Louis and then to Omaha but no detailed report of activity has survived nor does the correspondence reveal any details of the trip. B. R. Sherman wrote that he expected to meet Pike in St. Louis and then cancelled his plans because of the pressure of his political campaign for the governorship of Iowa."' Two letters established that Pike was in Omaha on May 29, 1881,16 and a third credits the influence of Pike and the ritualistic work of Ireland for the successful formation of a Lodge of Perfection at Omaha."' It seems reasonably certain that Pike had hardly more than returned to Washington when it was necessary for him to announce the death of Dr. Albert G. Mackey, 33', Sovereign Grand Inspector General and Secretary General of the Supreme Council. Through more than forty years of office holding and authorship, Albert Gallatin Mackey had developed an international Masonic reputation second to none achieved by an American Mason, before or since. Probably no man knew Mackey better than Pike‑his strong points and those not so strong. After recording the facts of Mackey's Masonic career, Pike appraised his life as follows: 101 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, March 28, 1881. 102 G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, April 3, 1881. 103 Albert Pike to W. M. Wood, April 24, 1881. 104 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, May 3, 188 1.


            105 B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, April 29, 1881; May 19, 1881.


            106 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, May 29, 1881; Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, June 10, 1881. 107 G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, June 21, 1881.


            217 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 Bro. '. Mackey had lived all his life among gentlemen, and had the manners and habits of a gentleman. Tall, erect, of spare but vigorous frame, his somewhat harsh but striking features were replete with intelligence and amiability; he conversed well, and was liked as a genial and companionable man, of a cheerful, tolerant and kindly nature, who, if he had quarrels with individuals, had none with the world. Idolized by his wife and children, he loved them devotedly, and suffered intensely when, one after another, his two intelligent and amiable daughters died. He had many friends, and many enemies, as men of strong will and positive convictions will always surely do. He plotted no harm against any one, and sought no revenge, even when he did not forgive, not being of a forgiving race, for he was a McGregor, having kinship with Rob Roy.


            Masonry will not soon lose as great a man, and she may well put dust upon her head and wear sackcloth in her Lodges, where, in Masonry, his heart always was.


            1011 The office of Secretary General was of such great importance that it must be filled at once and on June 25, 1881, the Grand Commander appointed William M. Ireland to fill the office ad interim until the next Session of the Supreme Council."' The death of Mackey had been more or less expected, because of his age and poor health, but the American people and American Freemasonry were totally unprepared for the shooting of President James A. Garfield on July 2, 1881. The following is a reproduction of the rough draft of the letter which Grand Commander Pike dispatched to the Masonic Powers of the World regarding the shooting.


            (See Illustrations‑pages 218, 220 and 221) President Garfield did not recover from his wound. His death occurred on September 19, 1881, and the Northern Supreme Council in Session on the following day, adopted the following resolution: The Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States, now assembled together, join with their fellow citizens in bewailing the untimely death of Brother JAMES A. GARFIELD, President of the United States, struck down by an assassin's hand in the beginning of his honorable career as Chief Magistrate of this Republic, to which he had been elevated by the votes of a free people, influenced by their knowledge of the abilities and virtues he had displayed in various walks of public service.


            The impulses of a patriotic heart were seen throughout his public career, and now when, with experience ripened as a statesman, liberalized by varied and 1011 Official Bulletin, IV, 7.


            100 Albert Pike to William M. Ireland, June 25, 1881.




profound studies, he promised to yield in the administration of his high trust a generous harvest for the commonweal of these United States, an inscrutable Providence has removed him from this sphere of action to that vast Spiritual realm at whose threshold we all humbly kneel.


            Our grief for the lamented deceased is more personal in this, that we were joined in the relations which spring from the common bond of Freemasonry. Our deceased Brother, for many years, had been a member of the Grand Lodge of Perfection, in the jurisdiction of our Sister, the Southern Supreme Council of this Rite, and we bear cheerful witness to the wisdom and assiduity with which he fulfilled the mission of Charity, Friendship and Brotherly Love that his high grade imposed upon him.


            The cause of humanity, to which Masonry is devoted, found in his generous heart a kindly and sympathetic field, and in the various Masonic organizations with which he was connected he won the affection, confidence and esteem of his comrades and brethren.


            In losing him, Masonry has lost a rare and precious jewel, but she will long cherish the memory of his virtues with pure and loving sympathy.


            We tender to the Southern Supreme Council, and the Masonic Bodies in which the deceased was affiliated, the expressions of our appreciation of their great loss. The Sovereign Grand Commander is requested to cause a copy of these resolves to be transmitted to the Mother and to the Wife of the illustrious deceased, with assurances that this Council, in the name of the brethren of its jurisdiction, shares the grief that has fallen on his family, and condoles with them on their irreparable bereavement.


            Resolved,‑That the Banners, Jewels and Altar of this Council be draped in mourning for forty days, and that similar mourning be worn on the Jewels, Banners and Altars of every subordinate Body of this jurisdiction during the same time.


            Resolved,‑That Brother GARFIELD having died while within the Masonic jurisdiction of this Supreme Council, that the Sovereign Grand Commander tender to the authorities in charge of his remains the services of this Council and its brethren at the funeral obsequies."' The long period of suffering and the death of the President brought forth expressions of deep regret and sorrow from Masonic Bodies throughout the world. The communications from Supreme Councils and the Memorial Rites conducted by Mithras Lodge of Perfection, Washington, D. C., of which Garfield was a member, were published in full by the Supreme Council."' Before the Supreme Council was to convene again (October 16, 1882), Grand Commander Pike found it necessary to announce the death of Inspector General 110 Circular (extract from Transactions, N. J., 1881), September 20, 1881. 111 Official Bulletin, IV, 71‑89.


            222 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION H. H. Hubbard of California on May 15, 1882, and that of Inspector General Robert F. Bower of Iowa on May 19, 1882.112 Emeritus Member William T. Gould died on July 19, 1882, and the Supreme Council also mourned the loss of Gustavus A. Schwarzman, Grand Tiler from 1861 to 1880, in February, 1882.113 The acquisition of a permanent office building, "Sanctuary" as Pike called it, was a topic of consideration in the Supreme Council since the proposal and failure in 1872. Evidence of this intention in 1881 first appears as follows: I think it eminently proper that steps should be taken towards purchasing a home for the Supreme Council, and I will write to the members of the Committee and endeavor to interest them in the matter.' 14 Nothing further on this subject is found in the archives of the Supreme Council until late in the year when a form letter, from which the following is extracted, accompanied by a stock subscription blank was mailed out.


            The Committee appointed by the Supreme Council to devise a plan for means for procuring a permanent home for itself, find the building (218 Third Street, N. W.,) in the city of Washington, now occupied by the Supreme Council under a lease, to be perfectly suitable for a Home, Hall, and Sanctuary, in a most convenient locality near the Capitol, a building of four stories, and an addition of three stories, and a separate building of two, in the rear, abundantly supplied with gas and water, and certain to increase largely in value.


            It is the property of the Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Philadephia, which offers it to the Supreme Council at the Price of $20,000; $2,000 or $3,000 thereof in cash, and the residue by installments of $1,000 each, or larger if it better suits the Supreme Council, secured by note for each, payable annually, with 6 per cent. interest on each.


            The Committee think that it would not be advisable to undertake to pay even $1,000 annually, with interest at that rate, in addition to taxes and premiums on insurance: nor, indeed, on any terms to enter into a contract having so many years to run. It thinks that the purchase ought only to be made for cash, to be raised by subscriptions to stock, equalling in the aggregate the price to be paid for the property, on which interest to be paid by the Supreme Council at the rate of five per cent. per annum.


            The Committee knows that the property does not represent to the Insurance Company a larger sum, if so large a one, as $18,000; and believes that it can purchase it for that sum in cash.


            112 Official Bulletin, V, 362‑365; T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, May 20, 1882.


            113 Official Bulletin, V, 430‑431; John M. Miller to Albert Pike, February 23, 1882. 114 Henry Buist to Albert Pike, May 16, 1881.


            223 We have a Holy House to build, A Temple splendid and divine To be with glorious memories filled; Of Right and Truth to be the Shrine; How shall we build it strong and fairThis Holy House of praise and prayer Firm set and solid, grandly great? How shall we all its rooms prepare For use, for ornament, for State? Our God hath given the wood and stone And we must fashion them aright, Like those who toiled on Lebanon, Making the labor their delight; This House, this palace, this God's Home, This Temple with its lofty dome, Must be in all proportions fit That heavenly messengers may come To lodge with those who tenant it.


            Build squarely upon the stately walls The two symbolic columns raise, And let the lofty courts and halls With all their golden glories blaze There, in the Kadosh Kadoshim, Between the broad‑winged cherubim, Where the Shekinah once abode The heart shall raise its daily hymns Of gratitude and love to God.


            224 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION It proposes that, if the money is raised, the property shall be conveyed to Trustees in trust for the Supreme Council, subject to and with a mortgage lien for the payment of the sums of money subscribed, and interest thereon at five percent., and to give certificates of stock to the persons or Bodies subscribing, showing that the holder has, to the amount subscribed, an interest in the property as owner, and a lien by way of mortgage.


            The Committee consider it plainly desirable to purchase the property, and therefore invite the BB.'. and Bodies of the Jurisdiction to subscribe to the proposed stock. It is desirable to consummate the purchase at once, before the property rises in value so as to induce the Insurance Company to ask a larger price. A subscription paper will accompany each copy of this Report; and if the requisite amount of $18,000 shall be subscribed, payment of the subscriptions will be called for. If the Supreme Council furnishes any part of the price, it will have a concurrent interest with the subscribers for such amount, as if it were an individual subscriber.


            It appears that the stock subscription plan failed again, for on January 10, 1882, Grand Commander Pike proposed to raise the necessary money through degree work as had been done to pay the expenses of printing authorized by the Supreme Council. The text of this proposal and the follow‑up reports dated March 28, and August 20, 1882, trace the success of the plan up to the report of Pike to the Supreme Council on October 16, 1882.


            There is but one possible way in which the purpose set forth in the paper accompanying this can be effected, and that way is practicable.


            The property now occupied by the Supreme Council, perfectly suited for its purposes, can be purchased for twenty thousand dollars. This sum, and the taxes and costs of the necessary repairs, can be supplied by the fees for the Degrees from 4 to 32 conferred on two hundred Brethren in the twenty‑three States and seven Territories of the Jurisdiction.


            I propose that these Degrees be given, for this purpose, to five worthy Master Masons, during the present year, in each of the States of Maryland, Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota and California; to four in each of the States of South Carolina, Georgia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, Nevada and Oregon; to three in each of the States of North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Colorado, and in each of the Territories of Washington, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Dakota and Idaho; and to two in the District of Columbia; and to the same number in each of the States and Territories, respectively, during the year 1883, by the Inspectors and Deputies, they contributing their commissions and remitting the moneys to Bro.'. Henry Buist, of Charleston, Grand Chancellor of the Supreme Council and Treasurer of the Committee; in which work I will assist to the utmost of my 225 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


power; and that the Grand Consistories of Louisiana, Kentucky and California contribute their part of the fees so received for the 31st and 32d Degrees.


            In most of the States and Territories the work can be easily done as proposed. In some it will fall short, for which reason there is a margin to cover deficiencies.


            This is the last work in which I shall invoke the assistance of my Brethren, the Inspectors‑General and Deputies, and I earnestly hope that no one among them will be unwilling thus to assist in securing to the Supreme Council a home for itself, its Library and Records. If they engage heartily and zealously in the work, success is certain.


            I appeal directly to my Brother Chamberlin‑ to do for the benefit of the Rite and out of kindly regard for me the share of the work above assigned to him; and may our Father Who is in Heaven have each of you always in His holy Keeping! Since I appealed to my Brethren, the Inspectors‑General and Deputies, to assist me in obtaining the means wherewith to purchase a Home for the Supreme Council, the sums stated below have been received, and except the last, are in the hands of the Treasurer of the Home Committee, Bro.'. Buist. They are stated in the order of receipt, with name of State or Territory whence received, and of the Bro.'. who gave or earned each.


            Dakota, Feb. 4, 1882, Bro.'. Arthur J. Carrier, Deputy ..... $        60 00 District of Columbia, Donation, Feb. 9, Bro.'. Wm. M. Ireland           100 00 Montana, Feb. 20, Bro.'. Harry R. Comly, Deputy ........   330 00 Dakota, Feb. 20, Bro.'. Arthur J. Carrier, Deputy .........    100 00 Maryland, March 11, The Gr.'. Commander and Bro.'. W. M.


            Ireland .........................................       890 00 District of Columbia, Bro.'. Wm. M. Ireland .............         70 00 West Virginia, March 20, Bro.'. O. S. Long ..............   34 00 Texas, March 20, Bro.'. Philip C. Tucker ................        220 00 $1,804 00 We thus already have one‑tenth of the price of the building in hand. I am about going to Florida, Georgia, Alabama and the Carolinas, to visit Bodies and also to work for the Home. Those of us who have as yet done nothing towards it, will not, I am sure, be willing that the purchase of a Home shall not be in any degree due to their efforts. I hope that the Supreme Council will own the building when this year ends. This can easily be effected, if each of us will work. Surely what has already been done, in three States, two Territories and this District, will encourage the Inspectors and Deputies elsewhere to gird up their loins and work. There are States in which no work has ever been done to assist the Supreme Council in its great work of printing its books, so fortunately completed. Shall 226 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION it also be recorded of them that no aid came from them towards the purchase of a Home for the Supreme Council and its Library of 5,000 volumes and all its own printed works? I am not willing to believe it.


            Funds for the purchase of the Home of the Supreme Council have been remitted to Bro. % Henry Buist, Treasurer of the Trustees of the Home Fund, and are available, as follows, in the order in which they have been remitted: From Bro.'. Arthur J. Carrier, 32, Deputy, earned in Dakota .....           $ 160  00             From Bro.'. Harry R. Comly, 32, Deputy, earned in Montana ....           330     00        From Bro.'. William M. Ireland, 33, donation .................          100     00        From the Grand Commander, earned in Maryland, with the aid of                              Bros.'. Meredith and Ireland ..............................      890     00             From the Grand Commander, earned by Bro.'. Ireland in the District                            of Columbia ...........................................     70        00        From Bro.'. Odell S. Long, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in West                        Virginia ..............................................            239     00        From the Grand Commander, earned in Alabama, with the aid of                          Bros.*. Batchelor, Ireland and Beasley ......................        900     00             From the Grand Commander, earned in Georgia, with the aid of                                  Bro.'. Ireland ..........................................      180     00        From Bro.'. John M. Browne, 33, Insp.'. General earned in the                        District of Columbia .................................... 110     00        From Bro.'. Edward A. Hotchkiss, 32, Deputy, earned in Minnesota           40        00        From Bro.'. Charles J. R. Buttlar, 32, Deputy, earned in Nevada ...       50        00        From Bro.'. Robert C. Jordan, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in                            Nebraska .............................................         305     60        From Bro.'.Frederick Webber, 33, Insp.'. General, earned by Bro.'.                            John W. Cook, 33, his Deputy, in Kentucky .................   400     00             From Bro.'. Lawrence N. Greenleaf, 33, Deputy, earned in Colorado 320     00        From Bro.'. Philip C. Tucker, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in Texas  550     00        From Bro.'. Durham W. Stevens, 32, Deputy, earned in Japan ....   201     60        From the Grand Commander, earned in Georgia, with the aid of Bro.'.                        Ireland ............................................... 425     00        From proceeds of sales of books .............................       60        00        From‑Bro.'. Pitkin C. Wright, 32, Deputy, earned in Tennessee ....      350            00        From Bro.'. DeWitt C. Dawkins, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in                        Florida ............................................... 72        00        $5,753            20        To which is to be added, due the fund by general fund ............  100     00        $5,853            20 227 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


So much has been effected since February last. After the coming Session of the Supreme Council, the Grand Commander will visit Georgia and Alabama, being there six or seven weeks, and feels quite certain that before Christmas next, from the work there done, and that done by Brethren in other parts of the Jurisdiction, there will be in hand fully $10,000. He has already made a definitive arrangement, by which, in that case, the residue of the money necessary to make the purchase in cash will be obtained in Baltimore, upon or without a mortgage of the building: and he therefore thinks it certain that by the 1st of January, 1883, the Supreme Council will own the building and have a home. God willing, it shall surely be so.


            Early in April next, if he lives until then, and is able to travel and work, he will go for four months to Texas, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Montana and Utah; and knows that by his own efforts and those of the Inspectors and Deputies whose hearts are in the work, the moneys will be earned to satisfy the mortgage, if given, and to place the building in complete repair, including the furnishing and fitting up of the Council‑Chamber.


            To own a home has become an absolute necessity for the Supreme Council. Besides the need of rooms for Offices and for the Archives, and of a Chamber for our Sessions, we now own a Library of over 5,000 volumes, worth at least $30,000; with a large supply of our own publications on hand; and both are continually increasing.


            I again appeal to my Brethren, the Inspectors‑General and Deputies, and especially to those by whom nothing has yet been added to the fund, to take heart and put their hands to the work. I can complete it easily, with their help. I can complete it without their help, if I live long enough, but not until the end of a longer time. From some of the States I know that nothing will come; as nothing ever came to help us print our books. There will be so much the more honour and glory for those who do more than their share. If part of those who have as yet done nothing, will do something, and if those who have done but little will do much; and if those who have done much will do more, one Supreme Masonic Power in the United States, whose jurisdiction embraces many States, will have an abidingplace and a home,‑than which nothing can do more to insure to it permanence and perpetuity. I do not send this appeal to all our members. There are some who, I well know, will not help, some who cannot. You can. Help me, my Brother, with all your might, to do this good work! And may our Father Who is in Heaven have you always in His holy keeping! 228 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE FUND.


            RECEIPTS UP TO OCTOBER 10, 1882.


            From Bro.'. Arthur J. Carrier, 32, Deputy, earned in Dakota ..... $ 160 00 From Bro.'. Harry R. Comly, 32, Deputy, earned in Montana .....           330 00 From Bro.'. William M. Ireland, 33, donation .................            100 00 From the Grand Commander, earned in Maryland, with the aid of Bros. * . Meredith and Ireland            ..............................      890     00 From the Grand Commander, earned by Bro.'. Ireland in the District of Columbia ...........................................           70 00 From Bro.'. Odell S. Long, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in West Virginia ............................................... 244 00 From the Grand Commander, earned in Alabama, with the aid of Bros.*. Batchelor, Ireland and Beasley ......................         900 00 From the Grand Commander, earned in Georgia, with the aid of Bro.'. Ireland .........................................            180 00 From Bro.'. John M. Browne, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in the District of Columbia ..................................... 110 00 From Bro.'. Edward A. Hotchkiss, 32, Deputy, earned in Minnesota       80 00 From Bro.'. Charles J. R. Buttlar, 32, Deputy, earned in Nevada . .   50 00 From Bro.'. Robert C. Jordan, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in Nebraska ..............................................  305 60 From Bro.'. Frederick Webber, 33, Insp.'. General, earned by Bro. % John W. Cook, 33, his Deputy, in Kentucky .................   400 00 From Bro.'. Lawrence N. Greenleaf, 33, Deputy, earned in Colorado            320 00 From Bro.'. Philip C. Tucker, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in Texas            550 00 From Bro.'. Durham W. Stevens, 32, Deputy, earned in Japan ....      201 60 From the Grand Commander, earned in Georgia, with the aid of Bro.'. Ireland ..........................................          425 00 From proceeds of sales of books ..............................      60 00 From Bro.'. Pitkin C. Wright, 32, Deputy, earned in Tennessee ....            350 00 From Bro.'. DeWitt C. Dawkins, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in Florida ............................................... 72 00 From Bro.'. A. J. Carrier, 32, Deputy, earned in Dakota ........    50 00 From Bro.'. Pitkin C. Wright, 32, Deputy, earned in Tennessee ....      241 60 From Bro.'. Thomas H. Caswell, 33, Insp.'. General, earned in California ............................................. 708 00 From Bro.'. Edwin B. MacGrotty, donation ....................    29 43 $6,827 23 Surviving correspondence indicates that Grand Commander Pike was planning an extensive visitation in the southwestern and southern portions of the Jurisdiction 229 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


during August of 1881. It was proposed that Pike visit in Louisville, Kentucky, at least four days and deliver his address on Masonic symbolism."' A later letter confirmed September 27, 1881, for the lecture to Master Masons at Louisville"' and another agreed to respect the request of Pike that no "big show" be made for his visit."' Other letters indicate that the Grand Commander would arrive in Louisville on September 24, 1881,118 from the meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland on September 19 in New York and that of the Northern Supreme Council on September 20 to 22, 1881.11" Pike left Washington, D. C., on September 16, 1881, and his return to that city did not occur until December 31, 1881.12' No detailed report of the journey has survived, if one was made. However, other sources place him on certain dates in Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana in addition to his scheduled appearance in Kentucky already noted. It seems that Pike stopped in Columbia, Tennessee, on October 4, and possibly made arrangements to return for on the following day he wrote a letter from Nashville.' 21 He was at work in Columbia on October 8, at which time he formed Emeth Lodge of Perfection with at least eight members. 122 Returning to Nashville on October 9, the Grand Commander, assisted by Deputy Pitkin C. Wright, formed Emulation Lodge of Perfection on October 11, 1881.123 He looked over the prospects in Jackson, Tennessee, beginning on October 12, and then passed into Arkansas where he is known to have visited Fort Smith, Little Rock and Van Buren,"' but there is no evidence of any work performed in either city. The first known appearance of Pike in Texas on this journey was at Marshall 125 where he was joined, by previous appointment, by Philip C. Tucker, Inspector General for Texas, and delivered an address to Marshall Lodge No. 22 about November 4, 188 The Masons of Marshall were deeply involved in the operation and support of Marshall Masonic Female Institute and probably for this reason did not undertake the additional major labor of establishing a Lodge of Perfection. From Marshall, Pike and Tucker went to Fort Worth and on November 9, 1881,12`' formed Worth 115 Wm. Reinecke to Albert Pike, August 30, 1881. 116 Ibid., September 8, 1881.


            117 J. W. Cook to Albert Pike, September 7, 1881. 118 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, September 14, 1881. 119 G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, September 8, 1881. 120 Albert Pike to Leopold Riche, January 6, 1882. 121 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, October 5, 1881. 122 Official Bulletin, V, 29.


            123 Ibid.


            124 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1882, Appendix A, 12.


            125 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, October 16, 18 126 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1882, Appendix A, 12; Philip C. 1881; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, November 4, 1881.


            Tucker to Albert Pike, September 8, 230 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Lodge of Perfection."' Briefly visiting Dallas and Sherman, where interest in the Rite was not strong enough for the formation of a Body, Pike and Tucker went to Austin where they were joined by Adolph Goldman, one of Tucker's deputies, and between November 23 and 26, 1881, created Fidelity Lodge of Perfection. 1211 A letter indicates that Pike and Tucker went to San Antonio from Austin but failed in the effort to form a Lodge in that City. 12s Apparently, about December l, Pike and Tucker had arrived in Galveston and did what they could to encourage the Lodge of Perfection which had been formed there by Tucker in 1867. Pike then went to Houston to attend the session of the Grand Lodge of Texas and delivered his twohour address on Masonic symbolism on December 9, 1881.13 There is no indication that enough interest developed in Houston as a result of the address to bring about the revival of Scottish Rite Masonry in that city. Pike then went to New Orleans and remained in the city until December 28, 1881.131 He was later to remark, "I was made to understand that I was an intruder on the preserves of the Grand Consistory; and after nine days wasted there, I returned home." 112           It is a fact that the Grand Consistory of Louisiana held a meeting on December 27, 1881, and that the minutes of the meeting contain no reference of any kind to the presence of Grand Commander Pike in the meeting, in the city or that he was or had been in Louisiana."' The rudeness and discourtesy extended to the Grand Commander in New Orleans probably was understood by the participants, but nearly one hundred years later, it serves to indicate a deep‑seated resentment that had developed against the Supreme Council and Grand Commander of the Rite stemming from dissatisfaction with the Pike rituals, with the Concordat of 1855, with the dissolution of the "Chamber of Deputies," friction between Anglo and Latin elements in the population, Roman Catholic opposition, and clandestine Masonry in the city. All of these factors complicated the future of the Rite and all Masonry in Louisiana.


            Alfred Shaw, the Commander of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana appears to have made an effort to improve the situation. Early in January, 1882, he reported three petitions in the New Orleans Bodies and one in the Grand Consistory. "4 James C. Batchelor expressed doubt that improvement would take place; Pike replied that 127 Official Bulletin, V, 29. 1211 Ibid.


            129 A. Goldman to Philip C. Tucker, February 14, 1882. 130 Proceedings, Grand Lodge of Texas, 1881, p. 59.


            131 Bill, John's Restaurant to Albert Pike, December 28, 1881. 132 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1881, Appendix A, 14. 133 Minutes, Grand Consistory of Louisiana, December 27, 1881. 134 Alfred Shaw to Albert Pike, January 3; 12, 1882.




he intended to use strong measures with the Grand Consistory, if necessary, to secure improvement."' Other correspondence from Louisiana in 1882 indicates confusion and possibly conflict between Batchelor, Todd, Fellows and others in Louisiana as well as opposition to Pike and by him."' There was no evidence that conditions in Louisiana had made any material improvement by the opening of the Session of the Supreme Council in October, 1882.


            It will be recalled that Grand Commander Pike was not pleased with the situation of regular and legitimate Scottish Rite Masonry in Maryland because there was an "understanding" by which only those Masons who had become Knights Templar could be elected to receive the degrees. There was also some agitation for Maryland to be a part of the Northern Jurisdiction. The renewal of Cerneau activity in 1881 appears to have caused Pike to give considerable attention to Maryland as one of the vulnerable spots in the Southern Jurisdiction. An attempt was made to form a Lodge of Perfection at Easton in April, 1881, which failed "chiefly because of a purpose to compose it of none but Royal Arch Masons"."' Pike then seems to have turned his efforts to Baltimore for the formation of another Lodge, R. L. Danenburg being his correspondent in making arrangements to visit Baltimore for this purpose."' Danenburg discussed the project with Inspector General Meredith on August 22, 1881, who did not seem at first to favor the idea according to Danenburg's report to Pike immediately following, but later in the day, Meredith wrote to Pike saying that he knew nothing of the move until Danenburg had shown him the correspondence with Pike dating as early as June, 15.13" After further consideration, Meredith wrote, "I think the proposed movement will in the end prove a success and I will with pleasure give it my hearty co‑operation". 140 On August 29, 1881, Grand Commander Pike and Inspector General Meredith established Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection in Baltimore."' The members of the new Lodge, with the possible exception of one or two, were members of the Jewish faith. 14 2 135 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, January 19; February 6, 1882; Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, February 11, 1882.


            136 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, February 21, 1882; S. M. Todd to Albert Pike, April 17, 1882; James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, August 11; 24, 1882, September 7, 1882; Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, August 20, 1882.


            137 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1882, Appendix A, 10; Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, June 10, 1881. 138 R. L. Danenburg to Albert Pike, August 20, 22, 1881.


            lag R. L. Danenburg to Albert Pike, August 22, 1881; Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, August 22, 1881. 140 Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, August 23, 1881.


            141 Official Bulletin, V, 29.


            142 John M. Miller to Albert Pike, March 7, 1882.


            232 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Immediate and determined opposition to Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection by members of the Grand Consistory of Maryland seems to have been made known to Pike, for on September 6, 1881, he sent a printed letter to the Inspectors General of the Supreme Council from which the following is quoted: The members of the Grand Consistory of Maryland, with the exception of one, or possibly two, being also of the American Order of Knights Templar, have long been bound, in the Lodge of Perfection, Chapter and Council, subordinate to the Grand Consistory, by a bargain, now avowed by them without sense of shame, made with the Knights Templars controlling the Templar rooms of the Masonic Temple, by means of which the Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite have had permission to pay rent for and occupy quarters in the Temple, upon the express condition, which, while they continue to meet there, they cannot violate, that no Mason not a Templar shall be permitted to receive the Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.


            They consider that this agreement will require them to refuse to receive, as visitors, members of a new Lodge of Perfection, of Perfect Elus, who are not Templars, lately established in Baltimore, and it would, therefore, demand a like refusal to permit those members of the Supreme Council to visit, who labor under the disability of not being Knights Templars.


            The same agreement binds the members of the Grand Consistory to refuse affiliation therein, and even privilege of visitation, to those Brethren, not Templars, who, being 32ds, may now be in or may come into the State, or be made Masters of the Royal Secret hereafter.


            It was the deliberate purpose of the members of the Grand Consistory to perpetuate this state of things; and, to the end that the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite should continue to be an instrument wherewith Templarism might gain new recruits, and a mere appendage to that Order, the same Brethren intended that no Lodge of Perfection of Masons, not Templars, should be established in Baltimore; and they are now in rebellious mood because that has come to pass, notwithstanding their conspiracy.


            Those of you who were present at our session of May, 1878, will remember that when Bro.'. Cunningham of Maryland stated in your presence, and in that of the chosen Representatives of the Grand Consistory of Maryland, that such an agreement existed among the Brethren of the Rite in that state, it was explicitly and positively denied, no one present dissenting from the denial; which, nevertheless, was not true, as is now admitted.


            It is undeniable that the Grand Consistory of Maryland is disloyal and disobedient; that by imposing on all Masons who are not Templars disqualification 233 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


to receive our Degrees, it, being our Deputy, makes a law for Maryland that repeals the law of the Supreme Council and of the Rite; that in making a bargain to that effect with another Order, or accepting as its own such a bargain made by its subordinates, it has betrayed the trust confided to it, insulted the Supreme Council, shamefully taken upon its neck the yoke of that Order, and done its utmost to foul its own nest, and to belittle and bring into contempt our Rite. It has derogated from the honour of our Order; it has abjectly put on the collar of servitude; it has brought the Scottish Masonry in Maryland to ignominy, to humiliation, and to discredit; and it has deliberately lowered and vailed the banners of Scottish Masonry, in open and contemptuous violation of the vows of its members, voluntarily taken at our altars, the Almighty God being called on to be witness thereto.


            I, therefore, give it to you as my dispassionate opinion, under all the sanctions of my vows, that the Grand Consistory of Maryland, without self‑respect, and not ashamed of its own shame, is unworthy to exist as a Body, and the powers entrusted to it should be withdrawn, and itself suppressed by revocation of its Letters of Constitution.


            There will have been, by the day of our next assembling, ample time, not only for you to consider the matter carefully and fully, but for the Brethren of the Grand Consistory to return to their loyalty. If within a reasonable time they do not do so, utterly and without reservation abandoning the ignominious bargain by which they are bound, I shall feel compelled to suspend their labors until our next session; a just exercise of lawful power, to which I hope they will not, by persistence in contumacy, compel me to resort.


            The content of this letter was probably made known to the Grand Consistory by Pike and its reaction was communicated to him in the following letter: At the last session of the annual meeting of the Grand Consistory of Maryland, A.'. & A.'. S. '. Rite, held on Saturday last 24th inst., Mizpah Lodge of Perfection, Orion Rose Croix Chapter, and DeMolay Council, Knights Kadosh, held regular meetings, pursuant to notice, of their respective Bodies within the bosom of the Grand Consistory, and each of these Subordinate Bodies voted to surrender their charters to the Grand Consistory, and the latter Body, by a unanimous vote, surrendered their charter to the Supreme Council. I deem it right to notify you of this action in order that the charter, books, &c., may be turned over to such person as you may designate, as soon as the Books of Gold and other books can be properly closed."' 143 Herman L. Emmons, Jr. to Albert Pike, September 27, 1881.


            234 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Grand Commander Pike, being absent on his tour of the western and southwestern portion of the Jurisdiction, did not receive the letter until his return to Washington on December 31, 1881. He later published the letter in the Official Bulletin along with the following comments The Grand Consistory of Maryland having thus ended its own existence, and of the nominal Lodge, Chapter and Council `in its bosom' being no more, in angry resentment at the establishment in Baltimore, by the Grand Commander and the Inspector General of the State, in the lawful and usual exercise of their powers, of a Lodge of Perfection of Master Masons in good standing, not Knights Templars, it is now hereby officially proclaimed that there no longer exists any organized Body of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the State of Maryland, except Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection, now No. l , of which Bro.'. Nathan Lehman is Ven.'. Master; and that no obstacle or impediment now any longer exists in the State to prevent any worthy Bro.'. Master Mason who does his duty as such, although he be neither a Knight Templar nor Mason of the Royal Arch, from receiving the Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, in the said Lodge, and at the hands of Bro.'. Gilmor Meredith, 33d, Inspector General in Maryland; wherever in the State such Brethren may reside."' Grand Commander Pike appears to have made a determined effort in 1882 to secure possession of all of the records, rituals and books of the Grand Consistory of Maryland and of the Bodies governed by it. Inspector General Gilmor Meredith was not able to report success in this endeavor until September 23, 1882.1'5 Time has borne out the prediction of success for the new Lodge of Perfection made by Inspector General Meredith; Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection at Baltimore is the foundation of present‑day Scottish Rite Masonry in the State of Maryland. Of the membership of Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection it was said: "A good lot of Hebrews is a mighty sight better than a set of Christians such as we had before.""' A postscript to the event is revealed in the following letter: Your letter of the 15th duly to hand. In reply would say I cannot give you my name for your list of those who wish to revive "Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection" [Lynchburg]. I, could be of no service to the body, as I see no prospects at present of being able to make my home in Lynchburg, this however would not prevent me giving you all the assistance possible if it were not for the fact that within the last 30 days, I have connected myself with a Consistory (32) 144 Official Bulletin, V, 31.


            145 Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, March 7; 30; August 22; September 19; September 23, 1882. 146 John M. Miller to Albert Pike, March 7, 1882.




which owes allegiance to a Supreme Council A. '. A. '. S.'. R.'. which bro. Pike holds is illegitimate & upon which he is waging a very bitter war.


            This body is "The Supreme COUNCIL, 33░


Degree in & for the Continent of America, its Territories and Dependencies," organized in 1807 by Ill.'. Bra.'. Jos. Cerneau, & of which 111. bro. Peckham 33 is the Sov.'. Gr.'. Comm.% I enclose a brief printed review presenting some facts concerning the legitimacy of this body which may interest you, it also discusses the Supreme Councils known as Southern and Northern Jurisdiction bodies. I justify myself in affiliating with this body upon several grounds, I mention one or two. 1st The fact that the bodies of which I was formerly a member being no longer at work & thus leaving me free to do as I wished in the matter. 2nd The fact that I have satisfied my mind that of the three Supreme Councils existing in this Country, the one known as the "Cerneau Council" organized by Jos. Cerneau, & after him presided over by Mulligan, DeWitt Clinton, Marquis DeLafayette, Jeremy L. Cross (author of the Masonic text book) & others, is the legitimate body, & has had a legitimate line of succession from its organization to the present time. I will also add that I approve of the action of the Gr.'. Con.'. of Md. in surrendering the charter of all the bodies referred to on page 5 of the review, it was the only course left them to maintain their self‑respect. I will give you a glance at the recent history of Scottish Rite Masonry in Maryland & then close.


            About four years ago the Gr.'. Con.'. of Md. was the pride of bro. Pike, it was composed of the best material in this city, & all were distinguished York Masons. They were working finely and had work each night of meeting, they were splendidly equipped with the necessary paraphernalia, they gave frequent banquets to the Sov.'. Gr.'. Comm.'. & Masons which he would bring with him from Washington, (officers of the Supreme Council), to give you an idea of their ability & liberality, the last banquet given bro. Pike cost them over $1000.00.


            In the course of time certain Hebrews were rejected by the Lodge of Perfection, & later on when the Master of the Lodge of Perfection, who was also Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Md. was absent on an official visit to one of the chapters in the State bro.'. Pike and others came to Balt. met these Jews (& others who had not been rejected) at Barnums Hotel & organized a Lodge of Perfection & carried away with him $1100.00 in fees all without the knowledge of the Gr.'. Con.'. Bro. Pike then by a threat attempted to compel the Gr.'. Con.'. to recognize this Lodge as one of its subordinate bodies. Where upon the Con.'. surrendered all of the charters. This occurred just previous to my coming to Balt. to live 2‑1/z years ago. Dr. F. J. S. Gorgas, Dean of the Md. Dental College, & one of the most widely known York Rite Masons of Md. began immediately after these charters were surrendered, to look into the claims of the Cerneau Council and after two years study of the same, & of Scottish Rite Masonry in general, & having made several visits to New York in search of information he satisfied himself and others of the legitimacy of Cerneau body, and a few months ago the Sov.'. Gr.'. Comm.% & officers of the Cerneau Coun 236 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION cil came to this city and organized "Baltimore Consistory" 32. Fifty of the members of the old Consistory were enrolled, this number is made up of Past Grand Officers of the Grand Com. K. T. Past Grand Officers of Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Past Grand Officers & members of the Grand Lodge of Md. I wish I had time to give you some names that you might see the class of men, among others there is the Post Master of Balt. The Paymaster of the Navy, also Col. Underhill who is well known through Virginia, lawyers, Doctors etc. The new Consistory holds its meetings in the handsomely furnished Asylum of the Knights Templar in the Masonic Temple building, & at its first regular meeting elected 33 new members & received 2 from the Pike body, making 35. At the meeting held 10 days ago I assisted in the conferring of the 14 upon 28 applicants at the same time, think of that & the work was well done. There are still 12 or 15 applicants to be worked upon at next meeting, & I believe all of these as well as the 33 named above are Templars. There is a great future for Scottish Rite Masonry under the "Cerneau Council" & it is going very soon to dwarf both the Supreme Councils of the Northern & Southern Jurisdictions. 147 The response of Grand Commander Pike to the formation of the Cerneau Consistory at Baltimore by former members of the Grand Consistory of Maryland was the enrollment of the fifty names, one to a page, in a special section of "The Book of Infamy" following a page inscribed as follows: (See reproduction on page 238) The month of October, 1881, ushered in a new approach to the collection of money owed to the Supreme Council by Subordinate Bodies. This was a notice to delinquent Bodies to pay their dues and file their returns or to be suspended from work as follows: The Grand Commander finds it to be his duty to notify the Bodies of the Obedience of the Supreme Council that have not yet made their returns and remitted their dues to the Treasurer‑General, that any Body which may be delinquent in either respect, on the 31st day of December next, will be considered wilfully disobedient to the law, and on the first day of January, 1882, its works will be suspended, and so continue until due performance of duty on its part.


            Immediately after December 31, 1881, Pike received at least two letters requesting him not to suspend Bodies for the non‑payment of dues because sincere efforts were being made to make payment; those at St. Paul, Minnesota, and those at Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia."' The only suspensions for non‑payment of dues were the 147 J. Clift, Jr. to Bascom E. Lee, June 22, 1884.


            141 G. W. Merrill to Albert Pike, January 2, 1882; John L. Roper to Albert Pike, January 7, 1882.


            237 PERJURORSAPOSTATESANi3 RENEGADES iNTHE GJTY OF B 'A LTJMJJ WHO I) isloyal and rebellious because tbeywere not permitted to confine theA‑‑. anclA.‑. Scott.‑Rite inWarylandtoKntsTemplars, CROWN EDTHEMSELVES WITH DISHONOUR AND INFAMY BY SHAMELESS RECREAfiCV ANDDESERTIONToCERNEAU!SM7 APRILJS84.


            TITLE PAGE‑THE BOOK OF INFAMY 238 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Bodies at Augusta, Georgia, and this suspension did not take place until June 20, 1882. 149 The remaining "domestic" correspondence of 1881 covers a wide range of subjects and indicates the intensity of activity in various states. Inspector General D. C. Dawkins began early in the year to revive the Rite in Florida, and succeeded in establishing a Lodge of Perfection at Jacksonville and stimulating that at Key West."' L. N. Greenleaf began work in Denver, Colorado, in February and reported in September that the revived Denver Lodge was still alive."' In March, Zerbal Lodge of Perfection was formed in Kansas.'. and the prospects for new lodges at North Platte and Lincoln in Nebraska were reported to be good.'"' J. R. Hayden visited the Bodies on Puget Sound in Washington and left them alive and working. A few months later he wrote that the members at Seattle wanted to form a Consistory,'54 and in mid‑November the Consistory was formed under Letters Temporary."' Pike submitted the question of a permanent charter for the Seattle Consistory by mail ballot to the Supreme Council on November 30, 1881. Enthusiasm in Alpha Lodge of Perfection at Hannibal, Missouri, was so high that arrangements were made for a delegation to visit Washington, D. C., and observe the work as done under the direct teaching of Grand Commander Pike."' Letters reflecting discouragement stated that the Rite was at a standstill in Leavenworth, Kansas;... that the Inspector General could not revive the Bodies at Augusta, Georgia;` and that the charters of the Bodies at Lynchburg, Virginia, should be withdrawn."' A large number of letters to the Grand Commander asked for advice or information. Representative of this class of letters was one inquiring about the writing of by‑laws;"' one asking for a floor plan for a Lodge of Perfection;... and a request for further information regarding fees.". A member of a Chapter of Rose Croix in Minnesota was refused recognition as such in Sweden... and this refusal highlighted one of the needs of the developing Rite. As 1881 closed, the Grand Commander received an invitation to attend a 149 Albert Pike to Wm. L. Mitchell et al., June 20, 1882; Official Bulletin, V, 374‑375. 150 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, February 14; 19; March 22; April 20; 22; 27, 1881. 151 L. N. Greenleaf to Albert Pike, February 25; March 12; September 1, 18 152 C. Spalding to Albert Pike, March 15,1881.


            153 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, March 21, 1881.


            154 J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, June 23; October 26, 1881. 155 J. S. Lawson to Albert Pike, November 12, 1881.


            156 J. C. Hearne to Albert Pike, November 8, 1881. 157 P. J. Freling to Albert Pike, February 13, 188 1. 156 Wm. L. Mitchell to Albert Pike, April 27, 1881. 159 H. F. Bocock to Albert Pike, December 27; 29, 188 1. 160 O. Whitman to Albert Pike, February 26, 1881.


            161 G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, March 2, 1881. lea Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, May 24, 1881. 163 G. W. Merrill to Albert Pike, May 30, 1881.


            239 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 "Convention" at Lyons, Iowa, where it was expected that thirty candidates would receive the degrees on February 21, 1882.1' It appears that the "convention" idea is the forerunner of the Scottish Rite Reunion of the Twentieth Century in the Southern Jurisdiction.


            The pre‑Session correspondence in 1882, not already noted, further reveals that the trend of greater Scottish Rite activity in the Southern Jurisdiction had not subsided. The Secretary General's office announced early in January that the Supreme Council had authorized a charter for the Consistory at Seattle, Washington."' The charter was received in Seattle about February 13, 1882;... further correspondence during the year shows that the Consistory did not operate smoothly due to poor leadership."' Correspondence with Warwick Hough revealed his enthusiasm to be an active worker for the Rite in Missouri and that, at the suggestion of the Grand Commander, he was appointed a Deputy of Inspector General Martin Collins."' Help was needed for the creation of a Lodge of Perfection at Kansas City, to offset the spread of the Rite of Memphis in Missouri, to revive the Lodge of Perfection at Hannibal, and to strengthen the Lodge of Perfection at St. Louis."' It was reported from Omaha that the Rite was active and making progress in that city and in the state."' A. J. Carrier led the activity in Dakota that brought about the formation of a Lodge of Perfection at Yankton on February 3, 1882,171 and a Chapter of Rose Croix later in the year. Philip C. Tucker Chapter of Rose Croix was instituted at Austin, Texas, on January 31, 1882, and plans were being formed for a Council of Kadosh."2 A report of "great harmony" between Masonic organizations came from California... and a few days later a report from Utah was very encouraging."" On February 3, 1882, Beta Lodge of Perfection was established at Butte, Montana, and a new building to accommodate the Masonic organizations there had been erected by August 6, 1882.175 Early in June, the Lodge of Perfection at Richmond, Virginia, was reorganized and 184 B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, December 29, 1881. 185 Wm. M. Ireland Circular Letter, January 3, 1882. 188 J. F. Damon to Albert Pike, February 13, 1882.


            187 Ibid., March 20, 1882; October 5, 1882; J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, September 1, 1882; November 29, 1882. 188 Warwick Hough to Albert Pike, January 7; 29, 1882; Martin Collins to Albert Pike, February 7; 11, 1882. 188 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, January 11, 1882; John D. Vincent to Albert Pike, January 11, 1882; N.


            Hoffheimer to Albert Pike, January 19, 1882; J. H. Deems to Albert Pike, July 19, 1882; September 19, 1882. 178 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, January 15, 1882; G. Stevenson to Albert Pike, January 30, 1882; March 26, 1882.


            171 A. J. Carrier to Albert Pike, January 24; 25; 27; 29, 1882; February 23, 1882; July 31, 1882; Official Bulletin, V, 372; J. B. Dermis to Albert Pike, November 14, 1882.


            172 J. W. Glenn to Albert Pike, February 3, 1882; T. Murrah to Albert Pike, February 16, 1882; H. L. Carleton to John Glenn, May 13, 1882.


            173 H. H. Hubbard to Albert Pike, January 18, 1882. 174 F. M. Foote to Albert Pike, January 29, 1882. 175 Official Bulletin, V, 100; 519.


            240 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION in September John L. Roper, Inspector General in Virginia, sent in a petition for a charter for John L. Roper Lodge of Perfection and returns from revived McDaniel and Mackey Lodges of Perfection."' In Minnesota, plans were materializing for the formation of a Chapter of Rose Croix at Red Wing and a petition for same reached the Grand Commander before the end of 1882.177 The first report from North Carolina was unfavorable but later in the year it was reported that the Rite could be established at Raleigh with a beginning class of twelve."' It was reported that money was scarce in Arizona;... that the "time is not right" to form a Lodge in New Mexico;... and that the Rite could not be revived in Nevada because the mines had closed down, "two and three thousand miners have left the Comstock," producing the "worst situation than for any time in ten years"."' As early as February, 1882, Grand Commander Pike was planning a southern trip for the purpose of propagating and strengthening Scottish Rite Masonry in that portion of the Southern Jurisdiction and to secure funds for the purchase of a "home" for the Supreme Council."' On March 24, 1882, Pike wrote that he would leave on "1st April" for Florida" 3 and that he would be gone for two months."' With reservations at the Duval Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida, for himself and William Ireland,"' Pike left Washington, D. C., on April 2,òR' and had arrived at Jacksonville by April 5.187 Remaining in the city until April 14, San Augustine was visited on April 15, with a return to Jacksonville by April 18.ò8$ The team of Pike and Ireland arrived in Albany, Georgia, at some time before April 26, and remained there through April 28,ò8ò before moving on to Macon in the same state for a visit, the duration of which extended from at least April 30, to May 3.19 A brief stop at Montgomery, Alabama, was followed by a visit to Pensacola, Florida, which was reached by May 7.191 Returning to Montgomery, they remained in that city until 170 Wm. Ryan to Albert Pike, June 12, 1882; John L. Roper to Albert Pike, 171 O. Whitman to Albert Pike, July 31, 1882; December 2, 1882.


            178 E. Grissom to Albert Pike, February 20, 1882; October 21, 1882. 179 Thomas H. Caswell to Albert Pike, June 23, 1882.


            1110 Charles Spalding to Albert Pike, April 12, 1882. 1111 C. E. Laughton to Albert Pike, March 25, 1882. 182 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, February 11, 1882. 183 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, March 24, 1882.


            114 Albert Pike to "Dear Dr.", March 24, 1882.


            1s s D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, March 26, 1882.


            186 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1882, Appendix A, 14. 187 Albert Pike to Henry Buist, April 5, 1882.


            lss Albert Pike to John F. Damon, April 14, 1882; Albert Pike to Wm. L. 1119 Official Bulletin, V, 373; T. G. Pond to Albert Pike, April 28, 1882.


            190 E. A. Perry to Albert Pike, May 4, 1882; Official Bulletin, V, 373.


            191 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1882, Appendix A, 14; Albert Mitchell, April 18, 1882.


            Pike to Vinnie Ream, May 7, 1882.


            September 8; 16, 1882.




after May 16, then their operations were moved to Atlanta until after May 29, and then they worked in Savannah from before June 7, until after June 12.1' The work in the southern portion of the Jurisdiction was not completed but the heat and travel had exhausted Grand Commander Pike and it was decided to return to Washington until cooler weather prevailed."' Pike arrived in Washington on June 17, 1882.1' No detailed report of this trip by Pike and Ireland is known to have survived but a published list of Bodies formed or revived between January 1, and July 1, 1882, indicates that considerable success was achieved. This list reveals that Pike and Ireland reestablished Emeth Lodge of Perfection at Albany, Georgia; established Zerbal Lodge of Perfection at Macon, Georgia; revived Alabama Lodge of Perfection at Montgomery, Alabama; reestablished Hermes Lodge of Perfection at Atlanta, Georgia; and established Alpha Lodge of Perfection at Savannah, Georgia."' Pike's account sheet, dated April 1, 1882, to June 16, 1882, reveals that $3,071.50 was collected by Ireland, that expenses totaled $953.80, that $1,080.00 had been remitted to Treasurer General H. Buist for the "Home Fund"; and that $1,037.70 remained to be paid to the Treasurer General."' Foreign correspondence for the biennium, 1881‑1882, included an invitation to Pike to return to Canada for a visit,"' a note of thanks from Royal Cumberland Lodge No. 41, England, for a copy of a Pike publication,"' and an expression of thanks from Grand Commander Harington of the Supreme Council of Canada for Pike's assistance."' After mid‑1881, J. M. Murton wrote to Pike requesting that Frederick Webber be nominated as the Grand Representative of Canada to the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction; shortly afterwards he requested a color plate of the 32 camp and a statement of Southern Jurisdiction policy with regard to the Honorary 33'; and in December asked for a corrected copy of the "secret work 15‑16".'░░ In mid‑August, 1881, Pike announced his recognition of the Supreme Council of Tunis and nearly two months later received a request from the Supreme Council in England that he not recognize Tunis."' 192 Official Bulletin, V, 373; Calvin Fay to Albert Pike, June 16, 1882; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, June 193 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, June 7, 1882.


            194 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. I., 1882, Appendix A, 14. 195 Official Bulletin, V, 373.


            tae Albert Pike, 33, Gr. Commander, in Account with the Supreme Council, April 1, 1882, to 197 J. M. Murton to Albert Pike, January 20, 1881.


            193 Royal Cumberland Lodge No. 41 to Albert Pike, January 22, 1881. '99 T. D. Harington to Albert Pike, March 21, 188 1.


            zoo J. M. Murton to Albert Pike, July 20, 1881; August 8, 1881; August 10, 29' Albert Pike to Grand Commanders, etc. of Ireland, Scotland, and Greece, Albert Pike, October 11, 1881.


            June 16, 1882.


            1881; and December 17, 1881. August 16, 1881; Lathom to 7, 1882.


            242 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION On May 12, 1880, Grand Commander Pike had commissioned Charles Wellington Fitch Deputy of the Supreme Council for the Republic of Guatemala. 112 News of Fitch's activities in Guatemala in 1881 consisted of two letters. The first reported the formation of "a Masters Lodge", that it had been given "part of a convent" in the middle of the city for a meeting place by the "President", and although the clergy were in opposition to the Lodge, it "will be protected if necessary by troops". The letter ended on a note of hope for the future of the Rite in Guatemala."' The second letter reported work on two candidates, that work on the Temple was almost finished and abruptly closed with a request for a transfer to the United States to "some state where I can work harder in the cause of Masonry and accomplish more for the order".24 It appears that Fitch received a protest against his work in Guatemala from the Grand Orient of Colombia which was transmitted to Pike. Pike with characteristic vigor rejected the protest on November 1, 1881, and denied that the work was an invasion of the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient."' So far as the archives of the Supreme Council are concerned, the correspondence ceased as abruptly as it began.


            Foreign correspondence in 1882, prior to the Session of the Supreme Council in October, began with explanations by Grand Commander Pike, on January 6, for the recognition of the Supreme Council of Tunis and the non‑recognition of that of San Domingo .2 6 Eight days later, Pike expressed his sorrow at the death of Grand Commander T. D. Harington of the Supreme Council of Canada on January 13, 1882.27 On April 13, 1882, Nippon Lodge of Perfection was formed at Yokohama, Japan, under authority from the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction. This event brought a letter dated May 18, 1882, from the Supreme Council of England defending its right to form Bodies in Japan to which Pike replied on June 24, 1882, calling for cooperation between the bodies established by the two Supreme Councils in Japan .2 3 Two days later, Pike addressed a letter to the Supreme Council of Italy pointing out that since the Supreme Council of Italy had supervised the formation of the Supreme Council of Tunis, it could not claim that it did not recognize the Body which it had helped to form.‑'" As July, 1882, ended, Pike addressed a communi 202 Official Bulletin, IV, 471.


            203 C. W. Fitch to Albert Pike, May 27, 1881. 204Ibid., June 22, 1881.


            205 Official Bulletin, V, 23‑26. 206 Ibid., 149‑150; 156‑157. 207Ibid., 13.


            208Ibid., 396‑397; 397‑401. 209 Ibid., 401‑406.


            243 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION cation to the Inspectors General reminding them of the claims to legitimacy of the contending Supreme Councils in Spain. In this document, Pike declined to speak for the Supreme Council but expressed the opinion that the Supreme Council would be called upon to act. He, therefore, requested the members to study the summary published in the Official Bulletin that they would be prepared to vote in October.' On July 10, 1882, Grand Commander Pike reminded the Inspectors General and the Deputies of the Supreme Council to prepare and submit their reports .2' 1 The response was better than for any previous biennium; twenty‑one reports were received for the consideration of the Supreme Council at its Session in October, 1882 .112 In preparation for the Session called for opening on October 16, 1882 ,211 Pike and Batchelor exchanged three interesting letters. The first reads as follows I was somewhat surprised at receipt a few days ago of a copy (printed brief style) of a report of Ill. Bro. Shaw to JQAFAM&C. a copy of which I heard had been forwarded to you & did not comprehend the object until I heard (from Lambert & Todd) that Horner had invited (in July) Todd, Fellows, De‑Granger, Stevenson & Shaw to his place (Pass Christian) where they remained having a good time of it for several days.


            Then Lambert informed me that JQAF was to be sent to D. C. & from Cripps, that Shaw and Fellows were preparing a copy from minutes of the Gr Constry etc.


            So I opine a formal effort is to be made of some kind, with JQ to engineer it, most probably to force Joe to 33 which if successful, I should under the present (& past) circumstances, consider a misfortune, not because he has not ability, but because if he has any love for the Rite, he has an unfortunate way of showing it. At the head of Precp for two terms, & G C for 3 terms, & effected nothing‑I have spoken to you freely on this subject of JPH, & you know I hold no private or personal animosity to him & would have been glad to further his advancement, would he but earn it, & have made personal appeal to him to do so.


            I have been almost tempted at times to think it premeditated, or founded upon a statement (publicly made here & having reference to Scotts case)‑"that all that was necessary, was to fight the S.C. hard enough, & be bought off." I should be sorry to do him injustice, or any other Bro. but he must admit it looks a good deal like it. I find it hard to get statistical information from the 210 Circular Letter to Inspectors General, July 30, 1882. 211 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, July 10, 1882.


            212 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1882, Appendix B, 63‑118. 213 Albert Pike to Samuel M. Todd, September 1, 1882.




bodies, being too weak to go personally, by the by, I was low enough for some of my friends to hold a convention (at Shaws office) to decide upon my successor. JQF Fleming & Lambert‑& heard that JQF & Fleming had quite a tiff about it. Perhaps the Sec Gnl ship may be taking him to Wash." For Gods sake do not put him there, we have enough to carry without that. I have broached the subject of a class to Todd twice, but get no answer‑will try again. May succeed yet. Will send you my report by 15th."' Pike replied to this letter as follows I shall not, under any circumstances, give my vote to elevate J. P. Horner to the 33 Degree. I do not consider him any more loyal now than he was when Parvin heard him holding forth, at Baltimore, in a crowd at Barnum's Hotel, in favor of George Frank Gouley, which Parvin made known at Lewisville in 1872, and prevented his election to the 33': and I will make this known to all our Members. Also I will make known his remark to Glenn, that "we don't go much on the Scotch Rite, here". He cannot be forced through.


            And if Fellows comes here I shall feel it to be an imperitive duty confidentially to inform the Sup. Council that statements have been made to me by a Member of the Supreme Council, as upon his own certain knowledge, of acts of malfeasance by Fellows, in the affairs of the estate of Bro. Swasey, and in those of his widow, which, if the statements are true, make him an unfit person to be a member of the Supreme Council, and unfit to be associated with Masonically anywhere. And I shall ask that a Committee be ordered, to inquire into the matter, for the purpose either of preferring charges or of recommending that he be requested to resign, if the statements should be found true.


            In regard to the Secretary Generalship. Fellows would not, under any circumstances, have a ghost of a chance. But, as you have mentioned that, I wish to say a word or two about it.


            There was never any real Secretariat of‑ the Supreme Council, until Ireland was put in charge of it. He is indespensable. Not only the welfare, but the very being of the Sup.'. Council depends on his being elected Secretary General. If he is not, he will of course not remain in our service, and I am too old now to undertake to do the work of the Secretary General, as I did for Mackey during so many years, in order by my work to enable another to receive a salary and live on it.


            Webber wants to be Secretary General. If he should be elected, the whole thing will go to the devil. He was Assistant Secretary General for a year‑and Ireland and I did most of the work. Webbers desk was only used as a place of 214 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, August 11, 1882.


            246 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION deposit for old newspapers and odds and ends of trash, and Mackey would not let him go into his office at all. He is utterly unfit for it, and I should have all the work to do, or resign. I will not do the work and I will not be Grand Commander with him for Secretary General. I am willing to increase his pay as Treasurer General, though he does nothing here, keeping his office in his sleeping room, and none of his papers or books are kept here at all. We have no Treasurer Generals office and, with him as Secretary General we should literally and absolutely have no Secretariat.


            Now, before Ireland can be elected Sec.'. Gen.*., he must be elected Active Member, and one vote will prevent that. I think it very possible that Fred will cast that negative vote.


            You must surely come here, two or three days before the Session, and help Dr. Browne to secure Ireland's election. It is impossible for me to get along at all, without Ireland's help.


            I wish you would say to Craig that I shall be compelled to report to the Sup.'. Council the non‑payment of his fee, if he does not send it to the Treas.'. General.'. and that the result will be his deprivation of all the privileges of a33....


            Shaw is making a great fuss, like a weak engine trying to go up‑hill with a heavy train. It is all puff, puff, puff, puff, puff‑f‑f‑f whiz. When three Bodies meet at the same place on the same evening, to give degrees, it must be queer work that they do. If I ever have official information in regard to the way in which his work is done, or if in December I am present and see it, I will suppress the whole bunch. I look upon him and his Bodies as frauds upon the Rite; and what Glenn told me about his work would nauseate the stomach of a tomcat. But we may as well let him go to the full length of his tether. He will come to grief in the end."' Batchelor replied to this letter at length as follows: Yours of the 20th at hand. In regard to F if he comes, it will be to further the cause of H. & I feel satisfied (though I do not know it) to favor the Md. clique. He is undoubtedly a strong worker (a la Tallerande) possessing unquestioned ability as a partisan. Your reasoning is morally correct, but is condemnation of my previous want of action, & which would without doubt be raised as a point. & If anything is said about the S matter of course I should have to bear the brunt because I am the only one who would mention it. They of course will make it bitter, but should it be for the benefit of the rite & is deemed necessary, I am ready to bear it. The statements I made you were not deemed =1 , Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, August 20, 1882.




official as a matter of complaint but because I deemed that you should be aware of how we are situated & more as a matter of information than complaint or charges. I made no charge because of my position & because I thought it likely it would occur in a lower body course that I tried to prevent because I thought it would prove injurious to Masonry generally, even were he justly punished. He ultimately gave the plate (presented him by the GL) & his own silver to Mrs. Swasey. The former had been up for raffle or tolling for a year or more until lately when Mrs. S. offered it to him for $200. This I heard he obtained from Bro. A. Baldwin at 6 mos & gave him possession of the plate in pledge‑Mrs. S. yet holds the other‑Had this matter been taken up at the time, or soon after, even then I should have regretted it, though it would have been right. If done now the hugh and cry will be raised that I am persecuting him, etc.


            Shaw no longer than two days ago inferred that I had advocated the doing away with the G. C. when he should have known and you do know that I have done everything I could to sustain its Dignity & position. I did say that I thought it likely, that unless it proved itself more sufficient than it had been, that it would stand a good chance of being wiped out at this Session. I have tried what little was in my power to induce it to become more efficient as the Rep of the S. C. in the state & am sorry that I was so unsuccessful in the effort.


            In regard to the "Scott" quotation I simply told you what was openly said and told to me.


            The remark to Glenn was & is simply unjust and unjustifiable both in the way of ordinary courtesy & was much derogatory to the honor of the position held. You know that I was anxious for an excuse to vote for him and even asked him to give me the chance to do so, but you are right, A Bro who has no respect for the Rite has no claim to position in it.


            In regard to the Sec G'ship. It was a mere surmise on my part, growing out of the hearing of the family meeting & his going to Wash, & his reported anxiety to obtain the position here, in case of my expected demise, you may be wrong as to his chance, he is a good worker in his way and would in all probability have a strong influence through Templarism. I think I appreciate fully the value of Bro I. although I have not had as good chance to judge of it as you, & so far as ability for the office, I think he has the preference over Fred and perhaps over any member of the S. '. C. '. but he is not an AM, which as you say, he must be to be elected. The Dist got one last Sess, & could not well be allowed two. I do not think Fred would vote against him merely on grounds of his being in antagonism for the Secretaryship, & from what I have seen & from what you had told me I am fully satisfied that I possesses the greater ability, but you say of him, what I can admit of no man living except yourself‑"The very being of the S C depends on his being elected Sec Genl", and if he were to say what you say in addition, "if he is not, he will of course not remain in our service". If he is actuated by the idea expressed, then I should think all who may vote against 248 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION him fully justified & to be commended for their wisdom. To see you, after all your labor, struggling and anxiety for our Rite saddled with inefficient or disagreeable Sec. Genl. a mere figurehead as has been, giving you all of the labor and responsibility of the office, is what none who loves the Rite, or you, could have any wish for. You know, that I know in part at least, of the labors you performed, (and by the by often wondered how you manage to do it) No, I feel certain, that all like myself, would like to see the remaining years you may have allotted you, to be free at least from the strain of physical labor. & some little return in way of pleasure, as a partial recompense for the great labors already done, to be paid for it, you can never be, except by the consciousness that you have performed a glorious and great labour & that too "without the hope of fee or reward," in this world at least. But to the facts. If I cannot be elected an A M he cannot become Sec. Genl. & in that case is there no other choice? You know all and their several capacities and ability. I must admit I do not, but should think it strange if we were to be so narrowed down in the selection of so important an office. I think we all, certainly all those who really love the Rite, would like to see you gratified in the selection of an officer who is by his office so closely connected with daily & offi life, but cannot admit for a moment, "that the being of the S.'. C'.'.", rests in Bro I nor of any other man than yourself, however well that other man may be thought of, & I hope the wisdom of those assembled, all having the good of the Rite, and your pleasure also at heart, will devise a plan satisfactory, let us avoid by all means the splitting into parties, by personal disagreements, like our B.'. B.'. in the N. Jur. anything but that, and that which is wrong. Let us all do our Duty, & do it manfully & brotherly, for "Duty is with us always," and feel that "Deo Juvaute," we will succeed. I have always liked Fred personally & so I have I but I can not think it right to prefer my personal likes and dislikes to what I conceive to be the true interest of the Rite. Nor am I willing to increase Sals or pay salaries for doing nothing. In Ms case my original proposition 20 yrs ago was correct owing to circumstances & an exception to the 2nd rule.


            I will deliver your message to Craig & I think with you he ought to pay it, but As to coming up in advance of time. I half way promised to go to one place, & have been requested to go to another Jur to listen to a "Causus Belum," & I would prefer to be in Wash" were it now! I could do neither, for I am not able to do so, but I am saving up for the time to come & hope to be able to see you & find everything O.K.


            As to Shaw, you have the idea, on the 18 t he gave to 2, IV‑IX░░,‑21st to 2. X‑XIV░░ 22nd to 3, XV‑XVIII░░ 23'',' XIX‑XXX░░ had a banquet at Johns‑Isaacson sent me a note of Invitation, but I could not attend if I had wanted to ‑1 would not if I could for I have not delight in murder of any kind‑I refused to sign the Dispensation for waivers of time, & I could conceive of no benefits to the rite to confer degrees in that way. T & F signed it. F was present & assisted I understand. I suggested to him to get the assistance of T. (in the work) Glenn 249 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


was also present, Craig was present & I understood, said, "he had been charged with communicating the Supper, but they communicated the degrees & gave the supper." The work, so called, must have been rich to Glenn."' In accordance with its Statutes, the Supreme Council assembled in Washington, D. C., on October 16, 1882, and was opened by Grand Commander Albert Pike with eleven Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, nine Honorary Members and eight visitors from the Northern Jurisdiction present.


            The transaction of business began with the announcement of the membership of Standing Committees. Various nominations were received, a Special Communication from the Grand Commander, Returns of Inspectors General and Subordinate Bodies, tabulations from the office of the Secretary General, the cash accounts of the Treasurer General and Secretary General ad interim, and a number of petitions were submitted all of which were referred to appropriate committees for study and report.


            A brief recess was followed by the Allocution of the Grand Commander. Opening his address with comments on Supreme Council losses by death, Pike then spoke of the history and accomplishments of the Supreme Council since January 2, 1859, when he became Grand Commander. He then reviewed his visitations since the last Session and discussed the condition of the Rite in the Jurisdiction with special emphasis on the situation in Maryland and Augusta, Georgia. In terminating his remarks on the "Condition of the Rite," Pike stated that "periods of exaltation and depression" were to be expected and that in a large Jurisdiction, "prosperity and adversity will shift from place to place." He then said: We are prosperous beyond our expectations; but to be more prosperous still, we must extirpate abuses, prevent mischiefs, amend our laws, if they are unwise and insufficient, and work actively, without becoming weary and dishearted, to build up the Rite in the waste places of the Jurisdiction.


            We now have ninety‑six Bodies in our Jurisdiction, which make returns and pay dues regularly, in our twenty‑three States, eight Territories, the District of Columbia and foreign countries; and everywhere except in Maryland the Bodies and the Brethren are loyal, and glad to be of our Jurisdiction.


            The Grand Commander then presented his revisions of the Statutes "and I shall ask your action upon it".


            216 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, August 24, 1882. 250 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The "Decisions" of the Grand Commander were presented to the Supreme Council for later action. Only the decision that the Grand Commander alone had the power to grant dispensations to confer degrees without observance of any delays, with which J. Q. A. Fellows completely disagreed, was discussed. Pike stated that he did not want the power, pointed out that the power in the hands of Inspectors General would be often exercised "to the detriment of the Order", and then requested reference of the "Decisions" to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation.


            Enactment of a law to control remission of dues was next discussed by Pike. He made no recommendations but the discussion indicated the need for legislation on the subject.


            Honorary Membership in Subordinate Bodies was also discussed by Pike. He indicated that he favored legislation for the regulation of the power to grant Honorary Memberships but made no specific recommendations.


            Pike then announced that the "Book of Gold", so far as possible, had been brought up to date but lamented the fact that much of it was not the original record but copies of printed Transactions.


            "A Body of the Rite without books of instruction, is like a mechanic without tools" Pike stated in requesting the Supreme Council to confirm his plan of requiring newly organized Bodies to purchase the list of books adopted for instruction before receiving Letters.


            Regarding the "Secretariat‑General," Pike said: It has now become so large, that besides what I am willing to continue to do, it will demand for its performance the whole time of a man of good capacity and intelligence, whose residence here will be of indispensable necessity, competent to conduct the correspondence by being a thorough English scholar, an accurate copyist and experienced clerk, book‑keeper and accountant, always prompt and willing, and dispatching business with accuracy, punctuality, facility and expedition.


            It grows steadily larger and more important, even now demanding the presence of the Secretary‑General in his office here all the working hours of every day.... It will not be at all singular, if the prosperity and even the continuance of the Supreme Council and Rite, should come to depend upon the efficiency of the Secretariat.


            The Supreme Council was reminded that "everything, with the exception hereafter to be mentioned", requiring consideration in the realm of "Foreign Relations" had 251 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


been included in the "last number" of the Official Bulletin. Pike then added the following information: The `Paz' or `Sagasta' Supreme Council in Spain had been recognized by the Northern Supreme Council and that of Greece had expressed its readiness to do likewise.


            The exchange of Grand Representatives with the Supreme Council of Tunis was announced.


            It was announced that Inspector General Batchelor, at his request, had been relieved as Grand Representative of the Supreme Council of Mexico and Inspector General Tucker appointed to the vacancy.


            Comments on the Rite of Memphis by Pike included the following: "I admit it to be a Masonic Rite," "I made no war upon the Rite of Memphis," "it has a right to live, if it can," "men have a right to take its Degrees," "it is not a respectable Rite in the United States," and "I cannot see what right a Grand Lodge can have to forbid the Master Masons of its Obedience receiving the Degrees." No information was at hand regarding the dissensions within the Supreme Council of Colon.


            The Supreme Council of Nueva Granada "is unquestionably dead".


            No action was required concerning Bodies established in Japan.


            The "cause of discontent" in Guatemala had been removed, and it was hoped that the Rite would prosper in that country.


            Strongly condemning spurious Masonic degrees and bodies, Pike recommended legislation forbidding the conferral of Scottish Rite Degrees upon any Mason with connection to such. "When a man has once chosen such associates, let him remain with them." Pike closed his discussion of Scottish Rite affairs with indirect criticism of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction for adopting the copy of the Constitution of 1786 designated as "French Constitutions".


            At the conclusion of the Allocution, it was referred to a Committee for the distribution of its various parts to appropriate Standing Committees. Then Reports from 252 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council were received, referred to the Committee on the State of the Rite, and ordered to be published with the Transactions. A proposed revision of the Statutes, letters from foreign Supreme Councils, correspondence relating to Dispensations, the Grand Commander's accounts, a request for affiliation, an appeal from a Trial Tribunal, further nominations, and additional petitions were all referred to proper Committees. The Supreme Council accepted, with its thanks, the use of the Sanctuary of Mithras Lodge of Perfection for the Session and a gift of two chairs for the Library. Excuses for absence were received and accepted from Inspectors General Dawkins, Fellows, Lawson and Todd. A committee report recommending the elimination of delays in elections to the 33 was adopted. A resolution allowing the Bodies in Virginia to elect officers annually was referred to the Committee of Jurisprudence. It was ordered that eulogiums on the dead be scheduled for October 18, at 1 p.m. and the Supreme Council adjourned for the day.


            There is no record of any meeting of the Supreme Council under date of Tuesday, October 17, 1882.


            When the Session resumed on October 18, 1882, one additional Inspector General was present. A communication from Treasurer General Frederick Webber notified the Supreme Council that he was detained by the "illness and expected death of his son". A letter from Lieutenant Grand Commander James C. Batchelor informed the Body that he had become ill at Biloxi, Mississippi, while on his way to the Session. Excuses for nonattendance were received from Inspector General A. R. Morel and three Deputies of the Supreme Council. Emeritus Member A. E. Frankland wrote expressing his regret at being absent and the death of Emeritus Member William T. Gould was announced. Appropriate action followed.


            The Special Committee on the Allocution made a report, which was adopted, that included approval of the actions and recommendations of the Grand Commander with regard to Bodies in Georgia.


            The Special Committee on the report of the "Treasurer of the Home Fund" reported $6,415.83 posted and additional funds to be entered on the account. The report was adopted. (The final total amounted to $6,827.23.) The "Statutes of Hermes Lodge of Perfection, No. 4," Atlanta, Georgia, were presented and referred to the Committee on Subordinate Bodies.




Inspector General Parvin offered a resolution to cancel the debts of the Lyons Bodies upon payment of $125 each "before the next session of the Supreme Council". It was referred to the Committee on Finance.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation submitted reports on the proposed revision of the Statutes. These were "made the special order for 12 o'clock" on October 19.


            The "form of OB. ' . (Vow of Fealty and Allegiance,) " recommended by the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation was adopted and ordered to be inscribed in the Book of Gold.


            Action on a report on the resolution to permit annual election of officers in Virginia Bodies was delayed until the following day.


            Pike's conclusion that the Supreme Council of Costa Rica was dead, received Supreme Council concurrence.


            The Supreme Council approved the Grand Commander's decision that recognition of a Spanish Supreme Council did not support any claim to jurisdiction in Cuba by such Body.


            No Supreme Council action relating to the formation of Bodies in Japan was deemed necessary.


            A resolution of thanks for the gift of a book to the Library was adopted.


            Eulogies on Albert G. Mackey and Robert F. Bower were received and ordered published with the Transactions. The Secretary General was directed to secure a like tribute to Horace H. Hubbard and publish the same with the Transactions.


            Resolutions of sympathy were adopted on the death of members of the Supreme Councils of New Granada and Canada.


            Authority was extended to the Inspector General of Nebraska to establish a Consistory at Omaha when deemed necessary. A request for similar authority in Kansas was referred to the Committee on Subordinate Bodies.


            The Finance Committee reported that the accounts of the Treasurer General and Secretary General ad interim were correct and the report was accepted.


            254 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Inspector General Tucker withdrew his report for correction.


            Letters of Constitution were granted for Worth Lodge of Perfection, No. 3, Fort Worth, Texas, and Fidelity Lodge of Perfection, No. 4, Austin, Texas; and the Charter and Books of the Lodge of Perfection at Corpus Christi and the Chapter of Rose Croix at Palestine, both in Texas, were recalled.


            The election of N. B. Yard to receive the 33 was "continued until the next session." A request for "Letters of Constitution Perpetual" for St. Louis Lodge of Perfection was referred to the Committee on Subordinate Bodies.


            The Supreme Council received the report of its Committee on Nominations and elected the various lists submitted: one Honorary Member by affiliation; two Honorary Members from the Honorary Members of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction; forty‑five to Knights Commander of the Court of Honour; twenty‑eight to the 33 Honorary; and the following to Active Membership: Robert Strachan Innes for Minnesota James Rudolph Hayden for Washington Territory Rockey Preston Earhart for Oregon Henry Moore Teller for Colorado Charles Frederick Brown for California William Morton Ireland for North Carolina Buren Robinson Sherman for Iowa Inspector General Parvin was granted "leave of absence from and after 3 o'clock P. M., Thursday, 19th inst." At the evening Session which followed the elections, one additional Inspector General was present as was one of the Honorary Members elected from the Northern Jurisdiction. The business of this Session was the conferral of the Thirty‑third Degree Honorary, the crowning of Active Members and the election of a Secretary General.


            The Thirty‑third Degree was conferred upon five designates.




Robert S. Innes, Henry M. Teller, Charles F. Brown and William M. Ireland were crowned Active Members.


            William M. Ireland was elected Secretary General.


            Business on October 19, began with consideration of the "special order for the day".


            It was resolved to postpone consideration of the revision of the Statutes until the Session of 1884.


            The report of the Committee relating to annual election of officers in Virginia Bodies was tabled; whereupon a resolution granting this authority "until it shall be otherwise ordered by the Supreme Council" was adopted.


            The Committtee on Jurisprudence and Legislation recommended the retrial of a case appealed to the Supreme Council, and it was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation recommended that the Statute requiring that By‑laws of Subordinate Bodies be submitted to the Supreme Council for approval be amended to provide for final approval by the Inspector General of the state in which the Bodies were located; the same was adopted.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation approved the Pike interpretation of the Statutes restricting the granting of Dispensations to the Grand Commander. This was followed by the approval of the decisions of Grand Commander Pike.


            The Committee on Finance approved the proposal to settle the indebtedness of the Lyons Bodies upon the payment of $125 by each before the "first day of April next".


            A resolution was adopted extending recognition to the Ortiz Supreme Council in Spain.


            Authority was granted to Inspector General Carr to organize Consistories at Topeka and Leavenworth, Kansas, when "expedient".


            On the recommendation of the Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies the following actions were approved: 256 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The filing of supplemental reports by the Treasurer General and Secretary General to include returns of Bodies received "to date" (October 19, 1882) .


            The revision of statistical tables to reflect the records of the Secretary General on October 19, 1882.


            The suspension of the following Bodies "for continued failure to make returns and pay dues" CONSISTORIES Zarephath, No. 2, Davenport, Iowa Lynchburg, No. 1, Lynchburg, Virginia COUNCILS OF KADOSH Coeur de Lion, No. 2, Davenport, Iowa No. 1, Lynchburg, Virginia CHAPTERS OF _ROSE CROIX Lebanon, No. 2, Davenport, Iowa McKinney, No. 1, Lynchburg, Virginia Roper, No. 2, Norfolk, Virginia Augusta, No‑, Augusta, Georgia LODGES OF PERFECTION Enoch, No. 1, Augusta, Georgia Mount Horeb, No. 2, Davenport, Iowa Albert Pike, No. 1, Lynchburg, Virginia The continuation of the following delinquent Bodies on all dues to the Supreme Council from September 1, 1881: condition that they remit CHAPTERS OF ROSE CROIX Capitolium, No. 1, Carson City, Nevada 257 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


LODGES OF PERFECTION Quitman, No‑, Vicksburg, Mississippi Kilwinning, No. 1, Grand Island, Nebraska Nevada, No. 2, Carson City, Nevada St. John's, No. 1, Salt Lake City, Utah Jordan, No. 1, Rawlins, Wyoming John Chester, No. 1, Jackson, Tennessee THE GRANTING OF CHARTERS TO THE FOLLOWING BODIES: Galveston Consistory, No. 1, Galveston, Texas Worth Consistory, No. 2, Fort Worth, Texas Austin Consistory, No. 3, Austin, Texas Worth Lodge of Perfection, No. 3, Fort Worth, Texas Fidelity Lodge of Perfection, No. 4, Austin, Texas Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection, No. 1, Baltimore, Maryland John L. Roper Lodge of Perfection, No. 5, Richmond, Virginia The extension of all expiring Letters Temporary until the Session of 1884.


            Inspector General Roper withdrew his report for correction.


            A report of the Committee on the State of the Order confirming the actions of Grand Commander Pike in Maryland was adapted.


            A report of the Committee on the State of the Order confirming the action of Grand Commander Pike relating to clandestine activities at Pensacola, Florida, and criticizing Inspector General Dawkins for addressing a letter to a member of said clandestine body as "Dear Sir and Brother" was adopted.


            A report commending the Supreme Council of Mexico was adopted and it was ordered that a copy of the report be sent to that Supreme Council.


            A report commending the Inspector General of Texas for his division of the state into districts and appointing Deputies for same was adopted.


            258 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION A resolution extending sympathy and comfort to Inspector General Frederick Webber was adopted.


            A resolution extending sympathy to Inspector General James C. Batchelor and a prayer for his recovery was adopted.


            The salary of the Secretary General was fixed at $1,800 per year and that of the Treasurer General at $500 per year.


            Charles Hagen Eastman, 32, was appointed Special Deputy of the Supreme Council in Tennessee with authority "to appoint Deputies;" all other Deputy appointments in Tennessee were revoked.


            The election of Giles W. Merrill to receive the 33 was extended until "the next Session".


            Fifty dollars was appropriated to the Grand Tiler for services during the Session.


            The question of changing the due date for returns of Bodies, Inspectors General and Deputies, and the accounts of the Secretary General and Treasurer General was referred to the Finance Committee.


            A Confidential Session was opened. No written record of this Session has survived, if made, however, a letter addressed to the Supreme Council and signed by Albert Pike as Grand Commander is thought, from internal evidence, to be one subject considered.


            The letter briefly outlined the financial relations between the Supreme Council and Pike and the provisions by which Pike gave his library, valued at $25,000, an organ, some paintings and furniture to the Supreme Council. Pike asked that "the conveyance be accepted in full repayment of all monies ever received by me from the Supreme Council ... and that I have a home in which I have bought and paid for the right to live".


            There seems to be no reason to doubt that the Supreme Council accepted the arrangement, at this or some other time, but there is no known record of the transaction.


            At the conclusion of the Confidential Session Inspector General Desaussure was authorized to buy "some old Patents and Diplomas of some historical interest," probably the Dalcho Patents, "for a sum not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars".




The Secretary General was authorized to audit the bills for expenses of the Session, and the Grand Commander to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the amount.


            On Friday, October 20, 1882, the last day of the Session the following business was transacted: A nominee was elected to receive the 33 and Honorary Membership in the Supreme Council.


            All Active Members were authorized to confer the 33, Honorary or Active, on candidates elected but not present at the Session.


            Ten dollars was appropriated to relieve the "pressing needs of a worthy widow".


            The Finance Committee submitted a report, which was adopted, making changes in the due dates of reports and accounts.


            A report of the Committee on the State of the Order, verbose, oratorical in style and containing nothing of historical value, was adopted.


            An excuse for absence from the Session was received from Stephen H. Beasley, Deputy for Alabama.


            Stephen Henry Beasley was nominated for Active Membership "to lie over until the next regular Session in 1884".


            The Box of Fraternal Assistance was passed.


            The Session of the Supreme Council was closed."' The general tone of the Session of 1882 was more hopeful and optmistic than any Session which followed the war. The actions of the Supreme Council seemed to be more purposeful and taken with more assurance in its position of authority. Its actions also reaffirmed its confidence in Grand Commander Pike‑it delayed action on but one of his requests, the approval of the revision of the Statutes, and this was probably due to lack of time. The failure to open a Lodge of Sorrow was unex 217 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1882, pp. 3‑38; Appendix, 3‑174. 260 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION plained and the substitutions of a period in which "eulogiums" were read may indicate a change away from extended ceremonial.


            It will be recalled that Pike had discontinued his tour of the South in June, 1882, because of fatigue and the heat, with his work unfinished. He indicated at the time that he would return to that part of the Jurisdiction when cooler weather prevailed. The first surviving notice of his plans to resume his labors in the South is contained in a letter written on Monday, October 23, 1882, following the close of the Session of the Supreme Council on October 20, 1882; in it he states that he expected to leave Washington on "Sunday next" (October 29, 1882) not to return until December 20. In the same letter he projected another tour of the West, beginning on April 1, 1883.‑1$ The Grand Commander actually left Washington on October 30, 1882, to begin the journey219 and was in Charleston on November 1, when he wrote a letter stating that he had been visited by members of the Bodies on the evening before, that he would speak that evening, even though suffering from an attack of gout, and that he would communicate degrees on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings (November 2, 3, and 4, 1882) which would produce "$500 for the home fund". Pike also wrote that he had read the newspaper account of the death of Lieutenant Grand Commander William L. Mitchell on October 30, 1882, and enclosed the draft of his official notice of Mitchell's death to be printed and distributed .229 Before leaving Charleston, apparently in reply to a letter from Ireland, Pike wrote that he had no flags, pictures or curiosities to lend "the fair"; that the Supreme Council was not responsible for the expenses of Albert G. Mackey's funeral; that he was "well of the gout again;" (that he was leaving for Savannah on November 5; that his work in Charleston would add over $500 to the "Home Fund"; and that he expected to be "in Augusta by Wednesday night" (November 8, 1882).221 No evidence to the contrary having been found, it is assumed that Pike adhered to his schedule.


            In his Allocution in 1882, Pike had reviewed what he knew of the history and situation of the Bodies at Augusta; informed the Supreme Council that he had on June 23, 1882, suspended their work; that he expected to visit Augusta for the purpose of reviving the Bodies if possible; and requested additional powers to effect a settlement of accounts and a reorganization. The powers requested were granted and 218 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, October 23, 1882.


            219 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix 19. 220 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, November 1, 1882. 221Ibid., November 4, 1882.


            261 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 it was with these extra‑ordinary powers that he appeared in Augusta. An agreement was reached and the Grand Commander issued an edict on November 13, 1882, containing the following provisions: The original Consistory of Augusta was continued as Augusta Consistory No.l but it was shorn of all powers to create and govern subordinate bodies.


            "Letters of Constitution Temporary" were to be issued for the formation of Saint Armand Preceptory, Knights Kadosh.


            Augusta Chapter No. 1, Rose Croix was restored to activity and was to receive its charter by paying one‑half the usual fee.


            Enoch Lodge of Perfection was restored to activity without any charge for "Letters of Constitution Perpetual".


            The Bodies were called to meet on "Wednesday evening next," November 15, 1882, for the election of officers to serve until the regular election in 1883.


            All "dues and arrearages" were remitted to September 1, 1882, in order that the Bodies would have the funds with which to purchase "the necessary books".


            Frank J. Moses was appointed and commissioned Deputy of the Supreme Council for Burke and the counties of the "Eighth Congressional District of the State of Georgia".


            All members of the Grand Consistory having received the 32nd Degree in an irregular manner were recognized as Masters of the Royal Secret and entitled to patents.


            All which is decreed upon the express and well understood condition, that the said Bodies are hereafter to work with regularity and order, in all points observing and obeying the Statutes of the Supreme Council; that they are to make annual returns in due season and punctually pay their dues; that they are to supply themselves with all necessary books, and to use them diligently and profitably; that they are not to communicate Degrees which are by the law required to be conferred, nor to communicate any insufficiently or in undue haste; and that they will in all things endeavor to advance the interests of the Order."' 222 Official Bulletin, V, 472‑474.


            262 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION On November 14, 1882, Pike was in Athens, Georgia, where he paid his respects to the grieving family of William L. Mitchell and gathered up the books and other property of the Supreme Council in the possession of Mitchell at his death. Some of the books were sent to Deputy Moses at Augusta and the remainder were shipped by express to Ireland in Washington, D. C,"3 The next known stop (November 18, 1882) of the Grand Commander was at Atlanta.2" He communicated the Chapter of Rose Croix degrees to one candidate and those from fifteen to thirty‑two to another .225 He then moved on to Macon, Georgia, but he did not report doing any work there.


            From Macon, Pike went to Montgomery, Alabama, arriving there on November 24, 1882. He found that Alabama Lodge of Perfection No. 1 at Montgomery had done nothing since his visit in the previous spring. He therefore, planned to set it to work on November 27, 1882, and to begin communication of degrees on the following day. He wrote that he expected to be in Montgomery until December 4 or 5 and that he would leave that city for St. Louis, Missouri .226 Pike did go to St. Louis‑" but the date of his arrival and the length of his stay there is unknown. He did very little work in Missouri for the summary of funds received for the Home Fund, dated March 21, 1883, contains an entry of only $120 earned in that state by "The Grand Commander and Bro.'. Collins, 33d".2211 From St. Louis, Pike returned to Washington, D. C., by way of Louisville, Kentucky, arriving at his destination on December 29, 1882.2' No record has been found that reveals how long he was in Louisville. He invested two designates with the "33d Degree" on December 14, 1882, at Louisville.236 Other than Grand Commander Pike's journey back into the southern portion of the Jurisdiction and the activities related in connection with it, only three events of any historical significance took place during this period of time. August Langfeldt was appointed Deputy of the Supreme Council for Japan ;231 Inspector General 223 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, November 14, 1882.


            224 Albert Pike to Miss Susan Mitchell, November 18, 1882. 225 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, November 26, 1882. 226 Ibid.


            227 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix, 19. 2211 Circular Letter, March 19, 1883; Official Bulletin, V, 455. 229 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix, 19. 2;116 Official Bulletin, V, 424.


            231 Ibid.




Thomas H. Caswell, on December 5, 1882, visited Tucson, Arizona, and communicated the degrees to a class of twelve, remitting $968 therefrom ;232 and on December 22, 1882, Emeritus Member Charles J. J. Laffon de Ladebat died in Paris, France."' With plans already made to resume visitations on April 1, 1883, Pike lost no time in attending to correspondence and office work that had been delayed. His first known official acts were to revoke the commissions of the Deputies of the Supreme Council in Dakota Territory and to annex that Territory to Nebraska for administration. Inspector General Robert C. Jordan thus, on January 8, 1883, took charge of Scottish Rite administration in Dakota Territory.


            A letter written on January 9, 1883, reveals that "The members who were here last October were thoroughly disgusted with affairs in Louisiana, and with great alacricy demanded Fellows resignation". Pike then expressed the opinion that if Todd and Girard did not resign before "the next Session" (1884), they would be removed. He also stated that if these resignations took place, he would suspend the Grand Consistory of Louisiana .235 A few days later, Pike received a letter which ended with this statement If I have trespassed too far in reference to Bro. Fellows it is because it appears to me no other Inspector has been giving one fourth the time attention and labor to the Rite that he has up to this moment."` It is presumed that John Q. A. Fellows had received official notice of the action of the Supreme Council about the time (January 13, 1883) that the preceeding statement was written, for on March 26, 1883, Fellows wrote to Pike as follows: I was much surprised sometime ago by the receipt of a communication from the Secretary General enclosing a resolution of the Supreme Council passed in Confidential Session on the 19th October last, by which I am requested to send in my resignation as an Active Member of the Supreme Council.


            Following this opening, Fellows defended himself for not attending the Sessions of the Supreme Council regularly, pointed to some errors in factual statements in the resolution, reminded Pike that his absences had been excused, claimed that his 232 Circular Letter, March 19, 1883. 233 Official Bulletin, V, 433.


            234 Official Bulletin, V, 424, 476; Albert Pike to A. J. Carrier, January 7, 1883. 231 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, January 9, 1883.


            21s A. Shaw to Albert Pike, January 13, 1883.


            264 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION labor for the Rite in Louisiana justified his remaining an Active Member of the Supreme Council, and closed by declining to resign. A postscript establishes that this letter was handed to Pike by Fellows in New Orleans early in April, 1883.237 Pike wrote a note to Secretary General Ireland, dated "N. O., John's, Wednesday" (April 7, 1883), that Fellows "wished to resign" but that he would remain an Active Member of the Supreme Council until his resignation was acted upon in the Session of 1884.233 This seems to have closed the matter for the time.


            Probably in response to a request for the information, Henry Buist reported on January 12, 1883, that the "Home Fund" amounted to $8,213.76.239 On March 2, 1883, Buist reported that the fund totaled $8,983.76 and that he was sending that amount to Pike in two drafts and some uncollected warrants which he had been holding.24 Pike released a circular letter, dated March 19, 1883, which explains these actions and future plans as follows: The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States has at last a House of the Temple and a Home. We have purchased for the Supreme Council, and received deed of conveyance for the building erected for a mansion by Colonel Wright Rives, thirteen years ago, at a cost of $30,000, on ground worth $3,500, at the corner of E street and Third, N. W. The Supreme Council will occupy it, and its flag will float over it immediately.


            Especially to those faithful and true Brethren by the aid of whose labours and devotedness I have been enabled, commencing the undertaking, until then only dreamed of, in February, 1882, to achieve this much‑desired result, I announce this with great satisfaction. They will, I am sure, receive it with no less gratification.


            The building, to be hereafter called HAIKAL KADOSHIU, `HIS HOLY HOUSE,' has been purchased for the sum of seventeen thousand dollars. We have paid ten thousand in cash, having borrowed nine thousand for a year, upon a mortgage of the property. We have also paid for commissions and expenses $507, and we have left on hand $618. There are also moneys of the fund in the hands of Inspectors and Deputies to the amount of $1,500 or more; and we shall shortly proceed to erect, on all the vacant portion of the ground, a Library‑Room, at a cost of from $1,500 to $2,000.


            We thus need to accumulate about the sum of nine thousand dollars, to discharge the debt incurred, and to erect the building for the Library. This building 237 J. Q. A. Fellows to Albert Pike, March 26, 1883. 238 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, April 7, 1883. 239 Henry Buist to Albert Pike, January 12, 1883. 240 Ibid., March 2, 1883.




is indispensable because `the Pike Library of the Supreme Council' consists of about 4,000 volumes; nineteen‑twentieths of the books whereof are English and French editions, many of them rare, and the larger number costly and expensively bound, (the binding alone having cost the original owner over $7,000,) of works old and new, historical, of literature, science, religion, philosophy, antiquities, of travels, poetry and the drama; the whole composing probably the best Library in the country, for the number of volumes; and the General Library consists of some 1,200 volumes, including the Masonic works once a part of my library, with rare books of limited editions, and new and costly works.


            We shall insure the building at $10,000 and the Library at $20,000, and our own books kept in the building for sale and to supply Bodies, at $5,000. The building and its contents will be worth not less than sixty thousand dollars: our stereotype plates are worth ten thousand more.


            Dear Brother, it is my very earnest desire to know, when my 74th birth‑day comes, near the end of the present year, that we own the property, with the additional building to be erected, free of debt. To do my part towards effecting that result, I am about to be absent from home fully four months, visiting Texas, California, Nevada, Oregon, Minnesota and Iowa, and the Territories of Arizona, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Dakota.


            I rely upon you to assist me to pay the whole debt this year. We can do it easily, more easily than we raised, last year, with what was loaned to the general fund, ten thousand dollars. I will do my part. From some of our States nothing is to be expected; and this Letter is sent only to the Inspectors and Deputies who can and will find work to do. We can look for nothing from Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Iowa and Idaho. Nebraska and Dakota have done their part. So has New Mexico; but more will be done there. I hope that there will come to the fund by the 25th of December next, by the labours of the Inspectors and Deputies and myself, from Maryland $500; from South Carolina $500; from Georgia $750; from Alabama $500; from Texas $1,000; from Missouri $500; from Minnesota $500; from Kansas $500; from New Mexico $500; from Wyoming and Utah $500; from Colorado $500; from Nevada $500; from Oregon $500; from Arizona $750; from California $1,500; from Washington $500, and from Montana $500; or, as some will fall short, enough at least from all, to make the sum of ten thousand dollars.


            Our current receipts during the same time will enable us to pay what we owe for printing, and to complete the printing of our music; and then there will be no more contented human being on earth than I shall be.


            When the 10th day of January, 1884, comes, I shall have been Grand Commander a quarter of a century. The end, to attain which I now ask your loyal assistance, will crown the work of those twenty‑five years.


            266 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION I annex to this Letter a statement showing by whose labours the purchasemoney of the building has up to this time been accumulated; and I make here my grateful acknowledgment to each, and especially to the faithful Deputies in the Territories. It is fit that the worthy should wear the laurel.


            You have been very kind to me, very indulgent to me, very desirous to see what I have wished effected. I thank you; I am profoundly grateful to you; and may our Father who is in Heaven have you always in His holy keeping! CASH RECEIPTS ON ACCOUNT OF HOME FUND TO MARCH 21, 1883.


                        Bro.'. Arthur J. Carrier, 33d, Deputy, earned in Dakota ..........     $ 210  00        Bro.'. Harry R. Comly, 33d, Deputy, earned in Montana .........      330     00        The Grand Commander and Bros. *                                  . Meredith and Ireland, earned in                            Maryland ..............................................         890            00        The Grand Commander and Bro.'. Ireland, earned in the District of                              Columbia .............................................   70        00        Bro.'. Odell S. Long, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in West Virginia           264     00        Bro.'. Frederick Webber, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in Kentucky  400     00             The Grand Commander and Bros.*. Batchelor, Ireland and Beasley,                           earned in Alabama .....................................      900     00        Bra.'. L. N. Greenleaf, 33d, Deputy, earned in Colorado ..........  320     00        Bro.'. E. A. Hotchkiss, 32d, Deputy, earnned in Minnesota ........            80        00             Bro.'. P. C. Tucker, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in Texas ......          550     00        Bro.'. John M. Browne, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in the District                           of Columbia ...........................................            110     00        Bro.'. C. J. R. Buttlar, 32d, Deputy, earned in Nevada ...........      50        00        Bro.'. R. C. Jordan, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in Nebraska .... 305     60        Bro.'. D. W. Stevens, 32d, Deputy, earned in Japan ..............     201     60        Bro.'. Pitkin C. Wright, 32d, Deputy, earned in Tennessee .........            591     60        Bro.'. D. W. C. Dawkins, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in Florida      88        00             Bro.'. T. H. Caswell, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in California . .      708     00        Bro.'. E. T. Carr, 33d, Inspector‑General, earned in Kansas .......    90        00        The Grand Commander and Bros.'. Buist and DeSaussure, earned in                               South Carolina .........................................    564     50        The Grand Commander and Bro.'. Ireland, earned in Georgia ......    293     03        Bro.'. T. H. Caswell, 33d, Inspector‑General, work done in Arizona   968     00        The Grand Commander and Bro.'. Collins, 33d, earned in Missouri    120     00        Bro.'. E. B. MacGrotty, 33d, donation ........................        29        43             Bro.'. J. C. Batchelor, Lieutenant Grand Commander, donation ....        100     00        $8,233            76 267 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░




                        No. 301‑x Donation ......................................            $ 100  00        No. 2‑y Moneys earned by Grand Commander and Bro.'. Ireland         150     00        No. 8‑y Moneys earned by Grand Commander and Bro.'. Ireland   150     00        No. 9‑y Moneys earned by Grand Commander and Bro.'. Ireland           72        00             No. 42‑y Donation ......................................  500     00        No. 98‑y Moneys earned by Stephen H. Beasley, Deputy in Alabama           69        20        No. 114‑y Moneys earned by Stephen H. Beasley, Deputy in Alabama        25        25        No. 155‑y Moneys earned by Bro.'. Charles Spalding, Deputy in                                   New Mexico ....................................  500     00        EARNED IN 1883.                           Bro.'. Frank M. Foote, 32d, Deputy, earned in Utah and Wyoming . .       $ 770  00        Bro.'. James R. Hayden, 33d, Deputy, earned in Washington Territory       155     00        Bro.'. Charles Spalding, in New Mexico, ($500 loaned General Fund                        included) ..............................................         750     00        Bro.'. Odell S. Long, in West Virginia ........................            20        00        Bro.'. Robert C. Jordan, in Dakota ..........................            1,000  00        $2,695            00 It appears that Pike was not aware when he left Washington, D. C., on April 1, 1883, that the addition for library purposes would cost more than he estimated, for he wrote a letter to Ireland from Tucson, Arizona, saying: "I cannot wear out my life to earn $5,000 to pay for such a building as I proposed." He then authorized Ireland to proceed with the work according to his best judgment and have it finished by November."' An undated and unsigned agreement found in the archives of the Supreme Council reveals some information about a proposed building. The structure was to be built of brick with a cistern attached and was to be completed by September 1, 1883. The cost was stipulated to be $3,950. William R. Singleton was the architect and Daniel J. McCarty was the bidder."' Ireland probably sent this proposal to Pike who replied from San Francisco on May 25, 1883. Pike agreed to the proposed changes reluctantly and said: "For God's sake let the work begin.""' In a later letter, Pike told Ireland to have shelves for over 5,000 books installed in the library room and indicated that they should be of pine, rather than walnut or ma‑ 241 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, April 26, 1883.


            242 Agreement with Daniel J. McCarty (unsigned), 1883. 243 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, May 25, 1883.


            268 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION hogany, because of cost considerations. He also stated that he believed enough money would be earned to pay all debts by the "New Year" (January 1, 1884).2'4 Other correspondence establishes that occupation of the new home began in October and that the move was completed before the end of December, 1883.2'' The total cost of this first House of the Temple owned by the Supreme Council was $25,210, all of which had been paid by February 6, 1884.24' An old and troublesome problem of administration arose again in early 1883. On January 23, R. C. Jordan complained to Pike that orders for patents sent to Secretary General Ireland had not been acknowledged nor had the patents been received; the same complaint was received from James C. Batchelor who also wrote that the same laxity applied to books and the Transactions.247 John W. Glenn wrote that Fidelity Lodge of Perfection, Austin, Texas, could not proceed with work on hand because its charter, paid for "sometime since," had not arrived .248 This letter was followed shortly by one from J. R. Hayden stating that he could find no entry of funds sent in by him in the lists published by Ireland and that these omissions were causing concern in his area .24<' Pike also encountered the complaint about paying for patents and books that were never received when he arrived in Seattle in 1883.2' Similar letters arrived from Louisiana, Hawaii, Minnesota and again from Nebraska before the Session of 1884.2'1‑ No replies to any of these letters have been found, however, it seems likely that Pike believed that the letters had been lost by the postal service.


            Complaint regarding Deputy Pitkin C. Wright in Tennessee had reached Pike and on January 21, 1883, Pike wrote to T. S. Parvin about it. Parvin reported that Wright had been suspended for non‑payment of dues by the Grand Consistory of Iowa and in the same letter enclosed his resignation from the office of Grand Minister of State.2'2 Pike appointed C. H. Eastman to be Deputy in Tennessee but he declined .253 The question of Wright's standing arose again in November.2"' Pike's reply has not 244Ibid., September 6, 1883; Albert Pike to M. J. Wright, July 1, 1883.


            24‑" Albert Pike to Lewis J. Cist, October 18, 1883; Albert 24s Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix, 241 R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, January 23, 1883; James 2411 John W. Glenn to Albert Pike, March 7, 1883.


            249 J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, March 18, 1883. 250 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, July 21, 1883. 251 A. H. Issacson to Albert Pike, October 13, 1883; John Innes to Wm. M. Ireland, April 17, 1884; J. R. Hayden 252 T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, January 25, 1883.


            253 C. H. Eastman to Wm. M. Ireland, February 8, 1883. 254 G. W. Ashton to Albert Pike, November 21, 1883.


            January 18, 1883; Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, Pike to M. W. Wood, December 31, 1883. 11‑12; Official Bulletin, VI, 524‑525.


            C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, January 27, 1883.


            O. Dominis to Albert Pike, January 29, 1884; R. S. to Albert Pike, April 27, 1884.




been located but it probably called attention to the Statute which provided that Active Members and Deputies of the Supreme Council were exempt from the payment of dues.


            The resignation of Parvin as Grand Minister of State and the appointment of Thomas H. Caswell to the office ad interim was announced under date of February 5, 1883. In the same document, other appointments were announced as follows: Philip C. Tucker to be Grand Prior ad interim Odell S. Long to be First Grand Equerry Robert C. Jordan to be Second Grand Equerry Wilmot G. DeSaussure to be Grand Standard Bearer Gilmor Meredith to be Grand Herald...


            February 5, 1883, was also the date of Deputy Commissions forwarded to the following in Georgia: R. J. Nunn; T. W. Chandler; J. E. Blackshear; A. M. Wolihim; and F. J. Moses."' Other additions to the official family of the Supreme Council before the Session in 1884 included the crowning of B. R. Sherman as Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Iowa... and the appointment of the following Deputies of the Supreme Council; John B. Dennis for South Dakota; Rufus E. Fleming for North Dakota; James D. Richardson for Middle and West Tennessee; and John W. Glenn for Alabama and Mississippi.258 It appears that a request had been made to Secretary General Ireland to send the Ritual of the 33', Honorary, to Iowa in order that several designates might be invested and that Ireland had discussed the proposal with the Grand Commander. Under date of February 10, 1883, Pike replied to Ireland by letter in which he pointed out that difficulty had been encountered in securing the return of the Ritual when it "had been sent to a distance"; that only two copies were in existence; that he would not "under any circumstances" let the copy in his custody be "loaned or sent to anyone"; and advised Ireland to follow this same policy. He then stated that 255 Official Bulletin, V, 456‑457. 256Ibid., 477.


            257Ibid., 424. 258Ibid., VI, 590.


            270 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Inspector General Parvin had previously protested the conferral of the 33 on Iowa designates during the recess of the Supreme Council and closed as follows: "I must not help him to commit hari kari, by sacrificing his consistency and revocation of pledges and resolves. 112 " There is no record of any further action on the subject.


            Accompanying a draft for work done in Washington, Inspector General J. R. Hayden sent a report of confusion and strife in the Consistory at Seattle over which J. F. Damon presided. A few days later, February 24, 1883, T. M. Reid requested Pike to visit Washington Territory to strengthen the Rite in the Territory. A second letter from Hayden shortly thereafter stated that it was his belief that Damon "is crazy". On April 17, 1883, Hayden attended a meeting of the Consistory and reported to Pike that the behavior of Damon "was only the ravings of a deceased mind" and that the members were determined "that you will not have cause to feel ashamed of Lawson Consistory when you visit us in June".'"' The absence of further comment on the situation indicates that no action by the Supreme Council was necessary.


            During the first three months of 1883, Pike received reports of the formation of the following Scottish Rite Bodies Meredith Chapter, Rose Croix, Baltimore, January 4, 1883 Santa Fe Lodge of Perfection, Santa Fe, February 1, 1883 Mackey Chapter, Rose Croix, Yankton, February 27, 1883 Mackey Chapter, Rose Croix, Red Wing, March 21, 1883261 The first 1883 official act of the Grand Commander relating to Foreign Relations was the sending of his official notice of recognition of the Ortiz Supreme Council in Spain to Grand Commander Ortiz and to all other Supreme Councils recognized by the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction. These notices were dated February 25, 1883.'‑62 It is interesting, although irrelevant to this notice, that the recognition of the Ortiz Supreme Council by that of the Southern Jurisdiction brought forth from Francisco Almirall a long communication which Pike considered 2es Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, February 10, 1883.


            260 J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, February 18, 1883; March 7, 1883; April 21, 1883; T. M. Reid to Albert Pike, February 24, 1883.


            261 Official Bulletin, V, 424‑425; 527; Charles Spalding to Albert Pike, February 10, 1883; O. Whitman to Albert Pike, March 24, 1883.


            262 Circular Letter, February 25, 1883.




insulting. It was not the nature of Pike to ignore such a letter and in time he drafted a long and adequate reply."' On March 12, 1883, in response to a personal letter from E. Berand, Grand Chancellor of the Supreme Council of France, Pike discussed the causes that had brought about the rupture of fraternal relations, and then stated that he would be happy to reestablish fraternal relations should the Supreme Council of France so desire, on condition that the Scottish Rite Bodies in Hawaii be recognized as legitimate and that the "Symbolic Lodge of its Obedience in the Kingdom of Hawaii" be instructed "to cultivate fraternal relations with them". France accepted the proposal and so notified Pike on November 16, 1883.26' Secretary General Wm. M. Ireland, on March 14, 1883, distributed copies of the proposed revision of the Statutes, as authorized by the Session in 1882, along with other pertinent reports and resolutions, to the Inspectors General for study. This was done in order that action on the revision might take place in the Session of 1884 265 The remainder of the surviving correspondence of this period in 1883 bears on Pike's itinerary during his long planned tour through the Jurisdiction. A report from Kansas City did not indicate that the time was right for the formation of a Lodge of Perfection in that city; Pike was requested to visit Arkansas for one week; he was also requested to visit Washington Territory; a report that a class of twelve candidates was waiting for Pike in El Paso was received; it was proposed that Pike visit Mexico to help improve the Masonic situation there; and a report of the arrangements made for Pike's reception in New Orleans was sent to him."' With preparations as complete as could be made, Pike departed from Washington, D. C., on April 1, 1883 ,211 upon what proved to be an extensive tour of the Southern Jurisdiction. Unfortunately, he did not prepare a report of the journey. However, it can be outlined from his correspondence and a few other sources. On April 3, 1883, he had arrived in New Orleans, where he delivered an address to the Grand 263 Official Bulletin, VI, 98‑187. 264Ibid., 239‑243.


            265 Wm. M. Ireland to Odell Squire Long (form letter), March 14, 1883.


            266 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, January 4, 1883; J. A. Henry to Albert Pike, January 16, 1883; T. M. Reid to Albert Pike, February 24, 1883; W. H. Sibley to Albert Pike, March 4, 1883; James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, March 9, 1883; A. Shaw to Albert Pike, March 27, 1883.


            267 Albert Pike to O. S. Long, March, 1883; Transactions, Supreme Council, S. 1., 1884, Appendix, 19.


            272 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Consistory of Louisiana on the duties of Scottish Rite Masons, and remained in that city until after April 7, 1883.28 His next known stop was at El Paso, Texas, where, on April 12, 1883, he granted a petition for the formation of El Paso Lodge of Perfection No. 5, after communicating the necessary degrees with the assistance of Treasurer General Frederick Webber who was accompanying him, and on the following day inaugurated the Lodge and installed its officers. From this work, Pike forwarded a draft for $750 to the Home Fund."' Pike's letter to Ireland on April 13, 1883, also reveals that Pike was leaving El Paso for a trip to Chihuahua and Santa Rosalia, Mexico, on April 14, and that after his return to El Paso, he would proceed to Tucson, Arizona. He mentioned that Santa Rosalia was about 100 miles south of Chihuahua. Pike delivered an address to the Lodge at Chihuahua and later instructed Ireland to send some books to the Lodge, suitably inscribed, as a token of his appreciation for the reception which had been accorded him. Pike arrived in Tucson sometime prior to April 20, 1883, sick with fever and gout but determined to begin the communication of degrees on April 21, 1883, to a class of ten that had been assembled."' From Tucson, Pike wrote a letter to a friend describing the trip from El Paso to that city that contained this observation: "I would not give one month of life in Washington for a year in any of these dry, dusty, sandy, treeless, grassless regions.""' Pike, assisted by Webber and Parvin who was passing through Tucson on his way home from San Francisco and Los Angeles, constituted Santa Rita Lodge of Perfection No. 1 at Tucson and installed its officers on April 25, 1883. In sending this information to the Secretary General, Pike enclosed a draft for $500 for the Home Fund, directed that books and patents, already paid for, be shipped, notified him that Merrill P. Freeman had been appointed Deputy of the Supreme Council for Arizona, stated that he was feeling better, that he would leave for Los Angeles "tomorrow", (April 27, 1883), and closed by saying: "This and El Paso are the most dust‑cursed places I ever saw. 11212 Pike stopped briefly in Los Angeles and moved on to San Francisco where he arrived on May 3, 1883, from which city he wrote that there was little prospect of work .273 The Grand Commander appears to have used San Francisco as a base of operations until he departed for Portland, Oregon, by sea on July 5, 1883.


            268 Minutes, Grand Consistory of Louisiana, April 3, 1883; Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, April 7, 1883.


            269 Petition, El Paso Lodge of Perfection No. 5, April 12, 1883; Official Bulletin, V, 425; Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, April 13, 1883.


            276 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, two letters, April 20, 1883.


            211 Albert Pike to "Dear Mary" (Mrs. Mary Fuller), April 21, 1883. 272 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, April 26, 1883.


            273 Ibid., May 4, 1883.




It appears that correspondence addressed to the Grand Commander at Washington, D. C., had been forwarded to him at San Francisco, for on May 4, 1883, he granted a dispensation to the Lyons, Iowa, Bodies in order that the degrees might be conferred without observing the statutory delays. The request for this dispensation included a statement to the effect that if the dispensation was granted, the money derived from the work would pay all the debts that had been hampering the Lyons Bodies for the past ten years."' This statement indicated the payment of the remaining indebtedness on the first building erected by Scottish Rite Bodies in the Southern Jurisdiction. Two days after granting the dispensation, Pike wrote that there was a possibility of forming a Lodge of Perfection to work in the German language at San Francisco and that he had prospects of forming a Lodge of Perfection in Oakland."' The next positive trace of Pike's work in California appears at San Jose where he had arrived by May 15, 1883, to communicate degrees to a class of "eight or ten ".276 On May 23, 1883, Pike had returned to San Francisco where he delivered an address to the Lodge of Perfection."' He also commissioned F. H. Harmon Deputy for the Supreme Council for six Nevada counties on this same day."' Pike was still in San Francisco two days later when he wrote to Ireland in answer to a letter about the library room being built in Washington, D. C., which he closed by telling him to "get it built" .276 About this time Treasurer General Webber left the Grand Commander and returned home. The whereabouts of the Grand Commander for the next fifteen days has not been definitely established, however, on some unknown date, probably within this period of time, Pike returned to Los Angeles and communicated degrees to a class of six candidates. As early as June 1, 1883, Pike was in Oakland communicating degrees to a class of twelve, with the assistance of Inspectors General Caswell and Lawson, making several trips for the purpose."' The work at Oakland was probably finished by June 27, 1883, when Pike sent a draft to Ireland for $1,100 to be credited to the Home Fund. He stated that he hoped to secure an additional $1,000 and that he had proposed to Inspector General 274 Ibid.; G. W. Ashton to Albert Pike, April 1, 1883. 275 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, May 6, 1883. 276Ibid., May 15, 1883.


            277 Arthur R. Anderson and Leon O. Whitsell, California's First Century of Scottish Rite Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, May 23, 1883.


            278 Official Bulletin, V, 425.


            279 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, May 25, 1883.


            286 Membership Card File, Secretary General's Office; Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, 19‑20; Anderson and Whitsell, California's First Century of Scottish Rite Masonry, 79.


            Masonry, 19; Albert Appendix, 274 o perform work that would net another $3,000 in Pike wrote that he would form a German speaking rancisco; a day afterward, he wrote that he was forming 1883, the Grand Commander constituted said Lodge of amed Pythagoras, with twelve members.2"‑ On July 4, 1883, to start the printing of the current number of the Official y and stated that he was sailing for Portland, Oregon, "tomorrow" arrive at his destination on "Saturday" (July 7, 1883),283 likely that Pike reached his destination in Oregon on schedule but the and library of the Supreme Council contain nothing with which to confirm upposition nor is anything available with which to determine what he did in egon. Pike was in Seattle, Washington Territory, on July 18, 1883, where he earned and reported to Ireland that orders for patents accompanied by payments of necessary funds, had never been acknowledged or otherwise heard from. Three days later he wrote that he was to deliver an address to the Masons in Seattle and enclosed drafts totaling $307.84 Pike's next surviving letter was written from Olyrn pia, Washington Territory, on July 26, 1883, in which he wrote that he was leaving Olympia for Portland on the following day. He also stated that he intended to visit Walla Walla and Dayton in Oregon for two days each and then proceed to Butte and Helena, Montana, by way of the incompleted Northern Pacific Railroad, with possible stops at Spokane Falls and Lake Coeur d'Alene which would not exceed two days each. Pike had made arrangements with H. R. Comly to meet him at railhead of the unfinished railroad in Montana with a buggy by which he would cross the gap in the line.28' Comly had informed Pike that he could arrange a hunting and fishing party for the Grand Commander at this time.


            Pike's next letter was written from Fort Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where he had arrived on Sunday, August 5, 1883, and had become sick two days later. He was again able to travel on August 16, 1883, and proceeded to Missoula for his meeting with Comly who had been waiting for him there with a buggy for a week. He also wrote that he expected to spend seven or eight days in Butte and Helena (class of six) and three or four in Minneapolis; that he must make stops at Yankton and Lyons and therefore could not reach Washington, D. C., before the meeting at Cincinnati; 2 s 1 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, June 27, 1883. 2112Ibid., June 30, 1883; July 1, 1883; Edwin A. 283 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, July 4, 1883. 284Ibid., July 18, 1883; July 21, 1883.


            2 1151 Ibid., July 26, 1883; H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, May 31, 1883.


            Sherman, Fifty Years of Masonry in California, II, 764.




and instructed Ireland to make arrangements for the meeting (Royal Order of Scotland) ; and to meet him in Cincinnati, where he would arrive September 15, 1883, with his "Star and Garter" and "Sword and belt". His only comments regarding the Scottish Rite were to the effect that Lodges of Perfection would soon be established at Tacoma and Spokane Falls and that the Home Fund would benefit therefrom about "7 or $800".28 It appears that Pike arrived in Helena about August 22, 1883, worked about one week and departed for Minneapolis on "Wednesday, Aug. 29".287 Pike arrived in Minneapolis on September 1, 1883, and departed for Sioux City, Yankton, Omaha, Clinton, St. Louis (where he had been requested to address Master Masons) and Cincinnati on September 6, 1883. He noted that he would have $1,000 for the Home Fund and that he expected to have enough money by January 1, 1884, to pay the entire cost of the House of the Temple, including the new library room."' On September 12, 1883, Pike wrote a letter from Sioux Falls saying that he would leave that place on Friday night (September 14, 1883) and be at Clinton on Saturday (September 15, 1883) and be ready to confer the 33' not later than Sunday morning."' Pike probably arrived in Cincinnati on September 22, 1883, presided over the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland during the period from September 24 through 27; visited the Sessions of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction during the same period; and departed from Cincinnati on September 28, 1883, arriving in Washington, D. C., on September 30, 1883, lacking only about $1,000 with which to pay the entire cost of the House of the Temple."' The trip is estimated to have covered 11,450 miles and required six months of time. It appears, from available information,_ that Pike, assisted by the Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council along the way, raised about $15,225 during the trip and as a result of it for the Home Fund. For the times and conditions, the journey would have been an epic undertaking for a young man; Pike was in his seventy‑fourth year, having been born on December 29, 1809, and had been ill 116 Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, August 15, 1883.


            287 Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, August 25, 1883; Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, August 28, 1883; Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix, 21.


            288 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, September 5, 1883; Albert Pike to Wm. M. Ireland, September 6, 1883; J. H. Deems to Albert Pike, September 12, 1883.


            289 Albert Pike to "BB.'. Ashton and Warren," September 12, 1883.


            290 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, September 27, 1883; Minutes, Royal Order of Scotland, September 24‑27, 1883; Transactions, Supreme Council, N. J., 1883, p. 11; Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix, 21.


            276 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION much of the time during the decade preceding the trip. It was a marvelous accomplishment by Pike and its results were a great tribute to the Grand Commander and to Scottish Rite Masonry at that time.


            During the six months that Grand Commander Pike was making his 1883 tour, other events were taking place. Bodies formed included the following: April 11, 1883, Covenant Lodge of Perfection No. 1, Lewiston, Idaho."' May 4, 1883, Dayton Lodge of Perfection, No. 7, Washington Territory, by Sewell Truax, Special Deputy of J. R. Hayden, Inspector General, remittance of $229 totaling $972 to date for Home Fund from Washington...


            June 7, 1883, Enoch Lodge of Perfection, Fargo, Dakota, R. C. Jordan, Inspector Generalòò June 30, 1883, St. Louis Chapter, Rose Croix, Martin Collins, Inspector General294 No. 1, St. Louis, Missouri, In addition to the Bodies formed, plans for the creation of a Lodge of Perfection at Kansas City, Missouri, a Council of Kadosh in Missouri, Lodges of Perfection at Nebraska City and Hastings, Nebraska, and a Consistory at Omaha, Nebraska, were reported to be in various stages of development."' On May 16, 1883, Pike announced a gift of a mineral collection to the Library of the Supreme Council by Inspector General Thomas H. Caswell, valued at $5,000, and invited other contributions to make the collection more representative of the Jurisdiction..96 In the following months, correspondence from the West indicates that response to this request was favorable .297 This collection remained in the possession of the Library of the Supreme Council for many years, and was presented to the United States National Museum by the Supreme Council on June 16, 1927, according to the Transactions of that year.


            In mid‑year an epidemic of renewed spurious Cerneauism activity opened with the formation of what was called a Lodge of Perfection in Richmond, Virginia, around a nucleus of former members of the legitimate Richmond Body. Pike reacted with 291 Official Bulletin, V, 426; Returns, Convenant Lodge of Perfection, 1884.


            292 Official Bulletin, V, 425; Report, Sewell Truax, May 4, 1883; J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, May 31, 1883. 293 Official Bulletin, V, 426; Report, R. C. Jordan, June 7, 1883.


            294 Official Bulletin, V, 426.


            295 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, April 18, 24, July 2, 1883; R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, September 29, 1883. 296 Official Bulletin, V, 487.


            291 M. P. Freeman to Albert Pike, May 6, May 31, 1884; J. A. Hyde to Albert Pike, January 18, 1884; F. N. Harmon to Albert Pike, June 24, 1884.


            277 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 characteristic vigor and published on June 4, 1883, a denunciation and condemnation of the individuals by name for their action and an outline of the facts of the illegitimacy of the organization."' Immediately, a J. T. Brown invited Pike to visit Richmond and refute Cerneauism, if he could."' The Pike reply, if any was made, to this letter is not known. However, Pike, upon the request of Ed. N. Eubanks,"6 provided anti‑Cerneauism literature for distribution at Lynchburg, Virginia. It is entirely probable that is was the conflict between the legitimate Scottish Rite Masons and the Cerneauists which brought about the reestablishment of Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection in Lynchburg, reported on August 16, 1884,31 after Pike had ruled that there would be "no fee for the charter"."' The struggle may also have had considerable bearing upon the decision of Inspectors General John L. Roper to form a Lodge of Perfection at Portsmouth, Virginia, on February 12, 1884.33 Cerneauist activity was also reported in Minneapolis,"' New Mexico,"' Washington, D. C.,"' West Virginia,"' and California... before the Session of the Supreme Council in 1884.


            Learning that Pike was to visit the Northwest, the Scottish Rite Masons of Victoria, British Columbia, invited him to extend his visit into Canada. They also hoped that he would come authorized by the Supreme Council of Canada to establish additional Bodies in Victoria."' There is no evidence that Pike visited Victoria, but it is highly probable that he would have had it been possible to make the necessary arrangements to form the Bodies that were requested. Pike also received an urgent invitation from J. M. Murton to attend the Session of the Supreme Council of Canada in Hamilton, Ontario."' On June 29, 1883, Deputy M. P. Freeman asked Pike to advise him regarding his authority to communicate the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection in Arizona."' Pike replied that Freeman had the authority to communicate these degrees at any place in Arizona but that it would not be wise to do so on any candidate who could receive 298 Official Bulletin, V, 488‑490.


            299 J. T. Brown to Albert Pike, June 6, 1883.


            300 Ed. N. Eubanks to Albert Pike, December 16, 1883. 301 B. E. Lee to Albert Pike, August 16, 1884. 302Ibid., July 15, 1884.


            303 John L. Roper to Albert Pike, January 29; March 7, 304 J. W. Henion to Albert Pike, June 20, 1884.


            305 C. Spalding to Albert Pike, November 27, 1883. 306 Official Bulletin, V1, 12‑14; 17.


            307 O. S. Long to Albert Pike, July 19, 1884. 308 Official Bulletin, VJ, 29‑32.


            300 E. Harrison to Albert Pike, June 14, 1883.


            310 J. W. Murton to Albert Pike, August 18, 1883. 311 M. P. Freeman to Albert Pike, June 29, 1883.




            278 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION the degrees in the Lodge of Perfection recently established at Tucson. He also advised him that he should not charge less than $20 for the degrees."' In addition to the illness that interfered with the work of Grand Commander Pike while on his western tour in 1883, there were other cases of sickness in the biennium of 1882‑1884 that affected Scottish Rite work in the Southern Jurisdiction. Lieutenant Grand Commander James C. Batchelor was reported to be very ill on October 1, 1883, and he had not recovered sufficiently to write to Pike until "Madi Gras, 1884"313 (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday). Grand Chancellor Henry Buist wrote from New York on October 16, 1883, that he had been an "invalid for four months"."' Pike was sick again at the end of 1883 and wrote that he thought he had an ulcerated stomach caused by drinking "alkali water" and that he had "lost 50 or 60 pounds" of weight."' Deputy A. M. Wolihim reported that sickness and "money famin" had prevented him from making progress... in his Georgia jurisdiction. Deputy T. W. Chandler, also in Georgia, reported that he had been ill most of 1884 and unable to accomplish the progress expected,"' The Grand Standard Bearer, Wilmot G. Desaussure, wrote that continued illness was preventing him from discharging his duties and that he could not attend the Session of the Supreme Council."' The first decision of major importance that Pike was called upon to make after his return to Washington related to the use of the "black ball". On October 7, 1883, he ruled that a member of the Rite had no right to ask another member to cast a black ball against a petition for the degrees and this decision was reaffirmed on October 29, 1883.31 Shortly thereafter, the Grand Commander ruled that a member who had fled from the jurisdiction of a civil court to escape trial for embezzlement must be tried by his Lodge of Perfection for the offense; that a member who failed to obey a summons or to "see the Degree of Perfection conferred in full", as promised, without rendering an acceptable excuse should be charged and tried "for violation of his vows of obedience and performance of duty"; that members must provide themselves with appropriate clothing and jewels within a reasonable time fixed by each 312 Albert Pike to M. P. Freeman, July 3, 1883.


            313 S. M. Todd to Albert Pike, October 1, 14, 1883; Albert Pike to S. M. Todd, October 6, Isaacson to Albert Pike, October 13, 1883; James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, "Madi Gras, 314 Henry Buist to Albert Pike, October 16, 1883.


            315 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, December 31, 1883. 3111 A. M. Wolihim to Albert Pike, September 1, 1884. 317 T. W. Chandler to Albert Pike, October 18, 1884. 3111 Wilmot G. DeSaussure to Albert Pike, October 19, 1884.


            319 Official Bulletin, VI, 8‑9; Albert Pike to George F. Moore, October 29, 1883.


            1883; A. H. 1884".




Body; that a Deputy of the Supreme Council cannot serve as an officer of "any Subordinate Body"; and that Deputies of the Supreme Council are exempt from the payment of dues."' On April 10, 1884, Pike ruled that it is within the discretion of an Inspector General to confer or not to confer the 33' upon one who has been elected by the Supreme Council to receive it. Three days later, he ruled that the Grand Commander had no power to require a Sovereign Grand Inspector General to confer the 33 upon a protested designate."' The next ruling of the Grand Commander, dated May 24, 1884, was that a Subordinate Body could appeal only to the Supreme Council from a ruling of its Grand Consistory.322 Letters to Pike from October, 1883, to October, 1884, advised him of remittances to the Supreme Council totaling $3,192.10.3‑3 In some instances, these remittances resulted from the formation of Bodies. The records of the Supreme Council show that the following Bodies of the Rite were created during this period: October 24, 1883, Oakland Lodge of Perfection, Gethsemane Chapter of Rose Croix and DeMolay Council of Kadosh, Oakland, California; December 19, 1883, Spokane Lodge of Perfection, Spokane Falls, Washington Territory; December 29, 1883, St. Andrews Council of Kadosh, Topeka, Kansas; February 12, 1884, Portsmouth Lodge of Perfection, Portsmouth, Virginia; April 9, 1884, Pelican Chapter of Rose Croix, Richmond, Virginia; May 5, 1884, Tacoma Lodge of Perfection, Tacoma, Washington Territory; May 24, 1884, Missouri Council of Kadosh, St. Louis, Missouri; June 7, 1884, De Molai Council of Kadosh, Leavenworth, Kansas; June 12, 1884, Zerbal Lodge of Perfection, Kansas City, Missouri; July 10, 1884, Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection, Lynchburg, Virginia (re‑established); September 15, 1884, Albert Pike Lodge of Perfection and Albert G. Mackey Chapter of Rose Croix, Evanston, Wyoming."' It seems significant that all of the surviving letters reporting remittances and all of the Bodies that were formed, except those in Virginia, during this period were either in the West or Mid‑West and that the results were reported in the months following the Grand Commander's tour of those regions.


            Upon Pike's return to Washington, D. C., he found that proponents of Cerneauism had continued to be active. On October 31, 1883, the Grand Commander published 320 Official Bulletin, VI, 10‑12. 321 Ibid., 539‑540; 540‑541. 322Ibid., 580‑582.


            323 F. N. Harmon to Albert Pike, October 9, 1883; R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, November 19, 1883; December 24, 1883; April 14, 1884; J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, January 12, 1884; I. W. Pratt to Albert Pike, February 17, 1884; H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, March 12, 1884; M. P. Freeman to Albert Pike, May 16, 1884.


            324 Official Bulletin, VI, 54, 591‑592; Minutes, St. Andrews Council of Kadosh, December 29, 1883; J. R. Hayden to Albert Pike, March 16, 1884, April 26, 1884, May 7, 1884; C. S. Owsley to Albert Pike, May 19, 1884; Martin Collins to Albert Pike, May 24, 1884; May 29, 1884; June 16, 1884; F. M. Foote to Albert Pike, September 19, 1884.


            280 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION a denunciation and condemnation of F. Widdows for joining the spurious Washington organization and on November 1, 1883, he denounced and condemned the organization not only in Washington but also in New York and Boston. The Active and Honorary Members of the Supreme Council in California followed Pike's example on January 25, 1884, and published a denunciation of spurious bodies in Sacramento, California. These were followed on July 1, 1884, by the publication of a list of all known spurious bodies and their membership rosters with an appropriate warning to all legitimate Scottish Rite Masons to avoid holding Scottish Rite communication with the organizations or individuals so named."' Grand Commander Pike, following his return to Washington in 1883, gave his attention to the schism and consequent confusion in Cuban Scottish Rite Masonry that had begun in 1880. On October 31, 1883, he addressed a communication to all Supreme Councils recognized by the Southern Jurisdiction in which he reviewed the situation in Cuba and concluded by announcing that he had resumed "relations of amity and correspondence" with the Supreme Council of Colon, for Cuba and the other Spanish West Indian Islands, of which the Marques d'Almeiras was Grand Commander, considering it to be the Supreme Council regularly and legitimately established "by our Supreme Council in the year 1859",326 As a service to the wives, daughters, mothers and sisters of Scottish Rite Masons of the Southern Jurisdiction, Pike announced that certificates would, after January 1, 1884, be available to them for one dollar. The price was expected to defray the cost only."' A document, dated April 20, 1884, having far reaching consequences upon Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction came to the attention of Grand Commander Pike shortly thereafter. This was the Encyclical Letter of Leo XIII, reigning Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, denominated "Humanum Genus". Although seven previous Popes of this Church had attacked Freemasonry, beginning in 1738, none had done so with greater vehemence. In each of the earlier attacks, the policy of Masonic officials appears to have been to publicly ignore them by leaving them unanswered. In 1884, the same policy prevailed generally, except with Grand Commander Albert Pike who was as ready to pick up the gage of battle with the Pope as with all other enemies of Freemasonry, with spurious or clandestine organizations 325 Official Bulletin, VI, 12‑17, 29‑32, 583‑589. 326Ibid., 87‑95.


            327 Ibid., 28‑29.




claiming to be Masonic or with individuals within the body of Freemasonry whom he considered to be deviates. Accordingly, on July 1, 1884, Pike published an answer to "Humanum Genus" and on August l, 1884, a revision of this answer."' The "Reply of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite" was incorporated as one section of Pike's Allocution to the Supreme Council on October 20, 1884, and published for distribution to all candidates for the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection by resolution of the Supreme Council passed on October 22, 1895, and amended on October 24, 1895, to include copies of the Bull in the original Latin and in an English translation. 3‑' The purposes served by these documents were to clearly define the diametrically opposing views of Roman Catholic and Scottish Rite officialdom and to determine, to some extent, the educational programs presented by each not only to their respective members but also to the public.


            The remainder of the surviving correspondence before the Session of 1884 was of considerable volume but it concerned general routine and information that did not produce actions of significance in the history of the Supreme Council.


            As scheduled, the Session of the Supreme Council was opened by Grand Commander Pike in Washington, D. C., on October 20, 1884. Thirteen Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, eight Honorary Inspectors General, and three visitors from the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction were present. After the usual welcome extended to the visitors, the membership of the Standing Committees was announced, nominations and reports were received and referred to appropriate committees, excuses for non‑attendance from five Inspectors General were accepted and other matters of routine filled the time until recess for lunch. Reassembling in a Grand Lodge of Perfection with an additional twenty‑seven visitors, the proceedings continued with the reception of the Grand Commander's Allocution which opened with a tribute to the dead: Active Member William Letcher Mitchell, Emeritus Member Charles Laffon de Ladebat and nine Honorary Members. The next section of the address was devoted to a review of the purchase of "Our House and Home," which added no significant information to that already recorded as the event transpired, at the end of which it was announced that dedication would take place on "the evening f Wednesday of this week" (October 22, 1884). In connection with an announcehat the "House" was entirely paid for, Pike pointed out that an additional ment 328Ibid., VI, 624‑637, 542‑566, VII, 39‑66.


            329 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, Appendix, 57‑71; 1895, pp. 59, 117. Note: These documents have been published so many times and so widely distributed as to be easily available, hence, they are not republished in this volume. Neither the Papacy nor the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction has seen fit to modify its position since 1884.


            28 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION $20,321.26 had been paid for salaries, printing, library and taxes during "the same two years". This statement was made because the Grand Commander appears to have been stung by "the gibe that I have lived upon the Order". The Caswell gift of the basic mineralogical collection and the twelve other donations made to it was then discussed. Pike then said that all he thought, twenty‑five years ago, could be accomplished for the Rite, "and very much more" had been done. This statement was followed by a proposal that an invested charity fund, of at least fifty thousand dollars, be created, the interest from which could be used for the relief of aged brethren, widows and orphans. He submitted a draft of a proposed statute that would accomplish this end for consideration. Pike then turned his attention to a review of "The Condition of the Rite" which he prefaced with a statement that the condition of his health had prevented him from making a tour in Minnesota, Dakota and Iowa during the summer of 1884. He outlined his tours in late 1882 and in 1883 and the results accomplished. He reported that since the Session in October, 1882, thirty‑seven new Bodies had been formed and one revived which made a total of 145 Bodies working directly under the Supreme Council. He also stated that the Grand Consistories of Louisiana, Kentucky and California had fifteen subordinates and that there were dormant Bodies in the process of revival‑a total number of Bodies in excess of 160. He noted that illegitimate bodies claiming to be Scottish Rite had been formed in the Jurisdiction and that no special measures were needed against them because "Legitimacy is necessarily all powerful in Masonry and Bodies not possessing it must soon languish and die". Pike repeated that he did not wish Grand Lodges to denounce "Organizations claiming to be of our Rite". He praised the work of Tucker, Morel, Carr, Sherman, Lawson, Hayden and Jordan and their Deputies and said that what they had accomplished could be duplicated elsewhere. He then repeated that the progress of the Rite must be slow because it was limited in its appeal to those of "higher moral and intellectual nature". Pike then restated his conclusions regarding the authenticity of the Grand Consititutions which continued to be under attack, then said that the question was really immaterial because the Supreme Council as a sovereign power had adopted them as its basic legal foundation, which adoption gave the Grand Constitutions their importance. Closely connected with the subject of the Grand Constitutions, Pike took note of outside criticism that the system of government of the Scottish Rite was unrepresentative. He commented that a representative system could and would be employed for the government of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction when the membership believed that such would be to the best interests of the Rite, a conclusion that he had long held. The Grand Commander then recommended that the Supreme Council should remember and honor Ex‑Grand Commander John Henry Honour, Ex‑Grand Almoner Claude Samory, and General 283 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION John Lawson Lewis, the last surviving Deputy in Louisiana created by the Concordat. He specifically recommended that General Lewis be elected to Active Membership and then to Emeritus status. Pike then called attention to vacancies in offices caused by the death of Mitchell and the resignation of Parvin and Barber, the latter of which had just been received. Commenting that all Inspectors General should comply with the Statutes regarding reports, the Grand Commander recommended that the reports received should be published with the Transactions and that the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation should give attention to a portion of the report from Oregon prepared by W. V. Spencer. No review of "Decisions" was presented, these having been previously published in the Official Bulletin, those requiring action by the Supreme Council would be a part of the revision of the Statutes under consideration. Printing was said to consist of reprints of exhausted materials, publication of rituals in French and Spanish upon the completion of translations, and the continuation of the Official Bulletin. The Grand Commander called attention to the practice of several Inspectors General in which they had appointed Deputies to assist them; he approved this arrangement and recommended that other Inspectors General use the plan. Pike then called for action on the proposed revision of the Statutes after careful deliberation. Pike's comments on "Foreign Relations" contained nothing of historical importance, except, possibly, his statement that relations of "amity and representation" had been resumed with‑ the Supreme Council of France and that relations with other recognized Supreme Councils were "satisfactory". Pike then read his answer to the Encyclical Letter "Humanum Genus" and closed his Allocution as follows It will be time enough to rest when we can work no longer; but the time for neglecting the performance of duty or shunning responsibility will never come to an honest man.


            The first day closed with the Allocution in the hands of a committee for distribution to other committees for consideration, the passage of a resolution to take up the revision of the Statutes on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., and the acceptance of the resignation of Inspector General Luke Barber, who was then placed on the list of Emeriti Members.


            The work of the second day of the Session began with the confirmation of the minutes of the first day. Following this action, three petitions for Letters Temporary were received and referred to committees, excuses for absence were received and accepted as satisfactory from four other Inspectors General, one additional Inspector General appeared and was seated, some nominations were referred to the Committee 285 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


on Nominations and the time set for revision of the Statutes was changed to 2:00 p. m., Tuesday. In an Executive Session, Philip C. Tucker was elected Grand Prior; Thomas H. Caswell was elected Grand Minister of State; and Robert C. Jordan was elected Grand Almoner. John Q. A. Fellows was appointed Second Grand Equerry.


            The afternoon meeting began with a report from the Special Committee on the Allocution which was adopted. In addition to the expected and normal routine referrals, three special committees were created: "Our House and Home" and "Fund for Fraternal Assistance", "Some yet Living and entitled to Rememberance", and "Our Printing". It is significant that the section "The Encyclical Letter `Humanum Genus"' was not referred to a committee for report. As a Committee of the Whole the Supreme Council then began consideration of the revisions of the Statutes. Procedures were discussed but final action was deferred until 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday. In normal Session, it was ordered that the conferral of the 33' take place on "Friday morning at ten o'clock".


            The third day of the Session opened with one more Inspector General in attendance and the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding day. A committtee report approving Pike's statements relating to the Grand Constitutions was adopted. Adoption of a Committee on the State of the Order report followed. It contained these points: a Consistory was authorized at St. Louis at the discretion of Inspector Collins; Inspector Innes was authorized to confer the 33 Honorary upon Giles W. Merrill; O. G. Miller, 33, "Commander of the Council of Kadosh, 30, and Master of the Kadosh 32 of St. Paul," was censured for neglect of duty; the application for a Consistory at Sioux Falls, Dakota, was "deferred" until 1886; and Letters Perpetual were granted to St. Louis Chapter of Rose Croix.


            The Special Committee on "Of some yet living, entitled to Rememberance" reported approval of the Grand Commander's recommendations and same were adopted. The election of John Lawson Lewis to Active Membership and his transfer to Emeritus Membership then followed.


            After receiving and referring petitions for Letters Perpetual, the Supreme Council, again in Committee of the Whole for consideration of the revision of the Statutes, passed a motion to consider "only those Sections to which amendments have been proposed by the Committe, or to which an Inspector desired to offer an amendment". An amendment to Section 7 of Article II deleting "the Treasurer General" was adopted and "consideration of the Statutes was ... completed". Resuming its normal Session procedure, the Supreme Council received and adopted the report of its Com 286 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION mittee of the Whole and ordered the Secretary General to arrange the Statutes for publication. A proposed Statute to adopt an "Annual Pass‑word" was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation. The effective date of the Revised Statutes was then set at March 1, 1885. However, on the following day, October 23, 1884, the sections forbidding the return of any defector to spurious organizations to Bodies of the Southern Jurisdiction or the "healing" of a member of spurious organizations by any method except by receiving the degrees in the regular and lawful manner were made immediately effective and the Secretary General was ordered to have the sections printed and distributed "at once".


            On October 23, 1884, the Special Committee on "Our Printing" reported favorably on the Grand Commander's recommendations and the report was adopted. This action was followed by the adoption of the favorable report of the Finance Committee on the various accounts. The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation then submitted proposed Statutes to create "a Fund of Fraternal Assistance" and to create a Board of Trustees for the House of the Temple. Both Statutes were adopted. Consideration of the adoption of an "Annual Pass‑word" was continued. Provision was made for the creation of a Joint Committee to study the question of jurisdiction over members receiving a part of the degrees in the Northern Jurisdiction and the remainder in the Southern Jurisdiction. One additional Inspector General submitted an excuse for non‑attendance which was accepted and an Executive Session was called at which two were elected to receive the Grand Cross, 155 were elected to receive the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, 109 were elected to receive the 33 Honorary, and the following elected to Active Membership in the Supreme Council: Eugene Grissom for North Carolina Charles Leonard Wilson for Georgia George Fleming Moore for Alabama James Daniel Richardson for Tennessee The work of the Supreme Council on Friday, October 24, 1884, began with an Executive Session at 10 a.m. of which no private or published record can now be found. In "Senatoral Chamber" a resolution of thanks to the Franz Abt Club for musical services was adopted and then a report from the Committee on "The Condition of the Rite" was received and adopted. This report took note of the "great progress" of the Rite during the "past two years", gave Grand Commander Pike the 287 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


credit for the achievements and in approving what had been done, expressed the hope that such progress would continue until the "desires of his heart" would be "fully realized". It was then "Resolved" that the Grand Commander call "a convention" at Washington on February 28, 1885; at New New Orleans on April 2, 1885; at San Francisco on January 12, 1885; for the conferral of the 33; and that the next Session of the Supreme Council be held in "Washington, D. C., on the third Monday of October, 1886". Fifty dollars was appropriated to pay the Grand Tiler and thirty dollars to pay E. C. Kenney for labor and services during the Session. It was ordered that the Secretary General audit the bills of the Session and the Grand Commander was requested to draw a warrant for the amount. William Oscar Roome and Joseph Knight Ashby were singly introduced and decorated with the Grand Cross by Grand Commander Pike. The next item of business was a report from the Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies recommending that "Charters Perpetual" be granted to fifteen Bodies of the Rite working under Letters Temporary and the extension of all other Letters Temporary that were expiring. The report of the Committee was adopted and it may be noted that this was the largest number of Bodies granted "Charters Perpetual" at one time in the history of the Southern Jurisdiction from 1801 to 1884. The Committee on Doings of Inspectors General made a report revealing that only "twelve of the twenty‑nine Inspectors" had filed their reports as required by the Statutes. After commenting on each report, the Committee expressed the belief that the reports of past events were of little value, that the Statutes requiring the reports would never be complied with, that the publication of the reports was a waste of money, and recommended that the Statutes be changed to require reports of events as they transpired; a proposed Statute to this effect was appended to the report. The report was received and ordered published with the Transactions. The Statute was adopted. It might be pointed out that Tucker, the Chairman of the Committee, was one of the Inspectors General that had not filed a report and that an examination of the Archives of the Supreme Council reveals that he had, since 1867, been uniformly derelict in filing this required report or in keeping the Grand Commander advised of events and affairs in his jurisdiction (Texas), except after repeated requests for information. On Tucker's motion, the reports that had been filed were ordered not to be published with the Transactions. The Committee on Foreign Relations reported approval of "the conclusions" of the Grand Commander and recommended their adoption; same were adopted. A sum of $150 was appropriated to assist in publishing The Light, a Masonic journal published in Kansas.


            The afternoon Session was devoted to the conferral of the 33, at which time twenty‑one designates received this honor. Afterwards, all but Active Members 288 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION retired and Eugene Grissom was crowned as the Sovereign Grand Inspector General for North Carolina.


            The final meeting of the 1884 Session of the Supreme Council was held on October 25. Following the confirmation of the minutes of the preceding day, an order was passed to buy "a suitable cabinet desk" for the offices, all Active Members were authorized to confer the 33 on those elected to receive it, the effective date of the Statutes designating the books to be purchased by new Bodies was established as October 25, 1884, and an Executive Session was held, of which no record has survived. The Box of Fraternal Assistance was passed, the contents given to Mithras Lodge of Perfection for distribution, and the Supreme Council was closed."' The Session of the Supreme Council in 1884 was not distinguished by the formation of new policies or the development of new programs. It seems to have been a Session devoted more to a review of and formal acceptance of the work of Grand Commander Albert Pike in the two preceding years. Although little was recorded on the subject, it is a certainty that great satisfaction existed regarding the growth in new Bodies and membership in the Rite and the same may be said about the acquisition of a debt‑free House of the Temple which resulted from that growth. The adoption of the Pike Revision of the Statutes, almost without discussion, reflects the great confidence in the judgement of the Grand Commander by the members in attendance. The passage of a Statute permitting the creation of a Fund for Fraternal Assistance is an indication of faith in continued growth and well‑being. The fact that Fellows was not required to resign in accordance with the 1882 resolution of the Supreme Council indicates that peace in that situation had been attained. That no formal action took place on Pike's reply to "Humanum Genus" does not imply dissent by the Supreme Council but indicates that no further action was necessary.


            It is unknown when and how Grand Commander Pike determined to make a journey through Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia in late 1884 but it is certain that the decision was final on October 24, 1884, when he drew $150 from Supreme Council funds to defray the expenses of the trip.331 On November 2, 1884, Pike, accompanied by William M. Ireland, left Washington, D. C., for St. Louis by rail.' 12 He and Ireland spent practically all of the month of November in St. Louis, Springfield (where Ireland earned $500 for the Fraternal 330 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1884, pp. 3‑44; Appendix, 3‑74. 331 Accounts of Albert Pike, November 2 to December 29, 1884.


            332 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood. January 2, 1885.




Assistance Fund) and Neosho, Missouri, and Van Buren, Arkansas, but the exact dates and the work done in these places cannot now be determined from the records available. On December 5, 1884, they were in Galveston, Texas, where they conferred one Honorary 33.333 No record of a stop at New Orleans is contained in the minutes of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana nor is it known what visits were made in Alabama. A letter establishes that Pike was in Macon, Georgia, on December 19, 1884, 334 and another that he and Ireland arrived back in Washington, D. C., on December 25, 1884.335 Considerable work was done during the trip as Pike rendered a report of $2,315 received between November 2 and December 25, 1884,338 but other than the $500 earned at Springfield and one 33 at Galveston, it has not been determined who received the degrees or where they were conferred.


            Upon his return to Washington, the first item of Supreme Council business undertaken by the Grand Commander was to launch a drive for the accumulation of money for the Fraternal Assistance Fund provided for by legislation enacted in 1884. On January 1, 1885, the following letter was sent to the Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council: The Supreme Council, having at length a home and abiding place, the property, without incumbrances, of the whole Order, and a Library of proportions and value unequaled and indeed unapproached by those of any library of any other Masonic Power in the world, considered, at is Session of October last, that the time, long patiently waited for, had at length come, when it could, in the same manner whereby it printed its works and purchased its Home, without exacting contributions from the Bodies of its Obedience or imposing burdens on individual Brethren, begin to accumulate and safely invest a Fund of Fraternal Assistance, for the relief of the needs of Brethren fallen into decay and visited by deprivations and reverses, and of the widows and orphaned children of such Brethren as may hereafter, dying, commit and entrust them to its fatherly care.


            Therefore it has with unanimity enacted the following Statute: A STATUTE TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A FUND OF FRATERNAL ASSISTANCE.


            Be it enacted by the Supreme Council (Mother‑Council of the World) of the Inspectors‑General, Grand Commanders of the House of the Temple of Solomon, of the Thirty‑third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of FreeMasonry, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, as follows 333 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, December 5, 1884; Philip C. Tucker Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, January 2, 1885.


            334 Thomas W. Chandler to Albert Pike, April 23, 1885. 335 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, January 2, 1885.


            338 Account of Albert Pike, November 2 to December 29, 1884.


            to Albert Pike, December 30, 1884; 290 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION SECTION 1. That the purpose of creating a permanent fund for assisting decayed Brethren of the said Rite and the widows and orphans of Brethren thereof, throughout the Southern Jurisdiction, the Grand Commander is authorized, with the assistance of the Inspectors and Deputies, in the same manner in which the means for the purchase of the House of the Temple were accumulated, to raise the sum of ten thousand dollars per annum throughout the Jurisdiction, for five consecutive years, or such larger sum in each year as may be found practicable; all which moneys, being paid into the Treasury, shall be transferred therefrom only on special warrants in favor of the Trustees hereinafter provided for, which warrants shall be separately lettered and numbered.


            SECTION 2. The Grand Commander, Lieutenant Grand Commander, Grand Prior, Grand Chancellor and Grand Minister of State, in office, of the Supreme Council, with the oldest Inspectors‑General in office in the District of Columbia and the States of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia, and the successor of each, in perpetuity, shall form and constitute `THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FUND OF FRATERNAL ASSISTANCE' of this Supreme Council; the Grand Commander in office being the President and the Lieutenant Grand Commander in office the Vice‑President of the said Board. The Secretary‑General shall be the Secretary of the Board, but not a member nor with the right to vote; and the members of the Board shall elect one of their number to be the Treasurer.


            SECTION 3. Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and the Board may entrust to an Executive Committee of three such powers as it may deem it prudent to entrust such Committee with between its meetings.


            SECTION 4. The Trustees shall meet at the House of the Temple once in each year, on the third Monday of October; and special meetings may be called by the President whenever it may seem to him necessary, on the written request of three members.


            SECTION 5. The Trustees shall invite and may receive from the Bodies and Brethren of the Rite donations in money or property by present gift, or by will, or by insurance of life, for the benefit of the said Fund of Fraternal Assistance.


            SECTION 6. Any Brother who may, by gift or bequest, or by insurance in any Mutual Relief Association or otherwise, contribute to the said Fund two thousand dollars or more, (he paying, in case of insurance, all assessments or dues during his lifetime,) shall have the right to direct in writing, by will or other instrument, to the assistance of what Brother, widow, orphan or orphans the interest of the sum given by him shall be applied, or to authorize any other person or any Body of the Rite, for him, or after his decease, to direct the application of such interest from time to time; and in every case in which no such direction is given, such interest shall always be applied in assistance of some Brother in need, widow or orphan, in the State or Territory in which such donor resided.




SECTION 7. The Supreme Council shall, at every session, devote and contribute to the said fund one full third of all its revenue of every kind and from every source whatever.


            SECTION 8. All moneys paid into the Treasury for the said Fund shall, by warrant, be transferred to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, and be by them invested in bonds of the United States or of some surely solvent State, and the accruing interest be added to the principal until the whole amounts of seventyfive thousand dollars.


            SECTION 9. After the money so invested shall be found to amount to seventyfive thousand dollars, the accruing interest shall be applied by the Executive Committee, semi‑annually, to the assistance of Brethren in need and the widows and orphans of Brethren of the Rite, in all the States and Territories of the Jurisdiction, as equally and impartially as possible.


            SECTION 10. To enable the Executive Committee to make such equable and impartial appropriation, the several Inspectors and Deputies, consulting with the various Bodies in their respective States and Territories, shall, at least semiannually, advise it of all such cases in which assistance may be needed therein.


            SECTION 11. The principal of the said fund shall remain absolutely untouched, until it shall amount to five hundred thousand dollars; and no part of it, after or before that, shall be used for erecting or renting buildings, or for payment of salaries or compensation, or reimburesment of expenses to any Trustee, or to the Secretary or Treasurer, or to any agent employed in any capacity.


            SECTION 12. The compensation of the Secretary shall never be more than one hundred dollars per annum; and that of the Treasurer shall never be more than one hundred dollars per annum; and the Trustees shall receive no compensation, mileage or per diem pay whatever.


            Adopted: October 23d, 1884.


            This Supreme Council has never asked the Bodies or Brethren of its Obedience to tax themselves or contribute, beyond the ordinary and current dues, to enable it to do its work of duty in the world. As you wll have seen by reading its Statute, it does not propose to do so now.


            But it has always been conscious that the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, in its Jurisdiction, left the most essential part of its duty to Humanity unperformed, and could not have the right to repose serenely upon the consciousness of well‑doing, and would not fully entitle itself to the remembrance, the respect and honour of the coming generations, until it should have made due and ample provision for the needs of the poor and destitute committed to its trust and keeping by our gracious Father Who is in Heaven.


            For my own part, having been your Grand Commander more than a quarter of a century, and having lived three‑quarters of a century on the 29th day of the 292 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION last month of the last departed year, I venture to hope that you will not consider it indecorous or egotistic in me to say, not to the world but confidentially to you, that I have felt that my life‑work would be incomplete and little worthy of encomium, unless I should, before dying, see a Fund of Fraternal Assistance created, and have been graciously permitted by God to know that this great measure of beneficence, the crowning honour and glory of our Rite, had been in some little measure due to my own exhortations and efforts. If I shall live to see accomplished the work proposed by the Statute of the Supreme Council, I shall be supremely content, feeling that I have not lived and laboured so many years in vain.


            It is in your power to place in the hands of the Trustees by the end of this year, and every year for four more years afterwards, by work done in your respective States and Territories, in conferring our Degrees upon worthy Master Masons, at least the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. One of you has already begun the good work, having earned and placed in the Fund, by work done, five hundred dollars, and insured his life for two thousand, which will come to the Fund at his death.


            If the sum of five hundred dollars nett, upon an average, shall be earned and placed in the Fund for each State and Territory of our Jurisdiction, and for the District of Columbia, Hawaii and Japan, the aggregate amount each year will be over $15,000. There are not more than three States and one Territory, at the utmost, from which nothing is to be expected; and the States of Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and Oregon may reasonably be expected to compensate for these by adding annually a thousand dollars to the Fund each year, and California by adding more.


            To entreat, solicit, urge or exhort either of you, dear Brethren, to co‑operate in this pre‑eminently good work would be indecorous, because it would seem to assure that some of you might be found to be unwilling or, through indolence or lack of interest, disinclined to obey the Summons of Honour and Duty; as it would also seem to be to forget how willinglyä zealously and efficiently you have assisted the Supreme Council to effect its other purposes. Some of you, not many, will be unable, owing to the condition of things in your State, to co‑operate in the work; and to these their more fortunate Brethren will extend their sympathy and condolence.


            May our Father Who is in Heaven have you always in His holy keeping! This letter was followed by another on March 20, 1885, again calling attention to the nobility of the project, reporting on progress and setting up quotas for each state in the jurisdiction to earn toward the fund. This letter is reproduced in facsimile as follows: (See Reproduction on page 294) 293 Orient of Washington: the loth day of .March, 1885, V.‑. E.‑.


            VERY DEAR BROTHER: As you are aware, the Supreme Council did, at its Session of October last, by its Statute " to provide for the creation of a Fund of Fraternal Assistance," authorize the Grand Commander, with the assistance of the Inspectors and Deputies, in the same manner in which the means for the purchase of the House of the Temple were accumulated, to raise the sum of ten thousand dollars per annum throughout the Jurisdiction, for five consecutive years, or such larger sum in each year as might be found practicable, for the purpose of creating a permanent fund for assisting decayed Brethren of the Rite, and the Widows and Orphans of Brethren thereof: and did also devote to the same purpose whatever further sum may be needed, if any, to increase the moneys so to be raised, to the full one‑third of all its gross revenues from all sources, the moneys so to be raised making a part of such third.


            The Grand Commander expressed the opinion to the Supreme Council that the sum of fifteen thousand dollars per annum, instead of ten, could be raised in each of five consecutive years; and he stvll holds the same opinion.       The. Rite is established and prosperous.  The effect of the action of Spurious Bodies by their emissaries has been to attract the notice of Master Masons to the Rite, to excite their interest in it, and to create a wide‑spread desire among them to know what it has to give to its initiates in the way of instruction.      They have become somewhat acquainted with its history; they know how widely it prevails throughout the civilized world, the estimation in which it is held, the. advantages which it bestows on those who have its Degrees; that our Diplomas, Brief, and Patents are passports wherever it exists; and what profit and honour there are in belonging to so powerful and respectable an organization.


            The Inspectors and Deputies are at all points equipped for the work.    The purpose is a great and noble one, one worth living for and working for.


            The Grand Commander proposes to the Inspectors and Deputies that they resolve that at least the sum of twelve thousand dollars shall be raised each year, for five years, in the twenty‑three States, eight Territories, and one District, of our Jurisdiction, this sum to be distributed as follows In California and Texas, each $1,000................          ...............         ........................................ $2,000 In Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, each $500..... 6,500 In Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Utah, Washington and Arizona, each $250......................................... ... 3,500 Each Inspector and Deputy being free to increase the amount apportioned at pleasure, especially as in some of the States and Territories named nothing or but little may be accomplished, and others must make up the deficiency. There is already in the hands of the Treasurer of the Trustees of the Fund of Fraternal Assistance the sum of $855 ; of which $500 was earned by Bro.‑. Ireland in Missouri in November last, and $110 in this City early in thie month; and $245 was earned by Bro.‑I. Buist in South Carolina in January last.


            Thus the good work is begun.          When the Fund amounts to $75,000, the interest will be distributable.  I hope that it may please our Father Who is in Heaven to let me live to see the dawn of that auspicious day.         Then I shall feel that my life‑work is indeed done.


            May He strengthen your hands for the work, and animate you with zeal and energy, and have you and all of us always in His holy keeping! Gra?zd Commander.


            294 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The lack of responses to these letters, one only being found in the archives of the Supreme Council, seems to indicate that the project was launched at an inauspicious time. Letters dated in 1885 and 1886 report economic difficulty in a number of Orients: Texas,"' Hawaii,"' Nevada,"' North Carolina,"' Washington Territory,"' Kansas."' The strong effects of the spurious Cerneau activity in North Carolina,"' Virginia,"" Florida,"' Iowa,"' Kansas,"' Minnesota,"' Maryland,"' Nebraska,"' and Dakota"' distracted much attention and activity of Inspectors General and Deputies from work on the Fund. The failure of Deputies to receive their commissions and books prevented work of any kind to be undertaken in Georgia,"' Alabama,"' and Idaho."' A major breakdown in communication with the Secretary General's office and that of the Grand Commander with officials, members and Bodies, to be discussed on following pages, tended to halt work throughout the Jurisdiction. Squabbles within the Rite itself in two states, Florida, 155 and Iowa,"' materially hampered work in those areas and caused Inspector General Parvin to be furious at Pike, to threaten to retire from the Rite and to "do in the future as circumstances may direct"."' A misunderstanding between Pike and Inspector General John L. Roper of Virginia led Roper to write that he intended to resign from the Supreme Council at its next Session,"' and for some unstated reason, Inspector General James S. Lawson in California expressed a desire "to resign his Active Member ship".


            359 337 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, September 23, 1885; J. K. Ashby to Albert Pike, May 25, 1886. 331 John O. Dominis to Albert Pike, June 1, 1885.


            339 Fletcher H. Harmon to Albert Pike, February 3, 1886. 340 E. Grissom to Albert Pike, February 11, 1886.


            341 James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, May 10, 1886. 342 B. E. Langdon to Albert Pike, June 26, 1886.


            343 E. Grissom to Albert Pike, March 29, 18 344 B. E. Lee to Albert Pike, March 30, 1885; John F. Mayer to Albert Pike, April 14, 1886. 345 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, June 5, 1885.


            340 U. C. Blake to William M. Ireland, October 2, 1885; T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, January 19, June 26, November 22, 1886; C. W. Warner to Albert Pike, February 14, 1886.


            347 Edward Van Buren to Albert Pike, January 1, 1887; S. D. Thatcher to Albert Pike, April 7, 1886. 341 Sam E. Adams to Albert Pike, March 8, 1886; John C. Terry to Albert Pike, March 9, 1886; Montgomery to Albert Pike, March 10, 1886; Robert S. Innes to Albert Pike, May 27, 1886.


            349 Adolphus Fearhake to Albert Pike, March 24, 1886. 350 H. C. Aiken to Albert Pike, May 10, 1886.


            351 C. H. Benton to Albert Pike, April 23, 1885. 352 T. W. Chandler to Albert Pike, April 23, 1885. 353 George F. Moore to Albert Pike, May 5, 1885. 354 Chester P. Coburn to Albert Pike, June 22; September 24, 1885. 355 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, April 10, 1885.


            350 Officers of DeMolay Consistory, Lyons, Iowa, to Albert Pike, January 20, 28, 1886; George W. Albert Pike, January 24, 1886; T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, January 25; April 19; November 22, 357 T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, April 19, 1886.


            351 John L. Roper to Albert Pike, September 20, 1885. 359 James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, May 10, 1886.


            Parker to 1886.


            April 6, Thomas 295 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


In the period beginning with Jaunary 1, 1885, and ending with the opening of the Session of the Supreme Council in October, 1881, Grand Commander Pike found it desirable to request votes of the Active Membership by mail. The first such occasion was on January 3, 1885, when he asked for a vote on a reduction in fees charged for Letters Temporary and Letters Perpetual as follows: FOR LETTERS TEMPORARY 1st. For a Council Kadosh, fifteen dollars.


            2d.       For a Chapter of Rose Croix, fifteen dollars.


            FOR LETTERS PERPETUAL 3d.  For a Grand Consistory, fifty dollars.


            4th. For a Particular Consistory, thirty‑five dollars. 5th. For a Council of Kadosh, thirty dollars.


            and 6th. Shall the 33d Degree Honorary be conferred on Bro.'. John Henry Deems without charge, in consideration of his great worth, valuable services and undeserved reverses? 360 Two pertained to the establishment of Bodies as follows Shall Letters of Constitution of the Particular Consistory asked for by the Brethren at Cedar Rapids, in Iowa, be forthwith issued by the Grand Commander, and such Body be established?"" 1st. Shall the action of the Grand Commander in Granting and expediting Letters of Constitution Perpetual of Des Payens Council of Kadosh, No. 1, in Japan, be approved and confirmed? 2d. Shall Letters of Constitution Perpetual issue to `The Grand Consistory of Masters of the Royal Secret for the Empire of Japan'?' ` 2 One ballot proposed a correction of the list of Knight Commanders of the of Honour by the addition of one name."' Court One ballot provided for a change in the 33' vow whereby perpetual opposition to Cerneauism was assured."' 3110 Wm. M. Ireland to Gilmor Meredith, January 3, 1885. 3111 Wm. M. Ireland to Albert Pike, December 21, 1885. 362 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, February 18, 1886.


            363 Wm. M. Ireland to O. S. Long, April 24, 1885.


            364 Wm. M. Ireland to Martin Collins, March 25, 1885.


            296 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION It was the creation of the Consistory at Cedar Rapids which precipitated the bitter controversy in Iowa previously referred to as injuring the development of the Fraternal Assistance Fund.


            The gathering for the necessary data for "a full and accurate Register of the Membership of the Rite in its Jurisdiction" by March 1, 1885, was the subject of a letter to all Bodies in the Southern Jurisdiction.';'" This effort does not appear to have been successful because no Register was published between that of July 1, 1881 and that of January 1, 1887.


            Grand Commander Pike made a decision to undertake another journey through the Jurisdiction in May and informed Lieutenant Grand Commander Batchelor that he and Secretary General Ireland would visit Tennessee, Missouri, Dakota and Wyoming and that he expected to be back in Washington by the middle of July."' On May 29, Pike drew $150 from the Supreme Council treasury for expenses,"' purchased tickets to Nashville and Cleveland on May 30,3''' and arrived in Nashville prior to June 3, 1885, on which date he paid his bill at the Maxwell House. On June 14, 1885, Pike wrote two letters from Omaha, Nebraska. One of these informed Inspector General Parvin that he would remain in Omaha until after the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska and then visit Kansas City, return to Omaha and afterwards visit Red Cloud and one or two other places in Nebraska. He stated that he planned to visit Wyoming, Utah, Butte and Helena in Montana, Bismark, Fargo, Yankton, Huron, Sioux Falls, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Clinton, Lyons and then return to Washington, D. C."' In a letter to Vinnie Ream on the same date, Pike stated that he would be in Omaha until June 25, go to Kansas City and be back in Omaha by June 30, and in a day or two afterwards, depart for Wyoming and Utah."' Pike visited the Grand Lodge of Nebraska as planned and delivered an address."' The next letter reveals some changes in plans. Pike had found no work to do in Nebraska but at Kansas City more was found than expected and he remained there until July 2, when he departed for Grand Island instead of returning to Omaha. Drafts totaling $890 were sent to the Treasurer General from Kansas City. The letter also reveals that Pike and Ireland intended to visit Sidney, Cheyenne, Evanston, Salt Lake, Butte, Helena, Bismarck, Fargo, Minneapolis, Yankton, Sioux Falls, Huron, Sioux City, Des Moines, and Lyons before returning to Washington and that 365 Circular Letter, January 6, 1885.


            366 Albert Pike to James C. Batchelor, May 25, 1885.


            367 Transactions, Supreme Council, 33, 1886, Appendix, 60. 36s Albert Pike Account, May 30, 1885 to August 26, 1885. 361 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, June 14, 1885.


            376 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, June 14, 1885.


            371 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska, June 23, 1885.


            297 Orient of Washington, September g, 1885.


            During the past eighteen months more than fifty letters, sent by mail from all quarters of the United States, with several from Canada, directed to the Grand Commander, Secretary‑General and Treasurer‑General, have been stolen from the mail and have never reached our hands, causing con tinual complaints on the part of those who sent there, they naturally supposing that they had been duly received, and wondering why they had no answers.


            No doubt many others have been mailed to us of which we have not heard; the writers, indignant at our supposed contumely, not having cared to write to us again.


            If any one has written to either of us and received no reply, (except during the last three months, the Grand Commander and Secretary‑General having been absent for that time, or if any one who has written to us during those three months should not receive a reply within two weeks from this date, he may be sure that his letter has been suppressed in the Post Office here.


            Ml‑ lnf+or~ ‑h;äh ba. f i]p,i to rn;wh nG have been. with few Pxcantionc, )attars on Maaonie business; our private letters not having hard any attraction for the thief.      Neither have letters to other persons here, so far as we know, met with the same fate.     Neither have our letters been stolen for the purpose of abstracting money: for, if that had been the purpose, letters to others would have been taken as well as ours, and there would have been general complaint and loud uproar on all hands.


            We feel sure, therefore, that our letters have been taken by some knave belonging to the Cerneau Consistory here, and employed in the distributing department of the City Post Office, in the hope that they might be found to contain information that could be pro#tably used by those who occupy themselves in disseminating lies through the prostituted 11 Masonic " column of a Sunday paper here.


            We, therefore, request our Brethren everywhere, in writing to either of us, to direct their letters to us as individuals with nothing in the address to indicate to any one that they are written in regard to Masonic mattem, or sent to us in our official capacities. They may then, perhaps, be permitted to reach us.


            33 Grand Commander.


            33 Secretary‑General.


            OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION there were expectations of earning "three or four hundred dollars more"."' At Grand Island, Pike became quite ill with malarial fever and of the ten days he spent there, six of them were in bed. While at Evanston, he had another attack which put him in bed for six of the nineteen days spent in that city. By August 18, 1885, Pike and Ireland were in Helena, Montana, and on the following day left for Minneapolis where they expected to stay two days and then proceed to Chicago for one day."' At this time Pike was behind his original schedule by a month and still not free of malaria. He therefore did not visit Iowa as planned..' but continued on to Washington, D. C., arriving there on August 26, 1885.3.5 The records show that Pike was credited with a remission of $250 "for work" on August 24, 1885, and $828.74 "for work" on September 1, 1885, by the Treasurer General."' It appears that the total money secured for work done on the trip was $1,968.74, a sum that, under the circumstances, was more than to be expected.


            As early as November, 1884, Pike was again receiving complaints from correspondents that they were not receiving replies to their letters written to him or to Secretary General Ireland. These complaints continued until his return to Washington in the latter part of August, 1885.377 In mid‑June, Pike, by letter, told T. S. Parvin that at least fifty letters had failed to reach Ireland, Webber and himself."' Afterwards he published the Circular Letter shown on page 298.


            It appears that Pike's letter of explanation did not reach all who had complaints, for they continued to reach the Grand Commander. It also appears that the circular did not convince at least two of the Inspectors General that letters were being stolen from the mail. One letter, actual contents unknown, reached Pike prior to September 19, 1885, for on that date, thoroughly nettled by the letter, he acknowledged receipt of John L. Roper's charges of "intentional neglect and insulting discourtesies" by Secretary General Ireland and stated that the letter would be brought to the attention of the Supreme Council. Pike admitted that he had received "many complaints of neglect and delay" from "various quarters". He defended Ireland by stating that the delays in many cases were through no fault of the Secretary General. Pike then told Roper that he considered his letter as a charge against himself and then bluntly reviewed at length the shortcomings of Roper as an Inspector General...' Roper 372 Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, July 1, 1885. 373 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, August 18, 1885. 374 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, December 6, 1885. 375 Albert Pike Account, May 30, 1885 to August 26, 1885. 376 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. l., 1886, Appendix, 58. 377 W. H. Hatton to Albert Pike, Noveber 19, 1884; J. W.


            Freeman to Albert Pike, February 10, June 10, 1885. 378 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, June 14, 1885.


            379 Albert Pike to John L. Roper, September 19, 1885.


            Murton to Albert Pike, January 3, 1885; M. P.




replied to this letter by saying that he had been misunderstood, offering an explanation and declaring that he would resign as Inspector General at the next Session of the Supreme Council."' Correspondence regarding the missing letters with Inspector General Theodore S. Parvin seems to have begun with a letter to Pike from U. C. Blake. The Grand Commander wrote to Parvin saying that he had received none of the mail from Parvin referred to and that if letters had been sent, they had been "purloined in the P. O. here, like 75 to 100 others". He also told Parvin that he had been sick "the 7th attack since April, and am not yet well" and that he was "quite sure that Bro. ' . Ireland, who is now very sick, has not received the letters written to him . . .".381 Pike wrote to Parvin again a few days later, obviously in response to a letter now missing from the Supreme Council archives, opening with these words: Whatever doubts you or anybody else may have about letters to myself and the Secretary General being purloined, what I stated in regard to that in my printed letter of September 9, signed by me and Ireland, was strictly true . . . A little while after that date, I had Ireland to make formal complaint to the Post Master here, and since then I do not know of the loss of any letters except yours.


            Pike then informed Parvin that he had examined his files and gave him the dates, for the past year, of all letters that had reached him from Iowa, together with a brief summary of each. Following this, he denied the charge "that the Brethren of Iowa are not in favor here," and pointed out that he had received no encouragement from Parvin to visit and work in Iowa for one month as he had indicated to him his desire to do. Pike declared: "I never neglect anything" and reminded Parvin of the work of the Secretary General's office that he had done, although not "my province, nor a duty ... to superintend his daily work and see that he attends to matters"."' On December 20, 1885, Pike wrote that Ireland had been confined to his bed since December 3,383 that he could now be up for "an hour or two," but that it would be ten days before he could return to his office. Pike also wrote that he was "neither sick nor well," that he could "eat but sparingly," and that he did not feel threatened by another attack"' but that he never expected to be entirely well again."' 380 John L. Roper to Albert Pike, September 20, 1885. 381 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, December 6, 1885. 382 Ibid., December 14, 1885.


            383 Albert Pike to O. S. Long, December 20, 1885. 384 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, December 20, 1885. 385 Albert Pike to E. T. Carr, December 24, 1885.


            300 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION While in this condition, Pike found it necessary to acknowledge receipt of a letter from another Inspector General charging Ireland with "so grave a cause of complaint". He then reported to Rocky P. Earhart that he could not find the report and remittance inquired about among Ireland's papers and asked for further information."' This letter was followed by another, undated, in which Grand Commander Pike revealed that he had discovered that Ireland had been withholding letters addressed to him and that he would "prepare letters of impeachment" against Ireland."' On December 31, 1885, Pike wrote that he had found the report and remittance from Earhart, which he had "opened in the presence of Webber and MacGrotty," but that he could not find the orders for patents and ladies certificates. Pike observed that Ireland "has neglected everything but has not appropriated money to his own use". 388 To Parvin, Pike wrote regarding the discovery of five unopened letters sent to Ireland who had been "devoting himself assidiously to a charming widow across the street (whom I hope he will marry) and has hardly been able to think of anything else"."' He later sent these letters to Parvin... and two days later informed him that he (Parvin) was "only one among many ... served in the same way" and reminded Parvin that he, as Grand Commander, had no control over the Secretary General or the affairs of his office...' Parvin requested the names of the men who "have suffered the neglect of the Secretary General"."‑' These were sent to Parvin a few days later, at which time, Pike requested Parvin to inform Ireland that he (Parvin) would prefer impeachment charges, if Ireland did not resign. Pike also told Parvin that the visits of Ireland's fiancee with him each day from eight or nine o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night for seven weeks were considered a "scandal" in a Washington Church...' These discoveries and others, the lack of action by Parvin and the fact that Ireland did not show any intention to resign caused Pike at last to write the following letter: (See Reproductions on pages 302‑303) Parvin wrote, in answer to this letter, that he could not attend the consultation, advised Pike to take the authority and remove Ireland, and recommended that Fred 388 Albert Pike to Rocky P. Earhart, December 21, 1885. 334 Ibid., undated.


            388 Ibid., December 31, 1885.


            389 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, December 29, 1885. 399 Ibid., January 8, 1886.


            391 Ibid., January 10, 1886.


            392 T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, January 19, 1886. 393 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, January 23, 1886.


            301 IN DEO FIDUCIA NOSTRA.




            FOR THE SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, U.S.A., 433 THIRD STREET. N.W., OR.'. OF WASHINGTON. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 16th day of February, 1886, C. *.E.'.


            To the Brethren of the Supreme Council, Henry Buist, Grand Chancellor, Theodore S. Parvin, Martin Collins, A dell S. Long, Henry M. Teller, Gilmor Meredith, John L. Roper, Eugene Grissom, and James D. Richardson Dear Brethren: I deplore the necessity which compels me to address to you this letter.


            While the Secretary General has kept his room since the 3rd of December last, in consequence of a slight attack of pneumonia, the Treasurer General and myself have, to my utter astonishment, discovered the following facts: 1. That, from the beginning of his service, as Secretary General by appointment, until now, he has been shamefully negligent in regard to the files and archives of the Supreme Council, they being in the most extraordinary confusion and disorder; flung pell‑mell together in various places; on exposed shelves in an open closet, on the dirty floor and on the top of another closet and in places kept locked by him, together with the papers of the Royal Order of Scotland and National Grange, and letters of every kind, as if they were of no manner of value, importance or interest.


            2. That among these papers, in letters opened and unopened, were drafts, money‑orders, postal notes and bank‑notes, to the amount of more than eighteen hundred dollars, received by him for the Supreme Council and flung aside; many of the money‑orders having been issued in 1882 and 1884.


            3. That he has failed to reply to a great number of letters, written to him by Inspectors and others, and greatly delayed, and often wholly failed to send books and patents ordered and paid for, though repeatedly written unto in regard thereto.


            4. That he has thrown aside and left unopened even from different periods in the year 1884, until now, fifty letters or more from members o f the Supreme Council and others, some o f them, even, when they were registered; e.g. from Bro.'. James R. Hayden, mailed to him, seven; from Bro. % Theodore S. Parvin, five; from Bro. '. John L. Roper, four; from Bro.'. Lawrence N. Greenleaf, seven; from Bro. ' . Erasmus T. Carr, 6; from Bro. ' . Robert C. Jordan, four; and from Bro. ' . Chas. E. Gillett, 32, of Oakland, in California, nine.


            S. That, beginning in the year 1882, and continuing the practice until within a month, or little more, before his illness, he has taken possession of, and retained, without my knowledge, letters directed and mailed to me and received by him from the mail, to the number of seventy‑five and more, already found in places which he kept locked, and of which he alone had the keys, four of these being from Bro.'. Philip C. Tucker, and several from BB. '. in Japan: one of them being a large package containing petitions for a Council of Kadosh and Grand Consistory at Yokohama, and containing a draft in his favor, for moneys due the Supreme Council, for the sum of six hundred and twenty‑seven dollars. This package, addressed to me, was received by him, from the Carrier, on the 30th o f March 1884. Many o f the letters, so suppressed by him were addressed to me without Official designation; and some were marked "personal," and one at least, `private'.


            6. That he has, in like manner, taken possession of and retained and locked up several letters addressed to Bro.'. Frederick Webber, received by him from the mail.


            He has not opened these letters; and I do not suspect that he has appropriated moneys of the Supreme Council to his own use; but they have been withheld from and not paid into the Treasury. 7. That he has denied receiving letters which came to his hands and which he did not open; has represented, in a letter to Bro.'. Stevens, in Japan, that a hundred letters addressed to him and myself had failed to reach us; and united with me in stating, by a Circular letter, to the Inspectors and Deputies, that a large number of letters, mailed to us, had been purloined by some one in the Post Office here.


            The consequences of these grave derelictions of duty and continuous neglect have been very serious to the Supreme Council, For they have been the creation of suspicion and beliefs injurious to it and to the Grand Commander; the alienation of Brethren treated with discourtesy and contempt; the abandonment by Brethren of the formation of bodies, and discouragement and disgust on the part of existing Bodies and of many Brethren.


            I do, therefore, in the performance of my duty as Grand Commander, to take care that the Order suffer no detriment, by the advice and with the concurrence of the Treasurer General and of Bro.'. John M. Browne, Inspector General in this District, summon you and each of you to meet us here, in the House of the Temple, on Wednesday, the 24th of February, instant, at 10 of the clock A. M. that we may take counsel together and apply to existing evils such remedy as may be within our power; beseeching you by no means to fail to do so.


            May our Father who is in Heaven have you always in His holy keeping! ‑5‑5 C Grand Commander.




erick Webber, the Treasurer General, be appointed to act as Secretary General until the Session of the Supreme Council in October."' Two days later, Parvin wrote that he had replied to Pike's telegram (contents unknown) and added: "I join with others in demanding the immediate and unconditional surrender of his office to you, and should he fail to comply: either remove him or expect the business to sink deeper into skool!"395 A letter from Collins expressed his surprise at the turn of events, informed Pike that he could not come to Washington for the meeting and stated the hope that the problem could be settled."' A number of the Inspectors General did attend the meeting called for February 24, 1886, and addressed the following letter to the Graiid Commander: The undersigned Active Members of the Supreme Council now present in Washington after conference and consultation have on this day addressed a letter to Bro.'. W. M. Ireland 33 requesting his immediate resignation as an Active Member of the Supreme Council. It is hoped that he will without hesitance comply with the request made. Should he however delay to respond, or decline to accede to the request made, we hereby authorize and empower you, for and on behalf of the Supreme Council, to suspend Bro.'. Ireland 33 from all his functions and authority as an Active Member of the Supreme Council and to take charge of all the property and documents of the Supreme Council, and especially of those heretofore in the charge and under the custody of the Secretary General. We also request & ‑empower you, in the event of the non compliance with the request made to Bro.'. Ireland, to summons a Special or emergent meeting of the Supreme Council to be holden at Washington D. C. after the expiration of at least fifteen (15) days from the date of notice to each member, to the end that such measures and action may be adopted, as to the said Supreme Council may then deem advisable or necessary James D. Richardson 33 Gilmor Meredith 33 J. M. Browne 33 Henry M. Teller 33 Yrs: faithfully & sincerely Henry Buist 33 John L. Roper 33 Fred Webber Eugene Grissom...


            The letter to Wm. M. Ireland produced the following reply: I hereby tender my resignation as a Member of the Supreme Council.


            Respectfully Wm. M. Ireland"' 394 T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, February 19, 1886. s95Ibid., February 21, 1886.


            398 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, February 22, 1886. s97 Henry Buist et al to Albert Pike, February 24, 1886. 398 Wm. M. Ireland to Members of the Supreme Council, February 24, 1886.


            304 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION On the following day, (February 25, 1886) Pike gave notice that Ireland had resigned, that he had appointed Frederick Webber to perform the duties of Secretary General and act as Treasurer General until the next Session of the Supreme Council, and that "hereafter" all moneys were to be remitted to Webber with notice to himself on the same day."' The Secretary General ad interim was functioning as early as March 4, 1886.'░░ Before the confusion in the Secretary General's office could be quelled, even before its full extent and causes had been determined, Grand Commander Pike was harassed by another problem to which he felt compelled to give immediate attention. The problem was created by the vigorous propagation of Cerneauism in the United States, the bid of Edward W. Atwood, its Grand Commander, for international recognition, and personal attacks upon Grand Commander Albert Pike in the public press by Cerneauist adherents. Pike reacted to the situation on October 25, and November 30, 1885, with circular letters from which the following is quoted: We send to you the extract which follows, from the Annual Address, delivered on the 27th of October last, of Edward W. Atwood, as titular Grand Commander, to one of the two spurious organizations, each pretending to be a Supreme Council of the 33d Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the City of New York, each falsely claiming for its original creator the Grand Orient of France, through the agency of one Joseph Cerneau, and each utterly repudiating the Grand Constitutions of 1786, as forged, fraudulent and detestable: "We shall, as heretofore, proclaim that we are the only legitimate authority for the A.'. and A.'. S.'. Rite within the United States of America, and, as such, were duly acknowledged by all the leading Supreme Councils of the world, who, during the years 1864, 1865 and 1866 renewed their previous acknowledgments through a direct representative from this Supreme Council.


            "Therefore, nothwithstanding the aforesaid‑acknowledgments were placed into the hands of an illegitimate Body, we claim that those acknowledgments exist and have never been abrogated nor withdrawn; and that this Council has never been dissolved or united to any existing body whereby they can set forth any claim to the rights and benefits of the aforesaid acknowledgments.


            "On the revival of this Body, our Ill.'. Grand Secretary‑General was duly instructed to communicate the event to the various foreign Grand Councils of the A.'. & A.'. S.'. Rite, and in the discharge of his duty fully complied with said instructions.


            309 Albert Pike to the inspectors General et al, February 25, 1886. 400 Transactions, Supreme Council, 33, S. J., 1886, Appendix, 64.




"In reply thereto, he has duly received several respectful and courteous answers from Grand Secretaries of the H.'. E.'., who have expressed their surprise, as they were under the impression that a union had taken place in May, 1867, at which our Body had been duly incorporated and was now consolidated in the Body known as the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.


            `Without rejecting or in the least denying our just claim to an impartial hearing, they have kindly suggested that we should not press the presentation of our requests before their Councils until we had made the facts of our resumption more fully known within our own Jurisdiction, as they might be compelled to legislate against the claim of a body of numerous adherents, in order to renew their former alliance with one who, at the date of the correspondence, consisted of but an exceedingly small number.


            "Acting on this advise this Council has proceeded, and it is presumed that the position gained by the rapid progress made in the brief past will shortly attract the attention of some of our former allies, especially with those with whom the tie has never been knowingly broken, who on proper investigation cannot but allow our claim, and cheerfully renew their former correspondence and the acknowledgment of our Supreme Council." We send this to each of you, because we believe it to be, so far as it pretends to give your replies to its applications for recognition, with regard to most of you, at least, an impudent libel_ and tissue of falsehoods, as we know it to be utterly false in all that it states in regard to renewals of recognitions in the years 1864, 1865 and 1866, by all the leading Supreme Councils of the world.


            We cannot believe it possible that any one of you, with whom we maintain amicable relations, and near whom we have Representatives, has condescended to lend an ear, and reply in such terms as are above alleged, to a Body that has not the shadow of a claim to be considered legal; which totally repudiates the Grand Constitutions by which we are all governed, and which, in asserting that this Supreme Council, established at Charleston in 1801, was illegal from the beginning, thereby impeaches also the legality and legitimacy of every one of you, since it is to authority derived originally from ours that all owe their being. It and those who speak for it are so utterly reckless and unscrupulous in their perversions of history, that we do not in the least credit their statements which tend to your discredit; and we do not doubt that you will promptly disavow having given them any encouragement whatever. To recognize either of these impostors in the ranks of honour, would be, on your part, to repudiate the Grand Constitutions under which you exist, and to brand yourselves with illegality. For if either of these Bodies is a legal Council, every one of you is necessarily illegal on their theory.


            Each of them claims to derive its powers from one who never had any higher Degree than the 25th of the Rite of Perfection, nor any other commission than 306 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION that of Deputy Inspector in that Rite for the northern part of the Island of Cuba; each places his right to create a Supreme Council in the United States on the ground that ours, established at Charleston in 1801, was established by virtue of forged Constitutions, and created by no competent authority. Each thus pronounces invalid the powers given at Charleston to the Count de Grasse, who created the Supreme Councils of France, Italy, Spain and Belgium; and each pretends that the Grand Orient of France is the true Mother‑Council of the world.


            And yet, with unparalleled audacity and impudence, this Grand Commander Atwood, uncontradicted by his adherents, informs the world that his Council has assiduously paid court to the various Supreme Councils of the world which are governed by those Grand Constitutions, which owe to them their being, and which derive their descent from us; and has solicited from them recognition. Each of them unquestionably has endeavoured to obtain recognition from the Supreme Council of France; and there is a baseness in such a course of action not to be characterized by temperate words. That you have listened patiently to such applications from such sources, and encouraged either to hope for your recognition hereafter, is utterly incredible. We do not doubt that you will know how, in the most effectual manner, to vindicate yourselves from such an aspersion, and to deprive these persons of the means of gaining adherents which they have from the first employed, by assuring those who would listen to them,‑here, that they would soon be recognized by the Masonic Powers of the world; and there, that persons holding their Diplomas could visit the Bodies of the various Grand Orients of Europe.


            The comments on another portion of the same address, which accompany this letter, will serve to show you how unscrupulously they falsify history; and, with the fac‑simile of a letter of the same Grand Commander offering the 33ds, how perfectly in keeping all that concerns them is, and how appropriate that each should from the beginning have gained adherents by selling what they call their `Degrees,' from 4 to 32 inclusive, for from $10 to $15 for the whole.


            When arrant falsehoods are deliberately invented, and repeatedly procured to be published in public journals, in regard to the Supreme Council or its Commander, it is proper that you should have ample warrant to contradict them whenever they may be repeated in your hearing.




In what purports to be a special `dispatch,' of some two columns and a half, from this city, dated October 6, and published in the Leader and Herald at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 7th, among a great number of quasi‑'historical' inventions, are the following wilful and malignant falsehoods in regard to myself. It is of these only that I mean to speak to you now. The falsifications of history have already been sufficiently replied to in pamphlets published by the Supreme Council, and placed within your reach.


            The statements affecting myself are as follows: V.‑That I "intrigued," and in 1866 "persuaded the members of the original Northern Jurisdiction Council" that it would be to their interest to withdraw from the union they had made with `the Cerneau people.' There was no intrigue at all.... The only question that concerned our Council was, whether the Body at Boston or that at New York was the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction. I said to Bro.'. Daniel Sickels that he could not expect us to recognize a Supreme Council for the United States, and so commit suicide. This led to their changing its title; and when Bro.'. Simon Robinson afterwards asked my advice as to the mode in which the union of Bro.'. Raymond's and his Body with "the Cerneau people" could be made effectual, so as to make the joint Body the true Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, I gave him my candid opinion; and he wisely acted on it. It is a lie that there was any "intrigue," or any underhand or improper action whatever. It has been stated, in the newspaper called the Capital, here, that the `intriguing' was commenced by me in 1864. I was all that year in Arkansas and could have no correspondence with New York or Boston.


            2.‑That I have "claimed that the records, which were in the keeping of Albert G. Mackey, the Secretary‑General, were destroyed at Charleston by the burning of his house during the war." I never heard of "the burning of his house" before. Dr. Mackey told me that the records were destroyed or carried away in the confusion that prevailed there; and as those of the session of March, 1859, at which I presided, certainly had disappeared, I believed and repeated what he said.... I never pretended to have any personal knowledge about it.


            3.‑That I have also claimed control of the Symbolic Degrees, but have consented to waive that right, to avoid the opposition of the different Grand Lodges of the country.


            308 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION When the Supreme Council was established at Charleston, it did say that the authorities of the Scottish Masonry possessed and had elsewhere exercised the power of establishing Symbolic Lodges; but it declared that it should not exercise that power. And when I obtained the Degrees of the Rite, I accepted without question Bro.'. Mackey's theory that they had that power under the Grand Constitutions, and had refrained from exercising it in the United States and other English‑speaking countries for the sake of peace. But more than fifteen years ago I condemned, in official papers, published to the world, the Grand Orient system and the practice by Supreme Councils of administering the Blue Degrees, as pernicious, and the fruitful causes of dissension.


            And when, six or more years ago, the Supreme Council of Peru requested my opinion as to its power to relinquish the control of the Symbolic Masonry, and I was thereby led carefully to consider the Grand Constitutions, I came to the conclusion, gave it to that Supreme Council and published it, and have again and again in print reiterated the opinion, that the Grand Constitutions of 1786 did not confer on the Supreme Councils any power or jurisdiction over the Blue Degrees or Lodges of the same.


            4.‑That I have caused to be printed a Ritual of the Blue Degrees.


            The Supreme Council has printed, for the purpose of instruction in its Lodges of Perfection, the Rituals of the Blue Degrees, revised, according to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, as such Rituals of that and the French Rite have been printed in France for a hundred years. These are only issued to the Bodies and no individual can own one.


            The writer of the `dispatch' has told part of the truth in regard to this, in such a way as to make it equivalent to a lie....


            5.‑That I have established Lodges of Symbolic Masonry in Mexico.


            That is a bare‑faced lie. Under authority from me, Bro.'. Charles Laffon de Ladebat established the Supreme Council of Mexico in 1859, as our Supreme Council established the Supreme Council of Ireland, and as Bro.'. Andrds Cassard, also by authority from me, in 1859, established the Supreme Council of Colon in Cuba. This Supreme Council of Mexico, following the example of the Supreme Council of France, did establish nearly or quite a hundred Lodges. I could only authorize its creation in accordance with the Grand Constitutions, and could not limit or define its powers or dictate to it. It never consulted me on the subject; and it has some time since relinquished all power over the Symbolic Masonry.


            6.‑That within the jurisdiction of our Supreme Council, "suspension or expulsion from the Blue Lodge in which a member belongs does not effect his standing in the Scottish Rite." 309 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


This is a malignant lie. If a Masons is, upon trial, and by proper sentence, in a Blue Lodge, suspended or expelled, for any cause, this is equally effectual to deprive him of his rights in a Consistory or the Supreme Council....


            7.‑That "the Southern Jurisdiction people have made it a practice to confer the Degrees free of charge upon prominent men who are Masons, for the purpose of giving their organization an apparent aristocratic foundation." This is a lie. We have "made it a practice" to confer the Degrees free of charge, even the 33, upon poor clergymen and others unable to pay for the Degrees‑as is well known in the District of Columbia; but we are not in the habit of so giving any Degrees to distinguished men on account of their distinction, or to influential men to buy their influence. I have always set my face against that abuse, and it has not been indulged in.


            8.‑That I am "to‑day unaffiliated with the Symbolic Degrees." I am a member in good standing, by affiliation and paying dues, of Magnolia Lodge, No. 61, at Little Rock, in Arkansas.


            9.‑That the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia a few years ago summoned me to appear for the purpose of giving testimony in some important matter, but I refused to obey the summons, on the ground that I was . . . the superior of the Grand Master, and not amenable to the edicts of a Grand Lodge of Symbolic Masonry; and, acting upon this assumption, the Sovereign Grand Commander dimitted from the Lodge of which he was a member." Each of these statements is, in its most material features, utterly false. I was not summoned to give testimony. I did not `refuse' to obey the summons on any ground. I never then, or at any other time, gave any such reason for `refusing' to be present in the Grand Lodge, or for not having been present, as is stated in either paragraph. I did not discede from Pentalpha Lodge, `acting upon this assumption.' I did not claim to be "the superior of the Grand Master." I did not claim to be "not amenable to the edicts of a Grand Lodge of Symbolic Masonry." I was never such a fool as to claim "that I was superior to any Grand Lodge in rank and authority," or in any thing or in any way. And the summons was not issued "on an urgent occasion." The only truths among these swarms of lies are, that I was summoned, did not attend, gave my reasons afterwards for not doing so; and subsequently withdrew from Pentalpha Lodge.


            10.‑That "the Southern Jurisdiction Council purchased a building in this city which was dedicated as the `Holy House of the Temple,' and in this building I and my family are said to live in good style." 310 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The latter part of this is a lie. No member of my family lives, or ever has lived, in the building mentioned.


            11'.‑That my opponents claim that I am pecuniarily benefited by the Rite; receiving, according to the annual reports, 25 per cent. commission and expenses of all Degrees that I confer, and that Deputies appointed by me are given 20 per cent. and expenses.


            The annual reports do not show that I receive 25 per cent. commissions for all or any Degrees that I confer. The Statutes of the Supreme Council have for nearly twenty years allowed commissions to Inspectors and Deputies, on moneys received for Degrees, in addition to expenses, at first 25 per cent., then, for several years, 20, and since the session of last year, 25. I have received and paid over, for Degrees conferred, thousands of dollars, taking no commission. In the few rare instances during the last ten years, I have taken a portion, from a fifth to not more than a third of 25 per cent., on small sums, when I could not otherwise cover expenses, not ordinary, incurred in the service. When I travel on the business of the Supreme Council, it pays my actual ordinary expenses, but I am always, nevertheless, to some extent loser.


            In 1880 the Supreme Council voted me a salary of $1,800 per annum. I received it for two years, but it was distasteful to me....


            At the session of 1880, to avoid receiving a salary for the future, I proposed to sell to the Supreme Council my Library, which had cost me nearly $30,000 ($7,000 for binding alone), in reimbursement of all moneys ever received by me on any account, salary included, and for an annuity of $1,800 per annum during my life, I being then nearly 71 years of age. The Supreme Council made the purchase and has the Library. It has also all my Masonic books, which, with many others, I had previously given it; and other property given since, to the value, in all, of more than $2,500.


            For several years I did the larger portion of the Secretary‑General's work. I partly wrote and partly copied near twenty volumes of books. I have edited seven volumes of the Bulletin without assistance, translated for it all that has appeared in it from Italian and Portuguese publications, more than half of that from the Spanish and a part of that from the French; have given thousands of hours to the reading of proof and other clerical drudgery, conducted all the foreign correspondence, and traveled great distances, with much discomfort and great loss of time from my studies, in the service of the Supreme Council. For all my labour as editor and author and compiler, I refused to receive any compensation; and when, in 1868, the Supreme Council voted me a jewel that would have cost six or seven hundred dollars, I refused to receive it, and never have received it.




To those of you who know even a part of the history of the affairs of the Supreme Council since 1865, the difference between its condition now, and its condition when the war ended, is my sufficient vindication. The Supreme Council has all the property that the war and confiscation and taxation afterwards left me‑all, even to my bed and the chair in which I sit and work for it, and the table on which I write. At the age of seventy‑six, I have literally nothing but my annuity, equal to the pay of a fourth class clerk in a Department. In the meantime, property, real and personal, has been accumulated for the Supreme Council to the full value of $75,000 or $80,000.


            It is also retailed by the petty and pitiful scandal‑monger of the `dispatch,' and truly, that three members of my family "have received pay for services rendered, one for being Assistant Secretary‑General, and 10 per cent. commission on the sale of Rituals, Patents, etc., disposed of to subordinate organizations; another for services in assisting the Grand Auditor of the Supreme Council, and still another for services rendered in making translations." When the Secretary‑General, Bro.'. Mackey, went to Colorado on a year's leave of absence, in the summer of 1876, he employed my eldest son to perform his duties during his absence; and he did so as an act of kindness to the Doctor, who was to receive his whole salary of $1,800 per annum, my son receiving only his incidental fees and commissions, which had never amounted to more than four or five hundred dollars per annum....


            Also, at different times the same son has, as others have done, made copies of the secret work for Bodies, being paid precisely the same prices as were paid to others; and some Rituals of the 33d Degree. He is a good copyist, and has earned all he ever received.


            My second son also has done work as a copyist, for the usual prices, and work in the Ledger of Accounts. He also has received nothing that he has not earned.


            My daughter has been paid for translations from the French, because she does that work well, while others have done it so badly that the correcting was a greater task than doing the work myself would have been.... She has been paid at a lower rate than any body else, and has over‑earned her wages. . . .


            During the biennium of 1885‑1886, death came to three Emeriti Members and one Active Member of the Supreme Council. The list begins with John Henry Honour, former Grand Commander and Emeritus Member, on November 26, 1885. He was followed by Robert Toombs, Emeritus Member, on December 15, 1885; Wilmot Gibbs DeSaussure, Active Member, on January 31, 1886; John Lawson Lewis, Emer 312 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION itus Member, on May 15, 1886; and Luke E. Barber, former Grand Almoner and Emeritus Member, on June 13, 1886.'1 The usual biographical sketch and tribute for each was prepared by Grand Commander Pike, distributed to the official mailing list and published in the Official Bulletin.


            One additional Active Member was added to the Supreme Council when James Daniel Richardson, elected in 1884, was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector General on February 28, 1885.'2 Bodies formed between the Sessions of 1884 and 1886 were reported to Pike on the following dates: October 31, 1884, Kilwinning Lodge of Perfection, Cedar Rapids, Iowa November, 1884, Missouri Consistory, St. Louis, Missouri January 12, 1885, Orient Lodge of Perfection, Georgetown, D. C. January 24, 1885, Fort Worth Consistory, Fort Worth, Texas February 18, 1885, Maryland Consistory, Baltimore, Maryland January 16, 1886, St. Andrews Council of Kadosh, Cedar Rapids, Iowa January 18, 1886, Iowa Consistory, Cedar Rapids, Iowa January 18, 1886, Fargo Council of Kadosh, Fargo, Dakota February 18, 1886, Des Paynes Council of Kadosh, Yokohama, Japan February 25, 1886, Fargo Consistory, Fargo, Dakota February 25, 1886, Grand Consistory, Yokohama, Japan March 9, 1886, Delta Lodge of Perfection, Lincoln, Nebraska...


            Grand Commander Pike was called upon to make a number of rulings during the recess of the Supreme Council, 1884‑1886, as follows: March 30, 1885‑that the first Lodge in a State "is empowered to give the Degrees to any person, living anywhere in the State . . ." but that Masons living at a distance may receive them from Inspectors or Deputies of the Supreme Council."' September 10, 1885‑that place of residence is that place where a person intends to reside permanently..


            401 Henry Buist to Albert Pike (telegram), November 27, 1885; Official Bulletin, VII, 527‑530; 530‑534; VIII, 9‑11, I1‑14.


            402Ibid., VII, 140.


            403 Ibid., 179; 588‑591; T. S. Parvin to Albert Pike, January 25, 1886; R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, March 16, 1886.


            404 Official Bulletin, VIII, 72.


            405 Albert Pike to Philip C. Tucker and A. Morel, September 10, 1885.




September 15, 1885‑that non‑affiliation is not an offense in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 406 September 27, 1885‑that Rudolf Gunner, 33, from the Supreme Council of Mexico of which James C. Lohse was Grand Commander, was entitled to be received by regular Scottish Rite Bodies according to his rank"' September 28, 1885‑that a Grand Consistory had no power to appoint a Special Deputy to confer degrees from 4 to 32'9.


            December 20, 1885‑that a trial was unnecessary for a deserter to spurious bodies as their names would be entered in the "Book of Infamy" and would also be sent to all regular Scottish Rite Supreme Councils of the world"' February 20, 1886‑that a ballot of the Supreme Council conducted by mail became effective when a majority of the members' votes for or against the question submitted to them is received in Washington, D. C."9 July 19, 1886‑that a Grand Master of Kadosh may open a Council of Kadosh and transact business'..


            August 7, 1886‑that a Scottish Rite Mason may take the degrees of the Rite of Memphis...


            Much correspondence in the area of fraternal relations with other Supreme Councils was exchanged between Pike and other Grand Commanders during the period between the Sessions of 1884 and 1885. Only one phase of this correspondence directly affected the growth of the Supreme Council. The restoration of communication between Pike and Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Central America caused Pike to surrender jurisdiction over Bodies established in Guatemala to the Supreme Council of Central America.'.' In the latter part of 1885, a destructive fire left considerable distress in its wake at Galveston, Texas. On November 30, 1885, Pike drew warrant number 143 in an amount of $20.00 on the funds of the Supreme Council for "relief of Masons at Gal 40' Albert Pike to Inspectors General, September 15, 1885. 497 Official Bulletin, VII, 551‑552.


            408 Albert Pike to Inspectors General in California, September 28, 1885. 409 Albert Pike to O. S. Long, December 20, 1885.


            410 Official Bulletin, VII, 565. 411 Ibid., VIII, 71.


            412 E. S. Dudley to Albert Pike, August 7, 1886. 413 Official Bulletin, VII, 700‑710.


            314 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION veston" made necessary "by the devastation of a great fire". To this sum was added unknown amounts donated from Baltimore, Georgetown and Washington and the whole was sent to Inspector General Philip C. Tucker. In Galveston, a relief committee was immediately formed and the funds distributed to those in greatest distress and need for the purchase of food, clothing and fuel. Tucker advised the Grand Commander that a full report of the expenditures would be sent to him on February 2, 1886, but unfortunately the report has not been found."' The second general call for relief funds came immediately following the earthquake that destroyed or badly damaged ninety percent of the city of Charleston, South Carolina, on August 31, 1886. The Grand Commander issued a general appeal for donations to relieve distress in Charleston and drew warrant number 329 for $50 on the Supreme Council treasury to the relief fund. More than $2,400 was sent to Charleston through this effort and the report of the administration of the fund was made to the Supreme Council orally by J. Somers Buist on October 19, 1886.'15 The remainder of the correspondence to and from Grand Commander Pike in the period between the Sessions of 1884 and 1886 might be considered reports on a wide variety of subjects. M. P. Freeman notified Pike that he received the 33' from Inspector General Caswell on December 26, 1884, at San Francisco."' Inspector General James R. Hayden, Washington Territory, reported the conferral of the 33' and remitted $450 fees collected. He also reported that unauthorized rituals had been purchased from Robert Macoy for $5 each; that the charter of Lawson Consistory should be recalled; and that fire had destroyed the building of the Port Townsend Bodies."' George F. Moore reported that the Lodge at Montgomery, Alabama, was "doing moderately well," that he had done some work at Eufaula, enclosing a draft for $59.25 to the Supreme Council; and that he hoped to form a Lodge of Perfection in that town."' A letter from Hawaii reported some difficulties that had been overcome and expressed the hope that Pike would make a visit to the Bodies there."' Classes of fifteen and ten candidates for the degrees were reported from Lyons, Iowa, and also disappointment that Pike had not paid a visit to that city."' Some activity but "generally dull times" were reported from Kansas in addi 414 Warrant No. 143, November 30, 1885; Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, February 1, 1886.


            415 Circular Letter, September 2, 1886; Warrant No. 329, September 7, 1886; Transactions, Supreme S. J., 1886, p. 12; John S. Buist to Albert Pike, October 1, 1886; Official Bulletin, VIII, 68‑69. 416 M. P. Freeman to Albert Pike, February 7, 1885.


            417 James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, January 15, 1885; March 3, 23; October 14, 1886. 418 George F. Moore to Albert Pike, May 5; September 19, 1885.


            419 John O. Dominis to Albert Pike, June 1, 1885.


            420 George W. Parker to Albert Pike, May 25, 1885; July 5, 1886.


            Council, 315 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


tion to a payment of dues of the Lawrence Bodies."' Lieutenant Grand Commander Batchelor reported that he believed that it was too late to inquire into the legitimacy of the formation of a Supreme Council after it had been recognized as legitimate for twenty‑five years; that he was convinced that it would be many years before Mexican Masons could separate their politics from their Masonry; and that he did not think that the National Rite in Mexico was Masonry "at all"."' One letter reported that efforts to secure subscriptions to the Official Bulletin had not been effective and another stated that not a single Mason in Iowa was a subscriber to the journal."' Two letters indicate that Pike had projected another trip during the spring and summer of 1886 and another that he was to be in New Orleans late in 1886.424 A copy of resolutions adopted by Delta Lodge of Perfection at Charleston, South Carolina, regarding the "slanders" of Pike's character was sent to the Grand Commander."' There were also the usual number of letters suggesting names of brethren who deserved recognition by the Supreme Council and a few making application for charity.


            The Session of the Supreme Council scheduled for 1886 was opened by Grand Commander Albert Pike on October 18 with thirteen Sovereign Grand Inspectors General present. Fifteen Honorary Members of the Supreme Council visited the Session as did several members of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction.


            The transaction of business began with the reading of appointments to the Standing Committees. This announcement was followed by the reception of nominations, reports from Inspectors and Deputies, returns from Subordinate Bodies, and the cash accounts of the Treasurer General and Secretary General all of which were referred to appropriate Standing Committees. The Grand Commander then submitted letters proposing to buy an old clock belonging to the Supreme Council which were referred to a special committee. Excuses for non‑attendance were received from seven Inpectors General. Some correspondence was referred to committees as was a petition for a Perpetual Charter from Dayton Lodge of Perfection, Dayton, Washington Territory. A recess followed.


            The afternoon's business began with the reading of the Grand Commander's Allocution. After a brief introduction, noting the changes that time and the seasons 421 Evan Davis to Albert Pike, January 21; July 16, 1886; Martin Collins to Albert Pike, July 8, 1886. 422 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, March 14; April 29, 1886.


            423 H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, March 11, 1886; Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, January 10, 1886.


            424 E. S. Dudley to Albert Pike, March 30, 1886; Fletcher H. Harmon to Albert Pike, March 18, 1886; Grand Consistory of Louisiana to Albert Pike, November 10, 1886.


            425 Nathaniel Levine to Albert Pike, January 26, 1886.


            316 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION bring, Pike listed those of distinction that had died during the past two years, beginning with Emeriti Members John Henry Honour (Ex‑Grand Commander), John Lawson Lewis, Robert Toombs and Luke Edgar Barber and Active Member Wilmot Gibbs DeSaussure. These were followed by a list of Honorary Members that had died and these by a roll of the distinguished dead of other Supreme Councils. A general tribute to their worth and service closed this portion of the Allocution.


            The section on the library reveals that holdings were "eight thousand and more volumes ... half or more ... English and French editions ... a very large proportion of them in durable and costly binding". It was claimed that the "Masonic portion . . . contains all Masonic works in English and French that are of any value, with some in German". An outline of the remainder of its holdings was followed by the statement that "It is a library fit to be frequented by scholars; perhaps, for the number of volumes, the best Library in the country". It was remarked that it had cost more than forty thousand dollars, that it was open to the public without charge and that, in keeping with Masonic traditions, no publicity had been sought for it.


            Pike then launched into a statement of the purpose of the Supreme Council and a resume of what was known to him of its early history and of its founders. He said: The chief purpose of the Supreme Council, formed at the beginning and steadily pursued ever since, has been to make the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite a Free‑Masonry which the man of intellect and the scholar might find it profitable to devote himself to; to embody in its teachings all the great truths taught by wise and good men in all ages; to comment upon and give the true interpretation of the symbols of the Blue Masonry; to ascertain and fully develop the special idea embodied in the beginning in each of its own Degrees; to appeal to the intellectual and the moral sense only of its Initiates, leaving display and parade to other branches of the great Order; to indulge in no scenic pomp or theatrical representation; to so arrange the work of its Degrees that they may be conferred at small expense, and that Lodges and Chapters may prosper wherever a Blue Lodge could be decently and creditably maintained.


            It wished and meant to gain influence and power in the world and to exert these for the good of Humanity; to become one of the agencies of our Father in Heaven for the dissemination of truth among men; to teach such doctrines in regard to the Deity and the human soul, and the existence of sin aid wrong and evil in the world, as reasonable men can believe, and so to make men wiser as well as better, doctrines to which the Hebrew, the Mahometan and the Parsee, as well as the Christian, can assent and which all these can with equal zeal disseminate.


            317   HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


In all this it has succeded. Its Rituals and other works are completed; and by them many men have been made wiser and better. It has gained influence and power. It has won its way to honour and distinction. It is a great teacher, not in its own country alone, but in many. Its influences are all for good, and none for evil. And that upon which more than all else it congratulates itself, and in which more than in aught beside it feel a just pride, is that the Christian Clergyman and Hebrew Rabbi join hands, and the Mahometan and Parsee could do so with them, around its altars.


            Following the historical resume, there was discourse on Freemasonry in general, the place and influence of Scottish Rite Masonry in the pattern of organization and administration, and a brief reference to the "Crusade . . . being preached against Freemasonry all over the world" and "against all representative government every where, against the rights and sovereignty of the people every where, against constitutional monarchy every where, against freedom of conscience every where, and against unsectarian education every where by the Roman Catholic Church which made the unity of Masons every where imperative." In his survey of the Jurisdiction, Pike stated that progress had been sufficient "to give us reason to be satisfied". He then pointed out the need for "the one man" in each of "four or five states" to provide leadership and briefly outlined what had been done in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Minnesota under such leadership. Mention was made of the new Bodies that had been formed in the Jurisdiction and Pike then observed that the presence of Cerneau bodies had proved to be a stimulus to the legitimate bodies where they had been formed. He also claimed that most of the men who had embraced Cerneauism were "those for whom our Degrees would have no value".


            It was said that the Fund for Fraternal Assistance had "not yet begun to accumulate, less work than usual having been done by the Inspectors and Deputies" and because of the expenditure of regular funds in the payment of debts and in the purchase of books and payment of other library expenses. It was pointed out that the expenditures would be less in the coming biennium and that zealous work by the Inspectors and Deputies in that period would produce the sums that had been planned.


            Without stating the amount of aid contributed, Pike made mention that funds from the brethren and the treasury of the Scottish Rite had been sent to relieve distress wrought by earthquake in Charleston.


            318 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION The resignation of Wm. M. Ireland and the appointment of Frederick Webber as Secretary General, ad interim were mentioned, with a brief outline of the work done by Webber and Assistant Auditors "ad hoc" William O. Roome and John Wilson in bringing order to the office of Secretary General. Pike then announced that he had appointed James R. Hayden to be Grand Standard Bearer to fill the vacancy in that office caused by the death of Wilmot G. DeSaussure. He also pointed out that action must be taken on the proposed "Annual Pass‑Word" carried over from the preceding Session.


            Pointing out that the Supreme Council had been too lenient with non‑attendance, Pike concluded that he was "not inclined to do so any longer".


            Pike recommended that an assistant should be employed to write the minutes of the Session which, after approval, should be printed without alteration, even to spelling out an abbreviation.


            In the section devoted to "Decisions and the Statutes," the Grand Commander asked for legislation on membership problems growing out of the crossing of Jurisdictional lines by candidates and membership in more than one Jurisdiction; on voting by mail during recess; on election of officers in Subordinate Bodies; and on the opening of Bodies by a past presiding officer when the principal officers are absent. Pike recommended that a maximum charge for fees also be established by statute and that the scale of minimum fees be revised. He then voiced his opposition to the establishment of territorial jurisdiction for Subordinate Bodies. It was also recommended that the Statutes be amended so that fees for documents and books supplied by the Secretary General be sent to that office with the order. After discussion of the problems that might arise when an Inspector General removed from one state to another, it was recommended that a Statute should be enacted to provide that, in the future, an Inspector General who removed to another state should be placed on the list of Emeriti Members. Closely related to this same problem was the election of more than one Inspector General in a state; on this subject Pike stated: "I think I shall never vote hereafter to elect an additional Inspector General in a State where there is one already." Regarding nominations and elections for the honor of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, Pike observed that "too many Brethren ... who were not entitled to it" had been elected and that he intended "hereafter to comply with the law and to endeavor to see it complied with." The Grand Commander also expressed the belief that "two years is too long a time, in some cases, for us to wait before we can exalt 319 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 a Knight Commander to the 33d Degree" and also said that there were then five or six cases where such a course would result in "injustice to the individual and detriment to the Rite." Continuing, Pike said that a list of nominations once submitted to the Secretary General should not be withdrawn for corrections or change but that a new list should be filed. He added that it was inconceivable that any Inspector had the authority to withdraw a list of nominations made by another for any purpose.


            Pike then recommended that the Statutes be amended to provide that all Deputies of Inspectors General be jointly deputized in those states where more than one Inspector General resided; that no degrees as Honoraria might be conferred in a state where more than one Inspector General resided until all or a majority of the Inspectors General had given their consent; and that elections to Inspector General be restricted to one for each state and the District of Columbia.


            It was recommended that a Statute be enacted for the regulation of elections to Honorary Membership in Subordinate Bodies.


            An amendment was proposed requiring that no unaffiliated Master Mason be permitted to receive the Scottish Rite Degrees "unless he be unaffiliated without his fault or neglect." Another amendment was proposed that would permit Scottish Rite Masons affiliated from another Jurisdiction to serve as officers in Subordinate Bodies. Also regarding membership, it was proposed that affiliation in a "higher" Body be dependent upon affiliation in the "lower" Body of Bodies. Pike then proposed an amendment whereby Committees on persons proposed for initiation or advancement be privately appointed, that their report be read to the Body without revealing the names of the Committeemen, that the report be immediately burned, and that the presiding officer be forbidden to reveal the names of the committee members. He also proposed an amendment to the Statutes cancelling the limitation on the number of charter members that might compose new bodies.


            Following a discussion of Feast Days, the Grand Commander proposed that the Statutes be amended to provide that Scottish Rite Feast Days be designated as the "15th Tisri, day of the Dedication of the First Temple," "13th January, the day of the confirmation of the Temple," and "31st May in each year, anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Council." The Grand Commander then observed that he believed "that the annual changing of officers in our Bodies would prove an unmitigated evil" and recommended that the practice be dropped in Virginia.


            320 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION This recommendation was followed by one suggesting an amendment of the Statutes whereby the Grand Commander be authorized to send to all recognized Supreme Councils, not having already received them, copies of all Rituals of the Degrees, the Secret Work of each Degree, and the "amended Rituals, with the Legenda, Readings and Books of the 25th Degree." It was recommended that the Statutes be amended so that it be clearly stated that the Master‑elect of a Lodge of Perfection must be a Knight of Rose Croix before he was installed.


            As the final recommendation for an amendment of the Statutes, Pike proposed that it be unlawful for any Scottish Rite Body to require possession of any "other Degrees than those of Apprentice, Fellow‑Craft and Master" for "initiation, advancement or affiliation." Under the heading of "Foreign Relations," Pike noted that "Our relations with the Powers of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in all countries are amicable and, with one or two exceptions, entirely satisfactory." He then took occasion to reaffirm the former condemnation of the Grand Orient of France and declared that it was "no longer a Power of the Rite." He then reminded the Supreme Council that it was in fraternal relations with the Grand Lodges of Norway, Sweden and Denmark and announced that he had established such relations with the Grand Lodge of the Federal District of Mexico‑unusual if not remarkable arrangements. He then read the list of Grand Representatives of these Grand Lodges near the Supreme Council.


            The Grand Commander next called attention to the attempt of illegal organizations, claiming to be Masonic, to secure recognition, and read the joint statement of the Grand Commanders of the Northern and Southern Jurisdiction, U. S. A., which scathingly denounced them for the attempt and conclusively convicted them of their illegitimate origin.


            The excommunication of Masons by the Vatican, Pike said, had not dismayed "the Free‑Masonry of the world". He reported that Masonic activity in countries predominantly Roman Catholic in religion had been stimulated and pointed to the growth of Masonic journals in those countries in both Europe and Latin America as support for the assertion.


            The section closed with the statement that recognition of the Supreme Council for Turkey would be considered during the Session and that all other correspondence of interest would be published in the Official Bulletin.




The Allocution was closed with a reference to the handicap of poor health during the past three years, a philosophic rationalization of old age and death, and a welcome to the labors of the Session.


            Following the adoption of a motion to refer the Allocution to a Committee for appointment, a special Committee was appointed for that purpose.


            The Supreme Council then went into Executive Session and the resignations of Inspectors General John L. Roper and Robert S. Innes were accepted and they were "placed on the roll of Emeriti Members." Frederick Webber was elected Secretary General and John Mills Browne was elected Treasurer General.


            The Supreme Council resumed its labors on October 19, 1886, and after the correction of the minutes of the previous day, received and adopted the reports of the Committee on Allocution, composed of T. S. Parvin and T. H. Caswell. This report opened with a tribute to the Grand Commander in which he was referred to as the "Gamaliel of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry," recommended that a page in the Transactions be set apart In Memoriam of the dead, expounded on the values of the Library and recommended that its expansion be continued, referred various selections of the Allocution to appropriate Committees and then took issue with the Grand Commander on the subjects of "Jurisdiction of Consistories and the inferior Bodies" and of "Dual Memberships." The Committee then incorporated into its report a recommendation not contained in the Allocution, that an amendment to the Statutes be adopted authorizing the payment of railroad and hotel expenses for "two Active Members from each Jurisdiction at each meeting of the Supreme Council." An offer of the use of the Sanctuary of the Washington, D. C., Bodies was accepted.


            A report of a Special Committee recommending that the Supreme Council decline to sell the "old clock" was adopted.


            J. Somers Buist addressed the Supreme Council and offered the thanks of the Masons of Charleston, South Carolina, for aid following the earthquake which struck the city.


            J. M. Williams presented a petition for the remission of dues for five years from the Bodies in Minneapolis which was referred to the Finance Committee. The Committee made an unfavorable report on the following day and the petition was rejected.


            322 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION An Executive Session followed and Samuel Emery Adams of Minnesota, Rufus Eberle Fleming of Dakota, and Adolphus Leigh Fitzgerald of Nevada were elected Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. Adams and Fleming, being in waiting, were introduced and crowned Active Members.


            The first item of business on October 20, 1886, was a report of the Committee on Finance on the Treasurer General's accounts. It was reported that total funds in the treasury for the biennium had been $37,828.40; that expenditures totaled $37,660.92; and that the balance was $167.54. After reporting expenditures of $9,043.32 for books; $10,979.65 for printing; and $5,044.20 for miscellaneous expenses, the Committee concluded that a "retrenchment in expenditures" was necessary and expressed its satisfaction with that portion of the Grand Commander's Allocution in which it was stated that expenditures for the library and printing in the coming biennium would be reduced because the need had been relieved. The report closed with the expression of a hope that funds could be diverted to the Fraternal Assistance Fund "at your next meeting." The Committee on Finance also reported that the Secretary General ad interim had received $2,598.67, all of which had been paid over to the Treasurer General.


            The Committee on Finance reported an amendment to the Statutes creating the office of Second Grand Auditor to be appointed by the Grand Commander; and specifying that the accounts of the Secretary General and Treasurer General be open at all times to the inspection of either the First or Second Grand Auditor, and that either might "at any time examine the number of books, patents, etc., kept for sale by the Supreme Council." The Committee on Finance reported that $869.75 had been contributed to the Fraternal Assistance Fund and that $70.14 in interest had been earned by the Fund.


            The Committee on Finance reported on several applications for relief and recommended that they not be granted as they were of the class that should be made to Subordinate Bodies.


            The several reports of the Finance Committee were adopted and the Grand Commander appointed William Oscar Roome as Second Grand Auditor.


            Following a formal welcome to two Active Members of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction by the Grand Commander, excuses for non‑attendance were presented from eight Active Members, all of which were "deemed sufficient." 323 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 A partial report of the Committee on Jurisprudence was received and adopted under which the Statute governing nominations and action thereon might "be suspended by unanimous vote on roll call".


            The Committee on Nominations then reported. Its list of 103 nominees was elected to the "Dignity of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour"; fifteen of whom were elected, after suspension of the Statute, to receive the 33rd Degree; nineteen additional nominees were elected to receive the 33rd Degree; eight who had been previously elected to receive the 33rd Degree were granted further time in which to accept their elections; and nine dignitaries of other Supreme Councils were elected to Honorary Memberships in the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction.


            Two Inspectors General were excused, one for the day and the other for the remainder of the Session.


            In Executive Session, the report of the Committee on Doings of Inspectors General was received and adopted. In the report, the Committee named fourteen Inspecters General and seven Deputies of the Supreme Council who had submitted some kind of a report of their activities or lack of ‑activity, none of which conformed to the requirements of the Statutes. The remaining Inspectors General and Deputies did not file a report of any kind. Seven of the reports filed were either blank or indicated no activity. Two of the remaining fourteen reports mentioned the condition of the old Bodies in those states, three reports gave data on one new Body established in each state and twelve reports accounted for the conferral of 2,699 degrees. The Committee refrained from making any evaluation of the condition of the Rite predicated upon the reports that had been filed.


            The Supreme Council then considered the question of jurisdiction of Iowa and DeMolay Consistories in Iowa. Upon the recommendations of T. S. Parvin and B. R. Sherman and suggestions from Grand Commander Pike, the Supreme Council approved an arrangement whereby Iowa Consistory at Cedar Rapids should have "exclusive jurisdiction in Linn County only," and DeMolay to have the balance of the State, with exclusive jurisdiction therein, provided, if the Bodies at Cedar Rapids confined their membership to Knights Templar, the Master Masons in Linn County who were not Knights Templar might "apply for and receive the Degrees of the Rite in the Bodies at Lyons or elsewhere at their option." 324 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION By resolution, the Supreme Council set "tomorrow night" (October 21, 18 8 6) as the date upon which to confer the 33 upon such designates as had been elected and were present for the ceremony.


            On October 21, 1886, business began with the correction of the minutes of the previous day. Inspector Henry M. Teller arrived and was seated. A greeting was received from the Supreme Council of Canada to which Grand Commander Pike replied with equal cordiality. By resolution, the election of a designate was continued and then the Committee on Finance made a report, which was adopted, recommending that $50 be appropriated to the Grand Tiler, $30 to the janitor for extra work, and $75 to meet the contingent expenses of the Session.


            The Committee on Finance also proposed an amendment to the Statutes which would permit the investment of Fraternal Assistance Funds in first mortgage real estate bonds in Washington, D. C., bearing not less than six per cent, not to exceed $25,000. The amendment was adopted.


            The Committee, to whom was referred that portion of the Allocution pertaining to "Foreign Relations," commended Pike for the manner in which he had conducted these relations and recommended that the Supreme Council approve and confirm all of his acts relating thereto. This report was "approved." The Committee on Subordinate Bodies reported that returns had been received from numerous Subordinate Bodies, which they listed, but that the returns of "quite a large portion" had not been received. It suggested that the Inspectors spur the delinquents to send in their returns immediately, and proposed that a synopsis of the returns be printed with the Transactions. The report was received and the recommendations were adopted.


            A Special Committee reported that difficulties produced by the action of the Council of Deliberation in the State of Ohio had been resolved and that it had no recommendation to present. This report was received and the committee discharged.


            By resolution, the date of the next meeting of the Supreme Council was set for "the third Monday in October, 1888, in Washington, D. C." In Executive Session one additional designate was elected to receive the 33 and a resolution was adopted whereby Inspectors General were authorized to confer the 33 upon elected designates during the recess of the Supreme Council.




At an evening Session in the Sanctuary of the Washington, D. C., Bodies, the Supreme Council conferred the 33 upon four elected designates.


            The business of the Session on October 22, 1886, began with the correction of the minutes of the Session of the previous day and the reception of the Committee on Jurisprudence report on the decisions of Grand Commander Pike and his recommendations for changes in the Statutes. All of Pike's decisions were approved and the Committee submitted amendments as Pike requested. Pike moved the adoption of the proposed amendments, which being accepted, the whole report was adopted.


            A nomination for Knight Commander of the Court of Honour was elected.


            Inspector General B. R. Sherman was excused for the remainder of the Session.


            The Committee on the State of the Order and Unfinished Business made a report in which it was stated that the Rite "in this Jurisdiction is steadily progressing in prosperity;" mentioned the good works undertaken in glowing generalities; commented that the Inspectors General must be active and vigilant against the enemies of the Rite, and recommended the adoption of an "Annual Password". The report was adopted with the exception of that portion on an "Annual Password" which was rejected.


            The Committee on Subordinate Bodies then reported petitions for Letters Perpetual for Dayton Lodge of Perfection and Mackey Chapter of Rose Croix and recommended that they be granted. It was recommended that Letters Temporary to the Kansas City Bodies be cancelled. It was proposed that the Grand Commander be authorized to grant Letters Perpetual at his discretion. All other extant Letters Temporary were recommended for continuation until the Session of 1888. This report was adopted.


            The Box of Fraternal Assistance was passed and the Session of 1886 then closed in ample form."' The Session of the Supreme Council in 1886 was very much like that of 1884 in that it did not disclose any major differences between its Grand Commander and the majority opinion of the membership, nor any contentions between members. Every action of importance adopted by the Supreme Council was initiated by Grand Commander Pike. It seems significant that suggestions that did not originate with the 426 Transactions, Supreme Council, S. J., 1886, pp. 3‑39; Appendix A, 3‑54.


            326 OPPORTUNITY, PROBLEMS AND ACTION Grand Commander received little consideration. However, it cannot be said that this attitude was deliberate. The lack of attendance and the lack of work by the Inspectors General, reflected in their reports, seems to indicate that the leadership of the Rite on state level was generally ineffective.


            The years recounted in this chapter were years of the greatest opportunity for the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction known in the first eighty‑five years of its history, and the events of these years reveal that considerable advance took place.


            Growth of the Rite was spectacular‑from about forty active Bodies in 1880 to almost one hundred and seventy in 1886; from about 1,200 members in 1880 to approximately 3,000 in 1886. These figures are estimates because an accurate accounting system had not been maintained.


            The library had grown from about 1,000 volumes in 1880 to 8,000 volumes in 1886, according to Pike's statements, and the value in 1886 was estimated by Pike to be in excess of $40,000.


            A permanent "Sanctuary" had been acquired for the Supreme Council in Washington, D.C., at a cost, including a new library room, of just under $26,000.


            These achievements took place in spite of a complete breakdown in the Secretary General's office and a resulting financial loss estimated to be between eight and ten thousand dollars.


            Much of this progress can be attributed to the labors of Grand Commander Pike. However, ill health, the activity of agents of Cerneauism and the preparation of an answer to "Humanum Genus" cost Pike much valuable time and energy that he could have profitably spent in solving the other problems of "Unfinished Business" in administration with which the period opened. These further developments remained for his attention as the final years of his Grand Commandership opened.


            CHAPTER V THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA 1887‑1891 T the close of the Session of 1886, Grand Commander Pike was nearing his seventy‑seventh birthday. At this point in life, physical health and strength became increasingly a more important factor in his ability to continue active and aggressive leadership. Pike's daughter, Lillian, had moved into an apartment in the House of the Temple in mid‑March, 1886, to be near her father and help care for him, if necessary.' It may be probable that her care enabled Pike to write in the following October that his health was better than it had been at any time during the past four years.' This desirable condition did not endure for long and health problems continued to plague the Grand Commander. He was ill in December, 1886, recovered in January, 1887, but was not strong enough to make any visitations.' However, Pike felt well enough on May 1, 1887, to plan trips to New England in September and to New Orleans in November or December.' In mid‑June, 1887, gout was afflicting Pike again and an eye was inflamed.' He felt better at the end of June, considered himself "quite well" as August closed and wrote in mid‑September that he had been out of the house only once in the past four months, that he was then "a little unwell" and that "my journeying about is ended."' The remaining letters in this biennium reveal that the general pattern of the health of the Grand Commander did not improve nor did the magnificent physical strength of the man in his younger days return. Following the close of the 1888 Session of the Supreme Council, he wrote: "I am in no plight to go any where or to do much even here. . . ."' It has been observed that general social and‑ economic conditions within the Jurisdiction materially affected the growth and administration of the Rite in preceding years. The biennium of 1886 to 1888 was no exception and many letters to Pike 1 Gilmor Meredith to Henry Buist, February 14, 1887. 2 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, October 25, 1886.


            3 C. Samory to Albert Pike, December 17, 1886; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, January 4; 25; March 15, 1887; E. D. Craig to Albert Pike, February 2, 1887; Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, April 17, 1887.


            4 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, May 1, 1887. 5 Ibid., June 13, 1887.


            5 Ibid., June 27; August 28; September 18, 1887.


            7 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, October 30, 1887; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, January 24; June 7; October 7, 1888; Albert Pike to Jesse Turner, June 13, 1888; Nath Levine to Albert Pike, August 14, 1888; Albert Pike to Frederick Webber, November 15, 1888.




reported on current conditions in the Southern Jurisdiction. These began with the report of John F. Mayer that he had not achieved success in collecting delinquent dues and fees from the Bodies in Norfolk, Portsmouth and Deep Creek, Virginia. The scarcity of money in Virginia was later confirmed by a report of "hard times" and a suggestion that fees for the degrees be reduced.' Pike's request to Inspector General Earhart of Nevada to settle his account with the Supreme Council, not accomplished until three months later, indicates that economic conditions in that state left much to be desired.' Reports of the construction of new lodge buildings at Hastings and Omaha, Nebraska, reveal that conditions were good in that state."' A letter from Hawaii reported improvement there" but reports from Florida spoke of little work, "hard times," and a yellow fever epidemic." Philip C. Tucker reported that two years of lean crops in Texas had made money scarce." It was reported from Arizona that times were "dull" and some sixteen months later, the reason for this dullness was said to be Indian troubles of more than two years duration."' The first report from Colorado was discouraging but a year later, improvement, especially at Denver, was taking place." A new building for the Bodies was under construction in Washington, D. C., in mid‑1887"6 and several letters reporting the progress of the Rite in Kansas indicate well‑being in that state."? James C. Batchelor reported failure to revive the Rite in Monroe, Louisiana, and news of trouble in the Grand Consistory of Louisiana at‑New Orleans gave no hope for improvement in that state." The Masons of South Carolina were said to be "poor" but some hope was held out that a small degree of growth could be expected." Large classes, for this period in Scottish Rite history, were reported from St. Paul, Minnesota, and plans being formulated for a new building revealed that conditions were favorable for growth of the Rite in Minnesota." The situation in Wyoming and Idaho was said to be "fair" early in 1888 but later in the year Pike's correspondent said that money 8 John F. Mayer to Albert Pike, November 24, 1886; W. F. Bocock to Albert Pike, February 4; May 12, John L. Roper to Albert Pike, August 6, 1887.


            s Albert Pike to Rocky P. Earhart, December 20, 1886; Rocky P. Earhart to Frederick Webber, March 29, "o B. F. Rawalt to Albert Pike, February 7; 10, 1887.


            "" John O. Dominis to Albert Pike, April 4, 1887.


            "2 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, April 15; June 12, 1887; October 22, 1888. "8 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, May 6; October 30, 1887.


            "4 M. P. Freeman to Albert Pike, May 22, 1887; September 28, 1888.


            "5 L. N. Greenleaf to Albert Pike, May 24, 1887; B. F. Rawalt to Albert Pike, May 5, 1888. "s Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, June 7, 1887.


            "' E. T. Carr to Albert Pike, June 1; November 5, 1887; O. P. Hood to Albert Pike, July to Albert Pike, August 31, 1887; A. C. Sherman to Albert Pike, March 17, 1888; B. E. Pike, May 5, 1888.


            "8 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, June 19, 1887; February 1, 1888.


            "s E. B. Hume to Albert Pike, June 24, 1887; Nath Levine to Albert Pike, December 16, 1887; January 28, a O. G. Miller to Albert Pike, June 28, 1887; H. L. Carver to Albert Pike, December 11, 1888.


            9, 1887; J. S. Cole Langdon to Albert 1887; 1887.




            330 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA had become scarce in Wyoming and only a "little better" in Utah." A new gold strike in Montana stimulated the economy in that state and growth of the Rite was taking place." James R. Hayden wrote that little work could be done in Washington Territory but the reports from Kentucky and Missouri reveal that the Rite was steadily growing stronger in those states." One letter each from the states of Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia reflect interest in the Rite but that little growth was to be expected." The absence of reports on conditions in Dakota, New Mexico, California, North Carolina, Maryland, West Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi and Iowa seems to indicate that considerable discouragement may have been present in those areas. The general conclusion drawn from these reports and lack of reports is that economic conditions during the biennium were below normal with only a few regions in which special conditions had produced normal or above normal financial strength.


            On January 1, 1887, a Register of Membership of the Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, was published for general distribution. In addition to a list of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General and the office held by each in the Supreme Council, there were lists of the Honorary Members of the Supreme Council, foreign and within the Southern Jurisdiction, Members of the Court of Honour, data on recognized Supreme Councils, and a tabulation of the Bodies under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council together with rosters of their membership that were available. This latter information may be summarized as follows: LODGES OF PERFECTION Lodges listed ...............................................          78 Lodges reported ............................................    47 Members reported .......................................... 1,859 CHAPTERS OF ROSE CROIX Chapters listed .............................................           40 Chapters reported ...........................................   29 Members reported .......................................... 1,165 COUNCILS OF KADOSH Councils listed .............................................   21 Councils reported ...........................................    17 Members reported .......................................... 743 21 Frank M. Foote to Albert Pike, April 6; October 5, 1888. az H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, April 5; 26, 1888.


            23 James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, May 14, 1888; Frank H. Johnson to Albert Pike, November 15, 1888; Charles H. Fisk to Albert Pike, November 25, 1888; Martin Collins to Albert Pike, October 4, 1888.


            za Pitkin C. Wright to Albert Pike, October 17, 1887; J. A. Henry to Albert Pike, November 4, 1887; A. M. Wolihim to Albert Pike, January 26, 1888.




            CONSISTORIES                  Consistories listed ...........................................        13        Consistories reported ........................................    8          Members reported ..........................................         587     GRAND CONSISTORIES                  Grand Consistories listed .....................................  4          Grand Consistories reported ..................................          3          Members reported ..........................................         473 25 In most instances, the report from a given State Or Territory was incomplete, and there were no reports of any kind from the following: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. It is estimated that the Register of 1887 did not contain the names of more than one‑half of the Scottish Rite Masons in the Jurisdiction.


            The historical significance of the Register is that it clearly demonstrates that the Supreme Council had not succeeded in establishing an efficient membership accounting system. This administrative weakness may have been a result of inefficiency in the Secretary General's office, the lack of energetic and capable supervision of the Bodies by Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council or the failure of officers of the Bodies, especially the Secretaries, to prepare their returns to the office of the Secretary General in compliance with the Statutes of the Supreme Council.


            The Register also dramatically calls attention to the long history of failure to develop an effective system for the propagation of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction. The Supreme Council had been organized for eighty‑five years and there were probably no more than four thousand Scottish Rite Masons in the entire Jurisdiction.


            Probably, of more significance than either administrative or propagation failures is the obvious failure of the ritual and other educational materials to successfully indoctrinate a satisfactory percentage of candidates with the fundamental principles of Scottish Rite Masonry, one of which is the prompt discharge of responsibility and duty at the appointed time.


            The activity of adherents of Cerneauism in the Southern Jurisdiction continued unabated during the biennium of 1886‑1888. A letter from Pike to Parvin, seemingly in reply to a plea for help with the problem in Iowa, informed the latter that the 25 Register of Membership of the Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, 7‑172. 332 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA Grand Commander could do nothing more to combat the evil than the Inspectors General in that state could do. Pike appears to have been irked because Parvin and Sherman had not exerted themselves on behalf of the Rite in Iowa and commented that if success did not come in Iowa, he would be satisfied with it elsewhere." Only one other letter is known to have reached Pike from Iowa bearing on this subject and that was a letter from Burlington making inquiry about the legitimacy of Cerneauism." Late in January, 1887, Pike was told that Cerneauists were strong enough in the Grand Lodge of Minnesota to defeat a measure proposed against them in that Grand Lodge." News of renewed Cerneauist activity in Virginia developed in June, 1887; W. N. Hanline requested literature with which to refute the claims of its agents in Danville. In September, Pike was informed of the formation of a Cerneau Consistory at Newport News and in April, 1888, that Cerneauists in Richmond were claiming recognition by legitimate Supreme Councils in Brussels, Berlin and Vienna. John F. Mayer's letter written in late May, 1888, indicates that Pike's reply had exposed these claims as false, and another in December expressed the belief that the Cerneau Consistory in Richmond was dying." DeWitt C. Dawkins wrote in June, 1887, of fighting the Cerneauists in Florida and in September, a letter from him stated that the Pike pamphlet, Beauties of Cerneauism, had been effective in that battle. This statement is indirectly confirmed by a letter to Pike asking what should be done by those who wished to leave the spurious bodies in Pensacola and become legitimate Scottish Rite Masons." About this same time, another skirmish was opened at Frankfort, Kentucky, which ended one year later when the Grand Lodge of Kentucky declared Cerneauism to be spurious and clandestine." The struggle opened in Kansas in the summer of 1887 when Cerneau bodies were formed with forty members each at Hutchinson and Kansas City and attempts were made to form such a body at Salina. E. T. Carr wrote that Martin Collins was slow in getting started on the Missouri side of Kansas City but that they would ultimately defeat the infection in their states." Philip C. Tucker reported in October, 1887, that "The Cerneau tribe are flooding this state [Texas] with their publications" and shortly thereafter, J. K. Ashby stated that such activity was especially intense at Dallas." 2s Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, November 29, 1886. 27 J. W. Working to Albert Pike, January 11, 1887. 28 J. M. Williams to Albert Pike, January 25, 1887. 2s W. N. Hanline to Albert Pike, June 2, 1887; John F. Mayer to Albert Pike, September 5, 1887; April 21; May 30; December 17, 1888.


            3 0 Dewitt C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, June 12; September 20, 1887; Charles Foster to Albert Pike, December 19, 1887.


            31 D. G. Blackburn to Albert Pike, July 10, 1887; R. T. Miller to Albert Pike, November 3, 1888.


            32 H. W. Gleason to Albert Pike, August 8; 25, 1887; Evan Davis to Albert Pike, August 9, 1887; S. D. Thatcher to Albert Pike, November 5, 1887; S. B. Abbott to Albert Pike, November 9, 1887.


            33 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, October 30, 1887; J. K. Ashby to Albert Pike, December 9, 1887.




Single reports of the appearance of Cerneau agents in Birmingham, Alabama, and Denver, Colorado, reached Pike in 1888.34 Cerneauist activity was reported in Omaha and Kearney, Nebraska, but Jordan secured literature from Pike and sent his Deputy, Wm. Cleburne, to Kearney to organize a legitimate Lodge of Perfection." On the whole, it seems that Pike and his cohorts were generally successful during the biennium in resisting the spread of illegitimate organizations claiming to be of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.


            The incapacity of Grand Commander Pike, the economic stringency and possibly the activity of the Cerneauist organization which confused and deluded prospective candidates would be expected to handicap the expansion of the membership of legitimate Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction during the 1886‑1888 biennium. Although Pike could no longer travel and propagate the Rite, he could write letters to the Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council that would encourage and stimulate them to do so. Very few of Pike's letters of this nature are known to have survived but the incoming correspondence, yet in the files of the Supreme Council, indicates that the Grand Commander wrote many such letters. The known correspondence begins with a letter to a Deputy in Virginia asking him to explore the possibilities of establishing Lodges of Perfection in Danville, Lynchburg and Staunton and one that followed placed the sole responsibility for the growth of the Rite in Iowa upon the two Inspectors General in the state." The winter of 1886‑1887 was unproductive of material results. F. H. Harmon reported the communication of degrees to three candidates at Eureka, Nevada, B. R. Sherman wrote that four who had been elected to receive the 33' had been coroneted in Iowa. W. F. Bocock of Virginia suggested that the fees for the degrees be reduced to $30 in order to secure petitions. The refusal of the request left Bocock "pained. 9937 Martin Collins expressed his intention to form a new Lodge of Perfection at Kansas City, Missouri, and nine days later reported progress in that direction." March, 1887, was the month when the first known resident of Alaska received the Scottish Rite degrees. This was James Carroll of Juneau and his reception was reported by James R. Hayden.39 34 George F. Moore to Albert Pike, January 1, 1888; B. F. Rawalt to Albert Pike, May 5, 1888.


            35 H. C. Aiken to Albert Pike, July 16, 1888; R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, July 23, 1888; Wm. Cleburne to Albert Pike, September 15, 1888.


            36 Albert Pike to John F. Mayer, November 23, 1886; Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, November 29, 1886.


            37 F. H. Harmon to Albert Pike, December 23, 1886; B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, January 31, 1887; W. F. Bocock to Albert Pike, February 4; March 29, 1887.


            33 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, March 9; 18, 1887. 39 James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, March 19, 1887.


            334 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA As the year advanced, a "little work" was reported from Florida and a class of five and three additional petitions from Texas." E. T. Carr thought prospects were good for the formation of a Lodge of Perfection at Wichita, Kansas, and this was confirmed by the report of O. P. Hood, about one month later, that the Lodge had been formed." Some six weeks later, it was reported from Wichita that the Lodge was "having plenty of work."' 2 Plans were being made for a class in Charleston, South Carolina, and one of thirty at St. Paul, Minnesota, during June, 1887.'3 A remittance of $970 in July and one of $93.75 in September, 1887, was received from Nevada for work done in that state and to pay for patents and books ordered." Reports of limited degree work from Texas; some "good work" at Birmingham, Alabama; a projected class at Pine Bluff, Arkansas; the revival of the Lodge of Perfection at Salina, Kansas; a class of thirty‑two at Wichita, Kansas; the imminent creation of a Chapter of Rose Croix and a Council of Kadosh at Wichita; a class of twenty‑nine at Louisville, Kentucky; "some work" at Charleston, South Carolina; and a request for authority to form Consistories at Wichita, Salina, Topeka and Fort Scott, Kansas, were received by Pike before the end of 1887.'5 Reports in January, 1888, establish that interest in the Rite was reviving at Macon, Georgia; that a Consistory had been formed at Wichita, Kansas, at which time twentyeight candidates had received the degrees; that a Lodge of Perfection had been formed at Kansas City, Missouri, and that additional Bodies were to be formed as soon as practical; and that interest had risen in Charleston, South Carolina, sufficient to warrant hope that the Chapter of Rose Croix could be reinvigorated.' g It was reported in March that E. T. Carr had revived the Lodge of Perfection at Topeka, Kansas, and in April that the Bodies in Richmond, Virginia, were "holding their own;" that new life was developing in the Helena, Montana, Bodies; that a Lodge of Perfection could be formed at Livingston, Montana; that a Lodge of Perfection had been formed at Granite, Montana; that a class of six had received the degrees at Evanston, Wyoming; and that the Wichita,‑Kansas, Bodies continued "to do well.""' 4 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, April 15, 1887; Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, May 21, 1887. 41 E. T. Carr to Albert Pike, June 1, 1887; O. P. Hood to Albert Pike, July 9, 1887.


            42 J. S. Cole to Albert Pike, August 31, 1887.


            43 E. B. Hume to Albert Pike, June 24, 1887; O. G. Miller to Albert Pike, June 28, 1887. 44 A. L. Fitzgerald to Albert Pike, July 17; September 10, 1887.


            4' J. K. Ashby to Albert Pike, September 26, 1887; Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, October 30, 1887; Pitkin C. Wright to Albert Pike, October 17, 1887; J. A. Henry to Albert Pike, November 4, 1887; Charles H. Fisk to Albert Pike, November 25, 1887; Nath Levine to Albert Pike, December 6, 1887; Albert Pike to Inspectors General, November 13, 1887.


            4e A. M. Wolihim to Albert Pike, January 26, 1888; E. T. Carr to Albert Pike, January 26, 1888; Martin Collins to Albert Pike, January 28, 1888; Nath Levine to Albert Pike, January 28, 1888.


            ‑'' A. C. Sherman to Albert Pike, March 17, 1888; Wm. Ryan to Albert Pike, April 4, 1888; H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, April 5; 26, 1888; Frank M. Foote to Albert Pike, April 6, 1888; J. S. Cole to Albert Pike, April 30, 1888.




In May, a class of thirteen was reported at Denver, Colorado, one of nine from Charleston, South Carolina, and one of four from Washington Territory." About six months after the formation of the Lodge of Perfection at Kansas City, Missouri, it was reported that it had over one hundred members and that a Chapter of Rose Croix had been formed." During the remainder of the biennium, the Lodge of Perfection at Denver, Colorado, was reorganized and plans were under way to reactivate the old Chapter of Rose Croix, a Lodge of Perfection was planned for Kearney, Nebraska, and the reorganization of the Bodies at Little Rock, Arkansas, was undertaken." Just before the Session of 1888, it was proposed that the honorary membership of the Supreme Council be increased by granting the 33, Honorary, to two hundred additional Princes of the Royal Secret.'' If Pike made a reply to this suggestion, it is not known to have survived.


            There are no reports of any growth of existing Bodies or the creation of any new Bodies of the Rite in correspondence from Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Idaho, Dakota or Tennessee.


            Within one month after the close of the Session in 1886, Grand Commander Pike had formulated a letter to the Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council containing a plan for the growth of the Fund for Fraternal Assistance. The body of this letter reads as follows Dear Brothers: My life has had but one great purpose for more than a quarter of a century,‑to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in our Jurisdiction upon so firm a foundation and build up so solidly its walls that I could feel assured of its continuance and perpetuity after my death. Our Bodies have multiplied beyond my expectation, and are sufficiently prosperous: we have placed our Supreme Council in the front rank of the Masonic Powers of the world: all the books needed by us are printed, and are read in many lands: the Brethren of the Order have a Home of which they are joint proprietors: and we have a Library of over 9,000 volumes, the only Library in this Capital of the Nation to 48 B. F. Rawalt to Albert Pike, May 5, 1888; Nath Levine to Albert Pike, May 8, 1888; James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, May 14, 1888.


            49 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, June 2, 1888.


            50 L. N. Greenleaf to Albert Pike, July 17, 1888; Wm. Cleburne to Albert Pike, September 15, 1888; R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, September 30, 1888; J. A. Henry to Albert Pike, October 18, 1888.


            51 Alfred Shaw to Albert Pike, October 5, 1888.


            336 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA which all respectable persons have free access and from which books can be borrowed free of charge,‑a privilege of which over four hundred persons now avail themselves.


            Only one thing remains to be accomplished to ensure the perpetuity of the Order and to entitle it to live, because its life is useful and beneficial to Humanity. And 'this one thing, which more than all else will conduce to its permanence and the maintenance of its already acquired honorable reputation, is the speedy accumulation of the Fund for Fraternal Assistance, provided for by Statute two years ago. This beyond all else I have at heart. I would fain not die until that Fund has attained such proportions that its complete establishment cannot be matter of doubt or uncertainty. Then I shall be willing to lay down the gavel of authority and compose myself to my last sleep.


            I cannot work for this as I have worked for other purposes. I am too old, and feel too sensibly the infirmities of age, to be able to go far from home and be long absent from it. The fatigue, the many discomforts of distant travel, are too much for me now. I am liable to sudden attacks of severe illness; and it is no longer safe for me to take long journeys. To you and the other Inspectors and Deputies must now chiefly belong the honour and glory of labouring to increase that holy Fund.


            I shall never have occasion to appeal to you to labour for any other purpose. This is the last and best of our undertakings. You have always readily and cheerfully and efficiently responded when heretofore I have called upon you to help me effect a special purpose. Help me now this one time more.


            We are quite able to carry forward to successful completion any work of beneficence that we may undertake. It needs only that our Inspectors and Deputies should earnestly devote themselves for a little while to the work, in obedience to the imperative mandates of their solemn vows.


            The addition to the Fund in 1887 and by October, 1888, of $22,500 will fulfil the promise of the Supreme Council that it should be regularly increased by a sum equal to one full third of all its receipts of money. The proportional part for your State,‑of $11,250 (those States and Territories not being taken into account in which no work can be hoped for) is $1,000‑,which sum, in each of the next two years, I beseech you to earn and place in the Fund.


            I hope and think that I have the right to expect, that, in those few States and Territories in which the work of Inspectors and Deputies has not hitherto contributed any thing to any special fund, from 1859 to this day, the Inspectors or Deputies will register a vow that to the Fund of Fraternal Assistance their work shall contribute. There is no State or Territory in which work cannot be done, if the Inspector or Deputy will resolve that the Fund shall not crown with honour every other State and Territory than his own." 52 Albert Pike to Thomas H. Caswell, James S. Lawson and Charles F. Brown, November 20, 1886.


            337 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 A reply to this letter from Henry Buist contained a promise that he would try to raise the $500 allotted to South Carolina and one from James C. Batchelor asked for suggestions as to how he could proceed in Louisiana." The only remittances credited to the Fund during the following months of the biennium were from James R. Hayden for $112 and from James D. Richardson for $319.35.54 Certainly, economic conditions were not conducive to easy success in this undertaking but it does not seem that the stringency was severe enough to account for the almost complete lack of accomplishment reflected by the record.


            The curtailment of travel and outside activities permitted Grand Commander Pike to devote more time to the organization and expansion of the Library of the Supreme Council. He began this work by making a memorandum of the books (2,799), furniture, paintings, etc. that he had sold to the Supreme Council on May 14, 1881. He also made note of the fact that 655 volumes had been added to the collection since the sale." During 1887 and 1888, considerable correspondence took place between Pike and English book dealers which resulted in purchases of additional books, five packages of which arrived in Baltimore during October, November and December, 1888.5`' It appears that Pike wrote, a number of letters requesting mineral specimens to add to the collection he had started, because during 1888, many letters to Pike from correspondents in the western portion of the United States refer to this subject and report that packages of such specimens had been shipped to him. Items received by Pike during this period which bear directly upon the founders and early history of the Supreme Council were the military records of Dr. Frederick Dalcho, Joseph Dickinson, Thomas A. Bowen and Colonel John Mitchell. These were secured for Pike by Robert H. Hall." Nath Levine sent the original Minutes of La Candeur Lodge of Charleston, South Carolina, for the years 1797 to 1808 to Pike." These records have been returned to La Candeur Lodge. One other item of considerable historical interest was sent to Pike in 1888. Louis Openheimer, Calvert, Texas, sent a gavel made from wood taken from the ruins of the Alamo at San Antonio, Texas." There are no documents now in possession of the Supreme Council which fully state the objectives which Grand Commander Pike had when the Library of the 53 Henry Buist to Albert Pike, December 2, 1886; James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, 54 Gilmor Meredith to Supreme Council, October 1, 1888.


            55 Pike Memorandum, November 1, 1886; December 23, 1886.


            5s Matthew Robson to Albert Pike, October 15; November 3; 13; December 17; 19, 1888. 57 Robert H. Hall to Albert Pike, March 30; May 3; June 9, 1888.


            58 Nath Levine to Albert Pike, August 23, 1888.


            5s Louis Openheimer to Albert Pike, September 16, 1888.


            December 12, 1886.


            338 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA Supreme Council was established, if any were formulated. However, the information about the contents of the library that is available" indicates that Pike had in mind to establish a general public library compatible with the ideals of what such a library should be that prevailed in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Pike also expected this general library to have an outstanding collection on the subject of Freemasonry.


            The remainder of the administrative activities of the Grand Commander are a cross section of practically every aspect of those duties. Some of the more important include the appointment of Deputies of the Supreme Council. Henry S. Waldo was appointed in New Mexico,''' Nath Levine in South Carolina,'' Wm. N. Hanline in western Virginia," and J. W. Swain in western Virginia." Other appointments resulted from the death of Inspector General Henry Buist, which occurred on June 9, 1887.' These appointments were as follows: Thomas Hubbard Caswell, to be Grand Chancellor; Robert Carrel Jordan, to be Grand Minister of State: James Rudolph Hayden, to be Grand Almoner; Buren Robinson Sherman, to be Grand Standard Bearer; Gilmor Meredith, to be Grand Sword Bearer; Henry Moore Teller, to be Grand Herald." An exchange of letters brought Pike the information that A. L. Fitzgerald was crowned Sovereign Grand Inspector General for Nevada on December 30, 1886, and a remittance of $970 for work that he had done.' About one year later, Inspector General R. C. Jordan submitted his resignation on condition that Wm. Cleburne be elected to fill that office in Nebraska." Requests for advice, opinions and decisions on Masonic matters began to reach Grand Commander Pike early in 1887. The first came from Lieutenant Grand Commander James C. Batchelor regarding the statutes of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana. Pike's reply is not available but a letter received by Pike a few days afterward indicates that Pike had charged that Grand Consistory with deliberately violating the Statutes of the Supreme Council, which was denied by its presiding officer. A later letter, which may have been a part of this correspondence pointed out the difficulty of reaching agreement upon a statement of the "Ancient Land so Catalogue of the Library of the Supreme Council, 33, 1880, pp. 5‑42.


            61 W. W. Griffin to Albert Pike, November 15, 1886; Henry S. Waldo to Albert Pike, November 27, sz E. B. Hume to Albert Pike, July 2, 1887; Nath Levine to Albert Pike, July 13; 20, 1887.


            63 Albert Pike to Wm. N. Hanline, July 26, 1887.


            st Wm. N. Hanline to Albert Pike, June 12, 1888; J. W. Swain Albert Pike, April 21; May 29, 1888.


            15 George S. Buist to Albert Pike (telegram), June 9, 1887. 66 Circular Letter, June 12, 1887.


            67 A. L. Fitzgerald to Albert Pike, July 17, 1887.


            ea R. C. Jordan to Albert Pike, July 23; September 30, 1888.


            to Albert Pike, June 21, 1888; W.






            Bocock to 339 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


marks."" As the following year opened, Pike was asked for advice on determining the status of a member suspended for non‑payment of dues in one Chapter of Rose Croix and reported to be in good standing in another in New Orleans. He was also asked about the status of a member of the Grand Consistory who was a member of a Symbolic Lodge that had ceased to exist and had not affiliated with another such Lodge. Pike's answers to these questions are unknown but it was reported to Pike that Inspector General J. Q. A. Fellows had charged that they were "revolutionary." Batchelor also reported that Fellows received no support for his contention in the Grand Consistory of Louisiana and that trouble in that Grand Consistory had brought about the resignation of all of the officers of that Body." Another knotty problem was referred to Pike from St. Paul, Minnesota, for a ruling. A resident of St. Paul, previously rejected in the Commandery in that city, had gone to England where he received the Scottish Rite degrees through the Thirtieth and then returned to St. Paul and sought to visit and advance in the Bodies there. Objection was raised in St. Paul to his aspirations." Pike's opinion is unknown. The final question known to have been asked came from a lady who requested Pike's opinion of the Order of the Eastern Star. Pike replied as follows: There is nothing Masonic in the Eastern Star Degrees. They inculcate the kindly and generous virtues, but contain nothing that is not to be found elsewhere. I should not like to say that there can be no advantage in belonging to the order, because an association of ladies ought to be made the means of activating charitable impulses and the gracious sympathies of womanhood. Few Masons, out of the whole number, know anything about the Degrees of the Order. It is not connected with Masonry except by the relationship of its members to Masons; and it gives these members no additional claims on the Fraternity, nor any knowledge whatever, not known to every one, in regard to Masonry. Nor is there, I think, much intrinsic value in the Degrees." Pike received news of a major collapse of the Rite in Texas when Tucker wrote that he had in his possession the charter of the Lodge of Perfection at Corpus Christi, that he had recalled the charters of the Council of Kadosh at Austin and of the Lodge of Perfection at Palestine, that the Lodge of Perfection at Waco was defunct and that the Bodies at Fort Worth were inactive." There is no record of any immediate action by Pike, probably, because nothing could be effected so long as drought and economic prostration held that state in its grip.


            69 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, January 21; August 3, 1887; E. D. Craig to Albert Pike, February 2, 1887. 7 E. D. Craig to Albert Pike, January 22; 27; July 7, 1888; James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, February 1, 1888. 11 John C. Terry to Albert Pike, March 10; 24, 1888; O. C. Houghton to Albert Pike, April 1, 1888; O. G. Miller to Albert Pike, May 7, 1888.


            7' Albert Pike to Mrs. Alice Y. Stockton, April 24, 1887. 7s Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, October 30, 1887.


            340 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA In the spring of 1888, Pike received a letter from J. S. Cole expressing the opinion that no Consistories, other than those already authorized; should be established in Kansas because strong Bodies were more likely to survive than weak ones." The final known letter requiring any administrative action by Pike that was received during the biennium contained a petition from Buist Chapter of Rose Croix, Charleston, South Carolina, requesting authority to elect its officers annually." This petition was placed on file to be acted upon by the Supreme Council during the October, 1888, Session.


            The remainder of the surviving correspondence in the files of the Supreme Council for this period has no signficance in the history of the Supreme Council. One provides the information that Pike was working on the translation of the Veda." Many of these letters expressed high personal regard for the Grand Commander and universal recognition of the worth of his many services to Scottish Rite Masonry. There had never before been so many of this type of letters received and for historical purposes, they indicate that the prestige of the Rite was rising along with that of its Grand Commander.


            Twelve of the twenty‑eight Inspectors General, Active Members of the Supreme Council, answered the roll call when the Supreme Council was opened on October 15, 1888. Seven others submitted excuses for their absence which were accepted by the Body as satisfactory, however, there were nine who did not make an explanation of their absence. Twenty‑three Honorary Members, one Emeritus Member and seven visitors from the Northern Jurisdiction completed the recorded attendance.


            After extending a welcome to the Representative of the Northern Jurisdiction, the Grand Commander presented the "Alamo Gavel" to the Supreme Council and read the letter of transmittal and his reply into the record. A number of communications were presented and then the Standing Committee appointments were announced. Nominations, reports, official correspondence and applications for charters were referred to appropriate committees.


            Frederick Webber submitted a report to close his service as Treasurer General and his report as Secretary General. In closing his report as Treasurer General, he asked that his accounts be finally audited and that he and his bondsmen be released from 74 J. S. Cole to Albert Pike, March 24, 1888.


            45 Buist Chapter of Rose Croix to Albert Pike, June 26, 1888. 1s Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, April 17, 1887.




further liability relating to that office. Webber's report as Secretary General revealed a great amount of labor expended in handling the publications of the Supreme Council; 3,000 packages between May 7, and September 30, 1888, and 12,000 lists of publications were mailed out by him during the biennium. He suggested that all records should be returned to the office of the Secretary General at the close of a Session; that the fiscal year be closed on August 31 each year in order to have time for the proper preparation of reports to the Supreme Council Sessions in October; that a strenuous effort had been made to secure annual reports and the payment of funds owed to the Supreme Council with only partial success; that a penalty should be imposed for failure of a Subordinate Body to send in its annual report and remit Supreme Council funds in accordance with the Statutes.


            This report was followed by that of the Treasurer of the Fraternal Assistance Fund showing a balance of $1,494.59‑the total collections and no expenditures.


            The Second Grand Auditor's report as of September 30, 1888, reveals that $38,627.29 had been received, that the same amount had been disbursed during the biennium and that no funds were being held as a balance. Some minor changes in the Statutes were suggested, the Secretary General was complimented on the condition of the fiscal records, expenses for the biennium were reported to be $40.94, an annual appropriation of $25 for the office was suggested and a list of ten reports of Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council completed the report.


            The first period of work closed with the reception of the tender of the "Sanctuary" of the Washington, D. C., Bodies, 1007 G Street, N. W., to the Supreme Council for its use.


            The only item of business during the afternoon of the first day was the reception of the Allocution of the Grand Commander and its referral to a Special Committee for distribution to the appropriate Standing Committees.


            The 1888 Allocution occupies forty pages in the Appendix of the published Transactions for that year and begins with some four pages devoted to a tribute to the Distinguished Dead of the Rite. Pike then noted that it would be twelve years until the close of the first century since the Supreme Council had been organized. He said that this event would be a time "for rejoicing and mutual congratulation" and then charged the Inspectors General not to become "indifferent, apathetic or inert." Pike said that the past two years had been busy years but that little had transpired to require "special comment." He claimed "unbroken peace and harmony," stated 342 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA that few questions for decision had arisen and that progress of the Rite "has been sufficient to content us." Revenues had been "sufficient," all property was "paid for," all debts would be paid by the end of the year, the printing of books was "completed and paid for," future expenditures would be "greatly lessened," the $50,000 library would need only to purchase new books and "nothing has hindered us in our work" were statements that concluded his evaluation of the general situation during the biennium.


            Twenty‑one Bodies were then listed as having been established or revived since the last Session. Their distribution was as follows: California, l; Dakota, 4; Kansas, 6; Japan, 2; Missouri, 2; Alabama, 3; Montana, l; and Colorado, 2.


            The Grand Commander made no attempt to account for the creation or revival of Bodies in only seven states nor did he elaborate on his statement that "much has been necessarily encountered by us, of a nature to chill, discourage and dishearten us." "I shall not endeavour to point out the causes to which in parts of our Jurisdiction, the failure of the Rite to prosper is owing," Pike said, and then added: ". . . neither States nor men have often profited by these instructions." Stating that "It will be less irritating ... to speak ... of the ways ... in ... one place, our Bodies have achieved success. . . .," Pike recounted briefly the history of the Bodies in Washington, D. C., (population in 1890, 230,392). Here the membership of the Lodge of Perfection was exactly 300, a home owned that was valued at $40,000, members zealous and interested, did not advertise meetings in the newspapers, "always obeyed the Statutes," conferred the Degrees "in full, honestly and thoroughly," never appearing in public except when ". . . required by duty," and achieving this position "despite as many obstacles as are to be encountered elsewhere." The Grand Commander accounted for this, the only outstanding success in the Jurisdiction as follows: a leadership that did not "weary or become disheartened," "the ownership of real estate and a home," the maintenance of the worth of the Degrees by never offering them at bargain prices, and by "fully and conscientiously" conferring the Degrees.


            Pike then announced that fire had destroyed the property of the Bodies in Los Angeles, California, and proposed that their dues be remitted "for the last anal‑ current year." He then read a list of those members of the Rite who merited honorable mention. After reviewing the Statutes regarding the payment of dues and pointing out inequalities, Pike submitted a proposed amendment to the Statutes that was expected to provide a remedy for the situation. He also proposed legislation whereby 343 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Inspectors General in states where there was a Grand Consistory might confer any of the degrees on candidates living in excess of 200 miles from a working Body or where seventy‑five miles or more must be traveled other than by railroad. This was followed by a proposal to create a board for the consideration of requests that dues be remitted, with power to grant such requests in whole or in part after thorough investigation. He also proposed the remission of all dues five or more years in arrears. Pike then proposed that the Supreme Council pay the exchange on fees for degrees from Japan and that the Bodies there pay the exchange on the per capita dues.


            In discussing his decision, the Grand Commander recommended that legislation be adopted whereby a Council of Kadosh might be opened for work by its Grand Commander or a Past Preceptor in certain emergencies. He then stated that he had ruled that the minutes of a meeting could be corrected at any time before approval and signing.


            Stating that Washington, D. C., did not have a free public library and that some 400 people had already made use of the library of the Supreme Council, Pike asked that this public service to the Nation's Capital be continued and that the librarian be retained on a full time basis. He also suggested that a committee be formed to whom all library matters "may be referred." After reviewing the labors of the Secretary General, Pike recommended that the salary of that official be increased. This was followed by a request that the publication of the Occasional Bulletin be continued but at a reduced cost. It was stated that the Official Bulletin did not pay the cost of publication but that other values gained had offset this consideration. Pike recommended that it be continued. He also said that it would be possible to reduce the size of the publication after volume IX had been printed which would reduce the expense and the consequent loss. The Grand Commander then discussed the distribution of Inspectors General within the Jurisdiction and stated that he would like to have each State and Territory represented in the membership of the Supreme Council. However, it was his opinion that it would be better to permit a vacancy to exist for years than to have an Inspector General who seldom or never attended the Sessions of the Supreme Council. Pike then called attention to the fact that the Statutes did not define the status of an office holder who had been appointed to fill a vacant office ad interim and suggested that legislation was needed on this point.


            Under the heading "Our Foreign Relations," Pike said that relations of amity and correspondence existed with all legitimate and recognized Supreme Councils in the 344 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA world with the exception of that in Spain where there were four Bodies contending for recognition. The remainder of this portion of the Allocution has no material bearing upon the history of the Supreme Council. The document was then closed with several inspirational paragraphs.


            On Tuesday morning, October 16, 1888, work began with the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous day's work. This was followed by the report of the Committee on Foreign Relations on that portion of the Allocution referred to it. Its recommendation that the Grand Commander's actions be approved was adopted. The recommendation from this same Committee that the Supreme Council of the Dominican Republic be formally recognized and Representatives be appointed was adopted.


            An Executive Session followed in which John Frederick Mayer of Virginia, Nathaniel Levine of South Carolina, Richard Joseph Nunn of Georgia and George Fleming Moore of Alabama were elected to Active Membership in the Supreme Council. The proffered resignations of Inspectors General Lawson of California and Grissom of North Carolina were rejected.


            After receiving the report of the Committee on the Allocution and two telegrams of congratulations, a recess was ordered. Following the recess, the four newly elected Active Members were crowned and after each had expressed his appreciation, the day's work was ended.


            Following the adoption of the minutes of the previous day, work began on October 17, 1888, with the appointment of a committee on the library portion of the Allocution. The Committee on Jurisprudence made a report which was adopted whereby ad interim appointments expired on the first day of the next ensuing Session of the Supreme Council and such appointments had no effect upon tenure in any other office that might be held by an appointee. Amendments to the Statutes were adopted, upon recommendation of the Committee, clarifying the intent of Article IV and governing the registration of votes cast by mail. A report of the same committee recommending a revision of the per capita tax was referred to the Committee on Finance.


            The Committee on Finance reported its recommendation that all dues accrued prior to July, 1883, and unpaid, be remitted; that the Supreme Council pay the exchange on remittances already received from Japan but thereafter, such remittances should be made in a manner that would not incur any expense to the Supreme Council. Both recommendations were adopted.




The Committee on the State of the Order recommended that Letters Perpetual of Constitution be granted to the following Bodies: Temple Chapter of Rose Croix, Savannah, Georgia; Birmingham Consistory, Birmingham, Alabama; Occidental Consistory, Los Angeles, California; Colorado Consistory, Denver, Colorado; and Yankton Consistory, Yankton, Dakota; that the petition for a charter for Occidental Consistory, Sioux Falls, Dakota, be held over for action at the Session in 1890; that the Letters of the Bodies at Little Rock, Arkansas, be restored and that their delinquent dues be remitted; and that action should be taken on expiring Letters Temporary. The Committee declined to make a general comment on the State of the Order in the Jurisdiction. The report and the recommendations were adopted.


            On motion, it was ordered that Letters Perpetual be issued to the Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of Rose Croix at Kansas City and the Inspector General was authorized to form a Consistory in that city when he deemed it proper to do so.


            The Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies, at the afternoon period of work, reported improvement in the number and quality of reports received, that the general "health" of the Bodies was improving, and that splendid growth had taken place in Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and the District of Columbia. A list of the Bodies reporting was incorporated in the report as was a comparative tabulation of fees and dues received from them for the years 1887 and 1888. Without exception, the sums collected in each category of Bodies in 1888 was larger than that collected in 1887, reflecting the growth that was taking place. On the basis of dues collected, it is estimated that growth in 1888 was about ten percent of the 1887 membership. In number of new members, this may have been approximately 300.


            The Committee on Finance then reported that it concurred in the proposal to revise the Statutes assessing the per capita dues to be paid annually to the Supreme Council and the report was adopted. This revision had the effect of requiring the payment of one dollar per member of any Scottish Rite Body to the Supreme Council and the responsibility for collecting and paying this sum was placed upon the Body in which the member held his highest degree.


            The remainder of Wednesday was devoted to an Executive Session in which it was resolved that three designates receive the 33 as an honorarium.


            On the morning of October 18, 1888, the Secretary General being ill, it was necessary to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the work of the preceding day and to appoint a Secretary General pro tem. Work then began with the report 346 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA of the Committee on Nominations. This report began by pointing out that the report had been delayed because some nominations had not been made in accordance with the Statutes, particularly with regard to records of membership and facts supporting the nominations. It was explained that some nominations had been dropped because of these omissions and the inability of the Committee to secure the facts, that some nominees were found to be ineligible, and that, in some cases, excess nominations had been submitted. The list of nominations approved by the Committee was then read. It consisted of sixty‑six nominations to the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, eleven of whom were also nominated to receive the "Honorary 33rd," and twenty‑two Knights Commander of the Court of Honour to "receive the 33rd Degree Honorary." All of the nominees were elected, the Statutes being suspended where necessary.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence presented two amendments to the Statutes permitting the election of Emeriti Members of Honour to the Supreme Council and authorizing such members to wear the Honorary Grand Cross. Both amendments were adopted.


            A supplementary report of the Committee on the State of the Order recommended the granting of Letters Perpetual to the following Bodies: Adoniram Lodge of Perfection, Kansas City, Missouri Areiopagus Chapter of Rose Croix, Kansas City, Missouri Alpha Lodge of Perfection, Yankton, Dakota Mackey Chapter of Rose Croix, Yankton, Dakota Robert de Bruce Council of Kadosh, Yankton, Dakota Wichita Lodge of Perfection, Wichita, Kansas Wichita Chapter of Rose Croix, Wichita, Kansas Wichita Council of Kadosh, Wichita, Kansas Denver Council of Kadosh, Denver, Colorado It was recommended that authority to establish Consistories at Kansas City, Missouri, and Richmond, Virginia, be granted and that Letters Perpetual be delivered to said Bodies upon order of the Inspectors General of those states.


            It was also recommended that the Topeka, Kansas, Bodies be credited for dues accrued prior to 1883 and that the dues of Richmond Chapter of Rose Croix be remitted in accordance with their claim that the same had been paid. These recommendations were adopted.




Recommendations from the Committee on Finance that "a quietus be granted" to the Treasurer General, Secretary General and Treasurer of the Fund of Fraternal Assistance on accounts audited to September 30, 1888, were adopted.


            In Executive Session, Thomas H. Caswell was elected to the office of Grand Chancellor and Erasmus T. Carr to that of Grand Minister of State. All expiring Letters Temporary, except of those Bodies receiving Letters Permanent, were extended until the Session of 1890 and the Grand Commander was authorized to grant Letters Permanent to any of these, if deemed wise, during that period of time. William M. Ireland was dropped "from the Rolls of this Supreme Council." Eighteen distinguished brethren were elected to "Emeriti of Honor" membership in the Supreme Council. A recess was then ordered.


            The Supreme Council reassembled that evening in the Sanctuary of the Washington, D. C., Bodies and conferred "the 33d Degree of the Rite" upon ten designates who were present to receive the same.


            The last day of the Session began with the approval of the minutes of the work of October 18. A minor amendment of the Statutes was adopted to clarify the intent of the law and another gave the Lodge of Perfection and the Chapter of Rose Croix at Charleston, South Carolina, authority to elect their officers annually. The Committee on Jurisprudence then submitted a new section to Article X defining the powers of the Grand Master of Kadosh which was adopted.


            The Committee on Doings of Inspectors General presented a review of the reports submitted to it. Not a word of censure was uttered and the Committee strove to magnify the fourteen reports into something reflecting credit upon the Supreme Council membership. The Grand Commander was authorized to publish as much of the report as he might think proper.


            The Committee on Finance recommended that conflicts in the Statutes mentioned in the Second Grand Auditor's report be submitted to the Committee on Legislation with instructions to make such changes and adjustments as necessary; that the Second Grand Auditor make an inventory of books on hand by 1890; and that a warrant be drawn for $40.94 to pay the expenses of the Second Grand Auditor. On motion, the report was adopted. The same Committee also reported that it had examined and approved the accounts of the Secretary General, Treasurer General‑and Treasurer of the Fund of Fraternal Assistance which was adopted. The Committee then recommended the following appropriations: 348 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA For salary Secretary‑General Webber, yearly ...................... $2,100 For salary Second Grand Auditor ...............................     500 For compensation Second Grand Auditor for the two past years, in full     500 For contingent fund, Second Grand Auditor, yearly .................           25 For contingent fund, Venerable Grand Commander .................        150 For books and binding‑Library ............................... 1,500 For compensation, Janitor .....................................          300 For compensation, Assistant Librarian ...........................      900 For additional help in Library, as needed by Librarian Webber ........            240 For compensation Grand Tiler .................................   50 For incidental expenses of session of Supreme Council, to be audited by the Venerable Grand Commander .............................  100 Those portions relating to salary for the Secretary General and the Second Grand Auditor were referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation, the Contingent Fund for the Grand Commander was increased to $250 and the remaining items were adopted.


            An appropriation of $30 was passed to pay the janitor for extra services rendered.


            The account of Inspector General Nunn was corrected.


            By resolution, the next regular Session of the Supreme Council was called to meet in the House of the Temple, Washington, D. C., "on the third Monday in October, 1890." The first item of business at the afternoon Session was a discussion of nominations procedure. An order was adopted that, "hereafter," the Secretary General should not submit any nominations not conforming to the Statutes and the Committee on Nominations was prohibited from receiving any nominations except "over the signature of the Secretary General as having complied with such Statutes." A supplemental list of three nominations for the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour was then elected.


            The Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation reported a recommendation that the salaries of the Secretary General and the Second Grand Auditor be $2,100 and $500 annually and that the Statutes be amended accordingly. These amendments were adopted.


            The Committee on Finance recommended that the Secretary General be authorized to employ any additional assistance deemed necessary and that the "Grand Com 349 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


mander be authorized to pay by warrant for the same." This was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation which immediately reported a statutory provision whereby the Supreme Council should appoint "a Brother of the 33 as Assistant Secretary General" for the duration of a Session and for such time thereafter as deemed necessary to complete the records, ranking as an officer of the Supreme Council whose signature "shall import verity by the Secretary General." An order was passed creating a Standing Committee designated as "on the Library and Buildings." Immediately thereafter this Committee was ordered to prepare 3,000 copies of a brief statement of the work already done by the Supreme Council in this area and mail one "to each member of the Rite." Upon the request of the Grand Commander that some action be taken in relation to designates who had not appeared to receive the honors to which they had been elected, the Supreme Council ordered all such elections recalled.


            Odell S. Long was appointed to the office of Grand Constable.


            The Supreme Council then closed the Session to meet again according to its resolution in 1890.' The poor attendance of Inspectors General at the Session of the Supreme Council in 1888, the failure of over one‑half of the Inspectors General and Deputies to file any kind of report of activity, the failure of the Fund for Fraternal Assistance to make adequate growth, favorable reports from less than one‑fourth of the States and Territories in the Jurisdiction, and the appearance of problems in the nomination and election of designates for Supreme Council honors indicate continued limitations in the level of leadership among Supreme Council members at the close of the biennium of 1886‑1888. However, the record of accomplishment by some Inspectors General, either within their states or in the work of the Session of 1888, demonstrate the possibilities that could be expected from high caliber leadership in an Inspector General.


            The definite improvement in the efficiency of the office of the Secretary General, improvement in the collection of funds due the Supreme Council, "splendid" growth of the membership in very limited portions of the Jurisdiction, constructive revision of the Statutes of the Rite, a more businesslike handling of financial matters and the refusal of the Supreme Council to degrade the value of its honors by careless distribu 77 Transactions, Supreme Council, 33, S.1., U.S.A., 1888, pp. 1‑50; Appendix A, 1‑40.


            350 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA tion are items of evidence that real progress had been made toward providing the Rite with an adequate administrative council.


            It is evident that three major areas for improvement remained at the close of the Session of 1888: the recruitment of adequate leadership; the development of a satisfactory membership accounting system; and the creation of a system for the propagation of the Rite.


            The period between the Sessions of the Supreme Council in 1888 and 1890 was to witness the passing of Pike's eightieth birthday. However, the continued decline of his health and physical strength was of greater significance. Pike had written late in 1888 that he was not able to go anywhere or "to do much here." The next surviving hint of his condition was written some five months later and at that time he said that he had "not been outside the door once since the middle of January."" However, in the same letter he expressed the hope that he would be able to visit New York in the fall of 1889. A month later, he wrote that he was suffering from a "sharp fit of lumbago" and two weeks later that he was free of that plague." Pike's next known comment on his health was that he was recovering from a period of two weeks of gout and fever. He then stated that he had an "evilly disposed stomach" and that "you would find me ... wishing only to sit still and sleep."" Two letters dated in the following October do not indicate that the Grand Commander was making any improvement; he wrote that he was suffering from neuralgia in his "left eye and upper and lower jaw" and that he could not go to New York because of this condition and "no money." He also wrote: "I have grown too indolent to be able to take the trouble that going away necessarily involves."" The end of the year found him writing that "I do somehow feel rather than think, that I shall live for some years yet, to work for Masonry. . . ."RJ In January, 1890 Pike wrote that he could not work because of neuralgia and in March that his intellect was "semitorpid" but that he had not been sick enough to be in bed during the past three months, only "worried by infirmities of old age."" Probably in reply to an invitation to visit, Pike wrote in May, 1890, that he had been afflicted with rheumatism for eight weeks and that he was "too old to go anywhere," and as May ended, Pike wrote that he was "quite well now, except for rheumatism of the right arm" which made writing 71 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, April 22, 1889.


            79 Albert Pike to Wm. Ryan, May 20, 1889; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, June 4, 1889. 8 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, August 23, 1889, 81Ibid., October 1; 16, 1889.


            s2 Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, December 24, 1889.


            83 Albert Pike to Wm. Ryan, January 20, 1890; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, March 6, 1890.




painful for a period of "ten weeks."" Again, on June 28, Pike refused to leave Washington because of his health and another invitation was declined in August, rheumatism being indicated as the cause." No other information about the health of the Grand Commander is known until the opening of the Session of the Supreme Council on October 20, 1890, when he "was compelled to forego the reading of his Allocution" because of "a severe affection of the throat."" Obviously, the Grand Commander was able to do but relatively little labor for the Rite during the biennium of 1888‑1890.


            Letters and documents concerning the Scottish Rite written by Grand Commander Pike during the biennium of 1888‑1890 are comparatively few and most of these are routine in nature. This latter class included a letter announcing his recognition of the Supreme Council of the Dominican Republic," a letter appealing for aid to the victims of the Johnstown, Pennsylvania, disaster," announcements of the death of Michel E. Girard, Claude P. Samory, A. T. C. Pierson and several distinguished members of the Rite in other Jurisdictions," an announcement of his refusal to recognize the Ellauri Supreme Council formed in Uruguay," a list of the regulations governing the issuance of duplicate patents, briefs or diplomas," a request to the Inspectors General to expedite the filing of annual returns,"‑ a letter to Jean Marie Raymond appointing him to be the Representative of the Supreme Council near the Supreme Council for France,''' a circular letter announcing the call for the Session of the Supreme Council on October 20, 1890,4 and a circular requesting the collection ol‑ Indian arrow and spear heads for the library." Warrant number 124, dated June 6, 1889, and marked "Flood sufferers, Pennsylvania" appears to be a contribution of $50 from the Supreme Council for the relief of the victims at Johnstown. Nineteen letters, dated from October 22, 1890, to November 29, 1890, replying to Pike's appeal for Indian relics remain in the files of the Supreme Council. Five of these letters notified the Grand Commander that contributions to the collection were being sent to him: two boxes were sent from Asheville, North Carolina, one contain "4 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, May 16, 1890; Albert Pike to M. W. Wood, May 31, "Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, June 28; August 19, 1890; W. J. C. Kenyon to 23, 1890.


            " Transactions, Supreme Council, 33, S. J., 1890, p. 5.


            "7 Circular Letter to all regular Supreme Councils, January 20, 1889.


            "" Circular Letter to all Bodies in the Southern Jurisdiction, June 3, 1889.


            " Circular Letter, May 3, 1889; August 10, 1889; November 27, 1889; January 8, Circular Letter to all regular Supreme Councils, September 16, 1889.


            1 Circular Letter to all Bodies in the Southern Jurisdiction, September 18, 1889. 92 Circular Letter to Inspectors General, June 21, 1890.


            s Albert Pike to Jean Marie Raymond, July 1, 1890. 94 Circular Letter, September 25, 1890.


            ' Carle A. Woodruff to Albert Pike, October 23, 1890; R. J. Perry to Albert Pike, Bulletin, XI, 6.




            Albert Pike, June 8; August 1890; September 20, 1890.


            October 29, 1890; Occasional 352 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA ing 1,100 items and the other 700," one package contained one arrow head," a package of Apache arrow heads was sent from Arizona;" a similar package was sent from Nebraska;" and a box containing 280 items, bought by G. Torre for $225 in Nevada, was the fifth box of relics known to have been sent for the collection."' The fact that no Register was published after the appeal for the filing of annual returns until 1896 is evidence of the failure of these letters to produce the desired results.


            Two letters, bearing the same date, written by Pike early in 1889 seem to be of particular importance, because, in 1865, Pike had written the following opinion with regard to the powers of the Supreme Council or an Inspector General: Undoubtedly we have ample power to commission a Deputy Inspector General to confer the Blue Degrees, and create Symbolic Lodges, in any unoccupied foreign country. Beyond a question, one of us, as Sov.'. Gr.'. Insp.'. Gen.'. could do so. We are shorn of none of our ancient powers. To avoid prejudice and quarrels, we refrain from the exercise, here, of our powers over the Blue Degrees, with, on the whole, very beneficial results."' This statement appears to have brought forth an inquiry from Charles K. Francis in early 1889 to which Pike replied in part as follows: If any man asserts that the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, or any one of its Grand Commanders or other officers, or any one of its Inspectors or Deputies, or any Body or person of its obedience has fiver conferred or pretended to confer, upon any person whatever, either of the first three degrees of Masonry, Apprentice, Fellowcraft or Master, or that the Supreme Council or any officer of it has ever authorized any officer, person or Body to do so, since the beginning of its life on the 31st of May, 1801, to this day, anywhere, the assertion is a wilful, deliberate, unqualified falsehood‑a lie pure and simple.


            What you refer to in our Reprint of Transactions, 1857 to 1866, p. 347 is explained in "Beauties of Cerneauism, No. 6." 1 was in error in 1865, and continued so for some time. When investigation convinced me of the error, I demonstrated by the Grand Constitutions themselves that the theory which I had accepted was an error. No one else ever had or ever has attempted to prove that.' 02 se J. Wakefield Courtland to Albert Pike, October 22, 1890. a7 Mrs. George A. Whipple to Albert Pike, October 30, 1890. 98 Chas. M. Strauss to Albert Pike, November 3, 1890.


            ss Wm. Cleburne to Albert Pike, November 24, 1890. 100 F. H. Harmon to Albert Pike, November 29, 1890.


            101 Transactions, Supreme Council, 33, S. J., 1865, p. 347.


            "s Albert Pike to Charles K. Francis (two letters), February 27, 1889.




Within a few days after the above extracts were written, Pike answered other closely related questions as follows: What jurisdiction does a Lodge of Perfection have over Master Masons? Ans. None at all, in the proper sense of the word "jurisdiction,"‑the right to make law for, administer and govern. I suppose you mean to ask, unto what Master Masons can it give its Degrees. The answer to that is, to any one who has a permanent domicile in the State, and to any one from another State who has permission from the. Inspector General or Deputy there. It can lawfully give the Degrees to one or either of these classes; but it cannot claim that any one shall receive them from itself and not elsewhere.


            Must a Master Mason apply to the nearest Lodge of Perfection? or can he apply to any one in the State? Ans. We are governed by all the original and general Rules and principles of Blue or Symbolic Masonry; but we do not accept or adopt new enactments, made by particular Grand Lodges. We have no law requiring a Master Mason to apply to the Lodge of Perfection nearest his residence."' The most significant statement made by the Grand Commander is: "We are governed by all the original and general Rules and principles of Blue or Symbolic Masonry...... In effect, he said that Scottish Rite customs, practices, rules and statutes must not violate "the original and general Rules and principles of Blue or Symbolic Masonry." These statements by Grand Commander Albert Pike, who is generally recognized as the most profound of Scottish Rite lawgivers, conclusively dispose of the claim to supremacy of Inspectors General, Supreme Councils and the Scottish Rite over Grand Lodges of Symbolic Masonry and expose the attempt of the framers of the Constitutions of 1762 to establish that superiority as a "French innovation." Before the biennium closed, Pike issued another ruling based upon the concept that the fundamental law of all Masonry is "the original and general Rules and principles of Blue or Symbolic Masonry." He decreed that a Mason dimitted from a Symbolic Lodge could not retain membership in the Scottish Rite and that expulsion from a Symbolic Lodge terminated any Scottish Rite membership without any formal action by a Scottish Rite Body."' The furious struggle between legitimate Scottish Rite Masonry and Cerneauism in the Southern Jurisdiction was continued with unlessened violence during the biennium of 1888‑1890. The correspondence surviving in the files of the Supreme Council 103 Official Bulletin, IX, 358‑359.


            104 Albert Pike to J. W. Cloes, January 11, 1890.


            354 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA reveals that nine states, Alabama, Maryland, West Virginia, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Florida and Missouri, were the active areas of conflict. Anti‑Cerneauist literature had been sent into all of these states and requests for additional copies reached Pike during 1889 from Maryland, Iowa and Florida."' In Alabama, the influence of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge seems to have been sufficient to suppress Cerneauist efforts in Birmingham."' Personal attacks, scathing denunciations, the liberal use of such terms as "liar," "bastard," "imposter," "charlatan," "degree peddler," etc. in the public press and in official literature by protagonists in Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota and Florida disrupted the peace and harmony in Masonic Lodges in those states to the extent that the Grand Lodges felt compelled to intervene lest the conflict permanently damage Masonry. The Grand Lodge of Iowa, after exhaustive investigation, was the first to act. On June 6, 1889, the Grand Lodge of Iowa adopted resolutions reaffirming its recognition of the "Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction," as entitled to "exclusive jurisdiction in this state;" refusing to recognize the Cerneau organization and denying any right to it to "occupy ... the state of Iowa;" prohibiting the Cerneau bodies from conferring degrees in Iowa and prohibiting all Master Masons within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Iowa from "conferring, communicating, taking or receiving any of the degrees of said Cerneau body;" requiring all Master Masons in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Iowa to withdraw from Cerneau bodies "prior to the next annual communication of this Grand Lodge;" directing the Grand Master to issue his edict "to enforce these resolutions;" and directing the Committee on Jurisprudence to report "such further legislation . . . to enforce these resolutions and provide for the discipline of such brethren as refuse to obey them" at the next session of the Grand Lodge."' Shortly after the news of this action by the Grand Lodge ;of Iowa reached Pike, he wrote a long letter of congratulation to Inspector General Parvin on the victory achieved for the Rite and stated that he would publish the Iowa resolutions in a special bulletin."' However, the fight in Iowa had not ended. Numbers of the members of the Cerneau bodies in Iowa refused to abide by the action of the Grand Lodge and the subsequent edicts of the Grand Master. They entered the civil courts of Iowa with petitions for orders restraining the Grand Lodge of Iowa from interfering in any 105 C. H. Creighten to Albert Pike, February 23, 1889; H. F. Bowers to Albert Pike, August 7, 1889; Noyes S. Collins to Albert Pike, September 3, 1889.


            100 George F. Moore to Albert Pike, February 3, 1889.


            107 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, 1889, June 4‑6, 1889; George W. Parker to Albert Pike, May 7, 1889.


            108 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, June 18, 1889.




way with their activities. They lost their original suits and appealed to the Supreme Court of Iowa which did not render its decision in the case before the Session of 1890. The thirteen instigators of this rebellion against the Grand Lodge of Iowa were suspended from their Masonic rights and privileges on December 2, 1890, were finally expelled from the Fraternity on June 3, 1891,19 and it is estimated that some 600 Iowa Master Masons suffered the same punishment before regular Masonry in Iowa was purged of Cerneauism. Action similar to that of the Grand Lodge of Iowa was instituted and adopted in the Grand Lodges of Nebraska,"' Maryland,"' Minnesota... and Florida."' It should be noted that this~victory of legitimate Masonry had another aspect. The question of Grand Lodge supremacy in the Masonic organizational structure was no longer an academic subject; it was now a reality supported not only by Masonic jurisprudence but by the civil law.


            The smashing defeat of Cerneauism in Iowa and elsewhere was probably responsible for the following chain of events. M. W. Bayliss, the leader of Cerneauism in Washington, D. C., and a member of its Supreme Council, wrote a letter to Grand Commander Pike stating that he was withdrawing from the controversy and enclosed some correspondence that he had received from a Commander of a "Gorgas Consistory."11' A letter was received by Pike asking if the Cerneauists could be "healed" for "2 or 3 dollars" or must they pay the full price for the degrees."' A delegation from the Hutchinson, Kansas, Cerneau organizations waited upon Inspector General E. T. Carr with a proposal to "transfere" their entire membership into a regular Scottish Rite Body. Carr inquired of Pike what the minimum conditions of such a "transfere" would be and indicated that he was ready to communicate the Scottish Rite Degrees to a sufficient number of the men from Hutchinson to form a complete set of Bodies."' Pike rejected these proposals that a "discount" be granted to Cerneauists who wished to become regular and legitimate Scottish Rite Masons,"' and on the same day, published another anti‑Cerneau pamphlet entitled Chastisement of a Bearer of False Witness."' Three days after the publication was released, the Secretary General mailed out ballots to the Inspectors General on a proposed statute ... Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, 1890, pp. 28‑35; 1891, p. 423.


            ... Wm. Cleburne to Albert Pike, May 4; June 11; 24; July 25, 1889; June 21, Albert Pike, May 8, 1889; E. F. Warner to Albert Pike, May 29; June 27; July 10, 111 Gilmor Meredith to Albert Pike, December 4, 1889.


            11. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, 1890, pp. 69‑74. 11.3 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, April 12, 1890.


            114 M. W. Bayliss to Albert Pike, August 7, 1889. .'s R. W. Collier to Albert Pike, August 7, 1889. 11~ E. T. Carr to Albert Pike, August 16, 1889. 117 Albert Pike to E. T. Carr, August 20, 1889.


            lls Albert Pike, Chastisement of a Bearer of False Witness, title page; 24.


            1890; Charles M. Carter to 1889.


            356 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA forbidding the conferral of Scottish Rite degrees on former Cerneauists at less than regular fees and to appropriate an additional $1,000 for library expenses."' On September 5, 1889, Grand Commander Pike issued a circular to all officials and Bodies of the Jurisdiction informing them of the passage of a Statute prohibiting a discount on degree fees to former Cerneauists.121 In November, 1889, Pike was working on another anti‑Cerneau pamphlet refuting a list of 223 Cerneau "lies" and stated that he would "give no heed to it [Cerneauism] hereafter" and then added that he was thinking of issuing a decree of "perpetual exclusion" of Cerneauists from the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction."' He was `still working on this material in December when he wrote that he was "overwhelmed with work ... writing pamphlets to expose ... imposters in Masonry" and remarked that he hoped that he was about "done with controversy." 122          The subject does not again appear in surviving correspondence until mid‑1890 when Pike was asked for advice about how to absorb the wreckage of the "Seymore‑Peckham‑Gorgas" establishments in Nebraska after the Grand Lodge of Nebraska had made them illegal in that state. 123            Pike's reply to this letter is unknown but it does not seem likely that he should have proposed any terms other than those previously recorded.


            The attempt to establish a Cerneau organization at Kansas City, Missouri, may have stimulated another type of action by Pike to circumvent that possibility. A Council of Kadosh was formed at Kansas City early in 1890 and Pike replied to the notice of its formation by suggesting the establishment of a Consistory at an early date. Collies replied to Pike's letter of February 4, 1890, by saying that he would create the, Consistory "as soon as they are united in readiness and purpose. I am ready and they know it. This is the truth and it covers the whole case." What Pike said in reply to this statement is unknown but late in April, Collins sent Pike a letter from S. D. Thatcher asking for the formation of a Consistory at Kansas City, told Pike that there were twenty petitions for the Consistory Degrees in the city and turned the entire responsibility of whether to form the Consistory or not over to Pike. 12' The Grand Commander refused to accept this responsibility, thereupon, Collins asked for advice, saying that he would visit Kansas City in the interim. Eight days after writing this letter to Pike, Collins wrote that he had been in Kansas City and reported that the officers and members wished to delay the establishment of a 119 Frederick Webber to Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, August 23, 1889. 120 Circular Letter, September 5, 1889.


            121 Albert Pike to C. K. Francis, November 7, 1889. 122 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, December 5, 1889. 123 E. F. Warner to Albert Pike, July 9, 1890.


            124 Martin Collies to Albert Pike, January 20; February 22; April 26, 1890.




Consistory until November, that from twenty to twenty‑eight candidates would be available at that time and ended his letter by claiming that he was acting in the best interest of the Rite even though charged with "holding back" and counter charging those seeking the Body with "selfishness.""' Pike may have sent Thatcher a copy of Collin's letter for he expressed surprise at its contents. He then wrote that Collins saw only four members when he was in Kansas City, that three of them had wished to form a Consistory immediately and that discord was growing in Kansas City because of the "edict" issued by Collins."' Late in July, Pike received a letter stating that the progress made by the Rite in Kansas City had been made "in spite of" Inspector General Collins and that the writer would not obey the "fiat" of Collins ordering the members to refrain from writing to Pike on the subject of a Consistory in Kansas City. 127 About two weeks later, it was reported to Pike that a large class in Kansas City was waiting for "one Thornton A. Jackson" of the Cerneau organization to confer degrees and form a Consistory.128 As August ended, Pike received a request from Collins that a charter for a Consistory at Kansas City be authorized at the next Session of the Supreme Council. 121 It seems certain that Pike advised Collins to proceed at once with the creation of the Consistory at Kansas City for on September 12, Collins requested that everything needed to start a Consistory be sent to him and on September 25, 1890, he notified Pike of the formation of a Consistory at Kansas City."' A few bits of information conclude the surviving evidence of the anti‑Cerneau war of 18881890; a report that Cerneauism was nearly dead in West Virginia due to the action of the Grand Lodges in the surrounding states;... a report of no Cerneau activity in Oregon;... and copies of Pike pamphlets published in 1889‑1890 not heretofore mentioned which are as follows: Foulhouzeism and Cerneauism Scourged The Ignobility of Cerneauism Exposed Indictment and Proof Squirmings A Fragrant Nosegay of CCXXV Flowers Culled from the Twin Parterres of Cerneauism `a Ibid., May 1; May 8, 1890.


            126 S. D. Thatcher to Albert Pike, May 16, 1890. .27 Thomas C. Brown to Albert Pike, July 24, 1890. .2. S. D. Thatcher to Albert Pike, August 7, 1890. ." Martin Collins to Albert Pike, August 30, 1890. ..o Ibid., September 12; 25, 1890.


            ... O, S. Long to Albert Pike, March 30, 1889.


            ..2 Rocky P. Earhart to Albert Pike, December 14, 1889.


            358 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA During 1889, Grand Commander Pike summarized, for the first time, the basic concepts underlying legitimate Masonic Bodies and the recognition of same that had developed in the Southern Jurisdiction. These were published and distributed as a circular letter throughout the world. This important document is republished in full in Appendix VII.


            Much of the correspondence of this biennium had relation to tjfe condition of various Bodies and regions in the Jurisdiction, that pertaining to developments in New Orleans is of considerable significance. Although the earliest known ancestor of Scottish Rite Masonry in North America was an Ecossais Lodge constituted on November 12, 1763, at New Orleans,"' this form of Freemasonry, during the following 126 years, seems to have been intermittent, precarious and harassed by misunderstanding and strife. On January 16, 1889, Mark Quayle, Commander of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, asked Pike for suggestions for the improvement of the Scottish Rite in that state."' Pike's reply is unknown, however, Quayle, several months later, wrote that some growth had taken place and that the degrees had been conferred in full and in "decent and proper manner." He closed by stating that he was receiving the support of all Scottish Rite Masons in New Orleans."' Batchelor confirmed Quayle's report and credited Quayle with the progress, commenting that he had done the work almost alone."' More work was reported early in 1890, that the Grand Consistory was then out of debt and that the future appeared to be "hopeful;" this report brought forth a letter of congratulation from Pike."' A short time later, the Bodies in New Orleans were said to be in better condition than in many years past and then it was reported that the Spanish speaking Bodies had been reactivated."' The next report was that all New Orleans Bodies were out of debt, that the Spanish speaking Chapter of Rose Croix had seven candidates and that Louisiana was prosperous, which was said to indicate "prosperity for Masonry;" a week later Pike was told that the Masons of New Orleans were planning to build a five‑story Masonic Temple in the heart of the city and that all Masonic Bodies, including the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, would participate."' There was reason to believe that better days were in store for Masonry in Louisiana.


            133 James Fairbairn Smith, The Rise of the Ecossais Degrees, 31‑32 (citing Sharp‑Bordeaux Document No. Archives of the Supreme Council, 33, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction).


            134 Mark Quayle to Albert Pike, January 16, 1889. 135 Ibid., June 24; December 15, 1889.


            131 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, June 24; December 15, 1889.


            137 Mark Quayle to Albert Pike, February 10, 1890; Albert Pike to Mark Quayle, February 17, 1890. 138 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, March 29; June 18, 1890.


            139 Mark Quayle to Albert Pike, July 17, 1889; Samuel M. Todd to Albert Pike, July 25, 1889.


            52, 359 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 Grand Commander Pike seems to have appointed R. W. Hill to be Deputy of the Supreme Council in Indian Territory some time prior to July 1, 1888, for on June 30, 1889, his report was filed showing that eleven candidates had received the degrees from him and that his remittance was $744.1' Nothing further was heard from Hill and on May 29, 1890, Harper S. Cunningham asked to be appointed Deputy for Oklahoma. He was recommended by Jacob Dewitt and others but Pike appears to have replied that Oklahoma already had a Deputy."' However, Pike decided to appoint Cunningham who acknowledged receipt of his commission and at the same time stated that little results could be immediately expected as there was "not a citizen in the territory one year ago," that the men in Oklahoma were "not men of wealth" but "restless and pushing men," and that there was widespread drought. He did think there was a great hope for the Rite in Oklahoma in the future. 112 However, the Rite was introduced into the Territory and this was the first step toward the great future.


            Many of the letters received by the Grand Commander during the biennium reflect the condition of the Rite in various areas. In Minnesota, the Inspector General estimated the membership of the Rite to be 200 in November, 1888, and early in 1889, a class of nineteen was reported at St. Paul."' The formation of a Lodge of Perfection was reported at Duluth on February 7, 1889, with twenty members and sixteen candidates waiting for the degrees."' Thirty more petitions were reported at St. Paul in mid‑1889 and that the Duluth Lodge of Perfection had sixty‑five members while plans were being made to establish a Chapter of Rose Croix upon the completion of a $20,000 Masonic Temple at Duluth."' A class of twelve in the Chapter of Rose Croix and the formation of a Council of Kadosh were reported from Duluth to Pike as January, 1890, ended. Further reports that the Bodies in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth were doing well reached Pike in March, 1890, but it was said that there was little life in the Bodies at St. Peter and Mankato and that the Lodge of Perfection at Red Wing was "dead.""' Reports from Kansas began with that of a class of twenty‑five for the degrees through the Thirty‑second at Salina, the revival of the Lodge of Perfection at Fort Scott where seven candidates were advanced to the Thirty‑second Degree and the 140 R. W. Hill Report, July 1, 1888, to June 30, 1889.


            141 Harper S. Cunningham to Albert Pike, May 29; June 8, 1890; Jacob Dewitt to Albert Pike, June 6, 1890. 142 Harper S. Cunningham to Albert Pike, August 3, 1890.


            143 Sam E. Adams to Albert Pike, November 1, 1888; O. G. Miller to Albert Pike, January 22, 1889. 144 T. W. Hugo to Albert Pike, April 12, 1889.


            145 O. G. Miller to Albert Pike, July 15, 1889; T. W. Hugo to Albert Pike, July 23; December 24, 1889. 140 T. W. Hugo to Albert Pike, January 31, 1890; Sam E. Adams to Albert Pike, March 7, 1890.


            360 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA completion of the work on twelve candidates at Wichita through the Consistory.147 In mid‑August, 1889, plans to form a Lodge of Perfection from Masons in the military forces stationed at Fort Leavenworth were formulated, authority to communicate the degrees was requested and received, a petition for Letters Temporary was filed before the end of the year and on January 9, 1890, Army Lodge of Perfection was constituted."' The last report from Kansas for the biennium spoke of "hard times" and the need to consolidate all Bodies above the Lodge of Perfection in two centers in order to have strength."' In Montana, the Deputy of the Supreme Council asked for instructions on the reception of visitors from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in February and before the month ended, reported degrees communicated to four "Knights Rose Croix."15 He reported four more candidates in August and acknowledged receipt of a letter from Pike, with his thanks, telling him that he would be nominated for Active Membership in the Supreme Council as the year closed."' Late in April, Comly recommended the formation of a Council of Kadosh at Livingston, Montana, stating that fifteen candidates were available and asked for permission to proceed with the formation of the Council."' On May 19, 1890, Comly constituted the Council under Letters Temporary with eighteen members and reported his actions to Pike on May 24; he sent an order for books on July 2, 1890, for a Consistory; and reported the revival of the Bodies at Helena in which degree work was being done at that time."' The letters of Inspector General Nathaniel Levine of South Carolina reported a class of eight at Charleston; that the names of some designates elected to Knight Commander of the Court of Honour had been left out of the printed Transactions of 1888; one additional candidate and the rejection of several requests for "free" degrees; and that he had made plans for the formation of a Consistory in Charleston by 1901, the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Supreme Council."' Levine also wrote that he had employed a lady to search the files of the Charleston Mercury to 1857 for any items on the history of the Rite but that nothing was found."' 147 Evan Davis to Albert Pike, January 4, 1889; E. T. Carr to Albert Pike, April 14; 20, 1889; J. S. Cole to Albert Pike, October 4, 1889.


            148 E. S. Dudly to Albert Pike, August 16; November 14; December 5; 14; 28, 1889; Occasional Bulletin, X, 56. 149 J. S. Cole to Albert Pike, May 20, 1890.


            150 H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, February 9; 18, 1889. 151 Ibid., August 9; December 28, 1889.


            152 Ibid., April 30, 1890.


            153 Occasional Bulletin, X, 102‑103; H. R. Comly to Albert Pike, July 2, 1890. 154 Nath Levine to Albert Pike, January 25; 29; July 16; September 17, 1889. 155 Ibid., December 21, 1889; March 30, 1890.




Pike received letters from Inspector General James R. Hayden of Washington reporting the revival of the Lodge of Perfection with thirteen new members at Tacoma, that he had moved to Seattle for the same purpose and that fire had destroyed the "Masonic Hall" and his rituals on June 6, 1889, at Seattle.' 56 Other than an acknowledgment of the receipt of $99 from Pike for relief work in Seattle, the Grand Commander heard nothing further from Hayden until the 1889 report of the Walla Walla Bodies was forwarded in January, 1890.'57 The formation of Tacoma Chapter of Rose Croix was reported on April 5, 1890. In mid‑year, Hayden reported on the Bodies at Spokane Falls, authority for the formation of a Consistory having been balloted on by mail during the last half of May, 1890. The class for the Consistory consisted of thirty candidates and twenty more were reported one month later.'"' Pike wrote late in 1889 that he had received no letters from Portland, Oregon, "in a long time," no returns from those Bodies within three years and that he hoped the charters would not be surrendered.'"' The Inspector General replied with a long recital of the difficulty and discouragement prevalent in Oregon but ended his letter saying that the situation was somewhat improved. This letter was followed two days later by one which showed resentment of criticism directed against two members, Malcolm and Sherman, and declared that no charter would be surrendered. He also stated that he would resign as Inspector General."' To this latter declaration, Pike replied that he would not accept the resignation nor select someone to take Earhart's place, then some three months later, wrote Earhart a letter of congratulation for the work he had done in Oregon."' These letters did not cause Earhart to change his mind, for he did resign on July 4, 1890.'52 Meanwhile, Pike had received letters from Irving W. Pratt complaining of high Supreme Council dues, opposing the formation of a Consistory in Oregon because of the added expense, reporting a rumor that Earhart had resigned and that he had received his "33rd Diploma" twelve years after the degree had been conferred."" These letters were followed by one informing Pike that Earhart had asked Pratt to take control of Scottish Rite work in Oregon and requested instructions, and then by one acknowledging receipt of a commission as Deputy of the Supreme Council in Oregon. 164 15E James R. Hayden to Albert Pike, January 30; May 20; June 11, 1889. 157 Ibid., July 22, 1889; January 16, 1890.


            1511 Ibid., June 17, 1890; Frederick Webber to Inspectors General, May 16, 1890; Louis Ziegler to Albert Pike, April 5, 1890; C. S. Scott to Albert Pike, May 5, 1890.


            15' Albert Pike to Rocky P. Earhart, December 4, 1889.


            '6 Rocky P. Earhart to Albert Pike, December 14; 16, 1889.


            '6' Albert Pike to Rocky P. Earhart, December 21, 1889; March 21, 1890. 162 Occasional Bulletin, XI, 6.


            1611 Irving W. Pratt to Albert Pike, April 23; June 15, 1890. 164 Ibid., July 14; August 10, 1890.


            362 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA The energy of the Inspectors General in Iowa during the biennium of 1888‑1890 was expended primarily in the struggle with Cerneauism and little correspondence from them on other subjects has survived. B. R. Sherman reported the communication of degrees to one candidate and requested a ruling on the question of residence of another in 1889.165 Apparently in compliance with a request for information from Parvin, Pike wrote that John D. Vincie had received the degrees from him at St. Louis without charge, that he had violated his obligations and that "we have a right to proclaim him to all the world dishonored, infamous and foresworn."166 From Virginia, Inspector General John F. Mayer sent Pike a petition for a Council of Kadosh at Richmond on May 14, 1889, and the next day, a letter was sent to Pike outlining plans for the creation of a Consistory."7 The Council was organized on May 22, 1889, and the petition for a Consistory, sent to Pike on September 3, 1889, was granted and the Letters Permanent received by Mayer on September 9, 1889, at which time eleven petitions were on file."' In mid‑1890, it was reported to Pike that the Richmond Bodies of the Rite were "doing well and have all the work that can be conveniently done."' 69 "Rain and mud" causing the "collapse of business" was blamed for the lack of Scottish Rite activity in Texas by Philip C. Tucker in February, 1889, however, a letter to Pike a few weeks later complaining that Tucker would not answer letters about how to acquire rituals of the Scottish Rite degrees seems to indicate that bad weather and a "collapse of business" may not have been the only causes of inactivity."' The next surviving letter to Pike from Tucker is dated just over a year later and asked what to do about the election of officers of Bodies when the regular election date had been missed. Pike replied that it was within the authority of a Grand Master of Kadosh to call a meeting for the election of officers when the regular date had passed without an election."' Nothing further about the Rite in Texas has survived in the records of the Supreme Council for the biennium of 1888‑1890, except a letter requesting information on Mexican Masonry and a letter to Tucker telling him to draft on Pike for $50 so that he could attend the Session of the Supreme Council in 1890."' 2 165 B. R. Sherman to Albert Pike, February 18; March 18, 1889. 166 Albert Pike to T. S. Parvin, June 2, 1890.


            167 John F. Mayer to Albert Pike May 14, 1889; Wm. Ryan to Albert Pike, May 15, 1889. 166 Occasional Bulletin, IX, 88; John F. Mayer to Albert Pike, September 3; 9, 1889.


            169 Wm. Ryan to Albert Pike, June 29, 1890.


            179 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, February 27, 1889; Will N. Kidd to Albert Pike, March 18, 1889. 171 Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, March 29, 1890; Albert Pike to Philip C. Tucker, April 4, 1890. 172 Thomas M. Matthews to Albert Pike, March 31, 1890; Albert Pike to Philip C. Tucker, October 6, 1890.




Two letters from Arkansas, Pike's home state, reveal that very little work was done there. J. H. Van Hoose expressed the hope that a class of six could be formed at Fayetteville and four months later, James J. Vaulx wrote that degrees were being communicated at Fayetteville.173 The remainder of the surviving correspondence of this period reveals a wide range of other activities. Martin Collins reported that the Treasurer of the St. Louis Lodge of Perfection had misappropriated over $800 and had been expelled; John O. Dominis requested that the records be corrected to show that the Bodies in Hawaii had paid their dues; Frederick Webber informed T. S. Parvin that the only bust of Pike owned by the Supreme Council was one of plaster made by Vinnie Ream; and an objection was filed against the conferral of the 33 on a Bishop just because he was a Bishop and a fine man. 17' D. C. Dawkins accepted appointment as the Representative of the Supreme Council of Greece; John Q. A. Fellows reported that a Catholic Priest claimed that Samory had repudiated Masonry on his death‑bed; two Kansas members requested authority to propagate the Rite while on a trip around the world; and a request was made for a copy of satisfactory by‑laws for use at Omaha."' Martin Collins was reported ill for a period of time; A. L. Fitzgerald remitted $1,220 for degree work in Nevada and $131 for patents and Morals and Dogma and reported his illness; James C. Batchelor remitted $200, a legacy from the estate of Claude Samory; F. M. Foote reported a small class at Buffalo, Wyoming; and George R. Metcalf notified Pike that he was sending the books of A. T. C. Pierson to him."' F. H. Johnson wrote that the Bodies of the Rite at Louisville, Kentucky, were about to buy a home for $42,000; F. H. Hannon notified Pike that he was shipping a box of mineral specimens for the collection in the library; and M. P. Freeman gently protested the appointment of a Deputy in Arizona in conflict with his authority there."' The Grand Commander devoted considerable attention to matters of routine "housekeeping." He was concerned about the rising cost of gas for lighting the building and took up the matter with the gas company without gaining any satisfaction. He published his statistical data and comments in an article entitled "Loot. "178 173 J. H. Van Hoose to Albert Pike, January 15, 1890; James J. Vaulx to Albert Pike, May 5, 1890.


            174 Martin Collins to Albert Pike, January 22, 1889; John O. Dominis to Albert Pike, March 1, 1889; Frederick Webber to T. S. Parvin, March 17, 1889; J. Van Deventer to Albert Pike, April 11, 1889.


            175 D. C. Dawkins to Albert Pike, May 15, 1889; John Q. A. Fellows to Albert Pike, August 1, 1889; Wm. R. Bowen to Albert Pike, August 14, 1889; E. Arner and S. W. Mackey to Albert Pike, August 26, 1889.


            176 T. R. Collins to Albert Pike, September 17, 1889; Martin Collins to Albert Pike, September 24, 1889; Mary A. Collins to Albert Pike, October 13, 1889; A. L. Fitzgerald to Albert Pike, December 7, 1889; James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, December 15, 1889; F. M. Foote to Albert Pike, December 18, 1889; George R. Metcalf to Albert Pike, December 27, 1889.


            177 F. H. Johnson to Albert Pike, March 5, 1890; M. P. Freeman to Albert Pike, March 22, 1890; F. H. Harmon to Albert Pike, May 20, 1890.


            178 Occasional Bulletin, No. 11, pp. 8‑9.


            364 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA He also engaged in a sort of feud with customs officers and book publishers over duties on books imported for the library which came to a head in 1890 when customs officials withheld delivery on an English book also copyrighted in the United States. He published his correspondence and comments on this subject under the title "A Legal Right Unrighteously Exercised" when he could gain no relief. He vowed that he would never purchase another book published by Charles Scribner's Sons and expressed the hope that all Scottish Rite Masons would follow his example."' These two instances illustrate Pike's watchful care over the expenditure of Supreme Council funds.


            On October 20, 1890, Pike opened the scheduled Session of the Supreme Council. Sixteen Inspectors General, one Emeritus Member and twenty‑two Honorary Members were present. After making a few preliminary remarks, the Grand Commander called upon Inspector General Long to read his Allocution for him. This was necessary because Pike was suffering from "a severe affection of the throat," an illness heretofore unmentioned.


            As usual, the Allocution opened with lines recognizing the approach of death and a listing of distinguished Scottish Rite Masons who had died during the past two years, at home and abroad. A brief tribute to their worth was followed by comments on "The State of the Order." In this section, Pike stated that it was unnecessary for him to "speak otherwise than generally." This he did; no comment was made relating to the condition of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction except to express his satisfaction with its growth and progress. Considerable time was devoted to answering "malevolent utterances" made in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania by its Committee on Correspondence spokesman and linked the Grand Lodge of Illinois with the attempt to "demolish Grand Orients and Supreme Councils" in Latin countries. Under "Foreign Affairs," Pike spoke very briefly of the lack of recognition of a Supreme Council in Spain and asserted that the Grand Orient of France was not a Scottish Rite Power. He then listed the Representatives of recognized Supreme Councils near that of the Southern Jurisdiction and those of the Southern Jurisdiction near those which it recognized. In discussing "Domestic Affairs," the Grand Commander officially announced the resignation of Inspector General Earhart and that Inspector General Grissom had "ceased to be an Active Member" because of his removal from North Carolina to Colorado. He observed that the Supreme Council had twenty‑eight members, that five new states had been 149 ]bid., 3‑5.




admitted into the Union and that there were no Inspectors General in eight states which he listed. He then called attention to the historical data recently published, the efforts made to find such items in the Charleston Mercury and in French publications and then stated that all available materials for a history of the Rite had been accumulated, that the history should be written, that he "would fain do it" but that he did not have the time to do such a work and also that "it is far beyond my powers." Pike then turned attention to the library saying that he expected a report later from the committee which he had appointed; that a printed "catalogue" would be available about "January 1;" that it was the only public library in Washington; that "the odious tax on knowledge extorted by the Government . . ." was in reality "theft;" and that "no American publisher needs or ought to have any protection by way of duty" in the republishing of books. In a similar vein, Pike suggested that commissions on the Degrees should be abolished. He then acknowledged receipt of a mineral collection from Giovanni Torre, 33 , of Nevada; a portrait in oil of Israel de Lieben from Julius L. Moses (the portrait is not now in the possession of the Supreme Council); the early records of La Candeur Lodge of Charleston, South Carolina (since returned); and copies of several valuable books from William J. Hughan of England with appropriate thanks. The Grand Commander commented that his "Decisions ... worth publishing will be found in our Bulletin," requested legislation to govern the issuance of duplicate Patents, Briefs and Diplomas and then stated his opposition to any law granting exclusive jurisdiction to Bodies. He next commented on the value of "Ladies' Certificates" but made no recommendation relating to such documents. The next section of the Allocution contained the names of Deputies appointed since the Session of 1888 and the suggestion that the Deputy for a State "ought to have the power to appoint his Deputies." Pike then stated that the Statutes, as amended, should be published after the close of the Session and announced that he had some changes which he would submit to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation, two of which he named: one regarding trials for offenses within the jurisdiction of Lodges of Perfection and Chapters of Rose Croix; the second would close nominations to the Court of Honour without recourse on the date fixed by the Statutes. The Allocution was closed with the Grand Commander's opinions of the nature and purpose of Freemasonry.


            A welcome was officially tendered to the Representatives of other Supreme Councils and to a visitor from the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, the composition of Standing Committees was announced, replies to numerous invitations to attend the Session were acknowledged, various nominations were referred to the Committee on Nominations, reports of Inspectors General were referred to the 366 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA Committee on Doings of Inspectors General, late nominations were "laid on the table" and the Supreme Council recessed.


            The afternoon's work began with the acceptance of excuses for absence from four Inspectors General and the rejection of the excuse submitted by another. This was followed by the presentation of the report of the Treasurer General, showing funds on hand totaling $4,221.35, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. The report of the Secretary General followed and it was referred to the Committee on Finance also, as was the report made by the Second Grand Auditor. Petitions for "Perpetual Charters" were then received and referred to the Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies. The next consideration was the tender of escort services and an invitation to a banquet from the Washington, D. C., Bodies to the Supreme Council and those attending from other Jurisdictions. The offers were accepted and an adjournment until 12 o'clock on October 21, 1890, took place.


            Upon resumption of its labors, the Supreme Council "went into Executive Session." Harry Retzer Comly was elected Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Montana and Frank Mills Foote in Wyoming which was followed by a recess and then the crowning of Comly and Foote. Some communications were received; Comly was given a committee assignment; a charter for St. Andrew's Preceptory, Omaha, Nebraska, was requested; a petition to revive "the Permanent Letters of Bonzabee Consistory No. 1, of Savannah, Ga.," was received and the Supreme Council recessed again until the following day at 11 o'clock.


            The''iwork of the Supreme Council began on October 22, 1890, with the acceptance of another excuse for absence and then the Committee on Allocution made its report. This was followed by a report of the Committee on Finance, which was withdrawn, and a report of the Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies was recommitted for further study and report. A report of the Committee on Foreign Relations confirming the statements of the Grand Commander was adopted and the Committee on Buildings and Library then made its report. This report, an outline of the facts relating to the purchase of the House of the Temple and a survey of the contents of the library, was adopted. The total value of the library on September 30, 1890, was recorded to be $70,386.31 and it was said to contain 15,000 volumes. The claim was advanced that it was the only library, worthy of the name, owned by a Masonic Body in the world. An Inspector General was "granted leave of absence" for the following day and then, in Executive Session, Alexander Hollenbeck Holt was elected to receive the Grand Cross, sixty‑nine nominees were elected to the Rank and Decoration of 367 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Knight Commander of the Court of Honour and forty‑six nominees were elected to receive the Thirty‑third Degree, Honorary. The Supreme Council recessed until evening when those elected and were present had the Degree conferred upon them. The Grand Commander did not attend the ceremony because of the condition of his throat.


            The first item of business on the following day was the presentation by the Grand Commander of the Grand Cross to designate Holt and his response thereto. The minutes of the Session to date were then read and approved. Greetings were received from the Supreme Council of Canada. Reports from the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation were then received and adopted as follows The resignation of John Q. A. Fellows, "not being absolute," was tabled.


            The resignation of James S. Lawson was declared to be effective when received by the Grand Commander and an amendment to the Statutes was proposed to so provide in all cases of resignation by Scottish Rite officers.


            All communications relating to remission of dues were referred to the Committee on the State of the Order.


            The complaint of Mithras Lodge of Perfection against Orient Lodge of Perfection was tabled, there being no evidence of a violation of the Statutes.


            The Committee on Doings of Subordinate Bodies reported regarding receipt of reports and remittances of dues by Bodies to the Secretary General and Treasurer General. It was observed that a number of Bodies had failed to file their annual reports and that others had not remitted their dues with the required report. It was recommended that the Supreme Council take action regarding these delinquencies. The Committee also recommended that Perpetual Charters be granted to Consistories at Duluth, Minnesota, and Savannah, Georgia; to Preceptories at Spokane Falls, Washington; Duluth, Minnesota; Richmond, Virginia; Savannah, Georgia; and Omaha, Nebraska; to Chapters of Rose Croix at Spokane Falls, Washington; Duluth, Minnesota; and Atlanta, Georgia; to Lodges of Perfection at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Spokane Falls, Washington; and Duluth, Minnesota. The report and the recommendations were adopted.


            The Committee on Doings of Inspectors General presented its report which was adopted. It consisted of a summary, sometimes in glowing terms, of the activities of 368 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA the Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council contained in the reports that had been filed, eighteen in number. Regarding the failure of seventeen Inspectors General to file reports, the Committee said: "we forgive them while hoping for a more rigid compliance with the Statute in the future." The report closed with the comment that the Supreme Council was composed of "busy men" which seems to have been offered in justification for failure to comply with their own Statute and for the little accomplishment in evidence.


            A report from the Committee on the State of the Order disapproved the proposal made by the Grand Commander that fees to Inspectors General be abolished. This report was adopted.


            Three proposals to amend the Statutes were introduced and referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation.


            The Committee on Finance reported a summary of receipts and expenditures for the past biennium. It began by showing a balance on October 1, 1888, of $3,984.13. Receipts for the period totaled $41,766.43. Expenses in the same period were $41,529.21. The balance on October 1, 1890, was shown to be $4,221.35. The report was adopted and it was ordered that it be printed with the Transactions.


            A resolution to designate a Washington hotel as "headquarters of the Rite" during Sessions of the Supreme Council was rejected.


            The remainder of the day's work took place in Executive Session.


            Work on Friday, October 24, 1890, began with the reading of minutes not previously approved. At the conclusion of this work, the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation submitted a series of reports accompanied by proposed changes in the Statutes which were adopted. The first forbid the conferral of Scottish Rite degrees upon any Mason of the Southern Jurisdiction in another Jurisdiction, and Subordinate Bodies were forbidden to receive any person who received the degrees in violation of this provision either as a visitor or as a member. Inspectors General and Deputies were expressly forbidden to confer a Scottish Rite degree or degrees on credit and if degrees were so conferred, the Inspector General or Deputy was made personally liable to the Supreme Council for the amount of the fees. Fees for work done by an Inspector General or Deputy on behalf of Bodies existing under Letters Temporary were to be paid to the Body or Bodies for which the work was done and it was required that the work should be so reported in the annual returns of the 369 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Bodies. A regular Particular Consistory should be composed of nine members and a perfect Particular Consistory composed of thirteen. Masters of Kadosh of Grand Consistories, Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council were authorized to order elections of officers in Subordinate Bodies when the prescribed day had passed without such election. Inspectors General were limited to the nomination each biennium of one Thirty‑second Degree Mason from his territorial jurisdiction for the Grand Cross. Under a prescribed procedure, the Grand Dignitaries might select one or two of the nominees for consideration and possible election by the Supreme Council to receive the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour. Provision was made for a change of venue in certain cases and under certain conditions involving Inspectors General Honorary. An undress uniform for the Kadosh was adopted. Scottish Rite Masons were forbidden to wear Scottish Rite jewels at the same time with those of another "Rite, Order, Association or Degree of any kind." The combination of jewels into one was forbidden. The colors of ceremonial gloves for members of the four Scottish Rite Bodies were adopted. Deputies of the Supreme Council were forbidden to appoint Deputies to themselves but were authorized to request the Grand Commander to appoint Deputies of the Supreme Council for areas of the State to which they were commissioned, which they might nominate, whom they should direct, from whom they should receive reports and for whom they should report to the Supreme Council. The Grand Commander was prohibited from appointing more than one Deputy of the Supreme Council in a State or any assistant Deputy except on nomination by the Deputy of the Supreme Council in that State.


            The Committee on Finance submitted a proposed annual budget for the biennium of 1890‑1892. This Committee also reported that it found the accounts of the Secretary General to be correct. In addition, the Committee recommended the publication of 1,000 copies of Pike's Words Spoken of the Dead. The papers relating to fees and dues were ordered to be submitted to the Second Grand Auditor upon receipt and after audit, to be filed and indexed by that official; all books, papers and accounts of the Treasurer General, Secretary General and Second Grand Auditor were ordered subject to inspection at any time by the Grand Commander and by "each other." The Committee approved the audit of the Second Grand Auditor. All of these reports and actions of the Committee were adopted and approved.


            Five Inspectors General were excused from the remainder of the Session.


            A resolution was adopted authorizing a charter for a Consistory at Birmingham, Alabama, if formed within four months after the close of the Session.


            370 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA The last day of the Session began with the reading of the minutes not previously read and adopted. This was followed by reports and recommendations of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation which were adopted as follows: The 33 should not be given gratuitously execpt by unanimous vote of the Supreme Council.


            Arrangements were made whereby Patents, Briefs and Diplomas might be issued by Secretaries of Subordinate Bodies and the price of such documents was changed.


            Inspector General M. P. Freeman was held not liable for funds lost through failure of the bank in which he had deposited the money.


            The Secretary General was authorized to expend current funds for contingent expenses, by warrant signed by the Grand Commander and filing a statement of the account with the Second Grand Auditor. The Secretary General was prohibited from making sales on credit.


            The rejection of a proposed amendment because no need for it was found in the Statutes.


            The submission of an amendment to the Statutes whereby trials might be conducted by Lodges of Perfection and Chapters of Rose Croix.


            Blank forms for Letters of Dispensation permitting non‑observance of statutory delays were authorized and ordered to be provided by the Secretary General's office.


            A substitute section of the Statutes specifying the books to be kept by the Secretary General was adopted.


            Substitute sections for those in the Statutes governing Patents, Briefs and Diplomas and their sale were adopted.


            Inspectors General were authorized to determine, in their jurisdiction, what time lapse between election to the degrees and their conferral may be permitted, not to exceed four months without reelection.


            The Grand Commander was authorized to revise and publish the Statutes.


            The Committee on the State of the Order had nothing to add to the Grand Commander's Allocution on the subject. The Committee recommended that the dues of 371 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


St. Johns Lodge in Florida, Alpha Lodge in Georgia and Orient Lodge in Georgetown, D. C., be remitted and that the settlement proposed for the Seattle Bodies be accepted. These recommendations were adopted.


            The following resolutions were adopted: Approving the expenditures of the Grand Commander in the relief of disaster.


            Fixing the compensation of the janitor at thirty‑five dollars per month.


            Fixing the pay of the Assistant Secretary General at ten dollars per day during the Session and until the records were completed.


            Thanking the Washington, D.C., Bodies for their assistance.


            Fixing the next Session at Washington, D. C., on "the third Monday in October, 1892." The Box of Fraternal Assistance was passed (the contents delivered to the Secretary General to be distributed to those in need) and the Session was closed."' The 1890 Session of the Supreme Council does not seem to have been distinguished by any consideration of problems of critical importance. Attendance was some better but left much to be desired, ten Inspectors General being absent. The problem of securing adequate reports from the Inspectors General continued to perplex the administrative officers. The reporting of Subordinate Bodies was also unsatisfactory. A survey of the reports for 1890 received prior to the Session of that year reveals that only fifteen Lodges of Perfection, having a total membership of 2,027; sixteen Chapters of Rose Croix, having a total membership of 1,512; nine Councils of Kadosh, having a total membership of 781; and twelve Grand and Particular Consistories, having a total membership of 1,505, had filed their annual returns as required by the Statutes. It is believed that these reports did not account for more than one‑half of the Scottish Rite Masons in the Southern Jurisdiction in 1890. The work of the Session might be termed "housekeeping" work‑the adjustment of machinery already established and operating. The office of Secretary General was functioning more efficiently than it had at any time in the thirty years between 1861 and 1891 but it is evident that the administrative strength of Grand Commander Albert Pike was declining rapidly due to ill health and advanced age.


            180 Transactions, Supreme Council, 33, S. 1., 1890, pp. 3‑87; Appendix, 3‑39. 372 THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA A statistical tabulation of the population and of the reported membership in the Masonic organizations of the states in the Southern Jurisdiction in 1890 presents one type of profile of the accomplishments in these areas up to that year. Since a tabulation of the same information was made for the year 1880, a comparison of the figures in the two tabulations makes possible a general conclusion as to the progress of Freemasonry and of the various organizations composing the Fraternity in the decade from 1880 to 1890. The tabulation for 1890 is as follows: MASONIC MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS FOR AREA COMPRISING THE SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, A. & A. S. R., 1890              Grand York Rite        Scottish Rite     State   Population      Lodge R. A. M.          K. T.                140‑183       0       32     Alabama            1,513,401      8,501  725     308                                                    Arizona           88,283            424                 42                                                       Arkansas        1,128,211      12,323            1,689  469                                                    California       1,213,398      15,407            4,650  2,553                                      202             Colorado        413,249          4,754  1,560  1,094  120     103     101     101     Dakota, (N. & S.)            539,583          4,845  1;414  621     76        51        50        49        D. of Columbia          230,392            8,496  1,524  890     351     209     170     160     Florida            391,422          3,396  411     74                                                       Georgia          1,837,353      12,448            1,677  511     65        43                                Idaho   88,548            748                 39                                                       Indian Ter.      256,657          992                                                                                   Iowa    1,912,297      22,463            6,266  3,793                                                 Kansas           1,428,108      17,333            3,917  2,383  257     172     149     129             Kentucky        1,858,635      15,130            2,373  1,689                                      317     Louisiana            1,118,588      4,259  584     293                                         62        Maryland        1,042,390      5,328            1,342  907     56        29        19        16        Minnesota      1,310,283      11,441            3,274  2,066  467            395     130     283     Mississippi    1,289,600      7,966  1,072  297                                                     Missouri         2,679,185      27,824            5,113  3,435  186     157     71        77        Montana            142,924          1,670              258     66        47                               Nebraska       1,062,656      9,282            2,179  1,315  225     141     68        88        Nevada           47,355            998     353     148                                         373 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


MASONIC MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS‑Continued FOR AREA COMPRISING THE SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, A. & A. S. R., 1890                       Grand York Rite        Scottish Rite State   Population            Lodge R. A. M.          K. T.    14     18     30     32     New Mexico   160,282          629                 117                                                           North Carolina           1,617,949      9,456  569     234                                                    Oregon           312,704          3,664  851     234                                                    South Carolina            1,151,149      5,239  407     84                    30                               Tennessee     1,767,518      16,155            2,097  967     30        29                               Texas  2,235,527      23,193            4,580  1,532  32        12                                   Utah    210,779          475                 97                                                       Virginia            1,655,980      9,400  1,383  1,064  53        30        23        21        Washington    357,232          2,852  470            227     20        53                               West Virginia 762,794          4,074  652     572     23        21                               Wyoming        62,555"'          631182           183     154184                                               185 The illness of Grand Commander Pike, which prevented him from presiding over the 1890 Session of the Supreme Council in his accustomed manner, began "early in October 1890."18' A report published in the Arkansas Gazette was that he was "quite ill" and that he could not "meet" with the Supreme Council."' Although this latter statement was not entirely correct, Pike was compelled to go to bed by his illness on October 28, 1890,188 and never recovered sufficiently to work at his desk thereafter."' The seriousness of Pike's condition on November 4, 1890, was reported as follows The Venerable Master announced the illness of our Grand Commander, Brother Albert Pike, and stated that he did not desire to be considered an alarmist, but really was of opinion that there was ground for great anxiety and apprehension relative to the result of our Grand Commander's present illness."' 181 Historical Statistics of the United States to 1957, p. 12.


            112 Proceedings, Grand Lodge of Texas, 1890, Report of Committee on Foreign Correspondence, l s:; Proceedings, Grand Chapter, R.A.M., of New York, 1890, p. 266.


            184 Proceedings, Grand Commandery, K.T., of New York, 1890, p. 167.


            ls5 Transactions, Supreme Council, 33', S. J., 1890, Returns of Subordinate Bodies, unpaged. 188 Official Bulletin, X, 812.


            187 J. H. Van Hoose to Albert Pike, October 26, 1890; T. C. Pond to Albert Pike, October 26, 188 '            *. to James S. Lawson, March 12, 1890; Occasional Bulletin, No. 11, p. 59.


            189 Official Bulletin, X, 812.


            198 Minutes, Mithras Lodge of Perfection, November 4, 1890.




            p. 2‑104.


            374 IN DEO FIDIICIA NOSTRA.


            HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE 33D DEGREE OF THE A.'. & A.'. SCOTTISH RITE, FOR THE SOUTHERN JURISDICTION, U. S. A., 433 THIRD STREET N. W., Or.'. of Washington, District of Columbia, tAó _Z  ..........t891      , e.'. 8.'.


            2L~"6 ea11,_111a__A_ THE LAST YEARS OF AN ERA On November 12, 1890, Pike appeared to be recovering but on the same day the Washington, D. C., newspaper, Evening Star, published an article entitled "Gen. Pike's Successor.""' On November 21, 1890, Pike wrote that he was "better" and that he hoped to be at work in a few days."' The expectations of Pike that he could work again did not materialize by the end of the year when he received a letter expressing hope for his recovery and as the new year opened, Pike wrote that he was "too unwell to go anywhere.""' It appears that Pike's condition turned much worse after January 1, 1891, for on January 9, he received a telegram expressing hope for his recovery."' It is evident that Pike did recover somewhat for he directed that a mail ballot be taken to provide a salary of $2,400 per year for the Lieutenant Grand Commander when he should become Acting Grand Commander and to appropriate an additional $1,500 for library expenses. These ballots were dated March 7, 1891. On March 18, 1891, it was announced that Utah and Idaho east of 114 west longitude were attached to Wyoming, the remainder of Idaho and Alaska to Washington, North and South Dakota to remain joined for the administration of the Scottish Rite in those areas, and that the commission of Walter J. Hill as Deputy of the Supreme Council in Arizona had been recalled, actions that could only have been taken by the Grand Commander."' However, five days later Pike dictated and signed the the letter reproduced on pages 375‑376.


            Lieutenant Grand Commander James C. Batchelor arrived in Washington to take up the duties of Acting Grand Commander on March 27, 1891, and on the second day after his arrival, Pike began to "fail rapidly." He did not rally and at 8 p. m. on April 2, 1891, Grand Commander Albert Pike died,"' With the death of Grand Commander Albert Pike, the second era in the history of the Supreme Council, 33', Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, came to a close.


            191 Louis du Pre to Albert Pike, November 12, 1890; Philip C. Tucker to Albert Pike, November 24, 1890. 192 Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, November 21, 1890.


            193 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike, December 29, 1890; Albert Pike to Vinnie Ream, January 1, 1891. 194 James C. Batchelor to Albert Pike (telegram), January 9, 1891.


            l" Frederick Webber to Inspectors General, March 7, 1891; Official Bulletin, X, 509. 196 Occasional Bulletin, No. 12, pp. 5‑6.


            377 CHAPTER VI SOME OBSERVATIONS E DERSHIP is a vital factor in the success or failure of any group activity. There are two official levels of leadership in Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction: Active Membership in the Supreme Council and officers of the Subordinate Bodies. Needless to say, these levels overlap and coordinate at many points in administrative practices in the Subordinate Bodies. It is characteristic of Freemasonry that its most important positions of leadership seldom invest the holder with a financial reward or even reimburse him for the expense he must bear in the discharge of his duties and obligations incident in the exercise of leadership.


            This history of the Supreme Council is basically a history of the leadership of Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America on the highest level. A perceptive reader of the history will identify and evaluate various aspects of the leadership of the Rite as related to existing conditions between 1861 and 1891. However, it seems appropriate to warn the reader that he should not make his evaluations in terms of present day conditions. To do so would lead to gross errors and misconceptions.


            If it is said that the first epoch in the history of the Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, ended with the advent of national tragedy, then it can be said that the second period in that history was born in national disaster. The tragedy was the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861 and the national diaster was the effects of the war upon the social, economic and political structures of the nation. The effects of the war were of such magnitude that they permeated the life of every person who experienced them and materially affected succeeding generations. The history of every institution in the United States after 1861 bears the imprint of these overshadowing events and can best be fully understood in a frame of reference of the destructive forces of the war and its aftermath of confusion.


            The dominant psychology of war is destructive. The initial impact of the war upon the Supreme Council in the Southern Jurisdiction was almost fatal. The membership of the Supreme Council was dispersed and had lost cohesion; after four years, it was practically reduced to only one effective personality, its Grand Commander, Albert Pike, a man whose leadership was resented by many people both North and South.


            379 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 The records of the Supreme Council were lost, it was bankrupt and its Subordinate Bodies had ceased to function. Casualties, economic ruin, social disintegration and the psychology of defeat in much of the Jurisdiction were discouraging factors in any effort to revitalize Scottish Rite Masonry. The task of reviving the Supreme Council in 1865 faced by Grand Commander Pike was far more difficult than that confronting Colonel John Mitchell in 1801 when he contemplated its creation. The reactivation of the Supreme Council in 1866, after failure in 1865, appears to have been Pike's greatest achievement. Indeed, had it not taken place, his previous ritualistic labors would have been in vain and his later labors could not have been accomplished.


            The war was a personal tragedy for Pike. His home was broken; his comfortable fortune dissipated. His participation in the war made it impossible for him to earn more than a pittance in the practice of law and no other profession was open to him on better terms. He turned more and more to Scottish Rite Masonry as an outlet for his ability and energy and as a fulfillment of his ambition. The war gave the Supreme Council a full‑time head at a time when it was necessary that it should have one if it was to survive in the Southern Jurisdiction.


            "Being relieved of all other labor during the last two years and a half of the war," Pike "completed the Rituals of ‑all of the degrees." It seems certain that he began the preparation of Morals and Dogma, possibly completing it at this time. It seems equally certain that Pike undertook a revision of the Statutes of the Supreme Council on a scale never before attempted in order to provide an adequate system of jurisprudence for the Rite. This revision continued throughout his administration and the net result of his labors in this field was as comprehensive and far reaching as those in the development of the ritualistic system.


            Closely related to the system of jurisprudence of the Rite was the development of relations with other Masonic Grand Bodies. In the early years of his administration, Pike appears indecisive with regard to what relations should exist between the Supreme Council and these Grand Bodies. By 1891, however, he had concluded that fraternal recognition and relations should be extended only to Supreme Councils of the Scottish Rite. He also abandoned his earlier position that Inspectors General and Supreme Councils had the authority to communicate or confer the degrees of Symbolic Masonry in "unoccupied" territory and to exercise any control over such degrees wherever they existed. There is ample evidence upon which to conclude that Pike was philosophically hostile to some ideas advanced in the Knight Templar Order as then constituted. Among Knights Templar, there were those equally hostile 380 SOME OBSERVATIONS to the position assumed by Pike. The controversy degenerated into personalities, particularly in Missouri and Maryland, but in time, with some concessions and better understanding, moderation prevailed and relations between members of the rites became friendly. There was a time when Pike supported efforts to establish regular international conferences of Supreme Councils but the developments that resulted from the Conference of Lausanne in 1875 caused him to conclude that such conferences attempted actions that compromised the sovereignty of a Supreme Council, a condition that he could not accept. He did think such meetings might serve a worthwhile purpose, if limited to social activity and an informal exchange of views. It is significant that Pike never attended an international conference of Supreme Councils. Certainly, Pike's thinking and actions established important precedents in the area of relations of the Supreme Council with other Masonic Grand Bodies that would provide valuable guidelines for his successors and they deserve to be ranked as major contributions in the evolution of Masonic Fraternal Relations.


            Pike's successful defense of the territorial jurisdiction of the Supreme Council was another major achievement to his credit. It began with his insistence that all sections of the Jurisdiction be represented in the membership of the Supreme Council, a policy which became a permanent principle of organization. For a short period of time after the close of the Civil War, there was a demand from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction that the boundary lines be revised whereby the territory under that Jurisdiction would be expanded. Pike refused to consider the proposal and instituted measures to insure the territorial integrity of the Southern Jurisdiction. The rise of Cerneauism constituted a threat to the territorial jurisdiction of the Supreme Council during all of Pike's administration. His vigorous condemnations of illegitimate Cerneauism and the impregnable presentation of the justice and right of the claims of the Supreme Council in thousands of words of writings not only preserved legitimate Scottish Rite Masonry in the Southern Jurisdiction but aided other Supreme Councils in their struggles with imposters.


            Repeatedly, Pike pointed out that Scottish Rite Masonry was highly intellectual and that its effectiveness was dependent upon member education. He prepared a large amount of reading matter to supplement the rituals of the degrees, lectured extensively, established a large library, vigorously gathered historical and other related educational materials and published an Official Bulletin, at times containing three hundred or more pages. In order to reward those members who prepared themselves and served the Rite with distinction, Pike proposed and created the Court of Honour. Although there was never any shortage of nominees to the various grades 381 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


in the Court of Honour, it must be recorded that Pike's educational efforts did not meet with his hopes and expectations.


            Pike's belief in the intellectualism of Scottish Rite Masonry led him to state that the Rite would be attractive to few Masons and within the comprehension of even fewer. In the early years of his administration, he often expressed the opinion that candidates should be selected with extreme care that each should be an intellectual. He did not propose a plan or system of propagation of the Rite and in the case of Iowa, he wrote at least one bitter letter denouncing the rapid early growth of the Rite in that State. Nothing has survived to indicate positively that he ever changed his mind on this subject. However, the need for money by Bodies for their operation; the failure of the intellectually elite, if there was such a class, to flock to the Rite; the mushroom growth of Cerneau bodies; his later ambitions to publish educational and anti‑Cerneau materials, to erect or buy a "Sanctuary," to establish a charity fund, to purchase additional library books, to employ regular and full time clerks and assistants, and other needs which required money caused him to engage in personal recruitment activities and to urge the Inspectors General and Deputies of the Supreme Council to do likewise. The Rite grew from possibly 400 members in 1861 to approximately 4,000 in 1891. Pike stated on more than one occasion that he was pleased with the growth of the Rite, and from a percentage standpoint, this growth appears impressive, especially when it is considered that economic conditions in a large part of the Jurisdiction during much of the thirty‑year period were unfavorable. However, this growth lagged behind that of the population, other Masonic institutions in the Jurisdiction and the Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Pike was probably aware of these facts but did not consider them of any major importance. By nature a mystic and ritualist, it seems obvious that practical organizational problems and practices did not have attention from him until circumstances forced him to give them consideration. Generally speaking, he surrounded himself with men of like mind on the Supreme Council. Such men could not consent to or develop a highly organized and effective program for the expansion of the Rite. Whatever the cause may have been, no fixed policy or system for the propagation of the Rite was developed in the Southern Jurisdiction between 1861 and 1891.


            The economic strength of the Supreme Council was and is directly proportional to the numerical strength of the Rite. With the limited membership of the Rite in the years between 1861 and 1891, it was utterly impossible for the Supreme Council to undertake any activity on a Jurisdiction wide scale that required much money. In fact, the revenue received by it in any year prior to 1891 was inadequate to 382 SOME OBSERVATIONS support a minimum administrative unit for the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction, hence, the Supreme Council was constantly on the verge of bankruptcy. If the Supreme Council should ever enjoy resting upon a firm economic foundation, it must be constructed by the administrations that were to come after 1891, and the key to the solution of this problem was the creation of a broad base of membership in the Rite.


            There is no surviving evidence in either the official records of the Supreme Council or the available Pike correspondence that indicates why the administrative offices of the Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction were moved from Charleston, South Carolina, to Washington, D. C. The factors that influenced the decision possibly included the following: Washington may have been considered the most logical and convenient city for administrative purposes in the Southern Jurisdiction. The move may have been made to help protect the northern portion of the Jurisdiction from encroachment by and ultimate loss of territory to the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction which was making an effort to expand into the District of Columbia and Maryland. It may have been considered necessary to make the move for public relations considerations. The move may have been made because Pike was relocating his law office in Washington. Or it may have been prompted by a desire to change the Secretary General without creating a conflict within the Supreme Council, a desire motivated by demonstrated inefficiency and probably some personal reasons that may be deduced from evidence in general history, personality eccentricities and the surviving correspondence of the period. If this latter possibility was, in fact, the cause of the removal of the administrative offices to Washington, the change did not contribute to a solution of the problem.


            There were six general areas of activity in which the Secretary General's office was subjected to criticism. The first criticism was leveled at the office because of failure to preserve the records of the Supreme Council prior to 1861 and the failure to properly prepare and preserve current records. There was widespread criticism of the office because of laxity in conducting necessary correspondence and in the discharge of routine responsibilities in the preparation of patents, diplomas and other documents relating not only to individuals and to organized Subordinate Bodies but to Inspectors General. The Grand Commander made it clear that he was not receiving administrative cooperation from the office that was necessary to the welfare of the Rite. It was also pointed out that the Secretary General's office did not discharge its responsibility regarding the collection of dues and fees as provided in the Statutes. The Secretary General's office did not establish a satisfactory membership accounting 383 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


system. Finally, the Secretary General's office had not developed an accurate and adequate fiscal accounting system.


            None of the men who served as Secretary General, so far as is presently known, ever made any explanation of why this situation existed. The Supreme Council records do not contain any account of extended discussion of the problems but record the passage of additional legislation aimed at the mitigation of they evils, which, more often than not, did not accomplish the desired end. However, it can be said that the efficiency of the Secretary General's office showed marked improvement following a requested resignation of the Secretary General in February, 1886, an improvement still in evidence at the close of this period of Supreme Council history.


            The Supreme Council, when in Session, is the highest legislative, judicial and executive power of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction. If a Sovereign Grand Inspector General is to fulfill the obligations and opportunities of leadership, he must be present at the Biennial Sessions of the Supreme Council. The following tabulation from official records summarizes the attendance of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General in the Sessions of the Supreme Council between 1861 and 1891.


            ATTENDANCE OF SOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTORS GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 1865‑1890             Inspector General      1865   1866   1868   1870   1872   1874            1876   1878   1880   1882   1884   1886   1888   1890   Albert Pike     p          p          p          p          p            p          p          p          p          p          p          p          p          p          James Penn  x          x          ~.                     .Imm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Albert G. Mackey      p          p                                                          p          p          p                                                                     Claude Samory         x            x                                  i30'1M'I                                                                                                                       Wm. S. Rockwell       p          p                                  1MIM_                                                                                                            Frederick Webber    x          p          p          p          p          p          p          p          p          x            p          p          p          p          A. T. C. Pierson         p          p          p          Resi    ned                                                                                                                 C. L. de Ladebat       x          x          x          x                      Made                                                                                                 John R. McDaniel      x          x          x            p          x          ~~                    p          Dea                                                                B. R. Campbell          p            x          p          x          p                                                                                                                     H. P. Watson           x          Dead                                      _                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  G. M. Hillyer        x          p          p          p          Dea     m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 J. C. Batchelor   x          x          p          x          p          x          p          p          p          p          p          p          p          p             L. E. Barber   x          p          x          x          x          x          x          x          x          x          le         Em                             A.O'Sullivan   x          Dead                                                                                                                                                 T. S. Parvin    x          x          p          p          p          x          x          x          x          p          x            p          x          x          B. B. French   x          x I         p          p          Dea                                                                                                     384 SOME OBSERVATIONS ATTENDANCE OF SOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTORS GENERAL‑Continued        SESSIONS OF         THE SUPREME        COUNCIL, 1865‑1890             Inspector General      1865   1866   1868   1870   1872   1874   1876   1878   1880   1882   1884            1886   1888   1890   E. H. Gill         x          p          Deau                                                                                                                                      J. C. Breckinridge     x          x          x                                                                                                                                             Howell Cobb  x          x                      Deay~                                                                                                                        Henry Buist    p          p          p          p          ‑           p            p          x          p          p          p          x          i                                                                      p                                                                                                                     G. B. Waterhouse     .....       p          Ma       e Em            ritus                                                                                                                E. H. Shaw     . . . .     p          p            p          p          Dea,                                                                                                   J. J. Worsham                       ..........  p          p          DeA                                                                                                               T. A. Cunningham  ..........              p          p          p          p          p                      Resigned                                                                  E. R. Ives        ..........              p          Dea                                                                                                                            S. M. Todd     ..........              p          p          p          x          x          x          p          x          x            x          x          p          Martin Collins ...         .......     p          p          p          x          p          x          p          p            p          p          p          p          Philip C. Tucker         ......      .           .............                       p          x          x            x          p          p          p          x          p          p          E. T. Carr                   ....................                            p            x          x          p          p          p          p          p          p          p          T. H. Caswell             ................                    p          p          p          p          x          x          x          x          p          p          p          R. C. Jordan  ...........             ...         x          x                      ...............                     x          p          p          x          x          p          J. C. Ainsworth                   ................                    p          x          Made  E         eritus                                                                          A. R. Morel                 .....................                           x          x          p          x          x          x          x            x          x          x          W. L. Mitchell . . .       . . .       . . . .     p          p          p          p          p          p          p            Dea                                        J. Q. A. Fellows         ... .       . . .       .....       p          x          x          x          x            x          x          p          x          x          x          Robert Toombs                     ...................                             ......            p          p          x          Ma       e          Emc=l                                    Wm. R. Bowen                                  .........................                                   p          x          x          Ma       e          Em(                                        A. E. Frankland                          .........................                                   p          p          x          Ma       e Em                                                  John McCraken         ...         ......      ..          ..........              p          x                      Resgned                                                                       John B. Maude          ...         ...         ...                                 .....................               x          Dead                                                             W. G. DeSaussure    ........    ......            .           . . .                   ........    p          p          x          p          x          Deaf                           H. H. Hubbard            ... .                   ....................                            . . .       p          x          x          Dea                                                     O. S. Long      .......     .           ........    .           .............                       p          p          p          p          p          p            x          p          Alfred E. Ames          .........               ......      .           ........    p                                                                                                         Robert F. Bower                                ..............................                                          p          p          x          Dead                                                 James S. Lawson                 .................                               ........... . . . .     p          x          x          x          x          x          x          M.E     M. E. Girard                                       .........................................                                                       x          x          x          x          x          D.


                        D. C. Dawkins           ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         x          x          x            p          x          p          Gilmor Meredith                    ....................                            . . .       .....       . .         p            p          p          p          p          x          p          H. M. Teller                             ...............................                                         . . .       . . .       . . .       p          x          x          p          x          John M. Browne                    ....................                            ...         ...         ...         ....        p          p          p          p          p          p             John L. Roper            ............                        ...                     ....................                            ....        p          p            p          M.E.                           Robert S. Innes          ....        . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .       .            .............                       p          x          M.E.                           C. F. Brown    ...         ...         ...         ...         ...            ...         ...         ...         ....        p          p          x          x          x          Wm. M. Ireland          .....       . . .       . . .            . . .       . . .       .........                           ..........  p          p          Resi                385 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


ATTENDANCE OF SOVEREIGN GRAND INSPECTORS GENERAL‑Continued SESSIONS OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 1865‑1890             Inspector General      1865   1866               18681870                  187E00...1188..77..22... ä , , ,         ä .        ä ,        ä ,        x          x          x          x          Rocky P. Earhart            . . .       . . .       . . .       . . ,       ä ,                                                                    x          x          x          M.E.


                        B. R.Sherman            ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         x            p          x          x          Eugene Grissom       . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .       , , ,       , , ,       , , ,       , , ,       , , ,            , , ,       p          p          x          M.E.


                        George F. Moore      ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         .           ...         ...            ...         p          P         J. D. Richardson       ...         ..          ...         ..          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...            ...         ...         ...         p          x          S. E. Adams  . . .       . .         . . .       . .         . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .            . . .       . . .       . . .       p          p          p          R. E. FFlleming         . . .       . .         . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .            . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .       . . .       p          x          x          A. L. Fitzgerald          ...         ...         ...         ..            ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         _x        John L. Mayer            ...         ..            ...         ..          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         p          p          Nathaniel Levine            . . .       . .         . . .       . . ,       ä ,        ä ,        , _ .      , . .       . . ,       . . .       , . .       , . .       p          p             Richard J. Nunn         ...         ...         ...         ..          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...            p          p          Frank M. Foote          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...            ...         ...         ...         p          H. R. Comly    ...         ..          ...         ..          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...            ...         ...         ...         ...         p The preceding tabulation reveals that there were seventy Sovereign Grand Inspectors General in the Southern Jurisdiction from 1865 through 1890 and that fourteen Sessions of the Supreme Council were called to meet during that period. It also shows that the number of Inspectors General and those present at each Session is as follows:          1865,  21,       6; 1866, 21, 11; 1868, 24, 16; 1870, 23, 17; 1872, 22, 15; 1874, 24, 13;             1876,  26,       18; 1878, 28, 11; 1880, 29, 14; 1882, 28, 17; 1884, 30, 16; 1886, 30, 15;             1888,  31,       15; 1890, 33, 20. It will be noted that attendance at five of the fourteen Sessions was one‑half or less of the current Active Membership. It will also be observed that in only one Session (1870) did the attendance constitute as much as seventy‑four percent of those who were then Active Members of the Supreme Council.


            The tabulation also shows the following information: Twelve members did not attend any of the fourteen Sessions; Seventeen members attended only one Session; Sixteen members attended two Sessions; Seven members attended three Sessions; Two members attended four Sessions; 386 SOME OBSERVATIONS Three members attended five Sessions; Three members attended six Sessions; Three members attended seven Sessions; One member attended eight Sessions; Two members attended nine Sessions; Two members attended ten Sessions; One member attended twelve Sessions; One member attended all fourteen Sessions.


            This breakdown reveals that forty‑five of the seventy members either did not attend a Session or attended no more than two Sessions. It also reveals that only ten members attended one‑half or more of the Sessions between 1865 and 1890.


            The first impression gained from these figures is that the attendance at Sessions of the Supreme Council during the thirty‑year period was very poor. However, further information may modify this conclusion. During the period, twenty‑one members died; fourteen were made Emeriti Members because of advancing age, poor health or other good cause; four resigned; and one membership was vacated by action of the Supreme Council. This loss totaled forty members. The remaining thirty members were on the roll in 1890, twenty of whom were at that Session. Among the ten who were absent were James D. Richardson, a member of the House of Representatives in the United States Congress, and B. R. Sherman, the Governor of the State of Iowa. The duties of these men made it impossible for them to attend the Session. The remaining eight who were absent lived in Iowa, Louisiana, California, Colorado, Washington, North Dakota and Nevada. Their age, condition of health, the distances to be traveled and the expense involved in the trip to Washington, D. C., made their attendance most difficult, unwise or impossible. It should also be remembered that Inspectors General from Louisiana and California were at the Session and that those states were, therefore, not without representation. It must be granted that attendance was never at the ideal figure but under the circumstances and conditions of the period, it can be said that is was adequate.


            Another test of the leadership of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General is their activity within their respective Orients. Here again, conditions, to a large extent, 387 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


governed what could or could not be done. It has been pointed out that economic conditions in the Southern Jurisdiction throughout the entire period from 1861 through 1891 were unstable and unfavorable to the growth of the Rite. In much of that portion of the Jurisdiction west of the Mississippi River, the population was very sparse and fluid. These factors made it extremely difficult to permanently establish Bodies of the Rite. The failure of many Bodies to survive after their establishment should not be attributed to failure of Inspectors General to provide leadership on the state level. In most cases, these failures were due to causes entirely beyond their control. The failure of towns, churches, schools and private businesses in these areas was typical of the period due to causes inherent in the movement of the frontier and the adjustments that took place with the further development of the country. The revolutions that were taking place in the social, commercial and industrial life of the people in the older and more populous parts of the Jurisdiction made the establishment of Bodies in these areas almost as difficult as in the frontier regions. The fact that some Bodies were established and survived was an achievement of no mean consequence and should be considered a tribute to dedicated leadership of determined men under generally adverse conditions.


            The conversion of the vast wilderness regions of the United States into thriving civilized communities, of which Scottish Rite Bodies are a part, is one of the great sagas of human history. Probably, there was no more difficult period in the movement than that between 1861 and 1891. The seeds of culture, of order in a state of chaos, of manly pride in noble accomplishments and of good citizenship in its broadest sense sown and cultivated by Scottish Rite Masonry through the Supreme Council in the Southern Jurisdiction between 1861 and 1891 were factors in the achievement.


            Finally, with its jurisdiction delineated, its degree system fixed, its educational materials being produced, its organizatonal structure completed, its jurisprudence well formed, its membership expanding and its financial strength growing, it can be said that in 1891 the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America had attained adulthood and was ready to assume a more important and positive role in the history of the nation.


            388 BIBLIOGRAPHY PRIMARY SOURCES PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS Catalogue of the Library of the Supreme Council, 33, 1880, Washington, Supreme Council, 1880.


            Official Bulletin, 10 vols., Washington, The Supreme Council, 33, S.J., U.S.A., 1870‑1892.


            Proceedings, General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, U.S., 1877, 1883, Buffalo, Young Lockwood and Co., 1877, 1883.


            Proceedings, Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of New York, 1890, Buffalo, Adams and White, 1890.


            Proceedings, Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, of New York, 1890, New York, Edward O. Jenkins' Son, 1890.


            Proceedings, Grand Encampment, Knights ‑Templar, of the United States, 1880, n.p., n.d.


            Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, 1889, 1890, Davenport, Egbert, Fidlar and Chambers, n.d.


            Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, 1879, Leavenworth, Ketcheson's Steam Book and Job Printing House, 1879.


            Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, 1881, Port Hope, J.B. Trayes "Craftsman" Steam Press, 1881.


            Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, 1890, St. Paul, The Pioneer Press Co., 1890.        1 Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska, 1885, Omaha, Rees Printing Co., 1885.


            Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Texas, 1880, 1881, 1890, Houston, W.H. Coyle, 1880, 1881, 1890.


            Proceedings of the Supreme Council, 33, A.A.S.R., Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., 1879, 1881, 1883, Boston, Supreme Council, 1879, 1881, 1883.




Proceedings of the Supreme Council, 33, of Canada, 1880, Hamilton, Times Printing Co., 1882.


            Records and Minutes, Provincial Grand Lodge for the United States of America, Royal Order of Scotland, 1879, n.p., n.d.


            Register of Membership of the Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, 1887, Charleston, Supreme Council, 33, 1887.


            Tableau of the Supreme Council. . : and the Bodies of its Obedience, 1877, Charleston, Supreme Council, 1877.


            Transactions of the Supreme Council of the 33d Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, 1857‑1866 (Reprint), 1865, 1868, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1895, Washington, The Supreme Council, 33, as dated.


            UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS Accounts of Albert Pike with the Supreme Council. Agreement with Daniel J. McCarty (unsigned), 1883. Bill, John's Restaurant to Albert Pike, December 28, 18 Certification of L.G. Stephens, July 16, 1878. Confidential Allocution, 1880.


            Form Letter (blank), January 1, 18 8 7. Membership Card File, Secretary General's Office. Minutes, Grand Consistory of Louisiana. Minutes, Mithras Lodge of Perfection, 1890. Minutes, Royal Order of Scotland, 1883. Minutes, St. Andrews Council of Kadosh, 1883. Petition, El Paso Lodge of Perfection.


            Philip C. Tucker Register.


            Pike Memorandum, November 1, 1886; December 23, 1886. Report, R.W. Hill, July 1, 18   to June 30, 18 Report, R.C. Jordan, June 7, 1883.


            390 BIBLIOGRAPHY Report, Sewell Truax, May 4, 18 Returns, Covenant Lodge of Perfection, 1884. Returns of Bodies File, Secretary General's Office. Warrant File, 1880; 1885; 1886.


            LETTERS .'. .'. to Lawson, John S., March 12, 18 90.


            Abbote, Dr.    , to Pike, Albert, July 4, 18 Abbott, S.B., to Pike, Albert, November 9, 18 Adams, Sam E., to Pike, Albert, March 8, 1886; November 1, 1888; March 7, 1890. Aiken, H.C., to Pike, Albert, May 10, 1886; July 16, 1888.


            Ainsworth, J.C., to Pike, Albert, March 25, 187 1.


            Ancell, Aaron, to Pike, Albert, February 6; July 20; September 27, 1877. Arner, E., and Mackey, S.W., to Pike, Albert, August 26, 18 89.


            Ashby, J.K., to Pike, Albert, May 25, 1886; September 26; December 9, 1887. Ashton, G.W., to Pike, Albert, April 1, 1883.


            Baldwin, W.N., to Pike, Albert, May 23, 188 1.


            Barber, L.E., to Pike, Albert, May 24, 1874; March 15; April 13, 1877; May 5, 1880.


            Batchelor, James C., to Pike, Albert, July 6, 1879; January 21, 1881; January 19; February 6; 21; August 11; 24; September 7, 1882; January 27; March 9, 1883; "Madi Gras," 1884; March 14; April 29; December 12, 1886; January 21; June 19; August 3, 1887; February 6, 1888; June 24; December 15, 1889; March 29; June 18; December 29, 1890.


            Batchelor, James C., to "All Whom these Presents May Come," February 16, 1869.


            Bayliss, M.W., to Pike, Albert, August 7, 1889.


            Beasley, Stephen H., to Pike, Albert, July 24, 1874; October 17; 18; 26; November 7, 1877; February 4; March 15; April 5; 17; 22; 29, 1878; July 5, 1879; April 2, 1880.


            Bennett, Thomas, to Pike, Albert, April 19, 18 Benton, C.H., to Pike, Albert, April 23, 1885. 391 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Blackburn, D.G., to Pike, Albert, July 10, 1887.


            Blake, U.C., to Ireland, Wm. M., October 2, 18 Bocock, H.F., to Pike, Albert, December 27; 29, 18 Bocock, W.F., to Pike, Albert, February 4; March 29; May 12, 1887; April 21; 29, 1888.


            Bollen, R.W., to Pike, Albert, January 16; March 8; 27, 18 80.


            Bowen, William R., to Pike, Albert, September 9, 1878; August 14, 1889. Bower, R.F., to Pike, Albert, March 21, 1879; March 5; 19, 188 1.


            Bowers, H.F., to Pike, Albert, August 7, 1889. Briggs, John S., to Pike, Albert, April 24, 18 Browder, John N., to Pike, Albert, October 16, 1877. Brown, J.T., to Pike, Albert, June 6, 1883.


            Brown, Thomas C., to Pike, Albert, July 24, 1890.


            Buist Chapter of Rose Croix to Pike, Albert, June 26, 1888.


            Buist, Henry, to Pike, Albert, May 16, 1881; January 12; March 2; October 16, 1883; November 17, 1885; February 24; December 2, 1886. Buist, John S., to Pike, Albert, October 1, 1886.


            Bullard, F.E., to Pike, Albert, March 5, 18 80.


            Caldwell, E.H., to Pike, Albert, May 1, 18 Carleton, H.L., to Glenn, John, May 13, 18 Carpenter, Mrs. Josiah, to Pike, Albert, March 16, 1876.


            Carr, E.T., to Pike, Albert, June 1; November 5, 1887; January 26, 1888; April 14; 20; August 16, 1889.


            Carrier, A. J., to Pike, Albert, January 24; 25; 27; 29; February 23; July 31, 1882. Carter, Charles M., to Pike, Albert, May 8, 1889.


            Carver, H.L., to Pike, Albert, December 11, 1888.


            Caswell, Thomas H., to Pike, Albert, June 23, 18 Chandler, T.W., to Pike, Albert, October 18, 1884; April 23, 1885. Cheatham, James H., to Tucker, Philip C., February 23; March 3, 188 1. Cirode, W.Y., to Pike, Albert, October 6, 18 80.


            392 BIBLIOGRAPHY Cleburne, Wm., to Pike, Albert, September 15, 1888; May 4; June 11; 24; July 25, 1889; June 21; November 24, 1890.


            Clerke, S.H., to Pike, Albert, May 18, 18 Clift, J. Jr., to Lee, Bascom E., June 22, 18 84.


            Coburn, Chester P., to Pike, Albert, June 22; September 24, 1885.


            Cole, J.S., to Pike, Albert, August 31, 1887; March 24; April 30, 1888; October 4, 1889; May 20, 1890.


            Collier, R.W., to Pike, Albert, August 7, 1889.


            Collins, Martin, to Pike, Albert, March 28; May 3, 1881; January 11; February 7; 11, 1882; January 4; April 18; July 2, 1883; May 24; 29, 1884; February 22; July 8, 1886; March 9; 18, 1887; January 28; June 2; October 4, 1888; January 22; September 24, 1889; January 20; February 22; April 26; May 1; 8; August 30; September 12; 25, 1890.


            Collins, Mary A., to Pike, Albert, October 13, 1889. Collins, Noyes S., to Pike, Albert, September 3, 1889. Collins, T.R., to Pike, Albert, September 17, 18 Comly, H.R., to Pike, Albert, June 6; December 30, 1881; May 31, 1883; March 12, 1884; March 11, 1886; April 5; 26, 1888; February 9; 18; August 9; December 28, 1889; April 30; July 2, 1890.


            Cook, J.W., to Pike, Albert, September 7, 18 Courtland, J.W., to Pike, Albert, October 22, 1890.


            Craig, E.D., to Pike, Albert, February 2, 1887; January 22; 27; July 7, 1888. Creighten, C.H., to Pike, Albert, February 23, 1889.


            Cunningham, H.S., to Pike, Albert, May 29; June 8; August 3, 1890. Damon, J.F., to Pike, Albert, February 13; March 20; October 5, 1882.


            Danenburg, R. L., to Pike, Albert, August 20; 22, 18 Davis, Evan, to Pike, Albert, January 21; July 16, 1886; August 9, 1887; January 4, 1889.


            Dawkins, D.C., to Pike, Albert, December 20, 1878; January 16, 1879; February 14; 19; March 22; April 20; 22; 26; 27; 30; December 30,1881; March 26, 1882; April 10; June 5, 1885; April 15; June 12; September 20, 1887; October 22, 1888; May 15, 1889; April 12, 1890.




Day, Henry E., to Pike, Albert; June 29; July 27, 1874.


            Deems, J.H., to Pike, Albert, July 19; September 19, 1882; September 12, 1883. Dermis, J.B., to Pike, Albert, November 14, 18 DeSaussure, Wilmot G., to Pike, Albert, October 19, 1884.


            Dewitt, Jacob, to Pike, Albert, June 6, 1890. Dodge, E.F., to Pike, Albert, March 24, 18 80. Dominis, John O., to Pike, Albert, April 7, 1876; July 16, 1877; January 17; June 13; December 20, 1881; January 29, 1884; June 1, 1885; April 4, 1887; March 1, 1889.


            Douglas, William, to Tomhave, John B., February 4, 1958.


            Drummond, Josiah H., to Pike, Albert, July 4; September 25, 1867; April 30, 1868; October 5; December 25, 1869; March 10, 1872.


            Du Pre, Louis, to Pike, Albert, November 12, 1890.


            Dudley, E.S., to Pike, Albert, March 30; August 7, 1886; August 16; November 14; December 5; 14; 28, 1889.


            Earhart, Rocky P., to Pike, Albert, December 14; 16, 1889. to Webber, Frederick, March 29, 18 Eastman, C.H., to Pike, Albert, November 21, 1883. Emmons, Hermon L. Jr., to Pike, Albert, September 27, 18 Eubanks, Ed. N., to Pike, Albert, December 16, 18 Fay, Calvin, to Pike, Albert, June 16, 1882.


            Fearhake, Adolphus, to Pike, Albert, March 24, 18 Fellows, J.Q.A., to Pike, Albert, March 26, 18 Fisk, Charles N., to Pike, Albert, November 25, 1887; November 25, 1888.


            Fitch, C.W., to Pike, Albert, May 27; June 22, 18 Fitzgerald, A.L., to Pike, Albert, July 17; September 10, 1887; December 7, 1889. Foote, Frank M., to Pike, Albert, June 6, 1881; January 29, 1882; September 19, 1884; April 6; October 5, 1888; December 18, 1889.


            Foster, Charles, to Pike, Albert, December 19, 1887.


            Freeman, M.P., to Pike, Albert, June 29, 1883; May 6; 16; 31, 1884; February 7; 10; June 10, 1885; May 22, 1887; September 28, 1888; March 22, 1890.


            394 BIBLIOGRAPHY Freling, P. J., to Pike, Albert, February 13, 18 Gallagher, Geo. A., to Pike, Albert, August 9, 1874. Gleason, H.W., to Pike, Albert, August 8; 25, 1887.


            Glenn, John W., to Pike, Albert, February 3, 1882; March 7, 1883. Goldman, A., to Pike, Albert, February 14, 18 Goodall, A. G., to Pike, Albert, March 9, 1876.


            Goodrich, Charles G., to Pike, Albert, May 22, 1871; Swan 26, 5331. Graham, R.M.C., to Pike, Albert, March 22, 1876.


            Grand Consistory of Louisiana to Pike, Albert, November 10, 1886.


            Greenleaf, L.N., to Pike, Albert, December 10, 1878; January 5; February 14, 1879; February 25; March 12; September 1, 1881; May 24, 1887; July 17, 1888.


            Griffin, W.W., to Pike, Albert, November 15, 18 Grissom, E., to Pike, Albert, February 20; October 21, 1882; March 29, 1885; February 11, 1886.


            Hall, Robert H., to Pike, Albert, March 30; May 3; June 9, 18 Hanline, Wm. N., to Pike, Albert, June 2, 1887; June 12, 18 Harington, T.D., to Pike, Albert, February 7; November 15, 1880; March 21; April 20; May 9, 18 Harmon, Fletcher H., to Pike, Albert, February 3; March 18; December 23, 1886; May 20; November 29, 1890.


            Harmon, F.N., to Pike, Albert, October 9, 1883; June 24, 18 Harrison, E., to Pike, Albert, June 14, 1883.


            Hatton, W.H., to Pike, Albert, November 19, 18 84.


            Hayden, James R., to Pike, Albert, January 13; 31; February 3; June 23; October 26, 1881; September 1; November 29, 1882; March 7; 18; April 21; May 31, 1883; January 12; February 18; March 16; April 26; 27; May 7, 1884; January 15; March 3; 23, 1885; May 10; October 14, 1886; March 19, 1887; May 14, 1888; January 30; May 20; June 11; July 22, 1889; January 16; June 17, 1890.


            Hearne, J. C., to Pike, Albert, November 8, 18 Henion, J.W., to Pike, Albert, January 15, 1880; June 20, 1884.


            Henry, J.A., to Pike, Albert, November 30, 1876; January 16, 1883; November 4, 1887; October 18, 1888.




Hoffheimer, N., to Pike, Albert, January 19, 18 Hood, O. P., to Pike, Albert, July 9, 18 Hotchkiss, E.A., to Pike, Albert, January 21, 18 Hough, Warwick, to Pike, Albert, January 7; 29, 1882. Houghton, O.C., to Pike, Albert, April 1, 1888. Hubbard, H.H., to Pike, Albert, January 18, 18 82. Hubert, Le F., to Pike, Albert, August 17, 18 Hugo, T.W., to Pike, Albert, April 12; July 23; December 24, 1889; January 31, 1890.


            Hume, E.B., to Pike, Albert, June 24; July 2, 1887. Hyam, B.D., to Pike, Albert, February 12; 26, 18 80. Hyde, J.A., to Pike, Albert, January 18, 1884. Inns, R.S., to Ireland, Wm. M., April 17, 1884.


            to Pike, Albert, May 27, 1886.


            Ireland, Wm. M., to Bower, R.F., August 15, 1879. to Carr, E.T., December 17, 1879.


            to Chavero, Alfredo, September 10, 1879. Circular Letter, January 3, 1882.


            to Hopkins, H. St. Geo., December 19, 18 to Hotchkiss, E.A., December 15, 1879.


            to Long, Odell S., March 14, 1883; April 24, 18 to Collins, Martin, March 25, 1885.


            to Members of the Supreme Council, February 24, 18 to Meredith, Gilmor, January 3, 1885. to Pike, Albert, December 21, 18 8 5 .


            Isaacson, A.H., to Pike, Albert, October 13, 1883. Jarvis, F.R., to Pike, Albert, June 9, 1874.


            Jensen, Henry C., to Pike, Albert, October 26, 1876.


            Johnson, Frank H., to Pike, Albert, November 15, 1888; March 5, 18 90.


            396 BIBLIOGRAPHY Jordan, R.C., to Pike, Albert, June 26; 27; July 9; 20; 24; 29; August 5; December 5, 1878; February 7, 1879; January 8; 12; 26; April 20, 1880; January 8; March 21; April 12; May 8; 16; June 12, 1881; January 15, 1882; January 23; September 29; November 19; December 24, 1883; April 14, 1884; March 16, 1886; September 30, 18 8 8.


            Kenyon, W.J.C., to Pike, Albert, June 8; August 23, 1890. Kidd, Will N., to Pike, Albert, March 18, 18 89.


            Langdon, B.E., to Pike, Albert, June 26, 1886; May 5, 1888.


            Lathom,          , to Pike, Albert, October 11, 18 Laughton, Charles E., to Pike, Albert, August 26; September 20, 1881; March 25, 1882.


            Lawson, J.S., to Pike, Albert, January 4; February 10; March 13; April 27; October 7, 1880; November 12, 1881.


            Lee, B.E., to Pike, Albert, July 15; August 16, 1884; March 30, 1885.


            Levine, Nath., to Pike, Albert, January 26, 1886; July 13; 20; December 6; 16, 1887; January 28; May 8; August 14; 23, 1888; January 25; 29; July 16; September 17; December 21, 1889; March 30, 1890.


            Long, O.S., to Pike, Albert, July 19, 1884; March 30, 1889. MacGrotty, Edwin B., to Pike, Albert, July 31; August 17, 1876. Mackey, Albert G., to Pike, Albert, January 10, 1880.


            to Todd, Samuel M., December 15, 1874.


            Macoy, R., to Pike, Albert, January 10; 30; February 1; March 2; August 15; 16; October 6; 25; November 4; 14; December 13, 187 1.


            Matthews, T.M., to Pike, Albert, March 31, 1890.


            Maude, John B., to Pike, Albert, August 26, 187 8.


            Mayer, John F., to Pike, Albert, April 14; November 24, 1886; September 5, 1887; April 21; May 30; December 17, 1888; May 14; September 3; 9, 1889.


            Mayo, W.H., to Pike, Albert, February 10; March 9, 18 McDermott, E.E., to Pike, Albert, January 29; February 4, 18 80.


            Meredith, Gilmor, to Buist, Henry, February 14, 1887.


            to Pike, Albert, May 24; June 10; August 22; 23, 1881; March 7; 30; August 22; September 19; 23, 1882; December 4, 1889.




to Supreme Council, October 1, 1888.


            Merrill, G.W., to Pike, Albert, September 11; October 25, 1879; February 5; May 4; September 23, 1880; May 30, 1881; January 2, 1882.


            Metcalf, George R., to Pike, Albert, December 27, 1889.


            Miller, J.M., to Pike, Albert, May 14, 1881; February 23; March 7, 1882.


            Miller, Orville G., to Pike, Albert, December 21, 1879; June 28, 1887; May 7, 1888; January 22; July 15, 1889.


            Miller, R. T., to Pike, Albert, November 3, 18 Mitchell, Wm. L., to Pike, Albert, November 29, 1870; November 4; December 27, 1871; May 18, 1878; April 27, 1881.


            Montgomery, Thomas, to Pike, Albert, January 8; 19, 1881; March 10, 1886.


            Moore, George F., to Pike, Albert, May 5; September 19, 1885; January l, 1888; February 3, 1889.


            Murrah, T., to Pike, Albert, February 16, 1882.


            Murton, J.M., to Pike, Albert, December 14, 1871; January 20; July 20; August 8; 10; December 17, 1881; August 18, 1883; January 3, 18 Officers of De Molay Consistory to Pike, Albert, January 20; 28, 18 Openheimer, Louis, to Pike, Albert, September 16, 18 Owsley, C.S., to Pike, Albert, May 19, 18 84.


            Parker, George W., to Pike, Albert, May 25, 1885; January 24; July 5, 1886; May 7, 1889.


            Parvin, T.S., to Pike, Albert, May 20, 1882; January 25, 1883; January 19; 25; February 19; 21; April 6; 19; June 26; November 22, 18 Perry, E.A., to Pike, Albert, May 4, 18 Perry, R.J., to Pike, Albert, October 29, 1890. Phinizy, C.H., to Pike, Albert, January 4, 18 Pierson, A.T.C., to Pike, Albert, October 5, 1879.


            Pike, Albert, to "BB.'. Ashton and Warren," September 12, 1883.


            to Batchelor, James C., May 20; July 15; August 18, 1866; January 26; June 5; August 2; undated (prior to August 16), 1869; April 13, 1870; February 11; March 24; August 20, 1882; January 9, 1883; May 25, 1885.


            to Berger, John, October 2, 1869.


            398 BIBLIOGRAPHY to Bower, Robert F., February 15, 1876.


            to Buist, Henry, April 5, 1882.


            to Carr, E.T., May 25; June 17, 1870; December 1, 1878; September 7; 19, 1879; December 24, 1885; August 20, 18 to Carrier, A.J., January 7, 1883.


            to Caswell, T.H., Lawson, J.S., and Brown, C.F., November 20, 1886.


            Circular Letter, August 23, 1871; October 25, 1871; March 6; 10; 11; April, 2, 1872; December 12, 1874; May 15, 1878; March 7; April 27; June 1, 1881; July 31, 1882; February 25; March 19, 1883; January 6, 1885; September 2, 1886; June 12, 1887; May 3; August 10; September 5; November 27, 1889; January 8; September 20; 25, 1890.


            Circular Letter to all Bodies in the Southern Jurisdiction, June 3; September 18, 1889.


            Circular Letter to Inspectors General, July 30, 1882; June 21, 1890.


            Circular Letter to all Supreme Councils, January 20; September 16, 1889.


            to Cist, Lewis J., October 18, 1883.


            to Cloes, J. W., January 11, 1890.


            to Cunningham, Thomas A., December 8, 18 69.


            to Damon, John F., December 5,1879; April 14, 1882.


            to "Dear Friend," September 13, 1875.


            to Earhart, Rocky P., undated; December 21; 31, 1885; December 20, 1886; December 4; 21, 1889; March 21, 1890.


            to Fellows, J.Q.A., September 23, 1869.' to Francis, Charles K., February 27; 27; November 7, 1889. to Freeman, M.P., July 3, 18 to "Dear Mary" (Mrs. Mary Fuller), April 21, 1883.


            to Grand Commanders of Ireland, Scotland and Greece, August 16, 1881. to Hanline, Wm., July 26, 1887.


            to Henion, John W., January 28, 18 80. to Howe, John H., February 28, 1872. to "Ill. Bro.," January 1, 1879.




to "Ill. Grand Commander ... of the Grand Consistory ... of Maryland," February 1, 1870.


            to Inspectors General, September 15, 1885; November 13, 1887.


            to Inspectors General in California, September 28, 1885.


            to Ireland, Wm. M., November 16, 1879; September 4, 1880; June 25, 1885; November 1; 4; 14; 26, 1882; February 10; April 7; 13; 20, 20; 26; May 4; 6; 23; 25; June 27; 30; July 1; 4; 18; 21; 26; August 15; 28; September 6, 1883.


            to Laughton, Charles E., August 18; September 12, 188 1.


            to Long, O.S., March, 1883; December 20, 1885.


            to W .P. .P. ' . Sovereign and P.'. Lieutenant Grand Commanders etc., August 24, 1871.


            to Mayer, John F., November 23, 1886.


            to McDaniel, John Robin, January 1, 1871. to Meredith, Gilmor, November 22, 1878.


            to Miller, John M., September 20, 1869; 26, A. *.M.'. 5620. to Mitchell, Miss Susan, November 18, 1882.


            to Mitchell, Wm. L., February 15; April 18, 1876; April 18; June 20, 1882. to Moore, George F., October 29, 18 to O'Sullivan, A., July 17, 1866.


            to Parvin, T.S., February 5, 1871; March 24; November 20, 1872; February 8; November 18, 1874; January 1, 1878; January 4, 1879; February 14, 1881; June 14; December 6; 14; 29, 1885; January 8; 10; 23; February 18; 25; November 29, 1886; June 1, 1889; June 2, 1890.


            to Pratt, I.W., May 27, 1879.


            to Quayle, Mark, February 17, 1890. to Raymond, Jean Marie, July 1, 1890.


            to Ream, Vinnie, May 29; October 5; 16; November 4, 1881; May 7; June 7, 1882; December 5, 1884; June 14; December 20, 1885; October 25, 1886; January 4; 25; March 15; May 1; June 7; 13; 27; August 28; September 18, 1887; January 24; June 7; October 7, 1888; April 22; June 4; August 23; October 1; 16; December 5, 1889; March 6; May 16; June 28; August 19; November 21, 1890; January 1, 1891.


            400 BIBLIOGRAPHY to Riche, Leopold, January 6, 1882.


            to Roper, John L., September 19, 18 to Ryan, Wm., May 20,1889; January 20, 1890. to Stockton, Mrs. Alice Y., April 24, 18 87. Summons, July 15, 1865.


            to Thurston, Richard, February 23, 1874.


            to Todd, Samuel M., April 7, 1868; 21 Sebat, A. *.M. ' . 5629; December 17, 1869; October 2, 1870; June, 1874; January 22, 1876; May 14, 1878; February 4, 1879; March 24; July 10; September 1, 1882; October 6, 1883.


            to Tucker, Philip C., September 10, 1885; April 4; October 6, 1890.


            to Turner, Jesse, June 13, 18 to "Very Dear Brethren," November 10, 1875.


            to Webber, Frederick, June 1, 1870; March 1; June 27, 1873; March 22; October 29, 1874; December 25, 1875; February 6; May 1; November 1, 1876; November 25; December 21, 1877; January 1; 15, 1878; August 25, 1883; July 1, 1885; November 15, 1888.


            to Whitman, O., January 26, 18 to Wood, M.W., September 4, 1871; January 28; November 12, 1880; April 24; September 14, 1881; October 23, 1882; September 5; 27; December 31, 1883; January 2; August 18, 1885; April 17; October 30, 1887; December 24, 1889; May 31, 1890.


            to Wright, M.J., January 18, 18 Pond, T.C., to Pike, Albert, October 26, 1890. Pond, T.G., to Pike, Albert, April 28, 18 82.


            Pratt, Irving W., to Pike, Albert, February 17, 1884; April 23; June 15; July 14; August 10, 1890.


            Quayle, Mark, to Pike, Albert, January 16; June 24; July 17; December 15, 1889; February 10, 1890.


            Rawalt, B.F., to Pike, Albert, February 7; 10, 1887; May 5, 1888. Reardon, John E., to Pike, Albert, July 24, 1874.


            Reid, T.M., to Pike, Albert, February 24, 18 Reinecke, Wm., to Pike, Albert, August 30; September 8, 18 401 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Robson, Matthew, to Pike, Albert, October 15; November 3; 13; December 17; 19, 1888.


            Roper, John L., to Pike, Albert, February 18, 1880; January 7; September 8; 16, 1882; January 29; March 7, 1884; September 20, 1885; August 6, 1887.


            Royal Cumberland Lodge to Pike, Albert, January 22, 1881.


            Rush, Henry, to "The Supreme Council," undated.


            Ryan, Wm., to Pike, Albert, June 12, 1882; April 4, 1888; May 15, 1889; June 29, 1890.


            Samory, C., to Pike, Albert, December 17, 1886.


            Scott, C.S., to Pike, Albert, May 5, 1890.


            Scott, Leslie M., to Carter, James D., April 20, 1964.


            Shaw, Alfred, to Pike, Albert, January 3; 12, 1882; January 13; March 27, 1883; October 5, 1888.


            Shaw, Arlie, to Pike, Albert, January 26; February 8; March 4; 7; 19; April 14; 30; May 14, 1876.


            Sherman, A.C., to Pike, Albert, March 17, 18 Sherman, B.R., to Pike, Albert, January 29; April 5; 8; 29; May 19; December 29, 1881; January 31, 1887; February 18; March 18, 1889.


            Sibley, W.H., to Pike, Albert, March 4, 18 Smith, R.M., to Pike, Albert, January 2, 1872; December 11, 1876.


            Spalding, C., to Pike, Albert, January 3; March 15; April 21, 1881; April 12, 1882; February 10; November 27, 1883.


            Stevenson, G., to Pike, Albert, January 8; 11; March 2; April 3; June 21; September 8, 1881; January 30; March 26, 1882.


            Strauss, Chas. M., to Pike, Albert, November 3, 1890.


            Swain, J.W., to Pike, Albert, June 21, 1888.


            Terry, John C., to Pike, Albert, March 9, 1886; March 10; 24, 18 Thatcher, S.D., to Pike, Albert, April 7, 1886; November 5, 1887; May 16; August 7, 1890.


            Ticknor, H.L., to Pike, Albert, January 5, 1880; January 15, 1881.


            Todd, Samuel M., to Pike, Albert, January 22, 1879; April 17, 1882; October 1; 14, 1883; July 25, 1889.


            402 BIBLIOGRAPHY Tonn, William, to Pike, Albert, February 12, 18 Toombs, Robert, to Pike, Albert, January 3; April 14, 187 1.


            Tucker, Philip C., to Pike, Albert, August 29, 1866; 7th Veador; 22d Veador A.'. M.'. 5627; April 20, 1868; March 9; August 12, 1877; September 8, 1881; December 30, 1884; September 23, 1885; February 1, 1886; May 6; 21; October 30, 1887; February 27, 1889; March 20; November 24, 1890.


            Van Buren, Edward, to Pike, Albert, January 1, 1886.


            Van Deventer, J., to Pike, Albert, April 11, 18 Van Hoose, J.H., to Pike, Albert, January 15; October 26, 1890. Vaulx, James J., to Pike, Albert, May 5, 1890.


            Vincent, John D., to Pike, Albert, January 11, 18 Waldo, Henry S., to Pike, Albert, November 27, 18 Warner, C.W., to Pike, Albert, March 29; April 22, 1881; February 14, 1886. Warner, E.F., to Pike, Albert, May 29; June 27; July 10, 1889; July 9, 1890. Webber, Frederick, to Inspectors General, May 16, 1890.


            to Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, August 23, 1890. to Parvin, T.S., March 17, 1889.


            Whipple, Mrs. George A., to Pike, Albert, October 30, 1890.


            Whitman, O., to Pike, Albert, February 26, 1881; July 31; December 2, 1882; March 24, 1883.


            Williams, J.M., to Pike, Albert, January 25, 1887.


            Wolihim, A.M., to Pike, Albert, September 1, 1884; January 26, 1888. Woodruff, Carle A., to Pike, Albert, October 23, 1890.


            Working, J.W., to Pike, Albert, January 11, 1887.


            Worsham, John J., to Pike, Albert, April 12; 14; May 25, 187 1. Wright, Pitkin C., to Pike, Albert, October 17, 1887.


            Ziegler, Louis, to Pike, Albert, April 5, 1890.


            TELEGRAMS Batchelor, James C., to Pike, Albert, January 9, 1891. Buist, George S., to Pike, Albert, June 9, 1887.




BOOKS Allen, L.P., De Molay Consistory, Lyons, De Molay Consistory, 1890.


            Anderson, Arthur R., and Whitsell, Leon O., California's First Century o f Scottish Rite Masonry, Oakland, n.p., 1962.


            Baynard, Samuel H. Jr., History of the Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States and its Antecedents, 2 vols. Boston, The Supreme Council, 1938.


            Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1957, Washington, U.S. Bureau of the Census, n.d.


            Hotchkiss, C.A., History of Scottish Rite Masonry in Texas, San Antonio, Alamo Printing Co., 1916.


            Lobingier, Charles S., The Supreme Council, 33 , . . . , S.J., Washington, The Supreme Council, 33 , 1931.


            Pike, Albert, Chastisement of a Bearer of False Witness, Washington, n.p., 1889.


            Sherman, Edwin A., Fifty Years o f Masonry in California, 2 vols., San Francisco, George Spaulding and Co., 1897.


            Smith, James Fairbairn, The Rise of the Ecossais Degrees, Dayton, Ohio Chapter of Research, 1965.


            NEWSPAPERS Daily Alta, San Francisco, California.


            Daily Morning Oregonian, Portland, Oregon.


            The Daily Pioneer Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Oregon State Journal, Eugene City, Oregon. Star, Washington, District of Columbia.


            Tribune, St. Paul, Minnesota.


            Virginia Evening Chronicle, Virginia City, Nevada.


            MANUSCRIPTS Brown, Walter Lee, "Albert Pike, 1809‑1891," unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas, 1955.


            404 APPENDICES APPENDIX I TABLEAUS OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33, S.J., U.S.A., 1861‑1890 1861 NAME      STATE ADMITTED Albert Pike .................. Ark. ...... 1858 . James Penn .................. Tenn....... 1859 . Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 . Achille le Prince .............. S. C. ...... 1848 . Charles Scott ................. Tenn....... 1859 . Claude Samory ............... La. ....... 1856 . William S. Rockwell ........... Ga. ....... 1847 . Frederick Webber ............. Ky.            ....... 1895 . A. T. C. Pierson .............. Minn. ..... 1859 . Charles Laffon de Ladebat ...... La.        ....... 1859 . John R. McDaniel ............. Va. .. . . _. . . 1847 . B. R. Campbell ............... S. C. ...... 1859 . H. P. Watson ................. Ala........ 1859 . G. M. Hillyer ................ Miss. ...... 1859 . J. C. Batchelor ............... La. ....... 1859 . L. E. Barber ................. Ark. ...... 1859 . A. O'Sullivan ................ Mo........ 1859 . T. S. Parvin ................. Iowa ...... 1859 . B. B. French ................. D. C....... 1859 . E. H. Gill ................... Va. ....... 1859 . V'. P. Mellon ................. Miss. ...... 1859 . J. C. Breckenridge ............. Ky.     ....... 1859 . Howell Cobb ................. Ga.     ....... 1860 . James Stirrat ................ Md........ 1861 . Henry Buist .................. S. C.            ....... 1861 . David Ramsey ................ S. C.            ...... 1861 . Milton V. Latham ............. Calif....... 1861 .


            OFFICE S.G.C.


            Lt. G. C. Secy. Gen. Treas. Gen. Gr. M. of State Gr. Hospitaller Gr. Marshal Gr. St. Br.


            Gr. Capt. of the Guards Gr. M. of Ceremonies S.G.I.G.


            S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G. S.G.I.G.


            407 TABLEAU 1868 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C. William S. Rockwell ........... Ga. ....... 1847 ... Lt. G. C. Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 ... Secy. Gen. Azariah T. C. Pierson .......... Minn.    ..... 1859 ... Gr. Prior Benjamin Brown French ........ D. C....... 1859 ... Gr. Chan. Giles M. Hillyer ............... Miss. ...... 1859 ... Gr. M. of State Henry Buist .................. S. C.        ...... 1861 ... Treas. Gen.


            John Robin McDaniel .......... Va.     ....... 1847 ... Gr. Almoner Charles Laffon DeLadabat ...... La.     ....... 1859 ... Gr. Mareschal Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa ...... 1859 ... Gr. Cham.


            Ebenezer H. Shaw ............. Calif....... 1865 ...        1st Gr. Eq.


            Frederick Webber ............. Ky.        ....... 1859 ... 2nd Gr. Eq. Luke E. Barber ............... Ark.   ...... 1859 ... Gr. St. Br. Benjamin Rush Campbell ....... S. C. ...... 1859 ... Gr. Sw. Br. James C. Batchelor ............ La. ....... 1859 ... Gr. Herald John Cabell Breckenridge ....... Ky.    ....... 1860 ... S.G.I.G. Henry W. Schroder ............ S. C. ...... 1865 ... S.G.I.G. John J. Worsham ............. Tenn. ..... 1866 ... S.G.I.G. Thomas A. Cunningham ........ Md. ....... 1866 ... S.G.I.G. Edward R. Ives ............... Fla. ....... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Samuel Manning Todd ......... La.            ....... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Martin Collins ............... Mo........ 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Philip Crosby Tucker .......... Tex.     ...... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Erasmus Theodore Carr ........ Kans. ...... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Thomas Hubbard Caswell ....... Calif. ...... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr. ...... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Joseph De Bell ............... Nev.            ...... 1868 ... S.G.I.G.


            408 TABLEAU 1870 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C. B. B. French ................. D. C. . . . . . . 1859 ... Lt. G. C. Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 ... Secy. Gen. Ebenezer H. Shaw ............. Calif....... 1865 ...          Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.            ...... 1861 ... Gr. Chan.


            Giles M. Hillyer .............. Miss.         ...... 1859 ... Gr. M. of State John J. Worsham ............. Tenn.       ...... 1866 ... Treas. Gen.


            John Robin McDaniel .......... Va.     ....... 1847 ... Gr. Almoner Samuel M. Todd .............. La.  ....... 1868 ... Gr. Mareschel Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa ...... 1859 ... Gr. Cham.


            John C. Ainsworth ............ Oregon  .... 1870 ...      1 st Gr. Eq.


            Frederick Webber ............. Ky.        ....... 1859 ... 2nd Gr. Eq. Luke E. Barber ............... Ark.   ...... 1859 ... Gr. St. Br. Benjamin R. Campbell ......... S. C. ...... 1859 ... Gr. Sw. Br. James C. Batchelor ............ La.    ....... 1859 ... Gr. Herald Thomas A. Cunningham ........ Md. ....... 1866 ... S.G.I.G. Martin Collins ................ Mo........ 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex.     ...... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1868 ... S.G.I.G. Achille Regulus Morel .......... La. ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. William Letcher Mitchell ....... Ga......... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. John Quincy Adams Fellows .... La. ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. 409 TABLEAU 1872 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark. ...... 1858 ... S.G.C. John Robin McDaniel .......... Va.       ....... 1847 ... Lt. G. C. Ebenezer H. Shaw ............. Calif....... 1865 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.        ...... 1861 ... Gr. Chan. Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa  ...... 1859 ... Gr. M. of State Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 ... Secy. Gen. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.        ....... 1859 ... Treas. Gen.


            Samuel M. Todd .............. Louisiana           . . 1868. . . Gr. Auditor Luke E. Barber .............. Ark.        ...... 1859. . . Gr. Almoner John C. Ainsworth ............. Oregon .... 1870 ... Gr. Mareschel Benjamin R. Campbell ......... S. C. ...... 1859 ... Gr. Cham. James C. Batchelor ............ La.       ....... 1859 ...   1st Gr. Eq. Martin Collins            ............... Mo........ 1868 ... 2nd Gr. Eq. Thos. A. Cunningham ......... Md........ 1866 ... Gr. St. Br. Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex. ...... 1868 ... Gr. Sw. Br. Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 ... Gr. Herald Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. Achille R. Morel .............. La.       ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. Wm. L. Mitchell .............. Ga. ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.        ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. 410 TABLEAU 1874 NAME       STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            John Robin McDaniel .......... Va.     ....... 1847 ... Lt. G. C. Ebenezer H. Shaw ............. Calif....... 1865 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.        ...... 1861 ...    Gr. Chan.


            Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa     ...... 1859 ...    G. M. of State Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 ...           Secy. Gen.


            Frederick Webber ............. Ky.        ....... 1859. . . Treas. Gen.


            Samuel M. Todd .............. La.          ....... 1868. . . Gr. Auditor Luke E. Barber ............... Ark.   ...... 1859 ... Gr. Almoner James C. Batchelor ............ La.     ....... 1859 ... Gr. Mareschal Martin Collins ................ Mo. ....... 1868. . . Gr. Cham. Thomas A. Cunningham ........ Md........ 1866 ...           1st Gr. Eq.


            Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex.         ...... 1868 ... 2nd Gr. Eq.


            Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans.      ..... 1868 ... Gr. St. Br. Abraham E. Frankland ......... Tenn.           ..... 1874 ... Gr. Sw. Br. John McCraken .............. Oregon .... 1874 ... Gr. Herald Benjamin R. Campbell ......... S. C. ...... 1859 ... S.G.I.G. Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. Wm. L. Mitchell .............. Ga. ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.        ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. Robert Toombs ............... Ga. ....... 1874 ... S.G.I.G. Wm. R. Bowen ............... Nebr....... 1874 . . . S.G.I.G. Alfred E. Ames ............... Minn. ..... 1874 . .. S.G.I.G. 411 TABLEAU 1876 NAME      STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            John Robin McDaniel .......... Va.     ....... 1847 ... Lt. G. C. William Letcher Mitchell ....... Ga. ....... 1870 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.    ...... 1861 ... Gr. Chan. Theodore Sutton Parvin ........ Iowa           ...... 1859 ... Gr. M. of State Albert Gallatin Mackey ........ S. C. ...... 1844 ... Secy. Gen. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.       ....... 1859 ... Treas. Gen.


            Samuel Manning Todd ......... La.     ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Luke Edgar Barber ............ Ark.            ...... 1859 ... Gr. Almoner James Cunningham Batchelor .... La.         ....... 1859 ... Gr. Mareschal Martin Collins ................ Mo. ....... 1868 . . . Gr. Cham.


                        Thomas Augustas Cunningham . . Md. .......           1866   ...         1st Gr. Eq.


                        Philip Crosby Tucker ........... Tex. ......         1868   ...         2nd Gr. Eq.


            Erasmus Theodore Carr ........ Kans. .....    1868   ...         Gr. St. Br.


            Abraham Ephriam Frankland .... Tenn.       ..... 1874 ... Gr. Sw. Br. John McCraken .............. Oregon .... 1874 ... Gr. Herald Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.    ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. Robert Toombs ............... Ga.     ....... 1874 ... S.G.I.G. Wm. R. Bowen ............... Nebr....... 1874 ... S.G.I.G. John B. Maude ............... Mo........ 1875 ... S.G.I.G. Wilmot G. DeSaussure ......... S. C. ...... 1876. . . S.G.I.G. Robert F. Bower .............. Iowa ...... 1876. . . S.G.I.G. Horace H. Hubbard ........... Calif....... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. James S. Lawson .............. Wash. Ter. .. 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Odell S. Long ................ W. Va. .... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Achille R. Morel .............. Tex.     ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. (readmitted) 412 TABLEAU 1878 NAME STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            John Robin McDaniel .......... Va.     ....... 1847 ... Lt. G. C.


            William L. Mitchell ............ Ga.         ....... 1870 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.          ...... 1861 ... Gr. Chan. Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa       ...... 1859 ... Gr. M. of State Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 ... Secy. Gen. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.   ....... 1859 ... Treas. Gen.


            Samuel M. Todd .............. La.          ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Luke E. Barber ............... Ark.    ...... 1859 ... Gr. Almoner James C. Batchelor ............ La.     ....... 1859 ... Gr. Mareschal Martin Collins ................ Mo........ 1868 ... Gr. Cham. Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex. ...... 1868 ...    1st Gr. Eq.


            Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans.      ..... 1868 ... 2nd Gr. Eq.


            Abraham E. Frankland ......... Tenn. ..... 1874 ... Gr. St. Br. Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif.  ..... 1870 ... Gr. Sw. Br. James S. Lawson .............. Wash. Ter. . . 1876 ... Gr. Herald John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.     ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G.


            A. R. Morel (readmitted) ....... Tex.  ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G.


            Robert Toombs ............... Ga.          ....... 1874 ... S.G.I.G. Wm. R. Bowen ............... Nebr....... 1874 ... S.G.I.G. John B. Maude ............... Mo........ 1875 ... S.G.I.G. H. H. Hubbard ............... Calif....... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. O. S. Long .................. W. Va. .... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Wilmot G. DeSaussure ......... S. C. ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Robert F. Bower .............. Iowa        ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ........... Fla. ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1878 . . . S.G.I.G.


            413 TABLEAU 1880 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            James C. Batchelor ............ La.      ....... 1859 ... Lt. G. C. William L. Mitchell ........... Ga. ....... 1870 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.        ...... 1861 ... Gr. Chan. Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa  ...... 1859 ...         Gr. M. of State Albert G. Mackey ............. S. C. ...... 1844 ... Secy. Gen. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.            ....... 1859 ... Treas. Gen.


            Samuel M. Todd .............. La.          ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Luke E. Barber .............. Ark.     ...... 1859 ... Gr. Almoner Erasmus T. Carr ............. Kans....... 1868 ... Gr. Mareschal Martin Collins ............... Mo. ....... 1868 ... Gr. Cham. Philip C. Tucker ............. Tex.  ...... 1868 ... 1st Gr. Eq. Thomas H. Caswell ............. Calif....... 1870 . . . 2nd Gr. Eq. O. S. Long .................. W. Va. . . . . 1876 ... Gr. St. Br. John L. Roper ............... Va. ....... 1880 ... Gr. Sw. Br. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 ... Gr. Herald James S. Lawson .............. Calif....... 1876 . . . S.G.I.G. John Q. A. Fellows ........... La. ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. A. R. Morel ................. Tex. ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. H. H. Hubbard ............... Calif....... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Wilmot G. DeSaussure ......... S. C. ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Robert F. Bower .............. Iowa ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla. ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Gilmor Meredith .............. Md.......   1878 . . . S.G.I.G. Michel E. Girard ............. La. ....... 1879 ... S.G.I.G. John Mills Browne ............ D. C...... . 1880 ... S.G.I.G. 414 TABLEAU 1882 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            James C. Batchelor ............ La.      ....... 1859 ... Lt. G. C. William L. Mitchell ........... Ga. ....... 1870 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.        ...... 1861 ... Gr. Chan. Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa  ...... 1859 ... Gr. M. of State William M. Ireland ............ N. C....... 1882 ... Secy. Gen. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.    ....... 1859 ... Treas. Gen.


            Samuel M. Todd .............. La.          ....... 1868. . . Gr. Auditor Luke E. Barber ............... Ark.   ...... 1859. . . Gr. Almoner Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 ... Gr. Mareschal Martin Collins ............... Mo. ....... 1968... Gr. Cham. Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex.  ...... 1868 ... 1st. Gr. Eq. Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ... 2nd. Gr. Eq. O. S. Long .................. W. Va. .... 1876 ... Gr. St. Br. John L. Roper ................ Va.      .......     1880 ...           Gr. Sw. Br. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 ... Gr. Herald James S. Lawson .............. Calif....... 1876 . . . S.G.I.G. John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.    ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G. A. R. Morel ................. Tex. ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. Wilmot G. DeSaussure ......... S. C. ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla. ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1878 ... S.G.I.G. Michel E. Girard .............. La.    ....... 1879 ...   S.G.I.G. John Mills Browne ............ D. C....... 1880 ... S.G.I.G. Robert S. Innes .............. Minn. ..... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. Henry M. Teller .............. Colo....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. Charles F. Brown ............. Calif....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G.


            415 TABLEAU 1883 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            James C. Batchelor ............ La.      ....... 1859 . . . Lt. G. C.


            Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex.         ...... 1868 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.           ...... 1861 ...         Gr. Chan. Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ...  Gr. M. of State William M. Ireland ............ N. C....... 1882 ... Secy. Gen. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.           ....... 1859 ... Treas. Gen.


            Luke E. Barber ............... Ark.          ...... 1859 ... Gr. Almoner Samuel M. Todd .............. La.   ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans.      ..... 1868 ... Gr. Mareschal Martin Collins ............... Mo........ 1868 ... Gr. Cham. Odell S. Long ................ W. Va. .... 1876 ... 1st Gr. Eq. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 ... 2nd Gr. Eq. Wilmot G. DeSaussure .......... S. C. ...... 1876 ... Gr. St. Br.


            John L. Roper ................ Va.            ....... 1880 ... Gr. Sw. Br. Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1878 ... Gr. Herald Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa ...... 1859 . .. S.G.I.G. John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.     ....... 1870 ... S.G.I.G.


            A. R. Morel ................. Tex.   ...... 1876. . . S.G.I.G. James S. Lawson .............. Calif....... 1876. . . S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla. ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Michel E. Girard .............. La. ....... 1879 ... S.G.I.G. John M. Browne .............. D. C....... 1880 ... S.G.I.G. Robert S. Innes ............... Minn. ..... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. Henry M. Teller .............. Colo....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. Charles F. Brown ............. Calif....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. Buren R. Sherman ............ Iowa ...... 1883 ... S.G.I.G. James R. Hayden ............. Wash. Ter. . . 1883 ... S.G.I.G. Rocky P. Earhart ............. Oregon .... 1883 ... S.G.I.G.


            416 TABLEAU 1884 NAME STATE ADMITTED OFFICE         Albert Pike .................. Ark. ...... 1858 .            S.G.C.


                        James C. Batchelor ............ La. ....... 1859 .          Lt. G. C.


                        Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex. ...... 1868 .  Gr. Prior         Henry Buist .................. S. C. ...... 1861 .           Gr. Chan.


                        Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 .          G. M. of State            William M. Ireland ............ N. C....... 1882 .        Secy. Gen.


                        Frederick Webber ............. Ky. ....... 1859 .            Treas. Gen.


                        Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 .            Gr. Almoner   Samuel M. Todd .............. La. ....... 1868 .     Gr. Auditor     Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 .            Gr. Constable Martin Collins ............... Mo........ 1868 .       Gr. Cham.


                        Odell S. Long ................ W. Va. . .. . 1876 .            1st Gr. Eq.


                        John Q. A. Fellows ............ La. ....... 1870 .            2nd Gr. Eq.


                        Wilmot G. DeSaussure ......... S. C. ...... 1876 .      Gr. St. Br.


                        John L. Roper ............... Va. ....... 1880 .     Gr. Sw. Br.


                        Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1878 .   Gr. Herald      Theodore S. Parvin ............ Iowa ...... 1859 . S.G.I.G.


                        A. R. Morel ................. Tex........ 1876 .        S.G.I.G.


                        James S. Lawson .............. Calif....... 1876 .          S.G.I.G.


            DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla. ....... 1877 .           S.G.I.G.


            Michel E. Girard .............. La. ....... 1879 .   S.G.I.G.


                        John Mills Browne ............ D. C....... 1880 .            S.G.I.G.


                        Robert S. Innes ............... Minn. ..... 1882 . S.G.I.G.


                        Henry M. Teller .............. Colo....... 1882 .   S.G.I.G.


                        Charles F. Brown ............. Calif....... 1882 .            S.G.I.G.


                        Buren R. Sherman ............ Iowa ...... 1883 .           S.G.I.G.


                        James R. Hayden ............. Wash. Ter. .. 1883 .     S.G.I.G.


                        Rocky P. Earhart ............. Oregon .... 1883 .          S.G.I.G.


                        Eugene Grissom .............. N. C....... 1884 .            S.G.I.G.


            417 TABLEAU 1886 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            James C. Batchelor ............ La.      ....... 1859 ... Lt. G. C.


            Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex.         ...... 1868 ... Gr. Prior Henry Buist .................. S. C.           ...... 1861 ...         Gr. Chan.


            Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ...        G. M. of State Frederick Webber ............. Ky.       ....... 1859 ... Secy. Gen. John Mills Browne ............ D. C....... 1880 ... Treas. Gen. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 . . . Gr. Almoner Samuel M. Todd .............. La.    ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 ... Gr. Constable Martin Collins ................ Mo........ 1868 ... Gr. Cham.


            Odell S. Long ................ W. Va. .... 1876    ...         1st Gr. Eq.


            John Q. A. Fellows La. ....... 1870   ...         2nd Gr. Eq.


                        .............                       Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1878    ...         Gr. Herald T. S. Parvin .................. Iowa         ...... 1859 ... S.G.I.G. A. R. Morel ................. Tex. ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. James S. Lawson .............. Calif....... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla. ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Michel E. Girard ............. La. ....... 1879 ... S.G.I.G. Henry M. Teller .............. Colo. ...... 1882 . .. S.G.I.G. Charles F. Brown ............. Calif....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. Buren R. Sherman ............ Iowa ...... 1883 ... S.G.I.G. James R. Hayden ............. Wash. Ter. . . 1883 ... S.G.I.G.


            Rocky P. Earhart ............. Oregon ....          1883   ... S.G.I.G.


            Eugene Grissom .............. N. C.......            1884   ... S.G.I.G.


                        James D. Richardson .......... Tenn. .....       1885   ... S.G.I.G.


            Samuel E. Adams ............. Minn. .....          1886   ... S.G.I.G.


                        Rufus E. Fleming ............. Dakota ....          1886   ... S.G.I.G.


            418 TABLEAU 1888 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            James C. Batchelor ............ La.      ....... 1859 ... Lt. G. C.


            Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex.         ...... 1868 ... Gr. Prior Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ... Gr. Chan. Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 ...    Gr. M. of State Frederick Webber ............. Ky.      ....... 1859 ... Secy. Gen. John Mills Browne ............ D. C....... 1880 ... Treas. Gen. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 ... Gr. Almoner Samuel M. Todd .............. La.      ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Odell S. Long ................ W. Va. .. .. 1876 ... Gr. Con. Martin Collins ................ Mo........ 1868 ... Gr. Cham. John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.      ....... 1870 ...   1st Gr. Eq.


            Buren R. Sherman ............ Iowa      ...... 1883 ... 2nd Gr. Eq. Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1878 . . .            Gr. St. Br. Henry M. Teller .............. Colo....... 1882 ... Gr. Sw. Br.


                        Samuel E. Adams ............. Minn.    .....       1886   ... Gr. Herald T. S. Parvin ................... Iowa            ......      1859   ... S.G.I.G.


                        A. R. Morel ................. Tex.   ......      1876   ... S.G.I.G.


            James S. Lawson .............. Calif....... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla.           ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Michel E. Girard .............. La.    ....... 1879 ... S.G.I.G. Charles F. Brown ............. Calif....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. James R. Hayden ............. Wash. Ter. . . 1883 ... S.G.I.G. Rocky P. Earhart ............. Oregon .... 1883 ... S.G.I.G. Eugene Grissom .............. N. C....... 1884 ... S.G.I.G. James D. Richardson .......... Tenn. ..... 1885 ... S.G.I.G. Rufus E. Fleming ............. Dakota .... 1886 ... S.G.I.G. Adolphus L. Fitzgerald ......... Nevada .... 1886 ... S.G.I.G. John F. Mayer ............... Va. ....... 1880 ... S.G.I.G. Nathaniel Levine ..............         S. C.   ......            1888 ...           S.G.I.G. Richard J. Nunn .............. Ga. ....... 1888 ... S.G.I.G. George F. Moore ............. Ala........ 1888 ... S.G.I.G.


            419 TABLEAU 1890 NAME            STATE ADMITTED OFFICE Albert Pike .................. Ark.            ...... 1858 ... S.G.C.


            James C. Batchelor ............ La.      ....... 1859 ... Lt. G. C. Philip C. Tucker .............. Tex........ 1868 ... Gr. Prior Thomas H. Caswell ............ Calif....... 1870 ... Gr. Chan. Erasmus T. Carr .............. Kans....... 1868 . . . Gr. M. of S. Frederick Webber ............. Ky.         ....... 1859 ... Secy. Gen. John Mills Browne ............ D. C....... 1880 ... Treas. Gen. Robert C. Jordan ............. Nebr....... 1880 ... Gr. Almoner Samuel M. Todd .............. La.            ....... 1868 ... Gr. Auditor Odell S. Long ................ W. Va. .... 1876 ... Gr. Constable Martin Collins ................ Mo. ....... 1868 ... Gr. Cham.


            John Q. A. Fellows ............ La.        ....... 1870 ...   1st Gr. Eq.


            James R. Hayden ............. Wash.   ..... 1883 ... 2nd Gr. Eq. Buren R. Sherman ............. Iowa ...... 1883 ... Gr. St. Br. Gilmor Meredith .............. Md........ 1886 ... Gr. Sw. Br. Henry M. Teller .............. Colo....... 1882 ... Gr. Herald T. S. Parvin .................. Iowa ...... 1859 ... S.G.I.G.


            A. R. Morel .................. Tex.  ...... 1876 ... S.G.I.G. DeWitt C. Dawkins ............ Fla. ....... 1877 ... S.G.I.G. Charles F. Brown ............. Calif....... 1882 ... S.G.I.G. James D. Richardson .......... Tenn. ..... 1885 ... S.G.I.G. Samuel E. Adams ............. Minn.    ..... 1886 ... S.G.I.G. Rufus E. Fleming ............. N. Dak..... 1886 ... S.G.I.G. Adolphus L. Fitzgerald ......... Nevada .... 1886 ... S.G.I.G. John F. Mayer ............... Va. ....... 1888 ... S.G.I.G. Nathaniel Levine .............. S. C.       ...... 1888 ... S.G.I.G. Richard J. Nunn .............. Ga. ....... 1888 ... S.G.I.G. George F. Moore ............. Ala........ 1888 ... S.G.I.G. Harry R. Comly .............. Mont. ..... 1890 . . . S.G.I.G. Frank M. Foote ............... Wyoming ... 1890 ... S.G.I.G.


            420 APPENDIX II ~  xu        Crum tauti      ~.


            t 4 fte FROM the GRAND ORIENTof 'I ooaolt, in the Cittq of CHARLESTON, in the State of South Carolina, near the I3.‑. I3.‑. and under the C.‑. C.‑. of that Zenith, which answers unto 32 46' 33" North Latitude.


            i‑9 Tim SUPREME COUNCIL, (Mother‑Council of the World) of the Sovereigns, the Grand Inspectors General, Graud Elect Knights of the Holy House of the Temple of Solomon, Grand Commanders of the Holy Empire, of the 33d and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, whose See is at the Grand Orient aforesaid UNTO all our dearly and well‑beloved Brethren, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General Active and Honorary; Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret; Knights Kadosh, of Saint Andrew of Scotland. of the Sun and Rose Croix; Princes of Jerusalem; and Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Masons, in all our jurisdiction east and west of the River Mississippi, and between tl:e two Oceans a I5ty X71 ~7 'l2]       D 1;7 tV It is not, perhaps, known unto all of you that a body of Alen who are Master Masons, styling itself the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Missouri, and being the Governing Power, within the said State, of a certain modern American Order claiming to be Masonic, and which styles itself the Order of Knights Templar, and of which Order many of yourselves and of us are members, (lid, at its session of the year 1867, adopt as part of its Constitution or Statutes, the following Section of an Article‑that is to say "ARTICLE sl.


            `~ Sec. 5. All Knights Templar holding membership within this jurisdiction are hereby forbidden from holding any Templar communication with any Rite or so‑called Power, which claims the right to confer the Orders of Knighthood, or any part of them, within this jurisdiction, outside of the authority. of this Grand Commaudery ; and all Templar communication is hereby forbidden with any one receiving the Orders of Masonic Knighthood, or any part of them, within this Grand Templar jurisdiction, unless the parties so receiving them shall renounce the same, and recognize as Templars‑the Supremacy of this Grand body." And, at the same session, and to leave no doubt as to the intended application of the foregoing Section of its Statutes, the said body oú men, pretending to be Knights of the Temple, did adopt the following Resolution‑that is to say `( Resolved, That in vindication of the prerogatives of this Grand Body as the Supreme authority over the Orders of Masonic Knighthood in this jurisdiction, it is hereby, ordered that no Knight Templar holding allegiance to the Grand Commandery of Missouri, can be present in any of the Bodies of the said so‑called A. A. S. Rite, and witness or assist in the conferring of any of their degrees upon any one who has not already received the Orders of Knighthood in a regularly constituted Commandery of Knights Templar." Some of us, very dear Brethren, and a great number of our Inspectors‑General Honorary‑, Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, and others of other degrees, especially in the State of Louisiana, know nothing about "the Orders of Masonic Knighthood," given under the authority of the body which styles itself the Grand Commaudery of Knights Templar of the State of Missouri; and some of our Inspectors‑General Honorary, of the 33d degree, and many of our Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret are Israelites, and could not., as they are advised, be allowed to receive the said ' Orders of Masonic Knighthood" under that authority, or elsewhere. in, the United .States, on account of their religious faith: nor do our said Brethren who are Israelites recognise, nor are they in any way or manner bound to recognize the said "Order of Masonic Knighthood," or the Brethren of the same, as Knights of the Holy House of the Temple.


            Neither does the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, nor do we, anywhere center any of "The Orders of Masonic Knighthood," or what purport to be such, that are conferred Under the authority of the said body, claiming to be a Grand Commandery of Knights Templar; but only those Chivalric and other degrees which have belonged to. and been parts of the Rite of Perfection and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, 421 2 in succession, for more than a hundred years; and wbatsoever in the said pretended "Orders of Knighthood" and ours is the same, has been borrowed by the said American Order, without acknowledgement, from the Scottish Masonry; and the residue in no manner resembles anything contained in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, nor any degree of Free Masonry or Masonic Templarism anywhere else in the world; but is merely a modern and wholly American invention.


            The said Grand Commandery was and is a subordinate of, and under the jurisdiction and of the obedience of, the Grand Encapment of the United States, of the same Order, calling itself the Order of Knights Templar; and the Grand Master of that Order was, at the time when the said unmasonic enactments were made, and the present Grand Master of the same is, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33d. degree and member of the Supreme Council for the Northern jurisdiction of the United States, as also the two Grand Masters of the same Order who preceded them were Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General, and one of them was and is our Grand Chancellor and member of our Council of Administration.


            We hoped, and had right and reason to expect, that at the Session of the said Grand Encampment of the United States, at the City of St. Louis, in September last, that body would, of its own accord, have annulled the offensive action of the Grand Commandery of Missouri, and rebuked it for its declaration of hostilities against an established Rite of Free Masonry, which has its Supreme Councils and Subordinate Bodies, not here only, but in most of the States of South America, and several of the great nations of Europe; in none of which, except Great Britain, is the American Order aforesaid recognized as Masonic or its patents as of the least value.


            It ought not to have needed any protest on the part of our Supreme Council, then in session at St. l.ouis, addressed to the said Grand Encampment, against the ex!raordinary and indefensible action of the Grand Commandery of Missouri, to attract to it the attention of the Grand Encampment or move that body to prompt action in the premises; and undoubtedly it was not the part of the Supreme Council to forget its own dignity‑ and urge a body, at least not its superior nor of higher Masonic rank and dignity, to right a manifest wrong, correct an intemperate folly, and rebuke a great Masonic misdemeanor, committed by a subordinate.


            The Kadosh degree, which the Grand Cornmandery of Missouri forbids those of its obedience to receive, or to assist in conferring, and the right to confer which, it, with a singular effrontery, undertakes to deny to the Powers of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, is everywhere in the world conferred under the au thority of the hupreme Councils, as one of the degrees of that Rite, and has been one of its degrees, and so conferred, at all times, since the year 1801, without claim to the possession of the same, except in England, by any other Masonic Power, Body, or Rite whatever. The scale of the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has been for sixty‑eight years the same that it is now, and the first eighteen of its degrees, with seven of those above the eighteenth, ending with the present 32d as 25th, constituted the Rite of Perfection of twenty‑five degrees, of which the Kadosh was one, and those of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason were the first three; and that Rite had been worked as a regular and legitimate Rite of Free Masonry, and administered by its own Authorities and Powers, from, at least, the year 1760 until the year 1801 in Europe, and from the year 1767 in the American Colonies and the United States, and earlier in the West Indies.


            Whereas the American Templar Order borrowed the Degree of Red Cross Knight from those of the Knights of the East and Princes of Jerusalem, of the Rite of Perfection ; and that of Knights Templar, as practiced by it, was invented and arranged not more than seventy years ago, and is not recognized as legitimate on the Continent of Europe, nor anywhere in the world outside of the United States, except in Great Britain; and, as practiced there, was borrowed from France and the Scottish Masonry of France, about the year 1750, and conferred there afterwards for many years as the first and lowest of seven degrees, the highest of which was the Kadosh ; nor is there any evidence that the men who established in the United States the present Templar Order were really in possession of the degrees of Masonic Knights Templar, by having received it from any recognized or existing body of that Order anywhere in the world.


            We do not deny the legitimacy of the American Christian Order of Knights Templar, nor undervalue it, and still less make war upon it.        The inventors of its principal degree had a right to invent it, and to es stablish a system, if they could.       It is a great and numerous Order, that has existed long enough for its ori gin and the powers of its founders not to be inquired into.           Our scale of Honours has provided for the paying of honours by courtesy to those invested with its high dignities; and it was never imagined until lately and in Missouri, that there was any antagonism or rivalry between American Templarism and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.       Each is governed in accordance with its own Constitutionsand fundamental laws, and neither has any right to criticise the plan of government of the other.          It. is false to say that either dis closes any secrets of the other.       Each is entirely independent; and it was of the utmost insolence for the Grand Commander of that Order in Missouri to demand of Us that we should confer the degree of Perfectiou only on persons who had attained the Royal Arch degree; and that of Rose Croix only on those who had attained the degree of Knight Templar; thus to make our Rite the handmaid of the American Order, and its instrument to be used by it for the purpose of obtaining recruits.


            If the absurd and impertinent claim of a right to proscribe those of its obedience who may choose to receive elsewhere other degrees than it confers, and to denounce as unmasonic another Rite or Order, so intemperately put forward by the Grand Commandery oú Missouri, could be allowed and endured, we might, in turn, demand that no one should be permitted to receive the degree of Knight Templar in any Commandery in Missouri until he had first received of us the degree of Kadosh ; and we might forbid all of our obedience to receive the degree of Knight Templar, or to assist or be present at conferring it on any one, on the ground that we alone had jurisdiction overall the degrees, Ancient and Modern, of Knighthood. If we were to do so, the Grand Commandery of Missouri would have little respect for itself if it did not resent it as an impudent and arrogant aggression, without any shadow of right or semblance of reason.


            The American Order of Knights Templar may require of those who seek admission into its ranks the possession of such qualifications as it may please.         It does require each to be a Christian, and therefore is not Free Masonry, but a Christian Order.           But it cannot prescribe to any other Order or Rite or Masonic Power the qualifications that it shall require in those who apply for its mysteries.     That is an act of audacity and arrogance until these days unexampled.


            422 3 It cannot forbid its initiates to receive the degrees of another'Order, Masonic or Profane, or not to be present at the conferring of certain degrees, or at the conferring of them on persons not Templars.            This is the revival of obsolete follies, the mere wantonness of insolent usurpation.      If the ‑Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is a Masonic Rite, American Templarism can have no right to proscribe it or forbid its own members to receive its degrees.        If it is not Masonic, Templarism has nothing to do with it, more than with Odd‑Fellowship or the Order of Druids or Red Men.


            It alleges that we claim that the Kadosh are the only true Templars.       We do certainly claim to know that the Kadosh degree was used by the Knights of the Temple of Solomon in the time of their persecution, and after more than one lower degree now of our Rite had been used by them in succession, to continue and conceal their organization; but we do not claim that the bodies of the Military Order of Templars in Europe recognize the Kadosh as legitimate bodies of that Order. And we do also deny that the American Templars are really Templars, recognized as such, and do assert that their Order was not founded by and never was used by the real Knights of the Order; and that ou the Continent of Europe it is not in any manner recognized as an Order of Masonry.       They in turn do not recognize the Kadosh as Templars; of which we do not complain.


            The whole ground of the action of the Grand Commandery of Missouri seems unto us to be that we do not admit that American Templars are the real and genuine successors of the Ancient Knights; wherefore they claim the right to forbid their Knights to receive the degrees of any Order which claims to be what they certainly are not.        If they admitted that the Kadosh were really Templars, but denied our right to govern as the beads of the Order, one could understand how they could with logical consistency forbid their adherents to submit to a Templar authority antagonistic to theirs, and thus to transfer their allegiance.  But they neither admit the one nor deny the other.    They cannot deny our right to administer the Kadosla degree, which no Power disputes with us, nor has ever disputed since Supreme Councils were established.


            We neither know, nor inquire, nor care, whether one who asks for our degrees is a Knight Templar. It is neither a qualification nor a disqualification, neither a recommendation nor an objection. We do not require of a Templar Chat he should admit or believe that the Kadosh are the only real Templars, much less that the American Knights Templar are not really such.     We do not mention that Order.        From its the candidate does not learn that there is any such Order, any more than he bears of the Kadosh in the American Templar degree.           Our Grand Commander does not even know whether all the seven members of the Coun cil of Administration are Templars.          Much less, if less is possible., do we interfere with his allegiance to Templarism, if he is a Templar, or with his fulfilmont of his obligations there.    We ask no transfer of allegiance; we require no obligations in the least inconsistent with those he has assumed as a Templar; we impose on him no duties inconsistent or conflicting with his duties as such.     On the contrary, if lie did not fulfil those obligations and perform those duties, we should not deem him a worthy and true Kadosh.          If there were in reality any such inconsistency and conflict, it is surely an extraordinary thing that Templars like IIubbard, Palmer, Gardner, 9toore, Lewes, Mellen, Gill, Gould, Drummond, Barber, Guilbert, Parviu, Abell, Todd, Fellowes, O'Sullivan, Whiting, Penn, Scott, Fuller, and scores of others should never have discovered it.


            The late Grand Commander of the American Templars of Missouri, in his address to the Grand Comtnandery, during its session in' October last, spoke of" a certain so‑called Masonic Rite" which had dared ░░ to invade the territory" of the Grand Commandery by pl: sting what that Grand Commander said the Sovereign Grand Commander of this Supreme Council " prcsuloVd to call Consistories, having control of the Templar Orders." That officer includes between quotation‑marks the words ' control of the Templar Orders;" and thus plainly asserts that these words were used, and that clairu preferred by the Sovereign Grand Commander. No such words were ever used, and no such claim was ever preferred by him, nor did he ever use any words that could be understood by any one to prefer such a claim.         The purpose of the falsehood evidently was to create the belief that the Supreme Council claiined to control the same order and degrees as the Grand Commandery of Missouri; and the vagacuess of the language used was doubtless inteutional.


            No 1 Consistories" were established in Missouri; but only subordinate bodies, not higher than Chapters of Rose Croix. If Consistories had been established there, they would have been called so, not by presumphon on the part of the Sovereign Grind Commander, but because they have been called so for a hundred years. The words " dared" and "presumed" are exceedingly ridiculous as used in the address in question.        No insinuations were made by the Sovereign Grand Commander against the " legitimacy" of the Grand Commandery of Missouri, for it to "hurl back."            To deny that American Templarism is the real Order of the Temple, is simply to state an undeniable fact. A patent to any ene as an American Templar would be of as little use to the holder, if presented in Europe to a body of real Templars, or to any Masonic body on the Continent of Europe, as a diploma of au Odd‑Follow or Knight of Malta. But this is not to deny that the Order is a legitimate one, or that its authorities are not respectable.


            In the same address it is stated that upon the adoption by the Grand Commandery of its resolution, the Sovereign Grand Commander issued his circular containing "the private correspondence" oú himself and the Grand Commander.  The statement is not true; inasmuch as the correspondence was not private, but official, beginning with a proposal on the part of the Grand Commander that we should confer the degree of Perfection only on Royal Arch Masons, and that of Knight Rose Croix only on Templars. This conceded, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite would have met, as he gave assurance, with no opposition from the Grand Commander, but have secured his inestimable approval.


            The same address represents the Sovereign Grand Commander and "the leading members of his Rite" as having retired from the field of controversy, and abandoned any further active promulgation of the principles of the Rite.            This also is untrue.    Tne Sovereign Grand Commander declined any further controversy with the person who was Grand Commander of Templars of Missouri, because the latter having received, under the authority of this Supreme Council, the degrees of the said Rite, up to and including the 32d, had been tried, at Charleston, in May, A. D. 1868, by a tribunal of five Grand Inspectors General, all of whom were also Knights Templar, to wit, Ill.‑. Bros.‑. Thomas A. Cunningham, of Maryland; Alexander G. Abell, of 423 4 California; John H. Hone, of Kentucky; Richard J. Nunn, of Georgia; and Isaac R. Bateman, of Nevada; had made full defence before the said tribunal, in writing, was zealously defended by I11.% Bro.ò. Henry Buist, Treasurer General, and was convicted by the unanimous judgment of the Tribunal of falsely maligning the said Rite, and of wilful violation of his solemn obligations as a Kadosh ; upon which he was, by sentence of the same Tribunal, deprived of all his rights and privileges as a Mason of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. We are not likely to be greatly alarmed by the reproduction of the hundred errors and mis‑statements which Mr. Emanael Rebold copies as verities from Clavel and Ragon, without the change of a word, except where he intensifies the error or exaggerates the ntis‑statement, even repeating what be would have known to be false, if he had consulted Zimmerman's account of the illness of Frederic If, or any history of the reign of that monarch, that he was incapable of attention to any business in August 1788; and asserting again and again that the founders of the Supreme Council at Charleston were all Israelites; while his "History" of Freemasonry in three degrees, in England and Scotland, prior to the year 1700, is but a mass of fables.


            The address in question states that our Constitutions assume to control all Masonic degrees, " from Entered Apprentice to the 33d and last, as it is called."   It is the 33d slid last of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and they assume to control no degrees invented in America.     Especially this Supreme Council and this Rite have never assumed or pretended to control the American Chapter or Templar degrees, although the address alleges that " the Chief of the Council asserts his suprem=acy over the true Templar and Royal Arch degrees;" an averment which is utterly and absolutely false, if by the last words of the phrase are meant the American Chapter and Templar degrees; since one maybe Sovereign Grand Commander without possessing either of them; and they do not in the least degree resemble the Royal Arch of Enoch and the Kadosh degree of our Rite.       If the meaning of the sentence was that we hold that these degrees of our Rite are entitled to claim to he more ancient and authentic than the degrees called by the same names in American Chapter and Templar Masonry, the claim is easily proven to be well‑founded.


            The address also asserts that our Rituals traduce the solemnity and traditions of the Symbolic, Capitular and Templar degrees. Wherever they speak of either, they speak the simple truth. They say nothing of the traditions of the Capitular degrees, and the Templar degree has none.


            It asserts that this Supreme Council only ?naives its control over the symbolic degrees.        That is true. Everywhere else in the world, except in the British Isles, the Supreme Councils administer the Symbolic degrees and create Blue Lodges, as they always have done, and as the Rite of Perfection always did ; and Masons made under their authority are recognized as legitimate by the whole Masonic world.         There are fifty such lodges in France, created by the Supreme Council of France, and recognized as legitimate by the Grand Orient of France, one of the greatest Masonic Powers in the World.      The Supreme Council of the United States conceded to the Grand Lodges the exclusive control over the Blue degrees, at its origin in 1801, and has never violated the agreement it then made; but it does not admit that the Grantj Lodges could have deprived it of any of its powers, exercised by the governing bodies and the Inspectors‑General of the Scottish Masonry from the year 1758.


            The address declares that our Grand Constitutions have no validity.     They have been the law of the Rite since 1801, accepted as such by all who have received the degrees.       No one knows that they were not made when they purport to have been made, or that they were not sanctioned by Frederick the Great. Neither does any one know when or by whom the Ancient Regulations of Symbolic Masonry were made. Their validity and authority does not depend on that.


            The address also asserts that wherever our degrees flourish most, " there the pure system of Masonry and Commanderies languish." We cannot speak for the Northern Jurisdiction, but the assertion is untrue as to the Southern; and if it were true, it would but prove that Masons found more to admire in our degrees something in the nature of instruction, and the true explanations of the Symbols of Ancient Masonry.


            The author of the address ventures to state that ' every threat and every bribe" have been used to induce him to change his course. Charges were preferred against him, lie was cited to answer, was fairly tried by Masons of the highest character, and was ignominiously expelled, upon conviction of high Masonic crimes. We neither know nor believe that any threat was used to induce him b change his course.  Nor do we believe that any bribe was ever offered him:         No communication, direct or indirect, was ever made to him by the Sovereign Grand Commander, except what has been published.          It was reported, perhaps at year ago, in St. Louis, that he had been offered the 33d degree, by a person authorized by the Sovereign Grand Commander. By whomsoever the report was set on foot, it was a falsehood, without any shadow of foundation.     There never was a moment, after his correspondence with that officer, when he could have had his vote for the 38d degree.


            In the same address it is also stated that when the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite were conferred upon Master Masons at St. Joseph, in Missouri, " they were told that they were receiving the Chapter and Templar degrees thereby." The Prince of the Royal Secret, against whom this absurd charge is made, has been Grand Master of Masons of Missouri, and we have not deemed it necessary to call upou him to answer whether the charge is true.         To have given such an assurance would have been wilfully and deliberately to lie; and we have not thought proper to insult him by asking him whether he so dishonored himself.           If he had so assured those receiving the degrees, he would have been liable to expulsion; for the author of the address well knows that no such assurance was authorized to be given by any one in authority in the Order.


            The address also avers that its author had received many inquiries from Master Masons, whether they could not visit the Chapters and Commanderies of the Royal Arch and Templar degrees, by virtue of what 424 5 was told them when receiving the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.           We are not surprised at any assertion made by the author of the address; but we do distinctly affirm that it is utterly false to‑ allege that any such assurances are given in our Rituals, or that they contain a single sentence warranting any such expectation; and furthermore, in the Southern Jurisdiction at least, nothing of the sort is told the candidate in any degree of the Rite, nor do we in the least believe that it was ever told to any candidate anywhere. He is always distinctly told that we have nothing at all to do with the Chapter and Commandery degree*, and that he need only be a Master Mason in good standing.


            The bodies organized at St. Joseph were not " closed up" by the Grand Inspector General for Missouri, then Special Deputy for the State. He desired them to desist from conferring degrees until the meeting of the Supreme Council, because he had been informed, as he alleged, that they were admitting improper persons; and they afterwards surrendered their charters for personal reasons.


            The Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is almost the only Freemasonry known in all the South American Republics, in Spain, and Italy; and it and the French Rite, or Rit Moderns, in France, Portugal and Belgium.          In all these countries its authorities confer the three first degrees and create Blue Lodges.          There are Supreme Councils in those European States, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, in Brazil, the Argentine Confederation, Uruguay, Peru, Venezuela, New Grenada, and the West Indies.            Against this great Rite, with its immense multitude of Initiates, the Grand Commandery of the Modern Order of American Christian Knights Templar of Missouri declares war.          Having borrowed from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite two of its degrees, and condensed them into one, it now attempts to prevent that Rite from administering those degrees.


            This action on the part of a Subordinate body, not rebuked by the Supreme Power, might with reason be deemed to have become the act of that Supreme Power.     Remaining unrescinded, it makes feuds and quarrels inevitable.    If the precedent thus unfi, tunately set is followed by other Orders and Powers, Masonry must become the realm of confusion and and anarchy.   What have a handful of Masons in Missouri to do with a Rite of which most of them are utterly ignorant? Degrees, twenty‑two of which, besides the three Blue degrees, have been recognized as Masonic for more than a hundred years, are not to be deprived of that character by such a puff of wind.


            The Sovereign Grand Commander sometime since addressed a letter of advice on this subject to the III. % Brethren Martin Collins, 33d, Sov.‑. Gr.‑. Insp.% General and active member of the Supreme Council, and the Honorary Sov.% Gr.‑. Inspectors‑General for Missouri, in which fie said: The Grand Commandery of Missouri virtually forbids the Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General, Active and Honorary, for Missouri, to perform their duties and exercise their functions as such.           You, very dear Brethren, are in cm tempt of that encroaching body, if you acknowledge the authority of the Supreme Council.       If you confer our degrees, as you have a right to do, on those only who are Master Masons, ‑(and you have no right to require them to be more,) you are liable to excommunication, and are living in disobedience to the edicts of the Grand Commanderyò           If you ad here to it and obey it, you become unworthy Masons of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.       The Grand Corn. mandery has made it impossible for you to obey it and our laws at once.          Insulting and outraging the Supreme Council and the Rite of which it is the Supreme Power, the Grand Commandery makes its action yours, if you still bear alle. giance to it.


            '1 This wretched condition of affairs is not in anywise owing to the Supreme Council or to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.            They have done nothing to create this antagonism.          It is the mischievous work of the Grand Command ery of Missouri alone.          Inflated with vanity and pride, because of the great number of the Brotherhood of its Order, it has courted a collision and invited retaliation, and has placed you in a position where you are constrained to elect whether you will abandon, for the time, one Order or the other.    We appeal to the whole Masonic world to condemn this immensurable violation, not only of Masonic comity and deemcy, but of the rights and prerogatives of an independ. ent Rite of Free Masonry, and the laws and immemorial usages that regulate the relations of different Rites and Orders, as well us your own rights and the rights of all) of its obedience as Masons and Men.  For the authorities of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite to bear in silence and tamely submit to this insult, indignity and contumely, especially at the hands of a Subordinate Power of a Modern Order unknown to most of the world, would be to abandon their Rite, and to confess that they administered its degrees and governed it without lawful warrant.            For Free Masonry at large to suffer it would be suicidal." The Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States is constrained to approve and confirm these expressions of opinions and advice of the Sovereign Grand Commander, and, as to Masons of the 33d degree in Missouri, to make them mandatory. It is grieved that this issue is forced upon it; it has delayed, on account of that reluctance, to do what it might prol.erly have (lone long ago, and from which it cannot longer abstain.


            We do, therefore, advise our Active and Honorary Grand Inspectors General, of the State of Missouri, that it is their duty immediately to elect whether they will continue to hold their dignities and rank as Masons of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, or whether they will continue to be parties to and responsible for the action aforesaid of the Grand Commandery of the American Templars of Missouri. If any endeavor to escape from this dilemma, and to hold office in both Orders, or if they remain simply inactive, they will not be able to escape the imputation of disloyalty to one or the other.    It cannot be permitted that a member of the Supreme Council, Active or Honorary, shall continue to hold office in, or to sit in, or to obey, a body of an Order, which defames the Ancient and Accepted Rite and the Supreme Council and themselves, and demands that they shall refrain from exercising their lawful powers, and admit themselves to be false pretenders and shameless usurpers.


            Governed by malign influences, the Grand Commandery of Missouri has declared open war against the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and united in a crusade against it, long since inaugurated by temporal 425 8 and spiritual Powers in Europe.   Not content with its own prosperity, and with the general recognition of its claims to be regarded as a Masonic Order; not content with the harmony that reigned everywhere between itself and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, that body has put all of our obedience who have been of its jurisdiction, out of the pale of its allegiance, if they retain their allegiance to the Rite which it assails with epithets, invectives, falsehoods and hostile legislation.


            If evil should come of this, and scandal and disturbance in Free Masonry, we and you, Brethren of Mis_ souri, will have been innocent of blame, and in no degree responsible for the consequences. If the Grand Commatidery should undertake to condemn and punish you, it will but bring its own Order to shame.            The days of Masonic intolerance are passed, or, at least, the days of its success and efficacy.            Never before has a new Rite or Order undertaken to proscribe an older one, from which it had pilfered degrees.         That has been reserved for an Order, one of whose Grand Commanderies (that of New York) received its charter from an illegitimate Supreme Council of the 33d degree, established by Joseph Cernesu, in the city of New York; for an Order whose adherents are not ashamed to pretend that its degrees are a part of the York Rite of Ancient Free Masonry; whose founders in New England cannot be shown to have been Templars regularly made anywhere, and the whole Ritual of whose last degree was invented by them, because not being in the possession of the degree of Masonic Templar, as it was conferred anywhere in the world, they knew neither the English nor Irish Ritual; one or the other of which was known to the persons, supposed to have been Irishmen who established in Pennsylvania the firstbody (fated to be short lived) of Masonic Templars in the United States.    This Order, one of the most recent Orders claiming to be Masonic, with a singular hardihood vituperates the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite as modern and unmasonic; while its leader in Missouri, " glorying" in having been expelled from our Order for falsehood, libel, and violation of solemn oaths voluntarily assumed, denounces our organic law and system of kovernment, with which his Order has no concern, and idly endeavors thus to create dissatisfaction among the loyal Brethren of our Rite, not only here, but, if his feeble voice could be heard acress the ceean, amwig the great Brotherhood in other lands The Grand Commandery of Missouri has made the libels of the Grand Commander its own, by publishing them, without reproof or comment,'in its proceedings.


            We might with reason hold all the Brotherhood of Templars of the United States responsible for the intemperate action of the Grand Commandery of Missouri, which the whole of that Brotherhood ought to regret, and thereat to be shamed.   The Grand Encampment of the United States has no reason to be prord of the position in which it placed itself by tacitly consenting to and ratifying that discreditable action.    We might, without being censured as hasty or precipitate, or as doing that which no wrong done to us justifies, here and now declare that. all, of any degree, who are of our obedience, and who, by their presence ill bodies of the the Templar Order in Missouri, acknowledge the mandates of the Grand Commandery of that State as an_ thoritative, are disloyal to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, give aid and comfort to its open and avowed enemy, the Templar Order in Missouri, and make their own the whole aggressive action of the Grand Commandery of that State, and all the libels which that body has adopted as its own and published to the world.  For no mail, say the Holy Scriptures, can serve two masters.


            If we were to do so, and even to resort to more stringent measures, we sbould confidently expect to be fully justified by the whole Masonic world, and we should surely be conscious that we had not acted hastily nor without due consideration and abundant deliberation.


            But we have not studied in vain the lessons of charity, patience and forbearance taught by Free Masonry as well as by the books of the holy scriptures. We deem it more consistent with our duties as Masons, having reclaimed the allegiance of the Members of the Supreme Council, to appeal to the common sense of the Brethren of the Templar Order, to the Royal Arch Masons and Masons of the Blue Lodges of the United States, to censure and condemn the foolish and indefensible action of the Grand Commmandery of Missouri. It seems to us wiser and better, for the present, to invoice the calm and dispassionate action of the governing bodies of the different Orders of American Free‑Masonry, upon the relations of comity and courtesy that ought to be defined by Statutes agreed to by all; and to submit it to those Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General of our sister Jurisdiction who are also high Dignitaries and Ex‑Dignitaries of the Grand Encampment of the C7nited States, whether it is not remissness in the performance of duty, in them, by silence to aquiesce in and, as it were, approve the censurable and disreputable action of the Grand Commandery of Missouri.


            As it is not consistent with self‑respect that we should autiiorize honors to be paid to the Dignitaries of an Order which declares war against the Ancient and Accepted Rite, we do hereby suspend, for the time being, so much of the Ritual of our Order as provides for honors to be paid to those who hold or have held office in the Order of American Templarism: and this done and decreed, we leave all our Brethen, except the Members Active and,Honotary of our Supreme Council, free to take such course, in view of the conflicting demands upon them, as their own sense of duty and fitness may suggest. Each has the right to abandon the Ancient and Accepted Rite, if he pleases, under such ueecssity a3 is sought to be imposed in Missouri, by the Grand Commandery of that State.        Each is free to choose for himself.  If we should ever declare tbat each must do so, we should not create the necessity, but only determine that it existed; and it would not be for mg to regret that necessity.  To restore Masonic harmony it would only be necessary for others to cease to disturb it.


            And we do also make known onto the Brethren who are Master Masons only, in Missouri, that to obtain the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, it is not necessary to possess tho:3e of the Chapter and Commandery : and we do earnestly enjoin upon our Active and Honorary Members in that State to proceed zeal_ oubly and without delay to propagate our Rite therein, permitting no adversary to binder and impede the good work.


            426 7 In testimony of all whereof the Sovereign Grand Commander and other Dignitaries composing the Council of Administration of our Supreme Council, do hereunto set their hands and canse the Great Seal of the Supreme Council to be affixed by the Secretary General, at the Grand Orient aforesaid, this twenty‑first day of the Hebrew month     ~l'DR   A.‑. M.‑. 5629, answering unto the thirtieth day of June, 1869, V.‑. E.‑.


            ALBERT PIKE, 33d, Sor.‑. Gr.‑. Comma.


            WILLIAMS. ROCKWELL, 33d, Lieut.‑. Qr.:. Comma.


            ALBERT G. MACKEY, $3d, See.‑. Gen.‑. H.ò. E‑.


            BENJAMIN B. FRENCH, 33d, Gr.‑. Chancellor, H.‑. E.‑.


            HENRY BUST, '33d, Peas.% Gen.% H.ò. E.‑.


            GILES M. HILLYER, 33d, Gr.‑. Mina. of State, H.‑. E.‑.


            APPENDIX III sAiis ‑at Orightig RON THE GRAYD DRIEYT of 'rfposo,~ at      in the Mate of ROUW1+ C*1IL01‑axA, near tlae .9'.'. ‑T.‑. and under the C'.'. G'.'. of that Zenith wkiclt answers unto 32' W 3,'' .lJ. . 2atitude; and 1FRDN THE GRAY' '            DRI E1 T of 'woso, at nasw*w, in the Mate of MANSAIGNUUSlE            o* near the 2.'. 9.i.'. and under the G'.'. G'.'. of that Zenith which answers unto 42 20 .N. ‑. 2'atitude.


            THE SUPREME COUNCIL. (Mother Council of the World) of the Sovereigns, the Grand Inspectors‑General, Grand Elect Knights of the Holy House of the Temple, Grand Commanders of the Holy Empire, of the 33d and last degree of the ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, whose See is at the Grand Orient first aforesaid ; assembled and sitting on the first day of the Hebrew month 11`x, A.'. M.'. 5630, answering Unto the second day of May, 1870, v.'. E.'.         And THE SUPREME COUNCIL of the Sovereigns, the Grand Inspectors‑General, Grand Elect Knights of the Holy House of the Temple, Grand Commanders of the Holy Empire, of the 33d and last degree of the ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE of FREEMASONRY, for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States, whose See is at the Grand Orient last aforesaid ; assembled and sitting on the 16th day of the Hebrew month j1~M, A.'. M.'. 5630, answering unto the fifteenth day of June, 1870, v.'. F.'.


            To the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commanders, the Puissant Lieutenant Grand Commanders, and the Illustrious Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General, Grand Elect Knights of the Holy House of the Temple, Grand Commanders of the Holy Empire, of the 33d and last degree of the ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE of FREEMASONRY: Pour la France et ses D6pendances, au Gr.'. Or.'. de Paris; For England and Wales, and the Dependencies of the British Crown, at the Gr.'. Or.'. of London ; For Ireland, at the Gr.'. Or.'. of Dublin ; For Scotland, at the Gr.'. Or.'. of Edinburgh ; Pour la Belge, an Gr.'. Or.'. de Bruxelles ; Junto ao Gr.'. Or.'. Lusitano Unido, ao Gr.'. Or.'. de Lisboa ; E Gran Loggia Cristoforo Colombo, al Gr.'. Or.'. de Torino ; Del Peru, al Gr.'. Or.‑. de Lima ; De la Republica de Nueva Granada, al Gr.'. Or.'. de Cartajena ; De la Republica de Venezuela, al Gr.'. Or.'. de Caracas ; Do Brasil, ao Valle do Lavradio, Gr.'. Or.'. de Rio Janeiro ; De la Republica de Uruguay, al Gr.'. Or.'. de Monte Video; Para la Republica Argentina, al Gr.'. Or.'. de Buenos Ayres.


            .nl~zv ‑ntv z1V We, the M.'. P.'. Sovereign Grand Commanders, and P.‑. Lieutenant Grand Commanders, and the Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General of the Supreme Councils for the Southern and Northern Jurisdictions of the United States, have, in full session of each of the same, determined and resolved to address unto each of you the following LETTER OF DENUNCIATION AND APPEAL.


            for which we do fraternally invite your careful consideration, and thereunto request your response.


            It is known unto all the Masonic World that the Supreme Council, having its See at Charleston, was established 429 on the 31st day of May, 1801, for the whole of North America, and that from it, mediately or immediately, all the legitimate Supreme Councils in the world have derived their existence. In the year 1815 the said Supreme Council ratified tke creation, by one of its members, of the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States, having its See at New York, whence it afterwards removed to Boston, where it now has its GRAND ORIENT, having jurisdiction over the Northern States.


            In the year 1839 a body, claiming to be a Supreme Council for the State of Louisiana, was unlawfully established at New Orleans, and continued to exist until the 17th day of February, 1855, when, by a concordat on that day effected, it submitted to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, as the Supreme Authority of the Rite in all that Jurisdiction, including the State of Louisiana, and its members became members of the Grand Consistory of Louisiana, under the obedience of the Supreme Council at Charleston ; and two of them afterwards became Members of that Supreme Council.


            After the surrender of its powers by the body claiming to be a Supreme Council for the State of Louisiana, JACQUES FOULHOUZE, once a member of that body, but who had retired from it before the effecting of the said concordat, associated with himself two or three others, who claimed to be 33ds, and set up a body, which he styled ''THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE 3`1D DEGREE FOR THE FREE, SOVEREIGN, AND INDEPENDENT STATE OF LOUISIANA." That State had always been within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction; the necessary consequence of which was, that the body so established was Hot only illegal and illegitimate, but spurious. MONS. JACQUES FOULHOUZE received his 33d degree from the GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE, which then was and still is in alliance with both our Supreme Councils, our III. % l1ro.'. ALBERT G. MACKEY, See. % Gen:. H.‑. E.'. being its Grand Representative and Garant d'amitie near that for the Southern Jurisdiction.            Consequently, on the 4th of August, 1858, the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE; having, on the first day of June, 1858, re‑affirmed the ancient treaty of alliance between itself and the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction. and appointed the Ill.. Bro.‑. ALBERT G. MACKEY, 33d, its Garant d'amitie near that body, and received as its Garant d'amitie the Ill.'. Bro.‑. F. BEUGNOT, 33d, this, its action, was communicated by the III:. Bro.'. REYES, 33d, Grand Officer of Honor, charged with the correspondence to the Ill.. Bro.'. SAMORY, on the 7th of June, 1858, with the declaration that the GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE: implicitly acquiesced in the concordat between the body claiming to be a Supreme Council for Louisiana and the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction.   And the same officer, advising the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, on the first day of June, 1858, of the same action, declared it to be the most explicit and most full recognition of the authority and character of that body ; and assured it that it would always find in the GRAND ORIENT the manifestations of the most ardent friendship and the highest esteem.


            And, on the 4th of August, 1858, a copy of the decree, establishing relations of amity between the GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE and the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, was transmitted by the same officer to M. JACQUES FOULHOUZE, with the information that it was an implied recognition of the said concordat, and of the Supreme Council at Charleston " as the Supreme constituent and administrative authority of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States ;" a recognition expressly made by the decision of the GRAND COLLEGE OF RITES, inscribed in divers official documents, and most particularly in the Book of Gold.


            And the said JACQUES FOULHOUZE was thereby informed that the Grand College of Rites had ordered this communication to be made to him, expecting his obedience, because he held his :33d degree from the GRAND COLLEGE OF RITES, and bad sworn to it obedience and fidelity.


            By order of the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE, its Grand Officer of Honor, charged with the correspondence, then said to M. JACQUES FOULHOUZE, predecessor of M. EUGENE CHASSAIGNAC, "The GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE has been grieved to learn that you have undertaken, of your own proper authority, to make yourself the centre of a new Masonic power. This attempt, which can have no other result than to weaken the respect due to the principle of authority, and to produce disquiet and trouble in the minds of Masons of all obediences, and particularly of those under the Supreme Council of Charleston, has also, for immediate consequence, to discredit Masonry with the profane world. by the spectacle which it presents of strifes and intestine dissensions essentially fatal to its teachings; hence they are in formal opposition to its doctrines.


            `The Grand ORIENT OF FRANCE is constrained to censure your conduct.     It is confident that it need only remind you of the Masonic law which you have sworn to observe, and that you will cease to follow a path full of danger and ambushes, which the enemies of our Order are most happy to see you fall into.            Consequently, it requires you immediately to dissolve any association which you may have formed, and to advise every one who may be a member of it of his condition of irregularity, which closes against hint the doors of all our Temples ; and to reenter, as soon as possible, into the bosom of the only power that can legally exist for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States ; in nowise doubting that your Masonic loyalty will cause you at once to assent to these just commands.


            " But if it should Hot be so, Ill.. Brother ; if with culpable obstinacy you should persevere in the course of conduct. that you have for some time followed, the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE will find itself compelled publicly to condemn your disobedience, and to inform all the Masonic Powers of the globe of your divestiture, sure in advance of finding in the opinion of all the Masons of the two hemispheres a complete approval.


            " In the hope, Ill.‑. Bro.‑., that a prompt response to the present communication will bring us assurance of a 430 3 genuine repentance, and a formal renunciation of pretensions so evidently contrary to Masonic law and the general interests of the Order, we address to you our fraternal salutations." This communication was responded to with insults by M. FOULHOUZE, on the 1st of October, 1858 ; and, upon receipt of the reply, the GRAND ORIENT formally deprived M. FULHOUZE of his rank of Inspector‑General, and of all its rights privileges and prerogatives. This it did on the 4tb of February, 1859, decreeing that he was " guilty of a flagrant violation of his engagements to the GRAND ORIENT, and which involved a forfeiture of honor." Wherefore, it unanimously decided that his name should be erased from its Book of Gold, and decreed his patent of Inspector‑General to be null and of no effect.     This decree was published in the Bulletin of the GRAND ORIENT for February, 1858.


            That you may not doubt as to these facts, we annex to this balustre copies of the decrees and communications of which we have spoken, and we earnestly invite for them your careful examination.


            Notwithstanding this complete condemnation of the said spurious Supreme Council, and the expulsion of its pretended Grand Commander (M. FOULHOUZE) by the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE, he persisted in maintaining the organization, and it continued to have a precarious existence, under his presidency and that of M. EUGENE CHASSAIGNAC, for ten years, without being recognized by a single lawful Masonic Power in the world, but being denounced as spurious by both our Supreme Councils and every other regular Masonic body to which its existence was known.


            From the beginning this illegitimate body at New Orleans has violated the Masonic Common Law of the United States, by establishing and chartering Lodges of Master Masons within the jurisdiction of the M.‑. W.‑. Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, and was, therefore, denounced by that Sovereign Body ; and all the Temples of Symbolic Masonry in the United States were closed against all who, pretending to be Master Masons, were members of the illegitimate Lodges created by the said spurious Supreme Council.


            These, M.‑. P.‑. Sovereign Grand Commanders, P.‑. Lieutenant Grand Commanders, Sovereign Grand InspectorsGeneral, Princes, Knights, and Brethren, are all facts of history which no one can dispute.


            The two legitimate Supreme Councils, for the Northern and Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, have always accepted and recognized, as the Organic and Supreme Law of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Grand Constitutions and Secret Institutes, purporting to have been made in the year 1786 ; by which no more than two Supreme Councils could be established in the United States. Whether these are or are not recognized by you is not important, for the reason that when the Supreme Council at Charleston was established, in the year 1801, it styled itself the Supreme Council of the United States, within whose limits no other Supreme Council then, or until 1813, existed ; that so soon as Louisiana was acquired from France and became part of the‑United States, the same became a part of the jurisdiction of the said Supreme Council, and it did, immediately thereafter, in fact, occupy the same, by its Deputy and Legate, Ill.. Bro.‑. J. B. M. DELAHOGUE, sent by it to New Orleans to organize bodies of the Rite.


            The Supreme Council for the United States was, in 1801, the only Supreme Council in the world.    It had the right to define its own jurisdiction. It did so, and there was no power in the world to contest its right.            When it created the Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, and itself became the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, we, those Councils, claimed, and we have ever since exercised jurisdiction over the whole United States.          If any foreign Supreme Council recognizes as legitimate a pretended Supreme Council established in one of our States, it violates the Masonic Common Law, shakes the authority of every Supreme Council in the world, invites the establishment of rival bodies in France, for us in our turn to recognize ; and presents itself in the humiliating attitude of having unfairly stabbed an ally and shown itself treacherous, and dishonest and disloyal, as well as volatile, fickle and frivolous.


            A Supreme Council established in a nation, whether in an Empire, a Kingdom, or a Republic, has jurisdiction coextensive with the limits of such country, if, when it is established, no other Supreme Council has obtained jurisdiction there.       This is the Common Law of Freemasonry‑a law dictated and established by necessity ; because, if it were not so, there could be no peace but continuous dissension ; and trespasses, complaints and recriminations would rend Masonry as wolves rend a carcass, and bring the Order into shame and contempt.


            The GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE well knew, for it had so decided in a sane interval, in 1858, that an Inspector‑General created by itself could exercise no powers within the jurisdiction of another Supreme Council. It knew that the CHASSAIGNAC body was created by the sole authority of M. JACQUES FOULHOUZE, whom it had denuded of his privileges as an Inspector‑General, for ",forfeiture d'honneur," in establishing it.           And yet, without any new light upon the subject, without any reconsideration or reexamination, without restoring M. FOULHOUZE, and while in alliance with us, it recognized this spurious organization as a lawful Supreme Council.


            If a Supreme Council for the State of Louisiana can be established and recognized by the Masonic Powers of the world, so also can one be established in every one of the States, if not in every one of the Territories of the United States. These bodies, so numerous, and with constituencies so small, would at once cease to be of any importance, or entitled to the respect of the great Masonic Powers, and would fall into merited contempt‑while the 33d degree would become as common and as purchasable as the degree of Master Mason‑for there are now thirty‑seven States of the United States.


            431 Nevertheless, incredible as it may seem, and involving "forfaiture d'honneur," the same GRAND ORIENT did, on the fifth day of November, 1868, recognize and acknowledge the said unsanctioned, uuchartered, illegitimate and spurious association of Masons, expelled by a regular Grand Lodge, as a regular, legitimate and lawful Supreme Council, of the 33d degree, for Louisiana‑as its own peer and equal, and the peer and equal of each of the Supreme Bodies which you compose.


            The Sov.‑. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction said, addressing his Supreme Council, in April, 1866, and we here repeat, that "if the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE would entertain more moderate ideas of its rank among its peers, and condescend to examine and inquire, before deciding, it would save itself the mortification of committing errors so gross, and offences against propriety so inexcusable. as the recognition of illegitimate bodies within a friendly Jurisdiction, already occupied by Powers well known to itself, and recognized by it, and whose alliance honors it as much as its alliance honors them." In the month of March, of the year 1869, the Sovereign Grand Commanders of our Supreme Councils addressed to the Most III:. Grand Master MELLINET, and to the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE, the Letter of Remonstrance, a copy whereof is annexed unto this letter, setting forth with sufficient particularity the historical facts which we have here stated, and remonstrating against the recognition by the GRAND ORIENT of the spurious body in New Orleans, as an assumption of superiority which we should not tolerate‑an act of grave discourtesy to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, and an open act of hostility against it, warranting and justifying an immediate suspension of correspondence.


            This letter was received on the 28th of April, 1869, and on the same day the M.. Ill.‑. Grand Master directed the officer charged with the correspondence to acknowledge receipt of it, and return his thanks ; and our Sov.‑. Gr.‑. Commanders were advised that the observations made by them had received the most fraternal welcome, and would be the object of a serious examination. And in the meantime assurance was given that the M.‑. Ill.. Grand Master, in recognizing the body at New Orleans, was not actuated by any hostile feeling towards us, but by regard for the general good of the Order in the two Hemispheres. We annex also a copy of this letter.


            On the fifth of July, 1869, the GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE was informed that the GRAND LODGE OF SYMBOLIC MASONRY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK bad suspended its communications with the GRAND ORIENT, and closed its Lodges against Masons its obedience. The Brother DE SAINT JEAN, President of the Council of the Order, explained the difficulty, by stating that it arose from the resolution taken by the Bro.‑. CHASSAIGNAC to admit in his Lodges and other bodies men of all religions; nationalities and races, and that this alone had brought him into conflict with most of the great Masonic Powers of America.            The letter of our Sovereign Grand Commanders had then been in the hands of the Grand Master MELLINET more than two months, for him to study, " and recommended to all his solicitude ;" in which not one word was said in regard to the admission by M. CHASSAIGNAC of negroes into his spurious Lodges and other bodies ; but his so‑called Supreme Council was alleged to be spurious upon the sole ground that it could not lawfully exist within the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, and that M. JACQUES FOULHOUZE had no powers as a Sov.‑. Grand Inspector within that Jurisdiction.


            And the action of the Grand Lodge of New York was based on the sole ground that M. CHASSAIGNAC'S pretended Supreme Council, if regular and lawful, could not govern the Blue Degrees, nor create Symbolic Lodges, nor make Masons within the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana.


            But, on the 8th day of July, in General Assembly of the GRAND ORIENT, the same matter being discussed, all these grounds were most carefully kept from coming to the knowledge of the brethren of the GRAND ORIENT, the protest of our Supreme Councils not being mentioned, but both being charged with " irritation," arising either from the recognition by the GRAND ORIENT of the said spurious body or from its declaration that the negro race could ask and obtain initiation.


            And the GRAND ORIENT then, by unanimous vote, and amid prolonged plaudits, adopted a declaration that Humanity and Masonry were outraged when color, race or religion sufficed to exclude profanes from initiation, and requested the Grand Master to communicate this declaration to all foreign bodies, and give them to know that the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE did then and thenceforward sever its relations with every Masonic Power which should not yield its adherence to this declaration.


            The GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE is not, upon any ground, entitled to enact laws for and dictate to other Masonic Powers ; neither on the ground of the greater eminence of its members, nor of superior intelligence, nor of services to the cause of Masonry ; for it has added nothing to its philosophy, nor illustrated its history, nor improved its ceremonial.


            It is for each of the other Masonic Powers to say for itself whether it will submit to the audacious insolence of such an attempt at dictation.  We not only shall not, but we accept the alternative, and repel the insulting claim of superiority.


            The M.‑. Illustrious Grand Master has had a year during which to "study with solicitude" the plain questions presented to him. The Grand Lodges of many of the United States have already severed their relations with the GRAND ORIENT, and we, without anger which we might justly feel, have determined that a just self‑respect will not permit us longer to delay the performance of an act of duty made inevitable by the aggressions of the GRAND ORIENT itself.


            We, the said Supreme Councils, do therefore decree as follows, that is to say 1st. For its unlawful aggression upon the jurisdictional right of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, all relations of amity and alliance between us and the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE are severed, and all communication between each of us and it will cease.


            432 2d. For its recognition of an unlawful, illegitimate and spurious body of expelled Masons, as a lawful Supreme Council of the 33d degree, its peer and equal, we do no longer recognize the GRAND ORIENT‑oF FRANCE as within the pale of Masonry, but hold it, and all bodies and individual Masons under its jurisdiction, as infected by the same taint of illegality, and as unlawfully communicating with clandestine and irregular Masons.


            3d. We do henceforward recognize the Supreme Council of the 33d degree, for France and its Dependencies, over which the Ill.*. Bro.‑. CREMIEUX presides, and of which the Ill.'. Bro.‑. VICOMPTE DE LA JONQUIERE is SecretaryGeneral, as the sole legitimate Supreme Power of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in France and for its Dependencies.


            4th. All of our Lodges of Perfection, Councils, Chapters and Consistories, and our Sanctuaries of every degree, are inexorably closed against all Masons of the obedience of the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE ; and all Masons of our obedience are forbidden to visit any bodies of that obedience, or to recognize as Masons any who acknowledge the supremacy of the GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE.


            5th. This suspension of amicable relations will continue until all claim of right on the part of the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE to consider the pretences to legality of bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite within our respective jurisdictions are disavowed, and sufficient guarantees are obtained against the disturbance by it of the Masonic peace of the United States.


            6th. In respect to the qualifications of profanes seeking initiation, no other Masonic Power will be permitted to dictate to us what laws we shall enact or what customs and usages follow.


            We do not admit the claim of the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE, which permits an Emperor to nominate profanes to be its Grand Masters, and has always made indecorous haste to submit to the ruling political power of France, and burn its incense at the foot of the throne of Bourbons and Bonapartes alike, to be regarded as the peculiar defender of the holy creed of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.    Its ambition is to be acknowledged as the superior of all other powers in Masonry.         Its pretences to this superiority are inadmissible and offensive. Nor has it ever distinguished itself, as the SUPREME COUNCIL of FRANCE has done, by bold declaration of its independence of the throne.


            It is for you, Most Puissant and Illustrious Brethren, as much as for ourselves, that we resent and repel the arrogant assumptions and encroachments of the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE. If you do not snake common cause with us in this resistance none will come to your aid when that conceited Power establishes, by its emissaries, fraudulent and base‑born Supreme Councils within your jurisdictions, and with insult and contumely asserts its superior dignity and superior holi ness, as the apostle of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.       If you permit its encroachments upon our jurisdiction to ripen into precedents, you will have no sympathy when it shall invade your territory, claiming to be the College of Cardinals of Freemasonry, armed with the power of excommunication.


            If it can be permitted to recognize spurious bodies in our jurisdiction it can recognize and even create them in yours. JACQUES FOULHOUZE, founder of the CHASSAIGNAC ASSOCIATION, was one of its Inspectors‑General, created such in violation of the obligations of courtesy and good neighborhood, because he was, when created, domiciled within the jurisdiction of our Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, and only a temporary visitor in France.


            We shall find ourselves compelled to withdraw our representatives from all Masonic Powers that may sustain the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE in this controversy.. We do not look abroad for assistance or countenance. We only desire to know whether we are to conduct alone this war against an arrogant usurpation and an offensive assertion of superiority. This great free country is not a Department or a Province of France, nor are we in any sense the inferiors of the GRAND ORIENT of FRANCE. Other Powers may have to look to us for protection: we do not need to look to any for aid.


            We request you, very dear brethren, to communicate to us, at your earliest convenience, your conclusions and determinations upon these matters.


            And may our Father who is in Heaven have you in His holy keeping.


            THUS DECREED AND ENACTED in open Council, by unanimous vote of each, at the respective dates aforesaid.


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            ILL.'. BRO.'. SAMUEL M. TODD, 33 The following articles, submitted by the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander to the Sup.'. Council at its session in May last, were referred by it to the Committee on Jurisprudence and Legislation, which has not yet taken them into consideration, and cannot report them for action until May, 1876.


            But the Congress of the Supreme Councils is to convene at Lausanne in Switzerland on the first Monday of September, 1875, and it is therefore necessary that they should be acted on and settled in time to be transmitted to Lausanne so as to be considered there, if it is advisable for our Supreme Council to make any suggestions at all.


            The Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander therefore directs that they be submitted to the members of the Supreme Council, and that each be requested carefully to consider them, and to return his vote on each provision by the first day of March next, to the Secretary General, voting "Aye" or "Nay" on each, on the sheet herewith transmitted, or "Aye" or "Nay" with such modifications as to him may seem proper: upon the receipt of which votes the Articles will be made to assume such shape as the opinions of the majority may be found to have advised and determined.


            And you are also requested to vote upon the questions whether our Supreme Council shall be represented in the said Congress; and whether the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander shall select and appoint Delegates to represent our Supreme Council therein.


            By order of the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander.


            .Sec'.` H.'. E.'.




ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION BETWEEN The Several Supreme Councils of the 33d Degree, of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, that shall agree to the same as they may be finally settled.




            WHEREAS the interest and well‑being of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry require that there shall be a more intimate unity of ideas and cooperation in action between at least the great Powers of the Rite; that the leading principles of a Code of inter‑conciliar law shall be settled; and that some mode shall be provided for the satisfactory resolution of questions of legitimacy and the settlement of feuds and schisms between bodies claiming against each other supremacy in the same Jurisdiction, therefore the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States submits the following Articles of Confederation to its Sister Councils, proposing that such of them as may be approved by the Congress of Lausanne, shall be submitted to each Supreme Council, and have perpetual force between the Supreme Councils that may become parties to the same; that is to say: ARTICLE I.


            The Supreme Councils consenting hereunto shall constitute a Confederation, to be known as "The Confederated Powers of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry." ARTICLE II.


            The Confederated Supreme Councils shall assemble in Congress by their Delegates on the first Monday of July in every tenth year, beginning with the year 1875. The first Congress shall sit at Paris in France, and each succeeding one at such place as the one immediately preceding it shall fix: Each Council shall fix the number of its own Delegates; but all votes shall be by call of Councils, each having one vote.


            ARTICLE III.


            The qualifications to entitle a Supreme Council to become a member of the Confederation shall be: 1st. That it shall have been legitimately created and established, in some mode authorized by the Grand Constitutions of 1786.


            2d. That it shall recognize those Grand Constitutions as the organic law of the Rite.


            436 APPENDIX 3d. That it shall be the Supreme, Sovereign and Absolute Chief of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in its Jurisdiction, as to at least all its degrees above the third, having the exclusive administration and government thereof, except as to degrees the right to confer and administer which has of old and of right belonged to other bodies or Powers: and that, if it be a component part of a Grand Orient, none of its action in regard to the said degrees above the third shall be subject to review, revision or control by such Grand Orient or any other body, Council or Senate whatever.


            4th. That its Sovereign Grand Commander, if elected, shall be, before his election, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33d degree and Active Member of itself, and elected by the votes of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General Active Members only.


            5th. That it shall have made it a provision of its Constitutions, that no one, or more jointly, of its Active, Emeriti or Honorary Members, shall have power, without express authority of Letters‑Patent from itself, to confer the 33d degree anywhere, on any one, or to establish a Supreme Council in any country.


            ARTICLE IV.


            No one of the Confederated Supreme Councils will create a new Supreme Council anywhere, nor permit any of its Inspectors General to do so, without first submitting the question whether such new Council shall be created, to all its Confederates, and having, counting its own consent, that of three‑fourths of the whole number, itself included.


            ARTICLE V.


            No one of the Confederate Supreme Councils will recognize and enter into relations of amity and correspondence with any newly established Supreme Council, without a like submission of the question of recognition and a like majority of threefourths of all, as is provided by Article IV.


            ARTICLE VI.


            There shall be created a Tribunal of Arbitration and Adjudication, to be composed of seven members, each from a different Supreme Council and designated by itself or its Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander, each Congress determining by which of the Supreme Councils the members of said Tribunal shall be designated, and which of the members designated shall be the President of the Tribunal; the members so designated serving until the end of the next Congress: and any vacancy occurring shall be filled by the Council that designated the member whose place becomes vacant, or by its Sovereign Grand Commander. But the Councils to designate the members shall be numbered from one to seven, beginning with that which designates the President, and if there is a vacancy in the office of President, the member designated by the next Council shall succeed to the Presidency; and if the office be vacant again, the member designated by the third shall succeed, and so on to the end.






            If it shall be found, after these articles take effect, that any two or more of the Confederated Supreme Councils recognize different Powers of the Rite in another Jurisdiction, as legitimate, each of the Confederate Councils that has recognized either of such Powers shall submit to every other the reasons for its decision, within one year from the taking effect of these Articles, and immediately thereafter each shall consider or reconsider the question, and communicate its decision to the President of the Tribunal of Arbitration and Adjudication, who shall state the questions and various arguments and opinions to each of the members, and the decision of the majority of the members of the Tribunal shall be accepted as final by the Confederated Councils.


            ARTICLE VIII.


            The question of the legitimacy of a new Supreme Council, or of one entering into the Confederation, or seeking to do so, arising after the taking effect of these Articles, shall be considered and determined in the manner provided in Article VII.


            ARTICLE IX.


            The question of the legitimacy of a body claiming to be a Supreme Council, created heretofore or hereafter within the jurisdiction of one of the Confederated Supreme Councils, without its consent, shall not be considered by the others.


            ARTICLE X.


            But if, in consequence of dissensions in the bosom of a Supreme Council, a schism shall occur, resulting in the co‑existence of two bodies, each claiming to be the previously existing Supreme Council or its lawful successor, such controversy may be submitted by one or both of such bodies to the Tribunal of Arbitration and Adjudication; and if it is submitted by both, the decision of the Tribunal shall be accepted by the Confederated Councils as final; but if it is submitted by one only, the conclusions of the Tribunal shall be submitted to all the Confederated Councils, and the matter be determined in the manner provided in Article VII.


            ARTICLE XI.


            The following propositions shall aways be maintained by each of the Confederated Supreme Councils as maxims of the fundamental law of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and all relations of amity and correspondence between them or any of them, and any Supreme Council whatever, that shall violate and persist in violating either of the same shall cease, and not be renewed while such persistence continues.


            1st. That every legitimate Supreme Council is Supreme and Sovereign over all Masons and bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, within the whole extent and in every part of its territorial jurisdiction, as defined at its creation or gained afterwards, or proven by possession and prescription; excepting only such Masons and bodies as have of old and of right obeyed therein another and a legitimate Power; that within those limits no other Power of the Rite, with the same 438 APPENDIX exception, nor any Inspector General of another Power can do or authorize to be done any act whatever; and that no new Supreme Council can be created therein or for any part thereof without its express consent.


            2d. That no person who is a citizen of the country within the jurisdiction of one Supreme Council can be invested with any of the degrees of the Rite by authority of any other Power, though he may be temporarily resident in its jurisdiction, without the consent of the Power within whose jurisdiction he has the rights of citizenship.


            3d. That no Inspector General of one jurisdiction can be made, while domiciled there, an active member of another Supreme Council, and if he be so made, when domiciled elsewhere, he will lose that character when he retakes his original domicil.


            4th. That the 33d degree, except when possessed by an active member of a Supreme Council, confers no powers whatever, in the same or in another country, but is a mere honorary rank and title accompanied by no special functions; and when an active member ceases to be such, by resignation, retiring, or removing from the jurisdiction, all his powers, those of conferring degrees and establishing bodies included, ipso facto cease.


            5th. That no person who has irregularly or unlawfully received any of the degrees of the Rite in one jurisdiction can by any process or in any manner whatever be healed therein, after he has removed to and become domiciled in another jurisdiction.


            6th. That a person who has received any of the degrees from an illegitimate body or a person without due authority, or otherwise irregularly, can only be healed by again and regularly receiving the degrees; except in the case of a union between two contending Powers, in which the question of legitimacy is waived by the Union.


            7th. That each Supreme Council decides in the last resort all questions depending for their solution upon the construction of its own Statutes and Constitutions, and all controversies arising in bodies of its obedience or among its own members, and its decisions in such cases ought not to be reviewed or discussed by other Supreme Councils.


            8th. That no person can ever be recognized as lawfully invested with any degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, by having received it or a degree so numbered or claiming to be such, as a part of the Rite of Mizraim or of the Rite of Memphis, or in a body of either, or from any one conferring the degrees of either.


            9th. That no Mason, not invested with a particular degree of a particular Rite, can have any voice or in any manner whatever have or bear any part, in the administration or government of a body of Masons of that degree, as such; and no Masonic body or its members as such can be governed or controlled, directed or guided, or the action of such body revised or reviewed or in any way interfered with, except by a Supreme Power of Masons of the same Rite, having and working in the same or higher degrees of the same Rite.


            10th. That no representative Masonic Power can govern any body not represented therein.


            llth. That the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander of a Supreme Council can have no Superior, in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.






            The Confederated Supreme Councils will maintain each other in the full possession and undisturbed enjoyment of all their rights, prerogatives and exclusive territorial jurisdiction, and will cease relations with any Power that violates either or continues to maintain relations of amity and correspondence with any Power that violates either.


            ARTICLE XIII.


            Every member of the Rite, deprived of his character as a member thereof by one of the Confederated Supreme Councils or by any of its subordinate bodies, upon due trial and conviction of an offense involving forfeiture of Masonic rights and privileges, shall be refused those rights and treated as an expelled Mason by every other Confederated Council and the Masons of its obedience.


            ARTICLE XIV.


            No Confederated Supreme Council will increase the number of its Active Members beyond thirty‑three; and if the number of members of any one is larger than thirty‑three when these Articles are adopted (the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander and other Dignitaries included,) it will fill no vacancy until the number is reduced below thirty‑three.


            ARTICLE XV.


            A Confederated Supreme Council may confer the 33d degree as an honorarium, for a fee not less than one hundred and fifty dollars in gold or its equivalent, the recipients becoming honorary members of such Sup.'. Council; but it will not increase the number of these unnecessarily, or so as to cheapen the degree; and if it should do so the others may remonstrate, and if the remonstrance is not heeded, may exclude such improvident Council from the Confederation, a majority of the whole concurring.


            ARTICLE XVI.


            Each Confederated Supreme Council will regularly publish its Transactions, in its Bulletin or otherwise, in octavo form, and tableaux from time to time of its Dignitaries, officers and members, and of the bodies of its obedience; and furnish the same to every other Confederated Council: and each will also publish, in the same form, at as early a day as practicable the history of its constitution and establishment and the principal events of its history subsequent thereto.




            Whereas the increasing tendency towards innovation in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the growing desire for removal of the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry, and other matters that concern the well‑being of the Order, make it desirable that there should be a more intimate unity of ideas and action between those conservative Powers of the Rite that are desirous stare super antiquas vias, and not prepared to exchange their trust in the God of their fathers for acquiescence of the intellect in the recognition of a Principe‑Createur; that the leading principles of a Code of Interconciliar Law shall be agreed on, and that some satisfactory mode shall be provided for resolving questions of legitimacy of Powers, and settling disputes between bodies claiming against each other supremacy in the same jurisdiction; therefore the following Articles, Cardinal and Subservient, are submitted for the consideration of the Supreme Councils that shall receive the same.




            By acceptance whereof, by two or more Supreme Councils, the League shall pleno jure have being.


            ARTICLE I.


            The Supreme Councils which accept these primary and cardinal Articles shall thereupon constitute a Conciliar League, to be known as "The United Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." ARTICLE II.


            The qualifications to entitle a Supreme Council to become a member of the League shall be: 1st. That it shall have been legitimately created and established in some mode authorized by the Grand Constitutions of 1786.


            2d. That it shall recognize those Grand Constitutions as the organic law of the Rite.


            3d. That it shall be the Supreme Power of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in its Jurisdiction, as to at least all its degrees above the third, having the exclusive administration and government thereof, except as to degrees, the right to confer and administer which has of old and of right belonged to other Bodies or Powers; and that if it be a component part of a Grand Orient, none of its action in regard to the said degrees above the third shall be subject to review, revision or control by such Grand Orient or any other Body, Council or Senate whatever.


            441 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 4th. That its Sovereign Grand Commander, if elected, shall be, before his election, a Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33d Degree and an Active Member of itself, and elected by the votes of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General Active Members only.


            ARTICLE III.


            The following propositions shall always be maintained by each of the United Supreme Councils as maxims of the fundamental law of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and all relations of amity and correspondence between them, or any of them, and any Supreme Council whatever, that shall violate and persist in violating either of the same, shall cease, and not be renewed while such persistence continues.


            I. That every legitimate Supreme Council is Supreme and Sovereign over all Masons and Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, within the whole extent and in every part of its territorial jurisdiction, as defined at its creation or gained afterwards, or as proven by possession and prescription; excepting only such Masons or Bodies as have of old and of right obeyed therein another and a legitimate Power; that within those limits no other Power of the Rite, with the same exception, nor any Inspector General of another Power can do or authorize to be done any act whatever; and that no new Supreme Council can be created therein or for any part thereof without its express consent.


            II. That every Empire, Kingdom or Republic, in which there is no Supreme Power of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, is open territory, in which every legitimate Power of the Rite may establish bodies of its obedience, until a legitimate Supreme Power shall be created therein; before which time no one Supreme Council can annex such country to its jurisdiction, nor, by being the first to establish a body there, gain, by prescription or otherwise, any exclusive or superior right of jurisdiction over the same, or right to demand that other Supreme Councils shall not establish Subordinate Bodies there.


            III. That no person who is a citizen of the country within the jurisdiction of one Supreme Council can be invested with any of the degrees of the Rite by authority of any other Power, though he may be temporarily resident in its jurisdiction; without the consent of the Power within whose jurisdiction he has the rights of citizenship.


            IV. That no Inspector General of one jurisdiction can be made, while domiciled there, an Active Member of another Supreme Council, and if he be so made, when domiciled elsewhere, he will lose that character when he retakes his original domicil.


            V. That the 33d Degree, except when possessed by an Active Member of a Supreme Council, confers no powers whatever in the same or in another country, but is a mere honorary rank and title accompanied by no special functions; and when an Active Member ceases to be such, by resignation, retiring or removing from the jurisdiction, all his powers, those of conferring degrees and establishing bodies included, ipso facto cease.


            442 APPENDIX VI. That each Supreme Council decides in the last resort all questions depending for their solution upon the construction of its own Statutes and Constitutions, and all controversies arising in bodies of its obedience or among its own members, and its decisions in such cases ought not to be reviewed or discussed by other Supreme Councils.


            VII. That no person can ever be recognized as lawfully invested with any degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, by having received it or a degree so numbered, or claiming to be such, as a part of the Rite of Mizraim or of the Rite of Memphis, or in a body of either, or from any one conferring the degrees of either.


            VIII. That no Mason, not invested with a particular degree of a particular Rite can have any voice or in any manner whatever have or bear any part in the administration or government of a body of Masons of that degree, as such; and no Masonic body or its members as such can be governed or controlled, directed or guided, or the action of such body revised or reviewed, or in any way interfered with, except by a Supreme Power of Masons of the same Rite, having and working in the same or higher degrees of the same Rite.


            IX. That no representative Masonic Power can govern any body not represented therein.


            X. That the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander of a Supreme Council can have no Superior in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.


            ARTICLE IV.


            The United Supreme Councils will maintain each other in the full possession and undisturbed enjoyment of all their rights, prerogatives and exclusive territorial jurisdiction, and will cease relations with any Power that violates either or continues to maintain relations of amity and correspondence with any Power that violates either.


            ARTICLE V.


            Every member of the Rite deprived of his character as a member thereof by one of the United Supreme Councils, or by any of its subordinate bodies, upon due trial and conviction of an offense involving forfeiture of Masonic rights and privileges, shall be refused those rights and treated as an expelled Mason by every other United Council and the Masons of its obedience.


            ARTICLE VI.


            The Supreme Councils composing the Conciliar League shall mutually assist, enlighten, encourage and defend each other by all lawful, proper and Masonic means, each maintaining the other in the full and free exercise of its just rights and prerogatives, and especially in the rights of free thought, free conscience and free speech, by whomsoever or under whatsoever pretext these may be assailed; and each shall require all the bodies of its obedience to welcome, to comfort, to aid and assist 443 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


all Brethren of the obedience of an allied Council that may come within their jurisdiction, permitting them not to want, nor be harmed by any one, and remembering all the obligations of Brotherhood towards them, in health and sickness, in want or sorrow, in time of peace or in time of war.


            ARTICLE VII.


            That no Congress or other Assembly of the Councils composing the Conciliar League shall possess or exercise any other powers than such as shall be expressly conferred upon it by the fundamental law of the League, or by the unanimous vote of the Supreme Councils; nor shall any such Congress or Assembly ever be invested with any Legislative Supremacy over the Supreme Councils, nor with any power to change the Grand Constitutions or Ancient Customs of the Order; but whatsoever of general law or regulation it may propose shall be of force only when sanctioned by the consent and approval of two‑thirds of the Supreme Councils that may at the time compose the League. But the Congresses shall have power to settle finally matters of formula and routine and whatsoever may relate to correspondence and the modes of recognition, to jewels and decorations and to titles of Dignitaries and officers; but shall only propose to Councils other changes in the substance of the Rituals, which each Supreme Council shall, for itself, be at liberty to adopt or reject.


            ARTICLE VIII.


            None of the foregoing articles shall at any time hereafter be abrogated or changed, except upon the proposition of a Congress, and by the assent of three‑fourths of the Supreme Councils at the time composing the League.






            When the primary and cardinal Articles shall have been accepted by five or more Supreme Councils, the following Articles, and such others as any Council of the League may propose, shall be considered by each Supreme Council, composing the League, and such of them as shall be finally settled and accepted, with or without amendment, by two‑thirds of all such Councils (or by four, if but five compose it), shall become Articles and parts of the fundamental Law of the League, and be promulgated as such, by the oldest of the Supreme Councils composing the League.


            ARTICLE I.


            A Congress of the Supreme Councils composing the League, each present by its Delegate or Delegates, shall sit on the first Monday of September, in every tenth year, beginning with the year 1877. The first Congress shall sit at Edinburgh, in 444 APPENDIX Scotland; and each succeeding one at such place as the one immediately preceding it shall fix. Each Council shall fix the numbers of its own delegates; but upon all questions each Council shall have but one vote; and no Council shall be represented by any person not a member of itself.


            ARTICLE II.


            The credentials of each Delegate shall be a certificate of his appointment by the Body, signed by the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander and Secretary‑General, and sealed with its Great Seal. Each Congress shall have and elect such officers as it may determine upon, establish its own rules, sit upon its own adjournments, and have and exercise such powers as are by these Articles given to it or as may hereafter be conferred upon it by the Supreme Councils.


            ARTICLE III.


            When five Supreme Councils shall have entered into the League, the Congress shall create a Tribunal of Adjudication, to be composed of not less than five, nor more than nine Judges, each from a different Supreme Council, and designated by itself or its Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander, each Congress determining by which of the Supreme Councils the members of said Tribunal shall be designated, and which of the members designated shall be the President of the Tribunal; the members so designated serving until the end of the next Congress; and any vacancy occurring shall be filled by the Council that designated the member whose place becomes vacant, or by its Sovereign Grand Commander. But the Councils to designate the members shall be numbered from one to the number of which it may be composed, beginning with that which designates the President; and if there be a vacancy in the office of President, the member designated by the next Council shall succeed to the Presidency; and if the office be vacant again, the member designated by the third shall succeed, and so on to the end.


            ARTICLE IV.


            If it shall be found, after these articles take effect, that any two or more of the United Supreme Councils recognize different Powers of the Rite in another Jurisdiction, as legitimate, each of the United Councils that may have recognized either of such Powers shall submit to every other the reasons for its decision, within one year from the taking effect of these Articles; and immediately thereafter each shall consider or reconsider the question, and communicate its decision to the President of the Tribunal of Adjudication, who shall state the questions and the various arguments and opinions to each of the members, and the decision of the majority of the members of the Tribunal shall be accepted as final by the United Councils.


            ARTICLE V.


            The question of the legitimacy of a new Supreme Council, or of one entering into the League, or seeking to do so, arising after the taking effect of these Articles, shall be considered and determined in the manner provided in Article IV.






            The question of the legitimacy of a body claiming to be a Supreme Council, created heretofore or hereafter within the jurisdiction of one of the United Supreme Councils, without its consent, shall not be considered by the others.


            ARTICLE VII.


            But if, in consequence of dissensions in the bosom of a Supreme Council, a schism shall occur, resulting in the co‑existence of two bodies, each claiming to be the previously existing Supreme Council or its lawful successor, such controversy may be submitted by one or both of such bodies to the Tribunal of Adjudication; and if it is submitted by both, the decision of the Tribunal shall be accepted by the United Councils as final; but if it is submitted by one only, the conclusions of the Tribunal shall be submitted to all the United Councils, and the matter be determined in the manner provided in Article IV.


            ARTICLE VIII.


            Any other questions whatever, arising between Supreme Councils of the League, may be by them submitted to the Tribunal of Adjudication, or be considered by that Tribunal at the request of three Supreme Councils, parties to the controversy or others, and be determined by the Tribunal, with right of appeal by either party to all the Supreme Councils or to the Congress.


            ARTICLE IX.


            In every case of controversy between Supreme Councils, before the Tribunal of Adjudication, all the parties must have sufficient and reasonable notice and opportunity to be fully heard; and any adjudication without such notice, by it or by the Congress, will be void, unless the Supreme Council not notified shall by appearance or otherwise waive notice.


            ARTICLE X.


            The creation and control of Symbolic or Blue Lodges by the Supreme Councils, having been for more than half a century the fruitful cause of dissensions and bitter controversies, the Supreme Councils, composing the Conciliar League, will either refrain from creating or ruling such Lodges; or, if there be such of their obedience, will freely grant them right of choice, to be exercised within a fixed time, to remain of such obedience, or to form a Grand Symbolic Lodge or Grand Orient, or pass over to the obedience of one existing; and will maintain amicable relations with such Grand Body, with right of mutual visitation: Provided that such Grand Body do not exercise or assert the right to administer the degrees above the third, or to constitute and govern bodies of the same.


            ARTICLE XI.


            No one of the United Supreme Councils will recognize and enter into relations of amity and correspondence with any newly established Supreme Council, without a like submission of the question of recognition and a like majority of three‑fourths of all, as is provided by Article IV.


            446 APPENDIX ARTICLE XII.


            No one of the United Supreme Councils will create a new Supreme Council anywhere, nor permit any of its Inspectors General to do so, without first submitting the question whether such new Council shall be created, to all its Confederates, and having, counting its own consent, that of three‑fourths of the whole number, itself included.


            ARTICLE XIII.


            No Honorary, Emeritus or Active Member of any Supreme Council shall have power, without express authority by special Letters‑Patent from itself, to confer the 33d Degree anywhere, on any one, or to establish a Supreme Council in any country.


            ARTICLE XIV.


            Each Supreme Council that may revise the work of a degree or degrees, or that may heretofore have done so, shall transmit copy of the same to each other Council.


            ARTICLE XV.


            No United Supreme Council will increase the number of its Active Members beyond thirty‑three; and if the number of members of any one is larger than thirtythree when these Articles are adopted (the Sov.'. Gr.'. Commander and other Dignitaries included), it will fill no vacancy until the number is reduced below thirty‑three.


            ARTICLE XVI.


            No person who has irregularly or unlawfully received any of the degrees of the Rite in one jurisdiction can by any process or in any manner whatever be healed therein, after he has removed to and become domiciled in another jurisdiction.


            ARTICLE XVII.


            A person who has received any of the degrees from an illegitimate Body or a person without due authority, or otherwise irregularly, can only be healed by again and regularly receiving the degrees; except in the case of a union between two contending Powers, in which the question of legitimacy is waived by the Union.


            ARTICLE XVIII.


            A Supreme Council of the League may confer the 33d Degree as an honorarium, or for a fee not less than one hundred and fifty dollars in gold or its equivalent, the recipients becoming honorary members of such Sup.'. Council; but it will not increase the number of these unnecessarily, or so as to cheapen the degree; and if it should do so the others may remonstrate, and if the remonstrance is not heeded, may exclude such improvident Council from the League, a majority of the whole concurring.


            Each Supreme Council of the League will regularly publish its Transactions, in its Bulletin or otherwise, in octavo form, and tableaux from time to time of its Dignitaries, officers and members, and of the bodies of its obedience; and furnish the same to every other Council of the League; and each will also publish, in the same form, at as early a day as practicable, the history of its constitution and establishment and the principal events of its history subsequent thereto.




            DECREE OF MARCH 15, 1879.




            Venerable Master.    Ayes, 23. Note 1.


            Brother Adoniram, or Brother Inspector.    Ayes, 24.‑Note 2.


            And in every case, in this and other degrees, where no other epithet is prescribed, the word "Brother" alone shall be prefixed to the official title, as "Brother Senior Warden," "Brother Master of Ceremonies."            Ayes, 24.




            Venerable Master.    Ayes, 23.‑Note 3.


            Wise King Solomon. Ayes, 20. Note 4.


            Powerful King Khirum.          Ayes, 20. Note 5.


            DEGREE VI.‑INTIMATE SECRETARY Wise King Solomon.     Ayes, 23.‑Note 6.


            Powerful King Khirum.          Ayes, 22. Note 7.




            Venerable Chief Provost and Judge.         Ayes, 23.‑Note 8.


            DEGREE VIII.‑INTENDANT OF THE BUILDING. Venerable Master Intendant.            Ayes, 23. Note 9.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24.


            Venerable President.           Ayes, 23.‑Note 10.


            Wise King Solomon. Ayes, 21.‑Note 11.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24.


            Venerable President.           Ayes, 23.‑Note 12.


            Wise King Solomon. Ayes, 20.‑Note 13.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24.


            Venerable President.           Ayes, 23.‑Note 14.


            Brother Senior Warden.       Ayes, 24.


            Brother Junior Warden.        Ayes, 24.


            Wise King Solomon. Ayes, 20.‑Note 15.


            Powerful King Khirum.          Ayes, 19.‑Note 16.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24.


            Venerable Master.    Ayes, 23. Note 17.


            Brother Senior Warden.       Ayes, 24.


            Brother Junior Warden.        Ayes, 24.




            Venerable Master.    Ayes, 23.‑Note 18.


            Venerable Warden.  Ayes, 23.‑Note 19.


            Brother Inspector.      Ayes, 24.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24.‑Note 20. Venerable Master.


            Brother Senior Warden.


            Brother Junior Warden.        On each, ayes, 24.


            Omit "Grand" and "Sublime" everywhere in the preceding Degrees.     Ayes, 22. ‑Note 21.




            1.‑Insp.'. Dawkins suggests "Provincial Master," reserving "Venerable Master" for the 14th Degree.


            2.‑Insp.'. Collins prefers "Bro.'. Adoniram." Insp.'. Toombs prefers "Brothel' Inspector." Insp.'. Carr prefers "Brother Inspector." V.


            3.‑Insp.'. Dawkins suggests "Excellent Master." 4.‑Insps.'. Batchelor, Hubbard, Caswell and Lawson suggest the omission of "Wise." 5.‑The same Inspectors suggest the omission of "Powerful." But these are epithets of the kings who figured in the drama; and they are used because one king is the Symbol to Masons of the Divine WISDOM, and the other of the Divine POWER.


            Insps.'. Bachelor, Webber and Frankland suggest "Hiram," as a more familiar name. The Ritual corrects the name everywhere. It is not Hiram, but Khirum, pronounced Khiroom.


            450 APPENDIX VI.


            6.‑Insp.'. Batchelor suggests omission of "Wise." 7, Insp.'. Batchelor suggests omission of "Powerful;" and with Insp.'. Frankland, retention of "Hiram." VII.


            8.‑Insp.'. Dawkins suggests omission of "Provost and Judge." VIII.


            9.‑Insp.'. Dawkins prefers "Respectable Master," and would omit "Intendant." IX.


            10.‑Insp.'. Dawkins suggests "Respectable President." 11.‑Insps.'. Batchelor, Hubbard, Caswell and Lawson suggest omission of "Wise." X.


            12.‑Insp.'. Dawkins suggests "Respectable." 13.‑Insp.'. Batchelor suggests omission of "Wise." Insps.'. Hubbard, Caswell and Lawson, not understanding why King Solomon is made secondary, do not vote on this. It is an epithet of the king, in the drama.




            14.‑Insp.'. Dawkins suggests "Respectable." 15.‑Insps.'. Batchelor, Hubbard, Caswell and Lawson suggest omission of "Wise." 16.‑The same Inspectors suggest omission of "Powerful;" and Isps.'. Batchelor and Frankland, "Hiram." XII.


            17.‑Insp.'. Dawkins perfers "Ingenious Master." XIII. 18.‑Insp.'. Dawkins prefers "Honored Master." 19.‑Insp.'. Dawkins prefers "Brother Warden." XIV. 20.‑Insp.'. Carr, preferring the old names, votes "No." 21.‑Insp.'. Carr votes "No." Insp.'. Collins, over‑looking it, does not vote. 451 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 IN THE COUNCIL AND CHAPTER DEGREE XV.‑KNIGHT OF THE EAST.


            Eminent Tarsata.       Ayes, 22.‑Note 22. Excellent High Priest.


            Excellent Scribe.       On each, ayes, 24.


            "The Great King," and, "O King!" instead of "Sovereign Master."          Ayes, 24. Master of Cavalry.


            Master of Infantry. Master of the Chancery. Master of the Finances. Omit the word "Prince," every where. On each, ayes, 24.




            Eminent Tarsata.       Ayes, 21.‑Note 24. Excellent High Priest.


            Excellent Scribe.


            Omit "Most Enlightened," "Illustrious," "Valiant," &c., every where. On each, ayes, 24.




            Venerable Preceptor. Brother Senior Warden. Brother Junior Warden.            On each, ayes, 24.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24.


            Wise Master. Ayes, 22.‑Note 24. Venerable Senior Warden. Venerable Junior Warden.


            Omit "Valiant" and "Perfect," every where.            On each, ayes, 24.






            22.‑"Tarshatha" or "Governor" was proposed. The only Insprs.'. who elect between the two are, Insps. % Frankland and Carr, who prefer "Governor," and Insprs.'. Hubbard, Caswell and Lawson, who prefer "Tarshatha." The title is properly "Tarsata," equivalent to "Prefect." XVI.


            23.‑Insprs.'. Frankland, Collins and Carr prefer "Governor." Insprs.'. Hubbard, Caswell and Lawson, "Tarshatha." The Grand Commander votes with the latter.


            452 APPENDIX XVIII.


            24.‑Insprs.'. Todd and Fellows vote "No," being unwilling to abandon "Most Wise." Insp.'. Webber votes "Aye," but thinks it would be well to retain "Most Wise." IN THE COUNCIL OF KADOSH.


            DEGREE XIX.‑PONTIFF.


            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24. Venerable Pontiff.


            Venerable Brother Warden. Omit "Faithful and Wise." Omit "Grand" in titles of Officers and Members.            On each, ayes, 24.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24. Venerable Master.


            Omit "Grand" for Officers and Members.   On each, ayes, 24.




            Venerable Lieutenant Commander. Brother Warden of the North. Brother Warden of the South.      On each ayes, 24.


            Brother Knight of Eloquence, of the Chancery, of the Finances. Ayes, 23.Note 25.




            Venerable Chief. Brother Senior Warden. Brother Junior Warden.        On each, ayes, 24.




            Venerable High Priest. Excellent Priest.


            Brother Levite.           On each, ayes, 24.




            Honoured Leader. Venerable High Priest. Excellent Priest.


            Brother Levite.           On each, ayes, 24.


            "Most Puissant" and "Puissant" will be entirely omitted.




            Honoured Leader.


            Brother Captain of the Host (Joshua.) Brother Chief of the Tribe of Yehudah (Caleb.) Venerable High Priest. On each, ayes, 24.




            Venerable Chief.


            All other Officers and Members, "Brother Senior Warden," &c.  On each, ayes, 24.




            Venerable Commander.


            All others, simply "Brother Marshal," &c.    On each, ayes, 24.




            Father Adam.


            All others, "Brother." On each, ayes, 24.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 24. Venerable Master.


            Excellent Prior. Excellent Preceptor. All others, "Brother." Omit "Grand" everywhere. On each, ayes, 24.




            Style of the Body in speaking of it, and on the Register, and every where except in the Letters of Constitution and records of the Body and within it, in its work, "Council of Knights Kadosh." Title of the Body on its Records and in all its work, "Preceptory."    Ayes, 23.Note 27.


            Titles of Dignitaries for the external world, "Commander," "First Lieutenant Commander," "Second Lieutenant Commander." In its letters of Constitution and records, and within it in its work. Sir Preceptor.


            Sir First Sub‑Preceptor.


            Sir Second Sub‑Preceptor. On each, ayes, 23. Note 27. Omit "Excellent," "Valiant," "Worshipful," "Worthy." Address each Officer as "Sir," with his official title.     On each, ayes, 24.


            Utterly abolish the use of the uncouth phrase, "Sir Knight."          Ayes, 22: noes, 2. ‑Note 28.


            454 APPENDIX Use the word "Sir" with both Christian and surname, or with the Christian name only; as, "Sir Allen Gray," "Sir John."       Ayes, 24.


            With surname only, use "Messire." Ayes, 22: noes 2.‑Note 29.




            25.‑Insp.'. Frankland suggests "Brother Orator," for "Brother Knight of Eloquence." XXIX.


            26.‑Insp.'. Dawkins votes to omit "Scottish." XXX.


            27.‑Insps.'. Todd and Fellows, objecting to any change in the name of the Body or in the titles of the Dignitaries, voted "No" on these five propositions: but Insp.'. Todd, understanding that the changes were to obtain within the Body and in its work only, withdrew his objection.


            28.‑Insps.'. Todd and Fellows, "No." 29.‑Insps.'. Todd and Fellows, "No." DEGREE XXXI.‑INSPECTOR‑INQUISITOR.


            On this title of the degree:    Ayes 21.‑Note 30. Venerable President.


            Brother First Councillor. Brother Second Councillor. The "Marshal" instead of "Tiler." Omit "Most Enlightened" every where.   On each, ayes, 24.




            On this title of the Degree: Ayes, 22: noes, 2. Note 31.




            Venerable Grand Master of the Kadosh (e. g. of Maryland). Brother Grand Prior of the Kadosh (e. g. of Iowa).


            Brother Grand Preceptor of the Kadosh (e. g. of California).      On each, ayes, 22: noes, 2.‑Note 31.


            Omit "Illustrious" every where.         Ayes, 24.




            Venerable Master of the Kadosh, at (e. g. Washington). Brother Prior of the Kadosh, at (e. g. Louisville).


            Brother Preceptor of the Kadosh, at (e. g. St. Paul).        On each, ayes. 22: noes, 2. Note 31.




Reverend Prelate.


            Omit "Very Illustrious," "Illustrious," "Very Eminent," "Eminent," "Excellent" every where; and "Venerable" except for the Gr.'. Master and Master. On each, ayes, 24.




            30.‑Insp.'. Carr desires to drop "Inspector" and use "Inquisitor" alone: Insp.'. Frankland proposes to drop "Inquisitor:" Insp.'. Dawkins proposes "Upright Magistrate." XXXII.


            31.‑Insps.'. Todd and Fellows give the negative votes in regard to this Degree, being unwilling to change the old names and titles.




            On this title of the Degree:   Ayes, 22: noes, 2, Note 32.


            Title of the Supreme Council: "The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors‑General, Knights‑Commanders of the House of the Temple of Solomon, of the 33d Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free‑Masonry."   Ayes, 21: noes, 3.‑Note, 33.




            Venerable Grand Commander.       Ayes, 21; noes 3.‑Note 34. Venerable Lieutenant Grand Commander.


            Venerable Grand Prior. Brother Grand Chancellor. Brother Grand Minister of State. Brother Secretary‑General. Brother Treasurer‑General. Brother Grand Auditor. Brother Grand Almoner.


            Brother Grand Marshal of the Ceremonies.           On each, ayes, 24.


            Omit "Sovereign," "Illustrious," "Most Puissant," "Puissant," "of the Holy Empire" and "H.'. E.'." everywhere.   Ayes, 21: noes, 3.‑Note 35.


            Active Members: "Brother Inspector‑General." Emeriti: "Brother Emeritus Inspector‑General." Honorary: "Brother Honorary Inspector‑General." On each, ayes, 22: noes, 2. ‑Note 36.


            Address the BB.'. as "Inspectors," and so style each in the Minutes and printed Transactions.            Ayes, 24.


            456 APPENDIX NOTES.


            32.‑Insprs.'. Todd and Fellows object to omitting the word "Grand" before Inspector‑General.


            33.‑Insprs.'. Todd and Fellows vote to prefix "Grand" to "Inspectors‑General;" and they and Insp.'. Dawkins to omit "Knights‑Commanders of the House of the Temple of Solomon." 34.‑Insprs.'. Todd, Fellows and Dawkins vote to retain "Sovereign," instead of "Venerable," before "Grand Commander." 35.‑Insp.'. Desaussure votes to retain "Sovereign" and "Illustrious;" on the rest, "Aye." Insprs.'. Todd and Fellows vote to retain "Sovereign." 36.‑Insprs.'. Todd and Fellows vote to retain the word "Grand" before "Inspector‑General;" and to entitle Active Members, "Brother Grand Inspector‑General;" Emeriti, "Brother Inspector‑General (Emeritus);" Honorary Members, "Brother Inspector‑General (Honorary)." COLLAR OR JEWEL.


            "Shall the Collar be dispensed with in the Supreme Council, and only the Jewel and Grand Decorations, and the Grand Cross of the Court of Honour Jewel be worn?" Ayes: Insprs.'. Batchelor, Bowen, Bower, Buist, Collins, Dawkins, Desaussure, Fellows, Frankland, Long, Meredith, Mitchell, Morel, Parvin, Pike, Toombs and Tucker: 17.


            Nays: Insprs.'. Carr, Caswell, Hubbard, Lawson, Todd and Webber: 6.








            The Supreme Council, By its Grand Commander: To the several Supreme Councils with which it has relations of Amity: The Confederation of certain of the Supreme Councils formed at Lausanne in 1875 has been virtually dissolved. The League formed in 1876 by the Supreme Councils for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, for Ireland, for Scotland and for Greece, to which that for Central America virtually acceded, still exists, and the principles agreed upon by its Articles of Federation still govern these Councils; but no Congress of these Councils has been held since that of 1877.


            The impracticability of holding such Congresses may fairly be considered demonstrated; and there is at least room for grave doubts whether, if they were held, and a larger number of the Councils were represented in them, either harmonious action, or increase of good feeling, or unanimity of opinion, would result from their deliberations. Such Bodies always endeavour to do too much.


            But it remains quite as true as it was in the year 1876, that the increasing tendency towards innovation in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the growing desire for removal of the Ancient Landmarks of Free‑Masonry, and other matters that concern the well‑being of the Order, make it desirable that there should be a more intimate unity of ideas and action between those conservative Powers of the Rite that are determined to stand upon the old ways, and are not prepared to exchange their trust in the God of their fathers for acquiescence of the intellect in Agnosticism, or in the existence of a mere Creative‑Principle. If no satisfactory mode can be provided for the resolution of questions concerning the legitimacy of Powers, or for settling disputes between Bodies claiming against each other supremacy in the same jurisdiction, it ought to be possible for all the Supreme Councils to avow, and accept as the law of the Rite, certain great principles, and to agree to 459 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


certain things whereby peace and harmony, and to some extent concert of action, among them may be preserved.


            The Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction presents to the other Councils for their consideration the `Declaration of Principles,' `Maxims,' and `Dispositions for the Promotion of Amity' that here follow: DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES.


            Free‑Masonry proclaims as its necessary and fundamental principle a belief in the existence of a true and living God.


            It requires from its members an acknowledgment of such belief, leaving to each to worship God in the manner and form which, in his own conscience, he believes to be most acceptable to Him.


            It further requires its members to be loyal subjects of the country in which they reside; and it prohibits all political or religious discussions in its assemblies.


            It inculcates charity, morality, justice, temperance, generosity, and, in a word, whatever promotes the welfare of humanity.


            It exacts from all members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite strict fidelity and obedience to the Constitutions of the Order, and to the Laws of the Supreme Council of the Jurisdiction to which they belong.




            It must have been legitimately created and established in some mode authorized by the Grand Constitutions of 1786.


            It must recognize those Grand Constitutions as the organic law of the Rite.


            It must be the Supreme Power of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in its Jurisdiction, as to at least all its Degrees above the third, having the exclusive administration and government thereof, except as to Degrees, the right to confer and administer which has of old and of right belonged to other Bodies or Powers; and if it be a component part of a Grand Orient, its action in regard to the said Degrees above the third must not be subject to review, revision or control by such Grand Orient or any other Body, Council or Senate whatever.


            Its Grand Commander, if elected, must be, before his election, a Grand InspectorGeneral of the 33d Degree and an Active Member of itself, and elected by the votes of the Grand Inspectors‑General Active Members only.


            460 APPENDIX MAXIMS.


            The following Propositions shall always be maintained as Maxims of the Fundamental Law of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite; and all relations of amity and correspondence between the Councils that accept them and any Supreme Council that shall violate and persist in violating either of the same shall cease.


            That every legitimate Supreme Council is Supreme and Sovereign over all Masons and Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, within the whole extent and in every part of its territorial jurisdiction, as defined at its creation or gained afterwards, or as proven by possession and prescription; excepting only such Masons or Bodies as have of old and of right obeyed therein another and a legitimate Power; that within those limits no other Power of the Rite, with the same exception, nor any Inspector‑General of another Power, can do or authorize to be done any act whatever; and that no new Supreme Council can be created therein or for any part thereof without its express consent.


            That every Empire, Kingdom or Republic, in which there is no Supreme Power of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, is open territory, in which every legitimate Power of the Rite may establish Bodies of its obedience, until a legitimate Supreme Power shall be created therein; before which time no one Supreme Council can annex such country to its jurisdiction, nor, by being the first to establish a Body there, gain, by prescription or otherwise, any exclusive or superior right of jurisdiction over the same, or right to demand that other Supreme Councils shall not establish Subordinate Bodies there.


            That if a regular Supreme Council enters into an alliance with, or establishes relations of amity and representation with a spurious or illegitimate Body calling itself a Supreme Council, it loses its own claim to be considered legitimate.


            That no Inspector‑General of one jurisdiction can be made, while domiciled there, an Active Member of another Supreme Council, and if he be so made, when domiciled elsewhere, he will lose that character when he retakes his original domicile.




            That a Supreme Council of one country cannot itself confer, or authorize any of its subordinate Bodies to confer, any of the Degrees of the Rite upon any person domiciled within the jurisdiction of another Supreme Council.




That the 33d Degree, except when possessed by an Active Member of a Supreme Council, confers no powers whatever in the same or in another country, but is a mere honorary rank and title accompanied by no special functions; and when an Active Member ceases to be such, by resignation, retiring or removing from the jurisdiction, all his powers, those of conferring Degrees and establishing Bodies included, ipso facto cease.




            That each Supreme Council decides in the last resort all questions depending for their solution upon the construction of its own Statutes and Constitutions and all controversies arising in Bodies of its obedience or among its own members; and its decisions in such cases ought not to be reviewed or discussed by other Supreme Councils.


            That no person can ever be recognized as lawfully invested with any Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite by having received it, or a Degree so numbered, or claiming to be such, as a part of the Rite of Mizraim, or of the Rite of Memphis, or of the Oriental Egyptian Rite, or of any outgrowth of either, in a Body of either, or from any one conferring the Degrees of either.


            That no Mason, not invested with a particular Degree of a particular Rite, can have any voice or, in any manner whatever, have or bear any part in the administration or government of a Body of Masons of that Degree, as such; and no Masonic Body or its members, as such, can be governed or controlled, directed or guided, or the action of such Body revised or reviewed, or in any way interfered with, except by a Superior Power of Masons of the same Rite, having and working in the same or higher Degrees of the same Rite.


            That no representative Masonic Power can govern any Body not represented therein.


            That the Grand Commander of a Supreme Council can have no superior in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.




            The Supreme Councils will maintain each other in the full possession and undisturbed enjoyment of all their rights, prerogatives and exclusive territorial jurisdiction, and will cease relations with any Power that violates either or continues to maintain relations of amity and correspondence with any Power that violates either.


            Every member of the Rite, deprived of his character as a member thereof by one of the Supreme Councils, or by any of its subordinate Bodies, upon due trial and conviction of an offense involving forfeiture of Masonic rights and privileges, shall be refused those rights, and treated as an expelled Mason by every other Supreme Council and the Masons of its obedience.


            The Supreme Councils shall mutually assist, enlighten, encourage and defend each other by all lawful, proper and Masonic means, each maintaining the other in the full and free exercise of its just rights and prerogatives, and especially in the rights of free thought, free conscience and free speech, by whomsoever or under whatsoever pretext these may be assailed; and each shall require all the Bodies of its obedience to welcome, to comfort, to aid and assist all Brethren of the obedience of another Council that may come within their jurisdiction, permitting them not to want, nor be harmed by any one, and remembering all the obligations of Brotherhood towards them, in health and sickness, in want or sorrow, in time of peace or in time of war.


            No Honorary, Emeritus or Active Member of any Supreme Council shall have power, without express authority by special Letters‑patent from itself, to confer the 33d Degree anywhere, on any one, or to establish a Supreme Council in any country.




            No person who has irregularly or unlawfully received any of the Degrees of the Rite in one jurisdiction can by any process or in any manner whatever be healed therein, after he has removed to and become domiciled in another jurisdiction.


            A person who has received any of the Degrees from an illegitimate Body, or from a person without due authority, or otherwise irregularly, can only be healed by again regularly receiving the Degrees; except in the case of a union between two contending Powers, in which the question of legitimacy is waived by the Union: but 463 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


there can be no union, by treaty or otherwise, between a regular Supreme Council and an utterly spurious Body or organization.


            By the foregoing enunciations the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States has governed itself for thirteen years, and it will continue to be governed by them, because it thinks them fit to be adopted by all the Supreme Councils of the world; and that if they should be (or even if some adopt them only in part), they will promote good neighborhood, concord, peace and good‑fellowship among all, and exalt the Scottish Masonry in the estimation of men.


            Therefore, after long hesitation, lest it might seem forward and pretentious, and to take too much upon itself, it now ventures to commend these declarations to the wise consideration of the other Supreme Councils, that they may, if it seem fit, take action upon them, and announce to each their adhesion to them in whole or in part, if they shall seem good in their eyes.


            ALBERT PIKE, 33.'. Grand Commander.


              INDEX          A         exchanges letters with Pike, 245    Adams, Samuel Emery        reports on Louisiana, 245‑250 elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 323 opposes Pike's threat to Fellows, 247       Ainsworth, John C.           Ireland not indispensable, 248        elected S.G.I.G., 45  agrees with Pike on Shaw, 249             appointed First Grand Equerry, 46 resigns as Grand Rep. of Mexico, 252       reports work in Oregon, 61        ill at Biloxi, 253          not accounted for, 67            complains of poor service from Ireland, 269             resigns, 91     ill, 279             recommends consolidation of S.J. and      advises Pike on legitimacy, 316             N.M.J., 91       advises Pike on Mexico, 316          resignation accepted, 94     reports failure, 330             Almirall, Francisco    seeks advice, 338, 339        sends Pike insulting letter, 272       reports progress, 359     Ames, Alfred Elisha  credits Quayle for progress, 359     elected S.G.I.G., 94  remits Samory bequest, 364     crowned, 95   called to Washington, 377   reports, 95     Acting Grand Commander, 377      deceased, 105     Bateman, Isaac C.


                        Anderson, William T.            appointed Deputy, 69           to receive payment of $1,500, 61            reports, 93     Ashby, Joseph Knight           elected S.G.I.G., 94 receives G.C., 288    Bayliss, M. W.


                        reports Cerneau activity, 333          is quitting Cerneau fight, 356           Atwood, Edward W.            delivers Cerneau documents to Pike, 356             propagates Cerneauism vigorously, 305   Beasley, Stephen Henry           attacks Pike in public press, 305    excused, 260             nominated S.G.I.G., 260             Bennett, Clement Wells        B         elected G.C., 125      appointed Special Deputy, 169      Barber, Luke E.           Berand, E.


                        resignation rejected, 94       writes on recognition of France, 272          reports to Pike, 102            Betts, George C.


                        deceased, 313          elected G.C., 125      Batchelor, James Cunningham       Blackie, George S.


                        signs Tucker's certificate, 20           appointed Deputy, 68           to work in Alabama, 20            Blackshear, J. E.


                        works in Mobile, 26   sent Deputy commission, 270         reports, 91     Blake, U. C.


                        elected Lt. G.C., 163, 192    tells Pike that Parvin had sent letters, 300             makes gloomy report on La., 211     Bocock, W. F.


                        doubts improvement in New Orleans, 231 suggests reduction of fees, 334 465 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Book of Infamy prepared by Pike, 237 Bowen, Thomas A.


            military record received by Pike, 338 Bowen, William R.


            elected S.G.I.G., 94 crowned, 97 notified of Pike's visit, resigns, 204 Bower, Robert F.


            Pike proposes to make S.G.I.G., 114 nominated S.G.I.G., 124 elected G.C., 125 crowned, 126 donates to Library, 169 directed to investigate at Lyons, replies to Pike, 211 death announced, 223 eulogized, 254 Breckenridge, John C. seat vacated, 45 Brown, Charles Frederick elected S.G.I.G., 255 crowned, 256 Brown, J. T.


            challenges Pike to refute Cerneauism, Browne, John Mills elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 206 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 Buist, Henry attends Session, 9 elected Treasurer General, 11 elected Grand Chancellor, 46 comments on qualifications for degrees, 89 reports on Home Fund, 265 ill, 279 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 promises to raise $500, 338 deceased, 338 Buist, John Somers elected G.C., 125 thanks S.C. for aid to Charleston, 323 164 278 466 C Caldwell, E. H.


            refuses Deputy appointment, 61 Campbell, Benjamin R.


            attends Session, 9 comments on degree qualifications, 89 deceased, 105 Carr, Erasmus Theodore elected S.G.I.G., 28 reports, 93 only report complying with Statutes, 203 praised by Pike, 283 says Collins slow against Cerneauism, 333 forms L. of P., 335 revives L. of P., 335 elected Grand Minister of State, 348 proposes "healing" of Cerneauists, 356 Carrier, A. J.


            works in Dakota, 240 Carroll, James first known resident S.R. degrees, 334 Carson, Enoch T.


            Pike defense against, 46 Cassard, Andres resigns Honorary 33, 71 "exequatur" withdrawn, 71 Representative status denied, Caswell, Thomas Hubbard elected S.G.I.G., 30 reports, 93 appointed Grand Constable, 163 works in Tucson, 264 appointed Grand Minister of State, 270 assists Pike at Oakland, 274 donates mineral collection, 258 elected Grand Minister of State, 286 reports, 315, 322 opposes Pike's recommendations, 322 appointed Grand Chancellor, 339 elected Grand Chancellor, 348 Chadwick, Stephen Fowler elected G.C., 125 nominated and elected S.G.I.G, 158 provision made for crowning, 159 of Alaska 71 to receive INDEX Chandler, T. W.


            sent Deputy commission, 270 ill, 279 Chapters, Rose Croix 15 and 16 added to, 75 Chassaignac reorganizes spurious Supreme Council, 35 Cheatham, James H.


            victim of Cerneauism, 214 Cilley, Clinton A.


            elected Honorary 33 and Special Deputy, 28 Civil War opens, 5 closes, 5 operations, 6 effects on Scottish Rite, 5 effect on Southern Jurisdiction, 6‑7 effect on Masonry, 7 Cleburne, Wm.


            nominated S.G.I.G., 339 Cole, J. S.


            opposes new Consistories in Kansas, 341 Collins, Martin elected S.G.I.G., 28 reports, 92 visits Session, N.M.J., 165 communicates degrees in St. Louis, 215 action conflicts with Pike's plans, 215 authorized to form Consistory, 286 cannot attend conference, 304 slow against Cerneauism, 333 reports intention to form L. of P., 334 delays formation of Kansas City Body, 357 advised by Pike to form Bodies, 357 forms Bodies in Kansas City, 358 reports misappropriation of funds, 364 ill, 364 Comly, H. R.


            appointed Deputy, 214 assists Pike in Montana, 275 to be elected S.G.I.G., 361 reports, 361 Confederate States named, 6 war in, 6 collapse, 6 condition after war, 6, 7 reconstruction ended, 183 Congress of Lausanne, 1875 S.C., S.J., not represented, 103 S.C., S.J., does not join Confederation, 105 Pike letter on, 114, 120 Pike writes about, 146‑149 Congress of Supreme Councils, 1874 proposed to Pike, 77 Pike calls for, 77 topics for discussion, 78 fails, 78 Cook, John W. elected G.C., 100 Cook [Cooke], Matthew thanked for music, 71, 159 music for Rite published, 191 Cothran, William reports, 94 elected G.C., 125 deceased, 213 Council, Princes of Jerusalem abolished, 75 Court of Honour proposed by Pike, 47 Statute on, 49 Pike announces Statute adopted, 51 nominations requested, 66 elections (see K.C.C.H. ) Cowles, John Henry dominant personality, 5 Craig, Emmet D.


            Special Deputy, 20 Cripps, Thomas elected Grand Organist, 46 sends special music to Pike, 55 thanked, 71 elected G.C., 125 467 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Cunningham, Harper S. appointed Deputy, 360 reports on Oklahoma, 360 Cunningham, Thomas A.


            attempts to revive Rite in Maryland, 39 does not favor a Grand Consistory in Maryland, 41 acts on Pike's advice, 43 reports, 93 resigns, 154 D Dalcho, Frederick purchase of Patents rejected, 193 military record sent to Pike, 338 Damon, John F.


            told of propagation plans, 178 aids Lawson in Victoria, 187 elected G.C,. 20'5 said to be crazy, 271 Danenburg, R. L.


            seeks new L. of P. in Baltimore, 232 Daniels, Joseph notified to pay debt, 99 Dawkins, Dewitt Clinton nominated S.G.I.G., 124 crowned, 149 fights Cerneauism, 214 reports from Florida, 239 criticized by Supreme Council, 258 reports Cerneau activity, 333 appointed Representative, 364 Day, Henry E.


            reports, 103 De Ladebat, Charles J. J. Laffon deceased, 264, 282 De Lieben, Israel portrait given to Library, 366 portrait not in Library, 366 Delta Lodge of Perfection ordered to pay dues, 29 Dennis, John B.


            appointed Deputy, 270 Deputies for Louisiana commissions revoked, 29, 30 DeSaussure, Wilmot Gibbes elected S.G.I.G., 124 crowned, 126 authorized to buy Patents, 259 appointed Grand Standard Bearer, 270 ill, 279 dead, 312 death caused vacancy, 319 Dewitt, Jacob recommends Cunningham, 360 Dickinson, Joseph military record received by Pike, 338 Dominis, John O.


            Deputy in Hawaii, 213 seeks Pike's aid for King, 213 requests correction of record, 364 Driggs, John S.


            appointed Deputy, 61 Drummond, Josiah H. Grand Commander, N.M.J., 21 orders gossip stopped, 21 raises boundary question, 21 invited to Charleston, 24 advises Pike on Ritual, 25 expected to join Pike against illegal body, 36 writes Pike on G.O. of France, 36 with Pike, writes Denunciation, 58 E Earhart, Rocky P. appointed Deputy, 169 elected S.G.I.G., 255 charges Ireland with neglect, 301 requested to settle account, 330 resents criticism, 362 states intention to resign, 362 resigns, 362 resignation announced, 365 Eastman, Charles Hagen appointed Special Deputy, 259 appointed Deputy, 269 declines appointment, 269 468 INDEX Emeriti Members of Honour provision made for election, 347 eighteen elected, 348 Eubanks, Ed. N.


            requests anti‑Cerneau literature, 278 F Fellows, John Quincy Adams claims to be S.G.I.G., 37 elected S.G.I.G., 45 reports, 91 opposes changes proposed by Pike, 168 opposes Pike's decisions on dispensations, 251 praised in letter to Pike, 264 acknowledges request for resignation, 264 defends himself, 264 refuses to resign, 265 appointed Second Grand Equerry, 286 charges Pike's advice is "revolutionary", 340 reports claim of repudiation, 364 resignation tabled, 368 Ferreira, Ant. De S.


            proposes congress of Supreme Councils, 77 Fitch, Charles Wellington appointed Deputy, 243 works in Guatemala, 243 Fitzgerald, Adolphus Leigh elected S.G.I.G., 323 crowned, 339 remits fees, 364 Fizell.......


            to work in Alabama, 20 Fleming, Rufus Eberle appointed Deputy, 270 elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 323 Foote, Frank M.


            appointed Deputy, 214 reports, 364 Foulhouze, James forms illegal body in Louisiana, 27 Francis, Charles K.


            receives Pike disclaimer of power over Symbolic Degrees, 353 Frankland, Abraham Ephriam appointed Deputy, 68 elected G.C., 94 elected S.G.I.G, 94 crowned, 95 letter read, 124 resigns, 203 regrets absence, 253 Freeman, Merrill P. appointed Deputy, 273 requests advice, 278 receives 33, 315 protests Deputy appointment, 364 not liable for lost funds, 371 Freemasonry in U.S.


            antedates Republic, 3 influences events, 3 French, B. B.


            elected Gr. Chancellor, 15 elected Lt. G.C., 46 deceased, 67 Furnas, Robert W. appointed Deputy, 69 to receive 33 Hon., 112 elected G.C., 125 G Garfield, James A. shot, 219 deceased, 219 Garrett, Thos. Elwood elected G.C., 125 Gibbs, James Bennett to receive degrees as Honorarium, 75 Girard, Michel Eloi nominated S.G.I.G., 124 crowning authorized, 153 crowned, 169 deceased, 352 Glenn, John W. complains of poor service from Sec. Gen., 269 appointed Deputy, 270 469 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Goldman, Adolph meets Pike and Tucker in Austin, 231 Good Standing Pike rules on, 168 effects of trials‑in Symbolic Lodges on, 168 effects of civil trials on, 168 Goodrich, Charles G. reports, 61 Gould, William Tracy elected S.G.I.G., 45 made Emeritus, 45 dead, 223 Gouley, George Frank attacks Scottish Rite, 22 reported to S.C., 26 charged, tried and punished, 28 opposes Pike, 37 defeated by Pike's mandate, 37 petitions for reinstatement, 37 receives K.C.C.H., 37 dead, 37 conference with Pike, 81 settlement of controversy announced, 85 Graham, John M. C.


            invested with G.C., 97 Grand Chancellor responsible for foreign correspondence, 28 Grand Consistory membership statistics, 17 approved by Pike, 27 charter of D.C. revoked, 30 changes considered, 31 of Maryland reorganized, 43 of Georgia reorganized, 55 powers outlined, 58 acts of Louisiana approved, 70 confers only 31 and 32, 72 no power to communicate 4 to 30, 72 of Iowa criticized, 76 to be investigated, 96 of Maryland criticized by Pike, 118 Georgia charter problem, 129 Toombs to settle with, 129 one‑half of dues of Iowa remitted, 157 charter of Arkansas recalled, 157 dues of Maryland remitted, 158 of Louisiana addressed by Pike, 173 of Louisiana sends anti‑Cerneau bulletin, 214 of Maryland opposes new L. of P., 233 of Maryland surrenders charter, 234 situation described by Cerneauist, 235‑237 members of Maryland listed in The Book of Infamy, 237 of Louisiana criticized by Pike, 247, 339 Grand Cross Leffingwell elected, 69 Pike designs jewel, 85 twenty‑one elected, 125 Roper elected, 129 Lewis elected "ex‑officio", 154 two elected, 205 Honorary elected, 206 Ashby elected, 288 Roome elected, 288 Holt elected, 367 nominations restricted, 370 Grand Lodge of Iowa declares Cerneauism illegal, 355 supported by civil courts, 355 punished members of Cerneau bodies, 356 Grand Orient of Egypt declared legitimate, 154 Grand Orient of France recognizes spurious body, 35 condemned by Pike, 321 not a Scottish Rite power, 365 Grand Representatives to receive jewel, 75 Pike designs jewel, 85 Greenleaf, L. N. appointed Deputy, 166 reports, 239 Grissom, Eugene elected S.G.I.G., 287 crowned, 289 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 470 INDEX resignation rejected, 345 moves, no longer S.G.I.G., 365 Guiffrey, G.


            complains about Bodies in Hawaii, 105 Gunner, Rudolf member, S.C. of Mexico, 314 entitled to be received as 33, 314 H Hall, Robert H.


            sends founders' military records to Pike, 338 Hanline, W. N.


            requests anti‑Cerneau materials, 333 appointed Deputy, 339 Harington, T. Douglas requests Pike and Lawson to form Bodies, 185 reports Cerneau activity in Canada, 214 thanks Pike for work in Canada, 242 Pike expresses regret at death, 243 Harmon, F. H.


            appointed Deputy, 274 reports little work, 334 send mineral specimens, 364 Harris, R. Baker writes history, 3 Hayden, James R. aids Lawson in Victoria, 187 receives Deputy commission, 210 reports, 239, 271, 334, 362 elected S.G.I.G., 255 complains about book‑keeping, 269 believes Damon crazy, 271 praised by Pike, 283 reports purchase of rituals from Macoy, 315 appointed Grand Standard Bearer, 319 makes gloomy report, 331 remits to Fund for Fraternal Assistance, 338 appointed Grand Almoner, 339 Hillyer, Giles M.


            elected Gr. Min. of State, 15 communicates degrees, 17 slow to return Patents, 26 death reported, 61, 67 started "Secret Work," 85 History of the Supreme Council, 1861‑1891 volume II in series, 3 presented chronologically, 3 general background, 3 sources, 3 Pike encouraged writing, 123 writing referred to S.G.I.G.'s of S.C., 131 Pike recommends writing, 366 Pike says he cannot write, 366 Holt, Alexander Hollenbeck elected G.C., 367 responds to presentation of G.C., 368 Honorary Members elections, 11, 12, 28, 30, 46, 94, 96, 124, 126, 127, 153, 159, 205, 206, 255, 260, 287, 324, 325, 347, 368 have all rights except as denied by Statutes, 72 retain rights from state to state, 72 five dropped from roll, 99, 193 Honour, John Henry should be honored, 283 deceased, 312 Hopkins, Henry St. George reports, 111 Deputy commission recalled, 161 Hotchkiss, E. A.


            appointed Deputy, 210 Hough, Warwick appointed Deputy, 240 Hubbard, Horace Halsey nominated S.G.I.G., 124 crowned, 126 dead, 223 eulogized in Transactions, 254 Hughan, Wm. J.


            donates to Library, 366 33 Innes, Robert Strachan elected S.G.I.G., 255 crowned, 256 471 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


authorized to confer 33, Hon., 286 resigns, 322 Emeritus, 322 International Conferences Pike proposes, 64 proposed in 1874, 77 Pike calls, 77 fails to meet, 78 topics proposed for discussion, 78 Congress of Lausanne, 1875, 105 Pike condemns 1875 Congress, 146 Pike drafts articles of Confederation, 98 "Union" proposed, 114 Ireland, William Morton appointed Deputy, 61 elected G.C., 94 accompanies Pike to N.Y., 142 to consult with Pike, 157 accompanies Pike on tour, 164 visits Session, N.M.J., 165 aids Pike form Bodies, 165 accompanies Pike on tour in 1879, 171 attends R.O. of Scotland, 171 attends Session on N.M.J., 171 visits Kansas, Minnesota and Iowa, 171‑172returns to Washington, 172 accompanies Pike to Mid‑west, 217 appointed Secy. Gen., ad interim, 219 accompanies Pike on southern trip, 241 Pike demands election to Secy. Gen., 246 elected S.G.I.G., 255 crowned, 256 elected Secy. Gen., 256 corresponds with Pike, 268 fails to attend to business properly, 269 receives request for 33' rituals, 270 Pike advises not to lend ritual, 270 distributes proposed revision of Statutes, 272 receives letters from Pike, 273 accompanies Pike on trip, 289 complained of, 299 defended by Pike, 299 114, 120, ill, 300 office searched by Pike, 301 neglect discovered by Pike, 301 devoting time to widow, 301 scandal, 301 Parvin recommends removal, 301 resignation demanded, 304 resigns, 304 resignation mentioned, 319 dropped from 33 roll, 348 Ives, Edward Rutledge elected S.G.I.G., 28 dead, 46 J Jackson, Thornton A.


            seeks to form Cerneau bodies, 358 Johnson, Andrew order favors Pike, 6 pardons Pike, 17 Johnson, F. H.


            reports Bodies buying house, Jordan, Robert C. elected S.G.I.G., 28 resigns, 69 to be crowned, 112 to prepare for Pike's visit, 163 appointed Deputy in Wyoming, 166 reports work, 187 reelected S.G.I.G, 205 takes over work in Montana, 213 reports formation of Bodies, 213 remits funds, 214 takes charge of Dakota, 264 Patents not sent, 269 appointed Second Grand Equerry, 270 praised by Pike, 283 elected Grand Almoner, 286 fights Cerneauism, 334 appointed Grand Minister of State, 339 resigns, 339 364 472 INDEX K Kalakaua, David W.M., 105 King of Hawaii, 213 criticized by Pike, 213 Kenney, E. C.


            paid for services, 288 K.C.C.H.


            elections, 69, 94, 96, 97, 100, 124, 125, 127, 153, 205, 255, 287, 324, 326, 347, 349, 367 Pike designs jewel, 85 Knott, Richard F. deceased, 103 L Langfeldt, August appointed Deputy, 263 Latrobe, John H. B. "healing" authorized, 126 Laughton, Charles E. instructed to report, 210 criticized by Pike, 210 Lawson, James Smyth Special Deputy, 91 nominated S.G.I.G., 124 crowned, 126 introduces Rite into Western Canada, 185 reports new Bodies in Victoria, 185 recommends changes in quorum and terms, 188 resigns, 189 resignation rejected, 204 assists Pike at Oakland, 274 praised by Pike, 283 wishes to resign, 295 resignation rejected, 345 resignation effective upon receipt, 368 Leffingwell, Wm. Edward elected Grand Cross, 69 resigns office, 92 33 election withdrawn, 95 elected G.C., 125 Leo XIII issues Humanum Genus Bull, 281 answered by Pike, 281 defines issues with Freemasonry, 282 Levin, Nathaniel reports, 95 elected G.C., 125 sends minutes of La Candeur Lodge to Pike, 338 appointed Deputy, 339 elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 345 reports progress, 361 directs research on founding of S.C., 361 Lewis, John Lawson elected G.C., 125 elected "ex‑officio" G.C., 154 should be honored, 285 nominated S.G.I.G., 285 nominated Emeritus Member, 285 elected S.G.I.G., 286 placed on Emeritus list, 286 deceased, 312 Library of the Supreme Council Pike announces formation, 152 resolution establishing, 158 1,000 volumes, 191 catalog published, 191 Pike appeals for donations, 192 S.G.I.G. pictures collected, 192 Pike letter on gift, 259 Pike plans library wing, 268 Caswell donates mineral collection, 277 growth 1880‑1886, 327 Pike seeks expansion, 338 appeals for mineral specimens, 338 receives military records of founders, 338 purpose of Library, 339 valued at $50,000, 343 Pike proposes Library be Public Library, 344 First Public Library in Washington, 344 committee on Library appointed, 345 permanent Committee created, 350 catalog published, 366 473 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


only Public Library in Washington, 366 contents surveyed, 367 value in 1890, 367 15,000 volumes in 1890, 367 only major Masonic library, 367 Lodge of Sorrow convened, 29, 31, 70, 100, 131, 206 origin, 168 not opened in 1882, 260 Lohse, James C.


            Grand Commander of S.C. of Mexico, 314 Loker, William Napoleon elected G.C., 125 Long, Odell Squier appointed Deputy, 68 given more time to receive 33, 71 nominated S.G.I.G., 124 crowned, 126 appointed First Grand Equerry, 270 appointed Grand Constable, 350 reads Pike's Allocution, 365 Loth, J. T.


            charges S.C. of Scotland spurious, 149 Louisiana Chamber of Deputies abolished, 16 protests, 26 no further action, 29 Lyons, Iowa site of first known S.R. Temple built by Bodies, 62 M Mackey, Albert G. attends Session, 9 ranks third for life, 15 communicates degrees, 17 criticized by Pike, 44 letter on Statutes, 72 reimbursed, 98 ordered to take mail vote, 103 granted leave, 124 western journey, 135 reports, 159 dispatches mail ballots for Lt. G.C., 163 summary of trip west, 175‑178 logical man to visit Missouri, 178 deceased, 217 Pike's tribute, 218 eulogized, 254 MacMasters [McMasters], Sterling Y. appointed Deputy, 68 deceased, 112 Macoy, Robert printer, 22, 62 requests and receives payment, 62 reported to have sold rituals, 315 Marshall, Robert to receive loan of Rituals, 75 Martin, Angel elected G.C., 125 Masonic Publishing Company bill paid, 142 Maude, John Burton to meet Pike in St. Louis, 163 deceased, 189 memorialized, 208 Mayer, John Frederick reports Pike writings helpful, 333 elected and crowned, S.G.I.G., 345 reports, 363 Membership statistics, 1878, 159 estimated total, 160 comparative statistics, 1880, 183‑184 growth, 1880‑1886, 327 statistics, 1890, 373‑374 Meredith, Gilmor nominated, elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 154 comments on new L. of P., 232 helps form L. of P. in Baltimore, 232 fails to secure property promptly, 235 appointed Grand Herald, 270 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 Merrill, Giles W.


            nominated S.G.I.G., 124 reports new L. of P., 187 474 INDEX election to 33 extended, 259 provision made for conferral of 33, 286 Metcalf, George R.


            sends Pierson's book to Pike, 364 Miller, John M.


            appeals to Pike for aid, 39 protests acts of Cunningham, 43 Miller, O. G.


            censured, 286 Mitchell, John military record received by Pike, 338 Mitchell, William Letcher elected S.G.I.G., 45 organizes Grand Consistory of Ga., 55 reports new L. of P., 62 reports Toombs will make loan, 64 reports, 92 installed Grand Prior, 127 to solve charter problem, 129 Pike visits family, 263 deceased, 282 Mithras Lodge of Perfection conducts Garfield Memorial Rites, 222 Montagu, J. M. P.


            writes provoking letter, 145 Moore, George Fleming elected S.G.I.G., 287, 345 reports to Pike, 315 crowned, 345 Morals and Dogma Pike authorized to publish, 16 first printed copies delivered, 64 distribution authorized, 75 purchase required, 75 first edition almost exhausted, 81 Morel, Achille Regulus elected S.G.I.G., 45 absent, 67 dropped from roll of S.G.I.G., 100 explains and is reinstated, 118 expenses paid, 129 joins Tucker in anti‑Cerneau letter, 214 writes excuse for absence, 253 praised by Pike, 283 Moses, Frank J. appointed Deputy, 262 sent Deputy commission, 270 Moses, Julius L.


            gives de Lieben portrait to Library, 366 Murton, J. M.


            requests Frederick Webber as Rep. for Canada, 242 invites Pike to Canada, 278 Music Thomas Cripps elected Grand Organist, 46 Cripps sends special music to Pike, 55 Cripps thanked for music, 71 Matthew Cook thanked for music, 71, 159 published, 191 publication of Part I announced, 215 MC McCarty, Daniel J. bids on building, 268 McCraken, John nominated by Ainsworth, 91 elected S.G.I.G., 94 crowned, 95 elected to Emeritus Membership, 154 McDaniel, John Robin elected Lt. G.C., 55 reports, 92, 95 deceased, 160, 189 McDermott, E. E.


            works in Minnesota, 187 N New Bodies must purchase publications, 75 Nunn, Richard J.


            Special Deputy, 28 elected G.C., 125 addresses Supreme Council, 205 sent Deputy commission, 270 elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 345 475 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33   0            recommends appointment of Webber, 301           Official Bulletin:          demands Ireland's removal, 304             Pike recommends publication, 46  opposes Pike's recommendations, 322    publication started, 49            approves Pike's suggestion, 324   report of, 106 told that Vincie was not worthy, 363            edited by Pike, 106       inquires about Pike's bust, 364       subscription campaign fails, 316    Penn, James             contains all correspondence of interest, 321         resigns, 12     continuation recommended, 344            Perkins, Wm. M.


                        does not pay cost of publication, 344         Special Deputy, 20   possible to reduce cost, 344            Phillips, Nathaniel George   Olney, Harvey Allen   receives Pike letter on Congresses, 146‑149             elected G.C., 125      Pierson, Azariah T. C.


                        appointed Deputy, 169         attends Session, 9    elected Gr. Prior, 15             Openheimer, Louis   communicates degrees, 17             sends Alamo gavel to Pike, 338     charged with writing illegal cipher book, 27         O'Sullivan, Anthony   resigns, 45     asked to find Deputies in Iowa, 21  reported engaged in illegal work, 52 deceased, 21            dropped from roll of 33, 69            deceased, 352          P            books sent to Pike, 364       Pike, Albert    Page, William Lewis Grand Commander to 1891, 3             elected G.C., 125      death, 3          Papal Bulls     dominates period of history, 5         usually ignored by Masons, 281  preserves Rite, 5       Pike answers Humanum Genus, 281         treats with Indians, 5             Parvin, Theodore S.  Confederate, 5          loses Pike's confidence, 21 returns to Arkansas, 5             works in Kansas, Nebraska and Missouri, 26       compiles Morals and Dogma, 5      elected Grand Minister of State, 69 revises Rituals, 5       reaction to Pike's letter, 76  accused of atrocities, 5        reports, 92, 322           excluded from amnesty, 5    notified of origin of Lodge of Sorrow, 168 in Canada, 6 directed to investigate at Lyons, 211     returns to U.S., 6       granted leave of absence, 255        supervises printing of Rituals, 6        resigns office, 269    arrives in Charleston, 6        assists Pike at Tucson, 273            issues summons to S.C., 8 furious with Pike, 295           characterized, 8        informed that letters have been found, 301     attends Session, 9    informed of Ireland's neglect, 301   delivers address, 9‑11         requests names of others neglected, 301      awarded jewel, 15     cannot attend consultation, 301       to prepare manual, 15             advises Pike to remove Ireland, 301          to print Morals and Dogma, 15 476 INDEX pardoned by President, 17 returns to Memphis, 18 correspondence of 1866‑1868, 18‑25 letter to Philip C. Tucker, 18 seeks to extend Rite into Kansas and Nebraska, 20 had lost confidence in Parvin, 21 nominates Representative, 21 on boundary change, 22 disputes with George Frank Gouley, 22 starts printing of S.R. materials, 22 seeks funds, 22 calls Session for 1868, 24 Allocution, 1868, 25‑27 announces close of ritualistic labors, 26 denies claim of N.M.J. to more territory, 27 reviews foreign correspondence, 27 condemns Particular Consistories, 27 approves Grand Consistories, 27 presents Rituals for approval, 27 recommends opening of Lodge of Sorrow, 27 reviews decisions, 27 warns against politics and religion in Masonic decisions, 27 revises Statutes, 32 opening of second decade of administration, 35 moves against spurious body, 35 expects Drummond to join with him, 36 will denounce Grand Orient of France, 36 prepares mandate against Gouley, 37 problems in Louisiana, 37 replies to Fellows, 38 works in Baltimore, 39 advises Cunningham, 41‑43 partially successful at Baltimore, 43 Allocution, 46 reports deaths, 46 reports on Bodies, 46 recommends publication of Official Bulletin, 46 reviews Foreign Relations, 46 comments on decisions, 46 defends Grand Constitutions of 1786, 46 comments on publications, 46 contrasts communication with conferral, 47 announces Lodge of Sorrow, 47 proposes Court of Honour, 47 starts Official Bulletin, 49 requests vote on Court of Honour, 49 announces adoption of C. of H. Statute, 51 requests report, 52 announces intent to visit in 1870, 52 reports illegal work by Pierson, 52 warns Bodies in Minnesota to report, 55 reports death of French, 55 orders ballot for Lt. G.C., 55 invited to La. Lodge of Sorrow, 55 advises Todd of development, 55 visits New Orleans, 55 advises on communication of degrees, 55 with Drummond, writes Letter of Denunciation, 5 8 outlines powers of S.G.I.G., 58 says Supreme Council needs money, 60 reports on publication, 60 urges propagation of Rite, 60 appoints Deputies, 61 visits Georgia, Minnesota, Iowa and South Carolina and forms Bodies, 62 plans trip into west, 62 pays printer on account, 64 secures loan from Toombs, 64 receives first copies of Morals and Dogma, 64 proposes international "Articles of Agreement and Contract", 64 vouches for Mexican Lodges, 65 announces reactivation of S.C. of Mexico, 66 rituals used in Canada, 66 Book of Words printed, 66 reports "a bard world for a rebel", 66 asks for nominations to C. of H., 66 opens Session at Louisville, 67 reads Allocution, 67 thanks York Rite of Louisville, 67 recommends Statute to govern recess elections, 67 477 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


reports on trip to Maryland, Georgia and South Carolina, 67 reports on dispensations and dislike of that power, 67 Particular Consistories said to be a mistake, 68 announces appointments of Deputies, 68 outlines decisions, 68 wants Rituals translated, 68 comments on Court of Honour, 68 wishes 33 fee abolished, 68 states printing bills soon to be paid, 68 recommends building of "Sanctuary", 68 recommends creation of "Charity Fund", 68 reviews Foreign Relations, 68 authorized to visit Europe, 69 acts in recess approved, 69 given nominating powers, 70 rulings approved, 71 authorized to publish music, 72 appeals for Sanctuary funds, 72 received no response to appeal, 73 authorized to distribute Morals and Dogma, 75 authorized to loan Rituals, 75 authorized to provide Rep. with jewels, 75 on progression in the Rite, 75 letter critical of Iowa, 76 proposes congress of Supreme Councils, 77 writes on S.N.D., 78‑80 visits St. Louis, 81 denies S.R. conflicts with Y.R., 81 has conference with Gouley, 81 refuses to discount price of books, 81 reports delay in printing and lack of funds, 81 Allocution, 83 defends policies, 84 designs jewels, 85 announces failure of "Congress", 87 criticizes other Supreme Councils, 87 receives favorable report, 95 announces jurisdiction changes, 96 announces appointments, 97 invests Graham with G.C., 97 presents draft of "Articles of Confederation", 98 authorized to provide Const. to S.G.I.G., 100 orders vote by mail on Del. to I. Con., 103 announces publication of Lectures, 103 rejects French claim in Hawaii, 105 breaks fraternal relations with France, 105 refuses to accede to Confederation, 105 edits Official Bulletin, 106 publishes Grand Constitutions, 107 announces formation of S.C. of Canada, 107 criticizes Rite in Iowa, 108 announces fiscal rules, 109 ill, 112 aids Shaw family, 112 reports on private affairs, 112 plans trip, 113 writes letter on Congress of Lausanne, 114 proposes formation‑‑of Union, 114 "wearies of the work", 117 opposes use of ritual in Georgia, 117 reads Allocution, 118 criticizes Baltimore Bodies, 118 reports on Bodies, 118 praises Washington, D:C., Bodies, 119 opposes rapid growth, 119 criticizes Congress of Lausanne, 120 denies claim of N.M.J. to more territory, 120 criticizes 18 of N.M.J., 120 discusses formation of S.C. of Canada, 120 opinions on S.C. "suicide", 120 speaks on N.P.D., 120 comments on American Masons, 121 notes use of Ritual by other S.C.'s, 123 proposes "Sanctuary and Charity Fund", 123 wants history written, 123 receives travel allowance, 125 confidential Allocution, 125, 129 authorized to confer 33 Hon., 128 authorized to visit Edinburgh, 131 478 INDEX reimbursed for expense, 131 address requested for publication, 131 actions and policies accepted, 132 western journey, 134 criticizes Mackey, 136 law firm not prosperous, 137 in distress, 138 reports of distress received, 138 criticizes "Templarism", 138 not certain how to reach goal, 140 favorable reports received, 140 upbraids Bodies at Lyons, 141 goes to N.Y., 142 writes letter on finance, 142 requests reports, 145 receives disturbing letter, 145 writes letter to Phillips, 146 Past Grand High Priest, 149 attends General Grand Chapter, 149 convenes ad hoc Session, 149 crowns Dawkins, 149 receives letters from Loth on S.C. of Scotland, 149 refuses to accept Loth's charges, 149 contributes to Supreme Council diplomacy, 150 Allocution summarized, 150 comments on records, 151 announces formation of Library, 152 announces publication of Register, 152 reviews Foreign Relations, 152 lists twenty Supreme Councils, 153 charity donations approved, 154 to set salary of Asst. Gr. Auditor, 157 to settle dues of Gr. Consistory of Iowa, 157 authorized to charter bodies, 158 decisions approved, 158 authorized to pay expenses, 158 issues notice of McDaniel's death, 160 publishes charges, 161 appeals for raising of funds, 161‑163 announces election of Batchelor, 163 announces appointment of Caswell, 163 makes trip into Virginia, 163 Rituals of 1, 2 and 3 printed, 163 announces plans for visit, 163 outline of western tour, 164 visits Session of N.M.J., 165 claims of N.M.J. rejected, 165 forms Bodies in west, 165 reports on L. of P. at Leavenworth, 165 appoints Deputies, 166 charters Chapter, R.C. in Denver, 166 proposes changes in titles, 166 nature of correspondence in 1879, 168 decision in 1879, 168 rules of Good Standing, 168 reports received by, 169 sends notice of Maude's death, 169 appoints Deputies, 169 Book of Words published, 170 must "take the field", 170 reveals plans for trip, 170 starts trip, 171 attends R.O. of Scotland, 171 attends Session of N.M.J., 171 to attend G.L. of Kansas, 171 visits Minnesota, 171 visits Iowa, 172 visits Oklahoma and Texas, 172 reports on situation in Texas, 172‑173 sends instructions to Ireland, 173 delivers address to G. Conc. of La., 173 arrives in Washington, 173 summary of trip, 174‑175 summarizes publications, 175 anxious to find a successor, 178 summary of period of administration, 178 personal problems, 178‑180 commentary on immaturity of Rite, 180 opening of 3rd administrative decade, 183 intensive study, 185 aids introduction of Rite into Western Canada, 185 appoints Tonn, 187 gives advice on formation of Bodies, 187 authorizes Bodies in Minnesota, 187 receives reports, 188 479 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


advised of Cerneau activity, 188 rules against Cerneauists, 188 rules on "healing of Cerneauists", 188 starts 1880 tour, 189 prepares for Session, 189 reads Allocution, 189‑192 Rituals widely used, 189 reads roll of dead, 189 comments on "Domestic affairs", 189‑191 summary of trips 1878‑1880, 189 wishes to propagate the Rite, 191 announces growth of Library, 191 appeals for donations to Library, 192 requests approval of revised Rituals, 192 states Hon. G.C. not entitled to free jewel, 192 states Hon. G.C. not exempt from dues, 192 states civil court decisions conclusive in Rite, 192 states unfavorable reports on applicants not recorded, 192 states S.G.I.G. to create 9 members to form Body, 192 states L. of P. to receive fees for degrees over 9, 192 severs relations with S.C. of Switzerland, 192 announces work in Canada, 192 appeals for aid from all members of Rite, 192 submits Confidential Allocution, 193‑201 summary of condition of Rite, 193‑202 significance of Pike summary, 202 attitude to condition, 202 reports on personal finances, 203‑204 granted annuity, 204 announces appointments to office, 205 made jurisdiction‑wide S.G.I.G., 205 proposal to grant Hon. 33 powers rejected, 205 some decisions sustained, 205 announces appointments to office, 206 announces Lodge of Sorrow, 206 is "Supreme Magus", Rosicrucians, 20'8 busy with move and correspondence, 209 plans trip to Kansas, 210 criticizes Bodies at Lyons, 211 criticizes King of Hawaii, 213 announces death of Deputies, 213 appoints Deputies, 214 receives report on Cerneauism, 214 writes anti‑Cerneau letter, 214 denounces Cerneauism in Canada, 215 seeks Bodies in St. Louis, 215 Collins interferes with plans, 215 makes trip to St. Louis, 217 works in Omaha, 217 announces death of Mackey, 217 tribute to Mackey, 219 announces shooting of Garfield, 219 announces death of Hubbard, Bower, Gould, and Schwarzman, 223 proposes to raise money for Sanctuary, 225 progress of plan to raise money, 226, 227, 229 plans southwestern and southern trip, 229 lectures at Louisville, 230 attends R.O, of S. and N.M.J. at N.Y., 230 makes southwestern tour, 230‑231 meets with discourtesy in New Orleans, 231 will use strong measures in New Orleans, 232 not pleased with situation in Maryland, 232 forms L. of P. in Baltimore, 232 criticizes Grand Cons. of Maryland, 233 announces surrender of charter of G. Cons. of Md., 235 seeks return of property from Gr. Cons. of Md., 235 prepares "The Book of Infamy", 237 demands payment of delinquent dues, 237 submits mail ballot for Consistory, 239 delegation from Missouri observes his work in D.C., 239 invited to "convention" at Lyons, 240 receives report, 240‑241 plans southern trip, 241 works in the south, 241 returns to Washington, 242 480 INDEX results of southern trip, 242 receives foreign correspondence, 242 appoints Fitch Deputy, 243 rejects protest from G.O. of Colombia, 243 writes on foreign relations, 243 defends formation of L. of P. in Japan, 243 criticizes Supreme Council of Italy, 243 makes no decision on Spanish problem, 245 requests reports, 245 exchanges letters with Batchelor, 245 will not support Homer, 246 will oppose Fellows for Secy. Gen., 246 will demand election of Ireland to Secy. Gen., 246 demands that Craig pay 33 fees, 247 criticizes Shaw's work, 247 reads Allocution, 250 reviews death losses, 250 discusses history of Supreme Council, 250 reports on conditions of the Rite, 250 discusses power to grant dispensations, 251 advises on needed legislation, 251 comments on Book of Gold, 251 discusses qualifications of Secy. Gen., 251 announces recognition of Paz S.C. in Spain, 252 announces exchange of Grand Rep. with Tunis, 252 appoints Tucker Grand Rep. of Mexico, 252 comments on Rite of Memphis, 252 no information about S.C. of Colon, 252 says S.C. of Nueva Granada is dead, 252 situation in Guatemala improved, 252 condemns spurious degrees and bodies, 252 criticizes N.M.J., 252 actions in Georgia approved, 253 actions in Maryland approved, 258 actions in Florida approved, 258 plans to return to south, 261 begins southern trip, 261 revives Bodies at Augusta, 262 visits Mitchell family, 262 works in Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, St. Louis, 263 confers 33 at Louisville, 263 revokes Deputy Commissions, 264 Dakota attached to Kansas, 264 says S.C. disgusted with Louisiana, 264 wants Todd and Girard to resign, 264 plans to suspend Grand Cons. of La., 264 receives letter praising Fellows, 264 handed letter from Fellows, 265 announces purchase of Home, 265 appeals for aid in raising funds, 266 plans another trip to west, 266 summarizes cash on hand, 267‑268 corresponds with Ireland on building, 268 receives complaints about Ireland, 269 believes letters lost in mails, 269 receives complaint about Wright, 269 writes to Parvin about Wright, 269 Parvin resigns office, 269 appoints Eastman Deputy, 269 appoints officers, 270 forwards Deputy Commissions, 270 advises Ireland not to loan 33 ritual, 270 criticizes Parvin, 271 receives reports of new Bodies, 271 sends notice of recognition of Ortez S.C., 271 replies to Almirall, 272 receives letter from Berand, 272 discusses non‑recognition of France, 272 correspondence on tour, 272 departs on tour, 272 addresses Gr. Cons, of Louisiana, 273 forms L. of P. at El Paso, 273 visits Mexico, 273 forms L. of P. at Tucson, 273 works in California, 273‑274 receives correspondence in San Francisco, 274 remits funds, 274 forms German‑speaking L. of P., 275 leaves for Oregon, 275 receives complaints, 275 visits Washington and Montana, 275 visits Idaho and is ill, 275 481 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


instructs Ireland to meet him, 276 works in Minnesota, 276 returns to Washington, D.C., 276 summary of tour, 276 results in absence, 277 announces gifts to Library, 277 notified of Cerneau activity, 277 denounces Cerneauism, 278 invited to visit British Columbia, 278 invited to attend S.C. of Canada, 278 advises Freeman of his powers, 278 ill, 279 advises on use of "black ball", 279 rules on offenses, 279 rules that Deputy cannot serve as an officer, 280 rules that Deputies are exempt from dues, 280 rules that S.G.I.G may or may not confer 33',280 rules that he has no power to require conferral of 33, 280 rules that Subordinate Body may appeal to the S.C. only from decisions of a Grand Consistory, 280 is advised of remittances, 280 finds Cerneauism proponents active, 280 denounces Cernauism, 281 publishes list of known Cerneau bodies, 281 recognizes d'Almeriras S.C., 281 announces certificates for ladies, 281 answers Humanum Genus Bull, 281 opens 1884 Session, 282 reads Allocution, 282 reviews purchase of Sanctuary, 282 announces dedication of Sanctuary, 282 announces Sanctuary paid for, 282 denies he lived upon the Order, 283 announces Caswell's gift, 283 satisfied with accomplishments, 283 proposes charity fund, 283 outlines tours, 283 recounts accomplishments of tours, 283 takes note of illegitimate bodies, 283 does not wish aid of Grand Lodges, 283 praises work of seven S.G.L'sG., 283 says progress must be slow, 283 says Grand Constitution of 1786 authentic, 283 says representative system can be established, 283 says S.C. should honor named individuals, 283 nominates Lewis, S.G.I.G., 285 nominates Lewis Emeritus Member, 285 announces resignation of Barber, 285 wants S.G.I.G. reports published, 285 calls attention to Spencer report, 285 does not review decisions, 285 approves appointment of deputies by S.G.I.G., 285 calls for action on revision of Statutes, 285 announces fraternal relations resumed with France, 285 reads answer to Humanum Genus, 285 appoints Fellows Second Grand Equerry, 286 appoints special committees, 286 given credit for growth of Rite, 287 plans trip, 289 leaves on trip, 289 appeals for funds for Fraternal Assistance, 290 reports on progress of Fund drive, 293 little response to drive received, 295 reasons for failure of drive, 295 requests vote on reduction of fees, 296 requests vote on new Bodies, 296 requests vote on correction of K.C.C.H. list, 296 requests vote on change of 33 vow, 296 requests data for Register, 297 does not receive data for Register, 297 plans another journey, 297 starts trip, 297 summary of trip, 297‑299 receives complaints against Ireland, 299 defends Ireland, 299 482 INDEX tells Parvin that he has not received letters, 300 claims letters were stolen in mail, 300 criticizes Parvin, 300 cannot supervise Secy. Gen., 300 says Ireland is ill, 300 receives complaint from Earhart, 301 searches Ireland's office, 301 finds letters withheld by Ireland, 301 asks Parvin to demand resignation of Ireland, 301 again writes to Parvin calling consultation, 301 gives notice of Ireland's resignation, 305 appoints Webber Secy. Gen. ad interim, 305 harassed by Cerneauism, 305 attacked in press by Atwood, 305 refutes Atwood's attacks, 305‑312 prepares death notices, 313 receives reports of new Bodies, 313 rules on conferral of degrees, 313 rules on place of residence, 313 rules non‑affiliation not an offense, 314 rules that Gunner entitled to 33 honors, 314 rules that Grand Consistory cannot appoint Deputy, 314 rules that trial of deserter is unnecessary, 314 rules that mail ballot is effective when majority of votes are received, 314 rules that Grand Master of Kodosh may open Council of Kadosh for business, 314 rules that S.R. Mason may take degrees of Rite of Memphis, 314 surrenders jurisdiction of Guatemala to S.C. of Central America, 314 contributes to relief in Galveston, 314 contributes to relief in Charleston, 315 receives report, 315 invited to visit Hawaii, 315 invited to visit Lyons, 315 plans trip in 1886, 316 "slanders" repudiated, 316 opens Session of 1886, 316 announces Standing Committees, 316 reads Allocution, 316‑322 states purpose of Scottish Rite, 317 discourses on Freemasonry, 318 discusses crusade against Freemasonry, 318 satisfied with progress of Rite, 318 says Cerneau bodies stimulate Rite, 318 no progress for Fund for Frat. Asst., 318 announces relief contributions, 318 officially announces resignation of Ireland, 319 will not be lenient on absentees, 319 recommends assistant to write minutes, 319 requests legislation, 319 opposes more than one S.G.I.G. in a State, 319 says elections to K.C.C.H. excessive, 319 favors end of waiting period for 33, 320 nominations should not be withdrawn by another, 320 all Deputies in a State should be jointly deputized, 320 all S.G.I.G. in State should consent to "Honoraria" degrees, 320 Honorary membership in Sub. Bodies should be regulated by Statute, 320 proposes Statute on degrees to M.M., 320 proposes changes 320 proposes Statute cret, 320 proposes three Feast Days, 320 opposes annual election of officers, 320 asks authorization to distribute Rituals, 321 proposes that V.M. elect be a K.R.C., 321 condemns Grand Orient of France, 321 reads list of recognized Bodies, 321 denounces efforts of illegal bodies, 321 says excommunication of Masons no handicap, 321 will consider recognition of S.C. of Turkey, 321 unaffiliated in membership Statutes, making investigations se‑ 483 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


comments on poor health, 322 praised by Parvin and Caswell, 322 welcomes visitors, 323 suggests jurisdictional solution in Iowa, 324 replies to Canada greetings, 325 report on Foreign Affairs approved, 325 recommendations on Statutes adopted, 326 progress, 1880‑1886, attributed to, 327 nearing 77 years of age, 329 health important, 329 health fluctuates, 329 receives reports, 330‑331 requests Earhart to settle account, 330 releases Register for distribution, 331 receives reports of Cerneauism, 332 tells Parvin, S.G.I.G. can do as much as he, 333 writes anti‑Cerneau pamphlets, 333 writes letters of encouragement to S.G.I.G., 334 refuses to reduce fees for degrees, 334 receives some good reports, 335‑336 requested to grant 200 33, 336 no reports of growth in twelve states, 336 appeals for Fund for Fraternal Assistance, 336 letter of appeal, 336‑337 appeal fails, 338 works to expand Library, 338 expects to found general library, 339 criticizes Grand Consistory of La., 339 opinion of Eastern Star, 340 receives petition for annual elections, 341 works on translation of Veda, 341 receives letters expressing high regard, 341 welcomes Representatives, N.M.J., 341 presents Alamo gavel to S.C., 341 announces Standing Committees, 341 reads Allocution, 342‑345 reads tribute to dead, 342 calls attention to centennial date, 342 claims peace and harmony prevails, 342 progress of Rite is satisfactory, 343 values Library at $50,000, 343 lists Bodies established and revived, 343 does not account for growth, 343 praises Washington, D.C., Bodies, 343 accounts for success in Washington, 343 announced destruction of Los Angeles temple, 343 reads lists of those meriting mention, 343 proposed amendments to Statutes, 343‑344 proposes Library to be Public Library, 344 recommends salary increase for Sec. Gen., 344 wants Official Bulletin continued, 344 wants each State to have S.G.I.G., 344 no recognized S.C. in Spain, 345 authorized to publish S.G.I.G. reports, 348 condition of health 1888‑1890, 351 able to do little work, 352 recognizes S.C. of Dominican Republic, 352 appeals for aid to Johnstown, 352 announces death, 352 refuses recognition of Ellauri S.C., 352 announces office regulations, 352 requests prompt filing of returns, 352 appoints Raymond Representative, 352 issues call for Session, 352 appeals for arrow and spear heads, 352 contributes to Johnstown charity, 352 receives letters replying to appeals, 352 receives boxes of arrow heads, 352 fails to receive adequate returns, 353 claims power over Symbolic Degrees, 353 repudiates claim to power over Symbolic Degrees, 353, 354 denies jurisdiction over Master Masons, 354 rules on jurisdiction of L. of P., 354 exposes claim of power over Symbolic Degrees as a French innovation, 354 declares fundamental law of all Masonry is the original general rules and principles of Symbolic Masonry, 354 rules that Scottish Rite Masons must maintain Symbolic Lodge membership, 354 sends anti‑Cerneau literature, 355 484 INDEX rejects compromise with Cerneauism, 356 publishes another anti‑Cerneau pamphlet, 356 proposes Statute on admission of Cerneauists, 357 hopes he is done with controversy, 357 encourages formation of Bodies in Kansas City, 357 reports saying Cerneauism on decline received, 358 pamphlets published, 358 summarizes requirements for regularity, 359 appoints Hill Deputy, 360 appoints Cunningham Deputy, 360 receives reports on condition of Rite, 360 advises Comly that he is to be elected S.G.I.G., 361 complains of no report from Oregon, 362 will not accept Earhart's resignation, 362 appoints Pratt Deputy, 362 says Vincie not worthy, 363 advises Tucker on procedure, 363 tells Tucker to draft on him, 363 bust made by Ream, 364 attends to "housekeeping", 364 complains of high gas bills, 364 publishes "Loot", 364 complains of duties on books, 365 publishes criticism of duties on books, 365 opens Session of 1890, 365 can't read Allocution, 365 throat affected, 365 lists dead, 365 satisfied with growth, 365 answers criticism of Scottish Rite, 365 reports no recognized S.C. in Spain, 365 says G.O. of France not S.R., 365 lists Representatives, 365 announces resignation of Earhart, 365 says Grissom no longer S.G.I.G., 365 discusses distribution of S.G.I.G., 366 wants history written but can't write it, 366 announces new Library catalog, 366 criticizes tax on books, 366 would abolish degree commissions, 366 acknowledges gifts to Library, 366 says decisions published in Bulletin, 366 requests legislation on Patents, etc., 366 comments on Ladies' Certificates, 366 lists Deputy appointments, 366 suggests amendment of Statutes, 366 states nature and purpose of Masonry, 366 extends welcome to Representatives, 366 announces committee appointments, 366 Foreign Relations acts approved, 367 cannot attend conferral of 33, Hon., 368 presents G.C. to Holt, 368 Deputy appointments limited, 370 may inspect fiscal records at will, 370 authorized to revise and publish Statutes, 371 health, 374‑‑377 last acts, 377 calls Batchelor to Washington, 377 deceased, 377 leadership resented by some, 379 reorganization of S.C. great service, 380 war's effect on Pike, 380 work for Rite, 380 formulation of Statutes, 380 fraternal relations work, 380 defends jurisdiction, 381 minor contributions, 381 fails to develop propagation system, 382 fails to develop economic structure, 382 Pike, Lillian moves to aid father, 329 Poore, Ben. Perley elected G.C., 125 Pratt, Irving W.


            complains of high dues, etc., 362 asked to take control in Oregon, 362 appointed Deputy, 362 Prince of the Royal Secret Pike designs jewel, 85 485 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


Q Quayle, Mark seeks Pike's advice, 359 reports progress, 359 responsible for progress, 359 R Raymond, Jean Marie appointed Representative, 352 Ream, Vinnie makes plaster bust of Pike, 364 Reardon, John E.


            elected S.G.I.G., 94 can't pay fee, 102 Recognition international agreement proposed, 64 agreement not adopted, 65 difficulty of problem, 65 Reconstruction affects veterans, 7 Register of 1878 summarized, 159 of 1887 released for distribution, 331 summary of contents, 331‑332 demonstrates poor membership accounting, 332 demonstrates failure of propagation, 332 Resolutions on conferral of 31 and 32, 29 on rosters of bodies, 29 on records of secret work, 29 limiting time to receive 33, 47 requiring payment of fee for 33, 47 appropriating money for Book of Gold, 47 thanks to Baltimore Masons, 47 ordering payment of bills, 47 setting salary of Secy. Gen., 47 ordering seals of office, 47 ordering S.G.I.G. to file reports, 47 ordering revisions of Statutes, 47 dropping one 33rd from roll, 47 cancelling elections of five 33rds, 47 revoking two Deputy Commissions, 47 calling meeting in San Francisco, 47 calling Lodge of Sorrow, 47 directing preparation of roll, 47 approving Pike's decisions, 47 approving accounts, 47 cancelling 33rd elections, 47 relinquishing R. & S.M. degrees, 48 approving Letter of Denunciation, 48 providing for election of officers, 48 providing for appointment of officers, 48 Council of Admin. to select 1874 Session site, 71 Long given more time to receive 33, 71 Sherman's Deputy Commission withdrawn, 71 proposed Statutes referred to Coun. of Ad., 71 accepting resignation of Cassard, 71 withdrawing Cassard "exequatur", 71 withdrawing Cassard as Rep., 71 electing five foreign dignitaries as Honorary members, 71 thanking Matthew Cook, 71 thanking Thomas Cripps, 71 thanking Professor Winkler, 71 Pike to publish music, 72 to purchase Sanctuary, 206 on amendment of Statutes tabled, 206 authorizes Gr. Cons. of La. to elect officers annually, 207 office of Asst. Secy. Gen. abolished, 207 salary of Asst. Auditor Gen. set, 208 on death of Garfield, 219 of sympathy sent to New Granada and Canada, 254 approving Ortiz S.C. adopted, 256 of sympathy to Webber and Batchelor, 259 to consider revision of Statutes, 285 of thanks, 287 sets date for conferral of 33, Hon., 324 extends election of designate, 324 sets date of next Session, 325 authorizes S.G.I.G. to confer 33, Hon., 325 sets 1890 Session, 349 486 INDEX to designate headquarters rejected, 369 granting charters, 370 approving donations to charity, 372 setting salary of janitor, 372 setting pay of Asst. Secy. Gen., 372 thanking Washington Bodies, 372 setting date of 1892 Session, 372 Richardson, James Daniel appointed Deputy, 270 elected S.G.I.G., 287 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 crowned, 313 remits to Fund for Fraternal Assistance, 338 Rite of Memphis no threat to Scottish Rite, 26 Pike comments on, 252 Rockwell, William S.


            attends Session, 9 elected Lt. G.C., 15 communicates degrees, 17 works in Maryland, 39 neglects to file records, 43 deceased, 46 Roome, William Oscar receives G.C., 288 work outlined, 319 appointed Second Grand Auditor, 323 Roper, John Lonsdale elected G.C., 129 jurisdiction expanded, 161 recommends changes in quorum and terms, 187 elected and crowned S.G.I.G., 206 reports, 241 withdraws report, 258 forms Portsmouth L. of P., 278 has misunderstanding with Pike, 295 complains of Ireland, 299 criticized by Pike, 299 declares intention to resign, 300 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 resigns, 322 placed on Emeritus list, 322 Royal Order of Scotland Pike and Ireland attend, 171 Pike attends at N.Y., 230 Pike attends at Cincinnati, 275 S Salomon, Ezekiel elected G.C., 125 Samory, Claude departs for France, 20 seat vacated, 26 should be honored, 283 deceased, 352 repudiation of Masonry claimed, 364 bequest remitted by Batchelor, 364 Sanctuary construction recommended by Pike, 68 building authorized, 70 appeals for funds, 72 no response to appeal, 73 Pike proposes Sanctuary and Charity Fund, 123 resolution to purchase adopted, 206 committee to purchase appointed, 206 committee to purchase acts, 223 stock subscription plan fails, 225 Pike plans degree conferrals for funds, 225 progress of Pike plan, 226, 227, 229 Pike announces purchase, 265 occupied, 269 to be dedicated, 282 free of debt, 282 Trustees created, 287 purchase reviewed, 367 Schroder, Henry W. elected S.G.I.G., 11 seat vacated, 45 Schwarzman, G. A. loaned $150, 29 pensioned, 203 deceased, 223 487 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33 Scot, James B.


            accounts for condition in La., 91 Scottish Rite influences events in U.S., 3, 388 faces difficult conditions, 6 effect of war on, 9, 379‑380 crisis in S.J., 32 introduced into Maryland, 39 opposed in Baltimore, 39 problems affecting growth, 83 will grow slowly, 83 basis of prosperity, 83 condition in 1880, 183 introduced into western Canada, 185 condition summarized, 193‑202 beyond grasp of ordinary Mason, 202 purpose stated by Pike, 317 factors affecting growth, 329 earliest known U.S. antecedent, 359 leadership, 379 characteristics of history in S.J., 379 Secretary General's Office moved to Washington, D.C., 51, 383 criticisms of office, 383‑384 Shaffner, Taliferro P.


            Special Deputy, 11 Shaw, Alfred attempts improvement in New Orleans, 231 Shaw, Arlie reports on father's health, 112 Shaw, Ebenezer Hamilton elected S.G.I.G., 11 works in California and Nevada, 26 elected Grand Prior, 46 removal proposed, 81 to represent S.C. at Lausanne, 103 ill, 103 deceased, 106, 112 committee on reports, 124 Sherman, Buren Robinson cancels plans to meet Pike, 217 elected S.G.I.G., 255 crowned, 270 praised by Pike, 283 approves Pike suggestion, 324 excused, 326 reports little work, 334, 363 appointed Grand Herald, 339 Sherman, Edwin A.


            appointed Deputy, 68 commission withdrawn, 71 claim corrected, 99 Singleton, Wm. R.


            architect for building, 268 Smith, Luther A.


            initiates writing of history, 3 thanked, 4 Smith, Robert M. reports to Pike, 62 elected G.C., 125 Sovereign Grand Inspectors General powers outlined, 58 listed 1861‑1890, 384‑386 attendance in Sessions, 384‑386 analysis of attendance, 386‑387 leadership in Orients, 387‑388 Speed, Frederick proposes "annual reunions", 159 Spencer, W. V.


            report given attention, 285 Statutes amended, 29 published 1868, 31 trends in evolution, 31 first published code, 31 revised by Pike, 32 revision ordered, 47 on Court of Honour adopted, 51 on powers of Gr. Com. in recess, 70 requiring Patent for admission, 70 Gr. Com. decisions a part of, 70 on adoption of, 70 on Gr. Com.'s nominating powers, 70 revision ordered, 99 reforms fiscal and secretarial systems, 127 printing ordered, 130 on titles of degrees and officers adopted, 166 on qualifications of nominees, 205 488 INDEX on publication of G. Cons. transactions, 206 proposed revisions distributed, 272 revision considered, 286, 287 printing of revision ordered, 287 creating Fraternal Assistance Fund adopted, 287 creating Trustees for Sanctuary adopted, 287 requiring reports of events adopted, 288 Fund of Fraternal Assistance, 290‑293 amended, 322‑326, 345, 346, 347, 348, 368, 369, 370, 371 Pike authorized to revise and publish, 371 Supreme Council, 33, Brazil (Lavradio) recognized, 28 Supreme Council, 33', Canada adopts Pike Rituals, 87 question of recognition raised, 89 recognition delayed, 97 formed, 107 formation discussed by Pike, 120 authorizes work in west, 185 extends greetings, 325 Supreme Council, 33, Foulhouze spurious, 35 Supreme Council, 33, France accepts Pike's conditions for recognition, 272 Supreme Council, 33', Mexico recognition withdrawn, 28 dormant, 65 reactivated, 66 commended, 258 James C. Lohse, Grand Commander, 314 Supreme Council, 33, N.M.J.


            schism studied, 11 members recognized, 12 schism healed, 21, 26 members invade S.J., 26 seeks expansion into Maryland, 39 will not tolerate invasion of S.J., 66 claims additional jurisdiction, 165 visited by Pike, 165, 171, 230, 276 adopts resolution on death of Garfield, 219 Supreme Council, 33, Scotland subject of correspondence, 145‑149 Supreme Council, 33, S.J. history parallels U.S. history, 3 phases of history in S.J., 3, 5 affected by Civil War, 5, 6 to meet, 8 no work undertaken, 9 acts in 1865, 11 reaction to meeting in 1865, 12‑15 meets in Washington, 12 acts in 1866, 12, 16‑18 seeks civil charter, 17 visits President A. Johnson, 17 significance of 1865 and 1866 Sessions, 1718 jurisdiction violated, 22 acts in 1868, 25‑31 Session at St. Louis, 30 apologizes to Belgium, 30 Committee on Jurisdiction appointed, 30 Caswell elected S.G.I.G., 30 election to honors (see Grand Cross, Honorary Membership, K.C.C.H., and Emeritus Membership of Honour) revokes Charter of Grand Consistory of D. C., 30 accomplishments, 32 labors to be accomplished listed, 33 to meet in Baltimore, 39 meets in Baltimore, 45 passes resolutions, 47 adopts committee reports, 48 Session closed, 48 San Francisco Session changed to Louisville, 66 drops Pierson, 69 five nominated for 33, 69 two nominated for S.G.I.G., 69 appoints two Deputies, 69 receives resignation of Jordan, 69 Pike authorized to visit Europe, 69 approves Pike's acts during recess, 69 assumes Toombs debt, 69 grants L.C. to Buist Council, P. of J., 69 elects Toombs S.G.I.G., 69 elects Parvin, G.M. of S., 69 489 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


elects Webber, Treas. Gen., 69 elects Todd, G. Auditor, 69 raises salary of Sec. Gen., 69 authorizes building of Sanctuary, 70 authorizes Charity Fund, 70 adopts Statutes (see Statutes) receives reports, 70 makes appropriation, 70 forbids investiture of K.C.C.H. until fees paid, 70 approves acts of Grand Cons. of La., 70 raises salary of Sec. Gen., 70 remits dues, 70 approves Pike ruling, 71 withdraws charters from Memphis, 71 adopts report on Missouri, 71 resolutions adopted (see Resolutions) closes, 72 meets in discouraging atmosphere, 83 excuses non‑attendance, 94 rejects resignation of Barber, 94 accepts Ainsworth's resignation, 94 elects six S.G.I.G., 94 sustains Pike's policies, 95 provides for Asst. Auditor, 97 sets meeting place, 97 receives charges, 97 delays recognition of Canada, 97 drops five Hon. 33rds from roll, 99 orders preparation of Register, 99 orders correction of Sherman claim, 99 Daniels notified to pay debt, 99 appointment power restricted, 99 Masonic Pub. Co. bill approved, 99 investigation of charges continued, 100 Pike authorized to provide S.G.I.G. with Const., 100 Morel dropped from list of S.G.I.G., 100 orders payment of Session expense, 100 thanks Washington Bodies, 100 closed, 100 problems listed, 101 Session changed, 117 elects DeSaussure S.G.I.G., 124 seven nominated for S.G.I.G., 124 Committee reports on Shaw, 124 Frankland letter read, 124 Mackey given leave, 124 receives Representatives, 124 receives report, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 receives communications, 125 appropriates travel fund, 125 authorizes "healing" of Latrobe, 126 elects seven S.G.I.G., 126 crowns five, 126 approves fiscal and secretarial reform, 127 accepts excuses, 127 Mitchell installed G. Prior, 127 poor fiscal records noted, 127 charter corrected, 128 two excused, 128 celebrates 75th Anniversary, 128 receives Georgia letter, 128 grants charters, 128 authorizes conferral of 33 Hon., 128 orders payment of bills, 128 receives Confidential Allocution, 129 refuses to extend jurisdiction of N.M.J., 129 elects Roper G.C., 129 pays expense of Morel, 129 refers charter problem to Mitchell, 129 three excused, 129 confers three 33 Hon., 129 memorial pages set aside, 130 committee report tabled, 130 S.G.I.G. to report inactive 33, 130 report received from Shaw, 130 refused to join "Confederation", 130 orders printing of Statutes, 130 fee for 33 Hon. demanded, 130 remits three degree fees, 131 extends thanks, 131 Pike authorized to visit Edinburgh, 131 Pike reimbursed for expense, 131 Treas. Gen. paid $200, 131 history referred to S.C. S.G.I.G., 131 authorizes committee to publish history, 131 requests addresses for publication, 131 490 INDEX closed, 131 significant acts, 132 unfinished business, 132 problem after 1876, 133 convened, 150 receives Allocution, 150 authorizes crowning of Girard, 153 excuses nine, 153 fails to excuse two, 153 receives reports, 153 McCraken elected Emeritus Member, 154 confers 33, Hon., 154 makes committee appointments, 154 Hon. 33 makes address, 154 Grand Orient of Egypt declared legitimate, 154 receives committee reports, 154, 155 Cunningham resigns, 154 Meredith made S.G.I.G., 154 bills referred to Auditor, 154 charity donations of Pike approved, 154 adopts record system, 155 approves Ritual 31', 157 Wright commission recalled, 157 charter of Grand Consistory of Arkansas recalled, 157 remits one‑half dues Grand Consistory of Iowa, 157 Revised Statutes to become effective, 1878, 158 Pike authorized to issue charters, 158 elects Chadwick S.G.I.G., 158 Pike's decisions approved, 158 Maryland accounts approved, 158 orders blanks for returns, 158 orders listing of delinquent Bodies, 158 authorizes Pike to pay expenses, 158 established Library, 158 Cook thanked, 159 local Bodies thanked, 159 S.G.I.G.'s authorized to confer 33, 159 provides for crowning of Chadwick, 159 33, Hon. elections voided, 159 receives reports, 159 significant results of 1878 Session, 160 accomplishments to 1880, 180 future work to be accomplished, 181 membership in 1880, 183 first known office duplicator, 185 opens in 1880, 189 committees appointed, 192 Batchelor elected Lt. G.C., 192 nominations submitted by committee, 193 seven excused, 193 relief petitions referred to local Bodies, 193 rejects purchase of Dalcho Patents, 193 five Hon. 33 dropped from roll, 193 reports received, 193 receives Pike Con. Allocution on condition, 193‑202 receives reports, 203, 204 approves Pike's decisions, 203 accepts Frankland resignation, 203 pensions Schwarzman, 203 receives two Confidential Allocutions, 203 grants annuity to Pike, 204 resignations of Bowen and Toombs accepted, 204 adopts Statute requiring written qualifications, 205 receives nominations, 205 appointive officers named, 205 makes Pike S.G.I.G. jurisdiction‑wide, 205 rejects granting of powers to Hon. 33', 205 rejects proposal from Gr. Con. of Calif., 205 sustains part of Pike's decisions, 205 orders purchase of Sanctuary, 206 tables resolutions, 206 receives reports and nominations, 206 hears appeal for aid, 206 Browne elected S.G.I.G., 206 Roper elected S.G.I.G., 206 conferral 33',.206 Browne and Roper crowned, 206 excuses two, 206 adopts report on 33 fees, 206 repeals Statute, 206 confirms Pike decisions, 206 491 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


receives reports, 207, 250, 253 passes resolutions, 208 sets salary of Treas. Gen., 208 extends Letters Temporary, 208 sets meeting place, 208 closed, 208 offices moved, 209 1882 Session opened, 250 receives Allocution, 250 receives petitions, 253 accepts gifts, 253 Webber detained by son's illness, 253 Batchelor ill, 253 excuses received, 253 death of Gould announced, 253 actions of Pike in Georgia approved, 253 approves report of Treas. of Home Fund, 253 proposals referred to committees, 253 adopts Oath of Allegiance, 254 action on resolution for annual elections delayed, 254 S.C. of Costa Rica pronounced dead, 254 S.C. of Spain has no Cuban jurisdiction, 254 receives eulogies on Mackey and Bower, 254 orders eulogy for Hubbard, 254 adopts resolutions of sympathy, 254 extends authority to form Consistory, 254 approves reports of Secy. Gen. and Treas. Gen., 254 grants Letters of Constitution, 255 continues Yard election to 33 for two years, 255 grants leave to Parvin, 255 confers 33 Hon. on five, 255 revision of Statutes postponed, 256 Va. Bodies permitted to elect officers annually, 256 approves Pike's decisions, 256 approves settlement of Lyon's dues, 256 Ortiz S.C. recognized, 256 Carr authorized to form Consistories, 256 authorizes supplemental reports, 257 authorizes revision of statistics, 257 suspends charters of delinquents, 257 demanded settlement of dues of delinquents, 257 extended expiring L.T., 258 approves Pike's actions in Maryland, 258 approves Pike's actions in Florida, 258 reproves Dawkins, 258 commends S.C. of Mexico, 258 commends Tucker, 258 extends sympathy to Webber and Batchelor, 259 salary of Sec. Gen. set, 259 Eastman appointed Deputy, 259 Merrill's election to 33' extended, 259 $50 appropriated to Grand Tiler, 259 holds Confidential Session, 259 receives Pike's letter on Library, 259‑260 accepts Pike's conditions, 259 provision made to pay bills, 260 S.G.I.G. authorized to confer 33, 260 makes charity donations, 260 due dates of reports changed, 260 Beasley excused, 260 Beasley nominated S.G.I.G., 260 Box of Fraternal Assistance passed, 260 Session closed, 260 summary of Session, 260‑261 opened in 1884, 282 hears Allocution, 282‑285 adopts resolution on revision of Statutes, 285 accepts resignation of Barber, 285 Barber placed on Emeritus list, 285 receives petitions, excuses and nominations, 285 elects Tucker Grand Prior, 286 elects Caswell Grand Minister of State, 286 elects Jordan Grand Almoner, 286 considers revision of Statutes, 286 sets time for conferral of 33', 286 approves Pike's statement on Grand Constitutions, 286 authorizes Consistory, 286 authorizes conferral of 33, 286 Miller censured, 286 492 INDEX defers action on petitions for Consistory, 286 grants Letters Patent, 286 receives petitions for Letters Perpetual, 286 considers revision of Statutes, 286 orders publication of Statutes, 287 forbids return of defectors, 287 adopts Pike's recommendations on printing, 287 approves financial reports, 287 creates Fund of Fraternal Assistance, 287 creates Trustees for Sanctuary, 287 provides for Joint Committee on degrees, 287 accepts excuse, 287 elects four S.G.I.'sG., 287 adopts resolution of thanks, 287 adopts reports, 287, 288 credits Pike with growth, 287 provides for conferral of 33 Hon., 288 sets 1886 Session, 288 makes appropriation for expenses, 288 grants charters, 288 extends Letters Temporary, 288 stops publication of S.G.I.G. reports, 288 appropriates $150 to The Light, 288 confers 33' Hon., 288 buys furniture, 289 S.G.L'sG. authorized to confer 33 Hon., 289 gives charity collection to Mithras L. of P., 289 closes, 289 summary of Session, 289 opens in 1886, 316 receives announcements and reports, 316 excuses received, 316 correspondence and petitions referred, 316 receives Allocution, 316‑322 accepts resignations of Roper and Innes, 322 receives reports, 322, 324 use of Washington, D.C., Sanctuary accepted, 322 will sell old clock, 322 addressed by J. Somers Buist, 322 receives and rejects petition to remit dues, 322 elects S.G.I.G., 323 receives financial reports, 323 eight excuses accepted, 323 two S.G.IAG. excused, 324 receives reports of S.G.L'sG., 324 settles jurisdictional problem, 324 sets conferral of 33, Hon., 325 seats Teller, 325 receives greetings from Canada, 325 extends election, 325 makes appropriations for expenses, 325 provides for investment of funds, 325 approves Pike's report on Foreign Affairs, 325 moves to collect from delinquents, 325 S.G.I.G. authorized to confer 33, Hon., 325 confers 33, Hon. on four, 326 excuses Sherman, 326 receives report on "Annual Password", 326 does not adopt "Annual Password", 326 grants Letters Perpetual, 326 extends Letters Temporary, 326 Session closed, 326 summary of Session, 326‑327 significance of years 1880‑1886, 327 opens Session of 1888, 341 accepts excuses, 341 communications received, 341 receives nominations and reports, 341 receives fiscal reports, 341‑342 is offered use of Sanctuary of D.C. Bodies, 342 receives Allocution, 342 approves recognition of Dominican, S.C., 345 elects S.G.I.G., 345 rejects resignations of Lawson and Grissom, 345 receives congratulations, 345 Committee on Library appointed, 345 determines expiration date of ad interim appointments, 345 493 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


remits certain dues, 345 grants Letters Temporary, 346 holds over certain petitions, 346 restores Letters of Little Rock Bodies, 346 growth of'about 10% reported, 346 reduces per capita, 346 three granted 33 Honorarium, 346 nominations criticized, 347 grants Letters Perpetual, 347 grants authority to form two Consistories, 347 remit dues of designated Bodies, 347 grants release of liability to Webber, 348 Caswell elected Grand Chancellor, 348 Carr elected Grand Minister of State, 348 extends Letter Temporary, 348 confers 33, Hon., 348 receives poor reports of S.G.I.G., 348 approves fiscal accounts, 348 adopts budget, 349 appropriates $30 for janitor, 349 corrects Nunn's account, 349 sets meeting for 1890, 349 adopts nomination procedure, 349 sets salaries, 349 provides for part‑time employees, 350 creates Library Committee, 350 orders recall of election to honors not received, 350 closed, 350 summary of Session, 350 areas needing action, 351 Session opened, 365 hears Allocution, 365‑366 receives nominations, 366 receives reports, 366 four excuses accepted, 367 receives fiscal reports, 367 petitions received, 367 accepts tender of escort, 367 elects Comly S.G.I.G., 367 elects Foote S.G.I.G., 367 Comly and Foote crowned, 367 grants charter, 367 excuse accepted, 367 Pike Foreign Relations acts approved, 367 purchase of Sanctuary reviewed, 367 contents of Library reviewed, 367 leave granted, 367 confers 33, Hon., 368 tables resignation of Fellows, 368 rules Lawson's resignation effective when received by Pike, 368 complaint of Mithras L. of P. dismissed, 368 failure of Bodies to report noted, 368 Perpetual Charters granted, 368 report on S.G.I.G. reports adopted, 369 disapproves abolition of degree commissions, 369 adopts fiscal reports, 369 rejects resolution to designate headquarters, 369 adopts budget, 370 approves fiscal reports, 370 five excused from Session, 370 holds Freeman not liable for lost funds, 371 remits dues, 372 adopts resolutions, 372 closes, 372 summary of Session, 372‑373 reorganization more difficult than founding, 380 full time head after war, 380 future prospects after 1891, 388 Supreme Council, 33, Turkey recognition considered, 321 Swain, J. W.


            appointed Deputy, 339 T Teller, Henry Moore elected S.G.I.G., 255 crowned, 256 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 arrives for Session, 325 Thatcher, S. D.


            wants to form Bodies in Kansas City, 357 494 INDEX Ticknor, H. L.


            requests information from Pike, 187 Titus, Isaac Sutvene elected G.C., 125 Todd, Samuel M. signs Tucker's certificate, 20 Special Deputy, 20 works in Mobile, 26 elected S.G.I.G., 28 appointed Grand Mareschel, 46 elected Grand Auditor, 69 report filed, 90 opposes changes proposed by Pike, 168 Tonn, William Gustav Emile appointed Deputy, 187 deceased, 213 Toombs, Robert elected S.G.I.G., 69 crowned, 97 to settle with Ga. Grand Consistory, 129 address requested for publication, 131 wishes release from duties, 160 resigns, 204 resignation accepted, 204 deceased, 312 Torre, Giovanni gives mineral collection to Library, 366 Townshend, John F.


            elected G.C., 205 Tucker, Philip C. receives degrees, 20 works in Texas, 20 Deputy, 24 mission in Europe, 24 reports first Bodies in Texas, 26 elected S.G.I.G., 28 reports Cerneau activity, 214 joins Morel in anti‑Cerneau letter, 214 accompanies Pike in Texas, 230‑231 appointed Rep. of Mexico, 252 commended, 258 appointed Grand Prior, 270 praised by Pike, 282 elected Grand Prior, 286 habitually fails to file reports, 288 receives relief funds from Pike, 315 reports, 330 reports Cerneauism in Texas, 333 reports collapse of Rite in Texas, 340 complains of rain and mud, 363 does not answer letters, 363 advised on procedure, 363 told to draft on Pike, 363 V Van Hoose, J. H. reports, 364 Vaulx, James J. reports, 365 W Waldo, Henry S. appointed Deputy, 339 Waterhouse, George B. elected S.G.I.G., 11 resigns, 28 Webber, Frederick communicates degrees, 17 appointed ad interim Treas. Gen., 61 elected Treas. Gen., 69 reports causes of lack of growth, 90 authorized to confer 33, 112 paid $200 for services, 131 reports work, 159 nominated Rep. for Canada, 242 not competent for Secy. Gen., 246 absent, 253 assists Pike at El Paso and Tucson, 273 accompanies Pike to California, 274 Parvin recommends appointment, 304 attends conference, 304 signs demand for Ireland's resignation, 304 appointed Secy. Gen., ad interim, 305 appointment mentioned, 319 reports, 341 asks to be released from liability, 341 asks change in fiscal report date, 342 495 HISTORY OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, 33░


released from liability, 348 tells Parvin of Pike's bust, 364 Whitman, O.


            appointed Deputy, 210 Willoughby, "Brother" refuses Deputy appointment, 61 Wilson, Charles Leonard elected S.G.I.G., 287 Wilson, John work outlined, 319 Winkler, Professor thanked, 71 Wolihim, A. M.


            sent Deputy commission, 270 reports, 279 Worsham, John Jennings elected S.G.I.G., 12 communicates degrees, 17 elected Treas. Gen., 46 reports, 61 advises Pike against Memphis trip, 61 deceased, 61 Wright, Pitkin C.


            forms L. of P. in Honolulu, 105 forms C. of R.C. in Honolulu, 105 Deputy commission recalled, 157 helps Pike in Tenn., 230 complaint against, 269     





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