The "Replica Room" of

Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22

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The "Replica Room" looking towards the East.

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The "Replica Room" looking towards the West.

In 1783, a group of prominent Alexandria, Virginia men decided that the town needed a Masonic Lodge.  Due to the political realities of the time, the Grand Lodge of Virginia was not meeting regularly.  So, these men went to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, which issued them a warrant.   Thus, on February 3, 1783 Alexandria Lodge No. 39 came into being.  Over the next few years, the Lodge often enjoyed the company of a Mason from Mount Vernon--Brother George Washington.  In 1784, Washington joined with the Brethren of the Lodge to celebrate St. John the Baptist Day.  On that occasion, the Lodge elected him an Honorary Member.  A few years later, when the Grand Lodge of Virginia was again meeting regularly, the Brethren of Alexandria Lodge determined that it would be advantageous to be a subordinate lodge of the Grand Lodge of Virginia.  The Lodge obtained Brother George Washington's permission to propose to the Grand Lodge of Virginia that he be appointed Worshipful Master of the Lodge under a Virginia charter.   Washington agreed, and on April 28, 1788, when Alexandria Lodge No. 22, A.F.&A.M. was chartered by Virginia, Washington was listed as its Charter Worshipful Master and on December 20th, 1788, he was unanimously elected to succeed himself for a full term, serving in all, twenty months.  In December of 1799, Alexandria Lodge had the sad duty to officiate at Wor. Brother Washington's funeral.   After the death of Brother Washington, the Lodge felt it desirable and highly appropriate to change its name to embrace that of Washington.  Consistent with a resolution adopted October 11th, 1804, an application was made to the Grand Lodge of Virginia for permission to change its name.  By resolution of the Grand Lodge of Virginia adopted December 17th, 1805, the request was granted, and the Lodge assumed the name that remains today; Alexandria - Washington Lodge No. 22.    On May 19th, 1871, their Lodge Room over the Market Building was destroyed by fire.  Most of the old furniture, all of the records, the original painting of Washington by Williams, the Master's Chair, and a number of other paintings and relics were saved from the ruins, many invaluable relics however, were lost or destroyed.  The building and furniture were insured for $2,600, of which, $2,400 was paid to Lodge trustees.  Using this small sum as a nucleus, the Lodge, on May 25th, 1871, adopted a resolution to rebuild.  A new and more elegant Lodge hall was constructed on the site of the old hall in the Market Building on Cameron Street and met there until their transfer to the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in 1944.  The furniture and relics of the old Alexandria Lodge are now housed in a Lodge Room of their own called the "Replica Room" to protect and display these heirlooms in a museum setting for many generations to come.

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Pictured above are two of the early seals of Alexandria Lodge No. 22

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